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PaceAge, A Division of Pace Infotech (India) Pvt. Limited,Cosmos Regency,Office No.

Jupiter 1, Off Ghodbunder Road, Thane(W), Near VijayNagri Annex, Pin Code - 400601
: 25974225 / 65776712,

UNDERSTANDING EXCEL................................................................................................................................4
ENTERING DATA IN EXCEL..................................................................................................................................4
FILE COMMANDS...............................................................................................................................................5
SAVING A FILE......................................................................................................................................................5
OPENING A FILE...................................................................................................................................................5
THE SAVE AS OPTION...........................................................................................................................................5
FILE CLOSE..........................................................................................................................................................5
WORKING WITH MULTIPLE FILES.........................................................................................................................6
INSERTING ROWS AND COLUMNS........................................................................................................................6
FORMATTING DATA.........................................................................................................................................7
INDIAN STYLE NUMBER FORMAT.........................................................................................................................7
ALIGNMENT :.......................................................................................................................................................7
CLEARING DATA IN EXCEL 2003..........................................................................................................................9
ENTERING A FORMULAE.................................................................................................................................9
COPYING A FORMULA........................................................................................................................................10
RELATIVE CELL REFERENCING...........................................................................................................................10
ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCING..........................................................................................................................10
MIXED CELL REFERENCING................................................................................................................................10
PASTE FUNCTION.............................................................................................................................................11
VLOOKUP FUNCTION..........................................................................................................................................11
DATE AND TIME FUNCTIONS.......................................................................................................................12
DATEDIF() FUNCTION.........................................................................................................................................12
ADVANCED FILTER.............................................................................................................................................15
PIVOT TABLE REPORT....................................................................................................................................17
FORMATTING A CHART.......................................................................................................................................21
EXCEL AUTOMATION FEATURES...............................................................................................................22
GROUP AND OUTLINE........................................................................................................................................22
AUTO OUTLINE..................................................................................................................................................23
PAGE SETUP.......................................................................................................................................................23

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PAGE BREAK PREVIEW......................................................................................................................................24
CUSTOMIZING TOOLBARS............................................................................................................................25
MOVING A TOOLBAR..........................................................................................................................................25
RECORDING MACROS IN MICROSOFT EXCEL...................................................................................................26
ASSIGNING THE MACRO TO A BUTTON...............................................................................................................27
RUNNING A MACRO............................................................................................................................................27
Assigning the macro to a button........................................................................................................................27

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Welcome to excel 2003 the worlds most powerful spreadsheet. Like other spreadsheets
Excel 2003 is used for making columnar format of data, entering formulae, making charts and
manipulating data and a bunch of new features. This courseware has been designed for both
the basic and advanced users. Excel 2003 a part of MS Office 2003 is a user-friendly package
and can be learnt on our own. But we tend to miss on some of the features, nitty gritty points
and shortcuts of the program. This courseware aims at filling that gap.

Understanding Excel
Every time we start Excel 2003 the above screen appears with a blank file open called Book1.
When we save the file and give a name the file name appears in the title bar. Every file has
three sheets in it and each sheet has 65536 rows and 256 columns. This huge sheet is broken
into various pages when we define the paper size. We can insert a maximum of 255 sheets in
a file.

In Excel 2003 the black box on the cell is called the Cell Pointer. The position of the cell
pointer like the cursor in Word 2003 determines where the typed data is going to appear. The
cell pointer can be moved around using the arrow keys or click with the mouse on a cell get
the cell pointer.

Each cell has got a cell address just like a house address. Cell address is used when we enter a
formula. A cell address is found out by combining the column name and the row name of the
cell. The cell address is also displayed to the extreme left of the formula bar when we click on
a cell.

Entering Data In Excel

When we type data
in a cell the same
data is displayed in
the formula bar with
a red cross and a green tick. The entry will be complete only if we click on the green tick or
we press Enter or any arrow key. The cross and tick disappears after the entry is complete.

After typing the data if we need to delete the data before completing click on the red cross to
cancel the entry or press Esc.To edit an entry click on the cell and then click in the formula
bar to get the cursor and make the changes and press Enter.

To navigate in the Excel 2003 we use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Here are some
keyboard shortcuts for navigation:
To navigate Do this
One screen down Press Pagedown
One screen up Press pageup
One screen to the right Alt+Pagedown
One screen to the left Alt+Pageup
The last row of the sheet Ctrl+down arrow
(keep pressing if there is data
in the sheet)
The last column Ctrl+right arrow
A particular cell Press F5 and type the cell

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To select Do this
A cell Click on it
A range of cells Click and drag with the white plus
mouse pointer.
Non-continuous cells Click on the first cell, hold down
the Ctrl key and click once on the
other cells.
A column Click on the column name
A row Click on the row name
Entire sheet Click on the blank gray button to
the left of A

File commands
Saving a file

To save the file click File>Save and the Save As dialog box appears. The default file name
next to File Name is highlighted, Straight away type the new file name. It deletes the
existing filename. After typing the file name you can specify in which folder you would like
to save in the hard disk or in any network drive. To know where the file would be saved now
look at the Save in text box in the dialog box. To save in different folder or network drive
click on the arrow next to save in the list shows as below.

