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Practice test for High School Entrance Exam (gifted) 2016

I. Listening
* Listen and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.

Work at a restaurant
Type of work: (1) ___________
Number of hours per week: 12 hours
Would need work permit
Work in the (2) ___________ branch
Nearest bus stop: next to (3) ___________
Pay (4) ___________ an hour
Extra benefits:
o a free dinner
o extra pay when you work on (5) ___________
o transport home when you work (6) ___________
Qualities required:
o (7) ___________
o ability to (8) ___________
Interview arranged for: Thursday (9) ___________ at 6 p.m.
Bring the names of two referees
Ask for: Samira (10) ___________


a. Circle the best options A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences.
1. During winter the shelters are full of people of no fixed _______.
A. residence B. abode C. home D. domicile
2. He cannot take care of himself, _______ your child.
A. not even B. let alone C. not to mention D. not to say
3. Could I pick your _______ on the subject before the meeting?
A. brains B. mind C. head D. intellect
4. In my opinion, this horse doesnt _______ a chance of winning the race.
A. win B. stand C. rise D. play
5. Anns injuries took a long time to _______ completely and she has been left with several scars.
A. cure B. remedy C. heal D. treat
6. She may still have a few fans in the world, but she is definitely past her _______.
A. fame B. abilities C. prime D. fortune
7. Jet streams are layers of air _______ rapidly above the earths surface.
A. moving B. moved C. have moved D. move
8. My brother seems to _______ a lot of pressure from observing stars.
A. derive B. possess C. seize D. reach
9. I prefer to practice the violin alone in my bedroom as having other members of the family listen
really _______ my style.
A. restricts B. impedes C. obstructs D. cramps

Le Dinh Thinh 1 2016

Practice test for High School Entrance Exam (gifted) 2016

10. With fuel in short supply, machinery in the factory slowly ground to a(n) _______.
A. halt B. stop C. pause D. end
11. That new painting looks a bit out of _______ in our living room, dont you think?
A. room B. place C. space D. plot
12. Theyre planning to _______ down their operation in Greece and concentrate on Eastern Europe.
A. wind B. tie C. roll D. stretch
13. Somethings _______ up, so Im afraid I wont be table to make it this afternoon.
A. shown B. pulled C. cropped D. cut
14. Most teenagers go through a rebellious _______ for a few years but they soon grow out of it.
A. stint B. span C. duration D. phase
15. As soon as Dad _______, we can leave.
A. has the car starting B. has got the car started
C. got started the car D. was got starting the car

b. Supply the correct form the word in the bracket

A Grammy Award or Grammy is an accolade by the (16. NATION) __________ Academy
of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) of the United States to recognize (17. STAND) __________
achievement in the music industry. The annual (18. PRESENT) __________ ceremony features (19.
PERFORM) __________ by prominent artists, and some of the awards of more popular interest are
presented in a (20. WIDE) __________ viewed (21. TELEVISION) __________ ceremony. It is the
music (22. EQUAL) __________ to the Emmy Awards for television, the Tony Awards for stage
performances, and the Academy Awards for (23. MOVE) _______ pictures.
The first Grammy Awards ceremony was held on May 4, 1959, and it was set up to honor
musical (24. ACCOMPLISH) __________ by performers for the year 1958. Following the 2011
ceremony, NARAS overhauled many Grammy Award categories for 2012. The 56th Grammy Awards
were (25. SUCCEED) __________ held on January 26, 2014, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles,

c. Complete the sentences by finding one word which fits in all three spaces.
26. They put a stronger __________ on the gate to stop their dog from getting out.
A __________ on a canal regulates the flow of water.
Helen blew back a stray __________ of hair.
27. You neednt take the pot out of its __________ in order to water it.
The government is taking a firm __________ on the issue.
The witness was asked to take the witness __________ and testify under oath.
28. She began to __________ as Tom related the embarrassing incident.
In pursuit of a new image, she decided to __________ her hair.
__________ Your narrative with more adjectives which will hold the readers attention.
29. We had to hire an extra __________ to help us with the sheepshearing this year.
The loose, flowing script left me in no doubt as to whose __________ had penned the letter.
It was pointless denying it; they knew Id had a __________ in the downfall.
30. We saw the animal __________ back as the hunter approached.
You should __________ the curtains at dusk to stop mosquitoes coming into the house.
He waived for the taxi to __________ up to the pavement before attracting the drivers attention.

