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Developing manufactured soils from industrial

by-products for use as growth substrates in mine
Autumn D. Watkinson1,2 , Alan S. Lock3 , Peter J. Beckett4 , Graeme Spiers4,5

Suitable soils for reclamation can be acquired through excavation and translocation of local soils, increasing the industrial
footprint on previously undisturbed lands and causing negative environmental impacts. Manufactured soils (Technosols) could
be a viable soil source when the availability of suitable natural soils is limited. The purpose of this study was to manufacture
a Technosol from an admixture of woody residuals, primary paper sludge, and two subtypes of nonacid generating crushed
mine rock, to function as a growth substrate for revegetation of mined land. Technosols manufactured with 0, 25, 50, and 75%
organic materials (v/v) were assessed in a 10-week growth study using annual ryegrass biomass production and allocation
as a performance indicator. Technosols containing no organic materials had significantly lower plant nutrient concentrations
than Technosols containing an organic constituent and, after 5 weeks of growth, ryegrass grown on nonorganic Technosols had
greater root:shoot ratios than ryegrass grown on organic Technosols. Organics increase the water holding capacity and nutrient
concentrations of Technosols and should be included in manufacturing Technosols for revegetation. Technosols manufactured
with primary paper sludge produced lower shoot biomass than Technosols manufactured with woody residuals, which could
be in part due to the higher pH of the paper sludge. Technosols can be manufactured for revegetation purposes and individual
components should be assessed before and after mixing. Further development of Technosols should include field testing and
amendment or fertilizer use to improve soil nutrient content.
Key words: mining, paper sludge, plant nutrients, ryegrass, soil development, Technosol, vegetation, wood waste

through excavation of local or imported soils, causing distur-

Implications for Practice
bance in lands previously untouched by the mining process, thus
Using locally sourced components to manufacture Tech- expanding the mine site industrial footprint. Transportation of
nosols for use in reclamation could reduce the negative these reclamation materials over great distances also incurs neg-
environmental impacts associated with traditional sourc- ative environmental impacts. Although some mining companies
ing of reclamation soils. store soils stripped from the site during development for later
Technosols, manufactured from woody residuals and use in reclamation, the amount stored is frequently inadequate
crushed mine rock, can function as a growth substrate for to achieve satisfactory reclamation outcomes. Mining compa-
annual grasses commonly used in mine reclamation, but nies operating on the Boreal Shield region face this particular
should be field tested before widespread application. problem due to naturally thin soils are that are low in nutrient
Mill derived woody residuals are a viable organic con- concentrations (Evans 1980, 1982; Environment Canada 2000).
stituent of Technosols that effectively increase water hold-
ing capacity and enhance plant nutrient supply during
Author contributions: AL, PB, GS conceived and designed the research; AW, AL
periods of drought. performed the experiments; AW, AL analyzed the samples; PB, GS contributed
Screening of each potential Technosol component is a materials, analysis, and tools and supervised experiments; AW analyzed the data and
prepared the first manuscript draft; AW, GS edited the manuscript.
necessary step to determine the suitability of the material
for production of a growth substrate for reclamation use. 1 Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, 751 General Services

Building, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H1, Canada

2 Address correspondence to A. Watkinson, email
3 Department of Biology, Vale Living with Lakes Center, Laurentian University, 935

Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada

4 Elliot Lake Field Research Station, Laurentian University, 935 Ramsey Lake Road,
Introduction Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada
5 School of the Environment, Laurentian University, 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury,
Surface mining is widely regarded as environmentally destruc-
ON P3E 2C6, Canada
tive (Hilson 2001), and while reclamation of mined lands is
considered beneficial to the environment, certain aspects of this 2016 Society for Ecological Restoration
doi: 10.1111/rec.12464
practice may also produce adverse impacts on environmen- Supporting information at:
tal conditions. Suitable cover soil material is often acquired

