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Fuel 158 (2015) 113121

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Catalytic decarboxylation of naphthenic acids in crude oils

Helosa P. Dias a, Gustavo R. Gonalves a,b, Jair C.C. Freitas a,b, Alexandre O. Gomes c,
Eustquio V.R. de Castro a, Boniek G. Vaz a,d,, Glria M.F.V. Aquije e, Wanderson Romo a,e,
Petroleomic and Forensic Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Esprito Santo, 29075-910 Vitria, ES, Brazil
Laboratory of Carbon and Ceramic Materials, Department of Physics, Federal University of Esprito Santo, 29075-910 Vitria, ES, Brazil
Petrleo Brasileiro S/A PETROBRAS, CENPES, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Chemistry Institute, Federal University of Gois, 74001-970 Goinia, GO, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Esprito Santo, 29106-010 Vila Velha, ES, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 A steel slag catalyst was evaluated to

remove naphthenic acids present in
crude oils.
 A high-acidity crude oil
(TAN = 4.79 mg KOH g1 and
S = 1.022 wt%) was submitted to
thermo-catalytic process.
 The MgO contributed effectively to
promote the thermo-catalytic
decarboxylation of naphthenic acid
 A reduction of TAN of 43.50%
(4.79 ? 1.89 mg KOH g1) was
observed at 350 C for 4 h.
 ESI()FT-ICR MS data conrmed an
increase in the DBE values from 15
to 518.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Naphthenic acids are recognized as the main corrosive species in acidic crude oils, although they repre-
Received 25 February 2015 sent less than 3 wt%. Alternative methods have been developed in an attempt to remove naphthenic acids
Received in revised form 23 April 2015 from the oil, however, their implementation in petrochemical industry still represents a challenge.
Accepted 5 May 2015
Herein, a sub-product of the steel industry, steel slag, is evaluated as an economic alternative catalyst
Available online 21 May 2015
and environmentally feasible to remove naphthenic acids present in crude oils. A high-acidity crude
oil (TAN = 4.79 mg KOH g1 and S = 1.022 wt%) was submitted to thermo-catalytic process at 300 and
350 C during 2, 4 and 6 h and its degradation products were monitored by negative-ion electrospray ion-
Naphthenic corrosion
ization (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), total acid number (TAN) and
ESI()FT-ICR MS total sulfur. The main crystalline phases detected by X-ray diffractometry in the catalyst were calcite
Catalytic decarboxylation (CaCO3), silica (SiO2) and magnesia (MgO). Among them, the MgO contributes effectively to promote
the thermo-catalytic decarboxylation of naphthenic acid species, with a TAN reduction of 43.50%
(4.79 ? 1.89 mg KOH g1) from the original oil to the degraded oil obtained after treatment at 350 C

Corresponding authors at: Petroleomic and Forensic Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Esprito Santo, 29075-910 Vitria, ES, Brazil. Tel.: +55 62
3521 1016 R261 (B.G. Vaz). Tel.: +55 27 3149 0833 (W. Romo).
E-mail addresses: (B.G. Vaz), (W. Romo).
0016-2361/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
114 H.P. Dias et al. / Fuel 158 (2015) 113121

for 4 h. Acid species with lower pKa values were selectively removed with the ESI()FT-ICR MS data con-
rming an increase in the DBE values from 15 to 518 for O2 class. Therefore, the catalyst selectively
promoted the removal of naphthenic acids via (i) neutralization reaction; (ii) cracking reaction and (iii)
MgCO3 formation from CO2 molecules produced by a previous thermal decarboxylation reaction.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Most analytical methods developed for extraction or removal of

