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Klein Cain High School



We, the students of Klein Cain High School, in order to unify the students, intra-school organizations, faculty and high
school administration; to promote pride and participation in school and community functions; to work for better
relations between this school and others; and to raise the standards and ideals of students themselves; do ordain and
establish this constitution for the Student Council of Klein Cain High School; to promote activities for the betterment
of school, community and country.


The name of this organization shall be the Klein Cain High School Student Council.


SECTION I: To provide, through a democratic organization, a forum for student expression which serves as a link
in communication and cooperation between the student body, faculty, and administration.

SECTION II: To maintain school unity and spirit by fostering pride in Klein Cain High School.

SECTION III: To encourage participation and service by the students in school and community activities.

SECTION IV: To foster practices of good citizenship and academic and personal achievement within the school.


SECTION I: This organization recognizes that it must have the support and approval of the administration of Klein
Cain High School for any project, activity, or program that it undertakes.

SECTION II: The principal of Klein Cain High School, who is responsible for the total school program, will be kept
informed of all council operations.

SECTION III: All operations of the council will be approved by a faculty sponsor appointed by the principal.


SECTION I: The President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter
and Parliamentarian shall be elected in an election of the general membership of the organization in
the spring of the school year.

A. The date shall be set by the sponsor in coordination with the school calendar.

B. The general membership of the Student Council organization at the time of the election shall vote for the seven
officer positions.

C. Membership votes for each candidate will be divided by the total of all votes cast. The resulting quotient,
without decimal, will be multiplied by 70 percent to yield a product which represents the final student vote.

D. Faculty evaluations for each candidate will count as 30 percent of the total vote.

E. The sum of the student vote and the faculty/administration evaluation for each candidate represents the final
evaluation total for that candidate. Candidates with the highest final vote totals are then selected in accordance
with this constitution.

F. Students running for one of the seven officer positions must have an overall "B" average or its weighted
equivalent for the first semester before the election and at the end of each six-weeks grading period up to the
election date. No student will be eligible to run for election who has earned a "69" or below as a semester
average in any single subject of the semester for the first semester before the election or at the end of any six-
weeks grading period in the semester of the election.

G. The individual must have been a student at Klein Cain High School at least one previous semester.

H. Candidates for President must have been a member in good standing on executive council during their junior
year. If there is no one who meets the above requirement, then the candidate for President must have been a
member in good standing within the general membership of Student Council during their junior year.

I. Candidates for Vice President must have been a member in good standing on executive council during their
sophomore or junior year.

J. Students must have been an elected or selected student representative in good standing during the spring
semester of the filing for their candidacy for Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter,

K. Other candidates must have the rank of sophomore, junior or senior during their term of office.

L. Student Council President may not be class president or president of any other organization.

M. No student is eligible for a Student Council office if he/she has received in the previous and /or current semester,
a "U" in conduct, two consecutive "P's" in any one course, three "P's" overall, been placed in In-School
Suspension, suspended from school or placed in the Annex during the current school year.

SECTION II: Committee chairs shall be selected by an interview process according to the needs of the individual
high school in the spring of the school year.

A. Students must have an overall "B" average or its weighted equivalent for the first semester of the election year
and for each six-weeks grading period up to the selection of the committee chairs. No student will be eligible to
interview for a chair position who has earned a "69" or below as a semester average in any single subject for the
first semester before the selection process or at the end of any six-weeks grading period in the semester of the

B. Students must have been a previously elected or selected student representative at Klein CainHigh School in
good standing during the current school year when applying for a chair position.

C. No student is eligible for any Student Council chair position if he/she has received in the previous and/or current
semester, a "U" in conduct, two consecutive "P's" in any one course, three "P's" overall, been placed in In-
School Suspension, has been suspended from school, or placed in the Annex during the current school year.

D. Committee chairs must meet the same general requirements and point requirements as the rest of the members of
Student Council.

SECTION III: Representatives shall be determined through participation in Student Council activities and in
fulfilling the minimum point requirements per grading period.

