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0 PURPOSE: To provide training for transactions of warehouse management module in SAP

2.0 SCOPE: This training provides traceability of material from receipt to dispatch at respective plants.

GRN Goods Receipt Note RM/PM Raw Material/ Packing Materials
FG Finished Goods SAP Systems, Applications and Products
in Data Processing
GQA Group Quality Assurance SCO Subcontracting Order
TR Transfer requirement TO Transfer order
PCN Posting Change Notice STO Stock transport order
WM Ware house management Misc. Miscellaneous Materials
PO Purchase Order Sr.Exe./Exe Senior Executive / Executive

4.0 RESPONSIBILITY: Stores Executive - for carrying out the activity as per this procedure.
Stores Head - For compliance.


5.1 Ware house management activities in SAP will be started only after transaction of inventory management.
5.2 With reference of inventory management / pre shipment document all the warehouse
management activities will be carried out.
5.3 In WM, materials will be identified in every stage from receipts to dispatch at bin level.
5.4 WM covers raw materials, packing materials, finished goods & some stackable
miscellaneous/consumable materials.

5.5 Procedure for receipt activity in WM:

5.5.1 Prepare GRN with reference to PO/STO/SCO for RM/PM/FG/Misc. and FGTN with reference
to process order confirmation or GRN without reference of PO for loan licensee materials.

5.5.2 The Inventory management document will be generated with reference of the same, and in the
background TR will be created as a WM document.

Procedure for TO creation

5.5.3 TO will be created with reference to TR using transaction LT06.

5.5.4 Click in PRD server and next, SAP screen appears. In this screen confirm that the client is 910, Enter
user name and Password. Then press either ENTER button in key board or . The screen with title
SAP Easy Access Screen User menu for XXXXXXX (where, XXXXXXX is name of user) appears.

5.5.5 Enter the transaction code LT06 in the command box and press either ENTER button
in key board or . The screen "Create Transport Order for Material document: Initial Screen
appears, and enter the document no. in material document & press ENTER.

Enter Document No
5.5.6 Create TO from TR: Overview of Transfer requirement screen appears and click on
Palletization for the placement of materials to bins.

5.5.7 The following screen will appear for the placement, enter pallet wise quantity details in
Palletization& click on icon .

5.5.8 Create Transport order from TR: Generate transport order Item screen appears and enter
storage unit type and press ENTER.

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