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Raft Activity for the Eucharist

Role Audience Format Topic Groups

You A non-religious friend Email Your friend has asked you what Mass and the Eucharist means. Individual
who doesnt attend

One of People in the present Letter A letter describing what it was like at the Last Supper and what they thought Jesus Individual
Jesuss day. meant when He broke the bread and drank the wine.

Teacher Student with low Poster or An artistic representation of the Eucharist showing the meaning of the Mass. You will Individual or pairs
levels of reading infographic need to include a paragraph on the bottom explaining your poster or infographic.

Priest Aliens Brochure The Aliens are wondering about the Eucharist. Make a brochure the Aliens can take Individual or pairs
explaining the Eucharist. Include the symbols of the Eucharist and what they mean.

You Jesus Thankyou Write a thankyou prayer to Jesus as if you had just received the Eucharist. Explain its Individual
prayer impact and significance for you.

Butterfly Caterpillar A comic strip How the transformation of caterpillar to butterfly is like the Sacrament of the Individual or pairs

Architect Church Design for a You need to design a mural for the church wall representing the Eucharist and Individual or pairs
mural conveying the meaning. Write a small paragraph to explain your image.

Presenter To the Class Tableau Create a Tableau to perform in front of the class showing the Eucharist. You will need Small Group (no
to work in groups for this activity and can use the symbols from the front of the room more than 4).
as props. You will need to explain to the class at the end about your Tableau, what
the symbols represented and what the Eucharist means and its importance.

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