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Muralla St. Intramuros Manila

School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

An Improved Kitchen Layout for

Sze-Chuan House

presented to
Prof. Madonna Andrada

In partial fulfilment
Of the requirements in
Facilities Planning and Design

Magbanlac, Jeffersen James M.
Mina, Allique Penn R.
Santiago, Risha Angela H.

June 17, 2017

Chapter I: Introduction

Brief description of the company

Sze-Chuan House is a Chinese restaurant incorporated with Aloha Hotel and Caf Felisa, located
at Malate, Manila. It was established on the year 1968, and is known to be the hotels specialty
restaurant, that serves authentic Chinese cuisine. The restaurant has 35 employees, and is managed
by a Chinese himself, Mr. Victor Lee. The Executive chef is also Chinese, Liu Zhangwei, giving
the restaurant an advantage to serve one of the best hot and spicy Chinese dishes here in Manila.
It operates every day, from 11:00 am 2:30 pm and 6:00 pm 10:30 pm.

Alongside, the customers here are usually Chinese and politicians from all over the Philippines,
who check-ins at Aloha Hotel. They also have a VIP area in the restaurant, as politicians tend to
talk over at Sze-Chuan. It has been renovated and has been keeping up with other Chinese
restaurants in Manila, and that is why perhaps, it is one of the few Chinese places that people keep
coming back to.

Background of the study

China has always been influencing the culture of the Philippines; from the way Filipinos do
business, build and develop character, and even how and what to eat. Chinese cuisine is accepted
and patronized by Filipinos. It is shown by the numerous number of Chinese restaurants here in
the Philippines. Some of these restaurants were founded on the in the 1800s, like the New Toho
Restaurant in Binondo, Manila. However, the competition in this area arises as new Chinese
restaurants continue to build up.

Chinese cuisine is one of the worlds favourite cuisines. Aside from the flavourful dish it offers,
Chinese cuisine consists of healthy and medicinal foods. This is one of the reasons why this cuisine
is being favoured by any age. Running a Chinese restaurant is not easy as it may seem. It requires
learning every procedure and technique in preparing a dish; from the precise amount and type of
ingredients needed to the way it is being placed on a plate.
Food industry continues to grow, alongside with the creative and innovative ways to enter and run
a food company, but a Chinese restaurant, regardless of location, as long it serves authentic
Chinese cuisine, will remain strong, as it does not only provide and let you taste the dish, but it
lets you experience the Chinese tradition.

Problem definition

Sze-chuan House is having a difficulty in attaining its standard time in preparing Steamed Lapu-
Lapu with Tauso. On average, the kitchen takes about 26.19 minutes versus its standard of 25
minutes or a difference of 4.76%. Complaints about the serving time of dish arise from customers
from the said difference.

Table 1.3 Time and Motion Study of Lapu-Lapu with Tauso


The purpose of this study is (1) to make an assessment of the current kitchen activities, (2) identify
the root cause of delay, (3) to propose system or strategies that will reduce, if not, eliminate delay
in the kitchen

Scope and limitation

This study focuses on improving the kitchen layout of Sze-Chuan House, since it is the in
that area of the restaurant that causes delay of serving time.

The researchers based this study on the best-selling dish of Sze-Chuan House, Steamed
Lapu-Lapu with Tauso.

The time-study conducted aims to identify the deviation of actual time Steamed Lapu-Lapu
with Tauso is to be served from the standard time it should be served.


Sze-Chuan House having the seating capacity of 200 people, researchers assumed that the
kitchen size of 126.54 sq. meters complies with the standards, that for every seat, there should be
0.4645 meter of kitchen space.

Significance of the study

This study serves as a practical way on how to apply the course: Facilities Planning and Design.
This will also be a guide on how to deal with issues regarding this study as students become

This may be used as a way of seeing the layout of the restaurant, Sze-Chuan House, in a new
perspective. This serves as in input for making such improvements and modifications that will
benefit the company.

This study may also be used by future researchers as reference on their studies related to this study
Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

I. Chinese Cuisine

According to Hinsbergh (2017), Chinese cuisine is considered to have biggest variety of

flavours. In fact, its flavours vary across the country; Sichuan (Sze-Chuan) cuisine is
famous for numbing the spiciness of a dish, Hong Kong cuisine for sweet and savoury
dishes, Northern cuisine for salty dishes and Southern for sour dish. But, they all have one
thing in common, there dishes are mostly served with huge amount of vegetables.

