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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1


About the book

David Kingsbury



Understanding food

The 3 key components

Will power

Advanced fast essentials

Working out your calorie requirements

The plan

Fitting the plan around your training

Macro nutrient breakdown rough guide


Example days food

Food swaps


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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

About the book

Are you looking for a nutritional plan that delivers great results? One that will ensure improved body
composition, energy levels and productivity? Are you willing to make the changes that will allow you
to achieve this? If you answered yes then you are in the right place

This books explores and delivers a system of eating that has a proven track record with some of the
best bodies in the world! A bold statement but one that is true. Using 3 outstanding dietary
principles combined The Advanced Fast Method will transform your body to leaner and more
athletic physique.
Although results will be delivered quickly this diet is far from a quick fix, a quick fix usually suggests
that the diet cannot be maintained. The AF Method is an eating structure that you can follow
indefinitely with consistent improvements to your physique and to your health.

If you feel you are limited by your genetics or you just don't know how to get in shape, this plan will
simplify and allow you to follow an incredibly advanced system, taking you past your previous
physical capacity to a whole new level.

David Kingsbury

David is fairly new to writing, but far from new to changing people's bodies. He has been involved in
health and fitness all his life, even learning to ride a bike before he could walk. Then competing
professionally in a range of sports, from cycling to Muay Thai. In recent years he has been working
as a celebrity trainer and has worked with over 30 actors and actresses preparing them for their
varied roles on film.

He brings these years of experience to his writing and in one short Ebook he will transform the way
you eat and the rate that you achieve results astronomically.

David is an incredibly experienced trainer and has been featured in many media outlets, including
CNN, Men's Health, Men's Fitness and Good Morning America to name a few.

Hugh Jackman
This guy is the best trainer I have ever worked with, youre in good hands

Exercise and diet do come with certain risks, so please consult a doctor before trying anything in
this book.

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
To achieve success in any diet, you require 3 key skills, a good understanding of food, a good
nutritional plan to follow and most importantly of all will power. In this section I will talk through
these 3 key aspects explaining how and what you can do to achieve maximum results.

Understanding food
The foundation of this plan is to better your understanding of food. Often people choose foods they
consider to be healthy, or foods advertised as healthy when in fact these foods may be slowing
down progress. More often than not foods and shakes marketed for weight loss may actually result
in more fat storage due to a decrease in metabolism and elevated insulin levels.

While we are covering understanding of principles, the biggest principle that people misunderstand
is that weight loss should be the primary goal. Weight loss covers everything the body is made of
including water weight and muscle weight. So for one of the first crucial points in this book, if your
goal before reading this was weight loss, it has now become - My goals are clear and focused, I will
reduce body fat and maintain muscle mass.
If your goals before reading this book where to build lean muscle and lose fat you can still use this
same goal but with the addition of "build lean mass". Im not a fan of the traditional bodybuilding
bulk up that is used (unless of course being used as part of calculated bodybuilding plan), as I feel
this often leaves the individual in less than desirable shape for large parts of the year, this plan isnt
suited to rapid weight gain, but to a gradual improvement in quality muscle.

When planning meals the most important information to have is the breakdown of macronutrients
in each food. Imagine that macronutrients are simply the key components of that food source,
essentially what it is made of. Different macronutrients have different effects on, and roles within
your body, therefor the selection of them can play a profound role on your results.

We are going to categorise some common foods, splitting them into 5 main groups . Some I am sure
you will know others may surprise you.

Acceptable High carb

Brown rice
Sweet potato
Mixed grain rice
Wheat Bread, wraps etc
Root vegetables - carrots, parsnips etc.
Beans and pulses
Cous cous
White rice
Rye bread
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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

Shell fish
Cottage cheese
Other lean meats - springbok, venison, bison etc

High fat

Low carb vegetables

Brussels sprouts

Black coffee, black tea, herbal teas

Not on the diet.

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
This is my list of food thats I use with clients, there may be foods missing (suitable flavouring is
listed in the meal plan section), if you want to add foods to the lists feel free, just make sure they are
going into the right boxes and are actually going to aid your progress. The easiest way to do it is to
follow my list with no additions.

Hopefully from this section you will now know how to categorise your foods if you didn't know how
to before. Also remember there is overlap in all 3 sections food contain more than just one
macronutrient, these list just demonstrates which is the dominant one.

