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Siebel Systems, Inc., 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Mateo, CA 94404
Copyright 2000 Siebel Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 2000
Printed in the United States of America

No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way, including
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The full text search capabilities of Siebel eBusiness Applications include technology used under license from
Fulcrum Technologies, Inc. and are the copyright of Fulcrum Technologies, Inc. and/or its licensors.

Siebel, the Siebel logo, TrickleSync, TSQ, Universal Agent, and other Siebel product names referenced herein
are trademarks of Siebel Systems, Inc., and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

All other product names, marks, logos, and symbols may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
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U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Programs, Ancillary Programs and Documentation, delivered
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software as set forth in DFARS 227.7202, Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software
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Government shall be subject to the applicable Siebel license agreement and the restrictions contained in
subsection (c) of FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June 1987), or
FAR 52.227-14, Rights in DataGeneral, including Alternate III (June 1987), as applicable. Contractor/licensor
is Siebel Systems, Inc., 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Mateo, CA 94404.

Proprietary Information
Siebel Systems, Inc. considers information included in this documentation and
in Siebel Online Help to be Confidential Information. Your access to and use of
this Confidential Information are subject to the terms and conditions of: (1) the
applicable Siebel Systems software license agreement, which has been executed
and with which you agree to comply; and (2) the proprietary and restricted
rights notices included in this documentation.
Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and
Supported Platforms


Chapter 1. Supported Client Platforms

About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Supported Client Deployment Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Client Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Supported Client Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Required Client Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Client Network Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

Chapter 2. Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Platforms

About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Siebel Enterprise Server Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Required Siebel Enterprise Server Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Siebel Enterprise Server Network Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Chapter 3. Supported Database Server Platforms

About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Supported Relational Database Management Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Database Server Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Siebel eBusiness Data Warehouse Server and Sizing Requirements . . . . . 3-3
Siebel eIntelligence Analysis Server Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms iii

Chapter 4. Other Supported Platforms

About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Web Server Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Supported CTI Middleware and Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Siebel File System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Appendix A. Ancillary Programs and Supported Software

About This Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Supported Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Ancillary Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Apache Xerces-C XML Parser License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10

iv Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3

Supported Client Platforms 1
About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Supported Client Deployment Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Client Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Supported Client Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

Required Client Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

Client Network Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 1-1
Supported Client Platforms
About This Chapter

About This Chapter 1

This chapter describes the hardware and software platform requirements for the
Siebel eCommunications client and the Siebel Tools client. Required software are
those products (operating systems, web browsers, and database connectivity
software) that must be installed separately by the user on the client machine in
order to achieve basic Siebel functionality. A comprehensive list of all ancillary and
supported third-party software may be found in the Appendix.

Supported Client Deployment Options 1

Siebel users can access Siebel eCommunications through a number of different

client types (deployment options). Client deployment options differ by the amount
and type of software installed on the client machine, the application functionality
available to the user, and the network requirements.

The following client deployment options are supported in this release of Siebel

 Dedicated clients that connect directly to the Siebel Database Server, Siebel
Marketing Datamart, and Siebel Enterprise Server over a network.

 Dedicated clients that operate as mobile users with a local database. Periodically
these users will connect to the Siebel Enterprise Server over a network in order
to synchronize changes with the Siebel Database Server.

 Siebel Thin Client for Windows, which connects directly to the Siebel Enterprise
Server that accesses the Siebel Database Server on its behalf.

 Siebel HTML Thin Client, which operates within a Web browser and connects to
a Web server that in turn accesses the Siebel Enterprise Server and Database

 WML Thin Clients operating within a wireless web browser, connecting to a web
server that, in turn, accesses the Siebel Enterprise Server and Database Server.

1-2 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Supported Client Platforms
Client Hardware Requirements

Client Hardware Requirements 1

Table 1-1 lists the minimum client hardware specifications for the Siebel client
options. While Siebel Systems has tested for acceptable performance on these
hardware configurations, they should be considered absolute minimum
requirements for deploying Siebel eCommunications. The use of faster processors
and additional memory is highly recommended for even better performance,
particularly in environments where users run multiple applications simultaneously.

