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The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century Phillip Darrell Collins & Paul David Collins iUniverse, Inc. Now York Lincoln Shanghst ‘The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship ‘An Examination of Epistemie Autocracy, From the 1th othe 21st Centry Al igh Rez © 200 by Philip Datel Caine No part hisbok ma beepoducad renin ay fom oy any mes, tipi leroie or mechani icadigphsoopying, coding, pig oy {hy ifamaton nrage ne peers how he mien emi a he blir oie Fo infrton aio: "Univer, 2921 ine Lae Rd Sie 100 nal, NE G¥S12 ISR 0595-31664 ‘int she nil Sie Aer. Special Thane te van D'Are ‘AHidal Michel Corbin Je Rene in Ostic Anita Langley Dr, Stanley Month “Andee Migs Shane Smith Wayne jusie Brother Jon Mathews Fran Tar Vern Ste © (wr Preius Lor and Save, "ess Chee, DISCLAIM! Alinough this book press an indiment of the Masonic Lodge a par of « Lucian conspiracy edocs not present 28 indictment of individ Free sons. The authors ale that theres dnc dierence bench Many 34 energy and Masonry a 2 eligion. Many Freemasons are good people who have no Mea thar che higher Adepe dere to asec osu dctine and are Leia tn fix, some Masons ae evn eid Chistns who bee they are put of a Gol-earing brotherhood. Such was the ese wich many of Ameri: Founding Fathen, Morecrer ti eportane for ear to elie that he conspire of which hse suchon ape dacs no Bnd i epicenter eclvely within the Masonic Lodge, [No single nity alone consis this conspiracy. Many diferent organizations nd individuals comprise At ines dhey spear o be in opposition Ar cher Times they appear to bein concord. However, che uke gol emia she ‘ame. Do not yal of the blame on Commas, Nai ier conserais, Republicans, or Demorats. Abrately do a fallow bigoted and rac woes that ek o exclusively inc Jews or other eens. This isa deception and ‘one tha hslloed he conspirators inate chemseies. Finally, rae that with of without chose groups and individual, cher wil lays bea conspiracy to ght. The conspiracy within. Weng under nis Sion a the Lord's Holy Spit, che Apo Paulie this onspracy For we wesde noe agaos fl and blood, bu sgt princi, spans powers ant the le of thedarnes oft word spans pr ita wicker high plas (Epson 611-12) Uluiacly, dhe war muse be fought in the min and she pti fll mankind "Yes in ling sient reszarch and discovery in respec swe should, we musa Beales to dhe equ and oppose danger chat pubic poi could inal lcome the eapsive of scenic rechnologcl ine _—Bisekomer Farwell Ade to the Nation Tuy 17,1961 Contents Foreword cece cece Pee (Cuapver 1 THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS .. Cuarrer 2 THE CLASH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIDS Seer Cuawren 5 THE FUTURE OF THE COMING GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIP... Sources Cited About che Authors are) m 27 23 Foreword LL Mencken wo wed he Soe il rae Thre apes ompicy of scat for. Tse pps so ‘wei down eligons poppe moray, nd rele malt de lee ofthe fry are the ee and sien of Be who “jm rocongu the wer Hypetbotc hough hey may ound, Mencken's words were ser tothe rth Ahan, perhaps even heeled: Few se not counted with the imewoon aap "Knowledge is power” In che orga Latin the word scene” meant “kno ing” or "knowledge" The "eonsprcy of seni o which Mencken cfr is, more suciney a eonspiracy of knowledge. I conscious eff © monop- ‘le, manialte, distor, and exploit knowiedge to he mos ei of ends HG. ‘Wells called this conspiracy the "Technoay.” Aldous Husky, ho was Well rote, more sucinet characte tar enti dicot” From the dawn of ancgity othe wight ofthe wens censure id den manpultors of mankind have sought o pres their metho of ental “These shadowy puppeters have Been assigned numerous appclains. Perhaps the mose commen name ascribed othe ee "luminai which Ltn for ose who are illumined Inespective of wher name is asigned them, ome of ther members and agenarcomprxe a portion of the Teshnocay (Other members ofthe Technecracy ae cho elPniates Le vidal ho ‘recognized the esoteric doctrine underpinning thee Bale sycm an ine themeles int Muminsm) or jus folie paw who hve baled our ‘ince into 2 whore forthe elie. The Technoeracy ha lo been further divided ty factionalsm within its own eanks For inetance tht i division amongst var tus Fist and communist vanes ofthe Technocrcy. However, despite thee isgrement al ofthe Technocacy vs towards x singe gol lab“ ttle dicarohip"(.e,a New World Onde) sv The Acuna ofthe Scie Dicurnbip Before the bith of dhe Tecmocracy, the laminas primary combaans ia jn epnermologiel war guna humanity wee pies and phionaphers. nial, cowl wat maintained though wligon inutons. Hisorialy, thee of tgchs have ben Lacfeians, bling thames to be the corporeal vse of mangle dsen who was until asigned che defamatory tga of “Saas. For them, Laci an impersonal force dha they must hares in der o co summate their proces of “becoming” and ache apotheosis neath, thy ate the pet of the Avene Hirall Morea yo nmr med rail dil tm depose the one rue Go the lumina ised the abortive temp 0 Son sruct the Tower of Babel. Their philotophicl scone pure the sie goal cody Sat earengeest cm Go it wet tc tur ceecgec of tel sf daokeience inthe Garden of Ede, mad this for oF manipulation een cs ie, The clergymen of he elite dseminated propaganda cing various dis as the sources oftheir Knowledge Igporanc of their own Crear, che mases acceped the staesanciond religions of che ean cas. Yet his apparatus of ‘ont evenly los its eflciens. Simply ying othe mses was aa sal ‘ent forthe maitenanceof thr deception. Thee slays sxe te beaver tant of iadependene thinkers who would tr up dient within the population Even the polemical wickery af spins ould not dy te inevitable dinolon ofthe cli’ lluon “This iinse defen within the elie's contol apparatus wat openly exposed frallt sce when a cern carpenter from Nzuo suddenly appre Speaking word thar o other ong fad tered, Hedman the sof he cl fisulen priesthood. Thos who heard Him and knew Him were well are ofthe fc that He was no mere carpenter. Though this man, humanicy ‘ru once again touch and commune wth the God that elgon had ebfisctd Recognizing this miaculous peson asa teat hee pow, dhe cliehad Him cated. Yet ot even death could conquer he Nerene carpenter. To this ex ‘iy therm of nue Chi resins emp. Desert eo save hie dining. hegemony, he ruling clas modi thee rang “The ovee promulgation of Fins was abandoned in ior ofa mor able method of col the alin cl could wild an usr for of conol over Jeol then they cold cin exasveawatenes of i te nature. Afr achicing dis aby cont the ‘woul! promulgate dhe encepes within Fone ow scademia and other offclly acceded intuions, Contaminated by vst ‘sin of thought, che abilty ofthe sverige pon to independ reson ‘vould be fective sabotage. Gea the eve bean to co-opt the newly ‘metgent methodology of truth dicermmen..cence. Intl, hit new fore of “Laowlaige” appear tobe anchecal 9 eligion, However, beneath ts vel of mae and naturalism lrke the very se occule myst practiced in Taiplon. The following is an examination ofthe eit eistemiesucracy, 4 “conspiay of cei” that epitomizes the words of Pal the pose: or the vibe hing Him th cen of th wo ae nly en, ling undone bythe things tha are mad cen His ral poe sd (Gedo thy ate ihc. Bc nt when they Enc Go ‘hy ried Hin not sx God, nether were hai: bce a8 ‘hr imagone and their ih a ma end Pring hes ‘srt ew ey became ls Roman 13052. 1 THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 2 The Amending of th Scie Dictaaip Exposition Asaniqulty gave way moder hor, the outa tres ofthe powe ite serrenovtd to preentan piensa" dcop.” Sub {psn wily, the ulingcl seed cone of iene and weet an pe ‘nological weapon” agit the maser The history and backpound ofthis "ier dion is a conspiey, created and mitomanaed by he hi tore of Darwin wich has oundaons in Freemason Conspiracy doors 0 both the ef and igh pesusions eomsitenly quote former President Eco ference he "mary indus complee d= ing hic frowell addres. However, many of them oven another imporae portion of his pech and, han il to grasp the re dimensions of his compic- 4 In bis addres, Eivenomer slo ioe ee following warning “Teta heling crac mu cory ropa tw hk tat al ede tel abd oppose dager sar pulpy cold TEA tee de pe a» sknfotedobgi ie” (Evsawes Fw Aliso he Nason Jnr 7-960, “This th mature ofthe consi, 8 tenis toy. "enti technolog- ial ete” Yeu the conpicy doe involve che defense industry, which rape Tge profs lsc conics with covery manure ene. Ye, ie docs invohe che atonal rcsiy te the existence of which is dependent upon the sscetmaintnunce of aerate abroad. Yes, i dec valve corporations and traihybusineamen, Ye, the compcy of which Exner spoke does not ‘fine inde these nee alone “Thevaling class aor marly waging 2 war the ret of humanity for money and powcr. swiging a war of dea fh ehough is ideologies and philo- ‘aphid, Ti waging «war of knoe, ough through an esteo- logical that wil be dcused shor. Lasly and moet impor swaping» war of nse, fought though a teshnocrteprthood that worbipe ‘thar mas inl God given instrument For the broadening of human under Sanding, Iss. lnowlegeacene-all dese ae inhabitants ofthe minds ‘ich i the wloimate buted Only within the mind can the ring class {eee til ebjecive: thereceton of man in che image of thie [THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 3 “The contamination of uence by tht pricthood event the elds adop- ‘ion of progresively vulene seins of though. radeal empiri, metphys fal natualsm, Malthsianim, Darenizm, dial envionment lhaiorim, ee Many ofthese concep ae derivate ofthe eit awn occult doctine coumetally enovated to pea as abjectve scence. lof these con ‘opts corel in sme way and, some pin, coalesce. Together, hey ae grad sally paving the way for dhe renuodction ofthe hidden god of dhe Ancient Mysteries, ‘The Epistemological Cartel In Th Archit of Moder Plt! Power, Dail oursnerexhasivey ot: lines any of eter employed by the cite to mainesin their dominance Among ane of them ix "Oncsible cont ver the knowl, by marketing lnwietonally scene science as he only path co true undeeending” (Pouzane, 2003, pg 75). Thus, the ung dass endeavors wo discourage indepen lec eso while exercising illusory power over human knowledge. This acts of onttl though knowledge suppesson and seleivedisemination ie reertd Intheanonymously authored Sew Weapos fr Que Wars gi rcp they al cio ea Nal len he study ofthe eres ad oil of ral eer a sol ene ee Calyx ax coon he ty of te ours a on of ety Both ae bokeping pte Matemar he pitay ey cA the book cn be king publican Deke grate a te ‘netndloy ofthe bosthcging Al cence isd senate a end The ‘means is koa, The ee i conal Kith See aed Suproned p208, 193), The word “iene” ie derivative ofthe Latin word seni, which simply eins “knowing” Therefore, this elie monopoly af the knowable, which ie ‘nore hough instieuconal science, could be chara as an epistemolog- fal el, The ling ess has suboral the "Bookherpe” Ge, natural ahd oc scent). Meanwhile the masespracically defy she "bokeepet” of the lie and remain “ignorant ofthe metodalogy ofthe booteeping” The knoe author of Sew Waspon fr Que War provide sn eloguenly simple ‘summation: "The means is knowlege. The end is coneol. Beyond this remains ‘only one sue: Who wil be the beneician? (Kit, See and Supprsed. 