The nutritional plan utilises 3 key principles. These principles work in a unique combination to
provide a cutting edge and incredibly effective method for lean gains, fat loss and overall health.
The 3 principles are structured around your training to maximise results and deliver unmatched

The 3 Key Components

1. Carb cycling
Carb cycling is a method I have utilised for as long as I can remmemeber. It's been a useful tool in
effective diet planning for decades. The basic principle of carb cycling is that over the course of a
week you have days with high, medium and low carbohydrate intake. You coincide higher carbs days
with heavier gym sessions and low carb days with either rest days or low intensity training days.

Benefits of high carb days

Replenish glycogen post workout.
Stimulate an insulin response after training that encourages nutrients to your muscles
Increase energy

Benefit of low carb days

Promote fat loss by burning fat for fuel
Keep your body more receptive to insulin, improving your bodys muscle-building response

2. Periods of fasting
I began to incorporate periods of fasting into my plans several years ago, and the results have been
really profound. At first this "against the grain method" seems to oppose all that has been
recommended and taught in recent times. But having been converted to it by a friend of mine I
haven't looked back. There are several ways you can achieve great results through fasting, very
commons methods are the 16-8 and 5-2 methods. The 16-8 method follows a 16 hour fast and 8
hour feed period every day of the week. Where the 5-2 method follows 5 regular days with two 20
hour fasts each week.
My method however is different, I utilise a 15-9 (15 hour fast 9 hour feed)method on weight training
days and a 17-7 (17 hour fast 7 hour feed) on non weight training days.
A key note on fasting- during the fast the only things you can have are water and coffee or teas(no
milk) and branched chain amino acid tablets, and nothing else at all.

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
There are two very important notes for this section.
Make sure on weight training days that you eat your first meal no later than 3 hours after the
workout has finished.
During your fast make sure you take on nothing that will affect your insulin level. Typically this phase
the restrictions are water, black coffee and BCAA capsules. For full details on the section have a look
at the AF essentials pack.

Benefits of Fasting
Improved insulin sensitivity
Increased Fat oxidisation

3. Calorie cycling
Calorie cycling is another method that had been used with great results. Calories are cycled so that
higher calorie days coincide with days of more physical activity and lower calories for days of less
activity. It's also a good method to incorporate if you have any body parts that are lagging behind
and need to catch up, you go high calorie on that weight session to maximise recover. Calorie cycling
and carb cycling really go hand in hand with my method of planning nutrition, but calories can also
be increased using fats if for example you needed to increase calories whilst on a slightly lower carb

Benefits to calorie cycling

Improve muscle gain
Improved fat loss
Help lagging muscles

Later in the book we will cover how you plan your weekly diet, with full examples of weekly training
templates. There are food plans covering training days and non-training days, with examples from
many different calorie groups. So no matter your weight, activity levels or goals there will be one to

But before we do that I want to go through the last of the key skills to be covered which is Will

Will Power

Will power plays one of the most important factors in a successful nutritional plan or training plan.
Whether it be controlling your craving or upping your time in the gym, will power is the force that
can drive you. Here we will look at some tips on improving your will power and focusing it on these

I believe you only have a certain amount of will power every day when you wake up. Everything you
do over the course of the day spends some of this will power, starting immediately when you have
to get out of bed in the morning when the alarm goes off. So here we are going to look at some ways
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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
of maximising your will power.

Limit the spending

Organisation is a key component in controlling the spending of will power. By being organised in the
planning and preparation of your meals it reduces the risk of a slip up. I know many people are guilty
of finding themselves stranded for a healthy meal, and resorting to less than ideal options. By
keeping organised you wont spend the will power this way, take food, plan a healthy restaurant or
just be fussy at an unhealthy one.
Prioritising goals is also an important aspect of will power. Until someone has cut off any other
option but to succeed then it is still possible to slip up on the way. Some people may prioritise the
dislike of exercise over the satisfaction of results; others may put the enjoyment of junk food ahead
of feel fit and healthy. Truly prioritising your fitness goal will guarantee results, leave yourself no
other option but to succeed. Then when you reach your goals the process that got you there will
have become and routine, one which you wont break.

Borrow some
Another great method for increasing will power is by borrowing some from other. Those that train in
groups or with training partners tend to get results faster. Having a combined effort to achieve
results will increase the overall desire to reach them. Also simply sharing your goals with people can
help, on a recent work trip to LA me and my fianc went for a dinner one night, I had shared my
goals of a certain %body fat that I wanted to achieve with an 8 week deadline. I was about to order
the burger and fries when Kirsty said to me would you tell Hugh to eat that she didnt need to say
anymore, a switch went in my mind and I was focused on my goals again. But in order for this
method to be successful you do have to be thick skinned, remember they are just trying to help you.