Table 1-1. Minimum Client Hardware Requirements

Client Type Minimum Hardware Requirements

Siebel Dedicated Client operating in Connected Mode Intel-compatible PC with 266 MHz CPU. 48 MB of
RAM for Win 95, 98, or 2000; 64 MB for Windows NT

Siebel Dedicated Client operating in Remote Mode Intel-compatible PC with 266 MHz CPU. 64 MB of
RAM for Win 95, 98, or 2000; 80 MB for Windows NT

Siebel Thin Client for Windows Intel-compatible PC with 133 MHz CPU. 32 MB of
RAM for Win 95, 98, or 2000; 48 MB for Windows NT

Siebel HTML Thin Client Intel, Apple, or UNIX-compatible PC supporting one

of the Web browsers listed in Table 1-3 on page 1-5.
133 MHz (or equivalent) CPU, 24 MB of RAM.

Siebel Tools Client Intel-compatible PC with 266 MHz CPU and 128 MB
of RAM.

Siebel WML Thin Client Wireless-enabled client device with a WAP 1.0
browser or above.

Users are responsible for making sure that client hardware is certified to operate
with the supported client operating systems listed in Table 1-2 on page 1-4.

For end users, the Siebel Dedicated Client and Siebel Thin Client for Windows
require a minimum screen resolution of 800x600. Administration views in the Siebel
Dedicated Client, as well as Siebel Tools, require a minimum screen resolution of
1024x768 for proper display.

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 1-3
Supported Client Platforms
Supported Client Operating Systems

Supported Client Operating Systems 1

The supported client operating systems are listed in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2. Supported Client Operating Systems

Client Type Operating System

Siebel Dedicated Client Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2; Windows 98 SE; Windows NT Workstation
4.0 running Service Pack 4, 5, or 6a; Windows 2000.

Siebel Thin Client for Windows Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2: Windows 98SE; Windows NT Workstation
4.0 running Service Pack 4, 5, or 6a; Windows 2000.

Siebel HTML Thin Client Any operating system that supports one of the browser versions listed in
Table 1-3 on page 1-5.

Siebel Tools Client Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2; Windows 98; Windows NT Workstation 4.0
running Service Pack 5 or 6a; Windows 2000.

Siebel Java Data Bean Windows NT Server Operating System 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6, Solaris
2.6, AIX 4.3.3.

1-4 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Supported Client Platforms
Required Client Software

Required Client Software 1

Table 1-3 lists the third-party software products that must be installed on the
various Siebel client machines. Except as noted, these products are not provided by
Siebel Systems, and must be obtained by the customer. All components must be
installed prior to the installation of Siebel eCommunications.

Table 1-3. Siebel Client and Siebel Tools Required Software

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module

IBM DB2 CAE 6.1 with Required on Siebel Dedicated Client and Siebel
FixPak 3sa** Tools clients for DB2 UDB for UNIX and
Windows NT deployments.

IBM DB2 Connect PE 6.1 with Required on Siebel Dedicated Client and Siebel
FixPak 3sa** Tools clients for DB2 UDB for OS/390
deployments where the DB2 CAE/DB2 Connect
EE combination described above is not used.

Microsoft Access and Text ODBC Drivers* 3.5 or higher Required on Siebel Dedicated Client.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01, 5.01 Supported Web browser for Siebel Thin Client
for Windows and Siebel HTML Thin Client.
Version 5.01 must be installed on Siebel Tools
Clients for .COM Applications configuration.

Netscape Communicator 4.6, 4.7 Supported Web browser for Siebel Thin Client
for Windows and Siebel HTML Thin Client.

Oracle Net8 Client 8.1.6 Required on Siebel dedicated client and Siebel
Tools client for Oracle deployments.

Sun Java Development Kit 1.7b Required in order to develop and deploy
applications using the Siebel Data Bean on
Windows NT and Solaris.

