Steam Condenser Note 4

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Vacuum efficiency of condenser

Maximum vacuum pressure means minimum absolute pressure. And minimum absolute
pressure ps can exist in a condenser is equal to the saturation pressure corresponding to
the saturation temperature of the steam entering inside the condenser.
But in practical case actual pressure in the condenser is greater than the minimum
absolute pressure i.e. saturation pressure.

Pt = Actual absolute pressure in the condenser

pt = ps + Pa
ps = Saturation pressure of steam or minimum absolute pressure
p= Barometric pressure
Pa = air pressure

[p- Ps] will represent ideal vacuum. . Absolute pressure = barometric pressure -
vacuum pressure
In case air is included [p- Pt]

Vacuum efficiency,

v =

v = =

Condensation Efficiency
There is no common accepted definition of condenser efficiency, but the most common
acceptable method was given by M/s. Parson and Co.
ti = inlet temperature of cooling water
to = Exit temperature of cooling water
ts = saturation temperature of cooling water

Condensation efficiency,

c =

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