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Academy of Management Review

2006, Vol. 31, No. 4, 822829.



UCLA Anderson School of Management

Practitioners find little value in academic research. Some see it as a knowledge flow
problem; others see practitioner and academic knowledge as unrelated. Van de Ven
and Johnson propose a pluralistic collective of researchers and practitioners using
engaged scholarship and intellectual arbitrage to create practitioner-meaningful
research. Its a nice dream, but not a solution; bias, disciplines, and particularism
remain. Neither discipline-centric nor practitioner-driven research offers a solution.
Earthquake science offers a better model for business school research.

Van de Ven and Johnson (2006) draw on Simon sitioning of engineering relative to the physical
(1967) to state the obvious: a key mission of busi- sciences and medicine relative to the biological
ness schools is to produce research that ad- sciences (2006: 808). Knowledge production and
vances practice. They also cite observers who consumption are not unlike the biological food
argue that this mission, by and large, has failed chain. At the left end we have, say, mosquitoes;
(Anderson, Herriot, & Hodgkinson, 2001; Beer, at the right end we have T. rexes. Reading from
2001; Beyer & Trice, 1982; Brief & Dukerich, 1991; the left, we see the production of ever-larger and
Gibbons et al., 1994; Hodgkinson, Herriot, & more complex creatures; reading from the right,
Anderson, 2001; Lawler, Mohrman, Mohrman, we see the consumption of ever-smaller kinds of
Ledford, & Cummings, 1985; Rynes, Bartunek, & animals/plants. As Van de Ven and Johnson de-
Daft, 2001; Van de Ven, 2002; Weick, 2001). Pfeffer scribe the knowledge food chain, Knowledge is
and Fong (2002), Bennis and OToole (2005), and created and tested by academic researchers,
Ghoshal (2005) are recent additions. Most of the taught to students by instructors, adopted and
dates are post 2000. If anything, business schools diffused by consultants, and practiced by prac-
apparently are getting worse. Ill term this the titioners (2006: 805). In earthquake country, the
knowledge failure problem. Before turning to the engineering food chain looks like this:
proposed fixes, Ill take a quick look at the knowl-
edge food chain. Next, Ill offer comments on Physics, Earthquake Science, Engineering,
City Building Code Departments, Builders,
problems I have with the Van de Ven and Johnson Buyers
solution. Ill then provide a suggestion of my own.
Whatever one thinks about the various solutions Medicine looks like this:
discussed, there is no question that the knowledge
Biology, Medical Research, Medical Schools,
failure problem is the dominant issue as business Ph.D.s/M.D.s, 4th- to 1st-Level Hospitals, GPs,
schools start the twenty-first century. Carnegie Patients
Commission, where are you?
I figure Andy and Paul are tough guys, so it I would describe the business school food
wont be the end of their world if I sharpen the chain as follows:
dialectic. In any event, their scholarship is im- Disciplines, Management Research, Ph.D./
pressive; I have learned much from reading M.B.A. Students, Consultants, Practitioners
their article.
Food chains can be read from either direction.
Thus, in life science, the discovery of DNA even-
tually leads to new molecules in drugs that cure
Van de Ven and Johnson see the positioning of patients. The increasing prevalence of Alzhei-
management research as equivalent to the po- mers disease in patients leads to stem cell re-
2006 McKelvey 823

search. Arguably, on the one hand, business Theory and Practice As Distinct Kinds
school research is increasingly held hostage to
A second school the authors review holds that
the epistemology of basic disciplinesa prob-
academics and practitioners live in two differ-
lem. On the other hand, we have the following
ent knowledge worlds. Expecting knowledge to
flow left to right is like expecting round pegs to
The only way we can make our field more useful fit square holesno wonder we have a knowl-
is to start doingand rewardingwork that can edge failure problem. Since we already know
be read and applied by business people (Daven-
port, quoted in Lytras, 2005). very well how academics do research and pro-
duce knowledge, this school starts at the right-
Should management research be held hos- hand end. How do practitioners, and how should
tage to people who seem mentally challenged academics, learn about practitioner problems?
when reading the Harvard Business Review? Beginning with Kondrats (1992) work, I show key
This is one danger in Van de Ven and Johnsons elements of their view here.
Theory and Practice As Distinct Kinds:

REVIEW OF THE VAN DE VEN AND JOHNSON 1. What knowledge does a practitioner actu-
ARGUMENT ally use and how does he or she obtain it?
How does he or she construct an action?
Van de Ven and Johnson review two existing 2. What do competent practitioners know and
solutions to the knowledge failure problem and what do they know about knowing?
then detail their own. I review these briefly so as 3. The knowledge transfer school privi-
to highlight the differences. leges academic knowledge and devalues
practitioner-created knowledge.
4. Practitioner knowledge is a distinct form of
knowing in its own right.
The Knowledge Transfer Problem 5. In Aristotelian terms, phronesis (practical
The first school of thought the authors review knowledge) is just as important as epis-
teme (basic knowledge) and techne (ap-
holds that knowledge failure is a knowledge
plied technical knowledge).
transfer problem. I list key elements of their 6. Practical knowledge is tacit and embodied
argument below. Needless to say, in this view in action; only immersion in the job pro-
knowledge flow is left to right and it stops just duces relevant techneeven scientists
before it gets to M.B.A.s and consultants. rely on task-immersed knowledge con-
The Knowledge Transfer Problem: 7. Scientists study generalizable problems
that are, as much as possible, context free;
1. Academic research isnt put into a form that practitioners use knowledge that is site
can be applied in practice. specific and date stampedit is custom-
2. Little attention is paid to the transfer prob- ized, derived from experience, and aimed
lem. at specific situations.
3. Researchers dont take responsibility for 8. Practical knowledge is a distinct form of
knowledge transfer. knowledge having epistemological status
4. Authoritarian and coercive styles of impart- equal to that of academic knowledge.
ing knowledge, defensiveness by teachers 9. The epistemological rules of good scien-
and researchers, and self-interested recom- tific knowledge are fundamentally differ-
mendations by consultants inhibit the flow. ent from what is necessary for valid prac-
5. Academic research interpretation fails be- tical knowledge; practice-aimed inquiry
cause researchers dont collaborate with cannot stand outside practice, as scientific
practitioners. epistemology dictates.
6. We know little about what makes research 10. Practitioner-relevant knowledge can also
useful. be produced with detachment; it can
7. We dont appreciate just how much knowl- achieve objectivity by relying on multi-
edge changes as it goes through the trans- ple observers to rise above idiosyncratic
fer process. viewpoints.
8. We dont understand (Aristotles) art of per- 11. Practitioners construct new theories for
suasion. new contexts.
9. Researchers dont take time to appreciate or 12. Valid practitioner knowledge has to be ac-
understand the context of the practitioner. tionable.
824 Academy of Management Review October

This school takes a no-flow-needed stance. a. Idea is to take advantage of differing ac-
Each kind of knowledge exists, but this school ademic and practitioner perspectives so
as to design better researchmultiple
writes off the left end as unfathomable, al-
discipline/academic and different func-
though not necessarily irrelevant. Left unan- tional practice perspectives.
swered is the following: If practitioner knowl- b. Advocates a dialectical method of in-
edge is independent, validly produced, and quiry, rather than research from oppo-
useful to practitioners, why should business site ends of the food chain, and a con-
schools bother with academic knowledge? frontation of divergent theses and
Should they do it just to look good to promotion c. Eschews narrow technical research strat-
committees at universities or to keep journal egies in favor of triangulating in on prob-
editors happy? Should they do it even though it lems from different perspectives.
appears to have little, if any, practical rele- d. Advocates Azevedos (2002) pluralistic
vance? Now one can see why the debate is heat- methodology.
3. Needless to say, conflict resolution becomes
ing up (Grey, 2001; Huff, 2000; Kilduff & Kelemen, a key issue in intellectual arbitrage:
2001; Weick, 2001). Interestingly, Van de Ven and a. Given the research collectives pluralis-
Johnson report that citation rates and practical tic views, conflict is inevitable; conflict
relevance are somewhat correlated (Baldridge, and power relations take center place.
Floyd, & Markoczy, 2004), as citations are with b. Creative conflict management becomes
the central challenge; suppressing con-
researcher familiarity with research sites flict defeats the purpose of the pluralistic
(Rynes, McNatt, & Bretz, 1999). collective.
c. Task conflict is encouraged; personal
conflict is to be avoided.
Van de Ven and Johnsons Solution:
4. The dialectical form of engaged scholar-
Knowledge Production via Engaged ship consists of five dimensions (2006:
Scholarship 809815), which occupies a third of their ar-
ticle. Engaged scholarship needs the fol-
Van de Ven and Johnson try to bridge the lowing:
distinct kinds gap by what Boyer (1990) and a. A focus on big questions grounded in re-
Pettigrew (2001) call engaged scholarship. I alitythat is, large, complex problems
list the essentials of their logic below, mention- offering no immediate payoffs to aca-
ing key aspects such as intellectual arbitrage, demics or practitioners; both ends of the
food chain have to be motivated; schol-
conflict management, and dialectical form. ars from different disciplines and practi-
While I summarize a fair amount of the Van de tioners from different functions need to
Ven and Johnson story line, readers need to read be involved.
their article to fully appreciate the depth and b. A collaborative learning community; the
nuanced contextual richness of their well- pluralistic collective needs to meet regu-
larly and members need to come to know
argued discourse. and respect each other, practice con-
The Van de Ven and Johnson Solution: Knowl- cilience, find ways to rise above conven-
tional scientific requirements, propri-
edge Production via Engaged Scholarship: etary concerns, or pragmatic pressures,
1. Engaged scholarship is a set of reforms to and have rules of engagement.
break down the insular behaviors of aca- c. An extended time over which to build
demic departments and disciplines (2006: relationships, to find ways to make sig-
809): nificant advances, to get academics
a. Calls for a fundamental shift from dis- closer to the practitioners phenomena, to
connected, distanced researchers to re- get practitioners in touch with academic
searcher collectives involving both busi- concerns, and to conduct longitudinal re-
ness school scientists and practitioners. search.
b. Calls for this collective to jointly produce d. Multiple models and methods, scientific
research meeting academic standards pluralism, triangulation of methods,
and practitioner needs. propositions that carve at the joints,
c. Shifts organizations from data collection and methods of testing alternative plau-
sites to idea factories where practition- sible hypotheses.
ers and scholars coproduce knowledge e. A reexamination of researcher assump-
(2006: 809). tions and researcher self-reflection; re-
2. A key aspect of the research collectives be- searchers should warm up to the inter-
havior is intellectual arbitrage (2006: 809): ventionist model of action research, use
2006 McKelvey 825