IBM Java Development Kit 1.18 Required in order to develop and deploy
applications using the Siebel Data Bean on AIX.
* Siebel Systems provides Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1.1 in the \thirdparty\enu\odbc subdirectory
of both the Client Programs and Windows Server Programs CD-ROMs. This single installer contains the
Access, and Text drivers.
** FixPak 3sa must be installed on the IBM DB2 database server and on all CAE 6.1 clients. The FixPak can
be found at

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 1-5
Supported Client Platforms
Client Network Requirements

Client Network Requirements 1

Siebel clients operating directly against the server database require a LAN or WAN
connection to the Siebel Database Server and the Siebel File System. The network
protocol used must be supported by the server database and the Siebel File System

Siebel clients that use interactive components on the Siebel Enterprise Server
require TCP/IP connectivity to the Siebel Enterprise Server. These clients include:

 Siebel Server Manager

 Siebel Assignment Manager
 Siebel Request Manager
Siebel Thin Client and Siebel Remote clients also require TCP/IP connectivity to the
Siebel Enterprise Server.

For some thin client deployments, Siebel traffic can be tunneled through HTTP. If
connectivity is achieved by dial-in, a 28.8 kbps or faster modem is required.

1-6 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Platforms 2
About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

Siebel Enterprise Server Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Required Siebel Enterprise Server Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Siebel Enterprise Server Network Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 2-1
Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Platforms
About This Chapter

About This Chapter 2

This chapter describes the hardware and software platform requirements for the
middle-tier Siebel Enterprise Server. A comprehensive list of all ancillary and
supported third-party software may be found in the Appendix.

Siebel Enterprise Server Hardware Requirements 2

The minimum hardware configuration for Siebel Enterprise Server consists of the

 Windows NT. An Intel-compatible machine with a fast Pentium Pro or Xeon

processor and 256 MB of RAM.

 Solaris. A machine with 256 MB of RAM running on UltraSPARC processors

compatible with the V8 plus or later instruction set.

 AIX. A machine with 256 MB of RAM running on IBM PowerPC or compatible


These are the minimum requirements to complete the installation of Siebel


The number of servers and the CPU and memory resources required for operation
of Siebel eCommunications will increase with the number and types of users and
Siebel modules deployed. Siebel Enterprise Server components fully exploit faster
CPUs and more memory. More powerful application servers, with four or more
Xeon-class processors and 2-4 GB RAM or more are highly recommended,
particularly for interactive components such as the Application Object Manager or
Siebel Remote.

Approximately 150 MB of disk space is required on each application server for

installation of the Siebel Enterprise Server software. In addition, servers operating
the Siebel Remote components require 15 MB of usable disk space for each mobile
user. A RAID level 1 or 5, or a comparable high-availability disk configuration,
including redundant RAID controllers, is strongly recommended for all Siebel
Enterprise Server machines, and is critical for those operating Siebel Remote

2-2 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Platforms
Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Operating Systems

Users are responsible for making sure that Siebel Enterprise Server hardware is
certified to operate with the supported server operating systems listed in Supported
Siebel Enterprise Server Operating Systems on page 2-3.

The Siebel Enterprise Server architecture is expressly designed to scale across

multiple application servers to meet the needs of large, complex deployments.
Siebel Worldwide Services can provide further assistance in capacity planning and
sizing hardware platforms for the Siebel Enterprise Server.

Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Operating Systems 2

The operating system environments specified below are supported for the Siebel
Enterprise Server.

 Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6a

 Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 5 or 6a
 IBM AIX 4.3.3
 Sun Solaris 2.6

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 2-3
Supported Siebel Enterprise Server Platforms
Required Siebel Enterprise Server Software

Required Siebel Enterprise Server Software 2

Table 2-1 lists the database connectivity software that must be installed on each
application server within the Siebel Enterprise Server. Unless otherwise noted, these
products are not provided by Siebel Systems and must be procured by the customer.
Database connectivity software must be installed before the Siebel Enterprise Server
software is installed.

Table 2-1. Required Siebel Enterprise Server Software

Vendor and Product Version Notes

IBM DB2 CAE 6.1 with FixPak 3sa* Required for DB2 UDB for Windows NT deployments.

IBM DB2 Connect PE 6.1 with FixPak 3sa* Required for DB2 UDB for OS/390 deployments where the
DB2 CAE/DB2 Connect EE combination described above is
not used.

Oracle Net8 Client 8.1.6 Required for Oracle deployments.

