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Milling using Creo Parametric 3.

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Document No. Date Description
TRN-4508-M01-EN-LM-P01 04/07/2014 Initial Printing of:
Milling using Creo Parametric 3.0
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additional training that corresponds to your role and job functions.
Training Agenda
Day 1
Module 01 Introduction to Manufacturing
Module 02 Creating Manufacturing Models
Module 03 Configuring Operations
Module 04 Using Reference Models
Module 05 Using Workpiece Models
Module 06 Creating and Using NC Model Assemblies
Module 07 Creating and Configuring a Work Center

Day 2
Module 08 Creating and Configuring Tools
Module 09 Using Template Manufacturing Models
Module 10 Using Manufacturing Parameters
Module 11 Creating Face Milling Sequences

Day 3
Module 12 Creating Volume Milling Sequences
Module 13 Creating Profile Milling Sequences
Module 14 Creating Straight Cut Surface Milling Sequences
Module 15 Creating From Surface Isolines Surface Milling Sequences

Day 4
Module 16 Creating Cut Line Surface Milling Sequences
Module 17 Advanced Surface Milling Options
Module 18 Creating Roughing and Re-roughing Sequences
Module 19 Creating Finishing Sequences

Day 5
Module 20 Creating Trajectory Milling Sequences
Module 21 Creating Holemaking Sequences
Module 22 Creating Engraving Sequences
Module 23 Using the Process Manager
Module 24 Creating and Post-Processing CL Data Files
Table of Contents
Milling using Creo Parametric 3.0
Configuring Operations ............................................................................................................... 3-1
Configuring a Milling Operation............................................................................................. 3-2
Using Reference Models.............................................................................................................. 4-1
Different Methods for Assembling Reference Models ............................................................. 4-2
Using Workpiece Models ............................................................................................................. 5-1
Creating a Workpiece with Inherited Features........................................................................ 5-2
Creating and Configuring Tools................................................................................................... 8-1
Creating and Configuring Tools............................................................................................. 8-2
Creating Face Milling Sequences .............................................................................................. 11-1
Creating Face Milling Sequences........................................................................................ 11-2
Creating Volume Milling Sequences .......................................................................................... 12-1
Creating Volume Milling Sequences: Extrude and Trimming ................................................. 12-2
Creating Volume Milling Sequences with Mill Windows......................................................... 12-5
Using Customize in Volume Milling ..................................................................................... 12-8
Creating Profile Milling Sequences............................................................................................ 13-1
Creating Profile Milling Sequences...................................................................................... 13-2
Creating Straight Cut Surface Milling Sequences...................................................................... 14-1
Creating Straight Cut Surface Milling Sequences ................................................................. 14-2
Creating From Surface Isolines Surface Milling Sequences ...................................................... 15-1
Creating From Surface Isolines Surface Milling Sequences .................................................. 15-2
Creating Cut Line Surface Milling Sequences............................................................................ 16-1
Creating Cut Line Surface Milling Sequences ...................................................................... 16-2
Advanced Surface Milling Options ............................................................................................ 17-1
Using Advanced Surface Milling Options ............................................................................. 17-2
Creating Roughing and Re-roughing Sequences ...................................................................... 18-1
Mold Core Roughing and Re-Roughing ............................................................................... 18-2
Creating Finishing Sequences................................................................................................... 19-1
Mold Core Finishing ........................................................................................................... 19-2
Creating Trajectory Milling Sequences ...................................................................................... 20-1
Slot Milling ........................................................................................................................ 20-2
Creating Holemaking Sequences............................................................................................... 21-1
Creating Holemaking Sequences........................................................................................ 21-2
Using the Process Manager....................................................................................................... 23-1
Creating NC Sequences Using the Process Manager........................................................... 23-2
Module 3
Configuring Operations

2014 PTC Module 3 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Configuring a Milling Operation

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create manufacturing operations.
Select an existing Work Center when configuring machine tools.
Assemble fixtures.
Create coordinate systems when specifying machine zero positions.
Specify retract planes.

You need to configure an operation that involves specifying a machine tool by selecting a
pre-configured fadal Work Center. You also assemble a fixture that represents the fadal machine
tool. You configure the machine zero coordinate system for the operation. This involves creating
a new coordinate system in the manufacturing model. This coordinate system references model
geometry from the fixture assembly. Finally, you specify the retract plane relative to the machine
coordinate system.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Operations_Configure FADAL_EXAMPLE.ASM

Task 1: Create an operation and configure a machine tool.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display type: Csys Display .

2. Select User-Defined Work Center from the Work Center types drop-down menu in the
Machine Tool Setup group.
Select the FADALVMC.GPH Work Center, and click Open.
You have retrieved an existing Work Center for the fadal-vmc machine type; this Work
Center can have pre-configured options such as maximum spindle speed, and travel limits.
3. In the model tree, select FADALVMC, then
right-click and select Edit Definition .
Select the Travel tab; note the tool travel limits
in the X-, Y-, and Z-directions.
In the Milling Work Center dialog box, click
Accept .

Task 2: Assemble a fixture.

1. Click Operation from the Process group.

Open the Fixture Setup tab.
Click Add Fixture .
Select FADAL_VMC.ASM, and click Open.

Module 3 | Page 2 2014 PTC

2. Select the datum coordinate system
NC_ASM_DEF_CSYS on the manufacturing
3. Select the datum coordinate system
FADAL_REF on the fixture assembly.
Click Complete Component in the

Task 3: Specify a machine zero coordinate system in the manufacturing model.

1. Create a new coordinate system by referencing

existing geometry.
Select the Model tab in the ribbon.
Click Coordinate System from the Datum
Zoom in to the area shown.
Press CTRL, and select the front and left
edges on X-AXIS-TABLE.PRT, as shown.
Note the position of the coordinate system and
the direction of the axes.

You can select many alternative references to configure coordinate systems. In this case,
you could have selected three orthogonal surfaces to locate the coordinate system.
2. Reorient the coordinate system axes.
In the Coordinate System dialog box, click the
Orientation tab.
Click Flip to change the X-axis direction.
Observe the axes directions update, as
Click OK in the Coordinate System dialog box.

2014 PTC Module 3 | Page 3

Task 4: Specify a retract plane.

1. Select the Operation tab in the ribbon.

Select the Clearance tab.
Select Plane from the Type drop-down menu.
Click in the reference collector and select
coordinate system ACS0 for the Reference.
Edit the value to 200, and press ENTER.
Click Refit from the Graphics toolbar.

2. Click Complete Feature in the Operation dashboard.

Disable Csys Display .
3. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 3 | Page 4 2014 PTC

Module 4
Using Reference Models

2014 PTC Module 4 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Different Methods for Assembling Reference
After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Assemble reference models using the Merge by Reference option.
Assemble reference models using the Inherited option.

You need to assemble reference models to two different manufacturing models. You start by
opening the mold cavity manufacturing model and assemble the mold cavity part using the Merge
by Reference option. This option copies all the mold cavity geometry into one merge feature in
the reference model.
You then open the cover manufacturing model and assemble the cover part using the Inherited
option. The Inherited option gives you the flexibility to modify geometry and features on the inherited
reference part without changing the original cover part if required.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Reference_Models MOLD_CAVITY.ASM

Task 1: Assemble the mold cavity reference model.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Select Merge Reference Model from the Reference Model types drop-down menu.
From the Open dialog box, select MOLD_CAVITY.PRT, and click Open.
3. Create the first assembly constraint.
Select the front surface on MOLD_CAVITY.
Select the front surface on X-AXIS-TABLE.
PRT, as shown.
If necessary, edit the offset value to 0.

4. Create the second assembly constraint.

Select the hidden underside surface on
Select the top surface on X-AXIS-TABLE.PRT,
as shown.
Edit the offset value to 0.

5. Create the third assembly constraint.

Select the right surface on MOLD_CAVITY.
Select the right surface on X-AXIS-TABLE.
PRT, as shown.
Edit the offset value to 300.

Module 4 | Page 2 2014 PTC

6. Click Complete Component in the dashboard.
7. In the Create Reference Model dialog box, notice the Merge by reference option is set.
Accept the name of MOLD_CAVITY_REF for the new reference model and click OK.
In the model tree, expand MOLD_CAVITY_REF.PRT.
Select the EXTERNAL MERGE feature in the model tree.
Notice the feature highlights in the MOLD_CAVITY_REF.PRT model.
8. Click Regenerate from the Quick Access toolbar.

An external merge feature has been created in the new reference model. Note the
geometry of the merge feature cannot be edited directly; however, additional features can
be added to the new reference model as required. In addition, the merge feature can be
updated to display any changes from the original reference part.
9. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close Window from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

Task 2: Open the cover manufacturing model.

1. From the Quick Access toolbar, click Open .

Select COVER_OP010.ASM, and click Open.
Enable Csys Display .

Task 3: Assemble the cover reference model.

1. Select Inherit Reference Model from the Reference Model types drop-down menu.
Select COVER.PRT, and click Open.
2. Create the assembly constraint.
Select datum coordinate system OP010 on
the cover model.
Select datum coordinate system MACH_0 on
the manufacturing model, as shown.

2014 PTC Module 4 | Page 3

3. Click Complete Component in the dashboard.
4. In the Create Reference Model dialog box, notice the Inherited option.
Note the default name COVER_OP010_REF in the Name text box.
Click OK to create a new reference model.
Expand COVER_OP010_REF.PRT in the model tree.
Expand the EXTERNAL INHERITANCE feature in the model tree.

Note that an external inheritance feature has been created in the new reference model.
You can edit inherited features without changing the original reference part.
5. Suppress a number of reference model features that are not required for machining in the
first operation.
In the model tree, select feature HOLE 1.
Press CTRL and select features EXTRUDE 4 and EXTRUDE 6 in the model tree.
Right-click and select Suppress .
Click OK to suppress the related round features.

6. In the model tree, click Settings and then

click Tree Filters.
If necessary, select the Suppressed Objects
check box.
Click OK.
Notice the updated listing showing suppressed
features in the model tree, as shown.
7. Click Regenerate .

Module 4 | Page 4 2014 PTC

8. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 4 | Page 5

Module 4 | Page 6 2014 PTC
Module 5
Using Workpiece Models

2014 PTC Module 5 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating a Workpiece with Inherited Features
After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create workpiece models using the Inherited Feature option.
Suppress features in workpiece models with inherited features.
Add features to workpiece models with inherited features.

