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Graham and Sharon Nichols

Serving with TMS Global and IEMUE

US Home Church: Lewis Memorial UMC
Skype: graham.sharon.nichols

IEMUE-Jess de Nazareth
Summer 2017
Whoever wants to serve me must follow me, so that my servant will be
with me where I am. And my Father will honor anyone who serves me.
John 12:26 (GNT)

Saludos friends, family and church family,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray this mission
letter finds you well, full of hope, and filled with His Goodness! Please pray with us
as we seek to please God and embrace His fulfillment in us. Be Glorified LORD!

Summer Mission News the JOY of VIM (Volunteers in Mission)

It is impossible for us to share in a Mission Letter all the God moments that we were
blessed to be part of over the summer months. It is impossible for us to include all
that the 4 churches did and the examples of Christ they were in a Mission Letter
we will do our best to share their hearts for Jesus and for those whom we remain
here to serve long after they all returned to their home Countries. 4 VIM groups from
the USA and Venezuela came to love and serve our people there are no pictures in
this mission letter of the projects at the church and in the community there simply
is not space in this type communication for all the wonderful improvements to Gods
House and to a Community Store Front residence where we have weekly ministry, of
which they all provided for financially and physically but let us say this they
served the Evangelical United Methodist Church inside and outside wonderfully. We
could not have asked for better servants of Jesus to come and serve in this place.
We are grateful for all they did and provided for but even more grateful for Who
they represented lovely examples of Kingdom people lovely examples of children
of God.

Alcoa First UMC

Alcoa, TN
A plane change in
ATL and this group
brought along our
youngest grandson
to serve and spend
time with us for 6

Lewis Memorial UMC

Evans, GA

Due West UMC

Atlanta, GA and
Mosaic UMC
Augusta, GA and
4 from Venezuela

Lake Highlands UMC

Dallas, TX
The lovely people of Alcoa First UNC, Alcoa, Tennessee. Their Church project was to provide
funds and windows and protectors over the windows for the new Sunday school room for our
2 year olds, and materials to repair and paint several areas of the Church; entrance gate
(pictured in the top right corner) and the new classroom and foyer and sound equipment
room. Maestros prepared their work areas a month in advance so all damaged walls could dry
in our humid climate before their arrival to serve.

What this group of

people did best
during their return
to Santo Domingo
they served God
with joyful hearts.
Hugged and loved
and shared Gods
Word beautifully.
Included our
children in the
Bible lesson they
taught and
retaught and in
our Communities
putting our
people in Gods
Growing closer in
relationship with
our little people
they became
further united in
the family of God.
What a blessing
they are to us and
those we serve.
I mentioned earlier that
Alcoa brought along our
youngest grandson who
lives in GA he served
alongside this group
every day in the church
and in the communities.
When they returned to
the US he remained with
us for another 4 weeks
until our home church
arrived which is his home
church too. He helped
with ministry projects,
got to know better the
people we serve and they
got to know him. He was
welcomed warmly to a
ftbol club to practice the
sport he loves with those
who know ftbol. He left
an incredible impression
on the children and
youth here. He blessed
his grandparents

Our Home Church,

Lewis Memorial
UMC, came to
serve next. ALL
Churches and
people are a
blessing there
is something extra
special when the
home peeps come
a missioning as
we are an
extension of
them, our
Storehouse. With
them came our
youngest son,
oldest grandson,
and daughter-in-
law, our Pastor,
and some of the
best people we
know. A large
group who took
on a large project;
painting the walls
and ceiling of the

The Temple was an enormous project, they also painted the walls and ceiling of the new nursery,
provided all the materials for the maestros who also worked a month before their arrival to have the
walls scraped, sealed and re-plastered to dry in time to paint this now incredibly lovely Sanctuary to
honor and praise God. They also helped a family in one of our communities whose home was in
shambles, with a collapsed ceiling, no water or bathrooms for 5 children, 3 of them under 4 years old.
Like Alcoa before
them they stepped
into our 4
Communities with
the JOY of serving
the LORD. We
sang and praised
God together in
the street (you do
what you have to
do with the space
you got) and
their ministry
skits were
awesome. We
loved so very
much seeing the
JOY on the faces
of the Lewis
Memorial youth as
they served our
youth here. Youth
and children
teaching youth
and children from
different cultures.
All in the same
boat growing
toward holiness.