* FixPak 3sa must be installed on the IBM DB2 database server and on all CAE 6.1 clients. The FixPak can
be found at

Siebel Enterprise Server Network Requirements 2

Siebel Enterprise Server machines require a LAN connection to the Siebel Database
Server. A Fast Ethernet, FDDI, or other high-speed, high-bandwidth LAN connection
is highly recommended.

Siebel Enterprise Server machines must also support TCP/IP connectivity to Siebel
Remote, Siebel Thin Client, and Siebel dedicated client users using interactive

2-4 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Supported Database Server Platforms 3
About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

Supported Relational Database Management Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

Database Server Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

Siebel eBusiness Data Warehouse Server and Sizing Requirements . . . . . 3-3

Siebel eIntelligence Analysis Server Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 3-1
Supported Database Server Platforms
About This Chapter

About This Chapter 3

This chapter describes the hardware and software platform requirements for the
Database Server. A comprehensive list of ancillary and supported third-party
software may be found in Appendix A, Ancillary Programs and Supported

Supported Relational Database Management Systems 3

The Siebel Database Server supports the relational database management systems
listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Supported Relational Database Management Systems

Vendor and Product Version Notes

IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise 6.1 with FixPak 3sa* Windows NT 4.0 with SP5
Edition for UNIX and Windows NT

IBM DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for 6.0 with RML for The Required Maintenance Level for
OS/390 Siebel DB2/390 running Siebel eBusiness
applications is documented in the
Information APAR ii12343. DB2/390
must be brought to the level of
maintenance specified in this APAR
in order to successfully run Siebel
eBusiness Applications with
DB2/390. Supported on OS/390 only.

Oracle 8i Enterprise Server 8.1.6 Supported on all available platforms.

* FixPak 3sa must be installed on the IBM DB2 database server and on all CAE 6.1 clients. The FixPak can
be found at

3-2 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Supported Database Server Platforms
Database Server Hardware Requirements

Database Server Hardware Requirements 3

Database servers must be sized appropriately for the number of users and Siebel
components supported. Hardware and database vendors and Siebel Worldwide
Services can provide assistance with database server sizing and capacity planning.

Siebel eBusiness Data Warehouse Server and Sizing

Requirements 3

Siebel eBusiness Analytics requires an eBusiness Data Warehouse Server

(Informatica's PowerCenter) to create the Data Warehouse tables. The certified
operating system for the eBusiness Data Warehouse Server is Windows NT 4.0. The
minimum hardware configuration is a 4 CPU Pentium III 500mhz server with at
least one GB of RAM.

The eBusiness Data Warehouse Server can reside in either Oracle or IBM UDB (NT
or UNIX). The type of database server must be sized according to the number of
users and size of the data warehouse. System integrators, hardware vendors and
database vendors with Siebel Global Services can provide assistance with data
warehouse sizing and capacity planning.

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 3-3
Supported Database Server Platforms
Siebel eIntelligence Analysis Server Requirements

Siebel eIntelligence Analysis Server Requirements 3

The Analysis Server (Business Objects Web Intelligence Server) is a high

performance reporting and analysis server that is used to provide reports to the
Siebel eIntelligence Client. It requires a minimum of:

 Any IBM-compatible machine with a Pentium 200 processor or faster

 At least 128 MB of RAM, 256 MB recommended
 A hard disk with at least 150 MB of free space
 A CD-ROM drive
 Microsoft IIS V4.0
 Microsoft NT 4.0 Server (Service Pack 5 or 6a)

3-4 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Other Supported Platforms 4
About This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Web Server Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Supported CTI Middleware and Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

Siebel File System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 4-1
Other Supported Platforms
About This Chapter

About This Chapter 4

This chapter describes the hardware and software platform requirements for the
Web server, CTI middleware and switch combinations, and the Siebel File System.
A comprehensive list of ancillary and supported third-party software may be found
in the Appendix.