naphthenic acids from crude oil samples requires a large invest-
Corrosion problems in operating processes and petroleum ren- ment due to high energy consumption; thus, the implementation
ing concerning naphthenic acids (NAs) in crude oils have been of these methods in the petrochemical industry remains a
reported since the early twentieth century. Since then, the search challenge.
for solutions to overcome these problems has become a constant Recently, researches on decomposing naphthenic acid species
challenge for the petrochemical industry [1,2]. have focused especially on the development of new catalysts with
Naphthenic acid are carboxylic acids characterized by the pres- the aim of maximizing the reaction rate using lower temperatures,
ence of a monocarboxylic group attached to an aliphatic group and thus reducing costs. In 2006, Zhang et al. [10] showed that the cat-
may be represented by the general formula R(CH2)nCOOH, alytic decarboxylation using calcium oxide or magnesium oxide is
where R is one or more cyclopentane or cyclohexane rings. an effective method to remove naphthenic acids at low tempera-
Naphthenic acids are the main responsible for a great number of tures. In 2009 Ding et al. [11] studied the use of alkali metal oxides
operating problems in the petroleum rening processes, such as and zinc oxide as catalysts for the naphthenic acids removal from
emulsions stabilizers, naphthenate deposition, gum formation heavy crude oil feeds. Depending on the catalyst employed, the
and corrosion problems [3]. thermal degradation process can be followed by decarboxylation,
Alternative analytical methods have been developed by an neutralization or thermal cracking. In 2014, Wang et al. [12] eval-
attempt to remove naphthenic acids from the oil. In general, these uated the naphthenic acids removal from crude oil applying the
methods can be addressed in two ways. The rst involves removal MgAl hydrotalcite/c-Al2O3 as a catalyst. Their results showed a
of the carboxyl group by esterication and hydrogenation reac- TAN reduction in the crude oils from 2.7 mg KOH g1 to less
tions or thermal decomposition whereas the second involves the than 0.5 mg KOH g1 with one-hour treating at 320 C and
separation of the naphthenic acids from the oil by means of liq- 1.013  105 Pa.
uidliquid extractions (using an alkaline solution with alcohol FT-ICR MS offers the highest available mass resolution, mass
and ammonia), adsorption, membrane separation, and electrostatic resolving power, and mass accuracy, which enables the analysis
separation [4]. of complex petroleum mixtures on a molecular level [13].
In 1960, Earl [5] developed an extraction process for naphthenic High-resolution MS data have shown that it is possible to discrim-
acids based on solvent extraction and subsequent distillation in the inate different compounds [1416] for taking into account the dif-
presence of alkaline materials. In the 90s, Gaikar and Maiti [6] ferent ionization efciencies of the crude oil constituents [17].
developed an extraction method for naphthenic acids through Accurate mass measurements [18] allow unambiguous elemental
absorption using ion exchange resins. Blum et al. [7] studied the composition (CcHhNnOoSs) assignment, enabling material classi-
viscosity reduction and the naphthenic acid removal by thermal cation by heteroatom content and the degree of aromaticity [19
decomposition processes; however, the naphthenic acid degrada- 21]. Naphthenic acids can be analyzed by ESI() coupled to
tion mechanism was not fully explored. In the same year, Smith FT-ICR MS, being detected as deprotonated molecules, [MH]
et al. monitored the effect of thermal treatment on the naphthenic [22,23]. Herein, steel slag was used as catalyst to promote the cat-
acids from vacuum residues by negative-ion electrospray ioniza- alytic decarboxylation of naphthenic acids in a sample of crude oil
tion (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometry with TAN = 4.79 mg KOH g1 and total sulfur content of 1.02 wt%.
(FT-ICR MS) [8]. It was observed that the acidity of the vacuum Steel slag [24,25] is commercially known as a sub-product gener-
residue decreased as the heating temperature was increased, as ated in large quantities during the steel industrial production
indicated by both reduction in O2 class intensity and total acid and then it can become an economic and environmentally feasible
number (TAN). In 2011 Mandal et al. [9] studied the application alternative to remove naphthenic acids from crude oil. Steel slag is
of supercritical water to reduce TAN, showing an efciency of composed mainly by metal oxides such as FeO, CaO, MgO, Al2O3
approximately 83% at 490 C. and SiO2, which have decarboxylation activity documented on

