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9/11/2017 Interview Robert Koch May 2013 by Juliana Swanson | Jyotish Star of the Month

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Jyotish Star of the Month

A Conversation with Robert Koch
By Juliana Swanson
Interview Date: April 2013

Juliana Swanson: Hello Robert! We are so fortunate to have a Vedic Astrologer of your stature
granting us an interview for the Jyotish Star!

Tell us, when did you first find yourself interested in Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)

Robert Koch: Astrology or allied metaphysical science were never part of my

family background and thus in my early years of life I had little exposure to it
at all. My parents were professional people, my father a medical doctor and
my mother a nurse, and so I grew up in an academic household which was
fairly conservative and mainstream in all regards. Still, I grew up in San
Francisco which in the late 1960s became the vortex of consciousness
expansion and free love in America, and so by the time I graduated from
high school and attended college in 1965, I had become exposed to all kinds
of metaphysical sciences such as I-Ching and Numerology at first, and then
astrology came later just prior to the time that I joined the Vedic monastery in
1970. So my exposure
to matters of a spiritual and metaphysical nature came after I left my parent's home in 1967 and
which is when I began to walk my own path in life.

Juliana: Did you have another career before you came to astrology?

Robert: So far as careers are concerned, Jyotish was the first and only full time profession for me.
I had a long and dedicated monastic career, but I would not consider that as a profession per se.
Since my spiritual and monastic career started at the age of 22, and after I had completed just two
years of college, it became my only work up until the time that I embarked full time on my career
with Jyotish and which is my full time work up to this day.

Juliana: Please fill us in on your monastic career. What led up to this?

Robert: I had reached a point in my life in 1968 wherein my spiritual quest became all-
encompassing and I virtually disengaged myself from college, friends and girlfriends, or pursuit of a
professional career, and focused exclusively on finding my guru. I found Prabhupada or more 1/9
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appropriately, he found me - at the end of an intensive search.

Juliana: Prabhupada, the head of the Krsna Consciousness movement?

Robert: Yes, my spiritual master was Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada, who was a lineage holder in the prestigious Gaudiya
Vaishnava Sampradaya in India, which dated back over 500 years to the
time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Vaishnavism, or Krsna Consciousness, is essentially the underpinnings of

Bhakti-yoga, or devotional spiritualism, and Prabhupadas movement served
to promote the Vedic Vaishnava teachings as well as attendant lifestyle all
over the world. Prabhupada came to the USA and established his first
ashram in New York City, after which the movement spread very rapidly all
over the
country, in fact he had established over 100 temples worldwide for the worship of Radha-Krsna
between 1965 and 1977 when he left this world.

Juliana: So after he found you, what prompted your decision to become a monk?

Robert: Initially I had no idea of what a monk's life was, or even the desirability of adopting that
kind of lifestyle. I was, however, strongly driven by a desire to find God and to find my unique place
within the universe. This became such a compelling impulse that in order to launch a spiritual
search or quest, I dropped out of college and relinquished all sorts of attachments for this purpose.
So the spiritual search became the single-most desire of my life at that time, although eventually it
became evident to me that I needed a community of spiritual seekers to adopt, rather than trying to
find God on my own.

On my own, I had traveled extensively and read all kinds of books on various spiritual persuasions,
but in the end became confused as to which one was correct for me. So I sought out the
association of what appeared to me to be a very dedicated and serious spiritual community,
although I still had no idea that I too would move in the ashram and become a monk. It was only
after moving into the ashram of my guru and adopting the lifestyle of the monk that I fully
understood what this kind of life was like and the importance of it for spiritual advancement. In my
book I wrote about my chart and what combinations of planets pointed toward this sort of lifestyle
as a matter of destiny and also the appropriate time periods as to when the life of the monk would
The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, Paravidya Publications, 2005

Juliana: When did you move into the ashram and how long were you there as a monk?

