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NIET College provides functionalities for labs provided in the college.

NIET plans to develop automatic Asset Management a working standalone web

application which will look after the computers requirements and their management.

JAVA BATCHES: - Swing Application, JDBC for connections. This project will be made
in windows operating system.


->to enter types of assets to be tracked

->Screen to enter organization assets

>Screen to enter location of assets

>Screen to capture movements of assets

>Screen to search assets and determine their location history

> Report showing asset listing of organization

The users of the Asset Management System are-

1. Lab Administrator-Add/Delete/Modify various assets of the lab.

2. Users-Login and use the assets of the lab.

Below sections 2.1&&2.2 indicates application specific requirements section 2.3&2.4

indicates requirements which are specific to particular types of users.

Please note that against each requirements priority levels are indicated, where P1
indicates higher priority and P2 indicates lower priority.

2.1 Authentication and Authorization

All users must be able to perform login and change password.

Requirement ID Description Description

AA-001 All user (Administrator and P1
user) logging into the AST
application should be
authenticated using a
unique login id and
AA-002 All user should be able to P2
change their password

2.2 Exit Handlers

All users must able to successfully exit from the application.

Requirement ID Description Priority

EX-001 The application should P1
handle logout functionality
(Close all open database
connection invalidate
session etc.)
2.3 Administrator
AD-001 Admin should be able to P1
add all asset details.
AD-002 Admin should be able to P1
delete asset details
AD-003 Admin should be able to P2
view asset details
AD-004 Admin should be able to P1
modify asset details.
AD-005 Admin should be able to
check working condition of
the asset.
AD-006 Admin should keep track
of all the asset.
AD-007 Admin should be able to
add details of users .
AD-008 Admin should be able to
delete the user details.

2.4 User
User must be able to perform the below mentioned functionalities: -


Us-001 The user should be able to P1
register to the asset
management system
Us-002 The user should be able to P1
view the different assets.
Us-003 The user should be able to P2
request for a particular
Us-004 The user should be able to P1
view the allocated assets
Us-005 The user should be able to P2
cancel the allocated assets
3 Interface Requirements
The asset management system should be developed as a GUI application using java
swing, awt, jdbc.

4. Non-functional Requirements
The application should be intuitive to use and easy to maintain.
Designer/Programmer need to consider suitable conditions/constraints and
The application should be able to handle simultaneous requests from multiple
Upon installation, the administrator is expected to have the default User ID
and password.
The system may force the administrator to change his/her password to a non-
default one upon initial login.

Target Environment:
- Intel hardware machine (PC P4-2.26 GHz,512 MB RAM, 40GB HDD)
- Windows Operating System.
- Database-Oracle 11g
- JRE-1.8 or higher.
- Eclipse IDE.


- The scope of the application is limited to an organisation.

-Our Asset Management System is made for any computer lab of an organisation.

-The administrator can block any user any time.

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