Grow your capabilities

And the last section is to grow your capabilities, seek inspiration from those around you, surround
yourself with motivated and likeminded people. Try to keep positive about your goals and stretch to
reach them even if at first they seem impossible. Remind yourself you can achieve them and set
short and intermediate goals that are specific to reaching your target.

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
Advanced Fast essentials
There are a couple of things that I recommend for people following this plan.
These branched chain amino acids are very important if you are training in the mornings fasted. I
suggest 5-10g pre workout and 5-10g post workout. see the supplement section at the end for
more info
Lots of water

Advanced fast non essentials

Good quality coffee (if you drink it)
Good quality green tea and other herbal teas (if you drink them)

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
Working out your daily requirement for calories

Calorific intake is very specific to each and every one of us. Therefor plans should be designed based
the calorie requirements of the individual , it is very important to know how many calories you
require each day if you are looking for serious results in the gym. Whether that be to build lean
muscle, or to maximise fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.

Here is the formula I use to work out calories required for each individual. The answer that this gives
us is your maintenance level. So if your aim to gain weight then add to this number if it is to lose
weight then take away from it.

I suggest a 15% increase for muscle gain and a 20% decrease for fat loss.

This formula works out your BMR. Which is calories burned with no activity.

Imperial BMR Formula

Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

Metric BMR Formula

Women: BMR = 655 + ( 9.6 x weight in kilos ) + ( 1.8 x height in cm ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in kilos ) + ( 5 x height in cm ) - ( 6.8 x age in years )

Then take this number multiply your answer by your activity level number (generally go work to the
lower end of your activity level)

Activity level number Activity level Breakdown

1.0 Sedentary No exercise
1.2 Very light activity 1-3 hours of exercise a week
1.4 Light activity 3-5 hours of exercise a week
1.6 Moderate activity 5-8 hours of a week
1.8 High activity 8-12 hours a week
2.0 Extreme activity 12+ hours a week

So I will use myself as an example, using my height, weight and age in the metric sum.

Men: BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x 88) + ( 5 x height in 185 ) - ( 6.8 x 25 ) = Answer 2,021

As I am highly active I now multiple this number (2021) by 1.8 = Answer 3,703

My current goal is to maintain weight. So this is the correct amount of calories for me. But if my goal
was to gain or lose weight then this would be my calories

Loss = 3,703 divided by 1.2 = 3,085 Gain = 3,703 times by 1.15 = 4,258

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
The Plan
Now the part everyone has been waiting for, if you are reading this I am very impressed you got
through my waffling on. But I assure it was worth it.

Your exact calories may not be listed in the example meal plans at the end of the book, these are
simply here to guide you to what the plan should look like. Simple and small adjustments can make
the plans listed fit your calorific needs.

This process is fairly simple. Choose your goal. Then in each day choose from the varied calorie daily
email options according to your calorie requirements. If your number isn't there exactly you can
adjust snacks or meals slightly in order to meet your exact requirements

Weight loss breakdowns - Here shows 3 weekly templates for weight loss using the Advanced fast
planning system. Day of food letter and number (e.g. A2) reference across to the food plan section.

2 Days resistance
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training Resistance Rest/cardio Intervals Resistance Rest Intervals Rest/cardio

session Training Cardio Training Cardio

Day of A2 B2 B1 A2 B2 B1 B2
food 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast

3 Days resistance
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training Resistance Rest/cardio Resistance Intervals Resistance Cardio Rest

session Training Training Training

Day of A2 B2 B1 B2 A2 B1 B2
food 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast

4 Days resistance
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training Resistance Rest Resistance Rest/cardio Resistance Resistance Rest

session Training /cardio Training Training Training

Day of A2 B2 A2 B2 A2 B1 B2
food 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
Options for muscle gain depending on number of resistance sessions

3 Days resistance
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training Resistance Rest/cardio Resistance Intervals Resistance Cardio Rest

session Training Training Training

Day of food A1 B2 A2 B2 A2 B1 B2
15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast

4 Days resistance
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training Resistance Rest Resistance Rest/cardio Resistance Resistance Rest

session Training /cardio Training Training Training

Day of food A1 B2 A2 B2 A2 A2 B2
15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast

