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Shubhankar Gautam (17343)

Section - C
I. Situation Analysis: - Regardless of its underlying achievement, Brita still couldn't accomplish a palatable
piece of the overall industry in contrast with PUR. Brita attempted a few procedures viz: -
1. They situated their image in view of "Solid Lifestyle" yet neglected to speak to the shopper advertise
in light of the fact that the thought connected to general PT and FM items, which did not really have a
place with Brita.
2. Targeting the opposition got from filtered water. In spite of the fact that numerous notices were
publicized, the market did not react.
3. A client arranged approach by propelling a savvy PT, however neglected to win the certainty of the
4. Attack unfiltered tap water by playing on buyer fears on unfiltered water.
5. Re-target filtered water.

In 2004, The VP of Brita SBU understood that the Brita group has dismissed their customers and were
not focusing on the correct fragments. The techniques used to focus available were here and now and
inadequate. The PT deals were enduring a shot while the FM deals were on the ascent yet at the same
time low contrasted with the opposition. Brita's items were not engaging the mass customers

II. SWOT Analysis

a. Strengths
i. Market leader in PT filter
ii. Strong brand image
iii. Loyal Customers
iv. Established distribution channels
b. Weaknesses
i. Late adopters
ii. Lack of innovation
iii. Inefficient Marketing Strategy
iv. Less customer oriented
c. Opportunities
i. Unique approach to reach out to customers
ii. Better indicator system in PT filters
iii. Servicing frequency and discounts
iv. Bottle and fridge filter market
d. Threats
i. P&Gs Operation
ii. Bottled water suppliers
iii. Inbuilt fridge filter suppliers

III. Recommendations: - Brita's image guarantee ought to be "perfect and extraordinary tasting water". We
should concentrate on the accompanying methodologies to enhance our present position.
a. Invest in R&D to stay aware of the most recent patterns of filtered water and FM sort channel.
b. Competitive valuing for all Brita items in accordance with the market.
c. Keep advancing the PT channel as a solid alternative.
d. Develop an organization together with a filtered water organization who might utilize tap water and
Brita channels to offer the item utilizing our image name alongside theirs.
e. Develop an organization together with a filtered water organization to offer the item utilizing our
image name alongside theirs.
f. Cross advancement publicizing would profit the two organizations.
g. If no union could be built up, Brita can utilize the current dispersion system to dispatch its own
filtered water.
h. Improve FM sort channel framework

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