Click on (c:) to save in the hard disk or any network drive or on 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) to save in
the floppy. When we click on C: or network drive all the existing folders appear below double
click on the folder under which the file has to be saved and click on the Save button to save
the file. In the above picture clicking on Desktop will create an icon on the Windows desktop.
The desktop is the place where we find icons like My Computer, My Briefcase, Recycle Bin,
Network Neighborhood, etc.

Opening a file

To retrieve or open an existing file click on File>Open. The Open dialog box appears. The
Look in text box displays in which folder it is currently looking for the files. Click on the
arrow next to Look in to open the required folder and click on the file name in the list
below to be opened and click on the Open button.

The Save As option

The Save As option is used to save an existing file under a different name thereby creating a
duplicate file. Can be used to create a backup file or an alternative for copying the file to
another folder.

File Close
The file close command closes the active file.

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Working with multiple files

When we open more than one document, to find how many documents are open currently
click on the Window on the menu bar. The Window option displays the file names with the
active file having a tick mark. To view all the files simultaneously click on Arrange All. All
the files are displayed in different windows. To view only one file maximize the window in
which the file is open. To switch between the open files with the keyboard press Ctrl+F6.

Inserting Rows and Columns.

A row is always inserted on top of the cell pointer. So to insert a row first click in the
appropriate row and choose Insert>Rows.

A column is always inserted to the left of the cell pointer. Click in the appropriate column and
choose Insert>column.

To insert multiple rows or columns select the number of rows or columns (by dragging on the
row names or columns names) to be inserted and choose Insert>Rows or Columns.

To delete a row or column, select the row or column, choose

Edit>Delete. If we choose Delete without selecting the entire
row, a dialog box appears asking whether we need to delete the
entire row, column or delete the contents of the current cells and
move the contents of the next cell to the current cell. (Shift cells
left) or we need to delete the contents of the current cell and
bring the contents of the cell below.

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Formatting data

To format cells, select the cells and choose

Format>cells. A dialog box appears.

Used for formatting only numbers. We can
apply various formats like currency, date,
number etc. To clear the number formats for
the selected cells.

Indian style number format

To apply Indian Number Format select the

cell and click Format>Cells>Number tab.
Under Category click on Custom and paste
the formula given below under Type.

Alignment :
To change the alignment of the selected data. We can change the horizontal and vertical
alignment of the data in cells. The orientation of the data can also be changed by dragging the
text needle to any degree.

Text control
Under text control wrap text is used to push
the second word of a two word heading to the
second line in the same cell. For e.g. type the
words Arrival Time one below the other in
the same cell.

Font: Same as the Format>Font option in

Word 2003. Allows us to change the Font,
font style, font size, font color and other font

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Applies border to the selected cells.

Applying a outline border for the

selected cells
After selecting the cells choose a border
style under Style. Choose a color if
required, click on the Outline button
and click on OK.

Applying individual borders

To apply individual borders. After
selecting the cells choose a style, color
and use the buttons under Border.
These buttons are toggles (on/off).

To remove borders
Select the cells and click on the None
button in the dialog box.

We can also use the borders button in the

formatting toolbar.

Are for applying to the background of the
selected cells. To apply patterns choose a color
in the color palette, click on the arrow next to
the word pattern if required and choose a
pattern and click on Ok. Both the color and the
pattern will be applied.


Locked: This option is used to prevent anybody from modifying the contents of a cell. By
default all the cells in Excel 2003 are already locked. But the locked cells come into effect
only when we protect the sheet by choose Tools>Protection>Protect Sheet.

To lock cells we first specify what cells we dont need to lock and then specify what we need
to lock. To do this select the whole worksheet by clicking on the blank button to the left of
column A. clear the tick for the locked option in the above dialog box and click on OK.
Now select the cells which we need to lock and tick the locked option on and click OK.

Now to bring the locked and unlocked cells into effect, we have to protect the sheet by
choosing Tools>Protection>Protect Sheet. In the Protect Sheet dialog box type a password if
required and click on OK. The selected cells are now locked. If a password is given nobody
else will be able to unlock the cell.

