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Refraction of Light

Refraction is the bending of a light ray at the boundary of two medium as the light ray
propagates from a medium to another with difference optical density.

1. Light rays are bent when they pass at an angle in or out of materials such as glass and
water. The effect is called refraction.
2. Light passing into an optically denser medium is bent towards the normal; light passing
into an optically less dense medium is bent away from the normal.
3. Materials such as glass, water and paraffin are said to be optically denser than air.

Refraction of Light - Snell's Law

The laws of refraction

1. The incident and refracted rays are on opposite sides of the normal at the point of incidence, and
all three lie in the same plane.
2. The value of sini/sinr is constant for light passing from one given medium into another. This is
known as Snell's law.

Snell's law states that the value of (sin i) / (sin r) is constant for light passing from one given medium into

Sin r/sin i=constant

Refractive index

1. The value of sini/sinr is called the refractive index of the medium and it gives you an indication
of its light-bending ability.

n=sin i/sin r

n= refractive index
In SPM, when we say refractive index, what we mean is the absolute refractive index of a
substance. The absolute refractive index of a substance is the refractive index where light ray
travels from vacuum (or air) into the substance.

Refractive Index and the Speed of light

Refractive index = speed of light in vacuum/speed of light in medium



( Note that the greater the refractive index of a medium, the lower is the speed of light. The more light is
slowed, the more it is bent. )
Real and Apparent Depth

1. The bending of light can give you a false impression of depth.

2. Figure to the left shows two rays of light leaving a point on the bottom of a swimming pool.
3. The rays are refracted as they leave the water. To the observer, the rays seem to come from a
higher position, and the bottom looks closer to the surface than it really is.
4. The real depth of the water and its apparent depth are marked on the diagram. These are related to
the refractive index of the water by the following equation:

Refractive index = real depth/apparent depth



Refractive index

n=sin i/sin r


Natural Phenomenon due to Refraction of Light

Bending of Object in a Glass

A straw in a glass with water looks bended or broken. This is due to refraction of light

Shallower Swimming Pool

A swimming pool appears shallower than it actual is. This is because the light from the pool is refracted
away from the normal when moving from water to the air.

Atmospheric Refraction and Setting sun

The setting sun looks oval in shape because the light from the sun is refracted at different rate when
passes through the atmosphere.
Twinkling Star

The light of stars is refracted when passes through different region in the atmosphere. The angle of
refraction varies a little from time to time. As a result, the stars look twinkling.

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