Restoration Ecology 1
Technosols as growth substrates in reclamation

However, obtaining cover soil suitable for mine reclamation is between Technosols composed of differing organic constituents;
critical to successfully restore ecological biodiversity, as soils and (3) biomass production and allocation are equal between
provide a base for revegetation by increasing available organic Technosols composed of differing amounts of organic con-
matter, nutrients, and water holding capacity, while reinstating stituent. When plants experience limiting resources, they will
microorganisms that are critical for nutrient cycling (Brown & shift biomass production to those regions of the plant that will
Naeth 2014). The extraction of local, or the import of, soils may improve acquisition of those resources (Poorter & Nagel 2000).
be an inevitable resolution for many mining companies faced Thus, we predict that Technosols with limiting nutrient avail-
with a local shortage of soil materials, and few sources from ability and/or soil moisture will produce ryegrass with increased
which to obtain them. root biomass and increased root:shoot ratios. We predict Tech-
An alternative source of cover soils could be found by man- nosols manufactured with an organic constituent to have greater
ufacturing soils from a composite of locally sourced materials. nutrient availability and moisture retention than Technosols
The purposeful construction of a soil conceptually allows tai- manufactured without an organic constituent, and thus lower
loring of soil properties to specific site requirements and would root biomass and lower root:shoot ratios than Technosols man-
eliminate extraction of natural soils from previously unmined ufactured without an organic constituent. We also predict that
ecosystems. Previous studies have investigated manufactured Technosols manufactured with increasing organic:rock ratio
soils in urban settings and for agricultural use, but few have will have increased nutrient availability and moisture reten-
studied the use of manufactured soils for land reclamation tion, and thus lower root biomass and lower root:shoot ratios.
purposes. Previous studies have shown that industrial and Finally, we aimed to assess the differences in nutrient avail-
community wastes and by-products have successfully been ability and moisture retention of Technosols with two different
applied as soil amendments (Munksgaard & Lottermoser 2010; organic constituent types that differ in chemical and physical
Baker et al. 2011; Beesley & Dickinson 2011; Gagnon & Ziadi attributes.
2012; Cohen-Fernndez & Naeth 2013) and more recently in
the production of manufactured Technosols (Sr et al. 2010;
Resulovic & Custovic 2011; Hafeez et al. 2012). Technosols
(FAO 2006; FAO and ITPS 2015) are anthropogenic soils Methods
whose pedogenic trajectories have been either manufactured
Technosol Materials and Construction
or significantly modified by human activity. These soils may
contain blends of mineral materials, organic materials, soil Woody residuals, obtained from the Domtar White River
constituents, and other materials arising from anthropogenic Sawmill (White River, ON, Canada) containing sawdust, bark,