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Note: Once the sheet is protected by default we cannot
format any cell in the sheet. To enable formatting and
other activities check the required options in the list. To
unlock the cell choose Tools>Protection >UnProtect

Hidden: This feature in the Protection tab of the format

cells dialog box is used to hide the formulas in the
selected cells.

Clearing data in Excel 2003

To clear data in Excel 2003 select the cells and choose
Edit>Clear. There are four options for clearing in the sub-
menu which are discussed below.

All: Clears everything in the selected cells viz. the data and the formatting.
Formats: Clears only the formatting (both number and character) of the selected cells and
leaves the data as it is.
Contents: Clears only the contents of the selected cells and leaves the formatting as it is. This
is same as using the Delete key on the keyboard.
Comments: Clears the comments of the selected cells.

The comments feature is used to insert a comment in a cell which will be displayed only
when we want to. We also have the option of printing the comment along with the sheet. To
insert a comment, select the cell and choose Insert>Comment. A yellow text box appears
where we type the comment. When we click on a different cell the comment box disappears.
That cell now shows a red dot indicating that it has a comment. To read the comment in
future just aim the mouse pointer at the red dot.

To delete a comment select the cell and choose Edit>clear>Comments.

To specify where the comment should be printed, change the setting in Page Setup.

Entering a Formulae
To enter a formula click on the cell where the result has to be displayed and type the = sign
followed by the cell address of the first number then by the mathematical operator and press

To perform Use this operator:

Addition +
Subtraction -
Division /
Multiplication *
Power ^

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Understanding which operator takes precedence over another
When we use mathematical operators in a formula the order in which we enter the operators
will produce different answers. All spreadsheets perform mathematical operations in a
specific order. So when we enter a formula containing different operators, excel executes the
formula in the following order .
1. Items in Parentheses
2. Exponents
3. Multiplication
4. addition
5. subtraction

Copying a formula
To copy a formula, select the cell containing the formula. Aim the mouse to the bottom right
corner of the cell pointer to get a blank cross. Click and drag to copy the formula.

Relative cell referencing

1 Items No. Rate Amount
2 Paper 10 2 20
3 Pencil 20 3 60
4 Eraser 30 2 60
5 Ruler 40 1.75 70
6 Sharpner 50 2.25 112.5
In the above example D2 contains a formula =B2*C2 when it is copied down, it applies the
formula to all cells.

Absolute cell referencing

Absolute cell referencing is used to keep a cell constant when copying a formula.
1 CITY Trucks Cost Rate 3000
2 Mumbai 10
3 Delhi 20
4 Kolkata 30
5 Chennai 40

In the above example C2 contains a formula =B2*E1 when it is copied down instead of
referring E1 it refers to the cells below E1. this is because when we copy a formula in a
spreadsheet it can refer only to the adjacent cells. So in the above example to keep E1 fixed
we need to type the formula as = B2*$E$1 instead of B2*E1 and then copy the formula. The
dollar symbol here does not signify currency it is used to make that cell constant.

Mixed cell referencing

Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Rice
20 20 40 60 80 100 120
40 40 80 120 160 200 240
56 56 112 168 224 280 336
6 78 78 156 234 312 390 468

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30 30 60 90 120 150 180

In the above example B3 contains a formula =B$1*$A3. This formula calculates Price of 1
kg of rice by multiplying Quantity with the first rate i.e. 20. When it is copied in the rest of
the columns in the table we get a price list for different quantities of rice at different rates. In
the first part of the formula ie. B$1 column B can change but row 1 will be constant. . In the
second part of the formula ie.$A3 column A will be constant but rows will change.

Paste function
Excel has a built-in set of useful
functions like Average, Maximum etc.
Paste function makes it easier to enter
a formula by providing interactive
dialog boxes. To apply a function click
in the standard toolbar. The Paste
Function dialog box appears. We click
on All category in the left panel and
look for the function we want to apply
and click on OK. A window appears on
the screen. Move the window aside by
clicking and dragging such that we are
able to see the window as well as the
data behind or we can also click on the
red button to collapse the window.
Now select the cells on which we want
to apply the function and click on OK. The result is displayed in the cell and the formula is
shown in the formula bar.

Vlookup Function
The Vlookup Function is a useful function for looking up a value in a database and returning
a corresponding value. Lets learn Vlookup by taking a simple example shown below.

Sheet 1 Sheet 2
2. 1 BRAKE
4. 3 AXCEL NO. NAME Enter
5. 4 HORN 2 vlookup()
6. 5 GEAR here

In the above example when we enter a part no. in A2 under sheet 2 Excel should lookup that
part no. in sheet 1 and return the part name from the corresponding column. This is achieved
with Vlookup.

