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…bless your GOD, and publish ALL
— Archangel RAPHAEL
(Tobias 12:20)

Original title of St. Gemma’s biography:

The Life of the Servant of God, Gemma Galgani:
an Italian Maiden of Lucca
Imprimatur December 3, 1913
Published by St. Gemma’s Passionist spiritual director,
VENERABLE FATHER GERMANUS (see final pages for his portrait)
“I have to be crucified with Jesus.
He has said to me that His CHILDREN
have to be crucified.”

- St. Gemma Galgani

March 12, 1878 - April 11, 1903
For the MOST HOLY TRINITY and Our Mother of
Grace, who have benevolently besought humanity to
heed the heralding of final, abounding graces preceding

You are now living the DAYS OF THE APOCALYPSE.

Everything shall unfold; even the Scroll (Apoc. 6:6-10)
that lay hidden shall unfold....
Much has been made known in the past by My Mother.
Review for your knowledge her counsel of the past. For
STEP BY STEP all will happen as My Mother counseled….
I ask that you all read and re-read the messages given from
Heaven from 1970 up....
Many of you will wait until it is too late, and then what
will you say? As in Noe’s time, the Ark was closed and the
waters descended upon the earth.
So it will be in the end days, my children: the Ark of
graces, the Ark of knowledge, the Ark of your God, will
close upon those who will be Saved.... - OUR LORD ††

†† Jesusissued this counsel via VERONICA OF THE CROSS, who

also received the disclosure about St. Gemma being the young,
Eucharistic devoted saint whose Feast was originally to align
with the Holy Thursday planned for Garabandal’s MIRACLE
date. For a comprehensive daily-reading book of the divinely
dispensed messages, please visit to acquire
AILY REIGN HRIN .info for the entirety
of the messages that spanned across four decades.

Gemma’s Birth and Early Education .................... 1

First Communion ............................................... 10

Gemma’s Character and Virtues ......................... 18

Heroic Patience in Great Trials .......................... 27

Illness and Miraculous Recovery ....................... 34

Rejection from the Convent ............................... 43

Reception of the Stigmata .................................. 52

Participation in Passion Sufferings .................... 61

First meeting with the Passionist Fathers ........... 70
The Giannini Family receives Gemma ................... 88

Gemma’s Mode of Life in her New Home ............. 94

A New Spiritual Director .........................................103

Characteristic Virtue ...............................................112

Detachment unto attaining Perfection .....................121

Perfect Obedience ....................................................129

Profound Humility ...................................................137

Heroic Mortification ................................................ 158

Patience amidst Great Trials ....................................171

Ascent to Sanctity .................................................... 181

A Guardian Angel of Assistance .............................. 190

Gemma’s Gift of Supernatural Prayer .....................199
On Wings of Contemplation ................................... 213

Degrees of Supernatural Light ............................... 225

Ecstasies and Apparitions ....................................... 238

Eucharistic Devotion .............................................. 255

Zeal for the Salvation of Souls ............................... 272

Lucca’s New Convent ............................................ 286

Gemma’s Last Sickness ......................................... 295

Final Sufferings and Heroic Virtues ....................... 302

Gemma’s Death and Burial .................................... 312

Extraordinary Devotion of the Faithful
to Gemma and Fruits Thereof ................................ 321

Gemma’s Bestowed Graces & Miracles ................. 333

PICTURES & ST. GEMMA’S PRAYERS ................ 342



Throughout the world, people of various languages and
nationalities have spiritually benefited from the astounding
appeals and beautiful graces bestowed through the divinely
ordained use of the four visionary children of Garabandal,
Spain, between the years of 1961 and 1965.
Included among the heavenly dispensed messages to these
young visionaries of the Virgin Mary was a stern admonition
about the mystical CUP, presented as filling with abomina-
tions and prevailing sin (Apoc. 18:5-6). Held upon a mystical
scale of balance, the abominations had amounted to meriting a
chastisement planned by God. At the time of the final mes-
sage of June 18, 1965, the Blessed Mother revealed how the
cup was already overflowing: “Previously, the Cup was fill-
ing; now, it is brimming over.”
Although the level of lifestyle iniquity and modern techno-
logical abuses in the 1960s would only reach their summit in
subsequent decades, the sacrileges and slights of the “faithful”
had still already grown exponentially since Jesus lamented as
follows to St. Gemma, at the turn of the twentieth century:
“My Heart is always in sadness; I am left almost alone in
My churches; if many assemble there it is for other motives
than worship, and I have to suffer the pain of seeing My
House become a theater of amusement. Many through hypoc-
risy betray Me by sacrilegious Communions.”
Jesus had expressed the need for victim souls to stay the
chastising Hand of the Father, poised to descend upon the
world in His plan for cleansing and restoration. This plan was
expressed to be in stages.
Among the most recognized associations with Garabandal
are prophecies about the future Warning: a global, cataclysmic
precursor of intense impact and “admonition”— intended to
prompt personal reformation among all earth’s peoples.
In 1920, Our Lady had already imparted the news of this
coming admonition event to Blessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima,
shortly after St. Gemma received her messages from Jesus
about a coming chastisement. The heavenly messages given in
Garabandal, however, furthered with unprecedented detail the
understanding of what would become known as the “Warning.”
More distinctively, the Garabandal messages heralded how a
spectacular Miracle would also occur within one year of this
worldwide Warning.
Garabandal’s young visionaries were enabled to proclaim
how the promised Miracle would last about fifteen minutes on
a Thursday night. They further specified how a permanent
SIGN of the Miracle would follow and remain by the pine
trees of the nearby meadow, where Our Lady had appeared.

Presented above:
above: The renowned cluster of
pine trees on the hilly meadow overlooking
Spain’s mountain village of Garabandal.
Here the promised miracle—already
witnessed by Father Luis Andreu before he
died—will eventually manifest before the
crowds of people gathered in Garabandal,
following the worldwide cataclysm, known
as the “Warning.”
To view the Garabandal documentary, please visit:
Conchita Gonzalez, the eldest Garabandal visionary, said
the permanent Sign would be capable of being photographed,
but not touched. This lasting Sign — intended as a beacon in
spiritually darkened times — was prophesied to immediately
trail the spectacular Miracle, foretold to last approximately
fifteen minutes. The visionaries were neither able to describe
nor convey the exact form of Garabandal’s future Miracle or
its subsequent Sign.
However, through the blessed apparitions of the Virgin
Mary, Jesus, and many saints to VERONICA OF THE CROSS, a
housewife from New York who arose as the United State’s
preeminent visionary (see, the Warning and
the Miracle’s permanent SIGN would gain greater clarity via
remarkably detailed visions and disclosures from Heaven’s
prescient visitors.
The blessed visitations took place between 1968 and 1995,
when Veronica was finally taken to her heavenly reward. Up
until then, she had spent excruciating years as a victim soul.
Inadvertently, Veronica found herself joining the ranks of St.
Gemma and countless other sacrificial victims gathered in
God’s salvific plan during these spiritually catastrophic times.
Jesus had divulged this insight already at the beginning of the
twentieth century to St. Gemma:
My child, I have need of victims, and strong victims. In
order to appease the just wrath of My Divine Father, I need
souls who by their sufferings, tribulations, and difficulties
make amends for sinners and for their ingratitude.
Oh, that I could make all understand how incensed My
heavenly Father is by the impious world! There is nothing to
stay His Hand, and He is now preparing a great chastisement
for all the world.
In Japan, during the 1970s, the Blessed Mother also issued
similar reflection upon the spiritual scale being balanced by
application of suffering and penance to offset the heavily dis-
placed spiritual equilibrium of the world.
I have prevented the coming of calamities by offering Him
the suffering of the Son on the Cross, His Precious Blood,
and BELOVED SOULS who console Him forming a
— Our Lady of Akita
(August 3, 1973)
In God’s design for the nation known as the SUPER-POWER
OF THE WORLD, the United States would benefit from the un-
paralleled visions and revelations permitted to Veronica of the
Cross, who took her place in the “Legion of Victim Souls”
following Our Lord’s example of sacrificing for the salvation
of many souls who were otherwise Hell-bound. Accordingly,
Our Lady of Fatima had even terrified the child visionaries in
1917 by permitting a glimpse of the ghastly abode of the
damned. Our Lady presented this spectacle to shock the
“sophisticated” world into recognition of how human
“reasoning” and scientific advancements had failed to negate
the spiritual world and final realms awaiting one’s soul.
Veronica of the Cross likewise was given visions of
Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory for the edification of humanity.
Besides being recognized as “Veronica of the Cross”, Heaven
also recognized her as a “CHAMPION” while she valiantly
strove forward in the latter day battle for saving souls, amidst
a world enshrouded by darkness and pervaded by sinful in-
doctrination — especially of susceptible children. For this
reason, the Blessed Mother had asked that her Shrine be re-
ferred to as Our Lady of the Roses (souls in God’s Garden of
individuals upon earth) Mary, HELP OF MOTHERS.
During 1995, in recognition of Veronica’s twenty-seven
years of heroic battle (during which she twice made the
choice — similarly offered by Our Lady in 1919 to Bl. Jacinta
Marto — to stay longer on earth in suffering for souls) Our
Mother of Grace lovingly guided Veronica to Heaven on the
same date on which she had proclaimed in Akita, Japan
(foregoing quote) the vital necessity in these times for such a
“Legion of victim souls”: August 3.
Our Lady had repeatedly addressed the truth of Garabandal
in her New York messages dispensed through Veronica. The
renowned Garabandal advocate, Joey Lomangino — who had
even given Veronica a crucifix associated with St. Padre Pio’s
blessing — was in contact with Veronica starting in 1970. As
many believers know, the Blessed Mother’s promise to restore
Joey’s eyesight (as St. Pio even did for a girl lacking pupils)
never occurred since Garabandal’s Miracle was delayed.
Fortunately, Heaven’s messages through Veronica were
gifts to further Joey’s understanding and that of Conchita; for
she divulged that Our Lady had imparted both the originally
planned Miracle date and year to her.
To Conchita’s surprise, the original schedule would totally
change as Heaven’s appeals for prayer, penance and victim
souls were instrumental in averting further degradation of the
Church and preventing world catastrophes, including those
associated with continued spreading of atheistic communism.
Due to the upset of the former schedule — in keeping with
messages about ALL prophecy being conditional to human
response — Heaven’s messages through Veronica would lend
themselves to being insightful for both Conchita and Joey on
understanding what had “gone wrong” from a human view-
point, with the original Miracle date passed and Conchita re-
ceiving no other year for the event. This lack of knowing
would become Conchita’s greatest secret, as she would be left
wondering when both the Warning and Miracle would occur,
along with believers around the world, similarly left waiting
in expectation a half century past the 1961 onset of prophecies
Our Lady delivered in Garabandal.
In 1987, Jesus issued a message through Veronica about
how the Chastisement would have occurred in 1986 without
response to His Mother’s selfless intercession: namely, plac-
ing herself willingly as a victim of sacrifice by reaching out to
the world’s souls, in order to thwart the just chastisements the
Garabandal message predicted to manifest without faithful
efforts in restraining the Eternal Father’s “Hand” of discipline.
The proof of the foregoing fact — beyond the Warning and
Miracle not happening — was the diversion from the confines
of Conchita’s original prophecy, given after Pope John XXIII
died. Conchita had then announced the message God permitted
her: a revelation concerning how only three more popes were
remaining. This prophecy similarly did not manifest as accu-
rate, as the faithful changed the Warning time and many other
events. Pope Benedict XVI thereby became the fourth Pope to
follow in the time span from Conchita’s original prophecy
about papal succession being limited to only three more popes.
The valiant and prolonged efforts for restoring the Church
to former Eucharistic reverence and veneration of sacred
truths by John Paul II and his successor Pope Benedict XVI
are inestimable in their force of positively shifting the course
from one of further degradation. Among the greatest of exter-
nal evidences has been Pope Benedict XVI’s reinstitution of
receiving Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament only on the
tongue, while also kneeling. This is mandated for all people
coming to Benedict XVI for Communion at his Masses. The
re-establishment of this type of Eucharistic veneration for Our
Lord was at the epicenter of Heaven’s resounding appeals for
restoration through Veronica of the Cross.
Within her visions in New York, the “balance” on mystical
scales was repeatedly shown as a reminder of the human re-
sponse to Heaven’s messages governing the future’s course
and the severity of punishments therein. Penance and prayer
of faithful souls ultimately aided in the effort to better align
this “balance” and avert chastisements, just as St. Faustina
had also seen such a scale with an angel waiting to carry out
God’s justice, only to be thwarted by holy contributions that
offset iniquity.
Starting in 1970, the Blessed Mother requested prayer vigils
of penance and reparation for graces to rescue wayward souls,
as well as Sunday holy hours to pray for priests. The continued
Rosary vigils of reparation — commencing on the eves of the
Church’s great Feasts — were to be held on the grounds of St.
Robert Bellarmine Church, in New York City’s borough of
Queens. After her first message at the church on June 18,
1970 (sharing the anniversary date of St. Michael’s first ap-
pearance to the children in Garabandal), Our Lady gave this
message to Veronica two days later:
“Many Rosaries must be said.
“There must be vigils kept on feast days at the Shrine
(i.e., statue of Mary outside the church). The first Vigil
will take place on July 1, 1970 at 9 p.m. [The Feast of the
most Precious Blood of Jesus and the eve of the Feast of
the Visitation of Our Lady to Saint Elizabeth.]