A. Students must have an overall "C" average or its weighted equivalent for the first semester of the election year
and at the end of each six-weeks grading period up to the election. No student will be eligible to run for election
who has earned a "69" or below as a semester average in more than one subject for the first semester of the
election year.

B. No student is eligible for any Student Council position if he/she has received in the previous and/or current
semester a "U" in conduct, two consecutive "P's" in any one course, three Ps overall, been placed in In-
School Suspension, has been suspended from school, or placed in the Annex during the current school year.

C. If an elected representative does not fulfill his/her duties for the following year of which they have been elected
and are removed, then that individual may NOT try out again for an elected or selected position but rather can
complete a work-on position for the following year.

D. The date shall be set by the sponsor in coordination with the school calendar.

E. Representatives shall serve a term of one school year.

F. The class president may be a representative from his/her class if he/she follows the membership requirements.


SECTION I: Any student currently enrolled in Klein Cain High School is eligible to participate in the Student
Council, provided he or she meets the requirements specified in this document.


A. The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding
Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Parliamentarian, and all standing committee chairmen.

B. The executive committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the general membership of the organization and
the faculty/administration.

1. In the event that no student files for an executive office of the Student Council, the office shall be filled
by an appointment of the sponsor, the administrator in charge of Student Council and the President. Any
student who meets the requirements of the unfilled position may apply to this committee in writing.

2. Any executive committee position, other than President, vacated during the school year will be filled by
the above procedure.

3. If the President s position is vacated, the Vice-President will assume presidency.

C. Members of the executive committee shall serve a term of one school year.


A. Representatives shall be determined through participation in Student Council activities and in fulfilling the
minimum point requirements per grading period.

B. Elected representatives shall serve a term of one year.


A. Executive Officers

1. Officers must maintain an overall "B" average or its weighted equivalent for each grading period. No
executive member may receive a "69" or below as a semester average in any course and remain eligible.

2. Officers must be a student at Klein Cain High School for at least one previous semester.

3. Student Council President may not be class president or president of any other organization.

4. Officers must not receive a "U" in conduct at any time during the current school year, two consecutive
"P's" in any one course, three "P's" overall, been placed in In-School Suspension, suspended from school
or placed in the Annex during the current school year.

B. Committee Chairs

1. Committee chairs must maintain an overall "B" average or its weighted equivalent for each grading
period. No committee chair may receive a "69" or below as a semester average in any single subject and
remain eligible.

2. Committee chairs must be a student at Klein Cain High School for at least one previous semester.

3. Committee chairs must not receive a "U" in conduct at any time during the current school year, two
consecutive "P's" in any one course, three "P's" overall, been placed in In-School Suspension, suspended
from school or placed in the Annex during the current school year.

C. Representatives

1. Students must have an overall "C" average or its weighted equivalent for each grading period.

2. Representatives must not receive a U in conduct at any time during the current school year, two
consecutive Ps in any one course, three Ps overall, been placed in In-School Suspension, suspended
from school, or placed in the Annex during the current school year.

3. A student who has been removed from his/her position because of failure to meet the conduct and/or point
requirements will NOT be eligible to run for officer the following school year; however, they have the
opportunity to be a representative in the future.

D. Participation:

1. All members must maintain the minimum points per grading period to retain membership.

2. The minimum points are to be established by the executive committee and sponsors and maintained by an
executive committee member and/or the sponsor.

3. If the member finds it necessary to quit due to conflict in schedule, they must put their resignation in
writing or they will be considered to have been removed and not be allowed to run for elected
representative or executive position for the next calendar school year.

4. All state guidelines will be followed. A grade below 70 for a grading period will result in suspension
from activities per the "No Pass, No Play" guidelines. Should a second failing grade below 70 for a
grading period be earned, the student will be removed from Student Council. The principal may remove
the suspension if the class is an identified advanced class.