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The First step is to define a name for the range. To do this, select the cells in sheet 1
from A1 to B6 and click on Insert menu>name>define. A dialog box appears. Type any name
eg. LIST and click on the button add. Now we will enter the vlookup() in B2 of sheet2 as
This parameter ensures
that it looks for exact
=Vlookup(A2,LIST,2,false) value

The column from

Value to be
Range which the value has
looked up (area) to be returned

Note: In the VLOOKUP() or any other functions we can also select a cell or cell range from
another file located anywhere.
Date and Time Functions

Now(), Date(),Today(), Time(),Hour(), Minutes() and a few other functions in excel help
users to handle date and time. Each of these functions has its own arguments that return the
required value.(Some do not need any arguments and they return the values according to
system settings. Eg. NOW() and TODAY() return the systems date and time.)The time()
returns time in the following way.
Function : Time(hour,minutes,seconds)
Example : 1. Time(4,30,12) will return 4:30:12 PM
2. Time(25,30,0) will return 1:30 AM

Function : Date(year,month,day)
Example : Date(2005,7,31) will return 31-jul-2005

The value that these functions return depends on the number format selected for that cell.

DatedIf() function
Date function for calculating Age, Retirement date, etc.
1 Age
DOB Current date
2 34
11-8-1970 29-6-2005

To find the age in C2, first in B2 type the formula =today() and in C2 type the following
formula :
The Catagories of functions available in excel are Financial, Date & Time, Math &
Trig,Statistical, Lookup & Reference, Database, Text, Logical, Information, User Defined,

Conditional formatting
Conditional formatting is a feature in Excel 2003 where cells visually alert us by changing its
format the moment the value in that cell meets criteria set by us. For example in the table
below we need to be alerted the moment any of the totals goes below 2000. to achieve this

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select the totals and choose Format>Conditional Formatting. The conditional formatting
dialog box appears.

Accessories Jan Feb Mar

Cd 100 200 300
Floppy box 400 500 600
Keyboard 100 800 900
Mouse 1000 1100 1200
Total 1600 2600 3000

To apply conditional formatting click on the cell where we need to apply the conditional
format. Click on format menu, and then on Conditional Formatting. The following dialog box

Now we specify the

condition by clicking
on the arrow next to
between and choose
less than and in the
next box type 2000.
Click on the Format
button to specify what
format (we can change the font color, border or pattern) the totals should have if it meets the
condition and click on OK to come the figure of any accessory in any month such that the
total goes below 2000. The format of the total changes immediately alerting us that it has
met the condition.

Note: We can add upto 3 conditions for cells.

What is validation for?
When we need to make sure that correct data is entered on a worksheet, we can specify what
data is valid for individual cells or cell ranges. We can restrict the data to a particular type
such as whole numbers, decimal numbers, or text and set limits on the valid entries. We can
specify a list of the valid entries or limit the number of characters in entries.

How validation works.

Once a validation is set on
a cell, when the cell pointer
is moved to that cell Excel
displays a message guiding
us what data to key in. If
we enter data other than
what is being asked, Excel
displays another message
telling us that the data
keyed in is wrong.

How to set a validation?

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Click on the cell or cells where the validation has to be set. Click on Data on the menu bar
and select validation. The Data Validation dialog box appears.

There are 3 tabs on top viz. Settings, Input Message and Error Alert. Each of the tabs are
mentioned below.

Under settings click on the arrow under allow and choose what type of number should be
allowed (validation criteria) by Excel 2003 to be entered in the selected cells. For example if
choosing any value will not impose any restriction in the selected cell. If we choose whole
number for example we can specify that the number entered should be between two
numbers. If we put the ignore blank option on Excel 2003 it will allow us to leave the
selected cells blank or if we put it on we will be forced to enter a value.

Input Message
Input Message is the message we want Excel to display when the cell pointer is moved to the
cell where validation is applied. Click on Input Messages tab and then click inside the white
box for input message and type the message, for example Please enter a number between
100 and 200 Title which is optional can be used to instruct the user under what heading the
value is being entered.

Error Alert
Error alert is the message we want Excel to display if the data we entered is not what we have
specified in settings. Click on the Error Alert Tab Click on the arrow next to style and select
any style. Each style other than showing different symbols also responds in different fashions.
Click inside the white box for Error Message and type the Error message.

The stop symbol forces us to enter a value specified in the criteria. It gives us two
options of Retry and Cancel. If we choose Retry it returns back to the cell for
editions and if we choose Cancel it restores the previous value.

The warning symbol warns us that we have entered the wrong value and prompts
us with a question Continue yes, no, cancel. If we choose yes the invalid data is
entered, if we choose no it returns to the cell for editing and if we choose cancel it
restores the previous value(if any)

The information symbol gives two options of ok and cancel. If we choose Ok the
invalid data is entered and if we choose cancel the previous data is restored.