II. Quality of physical environment

According to a study by Han and Hyun (2017), there is a link between the quality of
physical environment and food in the overall image of a restaurant. These factors, while
variable, play a vital role in helping luxury restaurants, especially those that are situated in
hotels, perform strategically to acquire repeat customers and profit increase. Furthermore,
the authors also mentioned the importance of having services that are unsurpassable in
quality greatly contributes to the well image of a restaurant especially when its tangibility
is lacking.

On the other hand, while creativity is seemingly immeasurable, a study by Horng, et. al.
(2013) has proved otherwise. These researchers have seen the need to study such an aspect
to planning restaurant space design to improve profitability in a sense that customers return
for its attractiveness and comfortability, especially those restaurants that belong to the
small-scale category. Which is why they have produced both qualitative and quantitative
surveys taken by experts such as academic scholars, industry experts, and restaurant and
analyzed it through Fuzzy Delphi and DEMATEL methods.
III. Indoor thermal environment

Chinese cuisine is characterized by its eight different regions which entails various cooking
techniques performed by delicately skilled chefs. In the said cuisine are about twenty-four
(24) common types of cooking that use a hefty amount of oil heated in a wok in high
temperatures. Frying, particularly deep and stir-frying, contributes in emitting fumes due
to the use of vegetable cooking oil. With these being said, authors Li, et. al. (2012) saw the
concern of studying air quality in Chinese commercial kitchens and its impact on the health
and productivity of its workers. According to the study, proper ventilation is important to
avoid thermal discomfort of the kitchen workers. Previous studies have proved that there
is a link between fumes and lung cancer among commercial kitchen employees in China.
Such discomforts bring about 30% less in productivity level and increased turnover rate
when a kitchen is has temperature increase of 5.5 degrees Celsius above its comfort level.
In order to do that, there must be a cooled air supply so that wasted heat may be expelled

IV. Kitchen layout and design

Apart from aiming customer satisfaction, restaurant owners should also consider the
satisfaction of its employees as an important driver of both productivity and profitability.
Changing the kitchen layout is one of the solutions proposed by authors Shimmura, et. al.
(2016) to attain such objective. It used a cell production system to form a new layout that
would improve cooking time as well as the environment viable for productivity of the

There are factors that would help determine whether a restaurant layout design is
acceptable, according to a study by Malekshahi (2013): number of customers, space,
smooth flow pattern, proximity, proper utilization of space, minimized handling, and type
and volume of services.
V. Restaurant sizes

According to Neufert (2002), there are standards in to be followed for every type of
restaurant in order to keep a smooth flow. Furthermore, it is believed that there should be
a right proportion of restaurant space and the number of tables and chairs, kitchen, as well
as the service area. Perkins (n.d.) also mentioned in an article that the minimum standard
formula for restaurants should be 5 square feet of kitchen space for every seat in a particular

Area Space allocation

Kitchen 30%
Dining 50%
Service 20%

Total 100%

Table 2.5.1 Space allocation of a restaurant according to the type of restaurant area intended
to be used (Almanza, et. al., 1985)

Number of
Restrooms for men Restrooms for women
50 1 1
50-200 2 2
200-400 3 4
400 Determined as individual cases

Table 2.5.2 Number of customers and corresponding number of restrooms for men and women
(Neufert, 2002)
VI. Health issues

Apart from kitchen employees being at risk of lung cancer due to long term exposure to
cooking oil fumes as mentioned in the previous literature, they are also at risk of various
bacteria, musculoskeletal disorders, as well as accidents in the workplace such as slipping
on wet floors. When the restaurant facilities, such as kitchen, are not cleaned and
maintained well increase the chances of occurrence of the mentioned risks. Tiwari (2015)
suggests allowing these workers to have safe working conditions, and provide awareness
as well as health benefits should any risk is determined early.
Chapter III: Methodology

Data Gathering Procedure

A. Documentation

Researchers have gathered the following:

Layout facilities
Pictures of the facilities of the kitchen

B. Time-Study

Researchers conducted a time study for the preparation of the bestselling fish dish: Steamed Lapu-
Lapu in Tauso
Tools for Analysis

Process Map
Why-Why Analysis
Strategic Layout Planning

Conceptual Framework

Identify detailed
Kitchen Activites kitchen activities and Process Map
(based on Interview) time to perform the

