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CALL LOG 02.08.


Messages: No Messages
1. Kelly Channel 9 Moustafa will call mobile.
2. Damian Ryan Channel 9 news 0439 621 566 Moustafa RE: Abdul
3. Andrew Benny Channel 10 Moustafa client released without charge 0401 187 612
4. HamZa Muzabelle auburn lawyers re: will know 0416 077 696.
5. Nick Hanson Daily Telegraph Moustafa 0410 623 004 re: Abdul tweet
6. Tom Westboro Reuters News Moustafa Abdul Mehri tweet 02 9321 8233.
7. SE Legal El Reichhe Laraly received the parent contract but its not signed. Blank
contract. Found it but it wasnt it the right place.
8. Hamza Mussabeir (Auburn Lawyers) Tarek
9. Ashley (Current Affairs) Abdul 0403 883 596
10. Dillan Welch (0417 682 435) Moustafa re: Abdul
11. Jessica Kidd (ABC News) Moustafa Abdul 0413162827.
12. Auburn Correctional Centre Birchgrove Legal Moustafa; Abdul Faadi Alamaddine
humor. Abul Zacharaiah, if he did not receive anything from his son.
13. Auburn Correctional Centre Moustafa Ahmed Naizemand
14. Khaled Merhi Moustafa Police Station Surrey Hills
15. Mahmoud for Moustafa
16. Dillan Welch Moustafa second email sent
17. Paul Maley 0409 011 369 re: he will know
18. Mr Kaheed wrong number
19. Message UNKNOWN 1139am Ursulla Malone ABC News 0403573616 re: Abdul
20. Dion NRMA insurance Tarek
21. Anita SBS Moustafa 0419 400 741 re: will you be speaking with the media today.
22. Ursula Malone ABC News came in to the office to see if you would like to have a word.
Have advised her that you are not available.
23. George 0420 922 402 re: court case
24. Moustafa Ali Taribeh 0400 010 848 re: will
25. Tracey Merhi Moustafa, drop of information. 0470 181 418
26. Robert Ovadia (7 News) Moustafa 0418 888 448
27. Hang up
28. Ashley (Current Affair) Moustafa _ no message to leave
29. Daily Telegraph email/ Janette Fife-Yeoman 9288 3288.
30. Tarek Moustaf
31. Dillan Welch 730pm show
32. Kelly (Channel 9) Moustafa 0404 003 175
33. Jody Nunn (Commonwealth DPP) Luke Del Monte/Moustafa 9321 1143
34. Wayne (Barrister) Trial matter of Darwich Reference Legal Aid.
35. Joe (CNN News) Moustafa - +85297295150 re: tweet Abdul
36. Message Unknown 206pm no msg
37. Message Unknown 206pm no msg
38. Message 28730052 231pm Luce TGB Radio, 8570 0352. Moustafa
39. Message Unknown 301pm Det Peter Casie, JCTT Sydney Moustafa
40. Message Unknown 306pm Det Peter CAsie JCTT Sydney Khaled 0438762703 Burwood
Police Station to attend in relation to an interview
41. Message Unknown saved unknown
42. Messages - 0042526686 352pm
43. Hussein Jackie Georgie
44. 00425266873 352pm
45. 00249048507 402pm for Adam Advo (Nationwide Super Jason from 4904 8507
46. Hamza John Hazelwood re: would know what it was regarding.
47. Tracey Merhi Moustafa
48. Mahmoud Khoat Moustafa
49. Adam Moustafa transfer
50. Angelo Korno Solicitor Tarek

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