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FIRST: talk briefly about the British National Health Service: how comprehensive is it? How
expensive is it?

SECOND: parts of the body (you may use the picture attached. In groups, ask them to elicit the
names for each of the body parts. Then get feedback, and supply missing words)

THIRD body aches. Make a powerpoint presentation with pictures to illustrate the following


Have a headache/backache /toothache/stomachache

have a pain in _____ (tell about the expression: be a pain in the neck / arse_ass)
sprain/twist your ______
have a cold
have the flu
have a cough/to cough
to sneeze
to have a running nose/blow your nose
have a sore throat/eye
to be chesty
to run a temperature/have a temperature
to be constipated (false friend)
your _________ aches/hurts

faint/feel dizzy

have a rash / a sore

vomit/throw up

(any other symptoms youd like to add)

FOURTH going to the doctors. Ask the students to role play a situation in which one is a patient
and the other one is a doctor. Before that, show a slide with basic expressions related to the topic:
(doctors practice, GP, make an appointment, prescribe something, prescriptions, read and follow
the indications, pills, painkillers, antibiotics, syrup, have an injection/jab/shot, )

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