203, 1998) 4 The Asn ofthe Sent Dicatnhip Ie Brave Naw World Rete, Aldous Hurley more sccncdy dfned this pisemologcal ete "The ler cats because hey nl ee sup the bj wih ough ren raph ene cough nade, a mei ‘Under + serie esto, edeion wil rely wok with che rel ‘arate and wom wl om op ole hee wl eve ‘eam frelon ‘Thr sem 19 be tog reson why dhrouhl senile estnip Should eer be svete (Huey, Bae Naw Word Resse p16 1958, ‘This the ukimateobjcine ofthe ele an oligarchy leita by ei ‘ely anoined expos: of knowedpe” or, in Haley's own words, 3 "sien tiie deter” Hatley Sint prnted the "sientic dcmtonhip” e the ‘public imaginaon in is ook Brine New Word, fc, ee lire gee of - ec tion isl has played sghfean rol in programing the mases fr “hei comfoable sinilton in just sch adits, Science Fiction: A Means of Predictive Programming In Depa In, axis of pial side Lyndon LaRouche chim tha Hu ley’s book, Brie New Word, was actualy mas appeal” orgniing document writes “on behalf one-werld order” (p53, 1992). The Unita Sac the Sly place hare Hides "cence von len” sgh sn dlp conl ‘erinacion af fc (p53, 1992) Isher ae then che “cenit ‘hig presented within the pages of rave New Words cided roman «ce svsting canbe enaceent Such fen the ae with "iience ton” erature According resachet Michael ofan, hierar genre iinsramenel nthe indoctrination ofthe mass into the dacines of he lite ‘Teall “we on” his peel mast pe mn eset game porte of anereng e Tag Sic ee oti he kin the Mag Hr {Copiocny. Ae ].H. Tews pin an in Ch oop hi {THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIEIC DICTATORSHIPS. 5 the tno yng nth, he el alr pic ep, Whee ‘ha wih he acer of NASA's Gi space por an the Apa on Aig, mare sri aon and ropely stad “eee Be ‘in ponies Toate seeing ine, am he ae 19 cy "hough the 1950 he pie progam town arene in” ad sane of being dra athe etry ie of ajo anal ‘nas finan. 205,200, “Thus “sence ton” i meas of conditioning the mass to acop ue visions ha hee wish to eangibly enact. Thi procs of gral and sube inulon ie dubbed “predicsve programming” Hoffman caborates “Pred tive programming wor by means ofthe propapcon ofthe ilusion of inl pacurate vision of how the wold ia going lok inthe Faure” (Hanan, p 205, 2001), Alo dubbed sc ineviatlan” by Honan, preicive program ning analogous oa vrs ha infcrehos wch che fils i that ee 1+ Use scent eb ont *+ ci picoumtercatr sleeosch cot which sacl 2 coun, covey emanating fo he ene nk + Tha the aang (lation of cath eas uno ep + Thaceinion slo of the pein + Thoth soho theca bye sur sendin Holinws. p. 8, 2001. on (Conn 64) oar Memes (consagious ideas) are inilled trough the cicuaion of “mass apps” documents under the guise of “sence fton” leat, Once sub ‘med ona prychocopitie lel, dhe memcr Boome el ulfiling prophecies ‘mbriced by the mu and outvardyapproimaied though the efor of the lite. As this examination of the “een dcaronhip” proces, the previous Tse of ilsory notions promulgated by ac. predictive programs wil can tinue 1 renurfce, Bren 1 ctl peril ofthe gest body of scence Bion ‘would reel this rim. The genre consis litle more thin 2 clletion of allegrize version ofthe ele'secale Darwinian dacrne. The wf concepts ‘oF tpia and dystopia ae relly Hegelian erm forthe ame thing socialist ‘oataian seen. 6 The Aeznany of he Sienie Diars “The si ome invarably extend sf in the realm of occ, which the nailly underpins de docnes ofthe ie. Cal Rake expounds ypon the doves beret the we Fk se elie kere ea ey val de nel yt sf ceri aie nay Wit mich a HP. Loser and ag Thee Baoughs, progenitor a the Taran and Jane lo, we pictieg 1 Rea lard uit fhe tort gfe nr nig priya concialy dridel 9 coat Bis sence Bion wr at Sein bet tom yan which chr” me up. Sons Botha ce fay" pre fey the word of eee ebohe a ay veal een ina conned biol (Rach, 503,190, Jus as Hubbard's novel psd the way for his "church of Silay, the scence fon genre a1 whole is ping the way Sr a new dheeey. Rasch caborstes ter onthe eigou dinensons of icince ton See eae eee en eater eet el et ‘einer oh he apa aod he di, The oa Bi sid ‘plate si Lac! Sor Wa logy Rac, 981990, As the vison of the ete i subliminllyenonded within the public mind ‘rough sc preicve programming, the Lacfin religion ofthe rang class ‘sal unconscieusly subsumed. One major sch poste of Luciani was ‘Gane Roddenberry, ceaor of Str Tit a intevew, Roddenberry andy ee et eee era Ae nay atc conser the quo aay, aie Ln God sly you a Tink ne enligee bingy ont lac ne all pie of (Co rebcming God Alec 58,199) (OF eure this reiterates an elder whispered by dhe serpent in Eden: “ye shall beas god" (Genesis 3) es ache core of Licifrinism and its doctine ‘of ecoming” This ithe ocel concept of hecoming,” which the elite disem= insted onthe popula eel ns Darwin. Erouon i aa ich cis purported eapstormation af ma into God 0 nse tion gare Fac bon cent en the indactriacon ofthe mais ‘hough [THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIP. 7 For insane, the scence Bion of H.G. Well woud play 2n important clei _pomuleaing the conepe of ruin. J.P. Verner explain Science on aid lst impsiieo ine ele al ik bey nw wh ond yr a ton ll evel a pet Hl ‘et woul sige hat lon, a pried by Wally tha ised oF ton raateg nee contention of man wth esp, one eran shams mer essa (Sv &Pn 8S, 1977), If eis concep of reitive programming” sms fina, examine the case of HLG. Welisa lie close. Wells was memord by TH. Huey, panther of ‘Aldous. In ue, Wells would tutor Alou ad his brother, Julian Al ofthese nen were Drwisians and member ofthe FremasooicLadge (he sigicance ‘of hich willbe revealed sony). Vernier eels Wal’ religous sdherence tothe concept of olin and i nspion om hi aan suthor of ince = “The impact f th sor fet oi WA] id well ri se te fs when he ade the Lc of TH, Hil, at Sat ening in 184 and 1845, en ease, flo ao prev ‘him wa he fandom en of hse romance and of many oF ‘aon ni Sv ei, 70,1972. ‘Wells woud author sever “ass appeal tacts disguised a sienceftion ovls. Mose notable ofthese novels was The Shape of Thing 20 Came. Deceased resacher Jat Keith old the flowing asesment of Well? The Supe of Things to Come Ain rong, deci the bok i rsd a= wor of anes Ron, br with pgs Wel ber gust fam the New Wald Onder seal camera pa, fom 1930 popes ‘While pimutiy + wok of propaganda hae pubes the one wel woven of Wels sd th iterators ding the fs al of ths xargs eatery sven in hat tan apne ny fhe age ‘eto Beene (ith, Mind Coun Word Con 13,1997 (OF course ot al of Well’ prophecies were 100% acunte tm his exaine- sion of The Shep of Thing we Come, Keith concluded ta 8 The Atay ofthe Scene Dicuonip ‘Wale wa no props gos inline, ely ance Btn wer vi thas of mn tm erent cong os toral wort Hie el ll 5 sooner ey om cron seas (Kei ind Cod, Wor Co 18 197) However, Wel soma «cf did exhib serange degree of pss, Jim Keith enumerated the various intances of uncanny acuracy in Wall The ype of Thing te Come. Among on ofthe synchronicies Keith Rud in the et ‘Well descriprion ofthe ele’ primary appara Fr the anlgmation ofthe worl’ economic ystems: ‘Nosy Wel laste iy of London —the ner of king eler—and fini cc trope king gether ‘world ean ie ov the ei buned ears Wih ce erin is corms oun bur wih th eres wae ‘2 oo hm then dependent tna ats and weg ‘es. cane alow the gral dawning the te othe Word eth ‘Mind Covel Wr Cn p14 997) Another instanceof uncanny accuracy was Well prognosis concerning second glabal war and polation of infetous dese ‘Walsh: World Wart aging in 1940 Pla omer angie ight tan by 2 Na aver dhe aeons of ole of Jews agin He cars ‘Word War tas ices, aan ong of lena a he hing ole 1949—staying remain te al oe oa be Fellows by stesso, tht af ramp dae, “The Rad of the ‘Gen the proceed cite of AIDS, El, Mi Cow des, and th ‘lane vid aanean th pene samo ofthe ma engneingoF ‘esate eer petoe Well ding parca sha ven ‘noel Fra Ew Jas ih Mind imal Ward Can We 1997), (One ofthe most clucidating relations found in Te Sp of Thing t» Come vs the group that Wells claimed would be cel othe Raton of + one orld governmene elspa rope hc ration of th Now Wald Ox nthe op ects of fre ephan-ADDED) aha Tete cr” (eth Mind Con. Word Cnr ps {HE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 9 Welding “osensble conta over the knowabl” the went of hit “Tesh oeracy” implement a Fabian seaegy of “grail eologal asimiasn (isch, World ConrolMind Con pp 16-17, 1997 Incremental, he ne work of sents engineer the amalgamation of maint ne 3 lob gow Ie is imeresing that Wels would employ che applion of “Technccrasy"in reeds to oneworld order and global government, American engines W.H. Sith coined the teem in 1919. Goer, ic ees to assem of government ruled by so-called “expens” parculay sents. Oxford Profesor Caroll Quilyalio wrote about an sttocrcy of “exper” suggesting chat a cognitive clas "il replace tbe democratic voter ia ctrl of the poll syste” (Quigley. p. 866, 1956 OF this democracy of experts, Wells ate ‘The wal pal rguinaon wl be democrats th s o th or ‘tne ad Een of al bin inmate ach wth aed open ‘het the gener shot of the edo whole populon (Well, The pon Copy p26 3K ica etc and author W. Warren Wagar commen: on chi statement Read cil: Hed nor the wold poreent wold sed bythe propo i woul eh be espe othe pope—jat thx who ered” (Well, The pen Copia p28, 202) ‘Agin, the Halon theme of “rene dictacnhip™ emerges. This i the fae ha the mass have been condone accept tough peice pro a ‘The New Theocracy How did the “sienifc dicatoabip" ofthe wench cenery hepa? In caer ‘cenuves the ruling las conta dhe mases through nore mystical bli ye tem, grtculry Sun worship (Pike, p. 593, 1942). Yer, his would all change Te Seco of the inj Kei document the sie rom theocracy ofthe ‘Suit cc oF "ecic Sic th Sun Ga (and is wus lansing sand wine) wer, sf eral hows yea a wap eying ay und es 10 The Aen ofthe Scene Diop ‘eat fbi, bx commoner wre going sumed {Mita rato ecw, tc Ihe! cams op wah ator tal inproed ‘eso fh mind col altar tha dat epern p ie San od {Moon Gags br elimat ao Keith, Sac fe nap 75,199) Pris and