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Difference Between Current and Static Electricity

Current vs Static Electricity

Can you imagine a world without TVs, computers, cell phones, cars, and the light
Electricity is an amazing thing. It is such a wide field of study, and many people
are still confused by it. Electricity has made a huge impact on our way of life. I
cant imagine a life without electricity. We have become dependent on its
applications that have made our lives enormously comfortable, enjoyable, and
Most of us just enjoy the benefits of electricity, but dont really understand the
science behind it, and the phenomena associated with it. For now, lets try to
grasp two phenomena in electricity Static Electricity and Current Electricity.

Technically, electricity is actually a phenomenon in itself, which involves the

displacement or movement of electrons.
When electricity is at rest, it is called static electricity. It refers to the electric
charges that build up on the surface of materials or substances. These so-called
static charges remain until they are grounded, or discharged.
Static electricity is generated by friction, or sudden contact for instance,
rubbing two materials against each other. Ordinarily, atoms are uncharged.
These are considered neutral substances, but they can lose or gain electrons
through friction.
The rubbing procedure can cause the atoms of particular substances to lose their
electrons. This loss of electrons will make the substance or material become
positively charged. The excess protons caused the substance have a positive
charge. Conversely, the substance that gains the electrons is said to be negatively
Certain atoms readily lose electrons, and it goes the same way with particular
atoms which have the tendency to accept them. When these two substances are
rubbed together, the potential of generating static electricity is great. Basically,
the phenomenon of static electricity is achieved when there is a separation of
positive and negative charges.
Current electricity, on the other hand, is a phenomenon of moving electrons in a
particular path, or direction, such as a stream of them flowing through
conducting materials. Current electricity can come from various sources. The
most commonly used source of current electricity is from batteries. These
batteries rely on the chemical reactions within them to produce electricity.
Current electricity, in huge amounts, is typically brought about by generators.
Power plants have many of these to produce enormous quantities of current
electricity. The phenomenon is usually controlled, and requires a flow of
electrons along a path, which is fittingly called the electric current.
1. Static electricity is caused by the build up of electrical charges on the surface of
objects, while current electricity is a phenomenon from the flow of electrons
along a conductor.
2. When objects are rubbed, a loss and/or gain of electrons occurs, which results
in the phenomenon of static electricity.
3. Current electricity is normally controlled, and it is the more used phenomenon
of electricity, in countless applications.
4. Static electricity is usually uncontrolled, and just happens sporadically.
5. Current electricity is generated by batteries and power plants.

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