5 Days resistance
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training Resistance Resistance Resistance Rest/cardio Resistance Resistance Rest

session Training Training Training Training Training

Day of food A1 A2 A2 B2 A2 A2 B2
15/9 fast 15/9 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast 15/9 fast 15/9 fast 17/7 fast

To Make sense of the charts above

In order to put a weekly plan together I like to categorise the different daily meal options,
then you choose which day of food you will use in accordance to your training plan. I
categorise them as
A1- High carb high calorie
A2- High carb
B1- Medium carb
B2 - Low carb

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

Fitting the diet around your training

A big question when planning your workout is how to best fit the diet around your training. In order
to make the most of this plan I suggest training in the mornings, I know this isnt possible forever
and I have given other options, but it is my preference. Each day your post-workout meal should be
the biggest meal, this will maximise the recovery from the weight training. On non-weight training
days your first meal should be the biggest no matter what time you are training. Also due to the
requirements of this plan I suggest training at a similar time each day when possible.

If you train in the morning then the plan will fit perfectly the way it is set out. If you train later in the
day you will need to make some adjustments. Here are the two morning protocols

Morning training 5am-1030am start

If you can eat within 2 hours of finishing

Pre 5-10g BCAA
Post 5-10g BCAA
5min-2 hour later Meal 1

If you cant eat for over 2.5 hours after a morning session
Pre 5-10g BCAA
Post 5-10g BCAA
1 hour later 5-10g BCAA
2.5 hour later Meal 1
Adjustments for late morning training 1130am 1pm start

3 meals per day weight training day

During fast 1-2 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 3 pre workout
Your second meal Meal 1 post workout
Your third meal Meal 2 evening meal

4 meals per day weight training days

During fast 1-2 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 4 pre workout
Your second meal Meal 1 post workout
Your third meal Meal 2
Your fourth meal Meal 3

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
5 meals per day weight training day
During fast 1-2 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 5 pre workout
Your second meal Meal 1 post workout
Your third meal Meal 2
Your forth meal Meal 3
Your fifth meal Meal 4

Adjustments for Afternoon/early evening training 1pm 7pm

3 meals per day weight training day

During fast 2-3 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 3 pre workout
Your second meal Meal 1 post workout
Your third meal Meal 2 evening meal

4 meals per day weight training days

During fast 2-3 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 4
Your second meal Meal 2 pre workout
Your third meal Meal 1 post workout
Your fourth meal Meal 3

5 meals per day weight training day

During fast 2-3 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 5
Your second meal Meal 4
Your third meal Meal 2 pre workout
Your forth meal Meal 1 post workout
Your fifth meal Meal 3
Adjustments for training late in the evening 7-9pm

3 meals per day weight training day

During fast 2-3 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 3
Your second meal Meal 2 pre workout
Your third meal Meal 1 post workout

4 meals per day weight training days

During fast 2-3 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 4
Your second meal Meal 3
Your third meal Meal 2 pre workout
Your fourth meal Meal 1 post workout

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
5 meals per day weight training day
During fast 2-3 serving of 5-10g of BCAA
Your first meal Meal 5
Your second meal Meal 4
Your third meal Meal 3
Your forth meal Meal 2 Pre workout
Your fifth meal Meal 1 Post workout

Eating windows for different training times a very rough guide!

Note try and keep your training times and eating times as consistent as possible

Weight training timing 15-9 fast on weight days 17-7 fast non weight days
4-5am 730am-430pm 930am-430pm
5-6am 8am-5pm 10am-5pm
6-7am 830am-530pm 1030am-530pm
7-8am 9am-6pm 11am-6pm
8-9am 10am-7pm 12am-7pm
9-10am 10am-7pm 12am-7pm
10-11am 11am-8pm 1pm-8pm
11-12am 9am-6pm 11am-6pm
12-1pm 1030am-630pm 1230pm-630pm
1-2pm 1130am-830pm 130pm-830pm
2-3pm 10am-7pm 12pm-7pm
3-4pm 10am-7pm 12pm-7pm
4-5pm 10am-7pm 12pm-7pm
5-6pm 11am-8pm 1pm-8pm
6-7pm 11am-8pm 1pm-8pm
7-8pm 11am-8pm 1pm-8pm
8-9pm 12pm-9pm 2pm-9pm
9-10pm 1pm-10pm 3pm -10pm

BCAA protocol non weight training days

Usual training time BCAA on non-training day

Early 1x serving first thing
Mid morning 2 x serving before first meal
afternoon 2-3 serving before first meal
Late afternoon/early evening 2-3 serving before first meal
Late evening 3-4 serving before first meal

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

If you want to work out your macro nutrients

Protein for all days

3g per KG of bodyweight for either building lean mass or reducing fat while maintaining muscle

Carbs on carb days

2.0- 3.5g per KG on carb days. Depending on your daily calorie requirements I suggest you target this
range. Also a large factor will be your overall calorie requirements on the high carb and high carb
high calorie day.