“Candles must be carried at all vigils, to be lighted at
the time of twelve to herald the new day of the Feast. As
candles are lighted, this prayer is to be said:
Mary, LIGHT OF THE WORLD, pray for us!
OUR LADY OF THE ROSES, pray for us!
Mary, HELP OF M OTHERS, pray for us!…
Over and over again.
Besides marking the day of Our Lady’s requested prayer
vigil, July 1st also became a historically sad date for the state
of New York, inhabited by Veronica, Joey, Conchita and
other Garabandal visionaries. Regrettably, the date marked the
beginning of the abortion holocaust in New York, with the
enactment of the new law permitting it.
As explained in the messages given in the early 1970s, this
abomination of murder in the millions would quickly lead to
the Chastisement in great measure if the spiritual balance of
virtue in the world was not leveled with acts of penance, sac-
rificial prayer, and endeavors initiated for the conversion of
drifting souls, rapidly falling into societal humanism and its
smog of spiritual darkness.
The Warning was prophesied to precede the Chastisement,
and Veronica received many additional prophecies and visions
of the event in the early 1970s. With retrospective analysis,
many of these now verify the authenticity of Veronica’s many
heavenly encounters. One such example missed by millions lies
within a clue given Our Lady delivered during the prayer vigil
falling on the four month anniversary of the onset of prayer
vigils at St. Robert Bellarmine Church.
During that prayer vigil of November 1, 1970, Veronica was
given a cryptic vision of the darkness imposed by the heavenly
Warning, which Conchita had once described as comparable
to a “starburst”. Veronica, during visions of it, also described
in detail this nova-like explosive force that first turns the sky
“white as snow” as foretold by Bl. Jacinta, who received the
message from Our Lady before she died in 1920.

Similar to Fatima’s secret vision finally disclosed in 2000,
Veronica had seen an angel — during the November 1970
prayer vigil — appointed to carry out punishment. The angel
first placed his hand upon the earth. Then Veronica perceived
darkness and confusion, with terrible fear in the faces of many
The darkness over the entire earth pertains to the outcome
of the Warning, first seen by Veronica as a giant flash of light
induced by cosmic explosion. The white sky’s transformation
with vibrant streaks of color — similar to an aurora borealis as
magnetic particles interact with the earth’s atmosphere — was
also described by Veronica for the sake of historical account
of all being foretold by the Lord. As Scripture says, God does
nothing without first revealing it through his servants, the
prophets (Amos 3:7).
Besides the Warning’s inducement of colors through the
molecular interaction with earth’s atmosphere, the explosion
of magnetic particles will stop electrical grids, as other solar
storms have done. The molecular storm of particles will also
knock out the functioning of orbiting satellites, as evidenced
in some of the most robust solar storms witnessed during the
first decade of the 21st century. Unlike the previous storms
such as the one of 2003, the prophesied Warning “cataclysm”
will induce the hardship of electrical blackout and satellite
outage upon all the world’s people.
Below is an excerpt of the historically monumental mes-
sage of November 1, 1970. The discourse had immediately
followed Veronica’s previously mentioned description of the
angel and the darkness imposed by the coming Warning:
OURUR LADADYY — “I do not send you, my children, the SIGNS
without reason.
“Remember the 8 — the 4 — the OCTAVE ; through grace
and in the Will of the Father, exactness will come in time.
“I cannot admonish you enough to heed the signs. I give
you the HOURGLASS. The sand is going down! Pray — Pray,
my children, for your priests and all those of high positions in
My Son's Holy Church, for the greatest attacks from Satan

will come to them. Turn not away from them, but pray! And
show the example of a Living Christ. This example must be
brought to the children by their parents.
“Birds in the air die; fish in the sea ... Man cannot under-
stand, but I give you the grace to see.”
In the year of 1996, the Holy Spirit gifted this writer with
the grace to “see” the meaning of Our Lady’s foregoing nu-
merical indications, which precisely forecasted the Warning’s
originally scheduled date. The clue’s relevancy had previ-
ously been lost to recognition, even among those who most
faithfully promoted Heaven’s messages. Amidst the reasons
for its continued importance lies the clue’s inherent proof of
the authenticity of Veronica’s visionary role and Heaven’s
messages. This is especially true in relation to how other vi-
sionaries such as Rosa Quatrini of Italy—guided by Padre Pio
before he died — also affirmed how God had granted a re-
prieve from the originally scheduled Warning of 1973.
The authentication of the New York message lies in how
comet Kohoutek — assigned to induce the explosive Warning
in the sky—was not discovered until March 7, 1973. However,
Our Lady’s message clue to Veronica about the “8 — the 4 —
the Octave” was given in 1971, more than two years before
the comet discovery. As the reader will soon discern, this
thereby affirms the truth of Heaven’s messages given through
Veronica for twenty-five years, and underscores what she ex-
posed as the averted Warning date of December 28, 1973.
Veronica, during the prayer vigil on the next day, revealed
how this originally planned date for fulfillment was sus-
pended by a merciful reprieve from the Father, due to the dili-
gence of the thousands of faithful people heeding Heaven’s
appeals and working to promote the message throughout the
world. It is a message that rose to the very halls of global
power, even culminating in expressed recognition by former
President Ronald Reagan. Giants of the Catholic community,
such as the priestly author Malachi Martin, would also attest
to their belief in the New York series of divinely dispensed

