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Munit1 Growin uP Nouns adolescence /,eda'esonts! ‘adulthood /wdathudl Sone bona brotherhood br adahudy character "kxerakta) childhood fardhu confit nti Connection fka'nekfon! Fatherhood ordahod: friendship rendfipy Instinct anstipkt Interaction {antaekfond ‘motherhoed madahud! notre nena parent "pearant! Felton feeyfons telatve relate! resemblance n'zembloas/ vay Pray siting Dip ‘eager! ‘emperament"temporsmant! ties ata) upbringing Papbeiny Compound nouns active ole ‘xtened family family gthering ‘rmmediate fami maternal instinct Sing vary stable vbringing striking resemblance Adjectives lose lous! slose-tnit klaus mmotena matin part parental rewarding fwd stable stb Verbs accommodate f'komadest/ ‘adopt 9'dopt) break down Perk daon! develop velop! endure in'gjua! fsablish stb have sth in common inert feet interact ants kt! ture aac Play arate Felt () lew Miunit2 MENTAL AND PHYSICAL, DEVELOPMENT Nouns ability fra adolescent jal esant/ lehovieur fo hewvia childhood Pfenanud! concept "kensept! orsequence "knnsikwans! beste 'dgestfal ‘zowth grou! height ane ‘imagination /gmaedsne4fon! infoney nafs? Infant Panfont? snowedge "nods! ‘maturity martjusrati) ‘memory Pmemrif ‘lstonePmalstoon! ‘mind mand! phase era! Fate ret! Feiner i mand? social sills skh stage sted toddler Pt Transition tren'zifan! Adjectives abstract /ixbstrnkt ‘ogotive Pkognat! clumsy "kama fond fond fully grow fui groun’ Immature amaytjua! ‘independent nd pendant itesporsibe 'spansab ‘mature mot joal Patent perfant? Feballous/erbaias) Significant i mifkont/ folerantMtolarant! Verbs. qi okwarat develop A'velap sostre "sent on /ora0 initate mate? look beck remember 'memba! Feria metnd reminisce omnis! throw a tain visualise vrata! ‘Adverbs ‘ypiealy epakie Phrases with mind beac in mind broaden the mind awe something in mind? have Something on your mind sipped ry mind keep an open mind my rind wert blank put your mind at ease Munit3 KEEPING FIT Nouns allergy "'lodgi anwety feg'zatti! Sppette pita artery Pata! set eset! benef henait cravings Pkeervigz) Alepression pean Uignosi arog mauses) thet ast ‘etclon /data'tafond ‘iseace'zi2! (eating disorder d'sasda sueciseeksasarz/ Tactorfiskta” fast foo fast fusd! Tote! farm ham health bel heart attack hax a'tek? infection Tekan Ingredients in’ getdbonts? ‘insomnia aso Intake Pinterki Junk fo08fpank fuse! muscle masa! rutint ajustiont? nutton injus'efnd obesity acrsatir ‘onset onset! potion *poefan! Fish serving ssp) sliess tres stra strook! ‘weatment te ant therapy Borapi wey va raat weight Avent lege ladsikt slteateoltnat/ Disk brisk’ chronic Pronk harmful harmo heathy hele infectious n'fekfos! rroderateMmodar3t/ bese urbe! ‘overweight auvawet/ pesstertip'sstant! regular iegjula! snl asta Verbs. void avond counterae:/javntarekt? ft aah cue kjua/ inh fel’ Gisup ds'eapth liminate imines ‘maintain meintern! ‘werd 09 overeat /aovarit) prevent fpr vent Fecommerd /reka'mend/ recover kava! reduce i ush Skip skip stimulate stimjoest Urgeer "tiga! 167 Wordlist Munits rake a choice tuto Verbs — make a ceision ‘apie eopakl dlanily Meera aS sesinee mid Se at Nouns spree Mtn ‘onde ona Om a msn Ser ea'demt! ie oi et ssa exile ihm, coals