Fig. 1. Scheme of the thermo degradation of the crude oil subjected to treatments at 280, 300 and 350 C for periods of 26 h in the presence (An) and absence (Bn) of the steel
slag catalyst.
H.P. Dias et al. / Fuel 158 (2015) 113121 115

literature [26]. The original oil and the aged oil samples were mon- diffractometer, using Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.5418 ), with the
itored by ESI()-FT-ICR MS, TAN and total sulfur to investigate the diffraction angle (2h) varied from 15 to 90, with a voltage of
effects of the catalyst on the selective removal of naphthenic acids 40 kV and a current of 30 mA. The XRD pattern obtained was com-
during thermo-catalytic degradation process. pared with the crystallographic data from JCPDS (Joint Committee
on Powder Diffraction Standards) of the International Centre for
2. Experimental Diffraction Data, available on PCPDFWIN software version 2.3.
Catalyst surface area was obtained by N2 physisorption at 77 K,
2.1. Materials and reagents using a Quantachrome instrument, model Autosorb-1. The samples
were purged under vacuum during 24 h at 80 C, weighted about
Toluene, propan-2-ol, and potassium hydroxide, Vetec Fine 0.5 g (measured after the physisorption analysis). The specic sur-
Chemicals Ltda, Brazil, all with analytical grade and purity higher face area of the catalyst was obtained using the BET method [27].
than 99.5% were used for analysis of the TAN. Methanol, ammo- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were obtained using
nium hydroxide (NH4OH), sodium triuoroacetate (NaTFA) and a Shimadzu SS-550 instrument; the local chemical composition
of the catalyst was analyzed by energy dispersive X-ray spec-
L-arginine, SigmaAldrich Chemicals, USA, were used in the
troscopy (EDX), using a SEDX-500 instrument coupled to the scan-
ESI()-FT-ICR MS analysis.
ning electron microscope.

2.2. Characterization of the catalyst 2.3. Thermo-catalytic degradation of crude oil

The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the powder sample was A crude oil with TAN and total sulfur content of
recorded at room temperature in a Bruker D8 Discover X-ray 4.70 mg KOH g1 and 1.02 wt%, respectively, was employed to
study the effect of the thermo-catalytic decarboxylation of naph-
thenic acids. The thermo-catalytic decarboxylation was carried
out according to ASTM D 2892 norm [28]. Initially, 400 mL of crude
oil were heated at 300 and 350 C, for periods of 2, 4 and 6 h. The
heating procedures were performed in a closed reaction system
under reux at a reduced pressure from 760 to 0.1 mmHg. The
same procedure was repeated using 10 wt% of steel slag catalyst
added to the reaction mixture. A scheme of the thermo-catalytic
degradation of the crude oil subjected to afore-mentioned condi-
tions in the presence or absence of the catalyst is summarized in
Fig. 1. The obtained samples were named samples An (with cata-
lyst) and Bn (without catalyst), in which n ranged from 1 to 6.

2.4. Physical chemistry characterization of oils

The analysis of TAN was performed according to the technical

specications described in the ASTM D 664 standard using a poten-
tiometer Metrohm Titrando 809 [29]. The samples were dissolved
in a mixture of toluene and propan-2-ol containing a small amount
of water. For the potentiometric analysis, a membrane electrode
containing a saturated lithium chloride solution in ethanol was
used. Titrations were performed with a previously standardized
solution of potassium hydroxide at 0.1 moL L1 in alcoholic med-
ium [30]. The TAN reduction efciency for the evaluated oil sam-
ples was calculated according to Eq. (1).

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of the steel slag catalyst, obtained with magnication of
1800 (a) and 3000 (b), and the corresponding EDX spectrum (c). Fig. 3. XRD pattern of the steel slag catalyst.
116 H.P. Dias et al. / Fuel 158 (2015) 113121

Table 1
Physicochemical characterization (TAN and total sulfur) of the An and Bn samples.

Parameters Samples Bn Samples An

Temperature (C) Time (h) TAN (mg KOH g ) Sulfur (wt.%) % Reduction TAN (mg KOH g1) Sulfur (wt.%) % Reduction
Original oil 0 4.79 1.02 4.79 1.02
300 2 B1 4.73 1.01 1.26 A1 3.90 0.98 17.6
4 B2 4.59 1.00 4.18 A2 3.94 0.95 14.2
6 B3 4.06 1.00 15.3 A3 3.50 0.95 13.8
350 2 B4 3.35 0.94 30.1 A4 1.89 0.94 43.6
4 B5 4.23 0.98 11.7 A5 2.94 0.91 30.5
6 B6 0.44 0.96 90.8 A6

Fig. 4. ESI()FT-ICR mass spectra for original oil and samples A15 submitted to catalytic treatment.