E. Removal from Executive Office or Executive Committee Chairmanship

1. The school principal may remove any officer or representative from his/her position as the result of
serious or persistent misconduct or where principal deems necessary. Should this occur, the review
procedure in item 4 below would not apply.

2. Removal from office may also occur if any of the following requirements are not met:

a. Grade requirements, if they do not meet the election/membership eligibility standards.

b. Conduct requirements, if they do not meet the election/membership eligibility standards. Official
activities that occur during the summer are considered as part of the fall semester.

c. Failure to meet the point requirements and conditions.

d. Failure to fulfill his/her duties as set forth by the constitution and/or the sponsor.

3. The faculty sponsor will notify the student of his/her removal.

4. A review procedure may proceed as follows:

a. The student up for removal must submit in writing his/her desire to meet with the review committee
within one week of notification of removal.

b. The review committee will consist of the administrator in charge of activities, Student Council
sponsor, Student Council President, and two Student Council executive members not of the same
grade level as the member up for removal. These two executive members will be selected by the
Student Council sponsor and administrator in charge of activities.

c. The student to be removed from his/her position may bring his/her case before the review committee
for final evaluation. The committee may uphold or reverse the removal decree or put the student on
probation as set by the committee.

d. Committee decisions will require a majority vote.


SECTION I: The Student Council shall meet as needed as determined by the sponsor and executive committee.
The exact time and place shall be determined by the Student Council sponsor.

SECTION II: Special meetings, when necessary, may be called by the sponsor and/or principal.



A. Presides over all Student Council meetings.

B. Chairs the executive committee.

C. Shall serve as an official representative of Klein Cain High School Student Council.

D. Enforces the observation of this document and its by-laws and the purposes and objectives of Student Council.

E. Shall assist sponsor in appointment of committee chairs and members.

F. Shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

G. Shall oversee the preparation of an agenda for each Student Council meeting.

H. Shall call at least one executive committee meeting each week.


A. Shall perform the duties of the President in the latter's absence.

B. Shall succeed the President if the President is unable to fulfill his or her term of office.

C. Shall assist the President in performing his or her duties.


A. Shall keep minutes of all Student Council meetings.

B. Shall type and post the minutes.

C. Shall keep roll and attendance records.

D. Shall maintain the records of the Student Council in an up-to-date filing system.

E. Shall assist the Corresponding Secretary in fulfillment of his or her duties.


A. Shall send, receive, and answer all outside correspondence of the Student Council.

B. Shall assist the Recording Secretary in the fulfillment of his or her duties.


A. Shall keep records of all financial transactions.

B. Shall make a financial report at each meeting of the Student Council.


A. Shall report all news that concerns the student body to the campus media coordinator.

B. Shall maintain the Student Council publicity.

C. Shall produce the Student Council scrapbook.


A. Shall keep order at all Student Council meetings.

B. Shall have and enforce Robert's Rules of Order.

C. Shall provide instruction and practice in parliamentary procedures.

D. Shall have copies of the constitution, by-laws, Student Council operations, and parliamentary procedures.


A. Shall discuss, finalize and vote on issues presented in the meetings.

B. Shall serve as a body of communications between the Student Council and the student body.

C. Shall participate in the meetings in an orderly fashion, adhering to parliamentary procedure.

D. Shall accept responsibilities for serving on committees for which he/she volunteers or is appointed.


Sponsors from each of the KISD high schools shall meet as needed to review and/or revise the constitution as needed.


SECTION I: An amendment can only be proposed by a Student Council member and sponsor or by sponsor alone.

SECTION II: Proposals must be submitted, in writing, to the Student Council sponsor.

SECTION III: The amendment accepted by the Student Council will be implemented following approval by all
KISD Student Council sponsors in consultation with the director of school administration.

Revised: 09/90 Revised: 6/2001

Revised: 04/91 Revised: 5/2016
Revised: 11/91
Revised: 12/91
Revised: 08/96
Revised: 01/97
Revised: 04/97
Revised: 06/99
Revised: 06/2000

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