Now we have specified the validation input message and error value click on Ok to apply.
Since the cell pointer is already on the cell the Assistant or Excel displays the input Message.
If we enter a wrong number, the Error Alert is displayed.

Sorting is meant for sorting a column in the ascending or descending order. In the table below
lets say we need to sort the Model column. First we need to make the headings bold when
sorting a database so that the sort command does not sort the headings along with the data.
Next click anywhere in the column for models and click on the sort ascending or sort
descending button on the standard toolbar.
Note: If we select the cells in the column instead of clicking on one cell, only the selected
data gets sorted. It does not rearrange the corresponding columns. Therefore we just need to

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click anywhere in the column. Before sorting the headings should be made BOLD or else the
sort command will not work.

Auto filter is a feature used for getting a particular information (filtering) we want from a big

To filter a statement or database. First mark the heading in

Bold so that Excel recognizes these as headings. Click
inside the list and then click on choose
Data>Filter>Autofilter. The statement will now have arrows
attached to the headings. These arrows are used for filtering
data. A sample statement is shown below.

Taking the above example, to see only Van click on the

arrow next to Models and click on Van. Only the van data is
shown. The blue arrow indicates that the field is filtered. If
we print only the filtered data is printed. To see all the data
again click on the same arrow and click on all in the list. In
the same way any heading can be filtered.

To remove the arrows from the headings. Choose Data, filter and Autofilter again. Once the
arrows are removed all the data is shown. To filter again select Data>Filter>Autofilter again.

Note: Before choosing Autofilter, the headings should be made BOLD and the cell pointer
should be inside the list or else the command will not work.

Advanced Filter
Autofilter filters the data in the same place. Advanced filter is used to show the filtered data
in a different location. Using advanced filter, to filter out all Esteem records from the above
database do the following.

Step 1
Copy the Models field name under a blank column and type esteem under that. These two
cells will be the criteria range.

Step 2
Click inside your database then choose Data>Filter>Advanced Filter. The following dialog
box appears.

Step 3
In the above dialog box select the second option copy to another location under Action.

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The next option List range is the database range. Click inside the box next to Criteria
range and select the criteria range which was typed earlier under a blank column. Click
inside the box next to Copy to and specify the destination by clicking on a blank area on
the spreadsheet. Click on Ok to filter all the records.


Excel can automatically calculate the subtotals in

a database. Before we insert the subtotals, we
have to sort on the field on which we have to find
the subtotals.
Taking the above statement as an example to
calculate subtotals at each change in Model click
on Data>Subtotals. The Subtotal dialog box

The options are discussed below:

At each change in: Select Models.
Use Function: The Function to be used
Add Subtotal to: Check the field which has to be
sub-totaled. In this case tick the supply field.

After setting these options click on OK.

The subtotals are inserted in the statement along with the grand total at the bottom.

To remove the subtotals. Choose subtotals from Data menu

again and click on the Remove All button again.

Note: Before choosing subtotals the headings should be

made BOLD and the cell pointer should be in the list or else
the command will not work.

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Pivot Table Report
Pivot Table is an excellent feature used to extract a summary out of a large statement or
database. Taking the same example as shown below.

In the above statement lets say that we need to make a summary which allows us to chose one
model at time and the total supply of the selected model. To run pivot table Report, click once
on the statement and choose pivot Table Report from the Data menu. A dialog box appears,
asking whether we are using a Excel list or a external database. We choose Excel list in the
case and click on the button Next.

The next dialog box displays

the range. If the range is not
correct we can change it by
selecting the right range.
Click on next on the dialog
box appears as shown beside.

Now click on the Layout


This example has only 3

fields viz. Models, Vendor,
Supply. Pivot table is more
useful when there are many
fields and we need to get a
specific summary of the
whole database.

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The fields of the statement
are shown on the right of
the dialog box. Drag the
Mode field and drop it on
the Page area the final
summary will allow you to
choose any item of that
field). Drag the supply field
and drop it in the Data
area. It will show Sum of
supply. If we need to
change the function do a
double click on sum of
supply. The column and
Row areas are for
displaying other fields as
headings. Click on the next Button choose New worksheet or Existing worksheet. If you
choose existing worksheet, after clicking the Next button click on an empty cell in the current
sheet and click on the finish button. The pivot table report will look like this:

The summary is displayed along with the pivot table toolbar. The summary currently shows
the total of all the models. To choose a specific model click on the arrow next to all and
choose a model. To modify the existing summary click on the summary and choose the
second button on the toolbar called pivot table wizard. The third step of the pivot table
appears again. We can rearrange the fields and click on the finish button.

