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VNU Journal o f Science, Mathematics - Physics 27 (2011) 91-99

Analysis of stress-strain relationship o f titanium dioxide

epoxy composite tube under pressure and thermal load

Tran Quoc Quan"^

i ' \! i' h\ i'rKt\ ()f Finnnccrir)^ a n d echnolci'j^w 4 4 X]tcm Thuv, tarioi. l-cnaiy

R ec eiv e d 21 iV lav2011

A b str a c t. T od ay, titanium d io x id e p article is w id ely u sed in sh ip b u ild in g, p etro leu m industry and
other fields. T h e go a l o f this paper is to stu d y the effec t that titanium d io x id e p a rticles h a v e on the
stress, strain o f co m p o site tub es under p ressure and therm al load . From the ob ta in ed result,
com m ents and su g g e stio n s are g iv e n on the m anufacture and use o f en g in eerin g tubes.
Key ^vords: co m p o site, en g in eerin g tube, titanium d io x id e particle, therm al, pressure

I. Introduction

Additive and reinforced particles arc often used lo increase the abrasion resistant, crack resistant,
fireprooi w aterproof ability and strength o f polym er m aterials [1]. In Vietnam, in the past few years,
com posite material with titanium dioxide particles is widely used m shipbuilding and other indusies
[2,3]. 'fhus, many researches concerning the physio-mechanical role o f titanium dioxide particle in
com posite are carried out. Titanium dioxide/polystyren com posite is studied experim entally in [4]. In
[5], the authors investigate the optical and mechanical properties o f com posite m em brane filled with
titanium dioxide parliclcs. In [6], the engineering m odili OS 3-phase com posite (glass fiber, titanium
dioxide particle, polym er m atrix) are determ ined by experim ent and base on that, a bending analysis
for composite plates used in shipbuilding is done [7].
One o f the m ost com m on com posite structures is engineering tube such as w ater tubes, oil
tu b e s ...[1]* Recently, som e analysis for com posite tubes have been done; in [8], the authurs study the
stress-strain relationship for com posite cylinder under unsteady, axisym m etric, plane tem perature
field. In [9], the inner/outer pressure is taken into account beside the heat ansfer in an analysis for
titanium dioxide/PVC com posite. This p ap ers goal IS to calculate the stress and sain for engineering
tubes made o f titanium dioxide/epoxy com posite under pressure and therm al load with constant
temperature increment.
The composite material IS considered to have periodic structure with small particle volum e ratio.
The particles have the same diam eter and the interaction between particle and m atrix is neglected. By
using the equation o f theory o f therm oelasticity and com posite m aterial, the authur has solved the
stress-strain relationship o f engineering tubes made o f titanium dioxide/epoxy com posite, thereby
clarifying the role o f titanium dioxide particle in improving the com posites mechanical properties.

92 T.Q. Quan / VNU Journal o f Science, M athem atics - Physics 27 (2 0 1 ) 91-99

2. PnH em form ulation

2.7. PO)lem

Ccn;idering a com posite cylinder with inner radius a and outer rad iu s b filled w ith spherical
particles The cilynder is put under inner pressure, outer pressure P 2 and a tem perature increment
A J = ~ T ^ (To IS the initial tem perature). The material IS assumed to be elastic, isotropic and the
interatim between particle and matrix is igriored (all partiles radius are equal). The elastic moduli
and thtrnal coefficient o f the m atrix are Aj, /i,, a , , and those o f the p article are /1 ., ,-,. The

equavi a t properties o f the com posite cilynder are X \ u \ a or K \ \ a .