Robert: I moved into my gurus ashram in San Francisco on January 10, 1970. I lived under the
auspices of his ashram as a celibate, Brahmacharya monk up until 1989, when I left the ashram
life to pursue the secular lifestyle of an astrologer.

Juliana: I imagine your yogic path led the way to Jyotish.

Robert: Yes, within the framework of the monastic lifestyle, I traveled to India seven times during
this period and that is where my exposure to Jyotish began in 1987.

Juliana: How did you actually get started? 2/9
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Robert: I began my initial studies in Jyotish on my own after a friend, just having recently returned
from India, handed me a book on Jyotish and said, I think you would be good at this. The book
was Predictive Astrology of the Hindus, by the late Gopesh Kumar Ojha of New Delhi. Once having
that book in my hands I was captivated, and didnt put it down until I had literally devoured every
word of the entire manuscript. That book alone was enough to gather an understanding of the
basic principles of Jyotish, but still I needed more. I then gravitated to the teachings of the late,
great B.V. Raman and it was basically from his books that I learned enough Jyotish, in theory,
technique as well as application, to start doing readings myself. So after starting my studies in
1987 (I was still in the ashram at that time), I began doing readings fulltime professionally in 1989
and that work became the bridge from ashram life toward living independently in the secular world.

Juliana: Did you have any other mentors?

Robert: My first real mentor in Jyotish was Sri K.N. Rao of New Delhi, whom I met in San Rafael,
CA in 1994 where he was conducting a workshop on Jaimini under the auspices of the American
Council of Vedic Astrology. Sri Rao lit a fire in my mind and consciousness like no other Jyotishi I
had met, and especially through his clear and profound expositions on Jaimini, principles that I
quickly incorporated in my own work with Jyotish. Later, in 1999, I met Sanjay Rath on the Internet
and his teachings grew on me too to the extent that I joined the Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) which
he started after visiting the US for the first time in 2002. Sanjay instilled within me the means and
the awareness of how to combine the esoteric Sanskrit teachings of the Vedas, which I had studied
intensely in my monastic career, with the spiritual foundation of Jyotish. He became the inspiration
for writing my book on this subject and which was released in 2005. So these three mentors had
the most compelling influence on my early studies and their teachings are deeply incorporated
within the fabric of my practice up to the present time.

Juliana: When did you actually begin your full-fledged career as an astrologer?

Robert: I started doing readings while still living as a monk in my gurus ashram in 1987. Because
the ashram life was strict in terms of philosophy, ideology, and lifestyle, my practice of Jyotish living
within that framework wasnt looked upon favorably at first by the local temple authorities, at least
until the temple leaders and managers started to come to me to get readings for themselves and
their families! My practice of Jyotish never really did become integrated within the temple life and
routine, and because of that a political divide started to grow between temple authorities one the
one hand, and myself on the other hand as within just a year I had developed something of a
following among those who lived there as well as those who visited the temple.

Juliana: I am perplexed as to why there was a divide over your doing Jyotish in the temple. I
mean, it is a holy science, so whats the problem with that?

Robert: Jyotish is a Vedanga, or a subsidiary limb of the Vedas, but its study was not central to the
spiritual tenets of Bhakti-yoga or Vaishnava scriptures that were taught in the temple. Thus the
temple authorities, although seeing Jyotish as a valuable addition even to their own lives, did not
advocate it as a regular study, considering the temple curriculum. There were also some political
issues reverberating within the temple walls that had nothing to do with Jyotish per se, but some
persons made it into an issue to support their political purposes. Details regarding how all of this
unfolded constitute a murky subject at best, and thus are best left alone.

Juliana: How did you find your way beyond it all?

Robert: I could see that a change in my own life was coming, and after I received a reading from
Asutosh Ojha, the son of Gopesh Kumar Ojha, I quickly understood that my ashram life was going
to end and that I too was going to be a fulltime Jyotishi. This revelation came out of that reading,
and was the first major prediction that foresaw my future life as an astrologer, yet one living 3/9
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independently from the ashram organization.