oes Sigh a Sou aoe ei wees ; ‘cinta chines) oaincePbelns/ heen) Posada pou gettel Se mnstet! Competion/ompatafon! worth rating een se doting sep? genio aease the orving Sng gy ts! ere mt ; Ma ctite See trite ee aiea Cost oftving rork‘ebted wack ied) emlaln k'sple Siu cesta ng enkeenl eet oe Verbs fee gn living expenses nce ina lifetime opportunity adopt (an approach /o'dopt——_ustrateaostret? ‘thm t imont mein etn date elas ‘nay pa goal fgaut! ee Conduct Pkandakt! indicate ndikert/ ety hob vayet ie concenatekonsantren! pronounce pean! insight Pina? corsdr Ruta feel irks teow Plesar Munrs fost anda ‘ele (o) is eset fradate gradual Sint) Ponta! otis opts STUDENT LIFE {ts (ab sa sateen eftleok act a ergaise oxgone! Stes Ptatt ‘opportunity /,opa'tjuinatif no ah ¥ ‘overcome /auva'kamy ‘Suggest /so'dgest/ ‘personality /,parsan'velati! alpen ‘review frt'y jul ‘translate /tracnz'lent! Fess pom colege Molds! tone vat sini penn Centoveryeontrovasy eva Idioms oh ‘curriculum fka'rakj atom! te {aco on a ‘there is something ta be said for rs Fel Seseratonfdvatexfy ake (couse Re newest say ‘etter ik teks suction edges verbs haves say fetes ak tek gy ex igtzee Feil reat wih alsi nd done sere en! ets fs faving that aa ndings andr! Hunire. tosaythelest Adjectives : funding fanduy! — ‘you can say that again! mie att fro red? TEEEEriVE thaistesay Cond en jz fercgront "COMMUNICATION Muniz Siantses weiner) ‘ight Ta kus Nouns irene tens! fornewort hoonwath reat ckil ‘materialistic mo,trari'hstki jor school Purnia sku! tet ON THE Move Aegatve Fnegat! Kinerprten Pind gata! Nouns tutdoo faut aad tering order eee {commotion komo positive pozativ! conjecture Ikan'dgekt fat attraction /a‘track Jan! Fecetionl eckaetora’——oaty lab inet Adraekt ‘crm tnt Sees nacestl tts mts fer urna Cuntnatdeeantrsnd ed Nise hmsston pou rage destin dest eon! ’ Sean fea texfon corcrtem tao uanan ache (ga ot Keston secs tea fel ‘tect re primey schol mma skae) nl ae tates tis Brogan proogrem! ln hoger! ientfeaton eel bro predsek Angie Arpgwasiks! ‘nde end cress ore fourchhrean tmensofconmoreeton inhabit nb ont ny rescues vat! Cohsewupe Mera artnet nr (eats satan fore matte mactivett? scholarship skotafip! pronunciation Ipranansafon! enskeip! Pape pr per Seapelskan Snlangiage Aan leggwidy! , Pree Sein Shoa sek ey oan ROCK seem, soures Pisa Adjectives tours Post” ee syllabus stlobos! Incoherent /anktharant transport Mtraenspost! Verb phrases ‘torent heron tov revo lead hoppy ie Sontsatednotisukennds MATRON Tretieon he wae Spertaneas/spontemiss! ed lio ie othe ful 168 Wordlist pd! inroads! temo via tate fa outa rata ne sel eatfor ‘at Pos MRC cate testo aston terest esti soageerbata Soran seme tove Moka Ce steniir ‘repeal enka Cran hbtab Beets Pras ‘heat alorbal cosmopolitan knzma'polttan! lose track of time sina ties fa one Verbs festle ci ae San dept Meta tama fects or! Satine Geatet Heombeu cise Mlonae corral esse Gate Paes Se ep ‘rn gsi there tte trodate edited feet tutions reve alt oat Pa peaceful pif erat hiberote Pharbanest? opt pepe chronologically - ‘picturesque /,piktfar'esk/ ods ‘tolerate tolarert/ ‘rotate /ra'tent/ bolted poeta alktmstedsatt Seti haste’ ‘quaint sawemnt/ ian = ‘simulate simjalert aoe rewouy orc