2.2. Bcsc equations

2.1 i. D eterm ine the com posite's elastic moduli

Th problem o f determ ining the elastic moduli for com posite filled w ith spherical particles is
studiecly several authors [10,11]. n this paper, the result o f V anin-N guyen D inh D ue [12] IS used;

E ^ , (1)
3/r +
^ 1+ 4 0 , 1 ( 3 ^ ) 'j^
( 2)
'\- A G .L ( i K y i' ' l + ( 8 - I O v - ,) / / i


K, + ^G , 8 -IO k ,

H ex = is the particle volum e ratio (TV is the total num ber o f the particles, V is the

volume )f the i-th particle (i 1, 2,. ..,7V), V IS the com posite volum e). / / , /V are the shear
modulisandAT* are the bulk m odulus o f com posite, m atnx and particle, respectively. I ', ,
are th e fo isso n s ratio o f matrix and particle. The advantage o f these results IS that the interaction
between particle and m atrix is taken into account.
2.22 The effective iherm al expansion coefficient o f cotnposite
The current paper uses the result from [13] for calculating the thermal ex pansion coefficient:

a = a , --{a^ - a . ) ------------- ^ ------------ (4)

In viich a * is the effective therm al expansion coefficient Oi com posite; a jjO r.a re the therm al
expansoi coefficients o f m atnx and particle, respectively.
T.Q. Q uan / VNU Journal o f Science, M athem atics - Physics 27 (20 ) 91-99 93

2.2.3. The H o o k e s law f o r the therm oelastic problem

We study the therm oclastic defonnation o f the material under m echanical and thermal loads (the
c o m p o s it e IS b e in g heated f r o m TJj t o T ).
The m echanical stress-strain relationship follows H ookes law

Thereby, the th em io elastic relationship between sfrain and stress IS [14]

The inverse expression for stress IS

cr,.='0,^ + 2 e ,.- { + 2 ' ) a \ -T ,)5,J (7)
This IS the stress-strain relationship in therm oelasticity theory.

2.3. Calculating the stress a n d strain

W hen the cylinder is long enough we have the plane stress stage. The equations written for the
cylindncal coordinate sy stem {r, 0, z) are [14]
From the sym m etric property, all points only have radial displacem ent. The displacem ent filed has
the following form
Ur = r ( ' ' ) , = Ug = 0 (8)

The Cauchy strains are

= + (9)
" r - ~ r ' dr r
The stress-strain relationship is
(T^ = r + 2 /^ V ^ -(3 /l* + 2 / ) a * A T (10a)
gg = '0 + 2 Sgg -(3 /1 + 2 / ) T (10b)
= '9 - (3 ' + 2ju) a A T , CT = ^g = ^ g =0 (lOc)
The equibrilium eq u atio n is
d^ 1
+ -(cr^--^) = 0 (11)
dr r
Introduce (lO a) and (lO b) into (11) we get the differential equation for

d^u du u
dr^ dr
This Euler differential equation w ith the boundary condition:
^rr r=a ~ ~P\ ^rr r=t> Pi
The solution o f (12) is
94 T.Q. Quan / VNU Journal o f Science, M athem atics - Physics 2 7 (20 ) 91-99

ip , -p ^ )c r h ' 1
+ (3A* + 2 / ) a AT r
{b - a )
{p^- p,)ah- 1
< ^ + 3 / V aT (13)
2 / i ( - Cl') r
Th; lon-zero strains are

= +
2 (r+ /) 2 \ b - - c r ) r-

/ \ +K'a'AT + (14a)
h -a l - (h^ - a ' ) r '
K' +
iP2-!hWb" 1
^00 ~
2{'+) 2'{h^-a -) r

1 {p^-p,)ah^ 1
f 4 ^ + 3 A 'V A T (14b)
- a- l{b--a )
r + ^-
Th; lon-zero stress are
_ p -p,b- ( p, - p , ) a ^ h ^ 1
h^-a^ b^-a^
_ p , a - p {p^-p,)ab^ 1
l 2 2 i2 2 1
h ~a b -a r
py~ -Pib^ _ (3* + 2 ' ) n ' .
< 7.. -
b'-a^ '+ I.i' A + / /
_ K ' - 2j 9 / / AT*

Frcrr equation (1 3 )^ (15c), we can see that the displacem ent, s ain , stress depend on not only
pressuE. elastic m oduli, the thickness o f the tube but also tem perature.