Juliana: You mentioned Gopesh Kumar Ojha earlier as the author of the first book you read on
Vedic Astrology which was such an inspiration (Predictive Astrology of the Hindus). Can you say
anything more about Asutosh Ojha and Gopesh Kumar Ojha or the reading that marked such a
turning point for you?

Robert: When I read the elder Ojha's book and then subsequently received a reading from his son
Asutosh, I didn't know much about them, nor did I know much about what Jyotish was. What
became evident to me, however, was that the reading of my chart was a transparent window
through which my life and karma were revealed and this was exciting to me as at that time, the life
of the monk was changing and I was going into a different direction. The chart indicated the likely
direction, and I've been a full time astrologer ever since.

Juliana: Now you have intrigued us! Would you mind sharing some of the combinations in your
horoscope about which this astrologer was predicting?

Robert: Certainly, as my birth data and chart have long been in the public domain. My data is as

Robert Koch
September 18, 1947
08:25:50 AM PST
San Francisco, CA. The lagna should be 1:51 Libra, using Lahiri Ayanamsa. [editors note PL
software calculates the lagna at 1:53] 4/9
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There are a number of combinations indicating a departure from the life of a monk, and into the
secular life of an astrologer, all this evolving from 1987 to 1989 when I left the ashram. The key
point to bear in mind here is that 12th lord Mercury is in the nakshatra of Hasta, an important
nakshatra for those reading the signs or palms, while the Moon ruling that nakshatra is the 10th
lord and placed in the 1st house. Sade-sati had just finished at that time while the event of leaving
the temple occurred during the Vimshottari Mahadasha of Mercury/Moon/Venus. When the 10th
lord is in a cardinal sign in the first house and after Saturn has just completed his transit over the
lagna, then a shift in the direction of career is indicated. Since Venus rules the 1st house and is in
the 12th house in a weak sign, the prediction became evident in the sub-sub-period
(Pratyantaradasha) of Venus. Readers may read the section of my book under Vaishnava Monk
in which these timing sequences are referenced with respect to Drig dasha.

Juliana: Speaking of Drig dasha, this comes up in the first sentence of the Introduction to your
book, where you state, My original desire at the outset of this undertaking was to teach and
research the brilliant Drig dasha, which times key events in the lives of spiritual aspirants and great
masters. Of course your book unfolded to include so much more, but even so, what more about
the Drig dasha did you learn in your writing process?

Robert: Drig dasha, as well as all predictive methods of Jyotish, are understood fully when applied
to a number of charts, say, as part of a research project. So the first step is to learn the purpose of
the dasha; then how it is calculated; and finally to observe its application to a number of
horoscopes. The magic of a dasha system becomes illuminating when an astrologer sees how it
works in actual practice using charts of well-known persons whose life-events are known.

Juliana: How many dashas do you work with on average in a consultation and how do you blend
them together?

Robert: I usually work with three different dasha systems when they concern general areas, and
then a specific one as it concerns challenging or difficult events in a person's life such as
accidents, injuries, death, losses, etc. So the three universal dasha systems that I use with
consultations are the Vimshottari dasha, then the Kalachakra dasha, and finally the Narayana
dasha. The dasha I use which shows challenges, loss or tragedy rather well is the Yogini dasha.
As regards Yogini dasha, for example, it was predicted that former presidential aspirant Mitt
Romney would lose the 2012 election as he entered the Yogini dasha of the Moon the day after the
election on Nov. 7, 2012. Briefly, in Romney's chart, the Moon is debilitated in the 7th house and
with Rahu, and the election occurred when the transit Rahu moved over his Moon! It was the
clearest indication that he would not win the election, among various methods of prediction, but
rather would wake up very surprised or shocked the day after the election.