arbitrage to work out conflicts stemming a good platform for scientific truth claims? Ac-
from traditional detachment versus tion researchers and academic consultants al-
action research values, and intertwine
clinical and researcher roles to pool in-
ways have a conflict of interest keeping the
sights. client happy and getting consulting fees versus
doing what would be best for science. Engaged
scholarship consists of pluralistic interests and
PROBLEMS WITH THE VAN DE VEN AND conflict; there is the risk of decision by commit-
JOHNSON SOLUTION tee, power contests, and settling for the lowest
Most charitably, one can see that Van de Ven common denominator. Assuming the less like-
and Johnson attempt to resolve both the knowl- lythat the parties remain (statistically) inde-
edge transfer and distinct kinds problems. pendentthere is the risk that the average
Arguments aside, their program shows some re- across many of these projects would be decision
semblance to Chris Argyriss well-known ac- by committee. More likely, given the obvious
tion research perspective (1970, 1980; Argyris, interdependence, the behavior of the collective
Putnam, & McLain Smith, 1985; Argyris & Schon, could spiral into very constructive or very dys-
1974, 1978, 1996] and Ed Scheins (1987) work. functional outcomes via positive feedback cy-
Argyris might say, Been there, done that. In cles, but outside (disconnected) scientists
fact, what is new is Van de Ven and Johnsons wouldnt necessarily know which to accept as
idea of the pluralistic collective of academics truth claims. Besides, has any significant, novel,
and practitioners collaborating on difficult is- science-type truth actually emerged from the
sues over an extended time period; they add decades of action research?
arbitrage, big questions, and method triangula- Personally, I think consulting addles the sci-
tion. This is surely different from the isolated entific mind. Judging from the business media
Argyris, Schon, Schein, and many others con- books, most managers are seemingly incapable
sulting/researching with some firm. One might of aspiring even to the intellectual level of the
wonder how anyone can be even a little nega- Harvard Business Review. They are phobic
tive about the goods in italics. against the word academic. I remain uncon-
In principle, a lot of things should happen that vinced that science is well served by constant
in reality dont: CEOs not cheating on share- dumbing down to four-cell tables. I dont see any
holders; husbands not cheating on wives or evidence that academics who thrive on inter-
wives on husbands; students working to get the preting to practitioners are ever at the forefront
best out of a class rather than cheating on the of scientific novelty. All the Nobel laureates do
exam; consulting firms actually accomplishing their creating first and then write their pop
something positive for their clients rather than books. It seems unlikely that business school
selling useless best practices for high fees; build- profs could do the opposite. I dont see that ac-
ings that survive the next big quake; politicians tion research has ever risen above the simple
that dont lie, cheat, and steal; Presidents that wish some professors have of trying to get rich
dont pay off big business and friends at the ex- doing research.
pense of virtually everything else; and on and on. Finally, there is the famous phrase What is
In dreamland, engaged scholarship, intellec- good for GM is good for the country. Is it
tual arbitrage, conflict resolution, and Van de equally true that what is good for GM is good for
Ven and Johnsons five dimensions could work. science? Even business school science?
In reality. . . I am not so sure. The joint probabil-
ity that all their required elements would line up Food Chain Problems
simultaneously at the right time and place
seems low. Worse, there could be outright deal Suppose we accept that there is a gap in the
breakers. A number of possible downsides come knowledge food chain. Bridging the gap via en-
to mind. gaged scholarship accepts that both ends of the
chain remain unchanged. One could argue that
Van de Ven and Johnson are bridging the inef-
fective. Consider that knowledge flows each di-
Firms have particularistic, specific, time- rection. Parsons (1951) universalism/particular-
dated interests and proprietary concerns. Is this ism dimension is a key aspect.
826 Academy of Management Review October