Figure 3.3 Conceptual Framework

The kitchen activities mentioned by Mr. Gerry Arellano will be explained in detail with
corresponding time. The kitchen activities involve preparing its best-selling dish. The researcher
will use the mentioned data in order to create a process map for the preparation of Steamed Lapu-
Lapu with Tauso.
Process Map and Time study Root Cause of Delay
Interview Why-Why Analysis

Figure 3.4 Conceptual Framework

The process map created by the researcher and the interview with Mr. Gerry Arellano will be used
to create a Time Study and Why-Why Analysis. These will be used to identify the root cause of
the delay in serving the Steamed Lapu-Lapu with Tauso.


Kitchen Activities and Systematic Layout Proposed Kitchen
Layout Planning Layout

Figure 3.5 Conceptual Framework

The kitchen activities and kitchen layout will be used for Systematic Layout Planning tool to
determine the relationships between kitchen areas. This will then be used for researchers to
create a proposed kitchen layout for Sze-Chuan House Manil
Chapter IV: Data Presentation

The researchers have visited the place, conducted an interview, and gathered the necessary
data for the project. These data and information will be used by the researcher to come up with a
proposed kitchen layout for Sze-Chuan House Manila.

The tool Systematic Layout Planning will be used to identify the relationship for each area
in the kitchen, to create a kitchen layout that will be more effective for the kitchen activities to be
Why-Why Analysis

Kitchen area and

equipment needed to cook
High kitchen traffic
the said dish are far from
1.19 minutes difference each other
between the standard and
actual serving time of
Steamed Lapu-Lapu with
Lack of Steamer

The root cause as to why there is a delay is that kitchen area and equipment needed to prepare and cook Steamed Lapu-Lapu with Tauso
are not close to each other.
Systematic Layout Planning