Juliana: That is a brilliant revelation about Yogini dasha. And since we are discussing technique, I
wonder, can you tell us how you use longevity calculations in your consultations?

Robert: There are a variety of ways to predict longevity given in the Brihat Parashara Hora
Shastra, the Laghu Parasari Siddhant, and the Jataka Parijata as well. Readers should go through
those texts carefully in order to get a grasp on how this elusive subject in Jyotish can be mastered.
These methods are fairly reliable, but a note of caution is to not predict death for those who are still
living. Keep this knowledge to yourself and then advise the client in appropriate ways.

Juliana: Would you please share with our readers your easy method for these longevity
calculations which you recently taught me?

Robert: Apart from the more detailed methods, the thumb-rule method for determining the Ayus 5/9
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khanda, or section of longevity (short life, medium life, or long life), is rather simple: Find the rulers
of the 1st, the 10th and the 8th houses, and then see their placements. If all three are in the
cardinal signs or cardinal houses from the ascendant, then long life (72 years to 108) may be
expected. If two out of three are in such positions, then medium life is expected; and finally, if one
out of three of them are in such positions, then short life is probable. If all three are in fixed signs or
houses, then short life may be expected; and if all three are in dual signs, then medium life may be

The strengths of these planets according to Shad-bala will need to be considered as well. If short
or medium life is determined by these methods, then a strong Jupiter in the lagna or the 7th house
causes Kaksa vriddhi, or increase in the term of longevity from medium to long, or from short to
medium. If instead Saturn is in the 1st or 7th, then Kaksa Hrasa occurs, or decrease in the term of
longevity as was originally determined. Also afflictions to the Chara Atmakaraka planet, or to the
7th from it, will give decrease in the term, while benefic reinforcement of the AK and its 7th will give
increase in the term.

There are other more intricate methods too that would be beyond the scope of this interview to
teach, but suffice to say that the above thumb-rule will give the broad term of longevity, i.e. the 36-
year term. Then, Shoola dashas may be examined to determined the nine year segment of the
term (there are four Shoola dashas operating within each 36-year term, and the one having the
most afflictions by malefics, or which is in trine to the Rudra planet, will bring death); and finally the
lifespan can be worked down to a one-year period making use of the Sudarshana Chakra which
basically progresses the ascendant, Sun and Moon one sign per year of life. For longevity
determinations, progressing only the ascendant forward one sign per year is sufficient, however.

Juliana: You are well versed in a variety of Vedic astrology systems and methods, including
Parashari, Tajika, and Jaimini and Nadi astrology. Some astrologers say that some of these
systems should not be used together. Please clarify this and tell us your opinion.

Robert: In general practice, any particular system or branch of Jyotish should be learned and
practiced in its own right, rather than being blended with others. Still, one begins to realize that
many of the aforementioned systems are part of Parashari astrology and thus if you practiced
everything in the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra the way it is taught, then you would be essentially
doing Jaimini astrology as well. I dont honestly see too much difference between Parashari and
Jaimini astrology, for example, although they are frequently thought of as separate disciplines.
However, Tajika is different, as it emerged later on and essentially originated with Persian other
western systems, and so really isnt part of Parashari astrology. So Tajika may be studied
separately and may also be part of ones practice, that is, the study and analysis of yearly charts.
Nadi astrology is different too and more appropriate to different regions of India throughout history,
yet the Nadi techniques, such as progressions for example, are simple and can easily be
incorporated with typical Parashari astrology. So in the beginning, try to study each branch of
astrology as a discipline in its own right, and then later you will find ways of merging them into a
consistent and a regular practice that is uniquely your own.