Carbs on low carb days

1g per KG or less - Try to keep as low as possible, the majority of carbs on this day will come in the
form of green vegetables, and you should avoid the high carb options from the food list in the food
section (unless you are on very high calories)

Fats to make the additional calories

Fats are 9kcal per gram so you can use fats to increase the calories on carb days and to make up the
bulk of calories on low carb days.


I am a big fan of the Animal Pak range of products, they are convenient and provide you with
exactly what you need to get results. See the supplement review blog post for more info.

Multi use I recommend these products no matter your goal

Animal Pak A great all in one vitamin and mineral pack, everything required for optimum training.

Animal Nitro A convenient amino acid pack, my first choice for BCAAs

Animal Pump a sugar and sweetener free pre-workout pack, also you can adjust the creatine and
caffeine content (yellow creatine. Red caffeine)

For lean gains

Animal Test is a great product and my favourite test product on the market.

Animal PM I often struggle to sleep with time differences etc. This product always helps me sleep
and recover.

And for fat loss

Animal cuts a hardcore fat burning pack, great results

Universal super cuts a great l-carnitine product, really helps to metabolise fat.
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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
Meal plans!

Meals planned for around the average figure of 1500 calories

A1 A2
Meal 1 - 3 large eggs - 3 large eggs
(scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette) (scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette)
100g Berries 100g Berries

60g Oatmeal with the berries and 60g Oatmeal with the berries and cinnamon
(dry) cinnamon (dry)

- 1x rye bread Toasted

Meal 2 65g Brown rice 60g Brown rice

(dry) Chicken breast (dry) Chicken breast
125g Broccoli 125g Broccoli
100g Avocado 100g Avocado
50g 50g

Meal 3 140g Salmon fillet 140g Salmon fillet

100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables
25g Almonds 25g Almonds

Meals planned for around the average figure of 1500 calories

B1 B2
Meal 1 - 3 large eggs - 3 large eggs
(scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette) (scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette)
100g Apple
100g Lean ham
60g Oatmeal with the apple and 50g Avocado
(dry) cinnamon

Meal 2 125g Chicken breast 125g Chicken breast

100g Broccoli 100g Broccoli
150g Avocado 125g Avocado

Meal 3 140g Salmon fillet 140g Salmon fillet

100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables
25g Almonds 25g Almonds

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

Meals planned for around the average figure of 2000 calories

A1 A2
Meal 1 100g Porridge with Berries and cinnamon 100g Porridge with Berries and cinnamon
(dry) (dry)
100g Berries 100g Berries
100g Cooked ham 100g Cooked ham
- 3 large eggs - 3 large eggs
(poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette) (poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette)
1x rye bread toasted
Meal 2 100g Broccoli 100g Broccoli
185g Chicken breast 185g Chicken breast
100g Brown Rice 90g Brown Rice
(dry) (dry)

Meal 3 100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

210g Salmon fillet 210g Salmon fillet
25g Almonds 25g Almonds

Meals planned for around the average figure of 2000 calories

B1 B2
Meal 1 100g Porridge with berries and cinnamon 125g Smoked Salmon
(dry) - 4 large eggs
100g Berries (poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette)
100g Cooked ham 130g Avocado
- 4 large eggs
Meal 2 100g Broccoli 100g Broccoli
185g Chicken breast 185g Chicken breast
130g Avocado 100g Avocado
Meal 3 100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables
210g Salmon fillet 210g Salmon fillet
30g Almonds 25g Almonds

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Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

Meals planned for around the average figure of 2500 calories

A1 A2
Meal 1 - 5 large eggs - 5 large eggs
(scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette) (scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette)
100g Oats with apple and cinnamon 100g Oats with apple and cinnamon
(Dry) (Dry)
100g Apple 100g Apple
125g Lean Ham 125g Lean Ham
1x Rye bread toasted 1x Rye bread toasted