You need to create a workpiece in a manufacturing model using the Inherited Features option. The
workpiece represents a casting, so you need to suppress a number of features in the workpiece
and add material to the workpiece to ensure the workpiece accurately represents the as-cast
version of the casting.
Close Window Erase Not Displayed
Milling\Workpiece_Models GEARBOX_CASTING.ASM
Task 1: Assemble the gearbox casting as the workpiece model.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display type: Csys Display .

2. Select Inherit Workpiece from the Workpiece types drop-down menu in the Components
Select GEARBOX.PRT, and click Open.
3. Create the assembly constraint.
Select datum coordinate system REF on the
gearbox casting model.
Select datum coordinate system REF on the
manufacturing model.

4. Click Complete Component in the dashboard.

5. In the Create Stock-Workpiece dialog box, note the Inherited option is already selected.
Note the default name GEARBOX_CASTING_WRK in the Name text box.
Click OK to create a new workpiece model.
Expand the GEARBOX_CASTING_WRK.PRT in the model tree.
Expand the EXTERNAL INHERITANCE feature in the model tree.

An external inheritance feature has been created in the new workpiece part. You can edit
inherited features in the workpiece part without changing the original part. This is useful if
you want to edit the workpiece to represent the as-cast version of the model.

Module 5 | Page 2 2014 PTC

Task 2: Edit the workpiece to represent the as-cast version of the casting.

1. Suppress a number of workpiece model features.

In the model tree, select feature SLOT_1.
Press CTRL and select group HOLES.
Right-click and select Suppress .
Click OK to suppress the related round

2. Activate the casting part.

Select GEARBOX_CASTING_WRK.PRT in the model tree.
Right-click and select Activate .
3. Add material to the top of the casting.
Click Extrude from the Shapes group.
Right-click and select Define Internal Sketch.
Cursor over the workpiece model, then
right-click and select the hidden surface on
Click Sketch.
In the model tree, select the VERTICAL datum
feature, and then select the HORIZONTAL
datum feature as sketching references.
In the References dialog box, click Close.
4. Select the first loop of edges for the sketch.
Select Sketch View from the Setup group in the ribbon.
Click Project from the Sketching group in the ribbon.
Select the Loop option.
Cursor over the workpiece model, and right-click until the top surface on the
GEARBOX_CASTING_WRK.PRT highlights, as shown.
Select the highlighted surface.
Click Accept to select the outer loop of edges, as shown.

2014 PTC Module 5 | Page 3

5. Select the second loop of edges for the sketch.
Cursor over the workpiece model, and right-click until the surface on
GEARBOX_CASTING_WRK.PRT highlights, as shown.
Select the highlighted surface.
Click Next > Accept to select the inner loop of edges, as shown.

6. Complete the extrusion.

Click OK from the Sketcher toolbar.
Press CTRL + D to return to the standard
In the dashboard, edit the depth to 2.
Click Complete Feature .
model tree.
Right-click and select Activate .
Select the EXTRUDE 1 feature in the model
Observe the material added to the top of the
casting, as shown.
7. Click Regenerate .
You could also vary the dimensions of the external inheritance features in the gearbox
casting workpiece if required.
8. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 5 | Page 4 2014 PTC

Module 8
Creating and Configuring Tools

2014 PTC Module 8 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating and Configuring Tools

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create tools by configuring tool parameters.
Use cutting data during the configuration of tools.
Retrieve tools from a tool library.
Configure a solid tool.

You need to configure a number of tools for an existing fadal-vmc Work Center. You create a
number of new tools and retrieve some existing tools from a tool library. You also configure a solid
tool and add it to the Work Center configuration.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Tools_Configuring FADAL_TOOLS.ASM

Task 1: Review the existing tools for the FADAL_VMC Work Center.

1. Enable only the following Datum Display types: Plane Display and Csys Display .
2. Load a configuration option to specify the tool directory.
Click File > Options.
Select Configuration Editor.
Select Import configuration file from the Import/Export types drop-down menu.
Select the CONFIG.PRO file, and click Open.
Click OK to close the PTC Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
Click No in the PTC Creo Parametric Options Panel.

3. Click Cutting Tools from the Machine Tool Setup group.

Observe the tools currently associated with the FADAL_VMC Work Center, as shown.

4. Review a center drill tool.

Ensure that the CTRDRILL_04 tool is selected
in the tool table.
Notice that the tool parameters and tool
geometry appear in the General tab, as
Select the Settings tab.
Notice the tool number and offset number are
already configured, as shown.

Module 8 | Page 2 2014 PTC

5. Select the General tab.
Click Hide Details. Notice that the tool
geometry no longer appears.
Click Show Details to display the tool
geometry again.
In the Tools Setup dialog box, click Display
Tool .
Notice that the tool geometry appears in
a separate window, as shown. The tool
geometry updates as parameter values are
Click Close.

6. Review the Cut Data tab.

Select the Cut Data tab.
Notice that values for feed and speed have
been set, as shown.

You can store cutting data for specific stock materials with tools. You can then use this
cutting data when creating NC sequences.
7. Review an end mill tool.
Select the FEM_06_0 tool in the tool table.
Select the General tab.
Notice that the tool parameters and tool
geometry appear in the General tab, as
Select the Settings tab.
Notice that the tool number and offset number
are already configured, as shown.

You can use the Material and Number of Flutes parameters with a machinability database
to determine cut feed and spindle speed.

2014 PTC Module 8 | Page 3

8. Review the Cut Data tab.
Select the Cut Data tab.
Notice that values for feed and speed have
been set, as shown.

You can manually set data values for cutting data or you can read them in from existing
data files. You can do this by clicking Read DB.

Task 2: Create new tools in the FADAL_VMC Work Center.

1. Create a spot drilling tool.

Select the General tab.
Click New Tool .
Select SPOT DRILL from the Type drop-down
Notice the tool geometry graphic updates.
Type SPOT_DRILL_12 in the Name text box.
Type CARBIDE in the Material text box.
Edit the geometry parameters, as shown.
Select the Settings tab.
Type 5 in the Tool Number text box.
Type 5 in the Offset Number text box.
Click Apply, to update the tool information.
Notice that the tool is added to the tool table,
as shown. The tools are ordered by tool

Module 8 | Page 4 2014 PTC

2. Configure cutting data for the tool.
Select the Cut Data tab.
Type 500 in the Speed text box.
Type 130 in the Feed text box.
Click Apply.
Click Yes to save the changes to the tool.
3. Save the tool configuration.
In the Tools Setup dialog box, click Save Tool
The tool information is saved to a file named spot_drill_12.xml. All saved tools are stored
in the current pro_mf_tprm_dir folder (or the current working directory if no tool folder
is specified). You can then manually move the saved tool file to a suitable sub-folder.
Repeating this process enables you to add tools to a tool library.
4. Create a ball mill tool.
Select the General tab.
Click New Tool .
Select BALL MILL from the Type drop-down
Notice that the tool geometry graphic updates.
Type BEM_12_0 in the Name text box.
Type CARBIDE in the Material text box.
Type 2 in the Number of Flutes text box.
Edit the geometry parameters, as shown.
Select the Settings tab.
Type 7 in the Tool Number text box.
Type 7 in the Offset Number text box.
Click Apply to update the tool information.
Notice that the tool is added to the tool table,
as shown.

Task 3: Retrieve a tool from a tool library, and configure the tool.

1. Retrieve a flat end mill tool.

Select the General tab.
Select MILLING from the Type drop-down list.
Note that you must change the tool type
before retrieving the required tool.
Click Retrieve Tool .
Notice you are selecting from the previously
configured pro_mf_tprm_dir folder.
Double-click the MILL_TOOLS folder.
Select the MMFLT20.XML tool, and click
Note, all stored tool parameters are retrieved
with the tool, as shown.

2014 PTC Module 8 | Page 5

2. Select the Settings tab.
Type 15 in the Tool Number text box.
Type 15 in the Offset Number text box.
Click Apply.
Click Move to move the tool to an existing
Notice that the tool is appended to the end of
the tool table, as shown.
3. Configure cutting data for the tool.
Select the Cut Data tab.
Type 2330 in the Speed text box.
Type 605 in the Feed text box.
Type 20 in the Axial Depth text box.
Type 12 in the Radial Depth text box.
Click Apply.
Click Yes when prompted.
Click OK to close the Tools Setup dialog box.

4. Save the manufacturing model.

Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Note that the tool information is stored with the manufacturing model.

Task 4: Review and configure a solid model tool.

1. Open a solid model tool.

Click Open from the Quick Access toolbar.
Select BEM_25_0_SOLID.PRT and click Open.

Module 8 | Page 6 2014 PTC

2. Edit the dimension symbol text.
In the model tree, select the REVOLVE 1
feature, right-click, and select Edit .
Observe the model dimensions, as shown.
Select the 100 linear dimension, right-click,
and select Properties.
Type length in the Name text box.
Click OK in the Dimension Properties dialog
Select the 25 diameter dimension, right-click,
and select Properties.
Type cutter_diam in the Name text box.
Click OK in the Dimension Properties dialog
Select the 12.5 radius dimension, right-click,
and select Properties.
Type corner_radius in the Name text box.
Click OK in the Dimension Properties dialog
3. Review the model relations and symbolic
dimension values.
Select the Tools tab.
Click Relations in the Model Intent group.
Notice the model dimension symbols, as
Changing the dimension symbols to length, cutter_diam, and corner_radius creates a link
between the tool model's dimensions and the corresponding tool parameters.
Notice that the solid model tool has a coordinate system named TIP. This represents
the tool tip (often referred to as the control point). This point specifies the X-, Y-, and
Z-positions for the tool in NC sequences.
4. Add relations to the solid model tool.
In the Relations dialog box, type the relations,
as shown.
These relations assign a material to the tool
model, and set the number of teeth.
Click OK to close the Relations dialog box.
5. Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar to
return to the manufacturing model.
6. Open the Tools Setup dialog box.
Click Cutting Tools .