el were soon supped by ew bed of bookkeepers and anew “methodology of booesping” Keith elaborates ‘As the San Mog eae sme fx popu "Ses wot vice heap some af he ack. Accrington th pl lw the unee vere te uke ese tor ad tral hoe pe Inve wee ry chomabl deen Huns) ie eth So orf nna. 779,199), ‘his concious inducod paradigm shift Fated the emergence of the lies new theocracy. Examining the revelation Fah eae underpinned the ‘movement establh a lobal “sientiedesorip,” JanesBlingron reveal the new catalytic ace trough which man would tempt ashi pothesis 1 rece phi then fr rotons oman de young ‘Mar de Ran of Lan ee Pree whe les pc the ae of makin The Pome th of esi oy st inmany rec he gece bet tht ee el mew of rk ts i ong ADDED) gon. 1980). CTi Treectenn fly AiG ly wsegpeiesd a repany of coe ‘runes to eas scan etlarian wld government, severed scence the lkiate source of wath Scene exminology supplant the very mytic cal veracubr f the elt’s aca docines and became the chi Barr of humaniy’s diicaion. Jian Keith provide an eloquenly simple wimation oF this proj in epistemic ation Now the unin are he waning nace wth romain of ‘he neane wid of Bun bt sping mem a hy, tl they get ae the cere reece aa fom mpatcal socom of war sod pune, Tht vin of ie fl cay ced cD Rl ey el c sed on] a ofc taranacaa om opel ws gd ete open we Ori St + dopa proved fae by Norman Macbeth hs mage Dern ‘evils exon elt by Genre Hires Darn (Hatin, $9,200, Sddaly, “ostensible contol ove the knowable® becomes the Disine Pov ence of goltke“bookleepers” Metre hee opponents Deore heeice find ae "burned athe make” (he, arial by scum and eter scale Insicuon) Honan sates ‘The dace of an paying ad ees is main he pity Fin iim ich makes posible the complement spiral an phys teen of makin! hough elie ch x mie and compete ‘an wae of aie sbeebs "Al cing ye” above te ‘hnihed pid on he US. one dal il (Hofinan, p50, 2001). This islsicenthronemene and defeation of che elie’ “bolkepes” rove the Lucian foundation of sientsm. Reeraing the contentions of Honan, Wiliam Cooper explains ‘The WORSHIP difiet fom STUDY flow ene SADDED}, a nly Suni i hx parce fm. nd i go ace Is sett mba the alse je in he pai (Cooper. p70, wan) Im other words the scientific diaorsip” represent the higher spratone ofthe Adveray insole. isthe chescay of Sa, ‘Atheism: A Philosophical Segue for Luciferianism ‘Osenibly this theocracy wll be thi, However, acs wil only acs 2 ‘atl for an enormous param shife This begins wih the elation of sig tifcint plop paradox nis wo atheim. Aathcs Ron Caron and Ed Deke explain thi iis paradox 16 TheAvendany ofthe Ssntite Diorkip Je pllsophicly pone o bean abi sne to be an at you ‘mat Bae iit kei tw abel a dee no Barco vente knowlege, you would hae th Go your I hao Gal usd nda to cw en (Crone Dk pins In order w be philosophically consent, death mus ently conchae that hehe i a god, This i abo the mantra epee by cla humanism, which remain os ligne with akc and Devinn Athi i mee a Plilosphial segue for human, In cum, humanism ie merely 2 segue fr Another bai rem. Whitaker Chamber, who was a fxmer member of he (Communist underground in Americ, reveled this belt ytem when he id “Human is oc a: i ac, a’ sec ot ih promi washed ne oe yf Cees under the ial kag a ‘Gondand Evi el ea ol do Ble 206 193) ‘Simply sured, humanism i Lcifraniam diseased on the poplar ee Teis thee of expen in Genesis 3:5. The Freeman Lodge uses» smi 95° tem of incremental inculcton igo Lacan. Revecher Willan Sil dines this proces “Thur, a Chisian i slowly encouraged co become 4 Deis a Des becomes an Athi; an Ache 3 Satan (Stil. 75,199), Darwinism, an invention ofthe Masonic Lage, fiitate the population of ahs (Darwin's invoemene wl bearish man in cain is undergoing a enormous procesing ita malevolent thee ey As forthe ats who do not make thi paradigm shi, the Ladge hae already dterined thee fates On August 15. 1871, 39% Dagee Freemason Albee Pike presented the blaine for word ode in er to laa evo ‘onary leader Gisepi Maza. To this very day the leer i etalogued inthe Brish Museum Libary ni Pike penned the flowing revelation concen the destiny ofatheiss ad Chia lke esl nea he Nii and Aci and we shal provoke frm ‘esi cathum which al tr wil sdl htons he Att of bolt ann af ergy af them lady to ‘he evyhe the it ged df uti err, wl ett he {the ka lve th Ch {HE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 17 fm tht manent without exp (ction, anus an ea bat ‘out twinge tcl elon: wil wee ee Bight Timah fica mn ote pre acl of Lal boat Fru ine pic nen s ania which wl oul the greta ‘acto mre wh wil low the desta of Cristy and ‘ion lsc ad ccm a ae ine gd in Ca ivi he coming goal sient dicttoriip” shall have only one god and he sal parent t Cirsian nor the unin. Materialism: A Veil for the Cryptocracy While hit nw hry vein sai, et be unetod tha be oral on owing and fm of ein hin {re mligius pgetorsAccompenying the plvophicl ote of ahem is trmeraton, te comenon at mare’ bade meh primacy. Dae Powers how malaise a fm fyi “The meri ste mya who ies in eine wou concious, thd pcs daiton ta ag accueil Soe soy “SIR me™ "he ele" pan” "he common pod {Ge Ponsa p 8, 2002) Moria i a lly aligned with dhe Kabbaisic mics of mets lyse naursm, which wil be exmined sony. AC any ate he matics (ot naterlisn yas dined to divert tention away rom the spa aren of Lfininm uederpianing the eechnocratccongpiracy. With the yes ofthe nase tured exch towards che word of mater, the le are fie 0 con sitet their global ati dictnraip.” Meanie ok nly cite indivi thor groups a the source ofall thee woes. Unable ro ini he spiral rincpes of Lucifeanan da ar bing engi enacted sgh before hi eps, fhe mans hoplesdy aioe that the nlifeaion of cern pres wil se ‘hei problems: Chitin phlorpher Joa Pal Jones bores ‘Accnking his tei nto ll we sa do ifn the mate nes oe nd dye Ae ll sine ata same al ess reir iy lpi ge! nd cones predipess asune have fou ced by aca ysl dears ge oss {en 6208 8 The Atndiny ofthe see Disorip Te ourgowr of his paradigm is what Jones cals the sac rd deo” pproach 0 dealing wih el Jones, p- 6, 2003) Jones expe Further Caney, theo tein nt, wer Chitin Fhe secon ened in cps to dey the oligo poole oy ‘hnk rth ot ofthe prem, So we eo exam, he aon gate" om gate" wa ad vaio cera which ek ose mora hey alley pos and ley, a ewe tthe set of ei in Earp ole thc we in se the ‘apne viene by simp rina any iio fp Pe we abo winor the pom of Clone populasn ce hgh fecha atesnoioned orion nie, td fe ean, Senge nnd bd penal Jones 62009, Inthe mid of his chaos, the reshnocrai onic comin unabated I udivon wo obixcaing the te source of humanity’ wos, materia also tes niga othe suppresion oF ome venus of eget esearch Dring the couse of his tui in ternative cence, Antony Suton reveled tat ‘undeound reearchen were probing ender dscoees inoondant with and holy beyond our materia view ofthe universe” (Milege . 6, 2003). aborting on she drccion ofthis underpound canene in scene ‘esach, Suton prognstcatl: uci 2 ceneiy technology wil ea pa: Aig electing these discovers, ignored in the aves wadtion” (Milegn, 96,2008) Evidently, he world of tomorow is one where matrisn shall Become ‘extn Homes, a long its powe of lls x potent the Tecnocacy skal ‘continue to drape scence in material's mephyscl vi Th, the suppres Sion of te scenic innovation sky to continue. Former President Eisen- howe eaghzed his sapresion aed commentd ont in his xewell address “Today the oltre daring in shop, br bn onehadowed by ta sof eet bros at stg es In he sae iin, ‘hee univerty itr he nmin of idem sett i ‘vc ha opined aod nh co of crc Ply et ‘fhe ge ce nels goer ene eres vn aaa "ue for llc crs For vey ol coud tht ae ta han “rss of ne elie compares Ehenboers Fall Aas he Nan, Janay 17,1960. THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 19 10s inerecing hae Chal For bleed shat man dled th dog of ater node sii ima othe eee of wha wing done obi by means of peo ‘pial aire meds hype by “emidncs”ymbotan and a (Hota p68 200, ‘A menplytc smoke seen carey obra hums view ofthe np tual principe yp which so many ofthe world's dilemma eI he mirage lof acelin Radical Empiricism: An Epistemological Pretext for Reality Reconfiguration ‘Api, oust be urea that the sew inaitution of kooinginoded by heel warand ea form of mii kee religiousprecanes.Asi hs been [Weviouly cabled, one ofthe win pls underpining scien is empit- ‘im (Shermer, 2002), fat, mat of contemporary scence is praicted pom ‘nptcsn. This the epistemological stance thar al knowledges dcved exc sively erough the ese. Lyndon Laoucheexphins che inberent favs oFempi- Ica By the nature of or process of re pepin ret poetion of ‘he wold oud ur in ops det ao wha word en ‘ear kina” bu, rater, he inact of har unpercvd al world upon ‘hei of our mealsry poco nae words the dow on ‘he wall Pos Cave (aoe 203). “Ths the work comes inde mone han an eershitngpliancyof impr loc. All har pecpiontrrveys am mnogu amulgare of “how” comes sine surprise that an excsiely empirical approach relegate eausaity to there of meaphyscal fray. The obviacon of easy had enormous ‘amifcaions for cence, Wha is prceived a causing B could Be merely con- Sequence of crcunstancljstapostion. Although temporal sucesion and pa hl peosimity are axiomatic, casal connection is not Armation of causal ‘elimi imposible, Given the absence of cal, lo sceniss nd- Jigs mare eken upon ih onal scence cer onthe nation of such ‘ce and effects Tht all one can dee wile working under the 20, The Asada of he Scie Diconbip png of radical empiricism, Thus, che elie mer chang one orm ‘yc Fr anoher. I comes lie sprit, within cei aca tle, contemporry science it considered socery dineinaed on the level. For insane, Saaic high pie Anton LeVey read scence a nology 3 "sinctioned, but inet ‘cis (Rasch, p 214, 1990). In fc, scene has become a new form af sorcery forthe manipulation of ter. According © the epistemology’ of empiri, reali litle more thas ‘quagmire ofimpeeions Ix analogous toa hlogaph, the rc of which i be enough tobe manipulated. Thus, ely becomes he ever sing ca ‘upon which ema ine whatever they wish The cenit le in thi Barton of ely was delice in an scr tse ied The Way of ‘Aishored by Comes in 1668, he mani was dedicated eo the Bah Re Soci Rescher Michael Hofinan deboraes Ini Coren afdrne dhe ot ani “lumina” and ete ed theese arp, lth ete mp of te na dor ares ADDED) (Hafan, 2,201. Year Incr, Bertand Ras would recapielte dh Ge tier) role in che erublhment ofthe enpie ofthe human mind ovr mat Redefing sence an incase of ra enpiicam, Raul wrote “The wa in wich cc rive bai i qui ifies fm hac of meio! hogy. Exper a own her dang a eer cp and paced doy, bh tne the pps ay Tete ad cs the resoning ed wp them may be