processes, including household or industrial wastes (FAO 2006; and offcuttings of dominantly boreal coniferous trees, were
Paradelo & Barral 2013). screened to include only particles less than 2 mm in diameter.
Paper mill sludge and woody residuals, by-products of lum- Primary paper sludge, produced in the manufacture of virgin
ber milling operations, have been used in agriculture and recla- wood fiber, was obtained from Tembec Pulp Inc. (Marathon,
mation applications as soil amendments to improve soil fertility ON, Canada). Intermediate volcanic and metasedimentary
(Nason et al. 2007). Additions of woody residuals (composed of mine rock was obtained from the Williams open-pit mine at the
bark, sawdust, and offcuttings) can greatly increase the organic Barrick Gold Corporations Hemlo Operation, ON, Canada.
matter content of a soil, making them valuable long-term fertil- The intermediate volcanic and metasedimentary mine rock
izers, as well a source of slow release nitrogen (Sheoran et al. coexist in the open-pit mine, but can be separated manually. As
2010), and have been shown to significantly increase seedling we expected differences in the elemental composition of the
density, canopy cover, and plant biomass (Smith et al. 1985). two subtypes of mine rock, they were separated, and crushed
Paper mill sludge, pulp or biosolids, are common soil amend- to a size less than 2 mm in diameter. The crushed mine rock
ments applied in agriculture (Bellamy et al. 1995; Phillips et al. had neutral-alkaline pH, with slight differences in carbon (C)
1997; Curnoe et al. 2006), soil remediation (Fierro et al. 1999), and sulfur (S) between the two subtypes (Table 1). The organic
and recently have been recognized in Technosol production constituents differed greatly in pH, with woody residuals being
(Sr et al. 2010). neutral (pH(H2O) of 6.5) and primary paper sludge basic (pH(H2O)
The objective of this study was to produce a suitable growth of 9.9). The organic constituents also varied considerably in
medium from an admixture of woody residuals, primary paper elemental composition, with woody residuals containing
sludge, and two subtypes of nonacid generating finely crushed greater amounts of both macronutrients and micronutrients
mine rock for use in mine site reclamation initiatives in the (Table 1).
boreal forest ecosystem of Northern Ontario, Canada. Biomass Technosols were constructed by thoroughly blending 0, 25,
production and allocation of Lolium multiflorum Lam. (annual 50, and 75% (v/v) of each organic constituent with each crushed
ryegrass), nutrient accumulation in plant tissues, and total mine rock constituent using a rotating drum cement mixer. Each
and bioavailable concentrations of soil nutrients were mea- Technosol was constructed independently, with three replicates
sured to assess the performance of the Technosols as growth of each Technosol being distributed in a randomized block
media. Our hypotheses were (1) biomass production and allo- design (n = 42). Technosols were placed into 4.21-L planting
cation are equal between Technosols composed of differing pots (17.5 cm depth and 17.5 cm diameter), with holes punc-
rock types; (2) biomass production and allocation are not equal tured in the bottom to allow for water drainage.

