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Pengertian Geomorfologi Menurut Para Ahli

1. McGee (1888)
Geomorphology is the genetic study of topographic forms

2. Lobeck (1939)
Geomorphology is the science of landforms

3. Worcester (1939)
Geomorphology is the description and interpretation of the earths features. This
description is broader than the science of the landscapes, as it includes discussions of
the earths general events, such as the formation of ocean basins and continental
exposure, as well as smaller structural forms of the above, such as plain, plateau,
mountain, etc.

4. Engeln (1942)
Geomorphology is defined as comprehensive of all aspects of science dealing with
the surface configuration of the solid earth.

5. Thornburry (1942)
Geomorphology is the science of land forms

6. Leopold (1964)
Geomorphology is primarily concerned with the exogenous processes as they mold
the surface of the earth, but the internal forces cannot be disregarded when one
considers fundamental concepts of the origin and development of landform.

7. Easterbrook (1969)
Geomorphology is the study of the origin and evolution of topographic features by
physical and chemical processes operating at or near the earths surface.
8. Scheidegger (1970)
Geomorphology, in its widest sense, is that branch of the geosciences which
concerns itself with the development of the surface features of the earth. In more
restrictive sense, geomorphology is the science of those surface features whose shape
is determined by the action of exogenetic processes, i.e. of processes which originate
outside the solid earth.

9. Strahler (1970)
The science of geomorphology treats the origin and systematic development of all
types of landforms and is a major part of physical geography.
Sumber :

10.Cook & Doornkamp (1978)

Geomorfologi merupakan ileum yang mengkaji tentang bentuk lahan, khususnya
mengenai sifat, asal pembentukan, proses-proses perkembangan dan komposisi

11.Van Zuidam (1979)

Geomorfologi adalah ilmu yang mendeskripsikan (secara genetis) bentuklahan dan
proses-proses yang mengakibatkan terbentuknya bentuklahan tersebut serta mencari
hubungan antara bentuklahan dengan proses-proses susunan keruangan.

12.Verstappen (1983)
Geomorphology can be defined as the science dealing with landforms making up the
earth surface, both above and below sea level and stressing their genesis and future
development, as well as their environment context.

13.Suharini & Ibrahim Palangan (2009)

Geomorfologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari bentuk-bentuk permukaan bumi. Ilmu
ini tidak hanya mengkaji tentang bentuk-bentuknya namun juga gaya dan proses yang
mengakibatkan bentuk yang demikian serta perkembangan proses dari bentuk-bentuk

Cook, R.U. and J.C Doornkamp. 1973. Geomorphology in Environmental

Management. United Kingdom :Oxford.
Easterbrook, Don J. 1969. Principles of Geomorphology. United States of
America : McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Engeln, O.D. Von. 1942. Geomorphology : Systematic and Regional. NewYork
: The Macmillan Company.
Leopold, Luna B, M. Gordon Wolman dan John P Miller. 1964. Fluvial
Processes in Geomorphology. San Francisco : W.H. Freeman and
Lobeck, A.K. 1939. Geomorphology : An Introduction to the Study of
Landscapes. New York & London : McGraw-Hill Book Company.Inc.
Hugget, Richard John. 2007. Fundamentals of Geomorphology :Second Edition.
New York : Routledge.
Scheidegger. Adrian E. 1970. Theoretical Geomorphology:Second, Revised
Edition. NewYork : Springer Verlag.
Strahler, Arthur Newell dan Alan H Strahler. 1970. Introducing Physical
Geography. United States of America : John Wiley & Sons.
Thornbury, William D. 1954. Principles of Geomorphology : Second Edition.
United States of America : John Wiley & Sons.
Suharini, Erni dan Palangan, Abraham. 2009. Geomorfologi, Gaya, Proses, dan
Bentuk Lahan. Yogyakarta : Penerbit Ombak.
Zuidam, R.A Van, 1979, Guide to Morphology Aerial Topographic
Interpretation and Mapping, ITC Textbook of Photo Interpretation vol
VII, International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Science.
Netherlands : ITC
Verstappen H. Th. 1983. Applied Geomorphology : Geomorphological Surveys
for Environmental Development. Amsterdam : Elsevier science ltd.
Worcester, Philip G. 1939. A Textbook of Geomorphology. New York : D. Van
Nostrand Co.

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