2016 Practice Final Solutions v3

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2016 Practice Final Solutions v3

These solutions are actually correct now. Id like to give a big thank you to Professor
Wood for not posting any answers whatsoever for this practice exam. Ive checked the final
answers against the answer key Professor DeGroot posted, so the answers themselves are
correct. However, if theres an issue with a solution let me (Ben Connors) know on Surviv-
ing Eng and Ill fix it.

1. Ans: E = 400 GPa

Take the slope of the graph between (0, 0) and (0.0005, 200).

2. Ans: y = 400 MPa

Use the y-value of the point where the graph becomes non-linear.

3. Ans: = 0.0005
Find the corresponding strain when stress equals 200 MPa.

4. Ans: 20.00 mm
Since stress is below yield strength, length wont change.

5. Ans: t = 556 MPa

t = 450
= 450
1 0.19
= 556 MPa

6. Ans: -0.00033
Since volume is conserved, the sum of the strains in all three dimensions must equal 0.
The strain in the axial direction can be calculated, and using that the total strain in
the other two directions can be found. Since the question only wants the strain in one
of these dimensions, the answer is half the total strain in the other two directions.

axial =
(7.5 105 )(400 109 )
= 6.67 104
transverse = axial
= 3.3 104

7. Ans: true = 0.001998

This ones from the textbook, Wood didnt teach it. Relies on some integration to
prove, see textbook page 135.
nominal =
= 0.002
true = ln(1 + nominal )
= ln(1 + 0.002)
= 0.001998

8. Ans: Area under stress-strain curve

Toughness is the ability of a material to absorb energy and plastically deform without
fracturing and can be determined through integrating the stress-strain curve.

9. Ans: The slope of the net force curve at the equilibrium interatomic spacing

10. Ans: Metals have many more charge carriers available compared to non-metals

11. Ans: 429

Add up the molar masses of the atoms shown in the repeat unit then divide the total
molar mass (18 000 g mol1 ) by that.
degree =
3(12.011) + 6 (1.0079)
= 429
12. Ans: 1.14 g cm3
The diagonal of one face of a FCC unit cell is equal to four times the atomic radius
and there are four atoms per unit cell.
16 2
l= r
= 8(0.2 107 cm)2
= 5.66 108 cm
V = l3
= 1.81 1022 cm3
m = 31 g mol1
6.023 1023 mol1
= 2.06 10 g
= 1.14 g cm3

13. Ans: 0.11 g cm3

See previous question, noting that the diagonal of the entire BCC unit cell is equal to
four times the atomic radius and that there are two cells per unit cell.

14. Ans: 0.8

Vcell = a3
= 0.2875 nm3
4 3
Vatoms = 7 r
= 0.2346 nm3
= 0.8

15. Ans: 1, 3, 6
A close-packed plane is shown on the formula sheet.

16. Ans: FCC

17. Ans: An edge dislocation

18. Ans: The number of entangled dislocations increases

19. Ans: The polymer molecules become more aligned in the necked region

20. Ans: 250 MPa

Since the only contribution to yield strength is grain boundary, only one equation
needs to be considered, = bg . Since y 3y , the Hall-Petch constant kp may
be determined from the change in the first two yield strengths and it may be applied
to determine the unknown yield strength.
= gb
150 1 1
= kp
3 10 20
kp = 540
1 1
y,15 = 200 + 3 540
15 20
250 MPa

21. Ans: 4.8 mm

A0 A
%CW =
A = A0 (1 0.52)
= 4.8 mm

22. Ans: CW 10%, anneal, CW 50%, anneal, CW 20%

You have to try all of them to get it. Cold working reduces the area each time, and an-
nealing eliminates the accumulated dislocations, returning %CW to 0 without changing
the area.

23. Ans: Material A

Choose the right material index - in this case, the value of should be maximized

(biggest Youngs modulus per kilogram). Then just calculate this index for all mate-

24. Ans: Material B

Material index changes to Youngs modulus over cost.
25. Ans: 19 mm
Using f as the stress needed to fracture the material at a certain crack size since that
dot is stupid as hell.

K1c = Y f c
1 K1c
Y f
= 19 mm

26. Ans: 2.8 mm

Assume that the stress needed to fracture the material (f ) is equal to 750 MPa then
solve for the crack size, same as the previous question. The answer will be 2c, since
the value for c is the crack radius while the question asks for the length of the crack.

27. Ans: Increasing grain size

The Hall-Petch equation dealing with grain size strengthening has the term , mean-
ing that yield strength decreases when grain size increases.

28. Ans: 450 MPa

Find the y-value on the curve where the cycles to failure is 10,000.

29. Ans: A = 1.7 104 m2

This question asks for diameter, but the answers are all square meters and none of
them match the value for the diameter so I assume they mean area. For a material not
to ever fail by fatigue, the number of cycles until failure by fatigue must not be less
than 107 cycles. Find the value for stress at this number of cycles on the graph, then
calculate the necessary area.