3. Nurerical results

Coisder a com posite cylinder having the following properties

Epoxy ratrix [4]: E, = 2.75 (G Pa), v^, = 0 .35, a , = 54 X1 0 ^ /" c . (16)
Titian (loxide particle [4]: , - 1 4 7 (G Pa), V = 0 .2 , 2 - 4 X1O'" / c (17)
Asiune that the tube has inner radius ( 3 = 1 3 (cm), outer radius = 14 (cm ). It is put under inner
pressuR /?] =50 (M Pa) and outer pressure V , initial tem perature Tg - 1 5 c , c u e n t tem perature
T = 1 2 i'c .
T.Q. Quan / VNU Journal o f Science, M athem atics - Physics 27 (2011) 91-99 95

3.1. The dependence o f K ' , JU , a on pa rticle volume ratio

3.1.1. A nalytical expression

The relationship betw een the elastic m odule for com ponent m aterials [14]
^ E E
K -------------- , ------------
3(1- 2 v ) 2(1+ k)
Thus, bulk m odulus and P o isso n s ratio for matrix and particle are
=^3.0556 (GPa), = 81.6667 (GPa)
=1.0185 (GPa), /i, = 61.25 (GPa)
The effective m oduli for com posite cylinder can be calculted using (2) and (4)
^ . ; 3 . 0 5 5 6 ( H - 0.4222^)
(1 -0 .4 2 2 2 ^ )
. (. .
1 0185 1 1 1025 ^) (19)
1 -0 .9 4 5 ^
0 .0 4 1 2 -0 .0 3 7 8 ^
~ 762.2154 + 320.7288^
5.7.2. Graphs

From Figure 1, it can b e seen that increasing the particle volum e ratio leads to decrease o f the
therm al expansion co efficien t and increase o f the elastic m oduli, w hich m eans im provem ent o f the
m echanical and therm al p ro p erties o f the com posite cylinder.

3.2. The dependence o f stress, strain, displacem ent on particle volume ratio a nd radius r

3.2.1. A nalytical expression

The sfress com ponents are calculated as in (15a), (15b) and (15c)

= - 0 . 1 9 5 2 + ( GPa) (21a)
cr^ = - 0 .1 9 5 2 - (GPa) (21b)
96 T.Q. Quan / VNU Journal o f Science. M athem atics - P hysics 2 7 (2 0 I) 91-99

0.235[9.18(1 + 0.4222^X1 - 0.945^) - 2.04(1 + 1.1025^)0 - 0.4222^)]