Relationship Chart

Table 4.1 Relationship Chart


1 - flow of ingredients -high

2 - flow of ingredients - low

3 - flow of information- high

4 - flow of information -low

5 - shared equipment


A - Absolutely Necessary

E - Especially Important

I - Important

O - Ordinary Closeness Okay

U - Unimportant

X - Not desirable
Kitchen Area

1. Aquarium

2. Butcher Area

3. Cutter 1

4. Cutter 2

5. Dim sum Area

6 Dishwashing Area

7. Freezer and Chiller

8. Fryer 1

9. Fryer 2

10. Preparation Area (Dimsum)

11. Preparation Area 1

12. Preparation Area 2

13. Receiving and Releasing Area

14. Saute Area

15. Soup Area

16. Steamer 1

17. Steamer 2

18. Stewing Area

19. Storage

20. Storage (Dimsum)

21. Weighing Area

Rating Legend

A Absolutely Necessary Red 1-2, 1-21, 2-21, 3-4, 3-7, 3-11, 3-12, 3-19, 4-7, 4-12, 4-19,
5-10, 5-20, 8-9, 8-14, 8-15, 9-14, 9-15, 10-20, 11-12, 11-
14, 11-15, 11-16, 11-17, 11-18, 12-14, 12-15, 12-16, 12-
17, 12-18, 16-17
E Especially Important Orange 2-16, 2-17, 3-14, 3-15, 5-13, 7-11, 7-12, 10-13
I Important Yellow 2-13, 7-19, 11-13, 12-13, 11-19, 12-19, 14-15
O Ordinary Closeness Green 1-13, 3-6, 3-16, 13-17, 3-18, 4-6, 4-16, 4-17, 4-18, 6-7 to
6-21, 7-21, 13-21, 14-16-14-17
U Unimportant Blue 3-13, 4-13, 7-8, 7-9, 7-10, 7-16, 7-17, 7-18, 8-11, 8-12, 8-
16 to 8-21, 9-11,9-12, 9-16 to 9-21, 16-18, 16-19, 16-20,
17-18, 17-19, 17-20
X - Undesirable 1-3 to 1-12, 1-14 to 1-20, 2-3 to 2-12, 2-14, 2-15, 2-18, 2-
19, 2-20, 3-5, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-20, 3-21, 4-5, 4-8, 4-9, 4-
10, 4-14, 4-15, 4-20, 4-21, 5-6 to 5-9, 5-11, 5-12, 5-14 to
5-19, 5-21, 7-12, 7-14, 7-15, 7-2-, 8-10, 8-13, 9-10, 9-13,
10-11 to 10-19, 10-21, 11-20, 12-21, 12-20, 12-21, 13-14
to 13-20, 14-18 to 14-21, 15-16 to 15-21, 16-21, 17-21, 18-
19, 18-20, 18-21, 19-20, 19-21, 20-21
Table 4.2 Relationship Diagram Data
Based on Table 4.1 Relationship Chart, and Table 4.2 Relationship Diagram Data, the following
areas must be next or at least close to each other: 1-2, 1-21, 2-21, 3-4, 3-7, 3-11, 3-12, 3-19, 4-7,
4-12, 4-19, 5-10, 5-20, 8-9, 8-14, 8-15, 9-14, 9-15, 10-20, 11-12, 11-14, 11-15, 11-16, 11-17, 11-
18, 12-14, 12-15, 12-16, 12-17, 12-18, 16-17. The following areas should be close to each other:
2-16, 2-17, 3-14, 3-15, 5-13, 7-11, 7-12, 10-13. Areas 1-3 to 1-12, 1-14 to 1-20, 2-3 to 2-12, 2-14,
2-15, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20, 3-5, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-20, 3-21, 4-5, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10, 4-14, 4-15, 4-20, 4-21,
5-6 to 5-9, 5-11, 5-12, 5-14 to 5-19, 5-21, 7-12, 7-14, 7-15, 7-2-, 8-10, 8-13, 9-10, 9-13, 10-11 to
10-19, 10-21, 11-20, 12-21, 12-20, 12-21, 13-14 to 13-20, 14-18 to 14-21, 15-16 to 15-21, 16-21,
17-21, 18-19, 18-20, 18-21, 19-20, 19-21, 20-21, do not need to be close to each other.

These areas 2-16, 2-17, 3-14, 3-15, 5-13, 7-11, 7-12, 10-13, 2-13, 7-19, 11-13, 12-13, 11-19, 12-
19, 14-15, 1-13, 3-6, 3-16, 13-17, 3-18, 4-6, 4-16, 4-17, 4-18, 6-7 to 6-21, 7-21, 13-21, 14-16-14-
17 may be adjusted accordingly based on the areas that are needed to be next or at least close to
each other.
Relationship Diagram

Figure 4.1 Relationship Diagram

The figure above shows the relationship of each area based on the activities. Red connecting lines indicate that there is a need
for the two areas to be next or at least close to each other. Orange lines indicate that areas must be close to each other, while
blue lines indicate that there is no need for the areas to be close to each other.
Chapter V: Results and Discussion

Using the concepts learned in Systematic Layout Planning (SLP), the researchers were able to
produce a relationship diagram which helped them determine which sections of the kitchen should
be beside which. Below is a proposed layout of Sze-Chuan House based on the results of the said

Figure 5.1 Proposed Sze-Chuan House Kitchen Layout

The one of the most prominent improvement in this layout is the filled gap between preparation
area and storage upon entry to the kitchen. Contrary to the current layout, the U-shaped counter
gives the kitchen crew to move more seamlessly and allows them to create less movement in
passing the prepared ingredients to the ones in charge in stewing and preparing dimsum dishes.
Moreover, the storage is moved closer to the preparation area for easier access.
Furthermore, the preparation area near the steamers, fryers, saut, and soup is proposed to
be situated separately instead of the current U-shape counters to make room for movement, thus
achieving efficiency. Also, the researchers also propose of moving these 4 abovementioned
sections according to the results of the relationship diagram mentioned in the earlier part of this

The receiving area, on the other hand, is proposed to be located near the entrance from the
kitchen to the restaurant, where the waiters pick-up all the orders and accurately serve it to the
right customer. This is a strategic location because a waiter makes less movement and the receiving
area is wide enough to avoid confusion of orders, especially when the kitchen is busy as the
restaurant is packed. Across the cutter and storage area, the researchers propose to place another
preparation area which conveniently leads to the receiving area when orders area is completely
Chapter VI: Conclusion

With the tools learned in the classroom, one may be able to properly distinguish which areas should
be close to one another to obtain maximum efficiency. In this case with Sze-Chuan House,
Systematic Layout Planning came in handy and very helpful for the researchers. For instance, it
helped them determine that steamers, fryers, saut, and soup area are needed to be relocated
according to the interaction between other areas of the kitchen. Moreover, other fundamental
concepts, such as a smooth flow of activities, are also needed to be considered so that the kitchen
would be able to produce a dish that complies to the standard time.