Comet Kohoutek had made its closest approach to the
sun —called a perihelion —on December 26, 1973. Earth was
thereby situated to receive the explosive, nova-like ejection as
Kohoutek rounded the sun. Despite the Warning’s delay, Our
Lady’s timing clue of 1971 — preceding comet Kohoutek’s
discovery two years later — still serves as a stellar affirmation
of the authenticity of Heaven’s messages, as Veronica herself
could have never precisely predicted the perihelion week for a
yet undiscovered comet!
The 1971 riddle had pertained to the Octave of Christmas.
The Octave in the Church spans from one Feast to another,
across eight days. In the case of the Christmas Octave, it ex-
tends unto New Year’s Day and the Solemnity of Mary. Ac-
cordingly, the “4” of Our Lady’s clue represented December
28: the fourth day of the Octave (Feast of the Holy Innocents),
on which the Warning — around the time of Kohoutek’s peri-
helion — would have occurred in 1973 without the suspension
of the earth shaking event; a catastrophe strongly foretold in
Garabandal and other places around the world, including San
Damiano in Italy, where Sister Lucia’s cousins from Portugal
had been the first foreign visitors sent by the former Fatima
visionary to visit the newly unveiled graces in 1964.
As previously mentioned, Padre Pio also endorsed and
guided these blessed events of the visionary Rosa Quatrini, as
he had with Garabandal’s series of supernatural interventions.
In both cases, St. Pio was personally involved in dialogue
with the visionaries. For those aware of the astounding gifts
of St. Pio, this alone is an irrefutable validation of the authen-
ticity of both series of apparitions. Because of pride, other
priests — not as soundly rooted — rejected the message.
For instance, one bishop serving over the diocese in which
Garabandal resides had testified on video about his inability to
believe due to the message wherein Our Lady said that many
priests were on the road to perdition (Hell) and taking others
with them. Such was the pride that similarly intercepted the
clergy and Bishop of the Brooklyn diocese from even meeting
with Veronica, despite her showing up for an appointment
made for discussion with the bishop.
Following this paragraph is an excerpt of one message
given by Our Lady to Veronica on March 18, 1983. This was
ten years after the originally scheduled year for the Warning,
and the message specifies how MUCH still would occur prior
to the Warning and final events, delayed due to the response
of the faithful in averting certain calamities and degradation in
the Church, as well as in the world. With spiritual benefit to
thousands of souls, the worldwide response to Heaven’s ap-
peals had indeed shifted the timeline for the “minor chastise-
ment” of admonition—as Heaven’s messages in New York
referred to the final Warning—while the many minor warn-
ings in weather disasters and disease were being permitted as
the final vials of the Apocalypse, poured out to induce expia-
tion for the globally spreading inundation of sin.
Our Mother of Grace
March 18, 1983
“My child (Veronica), many times I have heard you calling
to me in supplication for your leaders of your country, and the
leaders of all nations throughout the world. What can we say
of them at this time? That very few have received the grace to
turn back from their ways that have offended the Eternal Fa-
ther, and we have now reached the point of history, the end
days, and soon the great Chastisement will be set upon your
country and every nation that has succumbed to Satan.
“My child, there is much to be done before the WARNING,
and then the great Chastisement. In between this shall come
forth the Third World War.
“You will see carnage, and killings, and blood running in
your streets, my children. For a NATION that has received
much, this nation — the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — has
become DEPRAVED through its medias: the newspapers, the
motion pictures, the televisions….
“My Son’s teachings have been removed from the schools.
Only those that call themselves Catholic shall receive if but a
glimmer of light of the true Faith.
“There are many nations now that promote the greatest of
sacrileges. Through their medias and their permissiveness,

they have brought forth Satanism — the worship of Satan, the
adversary — to the debauchery of young children….
“O my child, how many years in earth’s time have I gone
about choosing from the world seers to bring forth the Mes-
sage from Heaven; I am tireless, my child — as I know you
will be tireless — until the return of my Son.”
After the foregoing message of 1983, Jesus issued the one
below on October 1, 1988, in order to further stipulate the role
the faithful would play in the fight for restoration, as well as
holding the Warning in abeyance.
ESUSS — “The Warning will soon be upon mankind. You ask
Me my child, Can it be stopped? Only by prayers and sacri-
fice shall it be held back, but the time is long overdue.
“If it was not for My Mother Who steadily holds Her hand
upon mine in sorrow, I would let My hand fall and the Warn-
ing come upon mankind. It is not to be asked for, because you
know it is coming, My children. It is to be prayed against, for
there will be those who will die in this Warning….
“My children, We have gone throughout the world, in vari-
ous places for many earth-years, trying to warn mankind that
unless he changed his ways great chastisements shall fall upon
all mankind. There have been wars and rumors of war going
now throughout the world. There will be a great war, but first
you will receive the Warning, the great Warning. Many hearts
shall stop with fear (Lk. 21:25-26).
“Those who do not listen to Our pleading voices now
throughout the world, your time is growing short … according
to Heaven’s estimate only a handful have accepted the mes-
sages from Heaven.
“My child and My children, My Mother has been going
throughout the world. She is crying tears of pity upon man-
kind, for she knows the whole program ahead.”
“I have come to earth as a MEDIATRIX between God and
man. This was allowed of me by the Father, for you are now
in the days which are fast approaching the change of your era.

“Soon your world will face a complete change. Many will
be taken out of the world. Your country and the world will be
cleansed by the Father. When this cleansing is complete in
stages, those who remain will set up the Kingdom with my
Son. You have hastened with your sinfulness a great disaster
to come.” (9/7/73)
Heaven’s messages specified how if wayward people re-
fused to bend their knees in adoration, they would be forced
back to their knees for renewed recognition of God through
hardship and trial. During her vision of December 24, 1979,
Veronica saw Our Lady with her hands extended in prayer
and “tears glistening upon her face.” In the background stood
Jesus with a heavenly host of angels, whom Veronica heard
repeating a message of truth about the trials of the Apocalypse
being upon the world’s errant population:
And so falls the nation,
By trial and tribulation.
The Hand of God upon an errant nation.
ERONICA A — And they’re repeating it, over and over. The
[angels’] voices are becoming very far, like in the distance,
as though the voices are being repeated elsewhere, too.
Scripture conveys how God as a loving father disciplines
His children out of true love. Below is an excerpt of Jesus’
discourse about the minor chastisements and warnings being
leveled upon a rebellious generation, in accordance with the
Father’s plan of cleansing “in stages”.
ESUSS — “My child and My children, do not take My words
lightly. I do not speak to frighten you but to try to jar you
from your complacency.
“There will be many minor warnings given to the world:
more floods, accidents that are not accidents. There will be
more murders upon earth; father against son, mother against
daughter, homes torn asunder — for Satan is loosed upon the
earth. He has been given a time, a short time now for him to
gather his souls (Apoc. 17:8 — see the upcoming section with
the “Engaging Battle” header for clarification).

“But I assure you, My children, We in Heaven have great
faith that you — Our children, who hear Our words — will act
upon them and help to recover as many of your brothers and
sisters as you can throughout the world. You will keep the
Rosary, the beads of prayer, going throughout the world, bead
for bead. For every bead, there shall be a soul. That is how
important the Rosary is to the world today.
“My child and My children, you will now go on with your
prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed. We need more
who are willing to become victim souls. They are not easy to
find, My child. The choice is always given….
“My children, I come once more with an urgent and plead-
ing message to the hierarchy in the Church, My Church upon
earth. I want you to know now that We look upon you and
find many that do not fall into grace. They are falling out of
grace and misleading many of Our sheep….
“You will return My Church to its former glory, and in that
manner you will have more vocations and more entering the
seminaries, and not fleeing from them as they hear the here-
sies and all other innovations that are going on within My
Church. This is My last and final word to My clergy: Change
now or suffer a just punishment and banishment.” (6/18/86)
June 18, 1980
…“The world has received countless warnings from Heaven.
These warnings have been sent to every nation of the world.
There is little time left now for mankind to restore itself, to be
pleasurable and a joy to the heart of the Eternal Father.
“Instead, mankind, your generation, has become perverse,
degenerate, self seeking, proud, arrogant; and science, man of
science, now seeks to create life and fly above the Creator!
You do not learn from the past, but over and over again you
repeat yourselves….
“My mother has set herself to hold off a just chastisement
upon mankind for many years, but your time has run out. Her
warnings have gone by unaccepted, unnoticed, and rejected,
even by My clergy.
“Her tears fall upon your generation. The saints in Heaven,
sacrificed upon earth, have cried out now for reprisal upon
this degenerate generation.
‘How long, O Lord,’ do they cry, ‘shall you permit this
perverse generation to exist?’ (Apoc. 6:10)
“And I say unto you now: Your TIME is running out!...
“Your nation, the United States of America…has been
plucked by Satan; and as such shall be cleansed by trial and
suffering and war. Humanism and modernism has set you on
the road to satanism! Your country and many countries of the
world now have adopted the worship of false idols.
“Satan, the master of deceit, has poisoned many minds.
Satan, the ruler of the world of darkness has now entered into
the highest places of governments, and even within My
House, My Church upon earth. But I shall cleanse them, as I
have cleansed them in the past.
“My voice cries out to you all not to be prepared, for the
tribulation is at hand. All who have listened to My Mother’s
counsel and are of well spirit—have no fear. My words to you
are consolation. I do not seek to place fear into your hearts. I
console you with the knowledge that you will be saved. Re-
member in the days ahead, remember My words of consola-
tion to you all: you will say, MY JESUS, MY CONFIDENCE!”