TANreduction% TANoriginal oil  TANaged oil =TANoriginal oil  100 accumulation time in the hexapole was 0.03 s, followed by trans-
1 port to the analyzer cell (ICR) through the multipole ion guide sys-
tem (another hexapole). Each spectrum was acquired by
The total sulfur content (S) of the oil samples was determined
accumulating 200 scans of time-domain transient signals in 4
according to the method described in the ASTM D4294 standard
mega-point time-domain data sets. The front and back trapping
using an energy dispersive X-ray uorescence spectrometer
voltages in the ICR cell were 0.60 V and 0.65 V. All mass spectra
SLFA-2800, Horiba Scientic (New Jersey, USA). Initially, the cali-
were externally calibrated using a NaTFA solution (m/z from 200 to
bration curves were plotted and parameters such as linearity and
1200) followed by internal recalibration using a set of the most
detection limits were obtained. The measuring time was 100 s
abundant homologous alkylated compounds for each sample. A
[31]. The total sulfur contents of samples A15 and B16 were mea-
resolving power of m/Dm50% 550,000, in which Dm50% is the full
sured in triplicate.
peak width at half-maximum peak height, for m/z = 400 and a mass
2.5. ESI()FT-ICR MS accuracy of <1 ppm provided the unambiguous molecular formula
assignments for singly charged molecular ions.
The An samples were analyzed using ESI(). Briey, all samples The mass spectra were acquired and processed using a custom
were diluted to 1 mg mL1 in 50:50 (v/v) toluene/methanol, algorithm developed specically for petroleum data processing,
which contained 0.1% w/v of NH4OH. The obtained solution was Composer software (version 1.0.2, Sierra Analytics, Pasadena, CA,
directly infused at a ow rate of 8 ll min1 into the ESI source. USA). The MS data were processed, and the elemental composi-
The mass spectrometer (model 9.4 T Solarix, Bruker Daltonics, tions of the compounds were determined by measuring the m/z
Bremen, Germany) [29,30,3234] was set to operate over a mass values. For each elemental composition, CcHhNnOoSs, the heteroa-
range of m/z 2001300. The ESI() source conditions were as fol- tom class, the type, and the carbon number, CN, were tabulated
lows: a nebulizer gas pressure of 3 bar, a capillary voltage of to generate the class diagrams, the DBE versus CN plots, and the
3 kV, and a transfer capillary temperature of 250 C. The ion DBE versus intensity histogram.
H.P. Dias et al. / Fuel 158 (2015) 113121 117

Fig. 5. ESI()FT-ICR mass spectra for crude oil and degraded samples doped with stearic acid.

For the CN versus DBE plot, DBE was the number of rings added
to the number of double bonds in each molecular structure. The
aromaticity of a petroleum component can be deduced directly
from its DBE value according to Eq. (2):
DBE c  h=2 n=2 1 2
where c, h, and n are the numbers of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
atoms, respectively, in the molecular formula.

3. Results

The catalyst microstructure was characterized by SEM/EDX,

providing information about the material morphological aspects
and its local chemical composition. The SEM images, Fig. 2a and
b, evidenced a homogeneous structure within the length scale of
observation, indicating that the phases are nely mixed and inti-
Fig. 6. Class distribution for heteroatomic compounds present in the original oil
mately dispersed. Some irregularities are observed at the surface
and in the products obtained by catalytic degradation. of the catalyst particles; according to the results reported by
Leofantia et al.[35], these irregularities usually lead to an increase
in the surface area, contributing to a more efcient catalytic decar-
boxylation process. For the catalyst, a specic surface area of
18 m2 g1 was determined by N2 adsorption. The EDX spectrum
(shown in Fig. 2c) reveals the presence of Ca, Si, O, Fe, Mg, Al and
Fig. 3 shows the XRD pattern obtained for the steel slag, from
which it was possible to identify the diffraction peaks associated
with the following crystalline phases: magnetite (Fe3O4), alumina
(Al2O3), calcite (CaCO3), silica (SiO2, as quartz), magnesia (MgO)
and manganese oxide (Mn3O4), corroborating the EDX data,
Fig. 2c. These phases present distinct degrees of crystallinity, as
indicated by the variation in the linewidths among the several
detected peaks. The SiO2 phase is the one with the narrowest
diffraction peak, pointing to a relatively large average crystallite
size. Note also that the diffraction peaks are fully dened for
SiO2, CaCO3 and MgO phases. However, for some phases (such as
Fe3O4 and Mn3O4) there is an important overlap of the diffraction
peaks due to the proximity between the corresponding interplanar
spacings, making difcult an unambiguous assignment of these
peaks. Although XRD is a semi-quantitative method, the chemical
Fig. 7. DBE versus intensity histogram for O2 class of original oil and samples A15. composition of the identied crystalline phases showed that
118 H.P. Dias et al. / Fuel 158 (2015) 113121