After LMUMC came Due

West, UMC, together with
Mosaic UMC, and a flight
from Venezuela with 4
who all came together to
form an army of God!! Oh
my goodness 3
countries serving
together. This group of 3
churches painted the
Store Front area in the
Montoneros Community
where we have childrens
ministry which also
helped us to expand the
seating area for more
children. On any given
Saturday there are 100+
children bunched up
together for ministry
they can now breath with
the open space to pray,
learn Gods Word, sing,
and craft their way
through the Scriptures

This beautiful group also were in all our communities a different community each afternoon loving
like Jesus loves. They shared Gods Word also by using Puppets which thrilled the children. It was
awesome having the Venezuelans with us again this year to help teach there is nothing quite like a
true Spanish Dialect, words our children understand fully in the context they are most familiar with.
With the depth of
South American
Spanish speakers
among this group
we asked while
they prepared to
come if theyd
serve the youth of
our church and
communities with
a youth worship
service just for
them. They jumped
at the opportunity.
We invited the El
Carmen UMC to
joins us and they
bought their
awesome praise
band and pastor
who leads the band
and blessed our
youth greatly. The
VZ older youth
shared the
message and
afterwards many
chose Jesus over
the World!

Last but certainly

not least, the
Texans came to the
Hemisphere led by
Rev. Andy Roberts,
who was our Pastor
at Lewis Memorial
12 years ago and
who also was on the
mission with Sharon
when God called her
to full-time mission.
12 years in the
making. So
awesome to be
joined together in
His Mission again.
This group painted
the area of the
Church where we all
congregate to
transition to Sunday
School and then
Worship. They were
a small group but
with Giant Hearts
for Jesus who plan
to return to serve
with us next year.
After ministry in our 4 communities throughout the week, this dear group of people from Lake
Highlands UMC also walked with us into a new community, Libre Ecuador. It was our first time for
ministry in this community, having no idea what to expect some of our children from the Montoneros
community now make up our ministry team as they came along too to spread the word and to help
look at all these children who were ministered to. Soo proud of all those whom Christ yoked together to
serve His people. In 2015 Lewis Memorial taught our children Cristo es mi Superhroe~Christ is my
Superhero Lake Highlands VBS program made capes for our children in this new community
exactly enough. Who knew God knew! Such a blessing to share our Superhroe together!

Each of these VIM came each loved and served generously each blessed
wonderfully each, with different gifts and talents they were all equal,
as the ground is level at the foot of the Cross!
In the middle of VIM,
Sunday comes every
week and for Sharon
who is the Director of
Childrens Ministries it
actually comes every
day. Sunday School is
growing incredibly we
are averaging 150, 2-15
year olds every week
the 2 year olds began a
new get familiar with
SS class in August
they are precious. Our
teachers are being
prayed for, encouraged,
and given the
opportunity to share
their hearts for Jesus
its a beautiful sight to
see. We also completed
the Churchs first
Confirmation program
57, 11-17 year olds
completed the program.
Baptisms soon! Glory to

Beauty of
among the
body of
Christ in
de los
It is our
honor and
to be
called to
join Him in
Mission in
this place.
May God
ALL the
And so, dear people of God, we have had fuller than normal lives on the equator for the past 4
months we are a bit tired but grateful for this life and the things God lets us do to help build and
strengthen His Kingdom among those He sent us to live among and serve. So we continue moving
forward in His direction for our lives and those He graced us with to share in His ministry.
Is it hard at times but isnt the Savior of our Souls more than worth all the hard in this World!

We praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. We are soo very grateful for the support we have
received and continue to receive in prayers and financial blessings which helps greatly to keep
us going in the direction God is moving in our lives to the places and people He places in our
paths. As ministry continues to grow and spill over into the Libre Ecuador community filled with
children GLORY!! we are humbled to be included in the lives of all the people God
generously gives us to love and to be able to help to keep warm and dry, and now cool and dry
equator living!! And along the way the blessing and calling of feeding them spiritually and
emotionally and physically. Please prayerfully consider joining Jesus in His mission alongside us
feeding hungry tummies and sweet little hearts as we be the Gospel for the people as
empowered by His Good and Faithful Spirit. We simply cannot continue in His service here
without your prayers and financial partnership and support. We thank God for you all!

God bless the faithful who have kept us going and continue to be blessings in our lives and in
the lives, we are called to serve and love into the Kingdom together. Thank you!! It is an
incredible JOY!!!

Yours in Christ,
Graham and Sharon
Graham and Sharon Nichols
All donations may be made to:
TMS Global
P.O. Box 922637
Norcross, Georgia 30010
Nichols Support #0368 on the memo line OR Via

TMS Global ~ Website Giving Info:

For giving Missionary support please use the Give to a

Missionary form and specify the 4-digit code 0368 OR you
may just type our names Graham and Sharon Nichols

The thing that makes a missionary is the sight

of what Jesus did on the cross and to have
heard Him say, GO. Oswald Chambers

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