Note: To get a more clear report click on the Format Report button on the Pivot Table
toolbar. Select any format and click on the OK button.

Auditing is a nice feature used when we have formulae in the worksheet. Normally to find
out the cells used in a formula result, we click on the result and the formula bar displays the
cells used in the result. The auditing feature graphically shows us the cells involved in the
result by using arrow headed lines. This is useful when we have a big statement with lot of
formulae and we need to know which cell is referring to what. To use this feature we have to
know two terms i.e. precedents (cells which are involved in the calculation) and dependents
(a cell which contains a formula).

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To trace precedents click on a dependent cell and choose Tools> Formula Auditing>Trace
precedents Excel 2003 draws arrows to show the precedents.

To trace dependents click on a precedent and choose Tools>Formula Auditing>Trace

dependents. The objective of tracing the dependents is to find out whether changing the value
of the current cell would effect any other cell.

Removing auditing arrows

To remove all arrows choose Tools> Formula Auditing>Remove all arrows.

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Charts in Excel 2003 are almost the same as in Excel 95. The difference here is once the chart
is made there is no need to double click on the chart to modify it as in the earlier versions of

Components of a graph

Creating a chart
To create a chart first we type out the data for example as shown below.
Sales Jan Feb Mar
Product 1 100 200 300
Product 2 400 500 600
Product 3 700 800 900
Product 4 1000 1100 1200
By default the X axis will represent the row headings, the Y axis will represent the values and
the columns headings will represent the data series. There are four steps in creating a chart .
Select the whole data and click on the chart wizard button on the standard toolbar. The first
dialog box appears. Showing the various types of charts on the left hand side. By default the
column chart is selected.

Click on the next button to go the next step.

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The second step shows us the graph based on
the data and also the range and allows us to
interchange the value of X axis and the data
services by choosing Rows, Columns under the
option Series in
Click on the next button to go to the third step

To show the data along with the chart click on

the tab DataTable and tick the Show Data Table
option on. We can also control other aspects
like the legend, Data labels, Gridlines and the
axes. Click on next to go to the next step.

Specify whether we
need the chart in a
new sheet or in the
current sheet and
click on Finish to
get the chart.

Tip: When in the first step of creating the chart click on Finish button to get the default chart
instead of going through all the steps.

Formatting a chart
When the chart is selected the chart toolbar is displayed. The buttons are explained below.

Format: To format a particular

area of the chart for e.g. the chart
area of the plot area, select the area and click on the format button.

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Chart Type: Used to change the selected chart to another type. Click on the arrow next to
this button and select a different chart type.
Legend: Click on this toggle button to turn the legend off.
Data Table: A new feature in Excel 2003 displays the data below the table when we click on
this toggle button.
By Row: Takes the row headings as the data series.
By Column: Takes the column headings as the data series.

Excel Automation Features

AutoFill is a feature used to generate a series of data automatically. There are some
predefined AutoFill entries which are as follows:

Generating Numbers: To generate numbers type 1 and 2 in the next cell below. Select both
the cells and drag the mouse with the black cross to generate share 1, share 2, share3 and go

Generating dates: Type in a date and drag to generate a date series.

Custom fill: Sometimes when we need to type a standard set of headings repeatedly like
Vendor, Rate, Qty, Price, Product. Instead of typing it or copying it we can generate the same
by defining it as a custom list. To create a custom list choose Tools>Options and in the dialog
box click on the Custom Lists tab. Under List Entries type the words to be generated
automatically separated by a coma. For e.g. type the Vendor, Rate etc. and click on Ok. Now
type any one of the words in any cell and drag with the black cross to generate the series.

AutoComplete compares text we are typing into a cell with text already entered into the same
column, and then completes the typing for us.

Group and Outline

When we have a Database with lot of headings and we need to view only some columns and
hide the rest, we can use the Group and Outline feature. There are two ways to create it using
manual or automatic method. The manual method is called Group and automatic method is
called Auto Outline


To create a group select

the Column Headings
from top. For example if
we want to make
Columns A to D a
group, select those
columns and on the
menu click Data>Group
and Outline>Group.
Now select columns F to

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H and again choose Data>Group and Outline>Group. Given below is a screen of how it
would look.

Auto Outline
If the database has formulae, the groups can be created automatically. In the example below
all the cells highlighted in blue have formulae in them. When we give the command
Data>Group and Outline>Auto Outline it creates the outline for the row and columns
automatically according to where the totals are inserted.

Page Setup

To print an Excel workbook, we first define the page setup. Choose File>Page Setup. The
following dialog box appears.

