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Water to be used for mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurfous amount of oil, acids, ‘alkalis, sails and other organic materials. PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE - ~__Alll concrete works shall be done in accordance with the standard specifications for plain and concrete as adopted by the Government. Cement to be usad shall be __(Specify brand) _ d cement, (Specify brand) _ pozzolan cement or any other equivalent brands more readily lable in the locality. Altemative cements so selected must meet the requirements of Portland and olan cements, and approved by the Architect or Engineer in charge of construction, ‘The following proportions of concrete mixtures shall be used for the various parts of the building Columns and footings = Class A (1:2: 4) Conc, Holl. Bik. footings = Class B (1: 2- 1/2:5) Reinf. Conc. Beams and Slabs Class A (1: 2: 4) Concrete slab floor on fill - Class C (1: 3: 6) Septic Vault cover = Class A (1: 2:4) Class A concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 2 parts fine aggregate and 4 parts coarse e by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture inte a pliable paste. lass B concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 2-1/2 parts fine aggregate and § parts regate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into a pliable paste Class C concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 3 parts fine aggregate and 6 parts coarse by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into a pliable paste. "The fine aggregate for concrete shall consist of natural sand, or of inert materials with simitar istics, having clean, hard and durable grains, free from organic matter or loam, The coarse aggregate for concrete shall consist of crushed rock of durable and strong qualities, jand hard gravel. Size of the coarse aggregate to be used shall vary from 20mm to 40mm (3/4" OR CONCRETE WORKS - ‘Allforms for concrete works shall be property braced or connected together so as to maintain the tion and shapes of the concrete members. Forms shall be constructed sufficiently tight to bulging and seepage of water. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has attained sufficient strength to support its own d any loads that may be placed on it. Side forms of beams and girders may be removed earlier ‘bottom forms but additional posts or shoring must be placed under the beams or girders until attained their strength. ‘SLAB FLOORS ON FILL - Concrete slabs on fill shall be poured on a gravel bed of not less than 100m thick. Each concrete to be poured shall not be more than one meter wide, and each course shall be poured y to the indicated floor finish, A368

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