2 Restoration Ecology
Technosols as growth substrates in reclamation

Table 1. Total elemental concentrations and pH of potential Technosol Abedin et al. (2012). For the analysis of total elemental soil
components, n = 1. concentrations, 0.50 g Technosol sample and 0.2 g plant sample
Primary were treated with 3 mL nitric acid and 4 mL hydrochloric acid
Intermediate Paper Woody for 8 hours at 228 C, heated on a digestion block at 100 C for
Properties Volcanics Metasediments Sludge Residuals 1 hour, cooled, diluted to 50 mL by addition of deionized water,
filtered through Whatman 44 filter papers, and analyzed by
pH (H2 O) 8.8 8.9 9.9 6.5 plasma spectrometry. For the analysis of bioavailable elemental
Carbon (%) 1.16 0.05 21.7 36.9
Nitrogen (%) 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.37 soil concentrations, 5.0 g of mineral material (pure, crushed
Carbon:nitrogen 27.6 12.8 517 99.2 metasedimentary, or intermediate volcanic mine rock) and
Sulfur (%) 0.41 0.003 0.10 0.03 2.0 g of Technosol were shaken with 0.01 M lithium nitrate
P (mg/kg) 514 444 513 425 for 24 hours, centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes, filtered
Ca (%) 1.85 1.07 9.23 1.52 through Whatman 44 filter papers, acidified with nitric acid, and
Mg (%) 0.58 0.30 0.29 0.16 analyzed by plasma spectrometry. The quality control program
K (%) 2.22 1.76 0.13 0.20 was completed in an ISO 17025 accredited facility (Elliot Lake
Cu (mg/kg) 21.8 37.1 7.20 9.43
Fe (%) 1.56 1.61 0.07 0.53 Field Research Station, Sudbury, ON, Canada) and included
Mn (mg/kg) 365 220 309 538 analysis of duplicates, acceptance of certified reference material
Zn (mg/kg) 78.2 65.8 34.1 89.1 data within 10% of accepted values, procedural and calibration
blanks, matrix matched standards, matrix spikes, continuous
calibration verification, and the use of internal standards to com-
Plant Establishment and Growth pensate for matrix suppression and instrumental drift during the
Germination of annual ryegrass seeds was tested on each Field capacity and permanent wilting point of the Technosols
Technosol over a period of 4 days, both to ensure seed viability were determined for each Technosol using a pressure plate
and to ascertain the suitability of the Technosols in promot- system (Topp et al. 1993) set at 0.33 and 15.0 MPa.
ing seedling establishment. Each Technosol was placed in a
Petri dish and moistened with deionized water. Twenty-five
annual ryegrass seeds were spread over each Technosol Calculations and Statistical Analysis
(n = 3) and the lid was replaced. Germination was noted after Calculations and statistical analysis were carried out using R
4 days. 3.0.2 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing 2013). A
Biomass production was assessed on each Technosol over a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukeys
period of 10 weeks. Fifty ryegrass seeds were sown in each soil HSD (honest significant difference) test was performed to reveal
pot following the addition of 500 mL of full strength Hoagland significant differences in biomass production and allocation
solution (Hoagland & Arnon 1950). Annual ryegrass was grown across Technosols of different rock types and type and amount
for 10 weeks in an indoor growth facility, with full light spec- of organic constituents. Shoot, root, and root:shoot ratio were
trum hydroponic lights operating for 12 hours/day. Watering separately analyzed as the dependent variable against the inde-
frequency reflected spring and summer precipitation events of pendent factors rock type and organics, where rock type had two
Northern Ontario: deionized water was administered at a rate of levels (intermediate volcanics and metasediments) and organ-
500 mL, three times weekly from weeks 1 to 5, and at a rate of ics had seven levels (0% organic, 25% woody residuals, 25%
250 mL three times weekly from weeks 6 to 10. After 5 weeks of paper sludge, 50% woody residuals, 50% paper sludge, 75%
growth, the ryegrass was thinned to 15 plants per pot. Roots and woody residuals, and 75% paper sludge). A one-way ANOVA
shoots were removed with minimal soil disturbance and kept was also used to detect differences in the bioavailable concentra-
for further analysis. At the end of the 10-week growth period, tions of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), phos-
the remaining roots and shoots were also harvested and kept for phorous (P), and iron (Fe) across all Technosols. Tukeys HSD
further analysis. test followed ANOVA if a significant difference was detected at
p 0.05. Spearman correlations of biomass production against
bioavailable soil nutrients and organic ratio were used to help
Sample Analysis explain significant differences in biomass production between
Roots and shoots of the annual ryegrass, sampled after both Technosols. ShapiroWilks test was used to assess normality,
5 and 10 weeks of growth, were separated and cleaned with and Bartletts test for homogeneity of variance of the response
deionized water to remove soil debris. Roots and shoots were variables. All data passed homogeneity of variance assump-
dried for 24 hours at 105 C to constant mass and weighed to tions, but shoot biomass did not meet the normal distribution
determine dry mass. Soil pH was measured in water and a assumptions. Log transformation mostly improved the distribu-
neutral salt solution of air dried Technosols (Carter 1993). A tion of shoot biomass data. Analysis was performed on non-
small sample of each Technosol was dried for 24 hours at 105 C transformed data of all response variables, except shoot biomass
to constant mass. Total and bioavailable element concentrations which was log transformed. Analyses of biomass production
were determined by ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma and allocation were conducted for samples collected after 5 and
mass spectrometry) following extraction methods outlined by 10 weeks independently.