MBLUNIT: ; ara Siocon Te 10: des and ‘urel ruaral! :ACHING FOR THE Sencha Munroe: st Munir 11 StnnngPtany/ Woe seaghat THE NATURAL WORLD Ste/estor DESISKAND, tractonal trs'fona) are ase eel INNOVATION hsp asp cee eee! N f dereatue “ean dtnospere tno jours urban "s:bon! ane ‘cosmos *kozmos! balcony betkoni! Verbs pielee Guerre tec wre ote Cima Alamo tone raat bali ky ‘uctuate flaktfuert/ ‘crops kro Earth ceting siti Sout we, plraien/eteparafeo! anette Phos Blunts den fden/ ‘explorer /ik'spla:a/ ‘construction /kan'strakfan! Ne a folny Pgeiok Cologe eon) ‘ecological balance wai THROUGH THE AGES DEL ey seca Nouns solo eels Nouun rasal Stroer tres! trey cau pst ay inh ee oeane archaeologist /,azki'oladsist!_ fauna foinay iemeretent ‘frame (fren century Seng flora flora! ‘moon fm sgaceet 'aredst! decade eked! gers ga'netks! ocean Faofant using Phau cea fer pt urban tmmovaton ane! Seo ndced root Secgecrotowe ——_meiariaea Scaaton/aistsvetfoy met may Plret lem Loar lends jxcaration/ekakovetfoy set act Pet eon tists ete ge Aa Ta dl fedet rat caper ekopnt rill enia’ Dredetorpredata! satelite /setatat/ plattrm Ppt fo:m! veel fers Silat atte ery eon Stoves freee agolkafnssaarapton seve stom! tee enon! Mons igs Stave speed Sper sha sci’ pampeee, Feet Pecmfinkew | Mere oe Show Siceshicopes atv Seen en adgkay min vain iim Psst Steere otras! Stomp oma vane un tenon tenfon! coset an) vigils wettssns! ti tnd omen iran Adjectives Adjectives eet atest Coomera ma:fol fread rosa oe log cise Ppa ‘omental ko’ venfonl! eee tiene A tan canyon par ae Sree ST erealaeriavew sereiicait! punctual panktjual fecinet tk'stigkt horizontal /hon'zontal curved karvd mreorenitg cae Irena neva Sioa sours ore ia aca? ‘nectar 169 Wordtist eterlork'straial functional fagkfonat Futuristic gjugarstakl highrise /haraz! Innovative /mavat! ‘nero in'aznal nase produced / mespr3'usst! ‘modern mean! ‘mutstvey {malta cd fashined (oul fafond frnate "nent? prefabricated /prifxbrkertud! Srglestorey "ingot star spacious 'spetf2¥ Sateaftheart fractional tradufonal/ ‘oo-sarey Aut 'staeh typical typikal lra-modein Paleo ‘modon! Verbs actvete akuvert ‘tutomate "attomest! bulla ua condemn kon'dem! Construct "kansteakU Secorate 'dekrett demolish a mole Gesign zara develo dt velapy Gevise evar haul sel’ hoist hows Snvent in vent ‘maintain mer’ tera’ ccupy Fokjopaa! reconstruct ikon’ strakt/ renovate renoven ‘ppor "pod! triage tng! Wiunir12 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Nouns automat pilot computerisation ‘kom pjuterarzetfan! connection fk nekfon! tate desta? device areas Funetion fagkfan! gadget gest! the Internet keyboard itary keyped kip laptop (computer) epton! the atest. memory "memati? ‘monitor mona! Patent "pert program "praugrem! 