Meal 2 225g Chicken breast 225g Chicken breast

100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables
100g Brown rice 85g Brown rice
(dry) (dry)

Meal 3 190g Salmon fillet 190g Salmon fillet

60g almonds 60g almonds
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

Meals planned for around the average figure of 2500 calories

B1 B2
Meal 1 - 5 large eggs 5 large eggs
(scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette) (scrambled/poached/boiled/omelette)
100g Oats with apple and cinnamon 200g Avocado
(Dry) 150g Smoked salmon
100g Berries
125g Lean Ham
1x Rye bread toasted

Meal 2 225g Chicken breast 225g Chicken breast

100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables
150g Avocado 150g Avocado

Meal 3 190g Salmon fillet 170g Lean Steak

60g almonds 50g almonds
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

As with all of the documents or information I generate for you and that is available on my website,
please refrain from making any electronic or hard copies (other than for your own personal use) and
never post or otherwise disseminate the content online.
Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

Meals planned for around the average figure of 3000 calories

A1 A2
Meal 1 2x Rye toast with peanut butter 2x Rye toast with peanut butter
Cooked ham Cooked ham
100g 5 large eggs 100g 5 large eggs
(scrambled/boiled/poached/omelette) (scrambled/boiled/poached/omelette)

110g Oatmeal with berries and cinnamon 100g Oatmeal with berries and cinnamon
(dry) (dry)
100g Berries 100g Berries
Meal 2 110g Brown Rice 100g Brown Rice
(dry) (dry)
250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast
150g Avocado 125g Avocado
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

Meal 3 100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

60g Almonds 55g Almonds
210g Lean beef steak 210g Lean beef steak

Meals planned for around the average figure of 3000 calories

B1 B2
Meal 1 2x rye toast with peanut butter

100g Cooked ham 120g Smoked salmon

5 large eggs
(scrambled/boiled/poached/omelette) 5 large eggs
100g (scrambled/boiled/poached/omelette)
(dry) Oatmeal with Berries and cinnamon
130g Avocado
100g Berries
Meal 2 250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast
150g Avocado 150g Avocado
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

Meal 3 100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

55g Almonds 55g Almonds
200g Salmon fillet 200g Salmon fillet

Snack/ 50g Walnuts 200g Chicken breast & green salad

Meal 4 65g Hummus

As with all of the documents or information I generate for you and that is available on my website,
please refrain from making any electronic or hard copies (other than for your own personal use) and
never post or otherwise disseminate the content online.
Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1

Meals planned for around the average figure of 3500 calories

A1 A2
Meal 1 2x Rye toast with peanut butter 2x Rye toast with peanut butter
Cooked ham Cooked ham
100g 6 large eggs 100g 6 large eggs
(scrambled/boiled/poached/omelette) (scrambled/boiled/poached/omelette)

110g Oatmeal with berries and cinnamon 100g Oatmeal with berries and cinnamon
(dry) (dry)
100g Berries 100g Berries
Meal 2 110g Brown Rice 100g Brown Rice
(dry) (dry)
250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast
150g Avocado 100g Avocado
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

Meal 3 100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

60g Almonds 60g Almonds
200g Salmon fillet 200g Salmon fillet

Meal 4 180g Chicken breast 180g Chicken breast

125g Avocado 125g Avocado
Mixed green salad Mixed green salad

Meals planned for around the average figure of 3500 calories

B1 B2
Meal 1 2x whole meal toast with peanut butter 6 large eggs
Cooked ham (scrambled/boiled/poached/omelette)
100g 6 large eggs 150g Smoked salmon
60g Almonds
Oatmeal with apple and cinnamon
(dry) Apple
Meal 2 250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast
200g Avocado 200g Avocado
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

Meal 3 100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

60g Almonds 60g Almonds
180g Salmon fillet 200g Salmon fillet

Meal 4 150g Lean beef 150g Lean beef

125g Avocado 125g Avocado
Mixed green salad Mixed green salad

As with all of the documents or information I generate for you and that is available on my website,
please refrain from making any electronic or hard copies (other than for your own personal use) and
never post or otherwise disseminate the content online.
Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
Meals planned for around the average figure of 4000 calories
A1 A2
Meal 1 6 large eggs 6 large eggs
(poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette) (poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette)
120g Oats with berries and cinnamon 100g Oats with berries and cinnamon
(dry) (dry) berries
100g Berries 100g Cooked ham
150g Cooked ham 150g 2x Rye toast with peanut butter
2x Rye toast with peanut butter