Restoration Ecology 3
Technosols as growth substrates in reclamation

Ryegrass Biomass
Germination of annual ryegrass seeds was observed to be greater
than 95% over all Technosols. The lowest germination rate
was 76% and the highest was 100%, with over 95% of the
germination rates over 92%.

Weeks 1 to 5. Shoot dry mass over all treatments ranged

from 0.268 to 0.964 g, root dry mass ranged from 0.090 to
0.401 g, and the root:shoot ratio ranged from 0.179 to 0.631
(Table S1, Supporting Information). No significant effect of
rock type on shoot biomass, root biomass, or root:shoot ratios
was detected (Fig. 1). No significant effect of organic amount
and constituent on shoot biomass was detected (Fig. 1). Organic
amount and constituent had a significant effect on root biomass
(F [6,28] = 7.16, p < 0.001) and root:shoot ratio (F [6,28] = 4.34,
p < 0.005). There was no significant interaction effect between
rock type and organic amount and constituent on shoot biomass,
root biomass, and root:shoot ratio. Significant effects of organic
constituent and amount on root biomass were due to signif-
icant differences between Technosols containing no organic
constituent and Technosols that contained an organic con- Figure 1. Shoot and root dry mass and root:shoot ratio of annual ryegrass
stituent, regardless of type. Technosols containing no organic after 5 weeks of growth in Technosols composed of metasedimentary or
constituent produced greater root biomass than Technosols con- intermediate volcanic mine rock and no organic constituent (NO), woody
taining 25% woody residuals (p < 0.01), 25% primary paper residuals (WR), or primary paper sludge (PPS). Error bars represent SE,
sludge (p < 0.001), 50% woody residuals (p < 0.005), 50% pri- n = 3.
mary paper sludge (p < 0.05), 75% woody residuals (p < 0.001),
and 75% primary paper sludge (p < 0.001) (Fig. 3). Significant an organic constituent, regardless of type. Technosols con-
effects of organic constituent and amount on root:shoot ratio taining no organic constituent produced greater shoot biomass
were due to significant differences between Technosols con- than Technosols containing 25% woody residuals (p < 0.001),
taining no organic constituent and Technosols that contained 25% primary paper sludge (p < 0.001), 50% woody residuals
low amounts of primary paper sludge and high amounts of (p < 0.001), 50% primary paper sludge (p < 0.001), 75% woody
woody residuals. Technosols containing no organic constituent residuals (p < 0.001), and 75% primary paper sludge (p < 0.001)
produced greater root:shoot ratios than 25% primary paper (Fig. 3). Technosols containing 25 and 50% woody residuals
sludge (p < 0.01), 50% primary paper sludge (p < 0.05), and produced significantly greater shoot biomass than Technosols
75% woody residuals (p < 0.01) (Fig. 3). containing 75% primary paper sludge (Fig. 3).
There was no obvious trend in shoot biomass increasing with
increasing organic ratios in Technosols; however, within the
intermediate volcanic mine rock grouping, decreasing root pro- Soil Moisture Retention, Fertility, and Plant Nutrient
duction and root:shoot ratio is apparent as the amount of woody Accumulation
residuals within the Technosol increases (Fig. 1). The amount of Moisture retention was greatest in soils with the largest amount
woody residuals in a Technosol was significantly correlated with of organic constituents and Technosols constructed from blends
the root:shoot ratio of ryegrass produced (Spearman correlation, containing woody residuals had the greatest field capacity and
p < 0.005, r = 0.577). permanent wilting point (Table 2).
Nutrient sufficiency ranges for total concentrations of plant
Weeks 6 to 10. Shoot dry mass ranged from 0.298 to 1.062 g, macronutrients and micronutrients in annual ryegrass, adapted
root dry mass ranged from 0.029 to 0.365 g, and the root:shoot from Mills and Jones (1996) and Plank and Donohue (2000),
ratio ranged from 0.053 to 1.27 (Table S2). No significant effect indicate that ryegrass harvested after 5 weeks of growth was able
of rock type on shoot biomass, root biomass, or root:shoot to obtain sufficient amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium,
ratios was detected (Fig. 2). No significant effect of organic phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, and iron from all Tech-
amount and constituent on root biomass or root:shoot ratio was nosols (Table S2). However, after 10 weeks of growth in Tech-
detected (Fig. 2). Organic amount and constituent had a signifi- nosols containing no organic constituent or containing primary
cant effect on shoot biomass (F [6,28] = 17.75, p < 0.001). Signifi- paper sludge as the organic constituent, plant nutrient accumu-
cant effects of organic constituent and amount on shoot biomass lation data suggest that the ryegrass was potentially deficient
were mainly due to significant differences between Technosols in phosphorus and manganese (Table S2). Significant differ-
containing no organic constituent and Technosols containing ences were detected in soil concentrations of bioavailable Ca

4 Restoration Ecology
Technosols as growth substrates in reclamation

Figure 2. Shoot and root dry mass and root:shoot ratio of annual ryegrass Figure 3. Root biomass (A) and root:shoot ratio (B) of annual ryegrass
after 10 weeks of growth in Technosols composed of metasedimentary or after 5 weeks of growth and shoot biomass (C) of annual ryegrass after 10
intermediate volcanic mine rock and no organic constituent (NO), woody weeks of growth in Technosols composed of metasedimentary or
residuals (WR), or primary paper sludge (PPS). Error bars represent SE, intermediate volcanic mine rock and no organic constituent, woody
n = 3. residuals, or primary paper sludge. Error bars represent SE. Letters
indicate significant differences, n = 6.