Web Server Requirements 4

The Siebel .COM applications and HTML Thin Client support the Web server
platform listed in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Web Server Requirements

Web Server Application Server Hardware and Operating System

Microsoft IIS 4.0 Windows NT 4.0 Intel-compatible hardware running on

Windows NT Server 4.0 w/SP 4, 5, or 6a

iPlanet 4.1 Solaris 2.6 Sun SPARC-compatible hardware running

on Sun Solaris 2.6

IBM HTTP Server 1.3.12 AIX 4.3.3 IBM RS/6000 hardware running on IBM
AIX 4.3.3

NOTE: To support the HTML email capabilities of eMarketing via the Siebel
Communications Server, the Siebel Enterprise Server must run on the same
machine as the Microsoft SMTP service from Microsoft IIS 4.0

4-2 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Other Supported Platforms
Supported CTI Middleware and Switches

Supported CTI Middleware and Switches 4

The Siebel application supports the combinations of CTI (computer telephony

integration) middleware and switches listed in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2. Supported CTI Middleware and Switch Combinations (1 of 2)

Middleware Vendor Middleware Server Middleware Client Telephony Switch

Siebel Systems, Inc. Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Lucent DEFINITY
Dialogic CT-Connect 4.0 and Dialogic CT-Connect API 4.0 G3 V6i
Call Information Manager 2.0 and Call Information
Manager API 2.0

Siebel Systems, Inc. Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Nortel Meridian 1
Dialogic CT-Connect 4.0 and Dialogic CT-Connect API 4.0 V24.42
Call Information Manager 2.0 and Call Information
Manager API 2.0

Siebel Systems, Inc. Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Siemens HICOM
Dialogic CT-Connect 4.0 and Dialogic CT-Connect 4.0 and 300E 6.4
Call Information Manager 2.0 Call Information Manager
API 2.0

Siebel Systems, Inc. Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Siebel CTI Connect utilizes Siemens HICOM
Dialogic CT-Connect 4.0 and Dialogic CT-Connect API 4.0 300E 6.4
Call Information Manager 2.0 and Call Information
Manager API 2.0

Genesys Genesys T-Server 5.0 Genesys InterActive-T OLE Lucent DEFINITY

Telecommunications Automation and COM Toolkit G3 V6i
Laboratories, Inc. 5.0.107

Genesys Genesys T-Server 5.0 Genesys InterActive-T OLE Nortel Meridian 1

Telecommunications Automation and V22.42
Laboratories, Inc. COM Toolkit 5.0.107

Genesys Genesys T-Server 5.1 Genesys Desktop Toolkit Aspect ACD

Telecommunications 5.1.004 OLE/COM Interface System 7.0.2
Laboratories, Inc.

Genesys Genesys T-Server 5.1 Genesys Desktop Toolkit Lucent DEFINITY

Telecommunications 5.1.004 OLE/COM Interface G3 V6i
Laboratories, Inc.

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 4-3
Other Supported Platforms
Supported CTI Middleware and Switches

Table 4-2. Supported CTI Middleware and Switch Combinations (2 of 2)

Middleware Vendor Middleware Server Middleware Client Telephony Switch

Genesys Genesys T-Server 5.1 Genesys Desktop Toolkit Nortel Meridian 1

Telecommunications 5.1.004 OLE/COM Interface V22.42
Laboratories, Inc.

Genesys Genesys T-Server 5.1 Genesys Desktop Toolkit Rockwell

Telecommunications 5.1.004 OLE/COM Interface Spectrum 6.01.0c
Laboratories, Inc.

Genesys Genesys T-Server 5.1 Genesys Desktop Toolkit Siemens HICOM

Telecommunications 5.1.004 OLE/COM Interface 300E 6.5B
Laboratories, Inc.

NOTE: The Siebel CTI Connect server is supported on Windows NT 4.0. Siebel CTI
is supported on the dedicated client and on the Siebel Thin Client for Windows
running Internet Explorer 4.01 or 5.01, or Netscape Communicator 4.6 or 4.7. The
Siebel CTI Connect clients are supported on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, and
Windows NT 4.0.

4-4 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Other Supported Platforms
Siebel File System Requirements

Siebel File System Requirements 4

The Siebel File System is a network shared directory structure used for storing the
file attachments and literature within Siebel eCommunications.

The Siebel File System can be deployed on any operating system that supports long
filenames and case-sensitive filenames.

The Siebel File System must be accessible by Siebel Enterprise Servers and Siebel
dedicated clients within the network as a shared or locally mounted drive.