The BEAST which you saw was, and is not, and

shall come up out of the bottomless pit [again] and
go into destruction: and the inhabitants on the earth
(whose names are not written in the book of life from
the foundation of the world) shall wonder, seeing the
beast that was, and [currently] is not.
— Apoc. 17:8
At the time of Our Lord’s crucifixion, God cast Satan
back into Hell to be bound and no longer prevailing on earth.
This is why Jesus said before his crucifixion that the time for
the “ruler of this world” — who had tried to offer him the
world during his fast in the desert — had finally arrived with
the “hour” for his sacrificial crucifixion, which would enable
the redemption of the fallen world. Heaven’s messages have
even included visions of an empty cross atop the world to
exemplify what was verbally explained through Veronica;
namely, that this time Jesus’ blood would not be shed in
bloody crucifixion for the newly needed redemption of hu-
manity from its fallen state to unification with God’s holy
will. Accordingly, Heaven’s messages refer to the great
Chastisement’s cleansing comet as the BALL OF REDEMPTION
(Lk. 21:28 — “When you see these things come to pass, look
up, for your REDEMPTION is at hand.” Cf. 2 Peter 3:10).
During the famed “nights of screams” in Garabandal, the
child visionaries had shrieked with terror as they even suf-
fered seeing people on fire, only becoming more inflamed
when trying to put themselves out in outdoor waters which
were also polluted with flammable compounds from the
comet. Many additional and equally horrific visions of great
detail concerning the passage of St. Peter’s prediction of the
imminent days preceding Our Lord’s return were received by
Veronica of the Cross. Below is the applicable biblical pas-
sage authored by St. Peter:
The Lord delayeth not his promise [of His return],
as some imagine, but dealeth patiently for your
sake, not willing that any should perish, but that all
should return to penance.
But the DAY OF THE LORD shall come as a thief, in
which the heavens shall pass away with great vio-
lence, and the elements shall be melted with heat,
and the earth and the works which are in it, shall be
burnt up.
Seeing then that all these things are to be dis-
solved, what manner of people ought you to be in
holy conversation and godliness? Looking for and
hasting unto the coming of the day of the Lord, by
which the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved,
and the elements shall melt with the burning heat?

But we look for new heavens and a new earth
according to his promises, in which justice dwelleth.
Wherefore, dearly beloved, waiting for these things,
be diligent that YOU may be found before him un-
spotted and blameless in peace. (2 P ETER 3:9-14)
The following passages are from Our Lady’s messages to
Veronica of the Cross; both illuminate Heaven’s words about
Satan’s release from Hell and St. John’s chapters of the
Apocalypse (9 & 17) that foretold the rising anew of the great
Beast of Hell, with his army of demons for the final Armaged-
don battle, waged for seizing souls from God.
Remember as you read that Jesus is quoted in Scripture as
saying the “hour” for the casting out of the “ruler of this
world” (Satan) had come with his crucifixion. However, due
to the balance upon a mystical scale falling out of alignment
with the increased level of sin and people not heeding
Heaven’s supernatural outreaches for restoration, Satan was
released in 1940 according to Our Lady’s messages:
“I repeat: SATAN — not the lesser demons of Hell,
but Satan himself — now walks your earth. Earth year of
1940 was his beginning. (11/1/77)
“In the past your world has had in its midst demons of
lesser nature. However, because of your wickedness,
because of your corruption, because of your debaseness,
because of your evilness now, the GATES OF HELL were
opened wide (Apoc. 9) and the SPIRIT OF DARKNESS
entered upon your earth. (9/13/77)
“There are many agents of Hell loosed upon earth
now. They have entered into the House of God, and they
possess the bodies of many men to do the will of Satan.
You must not abandon the sacramentals that I have
given you through the Father for your protection and
your salvation…. The forces of evil are gathering fast
for the FINAL BATTLE. Satan knows that his time is

“Prayer, atonement and sacrifice; is this too much to
ask of you in the face of the reality of what lies ahead
for your country and the world?” (8/14/73)
AS IN GARABANDAL, St. Michael also made multiple ap-
pearances to Veronica, during which he issued messages of
commentary on our times. Among them was the following
example, further emphasizing how Jesus would not be the one
to die again for the newly needed REDEMPTION of the world’s
fallen populace, at the time of Our Lord’s Second Coming.
ICHAEL — “The BLOOD of the SON OF MAN shall not
be shed again for an unrepentant generation. Man shall shed
his blood and be slain for the Lamb.
“Many martyrs shall rise in the conflagration. Woe to the
inhabitants of earth! Woe to mankind that has allowed sin to
become a way of life! All manners of abominations are being
committed in the House of your God throughout your
“How many warnings shall go out to mankind before he
acknowledges his sin and does penance before His God. A
God most Merciful and Just Whose heart is torn asunder by an
ungrateful generation which has given itself to all manner of
depravity and defilement of his soul!” (12/27/75)
Bishop Sheen wrote the following analogy of Our Lord’s
first coming to redeem humanity from its fallen state; it is hu-
manity’s lapse into this fallen condition again that will now
reap what Heaven calls a “baptism of fire” with the chastise-
ment before the coming renewal:
Imagine a great orchestra on a stage. The conductor
is before his musicians, and every one of the musicians
has music before him, well scored. They are all skilled,
but free. One of the musicians decides to strike a sour
In the face of that discord the director might strike
his baton and say, “Play it over.” But it makes no dif-
ference because that sound is traveling out into space at

the rate of about twelve hundred feet a second — and on
and on that discord goes. So long as the universe en-
dures there is disharmony. Is there any way to stop it?
Not in time, for time is irreversible.
It could, however, be stopped if someone reached out
from eternity and grabbed that wild note in its mad
flight. Then it would no longer be a disharmony, or
rather it would be stopped from spoiling the harmony of
the universe.
But would it still be a discord? Yes, except on one
condition. Suppose that he who stopped it wrote a new
symphony and made that sour note the first note in the
new melody. Then it would be a sweet note. That is
what happened to mankind.
Man was free. He struck a sour note, and that sour
note infected all humanity. How could we ever have
harmony in the universe again? God reached out and
raised up a man who was untouched by that sour note—
thanks to the Immaculate Conception and the virgin
birth — and He started a new humanity.
During the 1930s, the Blessed Mother dispensed
the following counsel to St. Faustina:
I gave the Savior to the world. As for you, you have
to speak to the world about His great mercy and prepare
the world for the Second Coming of Him who will
come, not as a merciful Savior, but as a just Judge.
Oh how terrible is that day!
Determined is the DAY OF JUSTICE, the day of divine
wrath. The angels tremble before it.
Speak to souls about this great mercy while it is still
time for granting mercy. (635)

In Garabandal, Our Lady’s message conveyed how the
Warning would be followed by the Miracle’s manifestation
within a year afterwards. The latter spectacle was to occur on
a Thursday night around 8:30PM. If comet Kohoutek would
have induced the Warning in 1973, the Miracle would have
transpired in 1974, on the date secretly given to Conchita.
Although not widely known, Conchita would later explain
that she did not know the Warning date. She therefore feared
thousands of people might camp in the primitive—electricity
and hotel devoid—mountain community of Garabandal for
months (e.g., If the Warning had happened in July, Conchita
feared people would overtake the village for nine months, due
to their lack of knowing the Miracle would not occur until the
next Spring.) Conchita admitted that in her fear of the forego-
ing situation she had created a “problem” by devising a date
range and span of months from March to May; that is, Con-
chita announced these, saying the date would be on or be-
tween the 8th and 16th of one of the months.
The truth in Conchita’s rarely recognized discourse about
this self-created “problem” can easily be discerned by realizing
that the coinciding Feast Day of the saint—said to be a martyr
of the Eucharist—could not span three months or multiple
dates. Furthermore, Conchita’s latter statements made after
her marriage also eliminated March and May as possibilities.
In addition to the Garabandal message specifying a Thursday
(the Church’s dedicated day of the Eucharist, on which the
first smaller miracle of the Eucharist appearing on Conchita’s
tongue also occurred in 1962), a message Veronica received
from St. Michael before the public prayer vigils also offered a
veiled clue to the reason for the Miracle’s timing being fore-
told to occur at approximately 8:30PM on a Thursday night.
Although not said in the Garabandal messages, the Miracle
scheduled for 1974 was to occur on Holy Thursday, com-
memorating the day on which Jesus instituted the gift of Him-
self in the Holy Eucharist.
In writings about contents of private notebooks between
1968 and 1970, Veronica shared the following passages:

ESUSS — “Courageous will be My chosen souls in battle.
Then I will bring down the Kingdom to all the elect.”
ERONICAA — Saint Michael, on the next page [of my docu-
mentation], referred to Jesus as the PRINCE OF MARTYRS.
And then he stated, “Holy Thursday feast day, 8:30” —
and then he stated, Saint Michael, “Little Prince of Martyrs,
make us unto Thee.”
In 1974, the Miracle would have originally occurred on
Holy Thursday, which aligned with April 11. The timing of
8:30PM was associated with Our Lord’s bestowal of the
Eucharist as the Blessed Sacrament during the last supper,
which began after sundown, according to Jewish custom. The
eight o’clock hour was traditionally believed to correspond to
the institution of the Eucharist. And remarkably, St. Gemma
would receive the stigmata and passion wounds every Thurs-
day night during this hour, and they would last until the next
day’s three o’clock hour, in commemoration of Good Friday.
In regard to the Church’s sacred dedication of Thursday as
the day of the Eucharist, the faithful should also consider how
the apparition that occurred in Knock, Ireland, in 1879 also
commenced on a Thursday evening. Thereupon, spanning
several hours, people from age five to seventy-five saw the
holy vision of Jesus depicted as the Lamb of God upon the
Altar, as cited twenty-eight times in the Apocalypse. St. John
was seen standing with the Bible opened to the Apoca-
lypse — authored by him — amidst the scene of the Paschal
Lamb of the Eucharist.
The Virgin Mary stood between him and St. Joseph in this
joyous spectacle that rejuvenated the Irish people so ravaged
by trials of recent years. The deeply Eucharistic theme con-
veyed would again be renewed for Garabandal’s great Mira-
cle, intended to redirect many to the sacred Bread of Life.
For, as Bishop Sheen often taught, Jesus did not only come to
show us the Way, but offered Himself to strengthen us with
graces for the journey. Just as He veiled His identity to those
closest to Him on the road to Emmaus — following the Resur-