lla Sa ‘ence sr ot om lng suc, Ba es pri Ft rd Kyonenann or experienc Fo numba fh a general ‘ive a of whit tte i onto oe te, Ses thr epenrge lander fea far sul nth ih ngs ‘aay thay at an be scl epee on pricing ‘het “Techie” hn mar a ae thy fom wich mre ‘ex intone ad pein spn rac aoe hich ge {swe "Nasu rat es meal rf hs a bce Impacted el ake manip f ater feng ADDED] (a, igo od Sci pp 13-1519. In ater words, ence o node” becomes the “hina rescues elie ao becomes an tet by whic the wep aginst THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 21 minds of en, wide bythe proverbial Desatean “il demon. This was cera precept of Weisaupt Mumia and he const ofthe Techoracy ly. Gaal wat or in the beginning but evaved fom Man inthe ed Ilingto this conc Man could reteste Eden without Lod. teomes ss "prise tht sci predictive programmer and Bish ineigence set thr. Clarke commented: “Any sufiiently advanced technology i indisin- habe Bom magic” hhe British Royal Society using o Powzne’ previous seement, “ostensible conml over the know= le iachiexed doug the pomalgaion of isin accredit science” ues, p75, 2003). Nov, the eo hd 1 net tro roiement to nee ir epncmologial dominance rience speciflly deignd for their news tn inicion to accredit ad divest ‘The new acular church and clergy ofthe lie originated within the wall oF Bech Royal Soc. The creator: ofthe Rayal Sait werealso members of Monic Lodge. According to Bugent, Leigh, and Lincoln in Holy Bld oy Gat Vaal al dhe Roy Sc funding mem wee Fremsions: One ald ena peda she Roy Srey cl, ea ninco, feo Macaie maton cdiarel trong Andre's Cine Uni fom te ie Roseracanbosbthood (Bagne,Legh Lic, p 1989) Jin Keih kes ilar tha the Masonic Loge has Bean lleged to be a con- Avi forthe intentions ofa numberof ia inter (Keith, Caboak 0 Ale hie Thre, 20,1994). Tn service the elit, che Royal Society Freemasons ‘vould resale epistemological odons and disseminate propa. Jim Keth ord a brief summation ofthe Royal Society's ole in years co come: "The Tish Repl Socey ofthe ne sewenteneh century was the Frranner of mc the moda manipulation the was wo Follow” (Keith, Sanco lumina. 79,199). ‘efre th advent ofthe British Royal Society, since (the stay of maa 1a phenomenon) and theology (ie the sty of God) were nsepnble, The wo 22 Thedvndaney of the Scie Diop THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIFS 25 Fo since de erenion of th wodd Go's nile quilters eal wer and dine natarefave fe ely sec eg derod fom ‘ihren ade heen thou ex (Ram 20 were not spare epostarics of knowles bu natural orelativs, In Cone tion of Mane, Gontied Will Leb eblsd she craly of Gad vo ‘eince, According to Leb the rocmate eign of magne, Bigue, and] ‘motion which costitte the "primary quale af arpa bodies, "cannot be fond in theewenc of che boy” (de Hos, 193), (Of course thie conclusion wis anche ro the doctrine of he “sien Uisatrip.” which contendad that the psa avs of the universe were the iene exif" (Kei, Seu of be minty pp. 78-79. 1999) Meryl acura (ie, naar is Gd) had tobe enthroned, Meanie, Gat presence inthe erin of acience ba o be expunged. To achieve thi the Royal Socery crested Groste division beowen scene and theology thir isang he primacy of mater ince halls of senfcinquity Cape 1996) Linda de Hoyos evel the pia at which science Hn dilemmas ‘The probe ass when check why the ody Eile hi ce and fect eemeg oly ake Tae ee a ‘ne ater han ou. Ths cat beeps’ the ater f ea. ie hemes, sce the mtr inden aay deine Bg, ‘haber uo run” Forte wis who fe fo ar Jove theca be oro nen Etre by hac hi ay tice ety, ofa een made ar by he input of anaes bay. "they xn aur since the bn cl ve en wn cei lo Tt anawe ethan of water bd” there aie the aso ‘fwky soho hve ad ay emit ore sie ch nc eed ‘pon Th quan can tb aed gun an si, bc a 1 Thi igre heme non gee magi Sods cin meer Bend inch nate hse tite de Hoyas 1993. “The Adeps of cca tks lanow thatthe bait becwsen the material and ‘he pia ilasory- Grady, a one ascends the higher dgees of ini ‘inn the Gnostic dviion vanishes Tis rwunication of the material and the Insti mos eflesiely aiculatedin an inerview wth Dr. Stephan Hoel, Tishopof the fist Gnostic Church in America. Conducted by ouralie Robert Ge, che cour ean the poinc at which che natural and he sperma feo thi comegent enero: Eee ee oe ee NG Spates Daihen tates Re Te nec lie fr bods coe al Gone ich inde ang hd pes ih CS “ne we hve denn ic de cnet bv ent Gg Root puny, atin wt a crore ng. ey coe SNe pve ng oe seca ie imony of ng RG. Ys Song here eps ice bers rd io nly by ee orpred ing by ec Bet mo eon cab pen WAY A ‘ncorpre eing tno one mage, fe ad most rhe dan tot, lhe neg and wine with rd cotta of igs tod pone with vege to thc ebtiens fo i aman. Terebee ‘tch a incnped igh snd ing he ol waht by Gale Hyon 153) RG: CISCOP sent fd myc ti iene be ante in sae ve Doyou eve hats hee? SHE Iedeends on what kind of nce ink you wild quite amber ‘ight gues pinay in tore per and me ta beplycta wie a pie comercial etd ok te be the ey igh exile Ate oer el bik ead Sind of 19 cer a ey 2 cctry asin wher “ays {nl won mol lhl Sor mach depend on wh nthe en ticcomuny you ate conan Lens conclusion ectented she theme of Romans 1:20, in which the pos Paul wee 24 The Acendiney ofthe Sei Diemanip RG: So he Higheryou go in hore physi the ne oa go SH: Yes Gey, p39, 2008, I actus, matron and spirale ate nor dihotomouly oppoe ‘meaphyil positions Tey apt edn ode sre decnation. However, emus be underwood dat ecu Adepts do not nearly redacover God st ‘his point of convergence. They simply rlicover de superar ely chat God inhabits. Subseqanly, they ae guided by ther coterie docs tothe spiviual anthesis of Goda deer parang a angel of Fight. That which ‘Clarke calls "mui" i synonymous with sorcery, 3 practice tse by the Lord (Geodae 22:15 Jeremiah 279, Micah 5:12, Machi 33) Like hear aod Geo he dati oF pili guns mac lay es inthe sae synths Stn in ie pret for ‘Metaphysical Naturalism: The Golem Reborn Underpinning the concep of meal maura he nin ha if orig inated with lies: mater. The noi, dubbed “spontaneous geneion,” caclues the involvement of a superniaral Creator. This mitre becomes go ‘eating itself. Louis Pac, whose work cable the Law of Brgeness po ‘ide the mos tein summation ofthis anopomophic myst To ng bone pornos gcrton wou be ene gm wok eer ifr wuld be ste eh reno gn Wma ean too fom mart Ii hong) snd evo aad of et less marl Gl youre wuld he along fed a ter would pac Hi. God wou a 9 Bardo ure moan he sien [Dabo 395, 1970. (Ofte adherents anihropomorphic mysticism, the apostle Pal wre ‘They eachanged he th of Gd oe, and woshipd and eed ceed hing ha the Cetra cer pred Romane 125). Simply sed, nxaphysicl natura is merely another fx of lay. OF cours, ike al ofthe Ge gus of antiquity, de vom ils needle was THE BIRTH OF SciEsTiFICDICTATORSHIRS 25 wom denied. “Spontaneous generaon” was proven imposible by dhe Law of Biogees, However this face did oe stp cern “men of cence” fom ‘honially deifing ature For ianc, Chale Darwin unconciuny reveled Wis idolivos imple through statement He “atl slton picks outwith ‘neting lhe ber varie” (Hoopla 9.18, 1972). Evieo in such statemenes i an unconaious bel chat nt is sent ‘Alter only a sent being holds diminaie tase and, eetefre, “picks ‘ou the vecipens of ie favor Moreover such tarement feel an unonsious Irie in maze a a sovereign dei acing ache ultimate arbiter off and desth “This meme has mersaszed, presenting il oda atthe Guan Hypa This hypothesis hold har che bowphre a selcrating, slang, and ‘eleregeneatingenity (Lovelock, p. 31-33, 1988). Cental oti chs the ontenton dat bck the ving and non-living are eacparble (Lovelock, pp. 31 33,1988). Although the concer of spontaneous generation” wis proven ce ‘ial bankeupe years ago, many contin to restcte s corps oa thie ‘wn Wdlarous presipporiions. This subboro and iraonal anthropomorphic proclivity einfores Paul sasessmen’ of such dase: "Pofeing themes 10 wise they became fol” (Romans 1:22), Why does this cheme of kes mater sponsancously genera life conine to emerge? The newer becaue tha een with ma for aver Tonge. Kis ei ofthe golem, an occu conse preented inthe Hebraic Kabbalah "Thirgthied DegieeFremson Alber Dike revealed that “all the Masonic aso inions one wi [the Kabbalah) thie Secrets and thee Symbol” (Pike, p. 748, 1942). According co this oculetex, the golem war an arly ceed man whos life was animated fom dead mater, The ae Itc Bashi Singer, ho stud the Kebhslshexensively, explained “che gale. ised on ht and ater et rely dd, bt on rng i ephase-AD DED) -Whae the comptes st rb eeepc gn ofa bcartoarigdoreoe FR who beara by dis merous power Wem ig an “poco peraking ighmow. The ap beer iene and ge Fesmingaarower." (Sinan, p13, 201. Drawing upon the esoteric doctrines of ct ocule harage, the Freemason ‘members he Brith Royal Sky re-intocuced the gle so she public mind ner the use of metaphysical natural.” Gradual he compel machina- 26 Theda th Se Dicatoip tions of nacre supplanted the iecuout Cer. Of cous these mackinons wer only intl oancntd cen of the epistemic autocrcy. Thus she “heotlocpey’ of the ete beams the new expos of "rctex” Tit val een of the “Bolo” ix evident in Singer's er wtatements ering the golem: “wavioeesed in he golen. fo my ei child was rouge epi {he bome of abba hs rms isp tae bythe Ba td echlog hd woally eet linn of llc. See oe lenge (afin 116 20, Rel she words of Alou Hunley in Brave New World Rv “The oder iar fl ecause hey could never supply thee subjes with enough bed, ‘rough cies, enough mint [enphass—ADDEDY, and mysterio (p. 116, 1988) The new detstoe do oe ined wo make the sme mistake, Wid che ffcveeashrnement of metaphy cal nary, the Beis Rol Society pe- pred 0 unleash tee ner golem. However, thi golem would bean atialy ‘eed peman presented othe public imagination under the appllition of Darwinian, Evolution: The Occult Doctrine of Becoming ‘Wid the Beh Royal Sociey acting s thei headquarters of popagand, the ele bad created an ntnton to provide celia fr cei specially deigned sence” Now they needed to intoduce the scien” Real da the ounding member of dh Royal Society were all Freemasons This, whstvr “ence” ‘hese men would design would be deriaive of Masonic doin. a The Monn Ing of Many, WL. Wimabun evel the Welanechavang underpinning the ‘ow Masonic “iene “This—the lo [Epi aldl] of an ino apenas aah pupa of he ann lyri, and el purge of mod May i the wil and crite purposes 0 which much tention paid ut ths cpeitng of tect rele oto no ea ‘nnn radon io 4 mogul. A ise dk bese oi awh iis ole rec of putin pace ‘hr oi the Cal foray er purge ha ost a pie i ‘ens nade ang Ch, ‘THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS. 27 Laer ine the