Le Dinh Thinh 2 2016

Practice test for High School Entrance Exam (gifted) 2016

a. Read this passage carefully and do the following tasks.
Caveat scriptor!
Let the would-be writer beware! Anyone foolhardy enough to embark on a career as a writer - whether it
be an academic treatise, a novel, or even an article - should first read this!
People think that writing as a profession is glamorous; that it is just about sitting down and churning out
words on a page, or more likely these days on a computer-screen. If only it were! So what exactly does
writing a book entail? Being a writer is about managing a galaxy of contradictory feelings: elation,
despair, hope, frustration, satisfaction and depression - and not all separately! Of course, it also involves
carrying out detailed research: first to establish whether there is a market for the planned publication,
and second into the content of the book. Sometimes, however, instinct takes the place of market research
and the contents are dictated not by plans and exhaustive research, but by experience and knowledge.
Once the publication has been embarked upon, there is a long period of turmoil as the text takes shape.
A first draft is rarely the final text of the book. Nearly all books are the result of countless hours of
altering and reordering chunks of text and deleting the embarrassing bits. While some people might
think that with new technology the checking and editing process is speeded up, the experienced writer
would hardly agree. Unfortunately, advanced technology now allows the writer the luxury of countless
editings; a temptation many of us find hard to resist. So a passage, endlessly reworked may end up
nothing remotely like the original, and completely out of place when compared with the rest of the text.
After the trauma of self-editing and looking for howlers, it is time to show the text to other people,
friends perhaps, for appraisal. At this stage, it is not wise to send it off to a literary agent or direct to
publishers, as it may need further fine-tuning of which the author is unaware. Once an agent has been
approached and has rejected a draft publication, it is difficult to go and ask for the revamped text to be
considered again. It also helps, at this stage, to offer a synopsis of the book, if it is a novel, or an outline
if it is a textbook. This acts as a guide for the author, and a general reference for friends and later for
Although it is tempting to send the draft to every possible agent at one time, it is probably unwise. Some
agents may reject the publication out of hand, but others may proffer some invaluable advice, for
example about content or the direction to be taken. Hints like this may be of use in finally being given a
contract by an agent or publisher.
The lucky few taken on by publishers or agents, then have their books subjected to a number of readers,
whose job it is to vet a book: deciding whether it is worth publishing and whether the text as it stands is
acceptable or not. After a book has finally been accepted by a publisher, one of the greatest difficulties
for the writer lies in taking on board the publisher's alterations to the text. Whilst the overall story the
thrust of the book may be acceptable, it will probably have to conform to an in-house style, as regards
language, spelling or punctuation, etc. More seriously, the integrity of the text may be challenged, and
this may require radical redrafting which is unpalatable to the author. A book's creation period is
complex and unnerving, but the publisher's reworkings and text amputations can also be a tortuous
For many writers, the most painful period comes when the text has been accepted, and the writer is
waiting for it to be put together for the printer. By this stage, it is not uncommon for the writer to be
thoroughly sick of the text.
Abandon writing? Nonsense. Once smitten, it is not easy to escape the compulsion to create and write,
despite the roller-coaster ride of contradictory emotions.
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Practice test for High School Entrance Exam (gifted) 2016

* Complete the text below, which is a summary of the passage. Choose your answers from the Word
List below and fill in the blanks. There are more words and phrases than spaces, so you will not be
able to use them all. You may use each word or phrase only once.
Example: Anyone who wants to be a writer should __________. - Answer: beware.

People often associate writing with (1)___________. But being a writer involves managing conflicting
emotions as well as (2)___________ or instinct. Advanced technology, contrary to what might be
thought, does not make the (3)___________ faster.
When a writer has a draft of the text ready, it is a good idea to have a (4)_____________ for friends, etc.
to look at. If an author is accepted by a publisher, the draft of the book is given to (5)_____________
for vetting. (6)______________ are then often made, which are not easy for the writer to agree.
However, (7)_____________ is compelling, even though there are (8) ______________.