rection — Jesus would offer His loving and veiled presence in
the Eucharist to those who draw near Him, along their life’s
Even with the Holy Thursday date having been hinted at
via Veronica’s mystical episodes, a question still remained
about the identity of a “martyr of the Eucharist” whose “feast”
was in unison with the Miracle date. As people proceeded to
interject far-reaching attempts to connect a saint’s death
(martyrdom) with the Eucharist, the answer was altogether
different from the often cited deaths endured for faith in the
Blessed Sacrament. For this reason, throughout the years,
various confidants of Conchita and Garabandal promoters
publicly clarified the former “martyr of the Eucharist” state-
ment by saying the date would correspond with a feast of a
young saint, who was very “devoted” to the Eucharist.
For decades, people had erroneously speculated because
they failed to realize the true Greek meaning of martyr is
“witness.” And indeed there was a “true witness” to the
Eucharist whose feast aligned with the date of April 11. This
“martyr” to the Eucharistic presence of Our Lord is St.
Gemma, whose feast day corresponds with the anniversary of
her passing on April 11, during Holy Week of 1903. Inciden-
tally, Gemma would make history as the first saint canonized
in the 20th century who had lived during it. Pope Pius XII
presided over her canonization on May 2, 1940.
As a child, St. Gemma had strongly insisted on going to
daily Mass and receiving the Eucharist, even though this was
not a common practice of anyone until after St. Pope Pius X’s
pronouncements, which invited the faithful to more frequent
Eucharistic Communion with Our Lord.
St. Gemma’s father had first resisted, but Gemma’s de-
mands for daily Mass and Communion eventually were
granted. In addition to her unwavering “witness” to the Eu-
charistic Jesus, she had obtained her final conversion—gained
through sacrifice for the soul of a wayward man —on Holy
Thursday, as her Passionist spiritual director Venerable Father
Germanus relates in his account of her life. Two days later,

on the Eve of Easter, St. Gemma was taken to her heavenly
reward on April 11.
Certainly Gemma’s Eucharistic devotion was distinctive
enough for describing her as a young martyr / “witness” to the
Eucharist. Besides the stigmata initially induced upon the
young girl by Jesus — while the Blessed Mother lovingly held
her — Gemma had another unique experience; one not even
shared by the visionaries of Fatima and Garabandal, where the
children received the Eucharist from angels.
In St. Gemma’s divinely authored story, Jesus appeared
and granted her Communion on three occasions, wherein she
extended her tongue like the Garabandal visionaries in ecstasy.
St. Gemma was thereby a truly unique martyr of the Eucha-
rist, witnessing to the boundless mercy of our Savior through
such rare reception of the Blessed Sacrament from Jesus.
With heavenly grace for wisdom to be applied to prior
knowledge, the truth about Veronica knowing the date for the
Miracle already in 1971 is seemingly revealed.
At the end of the printed message flyer for February 28,
1971, Veronica’s “Rose note” addendum of her own words
had surreptitiously revealed the answer to the question about
the identity of the saint whose feast was to coincide with the
Miracle date. Below is Veronica’s text:
Intellectual pride is objectively a more formidable
barrier to God's graces than is pagan licentiousness.
Once this barrier of pride is removed—only through
complete self-reversal and great pain—God will
plant the seeds, not only of conversion but [also] of
GEMMA GALGANI — A young martyr of the Blessed
Sacrament, Gemma Galgani was given the stigmata.
She led her life as one long Lent, to restore the bal-
ance, as it were, for other Lents now being abused or
neglected by less worthy men.
In her life there is a diverse warning that He is not
too well pleased by the manner in which others, who

sign themselves as His faithful, help expiate for their
own sins, especially during the forty-day period so
sacredly set aside for this purpose.
Modern man has forgotten, or more precisely,
would prefer not to remember her, Gemma, because
they would resent her tragic, all too real intrusion
into his escapist world of papier-mâché made de-
lights (i.e., fleeting and volatile materialism) and ir-
responsible flings.
Gemma, as a victim soul, made up for the many
who had cast aside the Lenten season from their
hearts and lives.
Veronica’s foregoing commentary is well accented by Jesus’
own lamentations to St. Gemma about the Church in peril, as
He imparted after she had just received the Holy Eucharist:
I cease not to dispense heavenly graces and favors to
all my creatures: LIFE and LIGHT to my Church; VIRTUE
and STRENGTH to him who rules it; WISDOM to those
who direct souls that are in darkness; CONST ANCY and
FORTITUDE to those who have to follow Me; GRACES of
every kind to all the just; I send My light into the dark
dens of sinners, and even there soften their hearts, doing
all I can to convert them.
But notwithstanding all that, what do I ever gain?
What correspondence do I ever find in my creatures
whom I have loved so much? No one any longer cares
for My Heart and for My Love. I am forgotten as
though I had never loved them and as though I had
never suffered for them.
My Heart is always in sadness; I am left almost alone
in my churches; if many assemble there it is for other
motives than worship, and I have to suffer the pain of
seeing My House become a theater of amusement.
Many through hypocrisy betray Me by sacrilegious
Communions. I can bear no more.
The reality of St. Gemma serving as a victim soul is unde-
niable, based on her spiritual director’s account of Jesus’ own
words to the young saintly woman. Her life well epitomizes
Our Lord’s desire and need for victim souls, as similarly ex-
pressed during the first New York prayer vigil on the eve of a
Feast, which commenced on July 1, 1970. Below is an ex-
cerpt of that message given through Veronica during the his-
toric, first apparition of Our Lady at St. Robert Bellarmine
“Victim souls are needed. Souls who will accept out
of love the Cross in loving union with Jesus for world
atonement. I have come to warn you, my children, the
hour grows short. I roam the nations, crying for souls,
for the Chastisement is imminent— repent!…
“Stay under My mantle, my children, and you will
find peace. Reject me or my Son, and the end of life as
you know it will be hastened [with the Chastisement].
“Retire from the things of the world. Allow the Holy
Spirit to guide you and you will be saved. Each soul has
a covenant with the Lord.”

In addition to Veronica’s “Rose Notes” comment about St.

Gemma being a martyr to the Eucharist, Heaven’s message
given through visitation at St. Robert Bellarmine church
would also disclose the secreted truth of the Miracle date,
only discerned by wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Below are
excerpts of the message of October 2, 1971.
OUR ADY Y — “Soon you will be witness to a great spectacle
from Heaven. Heed this and learn by it. When it comes upon
you (i.e., the Warning), it will leave no doubt in your mind on
who governs the world about you.
“You will know the God that, in your greed and avarice,
you have forgotten — you have chosen to forget — for your
love of money. Yes, you will all prepare yourself for this
event. For it will not be long in coming.”
Following discourse from Jesus and a vision of the desired
Shrine, Veronica related the upcoming description; it was a
supernaturally delivered clue for discerning the Miracle’s
date. First, one must understand that “8” was said to symbol-
ize in miraculous photographs and visions the Eucharist and
priesthood, since the eight follows “7 ” — the number of Jesus
(also biblically used in the Apocalypse to numerically denote
His strength, as it is the highest prime integer in the span from
1 to 9 that cannot evenly be divided by another).
Since the implementation of the Eucharist and priesthood
“followed” Jesus (7) the number “8” was assigned the forego-
ing meaning by Heaven and conveyed through Veronica.
Such transmittal of numerical recognition in Heaven can
also be gleaned from review of the apparitions that transpired
in Akita, Japan. There the guardian angel explained to Sister
Agnes why the statue had cried tears on 101 occasions, in-
dicative of the ultimate redemption of humanity through the
Virgin Mary’s submission to God’s plan.
Below is Veronica’s description of the supernaturally de-
livered clue to the Miracle date, given in October of 1971.
Having been missed in meaning, it was never again discussed
thereafter in relation to the Miracle date, which was mysteri-
ously indicated therein for the sake of history and future
Church examiners of the astounding events through Veronica
of the Cross. Yet, as the Holy Spirit revealed, the vision was
another sign pointing to St. Gemma’s feast that was to coin-
cide with Holy Thursday in the year 1974.
ERONICA A — I see the Rosary. It has been strung in the sky.
It covers the whole sky, and it’s in the form of the figure 8 —
eight. And at the bottom are the figures, “4-11”. And then
across the whole sky is written: “IN GOD'S WILL.”
In God’s will the Miracle did not occur on 4-11 of the year
1974, since the Warning of 1973 was averted due to the Eter-
nal Father’s granted reprieve. Interestingly, if the Miracle had
occurred in 1974, it would have transpired on the 101st day of
the year, giving even more credence to the message about Our

Lady as given by the angel of Akita, in explanation of the
statue’s number of crying episodes, which had in symbolism
eventually totaled 101.
On September 28, 1981, Sister Agnes felt the presence of
her angel by her side while adoring the Blessed Sacrament. A
Bible then appeared before her, and she received instruction
to read the passage of Genesis 3:15. The angel simultaneously
was explaining that the passage had a context with regard to
the tears of Mary’s statue. Afterwards, the angel continued as
There is meaning to the figure one hundred and one.
This signifies that sin came into the world by a woman,
and it is also by a woman that salvation came to the
The ZERO between the two [1s] signifies the Eternal
God, who is from all eternity until eternity. The first
ONE represents Eve; and the last ONE the Virgin Mary.
On the anniversary of Fatima’s Miracle of the Sun—during
the year originally planned for the Warning, 1973—Our Lady
issued the following message to Sister Agnes in Japan, in af-
firmation of the great demonic battle ensuing and the testi-
mony of St. Peter in Scripture about the elements being burnt
with heat before the Day of the Lord:
As I told you, if men do not repent and better them-
selves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all
humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the del-
uge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall
from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity,
the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor
faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate
that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will
remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by
My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With
the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.