2014 PTC Module 8 | Page 7

7. Configure a solid model tool.
Select MILLING from the Type drop-down list.
Note, you must set the correct tool type before
retrieving a tool.
Click File > New in the Tools Setup dialog box.
Click File > Open Tool Library > By
In the Open dialog box, click Working
Directory .
Select BEM_25_0_SOLID.PRT and click
Notice that the tool parameters have been
assigned from the solid model, as shown.
8. Select the Settings tab.
Type 17 in the Tool Number text box.
Type 17 in the Offset Number text box.
Click Apply.
Click Move to move the tool to an existing
Notice that the tool is appended to the end of
the tool table, as shown.
9. Change the tool table listing.
In the Tools Setup dialog box, click the Cutter
Diam column header.
Notice that the tool table listing updates, as
In the Tools Setup dialog box, click the Tool
Position column header.
Notice the tool table listing updates again, as
In the Tools Setup dialog box, click File >
Save Tool List.
This saves the tool list to a file named
Click OK.

Module 8 | Page 8 2014 PTC

10. Review the tool listing in the Work Center and
save the Work Center.
Click Cutting Tools .
Notice this opens the Tools Setup dialog box,
as shown.
Click OK to close the Tools Setup dialog box.
The tool information can be saved with the
Work Center configuration.
Select FADAL_VMC in the model tree.
Select Save Work Center from the Work
Center drop-down menu, in the Machine Tool
Setup group.

11. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar, to close the window.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 8 | Page 9

Module 8 | Page 10 2014 PTC
Module 11
Creating Face Milling Sequences

2014 PTC Module 11 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating Face Milling Sequences

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create mill window geometry.
Create face milling sequences.
Edit milling parameters to adjust face milling sequences.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed
Milling\Face_Cover COVER_FACING.ASM

Task 1: Create a mill window as a machining reference.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Click Mill Window from the Manufacturing
Geometry group.
3. Click Chain Window in the dashboard.
4. To configure the window plane, cursor over the
model, right-click, and select the hidden model
surface, as shown.
5. Right-click and select Chain to active the
selection of edges.
6. Select one of the chain of edges at the top of the
workpiece, as shown.
7. Press SHIFT, cursor over the model, and select
the top surface of the workpiece, as shown.
Notice that the loop of edges on the top
surface of the workpiece are selected, as
8. Click Complete Feature in the dashboard.

Task 2: Create a face milling sequence.

1. Select the Mill tab.

2. Click Face from the Milling group.
Select the 50_0_E_MILL tool from the Tool Manager drop-down menu.

Module 11 | Page 2 2014 PTC

3. Retrieve face milling parameters.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
If necessary, click All, and select All
categories from the Categories drop-down
In the Edit Parameters dialog box, click File
> Open.
Select the FACE.MIL parameter file, and click
Notice that the required parameter values
are now configured. You can retrieve stored
parameter files to expedite the configuration
of manufacturing parameters.
Click OK.
4. Configure the surface for machining.
Select the Reference tab.
Change Type from Mill Window to Surface.
Click in the Machining References collector.
Select the top surface of the model, as shown.

5. Review the resulting toolpath.

Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Notice that the toolpath follows the outline of
the selected model surface. You can change
this by editing the TRIM_TO_WORKPIECE
parameter value.
Click Close.
6. Edit the trim to workpiece parameter.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
Click OK.
8. Review the resulting toolpath.
Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Notice that the toolpath now follows the outline
of the workpiece, as shown.
Click Close.

2014 PTC Module 11 | Page 3

9. Edit the trim to workpiece parameter to NO.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
Click OK.
Alternatively, you can adjust the outline of the toolpath by using a mill window.

Task 3: Use a mill window as a machining reference for the NC sequence.

1. Select the Reference tab.

Change Type from Surface to Mill Window.
2. Select the Mill Window in the model tree.

3. Review the updated toolpath.

Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Notice that the toolpath now follows the outline
of the mill window, as shown.
4. Click Close.
Alternatively, you can adjust the outline of the toolpath by using a mill surface.

Task 4: Use a mill surface as a machining reference for the NC sequence.

1. Select the Reference tab.

Change Type from Mill Window to Surface.
2. Select the hidden feature Fill 1 in the model tree.

3. Review the updated toolpath.

Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Notice that the toolpath now follows the outline
of the mill surface, as shown.
Click Close.

Module 11 | Page 4 2014 PTC

Task 5: Edit the sequence parameters to adjust the approach and exit moves,
the step depth, and the cut angle.

1. Select the Parameters tab.

Click Edit Machining Parameters .
Edit the following parameters.
Edit STEP_DEPTH to 4.
Edit CUT_ANGLE to 90.
Click OK.
2. Review the updated toolpath.
Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Click Close.

By configuring an APPROACH_DISTANCE and EXIT_DISTANCE, the tool clears the

workpiece at the beginning and end of the toolpath. By configuring a STEP_DEPTH of 4, we
have three passes (our stock is 10 mm). Notice that the third pass is much smaller than the
other two. The CUT_ANGLE makes the toolpath rotate 90 degrees relative to the X-axis.
3. Edit the cut angle and number cuts parameters.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
4. Edit the following parameters.
Edit CUT_ANGLE to 0.
Edit NUMBER_CUTS to 3.
Click OK.
5. Review the updated toolpath.
Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Click Close.
Configuring the NUMBER_CUTS to 3 computes a smaller step depth, so NUMBER_CUTS
overrides the STEP_DEPTH parameter and you get three evenly spaced passes.

2014 PTC Module 11 | Page 5

Task 6: Edit the sequence parameters to adjust the over travel on each pass
and the initial and final edge offsets.

1. Select the Parameters tab.

Click Edit Machining Parameters .
2. Edit the following parameters.
Click OK.
3. Orient the model using a named view.
From the Graphics toolbar, click Named Views and select TOP from the drop-down list.
4. Review the updated toolpath.
Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Click Close.

You specify which part of the tool to measure the over travel on each pass by changing the
and END_OVERTRAVEL to 25 causes the center of the tool to move 25 mm past the
machined surface for each approach move and each exit move.
5. Edit the edge offset parameters.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
6. Edit the following parameters.
Click OK.
7. Review the updated toolpath.
Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
You can configure the edge offset parameters to move the toolpath toward or away from
the initial and final edges (passes). A positive value moves the toolpath into the machined
surface. A negative value moves it away from the machined surface.
8. Click Close.
9. Click Complete Feature .
10. Press CTRL + D to return to the standard orientation.

Module 11 | Page 6 2014 PTC

Task 7: Create a material removal feature to cut away the machined volume from
the workpiece for the face milling sequence.

1. Click Material Removal Cut from the Manufacturing Geometry group drop-down menu.
Select Face Milling from the menu manager.
Click Done.
Select the check box for Automatic Update, at the top of the Intersected Components panel.
Click OK.
Notice the automatic cut created in the workpiece. This also appears as a feature in the
model tree.
2. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 11 | Page 7

Module 11 | Page 8 2014 PTC
Module 12
Creating Volume Milling Sequences

2014 PTC Module 12 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating Volume Milling Sequences: Extrude
and Trimming

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create volume milling sequences.
Create extruded mill volumes.
Edit mill volumes using trim and offset functionality.
Configure approach walls for mill volumes.

You need to create a volume milling sequence to rough out material for an electrode. You use an
extruded mill volume which you trim to the reference model. You also extend the mill volume and
configure approach walls to get the desired toolpath.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Volume ELECTRODE.ASM

Task 1: Create a Mill Volume.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, click Mill Volume from the Manufacturing Geometry group.
3. Click Extrude .
4. Right-click and select Define Internal Sketch.
5. Select the top surface of the workpiece.
6. Click Sketch.
7. Right-click and select References.
Select the edges shown.
Click Close.
8. Click Project from the Sketching group.
9. Select the Loop option.
10. Select the top surface of the workpiece model.
11. Click OK .
12. Right-click and select Flip Depth Direction.
13. Edit the depth to 52.
14. Click Complete Feature .
You have created an extruded mill volume. You can now subtract the reference model from
the mill volume geometry using the trim functionality.

Module 12 | Page 2 2014 PTC

15. Click Trim from the Volume Features group.
In the graphics window, query select the
reference model, as shown.

You can offset mill volume walls to extend the mill volume beyond the edges of the

16. Click Offset from the Editing group.

Edit the offset value to 5.
17. Click Complete Feature .
18. Click OK .

Task 2: Create the Mill Rough Sequence.

1. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.

2. Select Volume Rough from the Roughing
drop-down menu in the Milling group.
3. Select 20_E_MILL tool from the Tool Manager
drop-down menu.
4. Select the Reference tab.
Click in the Machining Reference collector,
and select the mill volume in the graphics area
as shown.
Click in the Approach Walls Surfaces collector.
Press CTRL and select the front and back
walls of the mill volume.

You can also configure approach walls to avoid plunging into the workpiece material.

5. Select the Parameters tab.

Edit CUT_FEED to 60.
Edit STEP_OVER to 15.
Edit MAX_STEP_DEPTH to 10.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 600.
6. Click Complete Feature .

2014 PTC Module 12 | Page 3

7. In the model tree, select EXTRUDE 1, then right-click and select Hide .
8. In the Graphics toolbar, select Hidden Line from the Display Style types drop-down menu.
9. In the model tree, select VOLUME MILLING, then right-click and select Play Path .
10. In the Play Path dialog box, click Play .

11. Select Shading from the Display Style types

drop-down menu.
12. Review the simulation, and click Close.

You can hide mill volumes to enable easier viewing of toolpaths. You can unhide mill
volumes for editing when required.

Task 3: Create a material removal feature to display the machined model.

1. Select Material Removal Cut from the

Manufacturing Geometry Group drop-down
In the menu manager, click Volume Milling.
Click Automatic > Done.
In the Intersected Components dialog box,
click AutoAdd.
Click OK.
The automatic cut is created in the workpiece. The cut geometry is based on the stock
allowance parameter values in the volume milling sequence.
2. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close .
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 12 | Page 4 2014 PTC

Exercise 2: Creating Volume Milling Sequences with Mill
After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create volume milling sequences.
Create sketched mill windows.