~ 9.18(l + 0 .4 2 2 2 ^ ) ( l- 0 .9 4 5 i) + 1.02(l + l . 1 0 2 5 ^ X 1 -0 .4 2 2 2 ^ )
9.3,06.1,0185(1 + 0.4222^X1 + 1.1025^X 0.0412 - 0 .0 3 7 8 ^)
- 100 . (21c)
(762.2154 - 3 2 0 .7288^)[9.18(1 + 0.4222^)(1 - 0.945^) +1.02(1 + 1.1025^)(1 - 0.4222^)]
Strain com ponents are calculated from (14a) and (14b)
-0 .2 9 2 5 (1 -0 .4 2 2 2 ^ X 1 -0 .9 4 5 ^ )
9.18(1 + 0.4222^X1 - 0.945^) + 1.02(1 + 1.1025^)0 - 0 .4 2 2 2 ^)
1377(1 + 0 .4 2 2 2 ^ )0 - 0.0945^)(0.0412 - 0 .0 3 7 8 ^ )
9.18(1 + 0.4222^X1 - 0.945^) +1.02(1 + 1.1025^)(1 - 0 .4 2 2 2 ^ )(7 6 2 .2 154 + 320.7288^)
1 2 .0 4 5 3 (1 -0 .9 4 5 ^) 1
(1 + 1.1025^)
-0.2925(1 - 0.4222^X1 - 0.945^)
9.18(1 + 0.4222^X1 - 0.945^) + 1.02(1 + 1.1025^)(1 - 0.4222^)
________________ 1377(1 + 0.42^)(1 - 0.0945^)(Q.0412 - 0.0378^)________________
9.18(1 + 0.4222^)0 - 0.945^) +1.02(1 + 1 .1025^)(1 - 0.4222^)(762.2154 + 320.7288^)
1 2 .0 4 5 3 (1 -0 .9 4 5 ^) 1
(1 + 1.1025^)
D isplacem ent is calculated from (13)
-0.2925(1-0.4222^X 1-0.945^)
9.18(1 + 0A222) - 0.945^') +1.02(1 + 1.1025)(\ -0.4222^)
u. = r-
1377(1 + 0.4222^X1 - 0.0945^X0.0412 - 0.0378^)
9 .18(1 + 0A222) - 0 .945^ ) + 1.02(1 + 1.1025^)0 - 0 .4222^ ')(762.2154 + 320.7288^ )
_ 12.0453(1-0.945^) J_
(1 + 1.1025^) r
3.2.2. G raphs
Sfress com ponents are presented in Fig 2 and Fig 3.

13.4 13.6 13.8 14.2

....... ^ A A,

" Radial stress
-0.1 (G Pa)


--Circum ferential
m 11 stress (G Pa)
-0.35 - a t-

Fig. 2. Sfress components " andcr.

T.Q- Quan / VN U Jo u rn a l o f Science, M athem atics - Physics 27 (20 I) 9 -9 9 97

Fig. 3. Stress component

From (21a), (21b), (21c), it can b e seen that only depends on w hile , gg only depend
on r. On Figure 2, and g vary slow ly in different directions (w hen r increases, decreases but
Q increased), bu t they b o th have negative values. O n the other hand, has the sam e value for
any point in the cylinder. O n F igure 3, increases w hen r increases and it alw ays have negative
values. Thus, the particle h elp to reduce the sess concentration inside the tube.
Strain com ponents , Ego are presented in Fig 4 and Fig 5.

Fig. 4. Sain component at r=a v r=b.

98 T.Q. Quan / VN Journal o f Science, M athem atics - Physics 27 (2 0 1 !) 91-99

D isplacem ents u at r = <3 and r b are presented in Fig 6.

F rom Figure 4,5 and 6, under m echanical and therm al loads, the sain com ponents , E^g and
displacem ent at the same radius vary slow ly in different directions w hen particles are added. W hen
increases, the radial strain decreases (and has positive values) w hile radial displacem ent and
angular sain increase (and have positive values).
Thus, under m echanical and therm al loads, increasing the particle volum e ratio can help im prove
the m echanical and therm al properties o f the com posite cylinder.

4. Conclusions

In the current paper, the author has studied the following points
1. The dependence o f the com posites elastic moduli on the titanium dioxide particle volume ratio.
T.Q. Qiin / VNU Journal o f Science, M athem atics - Physics 27 (201!) 9 -9 9 99

2. Base on the therm oelasticity theory and the m echanics o f com posite structure, the p ro b le m o f
calculating stress, strain for a com posite cylinder under pressure and therm al loads w a s set up and
3. The numerical results show that adding the titanium dioxide particle can help to im prove the
mechanical and ihennal properties o f com posite material. The elastic m oduli and th e n n a l expansion
coefficient are experesscd explicitly from the com ponent m aterials properties and volum e ratios. This
can be the scientific base for the problem o f optim ization in design and m anufacture. C om posite
materials with desired properties can be m anufactured by changing the m atrix and the particle with
proper volume ratios.
A cknow ledgem ent. I hc author would like lo express science thank to Professor N guyen D inh
Due for offering help and m an y valuable suggestions.

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