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Properties of Steam Notes 2

Properties of Steam
We have already discussed the formation of steam at constant pressure. Steam formation is
carried out in boilers.

Based on discussion we shall now define certain terms related to steam and the properties of

Specific Sensible heat or Specific Enthalpy of Water.

It represents the amount of heat to be supplies to convert 1 kg of water at 0C to its

saturation temperature [ts] corresponding to a given steam pressure [p]. it is denoted by
hf and its units are kJ/kg.
.. hf = Cpw [ts -0]
Cpw is specific heat of water.
Cpw = 4.187 kJ/kg K at low temp.

Latent heat of vaporization or enthalpy of evaporation.

It represents the amount of heat energy needed for complete evaporation of saturated
liquid into dry saturated steam, at given pressure [p]. it is denoted by h fg and its units
are kJ/kg.
It should be noted that the enthalpy of evaporation decreases with increase in pressure
and it is zero at critical pressure.

Enthalpy of dry saturated steam

It represents the amount of heat energy needed to convert 1 kg of water at 0C into dry
saturated steam at a given pressure. It is denoted by hg.

hg = hf + hfg

Enthalpy of superheated steam

Any further heating of dry saturated steam will increase the temperature of steam at a given
pressure. This steam is called superheated steam and its temperature is denoted by t sup C.
Superheating process is carried out in a heat transfer device called superheater.

Heat of superheat or enthalpy increase per kg of steam during superheating is

= Cp [tsup ts ]

Thus Enthalpy of superheated steam,

Hsup = hg + Cp [tsup ts ]


Value of specific heat of superheated steam

It varies widely with pressure and temperature in the range of 2.0 to 2.73 kJ/kg. For this reason,
with the help of properties of steam table the enthalpy of superheated steam is at given
pressure p and temp tsup can be read directly.

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