You need to create a volume milling sequence to machine the inside of a pocket in the housing
component. During the creation of this sequence, you create a sketched mill window to specify
the machined volume.
Close Window Erase Not Displayed
Milling\Volume_Mill_Window HOUSING.ASM
Task 1: Create a mill window to use as a machining reference.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Configure a mill window using the Sketch
Window option.
Click Mill Window from the Manufacturing
Geometry group.
In the model tree, select datum plane
RETRACT as the window plane.
Click Sketch Window in the dashboard.
Click Sketch in the dashboard.
Select datum plane NC_ASM_FRONT in the
model tree as the sketch orientation reference.
Click Sketch.
Orient the sketching plane parallel to the
Select Corner Rectangle from the
Rectangle drop-down menu in the Sketching
Sketch a rectangle, as shown.
Middle-click to finish sketching.
Edit the sketch dimensions, as shown.
Click OK .
Press CTRL + D to return to the standard
Click Complete Feature .
Notice that a mill window is created, as shown.

Task 2: Create a volume milling sequence using the Sketched Mill window.

1. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.

2. Select Volume Rough from the Roughing drop-down menu in the Milling group.
3. From the Tool Manager drop-down menu, select the 20_E_MILL tool.

2014 PTC Module 12 | Page 5

4. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 100.
Edit STEP_OVER to 10.
Edit MAX_STEP_DEPTH to 10.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 500.

5. Select the Reference tab.

Click in the Reference collector.
Ensure that the sketched mill window,
F13(MILL_WINDOW_1), is selected.

6. Click Display Toolpath .

7. In the Play Path dialog box, click Play .
8. Click Named Views from the In Graphics
toolbar, and select TOP.
9. Review the simulation and click Close.

Notice that the toolpath machines up to the edge of the mill window outline. You can
edit this by changing mill window options.

10. Click Complete Feature .

11. In the model tree, select the MILL WINDOW 1, then right-click and select Edit Definition .
12. Select the Options tab.
Select the On window contour option.

13. Click Complete Feature .

14. In the model tree, select VOLUME MILLING,
then right-click and select Play Path .
15. Click Play .

Notice that the toolpath now machines onto the edge of the mill window outline, as shown.

16. Review the simulation and click Close.

17. Press CTRL + D to return to the standard orientation.

Module 12 | Page 6 2014 PTC

18. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close .
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 12 | Page 7

Exercise 3: Using Customize in Volume Milling

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Use the customize functionality to modify cut motions.

You need make the volume milling sequence more efficient. You can do this using the customize

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Volume_Toolpaths BLOCK_CUSTOMIZE.ASM

Task 1: Use customize to create new cut motions and modify machining
parameters in a specific cut motion.

This manufacturing model does not contain a workpiece to enable easier viewing of the cut
1. Disable all Datum Display types.
2. In the model tree, select the VOLUME MILLING
NC sequence, then right-click and select Edit
Definition .
3. Click Play Path > Screen Play.
Click Play .
The tool machines across each pocket region by region. However, you need to change the
CUT_ANGLE to 90 degrees when the tool machines the three smaller pockets. You can do
this by editing the toolpath using the customize functionality.
4. Click Customize in the NC SEQUENCE menu.
5. Create a new cut motion to machine the top
region of the pocket.
In the Customize dialog box, click Insert.
Click Upto Depth > Done.
Click Depth.
Select the bottom surface of the large pocket,
as shown.
Click Done Cut.
Notice that a new automatic cut motion plus
an auto plunge, and a follow cut have been
added to the Customize dialog box, as shown.

Module 12 | Page 8 2014 PTC

6. Create another cut motion to machine the three
lower pockets.
In the Customize dialog box, click Insert.
Click From-To Depth > Done.
Click From Depth > Z Depth.
Type 11 for the height relative to the NC
sequence coordinate system, and press
Click To Depth.
Select the bottom surface of the reference
model, as shown.
Click Parameters.
Edit CUT_ANGLE to 90. Click OK.
Note, this only changes the cut angle for this
cut motion.
Click Done Cut.
Notice a retract cut motion plus a new
automatic cut, an auto plunge, and a follow
cut have been added to the Customize dialog
box, as shown.
Notice that the new cut motions supersede the original automatic cut motions. You can
remove the original cut motions as they are no longer required.
7. Delete the original automatic cut motions.
In the Customize dialog box, scroll up the cut
motion list and select the first cut motion 1:
Automatic Cut.
Press SHIFT and select the retract motion 4:
Retract, as shown.
Click Delete.
Click Yes to confirm deleting.
Notice that the new cut motions are reordered
in the Customize dialog box, as shown.
Click OK.

8. Click Play Path.

Select the Compute CL check box.
You must select this check box to recalculate
the updated toolpath.
Click Screen Play.
Click Play .
Notice that the tool machines the first region of the pocket with a cut angle of 0 degrees,
and then machines the next three regions of the pocket with a cut angle of 90 degrees.

2014 PTC Module 12 | Page 9

9. Review the simulation and click Close.
10. Click Done Seq.
11. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close .
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 12 | Page 10 2014 PTC

Module 13
Creating Profile Milling Sequences

2014 PTC Module 13 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating Profile Milling Sequences

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create profile milling sequences.
Edit milling parameters to adjust profile milling sequences.
Create lead in and lead out motions in profile milling sequences.

You need to create a profile milling sequence to machine the inside of a pocket in the cover
component. During the creation of this sequence, you adjust sequence parameters and create lead
in and lead out motions to enable correct application of cutter compensation.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Profile_Cover COVER_PROFILE.ASM

Task 1: Create a profile milling sequence and edit parameter values.

This manufacturing model does not contain a workpiece. You can still create NC
sequences, but material removal after creating NC sequences is not possible.
1. Disable all Datum Display types.
2. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.
3. Click Profile Milling from the Milling group.
4. Click Tool Manager in the Profile Milling dashboard.
5. Ensure that the 20_0_E_MILL tool is selected, and then right-click and select Select tool
and return.
6. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 80.
Edit STEP_DEPTH to 5.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 800.

7. Select the Reference tab in the dashboard.

Click Details below the Machining References
In the Surface Sets dialog box, click Add.
Notice the default rule selection is Loop
Cursor over the model, and select the top
surface of the reference model, as shown.
Select the inner edge of the reference model,
as shown.
Notice that the selected loop of surfaces
Click OK.

Module 13 | Page 2 2014 PTC

8. Click Display Toolpath in the Profile Milling
If necessary, click the CL data bar in the Play
Path dialog box. This makes the CL data
Click Play in the Play Path dialog box.
Review the simulation and click Close.
Notice the toolpath makes two profile passes. You can apply lead in and lead out motions
by editing manufacturing parameters.
9. Select the Parameters tab, and click Edit
Machining Parameters .
If necessary, click All, and select All
categories from the Categories drop-down
Select LEAD_IN from the CUT_ENTRY_EXT
drop-down menu.
Select LEAD_OUT from the CUT_EXIT_EXT
drop-down menu.
Edit LEAD_RADIUS to 14.
Click OK in the Edit Parameters dialog box.
10. Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Click Close.
Notice that lead in and lead out motions are now created, as shown. You can adjust the
entry and exit moves as required.
11. Select the Parameters tab, and click Edit
Machining Parameters .
Click OK.
12. Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Click Close.
Notice that the over travel distance removes any witness lines from the machined surfaces.

2014 PTC Module 13 | Page 3

13. Select the Parameters tab, and click Edit
Machining Parameters .
Select ON from the CUTCOM drop-down
Click OK.
14. Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Click Close.
Notice that during the lead in and lead out moves, cutter compensation is applied, as shown.

Task 2: Create an approach and exit position.

1. Enable only the following datum display types:

2. Create a datum axis for the lead in and lead out
In the Profile Milling dashboard, select Axis
from the Datum drop-down menu.
Select the surface at the bottom of the pocket
to position the datum axis, as shown.
Drag the positioning handles to snap onto the
rear and left surfaces of the pocket, as shown.
Edit the horizontal positional dimension to 16
and the vertical positional dimension to 40, as
Click OK to complete the datum axis
Click Resume in the Profile Milling
3. Select the Options tab in the dashboard.
4. Select the Approach Axis text box in the
Options tab.
This enables the selection of the Approach
From the model, select axis AA_1.
5. Select the Exit Axis text box in the Options tab.
From the model, select axis AA_1, again.

Module 13 | Page 4 2014 PTC

6. Select the Parameters tab, and click Edit
Machining Parameters .
Edit LEAD_RADIUS to 6.
Click OK.
7. Click Display Toolpath .
Click Play .
Click Close.
The approach and exit location on the profile is based on the axis position. Notice that the
NORMAL_LEAD_STEP is zero as this move is controlled by the position of the axis.

8. Select the Parameters tab, and click Edit Machining Parameters .

Click OK.

9. Click Display Toolpath .

Click Play .
Notice that the toolpath now makes two
passes at each depth, as shown. This reduces
the lateral depth of cut.

10. Change the view orientation.

Click Named Views from the In Graphics
Select the named view TOP.
Click Rewind .
Click Play again.
Notice the tool increments horizontally by 3
between each profile pass, as shown.
11. Click Close.
12. Click Complete Feature .
13. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 13 | Page 5

Module 13 | Page 6 2014 PTC
Module 14
Creating Straight Cut Surface Milling Sequences

2014 PTC Module 14 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating Straight Cut Surface Milling

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create and edit mill surface reference geometry.
Create straight cut surface milling sequences.

You need to machine the top surface of the cap part using a semi-finish surface milling sequence.
You first create a mill surface as a reference for surface milling sequences. You then create a
semi-finish sequence by creating a straight cut surface milling sequence using a 25 millimeter
ball end mill.
Close Window Erase Not Displayed
Milling\Surface_Straight-Cap CAP_STRAIGHT.ASM

Task 1: Create a mill surface by copying a reference model surface.

This manufacturing model does not contain a workpiece to enable easier viewing of mill
surface geometry.
1. Disable all Datum Display types.
2. Click Mill Surface from the Manufacturing
Geometry group.
3. Select the reference model.
Select the curved surface on the reference
model, as shown.
In the ribbon, select the Manufacturing tab.
Click Copy .
Click Paste .
4. Fill the holes.
Click Options in the dashboard.
Select the Exclude surfaces and Fill holes
Press CTRL, and select the four hole edges,
as shown.
Notice that the holes are filled, as shown.
Click Complete Feature in the SURFACE:
Copy dashboard.
Notice the updated mill surface, as shown.