The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the
Church in such a way that one will see cardinals oppos-
ing cardinals, bishop against bishops. The priests who
venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their con-
freres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be
full of those who accept compromises and the demon
will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave
the service of the Lord.
The demon will be especially implacable against
souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so
many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase
in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon
for them.
During her message of December 7, 1977, given to Veron-
ica of the Cross, Our Lady would again affirm how the future
course of humanity and the chastisements depended on human
“In the name of humanism and modernism the Mystical
Body of My Son, Jesus, is now in great crisis. Only
YOU as a generation shall determine the OUTCOME of
this battle. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your
homes—private prayer [and] public prayer.”
Holy Thursday’s alignment with April 11th is extremely
infrequent. In fact, only nine such conjunctions occur on the
Easter schedules spanning from 1875 to 2124. The year of
1974 was the final year of April 11 coinciding with Holy
Thursday in the 20th century. The next such alignment is not
scheduled until 2047.
It remains to be seen, therefore, what year God will desig-
nate for the Miracle, trailing the Warning, which He will send
out of necessity, due to an acceleration of global socialism
and threats against the Church’s authority and authentic doc-
trines—opposed to the world’s modes of politically correct
acceptance of sin.

ESUSS — “The Faith is being attacked in My House upon
earth—My Church—and many of My clergy are falling into
the plan with the Octopus: the great world powers that seek to
gather all nations into a rule of a one-world government and a
one-world religion, based on humanism and modernism.
“However, this shall not be set in motion to a conclusion
with the loss of souls. This shall not be set in motion because
the Eternal Father will send a Warning to mankind—a great
Warning of such magnitude that very few will doubt that it
comes from the Eternal Father and is not man-made.” (7/25/78)
In the late 1970s, as the post-Vatican II Church continued
to weather a heretical storm, our Mediatrix of Grace once
again affirmed how the leadership of the Church would affect
the imminence of the Warning occurring. On August 19, 1978,
for instance, Our Lady said this about the coming conclave:
“My children, you will continue now with your
prayers of atonement. Pray constantly for your cardinals
in Rome. The outcome of the council (conclave) will be
the deciding focal point for the coming of the Warning
and great Chastisement to mankind.”
The history altering events of 1978 and Pope John Paul II’s
third-longest papal reign resounded changes not only to the
global Warning and Miracle schedule, but also the stalling of
the Chastisement that was to previously occur before the end
of the twentieth century. Although the Warning and Miracle
are yet to occur, the story of St. Gemma’s steadfast and loving
sacrifice — radiated for saving other souls for God—is an ac-
count to be treasured and propagated throughout the world.
St. Gemma’s life truly was a resplendent example of the
sacrificial, prayerful, and Eucharistic centered life the Holy
Trinity desires for souls to emulate. Moreover, Jesus words to
Gemma in the early part of the twentieth century about the
coming chastisement, help frame those that would be given in
Garabandal, Akita, New York, and countless other places in
loving admonition, intended to induce reformation.

Besides the rousing life recounted in her spiritual director’s
words, St. Gemma’s blessed appearances at St. Robert Bel-
larmine church to Veronica still serve as a beautiful reminder
of what St. Therese shared about all the saints joining in for
the great battle on earth for souls — amidst a world Jesus de-
scribed as saturated by depraved anti-Christ ideologies.
In 1972—the year after the Octave Warning date clue and
Veronica’s mentioning of St. Gemma — a prayer vigil was
held at St. Robert’s parish on April 10. This would never
again be replicated as a usual practice, outside of Lenten dates
corresponding with the date during certain years. Therefore it
is especially noteworthy to realize that despite the feast day
celebrated and put on the messages as the Eve of St. Leo the
Great, St. Gemma had appeared, since it was truly the eve of
her feast of April 11: the date of her original Holy Week
passing, and intended to become one of the most revered dates
on the calendar with the coming Miracle date, originally des-
ignated for 1974.
Below are excerpts from the message of April 10, 1972,
wherein St. Gemma appears with the “Passionist” heart, as
similarly worn by her spiritual director, Father Germanus Ru-
oppolo (see the photograph section at the end of this book).
OUR AD Y— “Harken now and heed my words. You are being
blindly led into the darkness…. Your country will be cleansed
by trial. Your country is now turning back to pagan practices,
my children….
“Your young people are being seduced. We place the greatest
responsibility for their falling on the parents and the teachers.
Rank in My Son's House will not guarantee your entrance into
the Kingdom. All who trade in My Son's House will be
judged among the least. You will not bargain My Son for the
things of your earth.”
ERONICA A — With Our Lady there is a young girl who has on
a long black dress, tied with a string around the waist. But she
has a black cape over the dress, and she is showing me a flame

and a heart on the left side of her dress. And she is saying,
“Passionata! Passionata!” Oh! And her name is Gemma.
EMMA A — “I won my crown in Heaven through suffering
and sacrifice. Every soul can earn his entrance into Heaven by
following my road.”
• On June 8, 1972, Veronica saw Saint Gemma again
with St. Joan of Arc.
OURUR LADADYY — “All who remain steadfast will come through in
the days ahead to receive their crowns in Heaven. We promise
that all who will light their candles and recover a soul shall be
rewarded greatly in the days that lie ahead.”
ERONICA A — Oh! Over to the right side of the flagpole I see a
beautiful gray horse, and it has silver armor. It's armor—it fits
right over the back of the horse. And there is a girl sitting on
the horse, and she has blond hair. I think that she's about sev-
enteen or eighteen, and she's holding a flag. But there's a large
cross on the flag. The flag is made like a triangle, and there's a
cross on the flag. Oh, and she is saying...
OAN — “Avec moi! Avec moi! With me! With me!”
OAN N — “Be with me in the fight and battle ahead. We are
watching well. The ultimate victory will be with those of
Heaven. Do not be afeared, for Satan will only capture those
who turn completely from the Father. You will not walk upon
earth without trial. I accepted my trial to win my crown in
ERONICA A— Ah! Over to the left side of the flagpole is a
young girl (St. Gemma). She is dressed in black, and she is
holding up a cross in her right hand. And she's got something
written on her robe. looks like a red heart. And she has
a small golden crown on her head. Oh… Everybody kneel,
please. Jesus is coming down.
Oh, and Jesus now is standing over by Our Lady. Our
Lady isn't crying anymore. She looks much more happy than
before. And Jesus has placed His arm around His Mother, and
He says:

ESUSS — “I grant, through the Father, the TIME for reparation.
I do not wish to bring suffering to the world. What will hap-
pen will be of YOUR decision. And what will happen [with
your prayers and penance], my children, will be used to bring
many souls back to Us.”
• The final appearance of St. Gemma in the messages
through Veronica occurred on October 2, 1976 — the eve
of St. Therese’s feast.
ADYY — “I give you this great encouragement and hope
in the days ahead, my children: that ALL who believe, that
ALL who will hold their candles of light and search through
the darkness to bring the knowledge from the Eternal Father
in Heaven to the straying sheep, THEY will be saved.”
ERONICA A — Our Lady now is extending Her Rosary out
with the crucifix, and making the sign of the cross: In the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now Theresa is reaching to her waist, and she's also ex-
tending her Rosary out and holding it, and she's bowing to
Our Lady. And Our Lady is smiling now.
And Our Lady is going over to see Celine, and I see [St.
Therese’s] other sister. And there is a whole group now of
men in long cassocks coming down. Oh, they look like beauti-
ful souls — priests.
Oh, they do make you feel so wonderful to look upon
them…they all have their Rosaries.
These men have these large black Rosaries hanging about
their waist on belts, like cord — like belts at their waists. And
two of them have a PASSIONIST FATHER'S sign upon their
chest, over on their left side of their chest. Oh, it's beautiful.
And now down behind Theresa, I see Saint Gemma Gal-
gani, Oh, I know her. Oh, Gemma Galgani. Oh!
Now Our Lady is extending Her crucifix from Her Rosary
out, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Fa-
ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Now everyone is turning to their left, our right, and they're
crossing across the sky; they're following Our Lady, behind
Our Lady.

And Michael now is coming out from the sky right over
Our Lady's statue, high in the sky. Michael is coming forward.
He's carrying a golden BALANCE (i.e. scale) in his right
hand, and this very long and menacing-looking sword he has
in his left hand. And it's very bright. I can't see Michael's face
because of the light. It's a tremendous white light.
And Our Lady now is coming over…. And She's now lean-
ing over, bending forward, and making the sign of the cross
with Her Rosary: In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
OUR ADY Y — “I bless you all, my children, as the Eternal Fa-
ther and My Son, and the light — We send the LIGHT among
you, my children. Be consoled that the LIGHT shall never be
lost among you!”


The foregoing facts and occasions of special graces ex-

tended to instill fortitude have presented a foundation to un-
derstand the marvelous way Heaven revealed the originally
planned Warning and Miracle dates. Beyond the fantastic
array of clues, prophecies, and St. Gemma’s appearances
there was yet another unique and explicit revelation given
through Veronica regarding the final chronology of events.
The referenced enlightenment concerns the nature of the
SIGN of the Miracle to remain until the end of our era. Our
Lady said, “Believe what you see in Garabandal.” Never was
this more clearly applicable than in her alluding to the great
Sign to come:
“A GLORIOUS MYSTERY will be sent upon earth through
the merciful love of a forgiving Father for His errant children.
However, this will be the final act to bring you back before
the cleansing with fire.
“We do not intend to completely destroy earth as in the
past, but we shall cleanse the earth by steps. SUFFERING shall
be your vessel for cleansing. Man has allowed demons to di-

rect his actions. Man has desecrated the temple of the Holy
Spirit by succumbing to the wiles of Satan. Man offends his
God with his way of life.” (4/14/73)
The form of the permanent Sign —destined to truly emerge
as a “glorious mystery”—was never revealed by the visionary
children of Garabandal. However, Our Lady issued the grace
of this knowledge through Veronica, who in turn inserted the
description within the printed message flyer of March 24,
1973. Therein Veronica conveyed what Our Lady imparted:

The hill on the meadow is a holy place.

'C' (Conchita) will be there with the holy light:
a FLAMING CROSS in SWORD-like formation.