book, Wilmahurt reer his heme ‘Man who ha sprang fom eh and deeopd hough he lower kings frau fi pest ran sie har ett empleo (Een ae by ecg glk sing alu i coco est ih the Omcne—to promote hich ran lay a ee he se ‘nang pares ofal nation (Wir, p. 4,198. Yer, Wilmsur isnot che only Masonic scholar who ha oie dhe evar Soi sentiment ofthe Legs: In the book Eri You (raated as The Wayof| Fowcon, Maser Mason Sela sida states The mo import cnet for hol of wry ht we do put om de pei olga we do ot rer sues he erat agen Gre peer ee tet of He bear in eqs aber condone tae we canoe kaw ‘Srey ising gw Bans tL of rola aed ‘srl ne coh A eof ton ody gem Send eave hod vier sinh Bib comriuer ad elie (empade ADDED) (andy, oi Yala. 1197. With Gos efectvecil from scene, man's postion sma wi Da (re sted in the inage of the Crestor) was summary reece. Now, Freemasonry eH inteeci oceae ctine of econ” the bliin man's ude froltion words upon, Charles Darvin rer ths Locsin docine deieation in The Origin of Sei ben we wre ‘smu sleeson works sly by nd for the gon of ech Being ll er orl snd mena cles wi tnd to fegen romeed Pt Femphace—ADDED). Thereisgndutin his ew oi fom np 1 oginning el ms nt Saul and mo monde hve ben td tne ng led (Davin, The Orig of he Spies pp 428-42, 173. In other word, che golem of nate it incrementally sxpcing an emergent Aci, After all perfection i an arb to which only God could inilly fy ‘dum. According ode occult doctin underpinning Darwinism, however, an Is becoming «god and perfection i asinabe though the corpo process of tute. fa the bok MatonlukenBsneomeler rants Ipirationsfom Fee Imam) Master Mason Sela Iindogrccapielates tis conenton: “apa From mative there sno force tha guides ws, ani sponsible for our coughs 2H The candy ofthe Seieife Dicanbip and scone snd, Matolon Exile, p78, 1977) ing continues fe began from one cll and weached its presen stige 8 «esl of various change and evoluons (binds, MaseabaenExlermaer p78, 1977) Fie hing ts bt preit f an, cng conch From the pin of view of vlan, buna sng aro dit fo al Fe the fnmion of man ais lon te ae spe res he san tow t ich anna ae abet (ing, Man Ban le p37. 1977) There an be ile wonder why Dawiaians bestow abiaate piney upon mate Ii the mail eal chat bing the emerget dey of Man. OF ue his wa le th doce of Adem Weshonpl lle, Reewcied Dee Zane explains ‘They ive Marina phe tha hr ta God cringe vers, the tiny b cunng Gel ted tat rn Mel ged ed there eo Sales higher poner Thies the Now pe dace othe 2a? cenary abe 3 198) “This concept of man consciously enginecing his om colton coward po- ‘heosis wa al 2 tae of Gnostic In fe, Gnosticism and Darwinian te intimately cated, De. Walang Smith aborts: ‘Aa sci dary, Darin wo hae be nla. The et bre ta tha Scie of erate ht rep the wei to fic eergl 2 een eat pee me aera cree th Taf in ft, tha Tring begs rated thee wich in ‘ance a meatal chai th eal neo ‘rua cup din Sel out in ie ph Tn ter word ‘asin eh Aad he ths Gti Beas imply dei he ts ge sca ey ra a pres ere pe eee fr Goeeia Darter cree aren Cee pc of deri ie Fc Ang Cea of ei ‘ache eputs ye wlth venble Grose radon oJehorah Sang Ad whe thin olay len Gos ero sh st fe have ta the dn py vil ee inde coy af New esc thong fo nl unde he ices of Dwi afaeain s the Cond Now of dPaheton” opie saa 225, a THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 29 “Thisis the eson forthe Bish Royal Secey's imposition of a Gnosiedv Sion pon since and theolgy..theritrodvton ofthe Grose eoneeps of “elereation” and "selfsabation.” OF couse. thse concepts sychroine with the Kabbalic concer ofthe golem. Al ofthese concep consti he cies Lscifesan doen. Yer, Chars Darwin was nor the fist 9 disemiate his Luifeian docene on the popu level According to Mackey Enola of Freemasonry, Eras Dari, gandither of Chale, war heat promulgate the concept of vl ‘De. Eras Darwin (1731-1902 wa che ma in England age the He eich ue wre be eed in the Danan Tony gamdn, Chats Darin (1909-181), who woe in 1859 Or of Spi thick, 189. ramus was dhe Founder of che Lunar Sacer (Tapa p38 1998). con! ing to suthor lan Taylor, the Lane Society was stv from about 1764 ko 1800 nash pominen influence “coninid long anwar under se banner of The Royl Sac” (Tylor, p55, 1999) The group's name owed itl othe Fact hat members met monthly athe sie ofthe fall moon (Tyler, p. 38. 1999). ‘The meahechip of thi group bose sch hminais a John Wilkins (ho made cannons), James War (who owed his tori tothe seam engine), Marthe Boukon (t manufctte Joseph Priestly (a chemi), Jsah Wege- wood (bo founded the Famous pocery busines), and Benjamie Franklin (Tay- lor. 35 1999) Ii wih he Lunar Society that one begin deny Erasmus Sate Peomeonry. Incresingly enough, in an antide by Lod Richi-Calder, Lunar Socey members wete signed the ery soeric appellation of “merchans of igh” (Tay- Jor p- 5, 1999). This was presi the same description use forthe hypothe calseceypresemed in Sit Francs Bacon's New Adan (Tayo,p. 55, 1998) In her examination of.G. Fidel’ Hisoy of Freeman, Webster made te - lowing oberon: "Fndel fnkly adie thar the New Anis contained ‘unmistakable allusions eo Freemasonry and that Bacon concbuted vt final ‘tasformation” (Webstet,p 120,192). 3 The Acesany ofthe Seine Datong Resercer an Taylor add ‘Weber pit out tht eof the exit un mar emiene precanos of Freeman aid he hen Fes Bacon ao recog fo tse ten» Rosi: dhe Rein ad Excmtso nde wee cl ale and ay hve ads non oe son p05, 199). Sil hee ate enaous ie ats. Are hee any outer hat Bry eal Darwiia/Freenasonic connection? Mase’ Enlai of Freemasonry co elusively cones ink eine coming 9 Dety i 1785, De. [rma Duwi hal eae ‘des Maso ithe nut Tie nr Lage af Croongate Ki ‘ining, No.2 of Soda. Sie Fraps Duwi of de Dao, ‘wma Mav Ty Lage Nn 253 Dy, 107 o 1508 on Raga war made a Muon in Tyan Lng in 1804, The mane of ‘Ghaes Darwin dosnt appro th rls of he Lag ty | eth. Fes Ms Mack 1879, 1a 1794, Eras wre 4 book eid Zaonomi, which dlinentd is he ‘o¥y af evolution (Taylor. 58 199). Being Premason, there ied doubt that Erasmas ee ibely fom the Lage’ acu decrne of “econ” efor Hrumas fed penned is prenurery motions of proprtve bloga row employed a ever sraegy of divide and conquer. Zachara exp ‘On the hid dy ofthe wa he ade sel» miner pst open in ‘apr The conor eng wa oles cas in ea. Bue pie {4 Chnenee Duos son objeon the jg we he pes p= ‘ec, Dow's of tray then used ws loupe gn ‘1 The Axendnsy ofthe Scie Dicuonbip en lice dhe prayer on he rounds ee pacar eso il pen wt or opened ine That bjeson wan Seedy de Fatge- Filly hy ated aot pian sige by no Usa ie ESR, ore Chnpeptionlc miner and ont ram ta ty Tell ds Gl Rls nat snc abe mf thew fal nthe weten Word nee payer tht i ot ee st 5 ‘Shonen ohm ‘One can ely ke on’ ed nd: How ionic hath wander of ‘he wot pl oi! tng with Ga spoken Wor wie all tong the rcs ng ped whe sh ws reuse repr elton You che el i wart heey of ‘Bord wor The el ne ws whether God od pen thong hoger el through ote acar p.171, 20, In rewospec these trae ae bln justice, However tbe damage Was done and the scenic diez” theoery wa athe empowered. As the (Gone of Jus Chas wm gay purged fom he alls f ecco nel ence, the gospel of Darwinism incremental supplanted it The epistemic aoe ‘cysGaose dvs beosen since and helo widened paving the my the public reinseduction ofthe i's ecu docrines Darwinism Dismantled Providing « complete and comprehensive dination of the various concepts antag Darwinian Isa daunting tt The thoy inf sa dense aman fms” hil eed occl oneep pilsopical doin, and iesoges ‘Asin, Tennenbaun's statment har Darwinian i Bcd on sberlin [popsiten which dd ner come Bown semicon, but were aril aly innoduced fiom the ouside, for pola Weloga reson seems sc- ‘ine and acarat, Ye, with what ouside sores do thee “abandon ropston find thee proximate origin? One of the mse infuencer om Darin was Thomas Malus an Anglican egy who ha exited the bling f French deat Jean-acques Rowse and adil empire David Hume (Keynes, p99, 1933). Malthus author ‘Eng onthe Pricpe of Population wet prs yp the sexi Pople tom when unchecked, ince na geometric a. Sisience increases only in an arithmetic ratio” (Malus p 6, 1878) Alough Malthus auc his keaton: in sicinct mathematical equations, the ‘machinations comprising the maura onder spell simpiic THE BIRTH OF SclEM TIC DICTATORSHIPS 53 ‘olution. Nonethelen, Malthus concaded that sce should dope cemain focal pice to preven the human population Fom growing cepoporinstly Jager than the fd spp Malthus’ genocidal polices specicly aged dhe poor For instance, one of| tis proposal sagged che implementaton ofthe following measur Intent of emmending caine the poor, we sald enor on ‘yt Incr own we ould ake theses aoe te {etl theory snd sa the rr ote lag Inte cree ‘Should bul oe ilps near agp, nd pclae ‘nen all ry and unholeone esos But above lw Sold ‘epotce speieremei or aging deme an the hese, Be ‘much nan men, who ave tough ny ere deg ero mud ty poling seme for the al exipaion af parntar dndon alts p41, 178) "Through the promotion of bginially unsound price among ipower lied populions, Malehus belived that the “undesiable cements" of che Iman herd could be natural cle by various malas. The sea of disease fol be Free ated though Usctininaie voccination abd zoning ro Ips Yeu amongst one of Malus mos shocking propo wer hie ogee Hons concerning eileen ‘Weare bound in jasc and hous oma dain ef te poe ‘oppor. To thie I ould pope a paso be me cating hat to dhl bor. toad or be eel par sance. Te eit ere caer ai yl eae Tete etn spy pace chen eee what mold bese a ep up the popu otis deste kee, mae peat eh ules ‘ont Be dea the bythe tha frown pezoce hen. 41 oo, 1378. “The dictum underpinning Malu’ logic would ater ered aurea ofthe Fines” According wo reseacher Lan Taylor, the mets ofthis dic an be aca fom Condor to Malthus, Spence, 19 Wallace, ad 9 Dar win” Flor. 65 1999) voter one of the many constisene Welachauungs comprising Darwin: lum i Heglansm, According to philosopher Georg Hegel a panthestic world SH The Acendaney ofthe See Dicauship ‘pit as dicing Yan ongoing developmen estonay) proces in nature including human,” which bodied il fr "alec spe beeen sive and negative ents” (Taylor, pp. 381-2, 1999) This conic always ‘ule in "harmonious ythess"(Tajlr,p. 382, 1999). There dete feamework is preset in Darwinism, ae ‘ex, Darwin's rots go dese than Heglnism, uring 1 an esoteric source thar hasbeen thet sine the beginning, Hage ies did ot eign ith hill, but Fite (Suton, Ameri Set Eeblibonn p34. 