170 prototype prautatap! emote contol matt Konrtroul sion chip ikon tf technology teknolodsi! telecommuirications ‘tek mjuenketfonz) vision vison! wireles conection Adjectives campoetkomperkt! computerised "Kam pstoratz! catingene "katineds! cer sabal fied dete digital dds! Isbouceavingetbo servi potable Ppostab/ Eatecttheart uptodate /aptadest! serienly/juza‘trendlil viral ya wireless conection Verbs acces kses) onnee ko'nekt! envisage n'vizids! operate oporent revolutionise revatusfanarl ‘rol skool speculate spekjulei! Store st surpass apa ‘Adverbs automatically fota'meukl Miunir13 THE MODERN WORLD ‘atu! brand bred culture kal fay tele sank ‘demographics demo’ geiks! development fdr velopmant versity fdar'vasaed abelsaton glouboln'zafons hindsight haindsast ‘can Paikon ‘deri /ar'dentatit ‘implication ump keyfon! ‘mmact mpc Increase Pais! influence Pinftuans! Industry Pindosti Isolation fatsae fon! joint vente (rave 2} monopoly ima‘anpalit mavket markt! ‘modernisation "imodonat zesfa smultiuturatiem ‘mali altforalszam percentage fpa'sentidg! population ;popjoefan! rection perdi fan! rojection pradsekfond Proportion proipaxfon! Fate ret? Statistics sta trend rend? Adjectives ageing ends trent karant? lerographi deme’ gretiky ley Pedal! ft Pek ti g'20tk! oda Poloubat "oeal aokal! longterm font ‘mieernmas ‘multiatra gmaltikaleforsv route pratdaktie ‘ceptialskeptikal Shot feta nt zabstewant/ ‘wealthy wel orldice ald wand Verbs compound kampaond contribute kon tbat Sectine kaa Ginn 4m? dominate omnes! Gwinclefawindsl factor 'fxkta! Indicate ndiken merge maids ‘migrate fnagrent? sks! Mlunit 14 URBANISATION Nouns benef bent challenge fetlindg! ompromise /kompromats! italy Pdf Ciera fd Tema! Inhabitant fa’ habstant! Infrastructure Pinfa.steaktfo! ‘soaton fatale! megacity meget migrant Pmaigrant! stack Mibstakal ‘overpopulation a0va,pop jute fon pepstatin popj'tefon! poverty povati Fesouton/ezalw:fon! setback 'stbiek! sum/slany solution s0 fond teloancePtolaansy ete tate ‘banisation /atbona'ze fan! Adjectives ‘adequate eedikwat! baste "nest! booming "bus ‘alastophi eto strait ‘rove kau! ‘double-edged fdsh'edsa? isolated Masalests one-sided von ‘said fongsighted sata longterm logtasmd ‘veipriced/aovo'prsst overworked ava wa:kt! pressing presi ual roaral shortsighted fot sandy ‘hor term fot tam? staggering stegariy/ tolerant tolara! Verbs addiess odes! adjust o'dgast! ‘agetavate graven! cause Fe! ‘compete hompistt ‘compound /kampaund! eal with ‘eterivate /d'raiarent ‘enhance in hains! exacerbate sabe! ficade skal face fers! Aourh lang! inl lager "nga! roy ed ‘overcome 2089 kam preset /prez'ant! regulate Fregjslet! remedy Premadid ‘esove fez! tackle Paka tolerate torent ‘wansou tsen'Toxd Verb phrases find olution overcame a ficuty reach/ind a compromise remedy situation revolve an issue Miunir1s THE GREEN REVOLUTION Nouns acid cain eid etn! Bodversty barsuda'vaesti climate change contamination texfan/ Asposal 'spaazal! rough draat! ecosystem /i:k>4,sistam fission imam the environment erosion i'rusan/ exhaust (ures “ig'za Feces Yastalatza, food tad food chain fucdtfern! fumes fjucmz! ‘reentouse gces pace Pumpee kt pollutant ptutont! pollution poo Process arouses! Felis Mrefjus! sirsin steer thea ret” vase erst? Adjectives thvbl iv Eevarageous/;evantendsov sikint at Senet ibe fol Chron tot Concehabeon'sivob/ Contamina nent! devastng vaste! devote Puta enonertal ‘imsran ments emircmentaly rd 4 fuse juan Jimrune h'mjun! ‘impracticable /im’pewktikabl ‘improbable am peobabl ‘ndanger (ot) ‘nso tn solobl? lable rob lfethveatening Mkt Orton) petvasive/pa'vesiv) Pointless pountlos! pristine "peste ‘uestonadlekwestfanabl reoyclabie sank ‘usainade/Sasternabl taxing