(F [13,28] = 23.29, p < 0.001), Mg (F [13,28] = 12.78, p < 0.001), K

(F [13,28] = 2.388, p < 0.05), and P (F [12,20] = 26.63, p < 0.001) Therefore, the shift in biomass allocation demonstrated by rye-
across all Technosols (Table S3). After 10 weeks of growth, grass grown in nonorganic Technosols was likely due to lim-
shoot biomass was significantly correlated with soil concentra- iting belowground resources, which caused a shift in biomass
tions of bioavailable Mg (p < 0.001, r = 0.524), Cu (p < 0.001, production to the roots, to improve the acquisition of those
r = 0.550), and Fe (p < 0.001, r = 0.656). Total soil concen- limiting resources. Organic soil components have been shown
trations of plant nutrients were significantly different between to provide essential nutrients required for plant growth (Tord-
Technosols, but were not correlated with biomass production of off et al. 2000), to increase organic carbon content essential
annual ryegrass (Table S4). for microbial metabolic activity (Williamson & Johnson 1991;
Sheoran et al. 2010), and to improve water holding capacity
and resistance to compaction (Francou et al. 2008; Paradelo
& Barral 2013). Although reclamation practitioners favor the
Discussion use of plant species with high root biomass to stabilize soils
All Technosols supported the germination and growth of annual and mitigate soil erosion, forcing high root:shoot ratios within
ryegrass over a 5- and 10-week period. As there were no sig- a species by restricting belowground resources is not recom-
nificant differences found in biomass production and nutrient mended. The nonorganic Technosols contained a significantly
concentration between Technosols composed of different mine lower total concentration of nitrogen than Technosols that con-
rock subtypes, further development of Technosols from this par- tained 25% or greater woody residuals and lower bioavailable
ticular mine rock could use a mixture of the available mine rock, concentrations of Mg than Technosols manufactured with 50%
thus preventing the added costs to separate and store the mate- or greater primary paper sludge and lower bioavailable concen-
rials separately. However, elevated root biomass and root:shoot trations of P than Technosols manufactured with 75% woody
ratios of ryegrass grown in nonorganic Technosols for 5 weeks residuals. Limiting water resources due to lower water hold-
indicate that pure, finely crushed mine rock is not optimum for ing capacity of the nonorganic Technosols and lower bioavail-
vegetative growth. Plants experiencing limiting belowground able nutrient levels were likely the limiting factors resulting
resources will shift their biomass production to the roots to aid in in increased root:shoot ratios of ryegrass grown on nonorganic
acquiring those limiting resources (Poorter & Nagel 2000). This Technosols. These results highlight the importance of using an
response has been confirmed for ryegrass, as Vose (1963) also organic constituent in a manufactured soil to improve soil mois-
observed increased root mass and increased root:shoot ratios ture retention, as drought periods are predicted to be more fre-
of ryegrass grown in low versus high nutrient treatments. quent and of longer duration as an impact of climate change.

Restoration Ecology 5
Technosols as growth substrates in reclamation

Table 2. Organic content, pH, and soil moisture retention metrics for Technosols manufactured with metasedimentary and intermediate volcanic mine rock,
woody residuals (WR), and primary paper sludge (PPS). Percentages indicate the amount of organic matter in each Technosol, n = 1 for each Technosol.

Gravimetric Water Content (%)

Field Capacity Permanent Wilting Point
Technosol Organic Matter pH (0.33 MPa) (15.0 MPa) Plant Available Water

0% ORG 0.1 8.6 10.34 1.04 9.29
25%WR 2.5 7.7 9.86 2.57 7.29
50% WR 6.0 7.4 22.74 5.18 17.56
75% WR 16.4 6.9 35.09 9.34 25.75
25% PPS 0.8 8.9 14.66 0.95 13.71
50% PPS 3.4 9.3 12.42 1.94 10.48
75% PPS 13.5 9.5 26.51 5.26 21.25
Intermediate volcanics
0% ORG 0.1 8.9 10.73 0.63 10.10
25%WR 1.4 7.7 9.47 2.30 7.17
50% WR 5.7 7.3 22.70 5.17 17.54
75% WR 21.5 6.8 30.70 11.10 19.60
25% PPS 0.9 9.3 5.31 0.81 4.49
50% PPS 4.6 9.3 11.24 4.04 7.20
75% PPS 8.9 9.4 28.41 10.69 17.72