Going left to rightthe discipline effect. Dis- have, which is going from the average to the
ciplines create the wrong basis for management dated context of a specific firm.
3. Any truth claim based on site-specific re-
research; they focus on would-be universalist search having value to a specific firm could
but discipline-specific theories and terms, disci- have little value to anotherToyota is GMs
pline-centric methods, and the like. Discipline competitor; Toyota is not Toyotas competi-
perspectives are seemingly not useful to practi- tor. They live in different niches.
tioners, nor are discipline-based truth claims. It is arguably illogical to have science go
Academics writing papers for disciplines have from right to left in the knowledge food chain. To
different success criteria than practitioners. The sum up my concerns, at the worst, engaged
foregoing statements reflect much of what is scholarship could produce the following:
implied by both knowledge failure schools, so I
wont expand further here. Conflict of Interest ! Conflict ! Decision by
Much of business school prestige is now de- Committee ! Particularism " Bad Science
fined in terms of achieving close ties with un-
derlying disciplines. Top-ranked business
Campbellian Realism
schools generally hire discipline-centric Ph.Ds.
In Starbucks (2005) just-out essay on publication For epistemological justification, Van de Ven
quality in A journals, the Administrative Science and Johnson cite Jane Azevedo (1997, 2002), who,
Quarterly is the only business school journal in turn, cites Campbell (1974), Hooker (1987),
included in his analysis. But is it really a busi- Hahlweg and Hooker (1989), Campbell and
ness school journal any more? For some of my Paller (1989), and my Campbellian realism
sociologist colleagues, the Administrative Sci- (1999, 2002). Collectively, these scholars develop
ence Quarterly is now seen as the third place the evolutionary naturalist realist epistemology.
to publish organizational sociology papers, after Whereas scientific realism stems from natural
the American Sociological Review and the science and Campbells realism embraces the
American Journal of Sociology. The institutional notion of objective reality as the criterion vari-
structure imposing on business schools exerts able, Campbell also accepted scientists idio-
an irresistible pull toward discipline-centric re- syncratic interpretations of that reality, as well
search. as the follow-on social construction by a scien-
Going right to leftthe firm effect. Practition- tific community. The latter gave rise to Kuhns
ers need immediate help; they cant wait for (1962) paradigms.
scientists lengthy conception-to-publication The quote from Azevedo (2002: 730), which Van
time cycle. They need site- and time-specific de Ven and Johnson use on page 809, was writ-
insights. Tomorrow is what counts. They are not ten within the context of her concern about par-
especially helped by longitudinal studies based adigmatic narrowness. Thus, her advocacy of
on questions and data defined one or more de- pluralism is to get out from under the con-
cades ago. There are three additional nega- straints of a single paradigm. Her book is titled
tives in going from competitively advanta- Mapping Reality because she wants us to think
geous site-specific findings to findings of theories as maps. A map is a simplified, ide-
independent of time and place and then back alized view of some part of our world, usually
again to application in a specific firm at a spe- created for a specific purpose like locating
cific time. roads and towns; rivers, mountains, and plains;
or earthquake fault zones and state boundaries.
Sometimes a theory or map can be used for a
1. While Southwest Airlines may have mod-
purpose other than its initial specific intention.
erate complexity that makes it inimitable
(Porter, 1996; Rivkin, 2001), most firms, hav- In their engaged scholarship, Van de Ven and
ing found some kind of distinctive competi- Johnson claim that different paradigm perspec-
tive advantage via good research, would be tives, like different maps, offer usefully different
stupid to share it with other firms. views of the same territory or firm. So far, all
2. In addition, if we were to actually accumu- okay for the authors.
late particularistic researchvia engaged
scholarshipfrom a collection of individual In the knowledge food chain, discipline para-
firms into some kind of average, we would digms are at the left end. Van de Ven and John-
still have the same problem we already sons starting problem is not that there is a
2006 McKelvey 827

