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Name: Manraj Chinjar Date: Sept 11 2017

Coop Program: I.T. Co-op

WCB Safety Worksheet

**Please note that this worksheet must be completed before you begin your work placement.

To complete this worksheet, please visit:

or go to Work Safe BCYoung and new workersStudent ResourcesRights and Responsibilities for young
and new workers self-paced activity

1.) What are some of the responsibilities of the employer?

Employers must provide workers with information, instruction, training, and supervision necessary to
protect their health and safety. They must also provide supervisors with the support and training
needed to carry out their health and safety responsibilities, special directions and training must be
given to those responsible for the health and safety of workers. They have to ensure the safety of all
workers in their workplace, they must also create occupational health and safety policies and an
occupational health and safety program. Employers also need to consult and cooperate with
individuals carrying out occupational health and safety duties such as WorkSafeBC officers.
Information, instruction, training and supervision must be provided to workers to ensure their safety
and lastly, they must provide and maintain personal protective equipment.

What the responsibilities of the supervisor?

Supervisors are responsible for making sure all workers know of any foreseeable health and safety
hazards where they work. They must ensure the health and safety of all workers under their direct
supervision and make sure they are wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment,
furthermore, they must ensure that workers are wearing their PPE correctly and that they are
maintained and working correctly. Lastly, they must investigate any safety related issues reported to
them by the workers.

What are the responsibilities of the worker?

It is the workers responsibility to learn and follow safe work procedures, be alert to any hazards and
report hazards or problems to their supervisor. The work must also wear protective clothing, devices
and equipment provided. They also need to report an unsafe situation to their supervisor or employer
and refuse work that creates an undue hazard to their health and safety of any person. They must
also not work while under the influence of any drugs and lastly, they must cooperate with the joint
committee or worker health and safety representative, WorkSafeBC officers and any other person
carrying out occupational health and safety duties.

2. Complete the following table below for the rights of each person:

Workers Rights Supervisors Rights Employers Rights

An employer can expect
A safe working A safe working workers to:
environment environment
Proper health and safety Proper health and safety Pay attention during
information, instruction information, instruction health and safety training
and training and training Remember their training
Well-maintained and Well-maintained and and follow health and
functioning PPE functioning PPE safety principles at all
Refuse unsafe work Refuse unsafe work times
Not to be discriminated Not be discriminated Report any perceived
against for exercising any against for exercising any hazards in the workplace
right or in carrying out right or in carrying out Wear their PPE at all
health and safety any health and safety times
responsibility responsibilities Inform them about any
Participate in workplace Participate in workplace physical or mental
health and safety and health and safety conditions that may
committees and activities committees and activities impair their ability to
Ask questions to obtain perform their jobs safely
information needed to
ensure your health and

3. As a worker, what are some questions that you should ask to ensure your safety?

What safety training will I need?

What sort of emergency procedures will I be trained in?
Will I be required to use any safety gear or protective clothing?
If I have health or safety concerns, with whom should I speak?
If I am injured on the job, what should I do?
How will safety information be communicated with me?
What if I think a certain task is likely to endanger me or my co-workers?
Will I be required to work alone or late at night?
Can you go over it one more time?

4. A machine is running without proper guards and protection. Who is responsible to address and
fix these issuesemployer, supervisor or worker? Explain your answer.

It is the workers job to not use the faulty machine and supervisors job to report the missing
guards, however, it is the employers job to provide a safe working environment and fix
malfunctioning machinery.

5. A worker is caught not wearing protective eye wear. When confronted by an inspector, the
worker confesses that he was trained and knows the companys strict policy that eye wear
must be worn on at all times. In this scenario who is at fault: worker, supervisor or employer?

The worker is at fault, he was given the appropriate training and understands the polices,
however he chose not to wear the eye wear. It is the responsibility of the worker to wear
provided PPE. The supervisor is also at fault because it is his responsibility to ensure that all
workers are wearing the appropriate PPE.

6. What does due diligence mean? How does this help in safety?

Due diligence is reasonable steps taken by a person in order to satisfy a legal requirement.

This helps with safety because it makes you follow the rules and follow procedure the way they
were meant to be completed.

For questions 7 -12, please answer True or False for each question:

7. A supervisor cannot be held liable for a work place accident unless he or she holds the official
title of supervisor.

8. Upon promotion, supervisors always receive training in health and safety in addition to
supervisory training.

9. Workers have the legal right to refuse work they have reasonable cause to believe is unsafe.

10. New workers dont have any health and safety rights on the job---they can get fired for
speaking up.

11. Two of the most important factors in preventing new worker injuries are training and

12. Employers are not responsible for assigning responsibility, accountability or authority to
supervisory staff.

I acknowledge that I have watched the safety video and answered

these questions to the best of my ability independent of anyone else.

Name: Manraj Chinjar Signature: __________________

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