During weeks 6 to 10 of the experiment, the volume of water shoot biomass and increasing root:shoot ratio as the amount of
administered to the ryegrass was reduced to 50% of the vol- primary paper sludge increased, we could also conclude that
ume administered in weeks 1 to 5 to induce water resource including larger amounts of primary paper sludge in a manu-
limitations. As water became less available after 5 weeks of factured soil does not improve growth conditions.
growth, the biomass allocation of the annual ryegrass grown in The pH of Technosols containing primary paper sludge
the organic Technosols also shifted to root production. As nutri- (8.59.5) was greater than both the optimal soil pH preferred
ent supply essentially remained consistent throughout the exper- by annual ryegrass (5.57.5) and tolerable ranges (5.07.8)
iment, limiting soil water is likely the main cause of biomass (Hannaway et al. 1999). The greater pH in Technosols con-
allocation shifts. At the end of 10 weeks of growth, all Tech- taining primary paper sludge likely contributed to decreases
nosols had statistically equivalent root biomass and root:shoot in shoot biomass production of annual ryegrass. Technosols
ratios but greater shoot biomass production was observed in manufactured with primary paper sludge also had significantly
Technosols that contained no organic constituent than in Tech- lower concentrations of bioavailable phosphorus, and signif-
nosols manufactured with an organic constituent. As the rye- icantly greater bioavailable iron, as compared to Technosols
grass in the nonorganic Technosols had developed an extensive containing woody residuals. In particular, the maintenance of
root system during weeks 1 to 5 of the experiment under lim- plant available P levels in Technosols containing primary paper
iting nutrient conditions, it was able to obtain sufficient water sludge may be difficult because as the mine rock weathers
even under limiting water conditions as an extensive root system and oxidizes, the Technosols may become rich in Fe-oxides
to acquire those resources was already in place. This allowed that adsorb plant-available phosphorus (Sheoran et al. 2010).
ryegrass grown in nonorganic Technosols to allocate energy Greater observed plant available water and lower C:N ratios in
resources to production of aboveground biomass, whereas rye- Technosols that contain woody residuals than in those that con-
grass grown in the organic Technosols shifted biomass produc- tain primary paper sludge also suggest that primary paper sludge
tion belowground to ensure access to adequate water. As water is may not be appropriate to manufacture Technosols being devel-
required for the uptake of nutrients, and Technosols containing oped for use in the boreal forest where natural soils are acidic
organics could not access sufficient water, it is also likely that (Larsen 1980). However, other studies examining papermill
the ryegrass grown in these Technosols were experiencing nutri- biosolids and paper sludge as soil amendments reported a wide
ent deficiency brought on by drought conditions. Technosols range of pH values from 3.9 to 8.4 (Calace et al. 2003; Battaglia
containing woody residuals at 25 and 50% produced higher et al. 2007; Ochoa de Alda 2008; Gagnon & Ziadi 2012).
shoot biomass than Technosols composed of 75% primary paper Gagnon and Ziadi (2012) obtained papermill biosolids from two
sludge. As Technosols composed of woody residuals and pri- different manufacturers over the duration of their study, and the
mary paper sludge also had equal root:shoot ratios (after both pH differed greatly, not only between producers (pH 7.9 from
5 and 10 weeks of growth), we can conclude that Technosols producer 1 and pH 5.0 from producer 2), but between produc-
manufactured with woody residuals performed better as growth tion years when obtained from the same producer (pH range of
media for annual ryegrass than Technosols manufactured with 3.95.8 over a span of 6 years of production). Therefore, the
primary paper sludge. Combined with the trend of decreasing use of primary paper sludge should be assessed on a case by

6 Restoration Ecology
Technosols as growth substrates in reclamation

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Our results also demonstrate that Technosols should be
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The following information may be found in the online version of this article:
assessment of their suitability for recultivation Technosol development
projection. Agriculturae Conspecectu Scientificus 76:8186
Table S1. Average dry mass (g) and root:shoot ratio of annual ryegrass grown on
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(2010) Early pedogenic evolution of constructed Technosols. Journal of Table S2. Accumulation of nutrients in the shoots of ryegrass grown on Technosols
Soils and Sediments 10:12461254 for 5 and 10 weeks.
Sheoran V, Sheoran AS, Poonia P (2010) Soil reclamation of abandoned mine Table S3. Average bioavailable concentrations of essential plant nutrients in Tech-
land by revegetation: a review. International Journal of Soil, Sediment and nosols.
Water 3:121 Table S4. Average total concentrations of essential plant nutrients in Technosols.

Coordinating Editor: Mark Paschke Received: 25 May, 2016; First decision: 21 June, 2016; Revised: 10 October,
2016; Accepted: 12 October, 2016

8 Restoration Ecology

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