NOTE: Siebel Thin Clients do not need direct access to this File System since they
access it through the Application Object Manager for the given Siebel
eCommunications application.

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms 4-5
Other Supported Platforms
Siebel File System Requirements

4-6 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software A
About This Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

Supported Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

Ancillary Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6

Apache Xerces-C XML Parser License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms A-1
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
About This Appendix

About This Appendix A

This appendix provides a comprehensive listing of software developed by

third-party vendors that is embedded in, distributed with, or supported by Siebel

Supported Software A

Siebel eCommunications supports the third-party software products listed in

Table A-1. These products must be obtained directly from their respective vendors,
and may be required by certain Siebel eCommunications modules.

Table A-1. Supported Software (1 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Function

Alcom Corporation LanFax NT 5.5 or 6.0 Siebel Fax Enterprise fax server
providing desktop faxing

CyberSource Developer kit (CDK) Siebel eSales Credit card authorization.
for C/Perl

Dun & Bradstreet Worldbase Siebel D&B Integration Database of public and
Solution private company profiles.

Firstlogic Corp. ACE Library 6.30a Siebel Data Quality, Address cleansing.
Siebel List Management

Firstlogic Corp. Match Library 5.40a Siebel Data Quality Name cleansing.

Firstlogic Corp. TrueName Library 2.34a Siebel Data Quality, Duplicate data
Siebel List Management identification.

IBM MQ Series 5.1 Siebel System Software Provides middleware

(MQ Series Adapter) messaging and connectivity.

IBM MQ Series Application 1.1.1 Siebel System Software Allows customers to define
Messaging Interface* (MQ Series Adapter) integration solutions using
IBM MQ Series without
installing the IBM MQ Series
server on the Siebel
Enterprise Server.

A-2 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Supported Software

Table A-1. Supported Software (2 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Function

IBM SecureWay 3.1 Multiple LDAP support.

IBM WebSphere Commerce Suite 4.1 Siebel System Software eCommerce development
Pro for NT** package that allows users to
develop, deploy, and
manage eCommerce

IONA Orbix C++ 3.0.1 Siebel CORBA Object Allows users to write
Manager CORBA client applications
to communicate to the
Siebel CORBA Object

Lotus Notes 5.0 Siebel Email Integration Allows end users to send
email from the Siebel

Lotus WordPro for Windows 9.5 Siebel Office, Siebel Allows users to send
Proposals, Siebel correspondence and
eCorrespondence generate proposals in
WordPro format directly
from the Siebel application.

Microsoft Outlook 97, 98, Siebel Email Integration, Allows end users to
2000 Siebel Sync synchronize calendar and
contact information and to
send email from the Siebel

Microsoft PowerPoint 97, 2000 Siebel Presentations Allows end users to

generate Microsoft
PowerPoint presentations
directly from the Siebel

Microsoft Project 98 Siebel Project Planning Allows end users to

synchronize project data
between the Siebel
application and Microsoft

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms A-3
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Supported Software

Table A-1. Supported Software (3 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Function

Microsoft Word for Windows 97, 2000 Siebel Office, Siebel Allows end users to
Proposals, Siebel generate proposals and
eCorrespondence correspondence in
Microsoft Word directly
from the Siebel application.

Omtool, Ltd Fax Sr. for Windows NT 2.5 or 3.0 Siebel Fax Enterprise fax server
providing desktop faxing

Palm Various Siebel Sync Allows end users to

synchronize calendar and
contact information.

RightFAX, Inc. RightFAX Enterprise 6.0 or 7.0 Siebel Fax Enterprise fax server that
allows desktop faxing.

SAP 3.1H Siebel eBusiness SAP Wizard, IDOC Receiver,

Connector for SAP R/3 IDOC Adapter, BAPI
Adapter, and pre-configured
dataflows within the

SAP 4.6B Siebel eBusiness SAP Wizard, to enable

Connector for SAP R/3 creation of BAPI and IDOC
Integration Objects from a
SAP R/3 4.6B instance. The
IDOC Receiver and the
IDOC Adapter require use of
the 3X ALE interface. Pre-
configured dataflows are
not supported with any
version other than 3.1H.