1986). ‘Who was Fichte? Antony Sutton reve chat he wat "fremont cee ‘snly Mlumina, and eerily promed by she lamina (Suton, Arr Set Bselshment, p34 1986) nf, Hegel dsl logic cere he Masonic dictum :Ordo Ab Chuo (Order ou of chic). Again, isc tat the ‘boltoc upon which Darwinism rex i ecomatony, a hanna fr elainer ‘The French Revolution: An Abortive Scientific Dictatorship ‘According eo academia’ ofc sanctioned hisorans, the French Revlon ‘at lnle moe than a reblion ofthe commoner apins 3 eoeape aot and reliiosinsittion. Howes in Eagan th French Reatation, Ltd Reon Imalean intrening bseeton The apuling sing in the Ftc Reon sno he sah be ds Tha al thee ad skew psi the ee ting THE BIRTH OF SCIEWTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS $8 epoincog, The manne rnin suis coed snd mated: bt ‘heen dsb tc pc om tho ak 136 1978 ‘Who wer the “ious conccled and masked manages” tha orcheseted the French Revolution? In Mora and Dogma, Albert Pike eee thai was remasonry that “aided in binging about te French Revolution (Pike, p24, 1942}. Indeed the French Revolucion resented the is fills ate 1 tangy enacthe Masonic von of "scenic dcop.” “The Lanae Soi, which war he precuszor zo the Freemason Royal Soci was insaely connected othe revolutionary movernene in France Freeman Benjamin Frain ced asthe “shure diplomac becween the Fench and English Utopian ideas” (Taylor, p. 56, 1999). The son of James Wate was cused fing French agent by Edmund Burke the Bish House of Com tons (Tayo, p. 56,1999). Joseph Prise had pledged his wholchearted sp ur #0 the revoluionary French National Amembly (Taylor, p. 56, 1999) Fellow Lana Sociery member Jame Ker howe diner eo commemorate te fl ofthe Basile (aplor, p. 56, 1999). Mose noably, Freemason and Lunar Sociey founder Eesnas Darwin actively supported the Jacobs (Talo, p. 56, 1999) Who were th Jacbine? Wilm P. Hoar eves tha they were “agents ofthe Hovarian-bred Mluminat who operated out ofthe Chub Breton.” 2 1984) Counc Honore Gabriel Mirabea was esposibl forthe ennsmison of Im rim to France. He had been nica inv an Muminized Lodge while in Ger nan Upon his resurn eo Fance, Mrabest to seri all of che highessakingrevoltonai ine the cous of Mumia (Mellen 33), 1 French Revolucion exhib al of eh allah ofa “cen distor + A bumenitc pip enpating men eatery ar ar pr ‘ha The lini docene neoning the Pes Relation co pnd wth precy cones" bnow eae, ‘ater Pu Shipman xls th poser Divine ‘Trai wat ahr Lara vw fhe mci of pe Cet RMR ba can Cory, rc td ch sere Whar conced the two theres wa he cal i that Tira eng ve es wap chon ws he pro 6 ‘The Acendany ofthe Sct Dicstoaip posed muchas, which for Darin wo me son afr {rosa ws apely dee lo ening of oem [eead improve Hwee annie ws iu ale of he Pec Reoltn dans doce of he py SF changein mci wl ine per (Sipe pp 91-93 1990 ‘No wonde Eamon Darin pond she Jabiné The Hain chi teva the Fen Rano wee eping cilyeat clatn treaty Thi sca encmene ws Savy exrsed gh ie aD chemermnt An 6 omrly Leki eee Secured ate Revolt, Ar th Uae Avy ese Goda ae of ma woh and pit the Nova Csteton fades woes pening kt fm Be cenion tlw he ‘hpl of Nowe Dame Sot p30, 1827. Ter, he Codd of Re Son oa rp othe ig ara, py 306 (8) In Man ‘Smear, hs li Suhtnenen of eon ear pee he tii of ma’ conaorns nthe Oriasen hs te a teen evan (acre p96, 198 no words hana won heme theme sous fo pce and man bee ca A Malo dppalacon compu Under the dion of amine Ratan, he te elon govenment nearing a» ma sive depoplanon campaign that fame Kaa a he Teor, While Ratspere's onl of ding 5 milan "cee wear ee a inl he Tor ws scolding the ver of one 300 Frees 27,00 of whi wee meter ofthe lover in mie soiing cae (Melanoma Thoma [ls war duced under the conned edie we penton of the French Relient WaleSl Lar Secoy. meer Jeph rely Capo, p39, 133), A pre of ma nrementlinction int Larose ‘tn pocas af tinion dca by Willan Se Thay CCrisian We ly etourged to cme 2 ae 2 Det beso ‘Ake Abt 0 Sse” (Hp. 75,1990) an Tap once Snir pen a ines neon in the. Pem Recs Aion remit, ad by devo meat Fc ad gone Rom Cath scm pag lary” (Ty 6 199), A ion rena Rec he Hegel eure nine eon (Mars p27. 1995) Inbops of acleing ns ean towards sac ape cht de lia gel ‘hc Heglin dlc he bg so th am THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 5 hss of he por nee eed in the abvenion oficial inl he maine of daw wif, ‘Ofeoune, thers ishistory. The evolution sw degenerate ino = blood lth an many of he conpraas were laghtced by the very obs that they ad cto Yer, the ceric symbol of cis aborve “scenic daoship" ronan Lang afer she was enthroned in he cathedral of Nowe Dare, Aten ‘es eamplantd upon ew shores, OccueesercherTexe Mares explins “Tay, sana of hs int Gods of Resa ar fond doghouse USA! ope nds asd te US. Capel balding in Washington, D.C Aottr nso th de of he Capitol gin te, Tens He sue [Rien en in tow oar a hyp Bu he mae nel of the Gadde of Reso he jeri ate oh ap ly nb Bee {be sn gh ho Self dss and, ound Nov Yous ate “omtng ave de simening bn polled wars sin here ‘en on a hand toch fra ight Agi he Mane Ore ‘he moder nbn ofthe lumina beige he Sate of Ley ws ‘slp by Fredo Dato member of te Mass Lode of Alc. Lac n Par, Pc The ean cnc Holo espn 0 ‘hau lonting he New World Orde (Mat Dar joy 212190) Did she French Revlon tay end or did ic simply change venues? Has “America Been desgnated the new headguartr ofthe elite’s nea “iat dct ‘orhig” One thing is cern although she is no lange worship in the thea of Nove Dame, the Gadde of Reason har never ekngsbed her ‘The Rise of Modern Scientific Dictatorships Darwinism shares dhe Hegelian flsmework with evo oter bel aysems. In The Sect Cale ofthe Order, Aston Son sates: “Both Marx and Hier have ‘hei plilosopical toe in Hegel” (Suton, p. 118, 1983) Ics hee tha one tuivs atthe Hegelian nexus where Darwin, Mare, and Hier itenect. Real that Nictiche-im, Darwinism and Manim were all mentioned og inthe Proto ofthe Wie Men of Son. This was no accdene Nas avian of ‘uy sprang fiom Nictache am (Cae, p- XIV, 1958). Communi sprang fiom Marin. Both were bse ypon Heelan pipe. Moreoer, bach were ‘8 The Adena ofthe Scien Bettnhip “scenic dicaoships egiine by the “cen” of Darwinism. lan diboncee ewes or Maram, ight wing lal ee oly el ‘ald hed Alou Huey ew word oes ace cia ‘ont ADDEDI, whe he aunt fr ech of th ad Dani’ ‘hoy ofcelton Fc ame wh ol Joeini snd ed eas referee cee va Mais tes scl ogre by as of oolton, hie hesane tide ‘pando empha pace ad ey. The sl be po eos Hier borawed am Mane The ear con 3 Mar "haere nme devuny-oeoron aly the ie Taylon16199), “The ire of both Hier and Mars in Daewiian evolution ie 2 macer af istry, In hit comprchensine book, American Sailer and” Foluionay ‘Though 1870-1920, autor Mack Pinger dectibes Mars dain over the publication of Darwin's dheory and it subaoquentadopion by sca move: a Destro 1859 sry afer he pbion 0 Te Origin af Spec Fedde wet Mat: Deity non | jedi pn A." Nar spond: “Although ie dovlope i the rede Enh ye thsitbe eel each cms tress cut ny Ex or Yew? Ore the ting deeds, te thes of cee cai woul of pak Dawn hig cotinine, tri! us dated al pha and edge wenden Penge, 13 133. In the ate 186s, Marx was eprted to have delat: “Nathing gives me rier please chan to have any name Hnke! oto Darwi's His wonder fwovk makes my own abvoluely impregrale. Darvin ay ot know but he ‘slong othe Socal Revolaton Pitenget p17, 1993 While he was ving in London, Kal Mare attended leas on evoluconay theory delivered by T-H, Hiskey (Talo, p 81, 1999) Recognising theo synchronicity beeneen che ‘comma concpt of esr andthe Darian pli fanaa sa Mane se Darwin a copy of Das Kapital in 1873 (Tapa, 381, 1999). Within this work, Marcel Darwin's theory “poch-making”Pitenge, p17, 1993). Enmore of evolon, Mar asked Darwin the permision date his next ‘ome hin six year le Taylor, p38, 1999), Trouble by the fc ear it ‘would wpe ceri member of is ily have the ait THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIBIC DiCTATORSHIPS 59 fvth on ashe pol Io90) (Chas politely dasined the ofr (Taos, p. 381, Numerous authors hve estab rm connections between Darian and Hider’s Nass. Evoluionary theory underpinned dhe very philsophy ofthe “Tid Reh ‘One of he ce plank in Nai thy ad docrn wa. ition he fy and) al logy had ered an tle ed ‘gp aol be acne eraond [anata ie ald ond ‘Roald be avy addy and here [te Nes ie pte ee tts to ate Je sl lnk, whom thy cman fee pad (WikeSod p27, 198 Commenting on the Darwinian influence upon Hider, hicoan Hickman (Pie) wat fn ioe a peer feelin, Wher the dcp profound, comple of he pcb. coal tha ne Dain oven of erptl sgl war opine Benn) Mo Kup let et fr + ater of eon es, para ae emp Ings saa ofthe Raw andthe erin fe mee Aces beer soy Hina. 3-S2, 1983. According to weer Raber Clark, Hier was pte bean eching—protabl sins the ie hemi boy nan ete ug the ts af ga m5 Mein Kanpfand in bsp specs. ler resect» ihe ‘ac woul away congue lowe (Cp. 15, 1958, ‘The die for Hiers own manifesto, Mein Kampf (sand: My Sov was inspired by the Darwinian concep ofthe seuggle Fru. Yet, wih Hie He the Dervis srg foe uri teokon ux echaloil dimenson eee reseeliee Thc Pars er thee bore aris ge cerel eaclem axe on a LH. Gana elaborate: "Hisoy woul culminate in new menial empire oF pared splendour, bel ona new race birrchy one by nate he sell” (Gann, p. 24, 1985), Thee can be lise wonder why he Nasis pure vod heyemony with chris zh The Atay ofthe Scie Dithip Inan anit of Mein Kampf contemporary autor Weinsr Mac eel dat Darwin was the crucible for Hier’ “notions of biology, worship, Fre, and struggle. andofhisreeton af mora easy in history” (Taylor, p. 409, 1989), Yer the mos danni coaraton of He's Darwinism canbe fund in Eo Iason and Ei by Darwinian Sr Artur Keith. Examining the ie of he Nei scene dicttonip.” Keith andy sored: “The Gein Faber as have consistently aintsined, iran celui he hs consol sought co mk he practice of Germany conform othe thor of evolution’ (Keith, Foon and "ois, 280 1947), Rerwrning eo the Hagelin sexas chat binds Darwinian, Marsan, and Nasi, both the facie and communi “scenic diatrship” repre tangle enactments ofthe dikcicl Famewor est in colons theory Mane was great infuenced by Hegel Taploe 381, 1999). The encepe of cass tug, which pled Darwinian waar sclctin, rested from Man's tevin of the Helin deci towards the sacoecnomic ri. The pro= leit (thesis) comes into conic withthe Borgen ais), resting Ia lala Uropi att), Mary, however, ject he concep of word ii ‘nd relocred he revolution’ eal source within the poeta roy ‘ated, “Darwin's dcovery is the hight tumph ofthe dai inthe whole fi of orgie mae” “The mame Hogein famewok wat redone within Mie’ genocidal Final Sotion. The German people thes) came int confit wid eh Je (site) in hopes of eeting the Aryan (yess) a bod the es of eam and [Natism, he ress were enormoas bloedhths. This i the natural consequence of Dawinantiaking andthe legay of he “siete dicatrhip.” In applying