Module 14 | Page 2 2014 PTC

5. Extend the outer edges of the mill surface.
Select the COPY 1 mill surface in the model
Select one outer edge of the mill surface, as
Press SHIFT and select the mill surface, until
the tangent chain of edges are selected, as
Notice the tangent chain of edges highlight on
the model, as shown.
Select the Mill Surface tab. Click Extend
from the Editing group.
Edit the extend value to 2.5.
Click Complete Feature in the Extend
Notice the extended surface on the model, as

6. Extend the inner edges of the mill surface.

Select the COPY 1 mill surface in the model
Select one inner edge of the mill surface, as
Press SHIFT and select the other inner edge
of the mill surface, as shown.
Click Extend from the Editing group.
Edit the extend value to 3.0, as shown.
Click Complete Feature in the Extend
Click OK from the Controls group.
Notice the extended surface on the model, as

2014 PTC Module 14 | Page 3

Task 2: Create a semi-finish surface milling NC sequence using the Straight Cut option.

1. In the ribbon, select Mill tab.

2. Click Surface Milling from the Milling group.
Notice that in the SEQ SETUP menu, the Tool, Parameters, Surfaces, and Define Cut
check boxes are automatically selected.
You must configure these items to generate a toolpath.
Click Done.
3. Ensure that the 25_BEM tool is selected, and then right-click and select Select tool and
4. Retrieve stored semi-finish surface milling
In the Edit Parameters dialog box, click File
> Open.
parameter file, and click Open.
Click OK.

5. Configure the surface for machining.

Click Mill Surface > Done.
Select the extended surface from the model,
as shown.
Click Okay to machine the top side of the
Click Select All > Done/Return.
6. Configure the cut definition.
Notice that the Cut Type option is configured
as Straight Cut by default.
Click OK.

7. From the menu manager, click Play Path >

Screen Play.
Click Play .
Review the simulation and click Close.

Notice that the tool machines past the edges of the model surfaces to the edge of the larger
mill surface, but the step-over is too large to produce an acceptable surfaced finish.

Module 14 | Page 4 2014 PTC

8. Edit the scallop height to control the step-over distance, and edit the profile stock allowance.
Click Step Parameters .
9. Edit PROF_STOCK_ALLOW to 0.15.
10. Edit SCALLOP_HGT to 0.1. Click OK.
11. Click Screen Play.
Click Play .
Click Close.

Notice that the resulting step-over has been reduced and is now calculated using the
SCALLOP_HGT parameter, as shown. Notice also 0.15 millimeters of stock are remaining
on the machined surface. Notice that the tool also machines over the opening in the top
surface. You can change this using the SCAN_TYPE parameter. In addition, the cut
direction is parallel to the X-axis of the sequence coordinate system, which is controlled
by the CUT_ANGLE parameter.

12. Click Step Parameters .

Edit CUT_ANGLE to 90.
Select TYPE_3 from the SCAN_TYPE drop-down menu.
Click OK.
13. Click Screen Play.
Click Play .
Click Close.

Modifying the SCAN_TYPE to TYPE_3 eliminates machining over the opening in the top
surface. Modifying the CUT_ANGLE to 90 degrees changes the direction of the cutting
Notice that the tool performs a lacing move between passes. This is controlled by the
LACE_OPTION parameter.

14. Click Step Parameters .

Select ARC_CONNECT from the LACE_OPTION drop-down menu.
Click OK.

2014 PTC Module 14 | Page 5

15. Click Screen Play.
Click Play .
Zoom in to a lacing move on the toolpath, as
Press CTRL+D to return to the standard

Modifying the LACE_OPTION to ARC_CONNECT connects each pass with a smooth

16. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
17. Click Done Seq.
18. In the model tree, select the COPY 1 mill
surface, then right-click and select Hide .
Notice that in the model, the mill surface no
longer appears, as shown.

You can unhide and redefine this mill surface at any time, as required.

19. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed from the Data group.
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 14 | Page 6 2014 PTC

Module 15
Creating From Surface Isolines Surface Milling

2014 PTC Module 15 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating From Surface Isolines Surface
Milling Sequences

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create and edit from surface isolines surface milling sequences.

You need to machine the top surface of the cap part and leave a small amount of stock remaining on
the part. An extended mill surface has already been created to be used as a machining reference.
You create a from surface isolines surface milling sequence using a 25 millimeter ball end mill.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Surface_Isolines CAP_ISOLINES.ASM

Task 1: Create a surface milling NC sequence using the From Surface Isolines option.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.
3. Click Surface Milling in the Milling group.
Notice that in the SEQ SETUP menu, the Tool, Parameters, Surfaces, and Define Cut
check boxes are automatically selected.
You must configure these items to generate a toolpath.
Click Done.
4. Ensure that the 25_BEM tool is selected, and then right-click and select Select tool and
5. Retrieve stored finish surface milling parameters.
In the Edit Parameters dialog box, click File > Open.
Select the FINISH_SURF.MIL parameter file, and click Open.
Note you can edit these parameters to precisely meet your requirements at any time.
Click OK.
6. Configure the surface for machining.
Click Mill Surface > Done from the menu
Select the extended surface from the model,
as shown.
Click Okay to machine the top side of the
Click Select All > Done/Return.
7. Configure the cut definition.
Select the From Surface Isolines option.
Select the surface in the Surface list. Note
that the cut direction highlights on the model,
as shown.
Click OK.

Module 15 | Page 2 2014 PTC

8. From the menu manager, click Play Path >
Screen Play.
Click Play .
Review the simulation and click Close.

Notice that the cut direction follows the contour of the surface (UV vectors) instead of a true
linear cut. Notice that the tool machines past the edges of the model surfaces to the edge
of the larger mill surface. The tool also machines over the opening in the mill surface. You
can change this using the SCAN_TYPE parameter. You can also improve the surface finish
by reducing the SCALLOP_HGT parameter value, and you can leave stock remaining on
the surface by editing the PROF_STOCK_ALLOW parameter value.
9. Edit the manufacturing parameters to produce a more efficient toolpath.
Click Step Parameters .
10. Edit PROF_STOCK_ALLOW to 0.1.
11. Edit SCALLOP_HGT to 0.05.
12. Select TYPE_3 from the SCAN_TYPE drop-down menu.
13. Click OK.
14. Click Screen Play.
Click Play .

Notice that the resulting step-over has been reduced to provide a better surface finish.
Modifying the SCAN_TYPE to TYPE_3 eliminates machining over the opening in the top
surface. Notice also 0.1 millimeters of stock now remain on the machined surface.
15. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
16. Click Done Seq.
17. In the model tree, select the COPY 1 mill
surface, then right-click and select Hide .
Notice that the mill surface no longer appears
in the model, as shown.

You can unhide and redefine this mill surface at any time, as required.

2014 PTC Module 15 | Page 3

18. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 15 | Page 4 2014 PTC

Module 16
Creating Cut Line Surface Milling Sequences

2014 PTC Module 16 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating Cut Line Surface Milling Sequences

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create and edit cut line surface milling sequences.

You need to finish machining the top surface of the cap model. You create a cut line surface milling
sequence using a 25 millimeter ball end mill.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Surface_Cut-Line CAP_CUT_LINE.ASM

Task 1: Create a surface milling NC sequence using the Cut Line option.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.
Click the Milling group drop-down menu and select Cut Line Milling .
3. From the Tool Manager drop-down menu, select the 25_BEM tool.
4. Retrieve stored finish surface milling parameters.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
In the Edit Parameters dialog box, click File > Open.
Select the FINISH_SURF.MIL parameter file, and click Open.
Notice that you can edit these parameters to precisely meet your requirements at any time.
Click OK.
5. Configure the surface for machining.
Select the Reference tab.
Click in the Machining References collector.
Select the top surface of the model as shown.

6. Configure the first closed cut line.

Select the Cut Lines tab.
Click Details, below the References collector.
Press CTRL and select the 2 curves of the
inside circle, as shown.
Click OK.
Click Start Point.
Type 0.5 in the field and press ENTER.
Click OK.

Module 16 | Page 2 2014 PTC

7. Configure the second closed cut line.
Select Cutline 2.
Click Details below the References collector.
Press CTRL and select the outside curves of
the top surface, as shown.
Click OK.
Click Start Point.
Type 0.5 in the field and press ENTER.
Click OK.
Click View Toolpath from the dashboard.

8. From the dashboard, click Display Toolpath .

Click Play .
Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.

Notice that the toolpath gradually changes shape between the start and end cut lines. You
can also improve the surface finish by reducing the SCALLOP_HGT parameter value.
9. Select the Parameters tab.
10. Edit SCALLOP_HGT to 0.025.

11. From the dashboard, click Display Toolpath .

Click Play .

Notice that the resulting step-over has been reduced to provide a better surface finish.

12. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.

13. Click Complete Feature from the dashboard.
14. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 16 | Page 3

Module 16 | Page 4 2014 PTC
Module 17
Advanced Surface Milling Options

2014 PTC Module 17 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Using Advanced Surface Milling Options

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Gouge check surface milling sequences.
Configure approach and exit moves to surface milling sequences.

You need to adjust the surface milling sequence to avoid the clamp surfaces. You also need to
configure approach and exit motions to remove witness lines on the machined surface.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Surface_Advanced CAP_CHECK_SURFS.ASM

Task 1: Gouge check the surface milling sequence.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the model tree, select the STRAIGHT_CUT
NC sequence, then right-click and select Edit
Definition .
Click Play Path > Screen Play.
Click Play .
Review the simulation and click Close.
Notice that the toolpath may be gouging into the vise at the beginning and end of each
pass. You can check and correct this.
3. Configure surfaces for gouge checking.
From the Play Path menu, click Gouge
4. Press CTRL and select the six top surfaces on
the vise part.
5. Click OK > Done/Return > Done/Return.
6. Perform gouge checking. Click Run from the
7. Notice that gouges were found.
8. Click Show All to view all detected gouges on
the toolpath, as shown.
9. Click Done/Return > Done/Return >

10. Click Repaint from the In Graphics toolbar.

11. To configure the check surfaces, click Seq
Setup from the NC SEQUENCE menu.
12. Select the Check Surfs check box, and click
13. Press CTRL and select the six top surfaces on
the vise part, as shown.
14. Click OK > Done/Return > Done/Return.