tksin? uratainable /na'termabl ‘rely aan ‘npecedented an'presidantl/ useless jussbos! viable Pvarabl ‘ital vant worthwhile wa:0'wal Verbs confont ean'frant? ‘contaminate kon’ temineit! Aispose of dump (damp) treearenOretan/ ‘Adverbs ‘nvoraly neksarsbi Inevitably A'nevitabi Munir 16 ‘THE ENERGY CRISIS Nouns: atmosphere etmasti balance rbalons! biofut bainot ual catbonkarbow cabo dixie kazbon dar oksaid/ crisis Pkrasis/ lect fleet emissions i'mifonz! exhaust fig'zast/ fossil fuel Pesala fuel jus! fames fjusmzd aas/gees! freemouse gas Parsnhaus ge! hybrid Phaubeid hyrogen handeadgand petrol petra succes e2¢st/ turbine "arbor ile nak alterativeobta:nativ/ fica ertakal! isposable aspauzabl taste Pdewstik? eco tiendly ekau frend? ficient fant fective 'Fektiv) tewronmentaly rendly rca’ Pnjutkia Fecnargeable it fardsobU renewable 'njusabl” Solar uta! unleaded (petro ned! Verbs sor abe fonserveskan'sav! fons anja omer! kava fount "kunt eet pit Sims af Alscharge Mt fords! ‘winale Maeindal emit i'ma? ‘expend AK’spend lit Pm ralntain/mem’tern’ outweigh aot wer! preserve ipn'zat retain evtern! waste weIst! Munir 17 TALKING BUSINESS Nouns. _vetisoment ad'vatismant! auvertsing Pedvatarzin) boss Mos campaign ks perm! ‘uidate kendo! tereera'ra) ler kak? ‘lan klaront/ faliague "kos Company Pkampanil ons kon sje! ‘rey redo bot fustomee kastomal aningsPa:nig2! tempoyeeim'plui! employer fim plata employment fm’ploumant/ ‘experience k'sprorians! s90ds gud Income inka Industry Pmdaste lntervew Fintan just job sobs Job satlsfacion Isboure lenbora imaragerent Fmaemdgmant? manual work masnjual wack! ‘ark mock fiche fae occupation /okjo'petfan! oie overtine Fauvatainy packaging packs ay peu pet parks product "prodakt? prolession fro fefomi Wordlist prospects prospekts! {ualiications/Kwolf keyfonzd retirement /r'aremant/ salary Psa shares ifeae! shit werk fut works skills skal Staff ste takecverPtesksva! target Pearat! tra trend ‘rend rend unemployment anim’plomant! workplace wackplens! Adjectives casual egies? demanding d’ma:ndin! fecanomi ska'aomik eccromicaljek3'nomikal? feshausting 23 hospitality / hos Inonotonovs ima'antanos! attime / pa: ain fetal redundant 'dandont/ rewarcing rt wosdig! tunerglayed anim pond! ‘nse sl Verbs ppl pla ampere ken pis? earn lar fndorse an'dass! Invest n) n'vestl persuade pa'swetd! tobe promoted request eewest! retire taal Munir is THE LAW Nouns actions "kona! arson Paso Sotho bulary“basglan consaquences“ontstkwantsi2/ comet Pkonvikt! rime ate eau ret! criminal ktm! Geter‘enidterant? tevidenes evedan fine a fraud raed? Imprisonmeat/m'prtzanmanti inequality a kwolot Intent nent am Wordlist Intrusion in'teurson! Judge sad Jury soe Kidpapping Metdnepny lawyer Tota motive "autre! ‘murder Ped tence /afens) Diespocketingikpokitin’ prevention pe venfand DulsonPpevzan! prisoner perzanal Property cine Meet keaumy presectorprosikjutal protection pea tekfon! Punishment "panismant? Fecdlessnes rekon smuggling magia’ Seciol system Psaualsiston searing Pswearin! the acused toxic waste tokstk west ‘ondalsm Pvaendolzom ict fviktimy oaton va Adjectives «imino krimnal rg elated frag eed! vinyl sity gt? hash aiff insert nasantl Intentional i'tenfonal’ law-abiding vada! ron violent on’ varolont? fensive/afensiv! fon tial on trata petty rime) peti? punishable "pamfabl ‘ancon Peendany strc strkt? “rintentcna amin tensanal ‘ctmless akon” Verbs abide (by) otoa abalish a boli Combat kombat! deter ida tnforce fn Jimprison dim’ prtean ‘anion mont bey fatbe! offend fend berpevate paiptret! brevet fervent! protect prattekt! prove pr unis pane? resent nati! respect n'spekt/ Volt 'varolet/ fon 1m Verb phrases accept the consequences Conve a criminal Impose are passa low five crime Buwiri9 THE MEDIA Nouns access /tekses! de tt jus? futhar aia bias baa Consorshipsensafip/ challenge felinds) rect reds blot Cren afars/karont fez! ster Pedr xpoaéek'spouzet! exposure K'spau3a! fome fem! Free press i pees! ideology (audio odsil Influence “iflases! the Internet Investigation nyvest'gexfon! issue ifs JeumalPdsaenol journalism 'dg2enottzam/ Irass rela nes iz reais’ ratwork net wash! the news newspaper jus petpat newsstand Pajuestaend) ‘oplntonfoptnjon! aparaz\ peep et press pres! Privacy Ppewasiy ublicaton /pablrkerfan/ Duby ‘paisa Dublsher pablf3) relevance elovans! safequors ea soure ss! Speculation /spekiolexfon! ‘able tabi! the Web anihcalec'ifal base Mharost? celebrity iebroti! ontoversialjkonta'vasfal Alistoted fast entertaining /ent'termn) fectul eke Toal lnfooranive /in'fosmatind intrusive n'trass’ Ivastigative investagatvs mainstream Pmeinst pervasive po'vesiv! realise etisti ‘Sensational sen sesfonaist) superficial fsuspa'fifal ‘iniase fam baroat! \welklformed velinfosma! Verbs affect foe broadcast prac tensor sense! fone kanal plot eksplant! ‘pose ik'spoun! Infor nx Invade n'veid! investigate ta vestigent! publcz pablisatz! publish pablus! Fepor ipo review vj very venta Miunit20° THE ARTS Nouns actor Pektay Setrersiaktros) Bestia fs tik appreciation 'prifeuson! attlect Pasttekt) aitstPastist| ‘osphareetmostio! audience "o:dians! Ballerina jenna! ballet bee carving kav ‘conception fkansep fon! concert "konsat! crafts rafts ‘ration /ksetfan! culture "kala femoten i'maufon! eshbitionekst bifand frpressionk'sprefon! festival Testval galley gitar ‘nage humid ‘imagisation meds fon Jinence“inivaas ‘inspiration anspuretfon Sotimacy Pumas literature tat fa ‘mood musa musician ‘pera 'oparar corchaia skista/ ‘fen! performance pa'fosmans! the performing as play feu port postron roportin ipr'po:font Fellection 'lekjon! ‘spans inspons! sculptor skal sculpture 'skalpefa stimulus stumjalas! Siyesstal! taste ets Adjectives sostrect iestrakt/ ‘complished "kam ‘esthetic set! burgeoning Pbsdsonin! Hlesieal elstkal Creative kev? ultra eat fora istratingi'steaektag! select /ekIektk! bectric Plekinks tmotiona \'maufonal! Fundamental and ment al! Imaginative 'meedsinatwv) Invent fluent! inspirational anspor etfonal” Interactive amta'ektr trary tara? live laws magical Pedal! ‘monotonous m'motanos! ‘mundane fman'det passionate "pafonst! popula 'popiala Prominent *proemont! Felaing er eksi Stimulating stim slertin/ visual visual viv ve Verbs choreographEsriogra:t/ create kee ‘esi pot? envch anni ‘scape hskeipy imagine imeem’ influence Pmflusas! Inspr “i’spaist participate /patisipent! perform potoxm! provoke prvaaki ‘rarscend tren send

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