Juliana: How do you divide your work schedule between consulting, teaching, research and

Robert: Ive always had a very active practice as a consulting astrologer, and this was so even
when I became fully engaged in this work back in 1989. Consulting work and readings occupy just
about all of my time, and consequently whenever I embark on writing projects such as my books
and articles, that will happen on Sundays, as these days are the only free days during the week.
When people used to ask, When did you write your book, I would jokingly say, I wrote my book
on Sunday. 6/9
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When I lived in Seattle as an astrologer between 1989 and 1998, I used to conduct classes in my
home once a week and these were attended by about 20 or so very ambitious and enthusiastic
local astrologers. Around that time I met my friend Dennis Flaherty in Seattle, and for a period of
time we taught classes together at his Greenlake Metaphysics Center, which was the only formally
organized teaching center of Jyotish and astrology in Seattle at that time. Later, after moving from
Seattle, my teaching venues were mainly the conferences held by ACVA (American College of
Vedic Astrology) , and then later SJC, while my local classes stopped altogether for the most part.
Ive maintained private tutoring up until now with a small group of very serious astrologers, and that
is the extent of my teaching work at present.

Juliana: What books and articles have you written?

Robert: In the early days of my career I wrote many articles for the ACVA
Journal, which at that time was the only regular publication on Jyotish in
America and which was distributed worldwide as well. I sought to present
research projects through these articles, and liked to present analyses of
famous persons or persons in the world news at the time. This way the
technique of analyzing horoscopes became interesting and organic in light of
individuals who were seen and known on the world stage. My book, The
Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, was an intensive research project
which illustrated with much detail how the spiritual aspects of Jyotish
seamlessly linked with the teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Vedanta, and
Bhagavad-gita. I wanted readers to understand the non-denominational nature of the Vedas and
its teachings on the soul and consciousness, and how these same teachings emerge from the
texts and underpinnings of Jyotish as well. So the book took some time to complete, about three
years from start to finish, yet had become far more popular than I had originally expected and now
continues to sell all over the world since its release in 2005.

Juliana: This book is a treasure trove and among my favorite books on astrology, and I want to
congratulate you and also say that I am not surprised it remains so popular worldwide.

Juliana: I understand you have many students. Do you tutor students toward CVA certification?

Robert: Most of my students have come to me as a result of either reading my book or articles, or
after meeting me at one of the conferences. But yes, I do tutor students toward CVA certification as

Juliana: Can you offer any advice to budding astrologers?

Robert: My advice to new astrologers is this: Take your time and learn the art and science of
Jyotish well. Think of Jyotish as a sadhana, or spiritual practice, and develop deep reverence and
respect for the great gurus and mentors who have handed this science down over the ages, as
well as for the body of knowledge from which it comes. Dont try to rush into a career as a Jyotishi
too quickly until youve mastered it in theory as well as practice. If you come to the point in life of
doing Jyotish professionally, even then do it with reverence and respect and as a type of sadhana.
It is best to also adopt a spiritual practice, especially chanting mantra or meditation, as part of a
regular routine as this keeps the mind pure and able to understand and incorporate the subtleties
and nuance of the science better. Think of the practice of Jyotish consulting as a great
humanitarian service first, rather than thinking of it as a business or a means of earning a
livelihood. If done properly, the regular and correct practice of Jyotish will bring wealth of many
kinds to your doorstep anyway. 7/9
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Juliana: In terms of Jyotish being a sadhana, can you explain further why it is so?

Robert: Sadhana not only refers to specific internal guidelines for spiritual practice such as
mantra, yoga or meditation, but also implies the actions or practice that expands consciousness
externally. The sages who taught the tenets of Jyotish were not interested in a strictly
mathematical model that had no relevance to the spiritual lives of those who studied Jyotish. Thus
Jyotish ideally should be practiced alongside a regular spiritual practice in order that the intuitive
levels of it could be realized. For example, once reciting mantras to the nine grahas or the Gayatri
mantra, the intrinsic spiritual value of Jyotish unfolds naturally. For these reasons it should be
understood as not only an intellectual model, but a spiritual practice as well.

Juliana: What are some of the pitfalls that an astrologer needs to avoid?