In this paper, the researchers were able to fulfill its objectives:

To make an analysis of the present restaurant layout of a Chinese restaurant,

Sze-Chuan House. They were able to analyse that further improvements could be
made in order to solve the problem of Sze-Chuan House and its difficulty
complying with the standard time in making one of its bestselling dishes.
To create the most suitable layout for a Chinese restaurant, by identifying
which areas to improve. The researchers were able to apply the concepts learned
in the classroom and came up with a kitchen layout that will improve the flow and
reduce the time spent in making unnecessary movements in the kitchen.

Having all of this said, it is important for an entrepreneur, especially those who ventures into a
foodservice business to take into account the proper layout planning of the entire restaurant,
especially the kitchen. It is truly a vital component to obtain not only customer satisfaction, but
ultimately, the satisfaction of the employees to create more dishes efficiently as they are the ones
who primarily bring in money to the business.

In essence, layout planning is essential in every place that has space. Since it is something limited,
one has to plan effectively on how a particular space may be utilized efficiently over periods of
Chapter VII: Recommendation

The researchers would like to recommend adding another steamer or upgrade the ones Sze-Chuan
House presently has with a bigger capacity as it is one of the problems that it is currently facing,
according to the recent interview that the researchers had with the restaurant s general manager.
More often than not, kitchen crews may have queue in steaming dimsum and other food items
which accounts for spending above the standard time in preparing dishes.

Furthermore, they suggest that those who might be interested to pursue the study in the future to
make a cost-benefit analysis regarding this suggestion, whether it is a viable idea to undertake or

C. Interview

In the interview, researchers asked the following questions:

What is the restaurants capacity?

What is your bestselling fish dish?
What is the standard procedure and time for preparing that dish?
What are the reasons for delay in serving time?

According to the Asst. Manager, Sir Gerry Arellano, Sze-Chuan House has a capacity of
200 people, and a function room that can accommodate 200 people. The bestselling dish
that customers of Sze-Chuan go back for is Steamed Lapu-Lapu with tauso. The standard
time of preparation for that dish is 20 minutes, but during busy days wherein restaurant
serves more customers, standard preparation time should only exceed to 25 minutes. Its
standard procedure will be discussed further.

He stated that delays in serving time of Steamed Lapu-Lapu with Tauso occur when the
restaurant is busy. The main reason why it happens is because of the lack of space to place
the dish in steaming machines.

Figure 8.1 Present Kitchen Layout

PROCESS MAP: Preparation of Lapu-Lapu with Tauso

Steward 2 goes to the aquarium

room to advise Steward 1 Steward 1 catches a Lapu-Lapu
Time: 1-2 mins.
(Aquarium Boy) to catch a Lapu-
Lapu fish

Commis II weighs the fish

Steward 1 gives the fish to Commis II Commis II cleans the fish
(Butcher) Steward 2 gets the cleaned fish
Time: 3-4 mins.

Commis I places the Lapu-Lapu on a steamer and waits for 10

Steward 2 gives the cleaned Lapu-Lapu to mins to place it out the steamer
Commis I (Assigned to steam) Steward 2 writes it down at the order form
Time: 10 mins.

Commis I prepares the sauce ingredients that needs to be cut

While the Lapu-Lapu is being steamed, (garlic)
Commis I (Assigned to cut) gathers the Commis I cuts the ingredient
ingredients for Lapu-Lapu Sauce Time: 5 mins.

Steward 3 will give it to Commis I (assigned to prepare

and mix all ingredients then give to Chef De Patie )
Comis I gets cut ingredients from Commis I (cutter)
After 10 mins. of steaming, Commis I Comis I then gives then the sauce ingredient to Chef De
gives the fish to Steward 3 (dispatcher) Patie
Time: 45 secs.

He then places the sauce on the plate together with the Lapu-
Chef De Patie cooks the sauce
Time: 5 mins.

From the table where every cook dish is placed, food runner
Steward 3 places the cooked Lapu-Lapu will then give it to a waiter
with Tauso on a table Time:1 min.

Time: 30-60 secs.

Waiter serves the dish to the customer

Figure 8.3 Process Map

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