Fig. 8. DBE versus CN plots for O2, N and NO2 classes for original oil and its degradation products (samples A1A5) submitted to catalytic degradation at 300 C during 2, 4 and
6 h.

approximately 25 wt% of the material is composed of SiO2, fol- TAN and the total sulfur content is 4.79 mg KOH g1 and
lowed by 19 wt% of MgO. 1.02 wt%, respectively. Submitting the original oil to thermal
The physicochemical characterization (TAN and total sulfur degradation process without catalyst (samples Bn), the highest
content) of the original oil and its degradation products (An and TAN reduction was observed at 350 C, reaching a maximum ef-
Bn samples) is shown in Table 1. For the original oil sample, the ciency at 6 h of aging (sample B6, with 91% TAN reduction). A
H.P. Dias et al. / Fuel 158 (2015) 113121 119

Fig. 9. DBE versus CN plots for O2, N and NO2 classes for original oil and its degradation products (samples A1A5) submitted to catalytic degradation at 350 C during 2, 4 and
6 h.

similar result has been reported by Dias et al. [36]. On the other producing magnesium naphthenates, Mg(RCOO)2, and water.
hand, adding the steel slag catalyst to the system, a highest ef- Also, it can react with CO2 produced from thermal decarboxylation
ciency TAN reduction was observed, reaching an optimum condi- process, Eq. (5), leading MgCO3 and thus shifting the equilibrium of
tion at 350 C and 2 h of aging (sample A4), Table 1. Opposing to Eq. (4) for the decarboxylation reaction that produces CO2 [12]. It is
naphthenic acids, sulfur compounds are more stable and a maxi- expected that the CaCO3 do not contribute to thermo-catalytic
mum reduction of only 8.48% was observed (from 1.02 (original naphthenic decarboxylation due to its higher thermal stability
oil) to 0.91 wt% (sample A5)), Table 1. when compared, for instance, to MgCO3.
Aged An samples reached higher TAN reduction compared with
their referred Bn samples. This phenomenon can be explained by MgO
the presence of basic oxides such as MgO in the catalyst chemical 2RCOOH ! MgRCOO2 H2 O 3
composition. Zhang et al. [37] described multiple roles of MgO dur-
ing decarboxylation process of crude oil, such as its ability to MgO
adsorb acid compounds via acid-base neutralization and promote RCOOH ! RH CO2 4
decarboxylation and hydrocarbon cracking. As the steel slag used
here is composed mainly by MgO, we explain the TAN reduction
describing some reactions that may occur considering the MgO MgO CO2 ! MgCO3 5
as the main constituent. The MgO is not solely responsible for cat- Fig. 4 shows the ESI()-FT-ICR mass spectra for the original oil
alytic action, but the synergism between the various species and the samples submitted to catalytic degradation, An, at 300 and
founded on the steel slag provides the catalytic ability observed 350 C. In general, ESI()-FT-ICR MS have proles of m/z ranges
on this system. In Eq. (3), MgO reacts with the carboxylic acid from 200 up to 1200 with Mw centered at 440 Da for the original
groups of naphthenic compounds, via acid-base reaction, oil (Fig. 4a) and 450470 Da for the degraded oils (from sample A1
120 H.P. Dias et al. / Fuel 158 (2015) 113121

to sample A5, Fig. 4bf). The main heteroatomic compounds Acknowledgments

detected as deprotonated molecules, or [MH] ions, correspond
to naphthenic acids and pyrrole analogues. This research was generously funded by PETROBRAS/CENPES,
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