= 1.7 104 m

30. Ans: log on x-axis, log ss on y-axis, n is slope of line  

n Q
For this one, look at the equation for steady-state creep rate, ss = C exp .
Take the logarithm  of both sides,
 then apply properties of logarithms to end up with
log ss = n log + log C , which is the general equation for a straight line with
slope n.
31. Ans: Diffusional grain boundary creep

32. Ans: 0.02 s1

Watch units, ideal gas constant is not in kilojoules or celsius. For this one, express the
two steady-state creep rates as a ratio of the two using the equation for calculating the
steady-state creep rate, then isolate the second steady-state creep rate.
ss,2 Q 1 1
= exp
ss,1 R T1 T2
210000 1 1
ss,2 = (0.002) exp
8.314 973.15 1073.15
= 0.02 s1

33. Ans: To increase the creep-resistance of the blades

34. Ans: 6,700 hours

Use the fact that the failure strain is equal to the steady-state creep rate multiplied by
the time to failure (since steady-state creep rate is the first derivative of strain with
respect to time d
) to determine the time to failure at a different steady-state creep

f = ss tf
= 0.36
tf,2 =
1.5 108
= 6700 hours

35. Ans: 0.181 nm3

This assumes that the figure they show is the unit cell. The side length of this cell is
equal to twice the radius of Na plus twice the radius of Cl.

V = (2 0.102 + 2 0.181)3
= 0.181 nm3

36. Ans: Thermosetting polymers are heavily crosslinked

37. Ans: 2.5 GPa

Back to the start of the course, apparently.

Ecomposite = (ff ibre )(Ef ibre ) + (1 ff ibre )(Ematrix )

= 0.2(75) + 0.8(2)
= 2.5 GPa
38. Ans: No fucking clue
Googling led to some scary shit with large matrices.

39. Ans: 5.7

The number of conducting electrons seems extraneous to me but this whole unit is
shaky. I use Woods symbols for this unit, so ke = and E = .
(2.22 107 )((0.0005)2 )
= 5.7

40. Ans: 42 V
R = lA
= 21.2
V = IR
= 2 21.2
= 42 V

41. Ans: 1.2 104 m2 V1 s1

First find the resistivity of the wire (not resistance) then use that to find conductivity.
Then find the number of charge carriers, noting that iron has a valence of 2. Be careful
here, the number of charge carriers must be per cubic meterthats just what the units
need to be for it to work out. Finally, mobility is the term v or in the conductivity
e =
= 3 107 m
= 3.33 106 1 m1
ncarriers = 2 Na
(7.87 g cm3 )(1 m3 )(1 106 m3 cm3 )
23 1
= (2)(6.023 10 mol )
55.8 g mol1
= 1.70 1029 m3

ncarriers e
3.33 106
(1.70 1029 )(1.6 1019 )
= 1.2 104 m2 V1 s1
42. Ans: The number of holes and conducting electrons are equal and the electrons have
greater mobility than the holes
The relationship between the two carrier mobilities wasnt discussed in Woods class,
but I found a site that says electron mobility is far higher than hole mobility.

43. Ans: Electrons in conduction band are primarily excited from donor atoms, so the
electron concentration is constant
90 % sure about this one, wording might be trying to trick me.

44. Ans: 1.28 103 1 m1

Since germanium is a semiconductor in the exhaustion temperature range, the conduc-
tivity will be influenced almost entirely by the dopant. Since aluminum has a lower
valence than germanium, the charge carriers introduced by the aluminum will be holes,
not electrons and this will be a p-type semiconductor. Note that the number of charge
carriers must be per meter cubed again.
nGe = 4.43 1028 m3
nAl = 6
= 4.43 1022 m3
= p|e|hole
= (1 4.43 1022 )(1.6 1019 )(0.18)
= 1.28 103 1 m1

45. Ans: Amplifies variable input electrical voltage

46. Ans: A p-n rectifying junction in forward bias

Since the electrons and holes are moving towards each other and will recombine at the
interface, this diode is in forward bias (current will flow).

47. Ans: 2.37 eV

This equation isnt on the formula sheet, memorize it (h is Plancks constant). Note
that the wavelength is in micrometers (106 meters).
(4.13 1015 )(3 108 )
Eg =
0.522 106
= 2.37 eV

48. Ans: No fucking clue

I fucked off when I saw the units. We were definitely not taught this shit in class.
49. Ans: No fucking clue

50. Ans: Doping an element of a different valence into Si

Equations to Note
There are two equations (aside from the myriad of material indices) that I didnt find on the
crib sheet that I used for these solutions:

true = ln(1 + nominal )

This equation relates true strain to nominal strain. True stress and true strain take into
account the current dimensions of the object, while nominal stress and strain do not (they
only take into account initial dimensions). More information can be found in the textbook
on page 135.

This equation deals with diodes, determining the wavelength of light (, usually has units of
nanometers (109 meters)) from band gap energy (Eg , units of electron volts (eV)) or vice
versa. The two other variables are Plancks constant (h = 6.63 1034 m2 kg s1 ) and the
speed of light (c = 3.00 108 m s1 ).

plastic = total elastic

= total
One last equation that wasnt used on this exam but was found on the midterm(s). This
equation is used to determine the plastic strain which is equal to the total strain subtract
the elastic strain.

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