Workplace Safety Trainer, CertifyMe - Net, Issues Statement of Concern For Harvey Victims and Shares Essential Flood Safety Tips

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Workplace Safety Trainer, CertifyMe.

net, Issues Statement of Concern for

Harvey Victims and Shares Essential Flood Safety Tips

Phoenix, AZ, September 11, 2017 --( Following the devastating flooding in southeast Texas
and Louisiana, the safety experts at have put together flood safety resources for those
affected by Hurricane Harvey. In the midst of widespread home and building loss, storm victims don't
have to lose their lives or the lives of their loved ones, by understanding the top hazards to look out for
and how to respond to the flooding safely.

As close followers of current Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, follows OSHA guidelines for accident prevention in the workplace and natural disasters
very carefully. They want nothing more than to stop additional preventable injuries and deaths from
happening as a result of hurricane Harvey, and they encourage those affected to educate themselves on
proper flood safety.

Here are two very important resources to read that outline the safest steps for dealing with a flood

1. OSHA's steps for responding to and recovering from a flood -

2. OSHA's guidelines for preparing for flood devastation and future floods - CEO and owner, Tom Wilkerson, says, My heart goes out to all those affected by the
catastrophic storms and flooding in southeast Texas. It's so hard to imagine losing a home, pet, or loved
one, but my mission is to help Harvey victims prevent more loss from happening with the most important
flood safety precautions and guidelines. I strongly encourage all flood victims to read through these
resources from OSHA on how to respond to and prepare for floods so they can safely and effectively get
the care they need, respond to damage, and begin to piece their lives back together.

In addition to reading the above articles from OSHA to stay safe, encourages everyone to
read this blog with more information on how to respond to flooding.

About is an online provider of safety courses and certifications for forklift workers and
employers, and other industries. As one of the only online resources for OSHA-compliant training
programs,'s mission is to help make the workplace safer and to reduce the number of
accidents that plague workplaces everyday. In addition to forklift training, also offers
affordable and flexible OSHA certifications to keep everyone safe on worksites and in natural disasters.

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