Module 17 | Page 2 2014 PTC

15. Perform gouge checking again. Click Play Path
> Gouge Check.
16. Press CTRL and select the six top surfaces on
the vise part, as before.
17. Click OK > Done/Return > Done/Return.
18. Click Run. Notice that no gouges were found.
19. Click Done/Return > Done/Return.

20. Adjust the check surface stock allowance. In the ribbon, click Step Parameters from
the Update group.
21. Edit CHK_SRF_STOCK_ALLOW to 2.
22. Click OK.
23. Click Play Path > Screen Play.
Click Play .
Notice that the toolpath is adjusted to avoid
the check surfaces.

Task 2: Use Customize to split the automatic cut motion and configure approach and
exit motions to remove witness lines on the machined surface.

1. Click Customize in the NC SEQUENCE menu.

2. Split the follow cut, cut motion.
In the Customize dialog box, select the cut
motion 3: Follow Cut.
Click Redefine.
Click Split.
Click Add.
Zoom in to the toolpath and select the point,
as shown.
Click Add again.
In the same area of the toolpath, select the
next point, as shown.
Click OK in the Create Split Points dialog box.
Click OK in the Follow Cut dialog box.
You now have three follow cut, cut motions,
as shown.

2014 PTC Module 17 | Page 3

3. Configure a tangent approach move.
In the Customize dialog box, select the cut
motion 3: Follow Cut, as shown.
Select Tangent Approach from the drop-down
Type 10 in the Approach Distance text box.
Click Preview.
Observe the previewed cut motion, as shown.
Click OK in the Tangent Approach dialog box.
Notice that a tangent approach is inserted
before the selected cut motion, as shown.

4. Configure a second tangent approach move.

In the Customize dialog box, select the cut
motion 6: Follow Cut.
Select Tangent Approach from the drop-down
Type 10 in the Approach Distance text box.
Click Preview.
Observe the previewed cut motion, as shown.
Click OK in the Tangent Approach dialog box.
Notice that a tangent approach is inserted
before the selected cut motion, as shown.

Note, you can remove an unwanted cut motion.

Module 17 | Page 4 2014 PTC

5. Delete the unwanted cut motion.
Select the cut motion 5: Follow Cut, as
Click Delete.
Click Yes to confirm deletion.
Notice that the cut motions are reordered in
the Customize dialog box, as shown.
Click OK in the Customize dialog box.

6. Click Play Path > Screen Play.

Click Play .

Notice that the tool now makes a tangent approach move before machining the surface.

7. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.

8. Click Done Seq.
9. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 17 | Page 5

Module 17 | Page 6 2014 PTC
Module 18
Creating Roughing and Re-roughing Sequences

2014 PTC Module 18 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Mold Core Roughing and Re-Roughing

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create roughing NC sequences.
Create re-roughing NC sequences.
Create mill windows for roughing sequences.

You create a roughing sequence and then re-roughing sequence to machine the mold core. You
edit parameters to apply high speed machining methods. The re-roughing sequence machines
material remaining from the roughing sequence.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Roughing_Mold-Core MOLD_CORE.ASM

Task 1: Create a roughing NC sequence and edit parameter values.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Configure a mill window using the Chain Window
Click Mill Window from the Manufacturing
Geometry group.
Select the top surface of the reference model
as the window placement plane, as shown.
Click Chain Window in the Mill Window
Right-click and select Chain to activate the
selection of edges.
Select one of the inner chains of edges at the
top of the pocket, as shown.
Press SHIFT and select another edge in the
loop, as shown.
Notice that the tangent chain of edges
highlights on the model, as shown.
Click Complete Feature .

3. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.

4. Select Roughing from the Roughing drop-down menu in the Milling group.
5. Click Tool Manager in the Roughing dashboard.
6. Ensure that the 20_FEM tool is selected, and then right-click and select Select tool and

Module 18 | Page 2 2014 PTC

7. Retrieve stored rough milling parameters.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
In the Edit Parameters dialog box, click File
> Open.
Select the ROUGH.MIL parameter file, and
click Open.
Note, you can edit the stored parameter
values as required.

8. Edit the following roughing related parameters for the NC sequence.

Click OK.

9. Click Display Toolpath .

Click Play .

10. Click Named Views from an In Graphics

Select the named view FRONT.
Click Repaint to view the toolpath.

Notice that the tool is making passes at approximately 5 millimeter depth increments. You
need to modify the ROUGH_SCALLOP_CONTROL and ROUGH_SCALLOP parameters
to create additional passes between the roughing passes.

11. Click Resume Feature in the Roughing dashboard.

12. Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
If necessary, click All.
Select DURING from the ROUGH_SCALLOP_CONTROL drop-down menu.
Edit ROUGH_SCALLOP to 0.4.
Click OK.

2014 PTC Module 18 | Page 3

13. Press CTRL+D to return to the standard
14. Click Display Toolpath .
If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that the tool has created additional passes between the initial roughing passes.
The ROUGH_SCALLOP_CONTROL parameter enables you to create the passes either
during or after the initial roughing passes. The ROUGH_SCALLOP parameter specifies the
maximum allowable scallop height on the walls of the cavity. The resulting scallop height is
now reduced, leaving a more uniform thickness of remaining material.
15. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
The manufacturing parameter CLOSED_AREA_SCAN is currently configured
with the default value of CONSTANT_LOAD. This produces a toolpath with an
approximately constant tool load. Alternatively, you can use MAINTAIN_CUT_TYPE or
MAINTAIN_CUT_DIRECTION values to minimize retract moves during the toolpath.
Note, for reviewing purposes, you can view the toolpath more easily by disabling
16. Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
Select MAINTAIN_CUT_TYPE from the CLOSED_AREA_SCAN drop-down menu.
Select NO from the ROUGH_SCALLOP_CONTROL drop-down menu.
Click OK.

17. Click Display Toolpath .

If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that the toolpath now maintains the cut direction. You can round the sharp corner
moves using the SMOOTH_SHARP_CORNERS option.

18. Click Resume Feature .

19. Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
Select MAX_RADIUS from the SMOOTH_SHARP_CORNERS drop-down menu.
Click OK.

Module 18 | Page 4 2014 PTC

20. Click Display Toolpath .
If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that the sharp corners have been rounded. Setting SMOOTH_SHARP_CORNERS
to MAX_RADIUS rounds sharp corners using the largest possible radius between 10%
and 100% of the SMOOTH_RADIUS value.
21. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
22. Click Complete Feature .

Task 2: Create a re-roughing NC sequence and reference the previous roughing sequence.

1. Ensure that the Roughing sequence is selected in the dashboard.

Click Re-Rough from the Milling group.
2. Click Tool Manager in the Re-roughing dashboard.
3. Select the 12_BEM tool, then right-click and select Select tool and return.
4. Retrieve stored re-roughing milling parameters.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
In the Edit Parameters dialog box, click File > Open.
Select the RE_ROUGH.MIL parameter file, and click Open.
Notice that you can edit the stored parameter values as required.

5. Edit the following parameters for the sequence.

Select MAINTAIN_CUT_TYPE from the CLOSED_AREA_SCAN drop-down menu.
Edit MIN_STEP_DEPTH to 0.2.
Edit MAX_STEP_DEPTH to 2.0.
Click OK.

6. Click Display Toolpath in the Re-roughing

If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that the tool machines only the areas where the previous roughing sequence could
not reach.
7. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
8. Click Complete Feature .

2014 PTC Module 18 | Page 5

9. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 18 | Page 6 2014 PTC

Module 19
Creating Finishing Sequences

2014 PTC Module 19 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Mold Core Finishing

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create and edit finishing NC sequences.

You create a finishing sequence to finish machine the mold core. You edit parameters to apply
high-speed machining methods. Note that roughing and re-roughing sequences have already been
created for this operation.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed

Milling\Finish_Mold-Core MOLD_CORE_FINISH.ASM

Task 1: Create a finishing NC sequence and edit sequence parameters to optimize the toolpath.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.
3. Click Finishing from the Milling group.
4. Click Tool Manager from the Finishing dashboard.
5. Select the 12_BEM tool, and then right-click and select Select tool and return.
6. Retrieve stored finish milling parameters.
Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
In the Edit Parameters dialog box, click File > Open.
Select the FINISH.MIL parameter file, and click Open.
Note that you can edit the stored parameter values as required.

7. If necessary, click All.

Edit SLOPE_ANGLE to 75.
Edit STEP_OVER to 1.0.
Click OK.
8. Select the References tab.
Click in the Mill Window collector to activate it.
Select Mill Window 1 on the reference model,
as shown.

Module 19 | Page 2 2014 PTC

9. Click Display Toolpath from the Finishing
If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .
Review the simulation and click Close in the
Play Path dialog box.
Notice that the tool machines both steep and shallow areas. It creates profile cuts for
the steep areas and spiral scanning cuts for the shallow areas. You can change these
options if required.
10. Select the Parameters tab.
Select PROFILE_CUTS from the FINISH_OPTION drop-down menu.

11. Click Display Toolpath .

If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that only profile cuts are now created.

12. Click Resume Feature .

13. Select the Parameters tab.

14. Click Display Toolpath .

If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that the tool creates a crosscut toolpath, machining both the steep and shallow
areas in a series of straight cuts.

15. Click Resume Feature .

16. Select the Parameters tab.
Click Edit Machining Parameters .
Select SHALLOW_CUTS from the FINISH_OPTION drop-down menu.
Select SPIRAL_3D_EQUIDISTANT from the SHALLOW_AREA_SCAN drop-down menu.
Click OK.

2014 PTC Module 19 | Page 3

17. Click Display Toolpath .
If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that the toolpath now machines only the shallow area, and scans the shallow area
using a constant 3-D step-over.

18. Click Resume Feature .

19. Select the Parameters tab.
Select COMBINED_CUTS from the FINISH_OPTION drop-down menu.

20. Click Display Toolpath .

If necessary, drag the Display Speed slider to
the left to slow down the toolpath simulation.
Click Play .

Notice that the tool machines both steep and shallow areas. It creates spiral scanning
cuts with a constant 3-D step-over for the shallow areas and creates profile cuts for the
steep areas.
21. Review the simulation and click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
22. Click Complete Feature .
23. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 19 | Page 4 2014 PTC

Module 20
Creating Trajectory Milling Sequences

2014 PTC Module 20 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Slot Milling

After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Use 3-axis trajectory milling sequences to create slots.
Create sketched tools.