Taxware International WorldTax 2.3 (NT Siebel eSales, Siebel Provides sales tax
System and eChannel calculation for U.S. and
Solaris) Canada.
2.4 (AIX)

A-4 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Supported Software

Table A-1. Supported Software (4 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Function

Taxware International Sales/Use Tax 3.1 (NT Siebel eSales, Siebel Provides sales tax
System and eChannel calculation for Europe, Asia
Solaris) Pacific, and South America.
3.2 (AIX)

* Software is available at

** Requires Siebel Integration Kit, available at
servers/downloads.html. For more information, see the Siebel eBusiness Connector for IBM WebSphere
Commerce Suite (WCS) Guide, located at c:\<root>\eaiconn\WCS\WCSConnector.pdf in your Siebel client

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms A-5
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Ancillary Programs

Ancillary Programs A

Ancillary programs (Table A-2) are provided with your Siebel eCommunications
through agreements with their respective vendors. The use of all ancillary programs
is governed by the terms of the Software License and Services Agreement (SLSA)
between your company and Siebel Systems.

Instructions for installing ancillary programs are provided in the Siebel Server
Installation Guide and in the installation guides for the Siebel eCommunications

Ancillary programs are embedded in the Siebel eCommunications source code, are
distributed as object code on the Siebel media and require separate installation, or
offer third-party content viewable within Siebel eCommunications. Your Siebel
eCommunications software may include some or all of the ancillary programs listed
in Table A-2.

Table A-2. Ancillary Programs (1 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Description

Actuate Administrator 4.1 Siebel Reports Server Distributed. Used for server-based
Desktop reporting.

Actuate Developer 4.1 Siebel Tools Distributed. Used for developing

Workbench Siebel Reports.

Actuate e.Reporting Server, 4.1 Siebel Reports Server Distributed. Used for server-based
Release 4 reporting.

Actuate e.Reporting 4.1 Siebel Reports Server Distributed. Used for server-based
Suite 4: ReportCast Web reporting.

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 Siebel eCommunications, Distributed. Used for viewing
Siebel Encyclopedia, portable document format (PDF)
Siebel Bookshelf documents.

Apache Xerces-C XML 3.1 Siebel System Software Embedded. Provides XML support.

Business Objects 5.1.1 Siebel Sales Analysis, Distributed. Provides ad hoc query
Siebel Service Analysis, functionality for analysis and
Siebel Marketing Analysis reporting.

ChartFX Multiple Embedded. Provides charting

capabilities on the Siebel Client.

A-6 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Ancillary Programs

Table A-2. Ancillary Programs (2 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Description

Dialogic Call Information 2.0 Siebel CTI Connect Distributed. CTI software providing
Manager API data attachment for telephone calls.

Dialogic CT-Connect API 4.0 Siebel CTI Connect Distributed. CTI middleware
software providing call notification
and call control.

Dun & Bradstreet Siebel eContent Services Content. Database of public and
private company profiles.

Firstlogic Corp. ACE 6.30a Siebel Data Quality Embedded. Administration of

Library configuration files address cleansing.

Firstlogic Corp. Match 5.40a Siebel Data Quality Embedded. Administration of name
Library configuration files cleansing.

Firstlogic Corp. TrueName 2.34a Siebel Data Quality Embedded. Administration of

Library configuration files duplicate data identification.

Fontware 2.0 Siebel Field Service Distributed. Fontware Code 39

barcode fonts in TrueType format
for Windows. Provides barcode
printing support through Actuate.

Fulcrum SearchServer 3.7e Siebel eCommunications Distributed. Used on the Siebel

client to power Siebel Search.

ILog Inc. Solver 4.4 Siebel Configurator Embedded. Used in rules engine.

Informatica Analytical 1.7.2 Siebel Extractor for SAP Distributed. Predefined templates
Business Component that allow extraction of SAP
business components.

Informatica Power Center 1.7.2 Siebel eBusiness Data Distributed. ETL.

Warehouse Server

Informatica Power Connect 1.7.2 Siebel Extractor for Distributed. Extracts data and
for PeopleSoft PeopleSoft metadata for PeopleSoft.

Informatica Power Connect 1.7.2 Siebel Extractor for SAP Distributed. Extracts data and
for SAP metadata for SAP.