Meal 2 250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast

100g Broccoli 100g Broccoli
125g Avocado 125g Avocado
115g Brown rice 115g Brown rice
(dry) (dry)

Meal 3 210g Salmon fillet 210g Salmon fillet

250g Sweet potato boiled 225g Sweet potato boiled
60g Almonds 60g Almonds
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

Meal 4 125g Avocado 125g Avocado

150g Lean steak 150g Lean steak
Green salad Green salad

Meals planned for around the average figure of 4000 calories

B1 B2
Meal 1 6 large eggs 6 large eggs
(poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette) (poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette)
100g Oats with berries and cinnamon 150g Smoked salmon
(dry) 75g Almonds
100g berries
150g Cooked ham
2x whole wheat toast with peanut butter

Meal 2 250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast

100g Broccoli 100g Broccoli
125g Avocado 125g Avocado
115g Brown rice 120g Hummus

Meal 3 210g Salmon fillet 210g Salmon fillet

60g Almonds 75g Almonds
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables
100g Hummus
Meal 4 125g Avocado 125g Avocado
150g Lean steak 160g Lean steak
Green salad Green salad

As with all of the documents or information I generate for you and that is available on my website,
please refrain from making any electronic or hard copies (other than for your own personal use) and
never post or otherwise disseminate the content online.
Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
Meals planned for around the average figure of 4500 calories
A1 A2
Meal 1 6 large eggs 6 large eggs
(poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette) (poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette)
120g Oats with berries and cinnamon 100g Oats with Berries and cinnamon
(dry) (dry)
100g Berries 100g Berries
150g Cooked ham 150g Cooked ham
2x rye toast with peanut butter 2x Rye toast with peanut butter

Meal 2 250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast

100g Broccoli 100g Broccoli
125g Avocado 125g Avocado
130g Brown rice 120g Brown rice
(dry) (dry)

Meal 3 210g Salmon fillet 210g Salmon fillet

250g Sweet potato boiled 225g Sweet potato boiled
60g Almonds 60g Almonds
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables

Meal 4 125g Avocado 200g Chicken breast

150g Lean steak 150g Green vegetables
Green salad 25g Almonds

Meal 5 200g Chicken breast 125g Avocado

150g Green vegetables 150g Lean steak
25g Almonds Green salad

Meals planned for around the average figure of 4500 calories

B1 B2
Meal 1 6 large eggs 6 large eggs
(poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette) (poached/scrambled/boiled/omelette)
100g Oats with apple and cinnamon 150g Smoked salmon
(dry) 75g Almonds
100g Apple
150g Cooked ham
2x whole wheat toast with peanut butter

Meal 2 250g Chicken breast 250g Chicken breast

100g Broccoli 100g Broccoli
125g Avocado 125g Avocado
120g Brown rice 120g Hummus

Meal 3 210g Salmon fillet 210g Salmon fillet

60g Almonds 75g Almonds
100g Green vegetables 100g Green vegetables
100g Hummus
Meal 4 125g Avocado 200g Chicken breast
150g Lean steak 150g Green vegetables
Green salad 25g Almonds

Meal 5 200g Chicken breast 125g Avocado

150g Green vegetables 150g Lean steak
25g Almonds Green salad

As with all of the documents or information I generate for you and that is available on my website,
please refrain from making any electronic or hard copies (other than for your own personal use) and
never post or otherwise disseminate the content online.
Advanced Fast Nutrition Vol.1
Food swaps

Food swaps can be made on the food plan using equivalent food from the food section. The
food plans above may also not be the correct calories for you, so obviously make changes
as you need to in order to reach the correct calories for yourself.


For any help with the Advanced fast method there is a post on my blog called Advanced
Fast Q&A that we will use as a question board. I understand this is a lot of information to
take on. So please read everything over in detail before posting. If there is still something
you arent sure about then feel free to post onto the blog page on the site.

I would like to say a big thanks on behalf of myself, my trainer and everyone at my gym. We
appreciate your business very much, and we hope you achieve everything you have set out
to, in the gym and in life in general.

Many thanks


As with all of the documents or information I generate for you and that is available on my website,
please refrain from making any electronic or hard copies (other than for your own personal use) and
never post or otherwise disseminate the content online.

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