Robert: The most serious pitfall of an astrologer revolves around thinking oneself as great or
famous, or in other words, an inflated ego. Jyotish is a type of siddhi, or empowerment that comes
by way of Divine gift, and thus if any greatness is to be attributed, it should be to the Vedas, the
gurus, or the great teachers themselves, not to oneself. The spiritual way of life is founded upon
humility, and thus one should practice keeping the mind under control and not following the path or
arrogance or self-importance.

Juliana: What is your next project? Can we look forward to another book?

Robert: My next project is a book on dashas. I want to research the ones that have been the most
consistently accurate and useful in my practice over the years, and then to provide some methods
of interpretations that might not be found in most books on Jyotish. So that will be quite an intense
project taking some time, but it is definitely in the making at this juncture.

Juliana: Thank you, Robert. It has been a real pleasure!

Robert: Thank you, Juliana, the pleasure is all mine!

Robert Koch - A Biographical Sketch

Robert Koch is a professional Vedic astrologer with 24 years of experience

in the field, and has earned an international reputation as a lecturer, author,
and teacher of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology). In his work, he draws upon the
experience gained from serving 20 years as a Hindu-Vaishnava monk in the
USA, Canada and India. His spiritual teacher and guru, the late Sri Srimad
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, is revered as one of the most
prolific teachers of Vedic thought in the modern age.

In the late 1970's Robert traveled to India numerous times, where he

learned Vedic scriptures and astrology, gaining first-hand experience of the
culture founded upon their principles. In 1989 he left the monastic life and
began his full-time professional practice of Vedic astrology. Robert wanted
to bridge the gap between the ancient Sanskrit Vedas and Vedic culture,
and the scientific intellectual culture of the west. His mission therefore
developed into a practical
vehicle through which the Vedic teachings could be more easily understood and implemented by
the western mind.

In 1992, Robert became a faculty member of ACVA (American Council of Vedic Astrology) and
soon became a popular author and lecturer at its annual symposiums. In 1994, he met the world
famous and distinguished Jyotishi and researcher Sri K.N Rao, and began studying under him. 8/9
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Robert also studied under Pandit Sanjay Rath from Puri, Orissa, India, and became a faculty
member of his worldwide teaching institution, Sri Jagannath Center. In 1999 the Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, awarded Robert a formal letter and Certificate of
Commendation for distinguished service in promoting Hindu-Vedic astrology in western countries.
He is also a faculty member and certified teacher/tutor with CVA (College of Vedic Astrology) with
whom he has been awarded the Jyotish Kovid and Jyotish Visharad titles. With this background,
Robert Koch's lectures, research and writings on Vedic astrology have earned him worldwide
appreciation and reputation among Jyotish colleagues and students alike. He has also earned a
worldwide reputation as an adept in the subtleties of Vedic astrology readings.

Robert Koch is the author of The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, released in early
October, 2005. This book involves intensive research into the spiritual components of the Vedic
horoscope, with specific reference to the esoteric timing method called "Drig Dasa."

Currently Robert resides in Bend, Oregon, USA, where he actively teaches and maintains an
international clientele from all age groups and walks of life.

Robert Koch
Phone: 541-318-0248

Juliana Swanson Biography:

Juliana Swanson is a registered nurse (RN), healer, astrologer, mother, and wife.
She runs her astrological consulting and holistic healing practices, which combine
polarity therapy and rebirthing-breathwork, from her home office on Hawaii's Big
Island. In addition, she tutors Vedic astrology students both individually and as an
online instructor for the American College of Vedic Astrology and the International
Academy of Astrology.

Juliana qualifies as an ACVA and CVA Level II certified Vedic Astrologer, receiving
two titles of excellence: the Jyotish Visharada, CVA and the Jyotish Kovid, CVA.
Additionally, in 2012 she was awarded the Jyotish Kovid from the ICAS, Bangalore, India. Juliana
may be reached by email at or through her website

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