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Page Tab: Specify the orientation i.e. Portrait (Vertical printing) or landscape (Horizontal
Under scaling Adjust to is used to specify whether we need to print 100% of the actual size
or whether we need to print less or more than the actual size. Increasing the percentage will
be required when we need data to be enlarged in the printout.
Fit to: if we need a one page printout when the data is spilling over to two pages. Choose Fit
to 1 page click on OK. The data will be compressed to make it fit in one page.

Paper Size: Define the size of the paper to be used in printing.

Margins Tab: Specify the Top, Bottom, Left & Right margins for the printout.

Header/Footer: Same as header/footer in Word, whatever heading we need at the top/bottom

of every page we specify it in the header/footer. This applies only to the current sheet. To
specify custom header/footer click on the custom header/custom footer button.

Rows to repeat at top: Is used to make the headings repeat at the top in the printout when the
data runs into multiple pages. To make the headings repeat, choose file>Pagesetup click in
the box for Rows to repeat at top in the sheet tab click once on the row containing the
headings. The range is shown in the dialog box. Click on OK.

Gridlines: Putting gridlines on will print gridlines everywhere in the printout. Turning this
off prints the data on a blank page. However it prints the borders wherever we have applied.

Page Break Preview

In all the previous versions of Excel once we define the page setup Excel breaks the page
according to the Paper size we have defined and it was difficult to move the page break to
accommodate more rows or columns in a page. In Excel 2003 the Page Break Preview feature
allows us to drag the page break to the desired location. To do this click on View>Page break
preview. The file gets into the page break preview mode where the page breaks are shown as
blue outline and the page number is displayed in gray at the center. To adjust the page break
drag the blue outline to the desired location. To quit page break preview choose

To print a workbook choose File>Print. The print dialog box appears.

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Under print what, selecting Entire workbook would print the contents of all the sheets.
Selecting Active sheet will print only the sheet we are currently working in. Selection prints
only the selected cells. To print specific pages in a sheet, select the sheet click on Active sheet
and specify the page numbers under Print Range. Giving name of print area also facilitates
printing. You can give this in the Print Area text field under the sheet tab in page setup
dialog box.

Customizing Toolbars

The top two toolbars on the screen are called the Standard and Formatting toolbars. We can
activate more toolbars by choosing View>Toolbars>Customize. This shows the full list of
toolbars available in Excel 2003 as shown in the figure below.

Adding a new button to the existing toolbar:

To add a new button to the existing toolbar. Choose View>Toolbar>customize and in the
resulting dialog box click on Commands Tab. The left side of the panel lists all the categories.
For example if we click on the File category the right side of the panel lists all the buttons
that fall in the file category. Scroll in this list to see the available buttons. To add any of these
buttons to the existing toolbar. Drag the button and bring the button near an existing button
on the toolbar. Drop the button when the mouse pointer is in the shape of an I beam. The new
button will be a part of that toolbar.

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Removing or modifying a button on the toolbar:
To remove a button from the toolbar choose View>Toolbar>Customize and drag the desired
button from the toolbar and drop it into the dialog box. To modify a button choose
View>Toolbar>Customize and right click on the button to be modified in the toolbar and
choose Edit Button Image from the shortcut menu.

Moving a toolbar
To move a toolbar aim at the double line at the beginning of the toolbar and click and drag to
place the toolbar at the desired location.

The office assistant.

The office assistant is a new method for getting help in OFFICE 2003. It is like having an
assistant by your side to assist you as you work in Office 2003. If you have any doubt or
query on any topic, just as you ask somebody in the same way you can click on the assistant
once and type your question and click on the Search button. The relevant topics are
displayed. Click on the topic of desire to get further help.


Macro is a fantastic feature which records a series of keystrokes and mouse movements.
These can be then assigned to button and played whenever needed. In other words a series of
mouse click can be done with a single click. It is like pressing the record button on a tape
recorder speaking into it stopping the recording and playing the recorded voice whenever
needed. In the same way once a macro is recorded it can be played when ever needed.
Macros are useful when we need to automate lengthy mouse and keyboard commands. The
concept of macros is same in MS OFFICE with slight variations in assigning the macro in

Recording Macros in Microsoft Excel

As an example lets record a macro which would apply currency style, comma style and bold
format to selected numbers.

To start recording a macro, first click on a cell which has some number and choose
Tools>Macro>Record new macro. A dialog box as shown below appears. Type a name for the
macro. (give a name with relevance to what the macros does). Under the option Store macro
in choose Personal Macro Workbook so that the macro is available to all files. Click on the
OK button to start recording the macro.

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A small toolbar as shown below appears having two buttons called Stop Recording and
Relative reference. The recording is now on.