dearth of paradigm perspectives; it is that any legitimate research at the left end is discipline-
one of them comes to a halt before it offers centric quantitative research with large sam-
useful information to practitioners. Adding mul- ples, Gaussian statistics, findings reduced to
tiple paradigm perspectivesthat is, plural- averages, and confidence intervals for statisti-
ismappears to me to simply complicate the cal significance based on finite variance. Prac-
practitioner problem, not help it. I dont see titioners live in a world of extremesToyota,
much reason to think that more paradigms help eBay, Google, Southwest, Wal-Mart, and GE are
the knowledge flow problem. It seems as though good; Alitalia, Enron, Anderson, WorldCom, Lu-
they could make it worse. cent, and the FBI are bad. All of the cases used
While I think Campbellian realism offers in M.B.A. classrooms are stories about good and
sound legitimacy on which to base organization bad examplesextremes, never averages. If one
science, if anything, it makes the flow problem scans business media books, such as In
worse by reinforcing the scientific legitimacy of Search of Excellence (Peters & Waterman, 1982),
the several castle-like, strong-paradigm disci- Built to Last (Collins & Porras, 1994), Hidden
plines at the left end. There is nothing in the Value (OReilly & Pfeffer, 2000), and Good to
current rules of scientific realism that allows Great (Collins, 2001), one sees that they are
paradigms to accept site- and time-specific find- mostly about good and bad examples, never
ings as broad scientific truth claims. Improve- about averages. If one thinks of organization
ments to action research of any kind, virtually and management phenomena as appearing in
by definition, cant overcome this. Another way all sorts of weird shapes, what happens in dis-
needs to be found. cipline research is that all these weird shapes
are crammed into the square hole of Gaussian
statistics. Its called robustness. Extreme sci-
ence is spelled out in Andriani and McKelvey
It is hard to imagine mosquitoes and T. rexes (2005).
collaborating on anything, although tickbirds For example, leadership research keeps pro-
and hippos have a symbiotic relationship. I ducing findings about averages. Practitioners
have never heard of builders collaborating with dont give a damn about averages. They want to
engineers to design earthquake-safe buildings know how to identify good and bad leaders. The
(although architects obviously do). Practicing cost of a bad leader at the top is horrendous.
physicians, however, often become clinical pro- Board members and CEOs dont care about av-
fessors with research grants at medical schools. erage firms; they want firms that generate
Thus, in some chains the ends are symbiotic; in above-average profitsin any industry only the
others they are not. Why symbiosis in one and top few firms generate most of the economic
not the other? Why physicians doing science rents. There is nothing in an average that tells
and not consultants? M.D.s are different from a company how to have a competitive advan-
M.B.A.s? tage. Nothing. Yet that is the knowledge they
Mostly, I think the answer lies in the nature of get from all the academics at the left end of the
the phenomena. In people, biomolecules are strategy food chain. How can studies about av-
mostly the same from one end of the chain to the erages point to idiosyncratic advantage? Its il-
other; hearts, lungs, brains, and bones are logical. All the economists math in the world
mostly the same from one end to the other; and cant fix this.
quantitative research based on sampling from
populations works the same from one end to the
otherscientific findings reduced to averages
work pretty well. Not perfectly, needless to say. I think the food chain is not so much broken;
Just listen to the drug ads on TV every nightall its that the wrong stuff is flowingor would
those horrible side effects. While most bodies flow, if we all took Van de Ven and Johnson
are helped by a particular drug solution, some seriously. Practitioners keep looking for T-bone
clearly are not. Still, averages work quite well steaks, but what keeps flowing are turkeys. I
for most patients. dont quite see how any amount of engaged
With organizations and management I dont scholarship, paradigm pluralism, arbitrage,
think this is the case. What gets stamped as conflict resolution, big questions, and so forth is
828 Academy of Management Review October

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Bill McKelvey ( is professor of strategic organizing and

complexity science at the UCLAAnderson School of Management. He received his
Ph.D. from MITs Sloan School. He cofounded UCLAs Center for Complex Human
Systems & Computational Social Science. His research interests include philosophy of
science; complexity science; and agent-based modeling, complexity leadership, and
corporate governance.

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