the teas of Darwin, hot communis and cis hive murder nil. Bo ofthese groups find thei oigins in the li (he lumina), who sre sal puruing the sme objective ody. According othe Darian manara ‘oF univ ofthe Fite vitor wil demand blooded. Humanity may and toner the “sient diearorahip” lady lea nthe ery net Fs, {THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 6 One Science of One Source: The Masonic Connection ‘daly enough, Mar had pots the aril ofa science thar woud Kgtinine the doctrine of cians ths the Orin apparent confined Mans own pein ind ‘id Phe Mcp of 144 tac naar sen wl in ie IMs ae eal the ce of am jase scence of man wl > ‘nde lf ntl acc ho il be ne cen” Peng 1, 1093) coun, thi“ see append ere the wold Dawinisn, Cold dhe ecnay of Mars pegroaion be ated tre et Did Mare cars conceabe by eee acing ends wii the wo of SEEN paling potble outcome Accents Nin een that Side te optus ae the eer Mie nmenson ihe gest Shc, ta Th kof Th Bled. Nos Marin oral he dopo Rewer Maran and aon For both Mass amd Mans, mses, dient and ops shy ay be foley. aoe in tcing al of as hopes ad apie all yn ie in ni “me and whew appoising a achrworly He an the gl of al man Ate andenleror, Maron sa Mon eb ther vida ‘nto edn oad tics Bt a ea Te ela ds wo he elf and ater fe ona) Seyler sn solo» suman lve and uty bon ce Thon in of domi and deed er arin pp 384-535, 190 However, mates i a the only commonality shared by Mase and Masons Aneher common shea binding the ewois socialism. Yt.a much older Tinton epoused soli concepe long before Mars In Mora and Dog, 38" Degree Freemason Abert Pike wrote: yey in th wold lor inset se ofa eel, Se ictal ony longs hecan work orca, nl 0 ong {aT pine owns fh baman hel Pep 297,190. 62 The Acelancy ofthe Scie Dian Such shetorc could have eal poured foc fom the lip oF Kael Mare Yes ‘Allee Pike was pening the wenetsof an aint tadiion dha pecold Mat jam. Moreover Maris aoe merdlydiseminated on the ppl eel s Com rmunism Ie ha ako been promulgstal under another appellation: Fc. a 1938, the Fucker candi admit to Herman Rauchning th: the whole ‘oF Nacional Sac is based om Mane (Martin, 239, 1990). Tha Hier’ paticulevarane of fxm, Navsm, was derivative of Marcon i ically Fnconteable, Both gems involve the abordination ofthe individual ro che calliv,aejtion of nda liberties sme form of cnt sce conol ud che moaopoiti consolidation of ep by some monolithic emi pi lly govermmen) “This prompss the queson: Did Freemason have «hand in the tation af ‘Commu and uci? IF di, then Communism and fice could 0 Tonge be conidial two sept movements erlang Danvn's then Teva, thy woul become progenic af the Lodge fr wham "ne cen” wat specfclly designed. Cobol Frm the oscule doctrine of “becoming” ths "ane ‘eience™ would be Masonic in igi an prose cilored 1 legimite a "en- tie dctoship” in one fon oF another. I his the ee hen i posible that Mane ws riny to certain plans ofthe elite an, ike the ate "prophets" of rock roles peganatig’ wa scacuicing Darridiat! ated nla fane public, Within this comet, Kel Mar beams analogou to John che Bap ti eoducing the new technoctatic meio of Carles Darin “The Freematonic connection o communism canbe Mente in the pron of Adam Weishaupt, founder of win is protbly the most infamous banc of amin, the Bavarian Onlerof minis Liban of Congres James Bl ingen inrodacesthisecre ces “The Onder of ain wt funded om May 1, 1776 by poe of ano Ine athe University of lose Br, Ady Wena reetines The rite ered ene ec] we eae {stn lg dorinaton of ein ean eed wih ecb by the Papo fa 173) and dtc 0 Wears Rouneton en of ed en peti fe al ele ig Billington informs rade hae Weishayp’s Mamie titer involved Macart THE BIRTHS OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 6 “The Hui seeped ow the net and ani a Frecsony for how nde: Westhead 4 Ma ain Month in 177 sd avenged er “eomana” (ou olen) fom within he Ips ofthe Bavarian pital ils, p95, 1980. ‘Why dd Weihape consider the Masonic ls a god vei for his t= ini compe Some eearchet eld chat Imi actin apd the tac inge of Masonry hive aye bee simian, if noe ideal. Decened former [Naval Ineeligenceofcer Willi Compe held chat the lin avlement in Masonry as no the eu of inlet Alpines hath Freemason ogaiatos wee inetd by he ins sang Weshuop’s lg ae haga. The Peron ne ava a ‘a heer Tae wtih land tha wy ny iy and ‘© wlngy tok nan the mehr of Weiaupes poup, You cae rele th the Prema thy were only spe ete oa ion, wuld vee even, ning ec eye, y ig Ed hiding utes wo ha rn condennel yd woah of Emap, {tis many Fromm autho wo hae pepe he yeh he Als ‘Weidinger wa the nr of te int snd thatthe ania wt sesraped never to ure pin (Caper 77,139). ‘One Freemaonic source supporing Cope’ contentions Kenneth Macker- tie, In is Rest Masonic Cope, Mackerne refers huis involve in Masonry aan ancmpe vo purify Masonry chen in much confision” (133, 1980). Thier degre Freemason Alber Mackey even gs of 8c ll Weishaupe "a Masonic reformer” (p43, 1873), Ie suns Fromauonry wa not the uniting crim of Hlumine inflation and coruption, Weknupe wos nee cnctng coercive meaures within Maton, this resting is Lcirian ‘raion. Ta thi conta, Weehaupeiantamount 0 4 Marcin Lather of Ma Bilington plans that eventhough luminsm was supped, i did net ease wo exit Hesing members and remnants of Welhaupe' set hep i= ram alive: The alr wo ajc rie, enscton, a Frm ton bring 1795-87: Wethae was nel vo Gots and het der sre Ince Bathe dsp ofan oder ht ha eh 2 membetip of pegs ‘wo thou fie Hunde shih inthe ely 7805 03 po 64 The Abney of the Seite Diconip THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIPS 65 oe img ht a agree srg Earp shan aking oder Fl anal co acomplia ie 4 movenee 9 Geman ‘nalts, 9,180. hc eabja hat he Lag of se Men wasp a exeson fhe Ha wich weed ogo deep degrada tw exp by do UFMgcondaed by de Boain stories) (Men 252,197, “Ther is firm evidence force tranaiton of miata fons Weidsupe, ‘he "Maton eforner” 9 Kael Mare This eanemision was Bie eroogh ‘rious revolutionaries and revolutionary groups, One revolutionary influence ‘spon Marx wan FancaNoo Babel tn 1795 Babel publ « work dat trou ay the Foundation for Mares Communi Mani, According vo ome Biliagon hi wove ented Phi Manifest fet in the ew Ree focal revalutionary manfeor which would eulminae ix Mare Conon ‘Mais (74 1980). Was this precursor eo Man work influenced by Mui ‘sm Blington presents evidence that his was theese According eo Jame Bilingon, Marx did init contact and cement a all tance with the Leigue ofthe Just dutng the period of 1846-47, Bilington, p. 270, 1980). The League ofthe Jost was an outgrowth ofan sare evoltonary troup known ss theLeague of che Outs, (Bilingon,p. 184, 1980). While eputng the gongs smocara, Ont lndengTheodone Sehust“borowed Airey fom Buonarons fal fanasy ofa Univeral Democratic Cabonai” (Blingzon.p. 183, 1980) The Univeral Democratic Carbonari was "he last ‘Hoe orale Buona dream ofan insertions reolionary organs tion” (Blingon,p. 176, 1980) Buona’ influence ma aso fe ehraugh Jann Hocker ey member ofthe tl fxcion of both che Outs ed ‘he League of de Jase (Bilington,p. 185, 1980), Hoacerig “was 3 prove and ‘kor of Buonaro isis dpe (Bliagon . 185,198) Ire heough the Fevlaionay Buoearo har be Huis inBucnce on the Oslaws snd hit cz, the League of the us come ino clearer fc Billagron write ck—poshly Manint—inlacce is dene in Babe's fis det spsunet af ha commune abjetives ei 1795 2 Rens 0 meri the sto my a ani and mpg Bly ow + heard Fede gp: Babe beget sci eh op type face alice "aang by dg” om ep trp tanem the word, Babes sot, erred. gaan ‘Cenbe df iris sl of Boner Tie wna fr ‘leu by Bao wa ote chem who fried ie thjecies, Spe Maral eadd be explained by eerie of a espe cncy sat the meting fhe incr groupe The compan Sy tive cw Marcil te Same atte cetera eae” heh, Ita an fd ob proce by dhe soe cde gn dt rag outer Hi mycnsdsigaion af Part 2" Abel” od Kim SD hme tui epeces prc the Hea of ‘Waar ne Apap mn mad ere ra goood (ile Ingo p97 1380 ‘An ctenaronge connection berwcen Kel Mar and Illumina ws appaene {inthe reoltionry group known asthe League ofthe Js. Gaty Allen explains (Kt Ma iy sso oy oie her ‘tienen win bo Coe Sas m mgr tab serait nln iti Commi Masel Leena tr tony Ma gl i ‘opin al sly Soy my al Goerarves tink eon nist teeta aa ot, a “Th npn pla the Beno dled rom emo dea of ok: tanay pence in Genes od sly ema hf for he a isi) wimg ed rm the Bran Order of Mami (Bilingom 798, 1980, In fact, Buona 177 he dro fs Mirena oe ng of Min wk Calc Bova Siig, p. 97,1980). ‘Buonaro's own revluionrycomades recognized Mluninism asthe dt Ing force behind his revolitionary belie ilingon elaborse: Fee eee dent ee Tren ws Lr bre om Tons clo clltontom, raced the lami nonin hen Be once thn Boon lta ori the ubline Poe ee Maser" intel during the Be Pec Reveon.iling sm 9% 1980, 6 The Aen af the Sei Diep Concerning eh Mami inflscnce upon Buona Billington provide hie Whee oro Bonar wa in ft propping an minis propa ‘gts etre sty fe 179 ed ely itr are Mae eatieel ict eer eee evr hay agri wf 1810-11. He al add he ais peso of ‘eerng ntl elon noon lite se et Fe fled Weitoprand Bonnie acing peo pane tc [Jest wh be sou bth oh donde Hi eral Fomtix basing geo Pathe pin lin on of ee ing down alma of pen pepo Clin p93. 