You create a 3-axis trajectory milling sequence to machine a slot in a fixing plate. You create two cut
motions and specify approach and exit moves. You also create a sketched tool for the sequence.

Close Window Erase Not Displayed


Task 1: Create a sketched tool.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. Click Cutting Tools from the Machine Tool Setup group.
3. Click Edit > Sketch in the Tools Setup dialog box.
Type 65_DEG_SLOT_10 in the Name text box.
Click Sketcher, from the Tools Setup dialog box to open Sketcher.

4. Select Centerline from the Centerline types

drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
Sketch a vertical centerline.
Click Line Chain from the Line types
drop-down menu in the Sketching group.
Sketch the tool outline, as shown.
Middle-click to stop sketching lines.
5. Right-click and select Dimension .
Edit the dimensions, as shown.
6. Add a Sketcher coordinate system to specify the
tool tip.
Click Coordinate System from the
Sketching group.
Select a location for the coordinate system on
the sketch, as shown.
Middle-click to stop creating Sketcher
coordinate systems.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click OK .

Module 20 | Page 2 2014 PTC

7. In the Tools Setup dialog box, click Apply.
Click OK to complete the tool configuration.

You can save the sketched tool configuration with the workcell ready for future use, or save
it with the manufacturing model.

Task 2: Create a 3-axis trajectory milling sequence and configure cut motion options.

1. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.

2. Click Custom Trajectory from the Milling group.
Notice that 3 Axis is selected in the MACH AXES menu manager.
Click Done.
Notice that in the SEQ SETUP menu, the Tool and Parameters check boxes are
automatically selected.
You must configure these items to generate a toolpath.
Click Done.
3. Ensure that the 65_DEG_SLOT_10 tool is selected, and then right-click and select Select
tool and return.
4. Edit the required parameters for the NC sequence.
Edit CUT_FEED to 100.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 500.
Click OK.
5. Specify the first cut motion configuration.
Click Insert in the Customize dialog box to insert an automatic cut motion.
Click Edge > Done.
Ensure that the Edge, Direction, and Offset check boxes are selected.
Click Done.

2014 PTC Module 20 | Page 3

6. Create a cut motion to machine the first edge.
Select the hidden edge of the slot on the
model, as shown.
Click OK > Done.
Click Flip > Okay to reverse the direction.
Click Right > Done to specify the offset, as

Notice that a cut motion appears, as shown.

7. Extend the ends of the cut motion.

Click Ends > Start.
Select the Specify check box, and click Done.
Drag the start point to a new location, as
Click to finalize the location.
Click Ext Length.
Type 40 for the extension length, and press
Click End.
Select the Specify check box, and click Done.
Drag the end point to a new location, as
Click to finalize the location.
Click Ext Length.
Type 40 for the extension length, and press
Click Done/Return.
Click Done Cut.
Notice that the cut motion appears, as shown. You can create additional cut motions as
required. The cut motions are joined to form one toolpath.
8. Specify the second cut motion configuration.
Click Insert in the Customize dialog box to insert an automatic cut motion.
Click Edge > Done.
Ensure that the Edge, Direction, and Offset check boxes are selected.
Click Done.

Module 20 | Page 4 2014 PTC

9. Create a cut motion to machine the second
Select the hidden edge of the slot on the
model, as shown.
Click OK > Done.
Click Okay to specify the direction.
Click Right > Done to specify the offset.

Notice that a cut motion appears, as shown.

10. Extend the ends of the second cut motion.

Click Ends > Start.
Select the Specify check box, and click Done.
Drag the start point to a new location, as
Click to finalize the location.
Click Ext Length.
Type 40 for the extension length, and press
Click End.
Select the Specify check box, and click Done.
Drag the end point to a new location, as
Click to finalize the location.
Click Ext Length.
Type 40 for the extension length, and press
Click Done/Return.
Click Done Cut.
Notice that the cut motion appears, as shown.

2014 PTC Module 20 | Page 5

11. Delete unwanted cut motions.
Select cut motion 4: Retract, as shown.
Click Delete, and click Yes to confirm deleting
the cut motion.
Select cut motion 5: Auto Plunge, as shown.
Click Delete, and click Yes to confirm deleting
the cut motion.
Notice the updated cut motion list in the
Customize dialog box, as shown.
Click OK in the Customize dialog box.

12. From the menu manager, click Play Path >

Screen Play.
If necessary, click the CL data bar to make the
CL data visible.
Click Next Record repeatedly to single
step through the toolpath until you reach the
Notice that the two cut motions are joined to form a single toolpath.

13. Review the simulation and click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
14. Click Done Seq.
15. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

Module 20 | Page 6 2014 PTC

Module 21
Creating Holemaking Sequences

2014 PTC Module 21 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating Holemaking Sequences
After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create drill groups.
Create center-drilling sequences.
Create standard drilling sequences.
Create tapping sequences.
Create boring sequences.

You need to machine holes in a new machining bracket fixture. You create drill groups to enable
easy selection of the holes for the holemaking sequences. You center-drill all the holes in the model.
You create a holemaking sequence to drill the seven holes on the stepped face of the model. You
then drill and tap the four holes in the bolt hole pattern on the top face of the model and finish by
drilling and boring the large hole on the top face.
Close Window Erase Not Displayed
Milling\Drilling_Bracket BRACKET_DRILL.ASM
Task 1: Create two drill groups one for the seven holes on the stepped face and
the other for the holes in the bolt hole pattern.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, select the Mill tab.
3. Configure the drill groups.
Click Drill Group from the Manufacturing
Geometry group.
Select the Properties tab in the Drilling Group
dialog box.
Type GROUP_14_0 in the Name field.
Select the Definition tab.
Select the Rule: diameters from the Subsets
Select the 14.000000 diameter from the
Available list and click Add .
Notice seven axes highlight on the model, as
Click Apply Changes in the Drilling Group
dialog box.
Click Drill Group .
Select the Properties tab and type
GROUP_M_18_0 in the Name field.
Select the Definition tab.
Select the Rule: diameters.
Select the 18.000000 diameter from the
Available list and click Add .
Notice four axes highlight on the model, as
Click Apply Changes .

Module 21 | Page 2 2014 PTC

Task 2: Create a holemaking sequence to center-drill all the holes.

1. Click Standard from the Holemaking Cycles group.

2. Click Tool Manager in the Drilling dashboard.
3. Select the CTRDRILL_04 tool, and then right-click and select Select tool and return.
4. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 150.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 500.
5. Configure the first set of holes for center-drilling.
Select the References tab.
Click Details below the Holes collector.
Ensure that the Holes tab is selected in the
Holes dialog box. Select the Individual Axes
from the Subsets list.
Select the large hole in the center of the top
face of the model, as shown.
Notice the five holes to be drilled highlight on
the model, as shown.
Select the Depth tab in the Holes dialog box.
From the Start drop-down list, click Select
Start Surface .
Select the top surface on the model, as shown.
From the End drop-down list, click Blind .
Type 4 in the End Value field, and press
Select By tip from the Measure drop-down list.
Click OK in the Holes dialog box.

2014 PTC Module 21 | Page 3

6. Configure the second set of holes for
Select New set on the References tab.
Click Details.
Ensure that the Holes tab is selected in the
Holes dialog box. Select Rule:drill groups
from the Subsets list.
Select the GROUP_14_0 group from the
Available list.
Click Add .
Notice the seven holes to be drilled highlight
on the model, as shown.
Select the Depth tab in the Holes dialog box.
From the Start drop-down list, click Select
Start Surface .
Select the stepped surface of the model as
the start surface, as shown.
From the End drop-down list, click Blind .
Type 4 in the End Value field, and press
Select By tip from the Measure drop-down list.
Click OK.

7. Click Display Toolpath in the Drilling

Click Play .
Notice that all holes on the model are
center-drilled, as shown.

8. Review the simulation and click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
9. Click Complete Feature .

Task 3: Create a standard drilling sequence to drill the seven holes on the
stepped face of the model.

1. Click Standard .
2. Click Tool Manager .
3. Select the DRILL_14_0 tool, and then right-click and select Select tool and return.
4. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 200.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 1500.

Module 21 | Page 4 2014 PTC

5. Configure the holes for drilling.
Select the References tab.
Click Details.
Ensure that the Holes tab is selected in the
Holes dialog box. Select Rule:drill groups
from the Subsets list.
Select the GROUP_14_0 group from the
Available list.
Click Add .
Notice the seven holes to be drilled highlight
on the model, as shown.
Select the Depth tab in the Holes dialog box.
From the End drop-down list, click Through
All .
Click OK.

6. Click Display Toolpath .

Click Play .
Click the CL Data bar to make the CL data
Notice that all holes on the stepped surface
are drilled, as shown.

Notice that the BREAKOUT_DISTANCE is added to the depth of all holes drilled using the
THRU ALL option.
7. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
8. Click Complete Feature .

Task 4: Create a holemaking sequence using a tapping drill to drill the four
holes in the bolt hole pattern.

1. Click Standard .
2. Click Tool Manager .
3. Select the DRILL_15_5 tool, and then right-click and select Select tool and return.
4. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 200.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 1500.

2014 PTC Module 21 | Page 5

5. Configure the holes for drilling.
Select the References tab.
Click Details.
Ensure that the Holes tab is selected in the
Holes dialog box. Select Rule:drill groups
from the Subsets list.
Select the GROUP_M_18_0 group from the
Available list.
Click Add .
Notice the four holes to be drilled highlight on
the model, as shown.
Select the Depth tab in the Holes dialog box.
From the End drop-down list, click Through
All .
Click OK.

6. Click Display Toolpath .

Click Play .
Notice that four holes on the top surface are
drilled, as shown.

7. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.

8. Click Complete Feature .

Task 5: Create a holemaking sequence to tap the four holes in the bolt hole pattern.

1. Click Tapping from the Holemaking Cycles group.

2. Click Tool Manager in the Tapping dashboard.
3. Select the TAP_18_0 tool, and then right-click and select Select tool and return.
4. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit THREAD_FEED to 2.5.
Select MMPR from the THREAD_FEED_UNITS drop-down list.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 300.