The ethereal cross — capable of being photographed, but

not touched as Conchita conveyed — will truly be a glorious
mystery. Our Lady told Veronica that scientists would lead
the march of skeptics trying to disprove the miraculous Sign.
Regardless of their atheistic efforts, it will remain present as a
glowing beacon to guide people back to the harbor of Our
Lord’s mercy, unto the end of our era.
The form of the Sign in a “flaming cross in sword-like for-
mation” is a reminder of the “SWORD OF JUSTICE ” that St.
Faustina had seen Jesus holding and mentioning as poised for
the final retribution. Through St. Faustina, Our Lord ex-
plained he was “reluctant to take hold of the Sword of Justice”
which will level itself upon the world through the great Chas-
tisement. Jesus, therefore, implemented the Image of Himself
and the Feast of Mercy for its veneration, along with a plenary
indulgence novena.
Jesus pointedly specified how He was mercifully “opening
wide the door” of His mercy for all responsive souls to pass
through. The others, he further explained, would have to ac-
cept His justice, as they denied the period of mercy extended
to the world.

Garabandal’s SIGN of the “cross in sword-like formation”
will truly be a major message, signaling how the hour of
Chastisement draws nearer with the Sword of Justice
Our Lady said the Warning would begin the “sorrow of
sorrows”. Garabandal’s Sign, therefore, will truly become a
reminder of the future “Day of Justice”— the scripturally de-
scribed DAY OF THE LORD, which Our Lady explicitly refer-
enced in Akita, Japan, as within her many occasions of coun-
sel in New York, such as the one below:
“A glorious mystery will be sent upon earth through the
merciful love of a forgiving Father for His errant children.
However, this will be the final act to bring you back before
the cleansing with fire.” (4/14/73)
The following passages given by Our Lady to Veronica,
further illuminate the Eternal Father’s reasoning for the future
Sign of the “flaming cross in sword-like formation” to manifest
in Garabandal:
“My Son shall come with the SWORD (Apoc. 19:15). The
world will go through great trial but there will be peace.
“I cannot promise you an early peace as I did in Fatima.
For all was conditional and man did not respond….” (6/24/76)
“The SWORD will soon come upon you. O ye who stand as
unrepentant in the eyes of your God, the bow is poised — it
quivers. It will soon be upon you!” (3/24/72)
The sword of Garabandal’s permanent Sign is rooted in
more than just the modern messages of Jesus and His Mother
through St. Faustina and Veronica of the Cross. For instance,
Holy Scripture states the following as an underlying premise
for the great beacon of the final days: “Flee from the Sword,
it is the avenger of iniquity.” (Job 19:29)
Interestingly, one can find an archetype of the Garabandal
Sign of a flaming cross in sword-like formation in the Book of
Genesis. After God’s expulsion of Adam and Eve from the
Garden for disobedience, Genesis says that He “placed before

the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a FLAMING SWORD,
turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.”
(Gen. 3:24)
Through the New Covenant, Jesus literally became the
WAY. In this and the Genesis account, the flaming cross and
sword Sign designated for Garabandal — to bring people back
to the Way of everlasting life in God — is further rooted in
St. John’s book of the Apocalypse contains the revelations
about the world’s great iniquities and chastisements to be dis-
pensed in retribution before the great DAY OF THE LORD.
The Apocalypse passages also forward the reason for Jesus
and His mother mentioning the Sword of Justice, as Jesus is
depicted as returning with the sharp, two-edged SWORD for
And I saw Heaven opened: and behold a white horse,
and He that sat upon him was called FAITHFUL
RUE. And with justice doth he judge and fight. And His
eyes were as a flame of fire. And on his head were
many diadems. And He had a name written, which no
man knows but himself.
And he was clothed with a garment sprinkled with
blood. And his name is called: THE WORD OF GOD. And
the armies that are in heaven followed him on white
horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out
of his mouth proceeded a sharp two WORD, that
two--edged SWORD
with it he may strike the nations.
— APOC. 19:11-15
The reader should also note that in addition to a basis for
sword symbolism, the foregoing passage presents a reason for
the Eternal Father’s decree for the faithful to go forward as
warriors—in this latter day battle for souls—under the banner
of His Son’s Name, given therein as “Faithful and True.” The
following excerpts from messages given to Veronica are re-
minders of this other symbolic application, divinely assigned.
“You are not alone in the BATTLE ahead.... The Father has
allowed me the time to gather many little ARMIES through-
out the world.” (6/15/74)
“I have come to you under many names in the past, but I
want you to acknowledge me as the MOTHER OF GRACE.
Because that is why I come to you now, my children, to give
you the GRACES necessary to remain upon earth in a State of
Purity and Perseverance, and knowledgeable to the Truth,
that will lead you and keep you on the narrow road to
Heaven. (9/14/85)
“I promise you, I will be with you to the Second Coming:
the return of my Son in glorious triumph over the great
forces of evil now rampant in your world. (5/30/77)
“The Father has chosen the words Faithful and True for
reason: It will be the BANNER for all CHILDREN OF GOD
who remain in the light. (10/6/74)
latter days — disciples of my Son — and bring the Message
from Heaven to all. Do not become discouraged along the
Way by those who scoff at you or reject this Message. Be-
lieve me, my children, when I say to you that my own will
know me. (9/7/78)
“My children, if you have been given the grace to be now
in the light, we beg you to share this grace, and try from your
heart to rescue those who are drifting toward the abyss of
Hell. Yes, your prayers and sacrifices are needed for those
who do not have the power of grace to help themselves.(5/30/71)
“Gather your graces, my children, not as counted in
worldly goods, but graces that can be gathered in abundance
free for the asking.
“It is a mission of love. Gather these graces and store
them in Heaven. For it will be on this measure that you shall
gain your eternal reward....
ERONICAA — Now she’s pointing up…and there are letters

now forming in the sky. They’re brilliant...made of like stars,
tiny diamonds set into beautifully stenciled letters!
aithfull an
andd True (6/15/74)

“No matter what the struggle to keep the light in your

country and the world, you will go forward as soldiers of
light, carrying your banner FAITHFUL AND TRUE, in the face
of adversity....
“You will go forth as soldiers for Christ, my Son....
“Carry the banner called FAITHFUL AND TRUE! (10/6/92)
“You cannot realize at this time the numbers of Souls that
will not fall into the abyss because of the LEGIONS OF THE
LIGHT that the Eternal Father has gathered upon earth in His
heart felt, fatherly efforts — accounting with the free will of
mankind to restore the earth and mankind AS IT WAS in the
“The world will understand — in time — the Mission from
Heaven. To all who follow Our legions throughout the world,
the legions of light, you will unite under a common banner
called FAITHFUL AND TRUE (Apoc. 19:11) and you will then
prove to the world what a true soul can do!” (10/6/80)
ESUSS — “The world, when it is renewed and restored, shall
remember the battle fought by those who have worn the col-
ors from Heaven. The armies from Heaven led by My Mother
shall vanquish the head of the serpent.
“It is a test for all mankind; the good and the evil shall test
all mankind as metals in the fire (Zach. 13:8-9).
“The sheep shall be separated from the goats in the days
ahead (Mt. 25:32)…. The road to Heaven is a narrow one, and
it is a constant struggle with the cross to remain on it.
“Accept all trial and suffering, knowing that the road in
this way will lead directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. (11/20/79)
“My children, you will pray and pray again, making your
life a constant time of prayer.
“There is no time to seek worldly pursuits and glory and
power and riches. They will all be nothing soon. Your greatest
strength shall be your Faith. (5/30/78)
“You have, in your armies to bring you across the veil,
not only your relations, friends, and well-wishers upon earth
but you have the ARMIES OF HEAVEN now joining with you
in this final battle. Go forward, My children, with the ban-
ners of FAITHFUL AND TRUE. (6/24/76)
“I promise you, My children, your labors shall bear great
fruit for the eternal Kingdom of your God. You shall all
gather one day with Me and We shall reminisce of the days
upon earth and the glory that your efforts and your struggles
through this mission have brought to the Eternal Father, and
the many souls that you have rescued from the abyss. (3/18/76)
“My child and my children, I send to all who come to this
sacred ground the grace of perseverance in the days ahead.
“I want you to remember, my children, always, that when
the thorns come among the roses you will say:
“My children, it is most urgent that you read and live the
messages given by my Mother from the Eternal Father in the
Holy Ghost, and from Me, her Son.
“She gave to you her heart for all the past years of earth’s
time. I want you now, my children, to understand and listen
to my words. For soon they will be few, and actions will
start.” (8/14/84)

Enlivened by the fire of Garabandal’s miraculous Sign of a

“flaming cross in sword-like formation”, millions of faithful
spectators will be able to better appreciate Saint Gemma’s
superb witness to the Blessed Sacrament, as they find their
way back unto the narrow Way toward Heaven.
Remember, St. Gemma’s own weekly reception of the stig-
mata was repeated on the very day and hour designated for the
future Miracle; an hour corresponding with the Last Supper
and Our Lord’s implementation of the Eucharistic BREAD OF
LIFE. He therein became the Lamb of God consumed for
strength in the new exodus—departure—from sin.
St. Gemma’s spiritual director documented what occurred
after she first received the stigmata on June 8, 1899, at the
mere age of twenty-one years old:
“From that day forward, periodically, it continued to repeat
itself on the same day every week; namely on Thursday eve-
ning about eight o’clock and continued until three o’clock on
Friday afternoon.”
In Chapter 15, about St. Gemma’s witness to the Eucharist,
Father Germanus cited how the young saint he oversaw was
seemingly raised by God to reaffirm the belief in Our Lord’s
true Eucharistic presence:
“Here also I have to relate great things; things so singular
as to lead us to believe that God by a special providence
raised up this child of heaven at a time of so much falling
away in piety, as an example and stimulus to Christians to
venerate and love the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. The
Blessed Eucharist is by excellence the Mystery of Faith; Mys-
terium fidei.”
In chapter 25, Father Germanus added another example of
how St. Gemma’s spirituality revolved around the Eucharistic
Presence of Our Lord:
“It seemed almost that she made no difference between the
delights of Heaven and those of the “paradise of Jesus” that
are tasted on earth at the Holy Table. At other times, speaking
likewise in ecstasy, she called the Eucharist the ‘ACADEMY OF
PARADISE, where one learns how to love;’ and explaining this
thought she added: ‘The school is the supper-room, Jesus is
the Master, the doctrines are His Flesh and Blood.’
“From these words and others like them it is easy to gather
some idea of how many treasures of celestial wisdom she dis-
covered in the mystery of the Blessed Eucharist. As we go on
we shall find, at every step, fresh proofs of the sublime idea
that Gemma had of this Divine Sacrament.”

