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Losing Language

June 23, 2011/2 Comments/in Language Blog /by Alison Kroulek

Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.
This is a quotation of the artist Leonard Cohen which points out the necessity of poetry. It
is the same for language. Humans need to talk and share between us but for this, reading
literature is very useful. Aristotle said:
Man is by nature a political animal.
This means that Humans want to live in society and to develop social relationships with
other citizens.
Language, in the strict sense of the term, allows us to communicate but literature and
poetry allow us to embellish it. Classical language is losing its value and giving way to the
modern. This is represented by mobiles and Internet language, for example LOL or
OMG (oh my God).
Two main reasons can explain losing a language. The first fundamental reason is Time
Acceleration: we live more quickly than before and we have less and less time to live. That
is why we use abbreviations languages and news means of communication (SMS, SKYPE,
FACEBOOK, TWITTER etc.). Paradoxically, people lives much more quickly but spend more
time behind the TV! Time Acceleration can also cause other reasons such as Modern
Technology and News means of communication. As I said above, Internet and Mobile
phones caused the weakening of language even if we need it to work and to communicate
.It would be difficult to do without it
Losing language has negative consequences because we have less and less time to speak
between us. This leads in modern society to strengthening individualism and to reduce
physical language in relationships. Indeed, emails and texts often replace what we dare
not say in front of someone. Thus, something originally trivial may quickly take the scale
when it is said by text message!
Now, language in relationships has less meaning, its less intense than before but we have
to live with that. Thats Modernity!

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