Informatica PowerMart 4.72 Siebel eBusiness Data Distributed. ETL.

Warehouse Server

InstallShield Professional 6 6.0 Siebel eCommunications Embedded. Packages Siebel clients

for installation.

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms A-7
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Ancillary Programs

Table A-2. Ancillary Programs (3 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Description

Lexis-Nexis Siebel eContent Services Content. Newswire content with

over 100 sources from national and
regional newspapers and business

Market Guide Siebel eContent Services Content. Database of public

company profiles.

Merant DataDirect Closed 3.6 Siebel Tools, Siebel Embedded. Provides Oracle
ODBC Driver for Oracle Enterprise Server, Siebel database connectivity.

Microsoft Data Access 2.1 Siebel eCommunications, Distributed. Includes ODBC drivers
Components (MDAC) Siebel Marketing, Siebel for Microsoft Access, Text,
Tools Microsoft SQL Server, and ADO

MKS Korn Shell Emulator 6.1 Siebel eCommunications Embedded. Used for Siebel
Database Server Installation and
Upgrade Scripts.

Mystic River SBL 5.3 Siebel Tools Embedded. Siebel VB Scripting


Netscape Directory SDK 4.0 Multiple Embedded. LDAP support.

DLL, header, and library
Netscape Messaging SDK 3.5.1 Communications Server Embedded. SMTP email support

Nombas ScriptEase 4.20 Siebel Tools Embedded. Siebel eScript scripting

Integration Software language.
Developers Kit

PhotoDisc Siebel Employee Portal Embedded. Graphics.

Pixion Inc. PictureTalk 2.5 Siebel Distance Learning Distributed. Provides functionality
Communicator Client required to conduct and attend live
sessions on the Web.

Pixion Inc. PictureTalk 2.5 Siebel Distance Learning Distributed. Provides server-based
Distance Learning Server applications required to host live
with Enhancements training sessions on the Web.

Pixion Inc. PictureTalk Java 2.5 Siebel Distance Learning Distributed. Provides functionality
Accessories required to use audio commands
and the HTML viewer.

A-8 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Ancillary Programs

Table A-2. Ancillary Programs (4 of 4)

Vendor and Product Version Associated Siebel Module Description

Pixion Inc. Web Manager 1.0 Siebel Distance Learning Distributed. Provides functionality
required to host collaboration

PKWare PKZip Multiple Embedded. Provides compression

for files and network

ProtoView Data Table DLL Siebel eBusiness Embedded. Provides interface

Applications controls for Dedicated Client.

Puma Intellisync 2.5 Siebel Sync Embedded. Allows synchronization

of contact and calendar information
between Siebel and personal
information management devices.

Resonate Central Dispatch 3.1 Siebel System Software Distributed. Provides connection

SAP RFC Software 4.6B Siebel eBusiness Connector Embedded. C library providing RFC
Development Kit for SAP R/3 access to SAP.

Sybase SQL Anywhere Siebel Remote, Siebel Tools Embedded. Database engine used
Studio by Siebel Remote clients and for the
demo databases shipped with the
Siebel client and Siebel Tools.

zlib 1.1.3 Multiple Embedded. Compresses file

attachments, Siebel Remote files,
and SISNAPI traffic.

Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms A-9
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Apache Xerces-C XML Parser License Agreement

Apache Xerces-C XML Parser License Agreement A

The license agreement for this third-party software vendor is reprinted below.

This Siebel product includes software developed by the Apache Software

Foundation (, which is subject to the following terms and

The Apache Software License, Version 1.1

Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer.

2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.

3 The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must

include the following acknowledgment: This product includes software
developed by the Apache Software Foundation (
Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and
wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.

4 The names Xerces and Apache Software Foundation must not be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written
permission. For written permission, please contact

5 Products derived from this software may not be called Apache, nor may
Apache appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache
Software Foundation.

A-10 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Apache Xerces-C XML Parser License Agreement



Version 6.3 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms A-11
Ancillary Programs and Supported Software
Apache Xerces-C XML Parser License Agreement

A-12 Siebel eCommunications System Requirements and Supported Platforms Version 6.3

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