With resplendent appeal, the account of St. Gemma’s life
rises as a monument of beauty to behold. Jesus first presented
her spiritual director as a gift for Gemma. Now his laborious
documentation of her sublime love, supernatural encounters,
and witness to the Eucharist are left as a gift for all the faithful
to read in this book. May you joyfully spread St. Gemma’s
message of virtue and Eucharistic unity with a hopeful heart
of the final signs soon to manifest, in keeping with the Eternal
Father’s plan to redirect the world’s wayward back unto the
Narrow Way; that which St. Gemma faithfully followed,
while strengthened by love for Jesus in the Eucharist. May St.
Gemma’s sparkling “witness” continually inspire your own!
The following
following inscription
inscription was
was placed
placed over
over St.
St. Gemma’s
Gemma’s Tomb

GEMMA GALGANI of Lucca — a most innocent virgin,

who in her twenty-fifth year, consumed rather by the
fire of Divine Love than by the violence of disease, flew
into the arms of her Heavenly Spouse on Holy Saturday
the eleventh of April, 1903.
Peace be to thee, O sweet soul,
in company with the angels.

Excerpt of Our Lady’s final Garabandal message — June 18, 1965

As my Message of the 18th of October has not been com-

plied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I
am telling you that this is the last one.
Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over.
Many priests are following the road to perdition, and with
them they are taking many more souls. Ever less importance
is being given to the Holy Eucharist.


June 18, 1982
“My child, Veronica, you understand it is the will of the
Eternal Father that you be among those who have been chosen
as victims — victims for the repatriation of souls of the world.
“The world, your world, my child and my children, is
steeped in deep darkness created by sin. There shall be a most
terrible, heartrending, crushing punishment, CHASTISEMENT
sent upon the world soon.
“I have come to you as your Mother: a Mother who loves
you, a Mother who cares, a Mother who cries tears of pity for
you ! For you do not know what you are doing. I ask you, as
your Mother — I appeal to you, as your Mother, to listen to
“I have cried for you. I have wandered throughout your
world, through countless earth-years, begging with you, beg-
ging you to listen, even to a small measure of my MESSAGE to
the world: to turn NOW from the ways that are offensive to
your GOD, the Eternal Father in Heaven. For you bring upon
yourself a just punishment if you do not mend your ways now
and turn from your sin.

“All manner of abominations are being committed in the
world, and even has entered onto the clergy. Many clergy
shall stand before my Son and have to give account for what
they have done, and what measure they have taken to destroy
souls upon earth. Many are on the road to perdition and taking
others with them….
“It appears, my children and my child, that most are look-
ing for prosperity, and not true peace. For the only true peace
shall be found through my Son, Jesus in the BLESSED S ACRA-
MENT , the HOLY EUCHARIST , through the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Ghost….
“In the schools the word of God has been taken out; in the
schools, prayer has been forbidden by many. Therefore, the
major responsibility for saving the souls of your children is in
your homes now.
“Mothers and fathers, where are you? You are running to
and fro making money, seeking pleasures. But you are not the
only ones.
“You turn to your pastors, you turn to my Son’s represen-
tative, the priest, and other ministers in the congregations of
the world, and where are they? Their heads are in the sand.
Their heads are in the clouds, clouds of darkness. They, too,
are running to and fro seeking riches and pleasures. How
many are holy, and how many are unholy? My children, they
could be sorted very easily. There are so few who are holy
(i.e., united with the Will of God).
“We do not say this to judge my children, but We say this
to bring it out as a fact. How many are holy? How many can
stand before my Son and say that their teaching has been pure
in His sight? What will become of these poor priests who
have forgotten their mission, who have forgotten their vows?
What will become of them?... You must do penance for them,
and pray for them, for they are misled. They do not have cour-
age, the courage of their own convictions to stand up and

“Vocations are needed for the priesthood, and also for the
nunneries. Are there not any who care to come forward and
dedicate their lives to save our young children? Please, my
children, surely among you, those who hear my voice or will
read this written word, can you not give your life to win your
reward forever in Heaven, and perhaps also, those you love
you can bring with you?
“So many little souls are crying. They thirst for the knowl-
edge of Jesus and all of Heaven. Will you not solace them and
comfort them in their loneliness? They are like sheep out in
the wilderness — astray with no leaders. They are wandering.
And what do they feast upon but weeds. No good nourishment
is being given them….
“You know the TRUTH; keep it in your heart. And always
remember: keep the Faith, my children. We depend on you,
because you are our LITTLE ARMIES spread throughout the
world — little in means, little in worldly goods, but GREAT
in Faith and GREAT in Graces!”


Balance amidst the SWORD OF JUSTICE
The following excerpts are from Jesus’ counsel to St. Faustina;
they further emphasize the already cited symbolism of the
Sword formation of Garabandal’s future Sign of the Miracle:
ESUSS — “Speak to the world about My mercy ... It is a sign
for the end times. After it will come the Day of Justice. While
there is still time, let them have recourse to the fountain of My
mercy. (848)
“Tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the
awful day, the day of My justice is near. (965)
“I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of sinners.
But woe to them if they do NOT recognize this time of My
visitation. (1160)
“In the Old Covenant I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts
to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the
people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching
mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful
“I use punishment when they themselves force Me to do
so; My hand is reluctant to take hold of the SWORD OF JUSTICE.
Before the Day of Justice I am sending the Day of Mercy. (1588)
“He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy
must pass through the DOOR OF MY JUSTICE.” (1146)
AUSTINA A — “During the renewal of the vows, I saw the
Lord Jesus on the Epistle side [of the altar] wearing a white
garment with a golden belt and holding a terrible SWORD in
His hand. This lasted until the moment when the sisters began
to renew their vows.
“Then I saw a resplendence beyond compare and, in front
of this brilliance, a white cloud in the shape of a SCALE.
Then Jesus approached and put the sword on one side of the
scale, and it fell heavily towards the ground until it was about
to touch it. Just then, the sisters finished renewing their vows.
“Then I saw Angels who took something from each of the
sisters and placed it in a golden vessel somewhat in the shape
of a thurible. When they had collected it from all the sisters
and placed the vessel on the other side of the scale, it immedi-
ately outweighed and raised up the side on which the SWORD
had been laid. At that moment, a flame issued forth from the
thurible, and it reached all the way to the brilliance.
“Then I heard a voice coming from the brilliance: Put the
SWORD back in its place; the sacrifice is greater. Then Jesus
gave us His blessing, and all I had seen vanished.
“The sisters had already begun to receive Holy Commun-
ion. When I received Holy Communion, my soul was filled
with such great joy that I am unable to describe it.” (394)
JESUS — “Accept your cross, my children, and
go forward searching as candles in the darkness.
“As disciples of the Eternal Father, you will
truly be the light of the world. I give you, my
children, the simple honor of following Me as
lights in the world.
“MY HEART will shine in your darkened
world; my Blood shall be your salvation....
“You are now true disciples of the Eternal
“We hold you close to Our Hearts and we
shall comfort you as you go along Our WAY.
“You will use the expression, my children:
Let us hold back the darkness.

We are living the days of the Apocalypse—the

last days of our era....
The two great forces of the MYSTICAL BODY of
are beginning to draw up their battle lines for the
catastrophic contest....
The effectiveness of our apostolate depends to a
great extent upon denial of self and the search to
be one with Christ in KNOWLEDGE and in WILL.
Then, after a while, we reach a point where
NOTHING in all the world is worth a moment of
time except to know more of Him!
— A RCHBISHOP F ULTON J. S HEEN (1895-1979) ,
former director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith
ST. GEMMA’S testimonial, The Giannini home’s
burnt by the Devil (see pg. 156) Child Jesus shrine, where
Gemma placed letters to
her spiritual director and
her guardian angel picked
them up for delivery.

LEF T: Pope Pius XII’s

canonization of Gemma
Galgani, May 2, 1940,
in St. Peter’s Basilica.

BELOW: The Giannini family,

St. Gemma's adopted family

Venerable Father
Ruoppolo CP —
St. Gemma’s
spiritual director
and biographer
A prayer composed by St. Gemma
to obtain a desired grace:

Behold me at Your most holy feet, O dear Jesus,

to manifest to you my gratitude for the continual
favors which You have bestowed upon me, and still
wish to bestow upon me.
As many times as I have invoked You, O Jesus,
You have made me content; I have often had re-
course to You and You have always consoled me.
How shall I express myself to You, dear Jesus?
I thank you! Yet one more grace I desire of you, O
my God, if it would be pleasing to You.
(mention your request here)
If you were not omnipotent, I would not make
this request. O Jesus, have pity on me. May your
most holy will be done in all things.

An excerpt of St. Gemma’s prayer for

greater sanctity:
Assist me, my Jesus, for I desire to become good
whatsoever it may cost; take away, destroy, utterly
root out all that You find in me contrary to Your
holy will. At the same time, I pray You, Lord Jesus,
to enlighten me that I may be able to walk in Your
holy light. Amen.
See file #2 on,
accessible from,
for the continuing biography
of St. Gemma

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