Word List
editing process beware readers
first draft glamour a literary agent
alterations profession publisher
challenges writing dictating
research publishing summary
ups and downs roller-coaster

* Circle the best option for each of the following questions

9. In the planning stages of a book, ______________.
A. instinct can replace market research
B. market research can replace instinct
C. market research is essential
D. instinct frequently replaces market research
10. The problem with the use of advanced technology in editing is that ______________.
A. it becomes different from the original
B. it is unfortunate
C. it is a luxury
D. many writers cannot resist changing the text again and again.

* Complete the sentences below. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage to
complete each blank space.
11. Once a text is finished, the writer needs to get the __________ of other people.
12. Some agents may reject the draft of a book, while others may offer ___________.
13. Apart from the need for a draft to conform to an in-house style, a publisher's changes to a text may
include ___________.
14. The publisher's alterations to a book are difficult for a writer, as it the ____________ as the book

b. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions
The rules of etiquette in American restaurants depend upon a number of factors the physical
location of the restaurant, e.g., rural or urban; the type of restaurant, e.g., informal or formal; and certain
standards that are more universal. In other words, some standards 5 of etiquette vary significantly while
other standards apply almost anywhere. Learning the proper etiquette in a particular type of restaurant in
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Practice test for High School Entrance Exam (gifted) 2016

a particular area may sometimes require instruction, but more commonly it simply requires sensitivity
and experience. For example, while it is acceptable to read a magazine in a coffee shop, it is 10
inappropriate to do the same in a more luxurious setting. And, if you are eating in a very rustic setting
it may be fine to tuck your napkin into your shirt, but if you are in a sophisticated urban restaurant this
behavior would demonstrate a lack of manners. It is safe to say, however, that in virtually every
restaurant it is unacceptable 15 to indiscriminately throw your food on the floor. The conclusion we
can most likely draw from the above is that while the types and locations of restaurants determine
etiquette appropriate to them, some rules apply to all restaurants.
15. With what topic is this passage primarily concerned?
A. rules of etiquette B. instruction in proper etiquette
C. the importance of good manners D. variable and universal standards of etiquette
16. According to the passage, which of the following is a universal rule of etiquette?
A. tucking a napkin in your shirt B. not throwing food on the floor
C. reading a magazine at a coffee shop D. eating in rustic settings
17. Which of the following could best replace the word luxurious in the passage?
A. lurid B. austere C. elegant D. romantic
18. Which of the following words is most similar to the meaning of rustic in the passage?
A. agricultural B. ancient C. unsophisticated D. urban
19. Which of the following could best replace the word sophisticated in the passage?
A. expensive B. cultured C. famous D. exclusive
20. Which of the following could best replace the word manners in the passage?
A. experience B. character C. ceremony D. tact
21. The author uses the phrase safe to say in the passage in order to demonstrate that the idea is
A. somewhat innocent B. quite certain C. very clever D. commonly reported
22. Which of the following could best replace the word indiscriminately in the passage?
A. randomly B. angrily C. noisily D. destructively
23. The author uses the word draw in the passage to mean _______.
A. pick out B. drag away C. evoke D. infer
24. Whats the authors main purpose in this passage?
A. to assist people in learning sophisticated manners
B. to describe variations in restaurant manners
C. to simplify rules of restaurant etiquette
D. to compare sophisticated and rustic restaurants

a. Rewrite the sentences using the given forms so that they retain their original meaning.
1. It is absolutely essential to get this parcel off today or we will lose the contract. (despatched)
This parcel ...........................................................................................................................................
2. Peter and his roommate differ from each other a lot.
............................................................................................................................................. common.
3. The secretary said my explanation was unbelievable. (beyond)
4. Central Gallery is nowhere near as good since there was a change of ownership. (downhill)
Central Gallery has really ..................................................................................... hands last autumn.
5. The only person responsible for the breakdown was Eric. (to blame)
Eric ......................................................................................................................................................
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Practice test for High School Entrance Exam (gifted) 2016

6. I think going to see the match is preferable to staying at home in the afternoon.
Rather ..................................................................................................................................................
7. Although she seems to be very courteous, she can also be very impolite.
Courteous .............................................................................................................................................
8. They were playing so well, there was no way they would lose the final match. (bound)
Such was the standard of ........................................................................................... the final match.
9. You dont have to worry about the future. (no need)
There ....................................................................................................................................................
10. Ive never thought of buying a new computer.
Buying .................................................................................................................................................

b. Write an essay of at least 250 words on the following topic:

Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you
prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

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