Module 21 | Page 6 2014 PTC

5. Select the References tab.
Click Details.
Ensure that the Holes tab is selected in the
Holes dialog box. Select Rule:drill groups
from the Subsets list.
Select the GROUP_M_18_0 group from the
Available list.
Click Add .
Notice the four holes to be drilled highlight on
the model, as shown.
Select the Depth tab in the Holes dialog box.
From the End drop-down list, click Through
All .
Click OK.

6. Click Display Toolpath in the Tapping

Click Play .
Notice four holes on the top surface are
tapped, as shown.

Notice a CYCLE/TAP statement is output in the CL data file, as shown.

7. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box

8. Click Complete Feature .

Task 6: Create a holemaking sequence to drill the large hole on the top face of the model.

1. Click Standard .
2. Click Tool Manager .
3. Select the DRILL_24_0 tool, and then right-click and select Select tool and return.
4. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 200.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 800.

2014 PTC Module 21 | Page 7

5. Configure the hole for drilling.
Select the References tab.
Click Details.
Ensure that the Holes tab is selected in the
Holes dialog box. Select the Individual Axes.
Select the large hole on the model, as shown.
Select the Depth tab in the Holes dialog box.
From the End drop-down list, click Through
All .
Click OK.

6. Click Display Toolpath .

Click Play .
Notice that the large hole is drilled, as shown.

7. Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.

8. Click Complete Feature .

Task 7: Create a holemaking sequence to counter bore the large hole on

the top face of the model.

1. Select Boring from the Boring types drop-down menu in the Holemaking Cycles group.
2. Click Tool Manager in the Boring dashboard.
3. Select the BORE_40_0 tool, and then right-click and select Select tool and return.
4. Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 200.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 500.

Module 21 | Page 8 2014 PTC

5. Configure the hole for drilling.
Select the References tab.
Click Details.
Ensure that the Holes tab is selected in the
Holes dialog box. Select the Individual Axes.
Select the large hole on the model, as shown.
Select the Depth tab in the Holes dialog box.
From the Start drop-down list, click Select
Start Surface .
Select the top surface on the model, as shown.
From the End drop-down list, click Select End
Surface .
Select the surface at the bottom of the counter
bore on the model, as shown.
Select By tip from the Measure drop-down list.
Click OK.

6. Click Display Toolpath from the Boring

Click Play .
Notice that the large hole is counter bored, as

Notice that a CYCLE/BORE statement is output in the CL data file, as shown.

7. Review the simulation and click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
8. Click Complete Feature .
9. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 21 | Page 9

Module 21 | Page 10 2014 PTC
Module 23
Using the Process Manager

2014 PTC Module 23 | Page 1

Exercise 1: Creating NC Sequences Using the Process
After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create and edit holemaking sequences using the process manager.
Close Window Erase Not Displayed
Milling\Process_Plate PLATE.ASM
Task 1: Create a standard drilling step to center drill holes in the plate model.

1. Disable all Datum Display types.

2. In the ribbon, click Process Manager from
the Process group.
Notice that a fixture and an operation step
have been created.
Notice that a Work Center and tooling have
also been configured.
3. In the Manufacturing Process Table dialog box,
select the operation row, as shown.
4. In the Manufacturing Process Table dialog box, click Insert > Step > Drilling step.
Type CENTER_DRILLING in the Name field.
Click OK to create a standard drilling step.
In the Drilling dashboard, click Complete Feature .

5. Click Edit in the Manufacturing Process Table

dialog box.

Notice that the status column indicates a missing tool for the drilling step.

6. Click Tool Manager in the dashboard.

Ensure that the CTRDRILL_04 tool is selected,
and then right-click and select Select tool
and return.
Click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column indicates missing parameters for the drilling step, as shown.

7. Click Edit .
Select the Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 150.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 500.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column in the process table indicates missing holesets.

Module 23 | Page 2 2014 PTC

8. Configure the holes for machining.
Click Edit .
In the dashboard, select the References tab.
Click Details.
Select the Individual Axes.
Press CTRL and select the five holes on the
model, as shown.
9. Configure the hole depth.
In the Holes dialog box, select the Depth tab.
From the Start drop-down list, click Select
Start Surface .
Select the top surface on the model, as shown.
From the End drop-down list, click Blind .
Type 4 in the End Value field, and press
Select By tip from the Measure drop-down list.
Click OK in the Holes dialog box.
Click Complete Feature .

10. Click Show Toolpath in the Manufacturing

Process Table dialog box.
To slow down the toolpath simulation, drag the
display speed slider to the left.
Click Play .
Notice that the selected holes are center
drilled, as shown.
Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.
Notice that your holes may be drilled in a different order.

Task 2: Create a standard drilling step to drill the four blind holes in the plate model.

1. In the Manufacturing Process Table dialog box,

ensure that the CENTER_DRILLING row is
selected, as shown.

2. In the process table, click Insert > Step > Drilling step.
Type DRILL_10_0_HOLES in the Name field.
Click OK to create a standard drilling step.
In the Drilling dashboard, select No tool from the Edit Tool drop-down menu, and click
Complete Feature .

2014 PTC Module 23 | Page 3

3. Click Edit .

Notice that the status column indicates a missing tool for the drilling step.

4. In the Drilling dashboard, click Tool Manager

Select the 10_0_DRILL tool, and then
right-click and select Select tool and return.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column indicates missing parameters for the drilling step, as shown.

5. Click Edit .
In the Drilling dashboard, select the
Parameters tab.
Edit CUT_FEED to 200.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 1500.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column in the process table indicates missing holesets, as shown.

Module 23 | Page 4 2014 PTC

6. Configure the holes for machining.
Click Edit .
In the Drilling dashboard, select the
References tab.
Click Details.
Select the Individual Axes.
Press CTRL and select the four 10 millimeter
holes on the model, as shown.
7. Configure the hole depth.
In the Holes dialog box, select the Depth
tab. Notice that the End Depth is configured
to Auto, and Measure is configured to By
shoulder, as shown.
Click OK in the Holes dialog box.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .

You do not have to change these depth settings.

8. Click Show Toolpath .

To slow down the toolpath simulation, drag the
display speed slider to the left.
Click Play .
Notice that the selected holes are drilled.
Click Close when finished.

Notice that your holes may be drilled in different order.

Task 3: Create a standard drilling step to drill the 30 millimeter diameter hole in the plate model.

1. In the Manufacturing Process Table dialog

box, ensure the DRILL_10_0_HOLES row is
selected, as shown.

2. In the Manufacturing Process Table, click Insert > Step > Drilling step.
Type DRILL_30_0_HOLE in the Name field.
Click OK to create a standard drilling step.
In the dashboard, select No tool from the Edit Tool drop-down menu, and click Complete
Feature .

2014 PTC Module 23 | Page 5

3. Edit the standard drilling step.
Click Edit .

Notice that the status column indicates a missing tool for the drilling step.

4. Configure the tool.

In the Drilling dashboard, click Tool Manager
Select the 30_0_DRILL tool, and then
right-click and select Select tool and return.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column indicates missing parameters for the drilling step, as shown.

5. Click Edit .
In the dashboard, select the Parameters tab. .
Edit CUT_FEED to 200.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 800.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column in the process table indicates missing holesets, as shown.

6. Configure the hole for machining.

Click Edit .
In the dashboard, select the References tab.
Click Details.
Select the Individual Axes.
Select the 30 millimeter hole on the model, as
7. Configure the hole depth.
Select the Depth tab and click Through All
from the End drop-down list.
Click OK in the Holes dialog box.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .

Module 23 | Page 6 2014 PTC

8. Review the operation toolpath.
Click Show Toolpath .
To slow down the toolpath simulation, drag the
display speed slider to the left.
If necessary, click the CL Data bar to make
the CL data visible.
Click Play .
Notice that the selected hole is drilled, as
Notice that the BREAKOUT_DISTANCE is
added to the hole depth in the CYCLE/DRILL
statement in the CL data.
Click Close when finished.

Task 4: Create a countersink drilling step to countersink the four blind holes in the plate model.

1. In the Manufacturing Process Table dialog box,

ensure that the DRILL_30_0_HOLE row is
selected, as shown.

2. In the Manufacturing Process Table, click Insert > Step > Drilling step.
Type COUNTERSINK_10_0_HOLES in the Name field.
Select COUNTERSINK from the Type drop-down list.
Click OK to create a standard drilling step.
In the Countersinking dashboard, select No tool from the Edit Tool drop-down menu,
and click Complete Feature .

3. Click Edit .

Notice that the status column indicates a missing tool for the drilling step.

4. Configure the tool.

In the Countersinking dashboard, click Tool
Manager .
Select the CSINK_18_0 tool, and then
right-click and select Select tool and return.
Click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column indicates missing parameters for the drilling step, as shown.

2014 PTC Module 23 | Page 7

5. Click Edit .
In the Countersinking dashboard, select the
Parameters tab. .
Edit CUT_FEED to 150.
Edit CLEAR_DIST to 2.
Edit SPINDLE_SPEED to 800.
Click Complete Feature .
Notice that the status column in the process table indicates missing holesets, as shown.

6. Configure the holes for machining.

Click Edit .
In the Countersinking dashboard, select the
References tab.
Click Details.
Select the Individual Axes.
Press CTRL and select the four 10 millimeter
holes on the model, as shown.
7. Configure the hole start surface and depth.
Select the Depth tab.
Select the top surface of the model as the
Start surface, as shown.
Edit the Countersink Diameter value to 18 and
press ENTER.
Click OK in the Holes dialog box.
In the dashboard, click Complete Feature .

8. Click Show Toolpath .

To slow down the toolpath simulation, drag the
display speed slider to the left.
Click Play .
Notice that the selected holes are countersink
drilled, as shown.
Notice the countersink diameter is included in
the CYCLE/CSINK statement in the CL data.
Click Close in the Play Path dialog box.

Module 23 | Page 8 2014 PTC

9. Apply changes to the manufacturing model.
Click Close in the Manufacturing Process
Table dialog box.

Notice that four NC sequences are added to the model tree listing, as shown.

10. Save the manufacturing model and erase all objects from memory.
Click Save from the Quick Access toolbar.
Click Close from the Quick Access toolbar.
In the ribbon, click Erase Not Displayed .
Click OK.

This completes the exercise.

2014 PTC Module 24 | Page 1

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