Important: Ensure that the Relative Reference button is on. If it is on it would have a white

Looking at the above example click on the currency style button, comma style and the bold
button. Click on the stop recording button to stop the recording.

Assigning the macro to a button

Choose View>Toolbars>Customise and click on the Commands tab. The customize window
appears as shown in Figure 2. On the left hand side under Categories scroll and click on the
word Macros. We will find a yellow smiling face with the names Custom button. Drag the
custom button and add it to a toolbar.

To assign a different button again right click on the macro name while the customize window
is active and click on Choose button image from the shortcut menu. Click on any button
image. Or if you click on the macro choose Edit button image while the customize window
is active right click on the macro choose Edit button image and draw a button of your
choice. Close the Customise window. The macro is now ready to be run.

Recording and assigning macros is a one time job. Once a macro is ready it can be used any
number of times in any file.

Note: Unlike Word in excel after a macro is assigned to a button on the toolbar, aiming at the
macro button does not show the macro name. To assign a name to the button choose
View>Toolbars>Customise right click on the macro button and type a name in the white box.

Running a macro
Running a macro is like playing a recorded voice. Here we are going to play the recorded
actions. To run the macro select some numbers in the spreadsheet and click on the Macro

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We can also record formulae being entered.

Assigning the macro to a button

Choose View>Toolbars>Customise and click on the Commands tab. The customize window
appears as shown in Figure 2. On the left hand side under Categories scroll and click on the
word Macros. We will find a yellow smiling face with the names Custom button. Drag the
custom button and add it to a toolbar.

To assign a different button again right click on the macro name while the customize window
is active and click on Choose button image from the shortcut menu. Click on any button
image. Or if you click on the macro choose Edit button image while the customize window is
active right click on the macro choose Edit button image and draw a button of your choice.
Close the Customise window. The macro is now ready to be run.

Recording and assigning macros is a one time job. Once a macro is ready it can be used any
number of times in any file.

Note: Unlike Word in excel after a macro is assigned to a button on the toolbar, aiming at the
macro button does not show the macro name. To assign a name to the button choose
View>Toolbars>Customise right click on the macro button and type a name in the white box.

Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

To restrict data entry to specific cells, select the cells and type the figures pressing
Enter after each cell entry. The cell pointer moves only to the selected cells. E.g.
select the cells A1:C3 and type some numbers.

To select a big range click on the cell from where we need to select and press F5
type the cell address till where we need to select and press Shift + Enter.

To enter the same data in multiple cells, select the cells type the data and press Ctrl +

To automatically scroll in a sheet aim the mouse pointer anywhere in the sheet and
press the middle mouse button. Move the mouse slowly down to adjust the speed of
the scrolling and leave the mouse. We can also scroll to the right.

To enter data in the second line in the same cell press Alt + Enter.

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When entering labels (words) one below the other press Alt + down Arrow to
activate a list showing the previous entries. We can then choose the required entry
from the list and press Enter.

When copying a formula downwards instead of clicking and dragging with the black
cross mouse pointer, do a double click with the black cross mouse pointer.

To quickly navigate to the next empty cell in a column, aim the mouse pointer to he
bottom of the cell pointer to make the pointer an arrow and double click. Double
click at the right of the cell pointer to move to the right.

To move data from one sheet to another with the mouse, select the data hold down
the alt key aim the mouse pointer to the border of the cell pointer to get an arrow
drag and aim at the destination sheet name below the sheet name turns white and
gets activated move the mouse pointer the destination cell and release the mouse
button. We can also use this method to move data between applications.

To convert the column headings into row headings and vice versa copy the data click
in an empty area and choose Edit>Paste special. In the Paste Special dialog box tick
the option called Transpose and click on Ok. Now we can delete the old set of data.

When there are many sheets in a workbook, to quickly jump to a sheet right click on
the arrows the left of the sheet names and the select the sheet from the list.

To copy only the conditional formatting of a cell select the destinations cells and one
cell that contains the conditional formatting. Choose format>Conditional Formatting
and click on Ok.

For this trick we got to turn the Edit directly in the cell option off under
Tools>Options>Edit tab. We can track the precedents of a cell containing a formula
by double clicking the cell. The precedents are highlighted.

To simultaneously view the contents of two sheets in a workbook, open the file and
choose Window>new to open the file in a second window. Then choose
window>Arrange and in the resulting dialog box choose Tiled and click on Ok.

OLE(Object Linking & Embedding). We can copy data from one file to another file
or from one program to another and link it.For eg.: to copy data from Excel and to
copy it to Word, first select the data in Excel and click on the copy button. Start
Word and click on menu Edit>Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box click on
the option Paste Link and click on Ok. Now if you make any changes in Excel it
will be updated in Word automatically.

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