1D) Both the Outwsandthirsucesor the League ofthe Jus, had intralizad Bonnets Wluminst em and wer cnsiuing withthe sme eevobtionary| tran It posible sat the Outland the Lege ad embescd Bone rons IMumini concep Bee they were rey Ini. This conenion x ‘uppored by the onginatons Geman origin. Bilington wie: ‘ne deaf Boni det in 187 and gh ys fcr Bang ‘cp the soi revlon alin gue bith f the Canimanit ap. A wal goup of young Geman eg cal hi shorn at rc erpntation Thy to oe the age wi th Goan cmp ‘nn ewe taal eubinsatd commune rpc” th po. ‘hele fr teat can aK Mae (igen. 162, 1980) Weshaupe’sHluminve and he Communist League's pen, the Outlaws, drs common bina, Acconding to archer Ralph Epp: ‘fie the tna ws dicen Bi, Germany, me ce ‘cel roghout Eup: The Lage was a “fsa he Pain Ox tie Lege faded by Garni” One nly wor tee ‘ogee th seg Moma Epp p. 4, 1985) IF thes links ae too tenuaus,conider the tetimony of Chiaian G, Ral oy one ofthe founder of Sve Halaev, Before Word Wa I, Rakovay ‘es vem of Sein’ show rials (Giffin, p. 233, 1995). Dig a ineroga- tion conducted by 2 NKVD office, Kako admit fright hat comm iam was merely continuation of Weis amin: TINE BIRTH OF SCIBNTIFIC DICTATORSHIRS «7 You know dhe secoding to the unwien Hnny know ony co wy che founder of te Fae Communists nea of core ee bing Weshaup. You remember hy mame He waste hed 3 he any which row bythe ae ofthe nas it name heb "ome for the mcd Cia onpeny of a en-ganica (aE finn 278 1995), ‘There scams to be ile doube chat Minin had found vel in bch the ‘Oucavs and ics uiburary, the League of the Js. Tn shir context, Marx can Be seen a5 mete eteraing "Masonic reformer” Weisaupe’ eschings with only ‘minor moifeaons. Communit Manifto may jut a wll have besa ented “ons Mano lt pages, serious stent will fd many Ulam Masonic eas and concep sipped of Masonic vernacular. While may tun nota few stomachs onthe Lf the ology that was supposedly reo all mys. ‘ici actaly Bode it gine ia enya, Blingon put qute suetnely shen be wot: ‘The olny Fath was apd aa so much by the ital ona of she Pech Enighenment (ar geil bleed) a yt cul roc-romanici af Germany. Th fh ma inbred in rnc dng the lunar a within + oll sure fc inc we ‘ef ruraian, fuiatly e scti, aeey insted with ido” also ois bei Cling. ‘one 3-4 1980, Many ofthe Meloy tha were ro act surat fr religous ble wee formulsted behind Lodge door, Furthermore, Bllngson sats tat the eevle ‘ionary faith began it spread “when some European aio tansfee dct lighted candles fom Christian alas to Maton lodge” (Bilngon, py: 5%, 1980. Behind the evelutonary bol of lenchad fe hides the Masonic handshake, Masonry aio played a role in the ceationof the Nai “iene dictatorship’ “Title has gone largely undected dae 19 Nai ercuton of masons apd tier oceans before and. during World War I. Afr all. che skepetal ‘esacher contends, why would Hier and hi flowers entrain the concepts and bal ofa group thu they have suppres? Author Jneph Carr proves posse explanation to this queso 6 The Aseendany of he Sewing ‘Sow won an oc ke Ad Hider phi own Thal Sai eo pres of detoy ote ocak? Thule ed wo marr Sener and ‘hon te eonetrioncrpsopeed fer 1953, eraser sn ie ‘Sra wer inprioned eg wth he Jews and common cia, Why? ‘Renee the espn of Hier aed kr Tif oer el “is wos sar othe repo of he mal burch ea here 0 Scr tem ada Deve wh a en in srt Pps the indy mio difteosbewee he ans one Ei sper om ry lg oer nc “tr ioe Ba skated ane ne ite anew rove oy nde we knell nach Tinea seaplane behave tht Hird or woe de paleo knw fh acai connetion al wi aed ha hrs to “sere now” woul ely teognzgand aot ilvemen: ‘Although Chrisie wold ve ele eur wth tbe es a a ‘ect ate oui Suni te ate any oc wh re gin tw ofthe democrat ft expences thy Boe He ha none ood and popr fran Thi serene the wo. Hershel can wb cnt deve oppose high mor a “sf ocak aching, wou howe amped Hider ve sae itm the hep if thy ba ar been appre (Ca 8990, 1985), Cae continues: Af the Nat came 6 power thy perce nec fr spel ‘Occ alow univer raed in be wt ah asin of aa nd ht and tha ge Ei ot conto 0 te apperanc at e Nate wanted ops, eae ple hat he Nas deapray wane con he arc cigar har onermen supine ec i bythe op thy ‘Bey hh a fot iw Onl ow nese Wor Wa Il did Snyone pote the xl ngs of Nona Sec (Car, pp. 91-92 1985) Suppresion of occu succefly concede the occ infuse evident within Niism. One auch influence wis Madame Hele P. Blank, she founder of Theosophy in.1875, Whea US. Army hisrins logued Hier penal iar, dey found among the various acl volume a enpy of Bk- hy be Sere Dacring{ Care. p93, 1989). According t9 Care THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIBS 6 he Set Dacre woe nro Her by Dich Eda ng te iy 9B nc he was gh ees by Pf Genl Ka ask the Ca 9. 93,1985). Could Bava’ infuence on Hider be considered Masonic? Dennis Cady present evidence ha thir may be the as Malan Bly funded he Ths Sayin 1875, On Nove 24187, se wat en her Masonic ceria and Mayon sr ‘Abe Pe ad bon van waling geen Wahingo, D.C. Ta 1887 aay bai pbltion ool sol Lace we she woul er (et nt Rene Bat no wor seein on nc (on Fey 19 1922, Bea cM wl fm an allnce withthe Cand Ore sone Lodge of France) (Cay 19.201) A mor subantl connection brween Naim and Maton ie in che The troup. This oceul secre soi cems to ave bee the hidden power ching the [Nast and one of Hiner most losly garded secrets, Trevor Ravenscof cla ‘Above ale [Hide ep le sou the fc te he (Geman Werks Teg) Cameeselic ny oyetleetesahicbort emloa ‘mat th New Geman Worker Paty eel deve om themes poe FH Occ Soy it Germany whch war sn Bane byte igh (Conan Te Thle GanlhalfRavencr 102 1973) ‘When dhe New German Workers’ Pay transformed into dhe Nai pry it took Thle personnel and belie wth "The bie appen 9 be Masonic ‘ign. Jean Michel Angebar points ou that Thule war "but a Fagmene of = touch more impor ect society Enon tthe Germanic Onder founded 1912} (Angeber, 16H, 1971). The Germanic Order had “gathered rogeber certain lodges of Prin Freemasonry." Angee, 167, 1971) One if ‘ail member ofthe Germanic Order and founder of The ws Buon Rodel son Sebotendoe Sebotendosf had ben inite into a Moonie soir whe in Eaype (Levenda 4, 1995) “This Freemasoic influence upon Nazim had tbe concealed To achieve his ‘nu, the Nazis employe wha has come to he known she blod Iie Ca Rasch stats "Hisrialy the Hood libel seems to have been 3 dedge by ars- ‘ocrats pratcing satan” (Rach, p, 231, 1999). To dere attention away 70 The Ascend ofthe Sei Dietsip om chem, zccalises wil accse piel minors of engaging in she very scl ace ha they hemes race In this ee the despised ino sts the Jews. To sosomplish thie oa the Nass employed the The Prato Elder of Zin, which Raschke csc a he "ost norrioas of he Hood ib documents” (Raschke, p. 231, 1990). Heivich Himmler was xibbing bral from The Prowl when he wl his therapeutic maseur Dr. Fels Kersten that Froanasary war contol by 2 “weid Jewish consis} (Ca, p 92-93, 1985) Jews ad orinry masons were mona and execute. Meme, dhe fact shat Nein ws derive of Freemasons ecclissi ob ‘te “This contin of Masonic involvement in the formation of Darwin sified lighter that evlonay they was developed special fa ‘he purpose of eating sinc dices" Naim and Communism were bere sch lpthie ied bythe one scene” develope by Darwin. That Karl Mars heralded the atv ofthis Manic “ave rene” may no ave ber a cvincidence feral Pax Britannia: An Anglophile Scientific Dictatorship The tle ofthe Darwin in the rion of inti dicronhis” was nt limited se communism and Esco, In the Brith Ine, the very bhp of Darwinism, another scene diracorhip" merged. At wa the ae with com ‘murism and faci, Premasonry and ier cule doce of tion were inte trl eo this emergence. Un 1870, John Raskin “hit Oxford ke an ecthquke™ roseltising sadenes inthe impiaiegospl ofthe Beh Empie (Quigley 130, 1966) In Tages and Hope, De. Carell Quiley provides oie sss tion of is pope! skin oe othe Oxd urge mane oe pv al Ings Fe old he a thy we poco a magn raion af ican, ay nl eroded ip, be at ‘Kc dm ci nor be ated sn nor done wo be sed sn ‘el ewe wdc verdes in England ist a he won Eaglsh Imes dougie ie moi ths precision mt reel wo thw est jr te ay wri Enh wn lt tna bagel te tis an the alti nT psec THE BIRTH OF SCIEWTIEIC DICTATORSHIPS 71 shh ain ob med dh nn te a a. 1p. 130, 1966). “ Among one of the underguats who wholeheartedly embraced his menage wa Cai Rhodes, who would kephislnghand copy of Ruski inaugural le ‘ure fr thiy years (Quigley p. 130-131, 1966), Homose, whe his mesage ‘comprised the nucleus of Rhode Welrnchauurig, tore were two othe sgn ‘anc bi ystems hat would shape Ces ison: Freemason and Darwin Haring steady able the Mason tgins of Darin it comes a ile surpriethat hero would find an itrcton within he man of Cec Rhodes Indeed Freemasonry and Darwin ae nat cotlatives The tno ar nee ‘scab linked, Where one goes, the other shall nara allow In Jane 1877, Rhodes became ali member of Freanatonn’sApllo Chapter a Onford Univesity (Rater p. 90,1988). There have ben quctons of whether or not Rhodes regarded his menberdip inthe Lodge tious ven ture” (Rocberg, p90, 1988). Author Raber Rober boats: ‘Aa banquet king snc the ny go Be cae gy ase tien a oe ape sc she sed canoe Onder tr tating aay aba he pec sec ofthe 9 Dee i a hid eden miele. 90198, Indeed, Rhodes andl adie his derision fora group devoted “to what at, limes appar dhe most idiulous and abeurd ier without an ajet and without anend® (Rotber, p90, 1988). Homever, dite dsasemens wit the organ 2ason, exposure tthe Lodge "pesumably helped shape Rhode” "Confeon of Frith the ter wil, ad the prose thinking which led ulimately wo the schol anips (Rober. p. 91, 1988). Rhodes “Confeon of Fath articulated hie vison for «Brith world government o. asi hasbeen cll in more Anglo ie guage, «Par Britannia Predicably, the Freemasoneinflnce on Rhodes wis accompanied by cs aural corltiv: Darwinism. The primary wansmiver of Darwinian thought to Rhodes war Wiliam Windwood Reade, author of The Marsan of Max Roker explains Wiliam Windwoo Rel she thn abe Dei Duwi, ncn Rhoda veh fr unending An wscenl nov, wed 72 the Asindney ofthe Scaife Dieanbip Wea fie ws inthe 186 he eo ie wile Ride tn Nr 20 publ The Mar of Man 1872 Boa 28 ap to ee Engl cated and ete vw of th oan of Ant uma ‘Grlaaion, 7 Sarg bce veal Ny of and wh eg ‘non Rhode te myer: mc Ey, Rame, Crs, Are it and ny Chita. The Merron ft in 3 Ie nentbcentrypradosnce da spall 0 Roe fas ded ‘th ppc imps rpms hon de ret af an ‘iafon the oa Hgelan orc ner Duwi on a nt Ingo i hs mare wat oven ad cindy np) the Achiremenc of progres Man was pcb, bay yw He ld ‘ettvel woud tr ovat be heey, for Re ws pricks Grom wo Bien Gos cxence bat tthe sme ent de nd eran norin the sca of avopomarphse Chin Co ‘The evar of ren wee in conning abd pointe aman a. “Te lop un on eterna Sar ery nc igen’ seat Rene Renew arm Rand Asin San, Eup, Or pp il ‘emer Rede props lomo fee mee pwc tha ‘tam che manic of fish aod Hoar cheney tel dap spe, nd the deanery yer of dere ore whi wel oho Pip esti: ine eens eet creme Th ron aH. Wal The Sap of hing to Coe Ahh oe ‘taney mak en, oh aks proce ncaa pe “son But aris were coontel setae Well wars Pest Savand Rene was Gti si posed Wel, eae wa iy 0 ‘ee pl ee publ thie Th he of Thing Ca, Rens Te ‘Many ws yan pot npn porn), Rds ed Reesor srt pilctan ap Ie oi hat a "py keel sk meron tha "maderme we 1" (Ra Fis Anglopile "cen dari.” THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIES 73 sos to be pine mise f the Cape Caley (1890-1696), conte none epic puis conllptianenny es bo a Engh and South Aa, adapt wo win a ip of Bh enya A fom the Cine f God Hp to ap nd oj thee to exes gee wi claoph in sd lly th Capa Rady (ie pp 130-15) “Means, ered by colonial savery and closer in abject povery native [cane lve under the yolk ofthis Anglogile "iene dictator.” OF ‘urs, according ro the Darwinian dactine of Pa Bien, chi ws the nti fal oder of thing. Afr all, n dhe evoluonay ladder, he Nagin cccaped 4 bre ung then the Cancun did. Drv voce this tact eoeteaton in The Dosen of Men re ups at very da ut med by cnn thee tac of nll een eee nd epic the ae ces througout wd Ae the sme me the shoppe ape no ‘dont bert The break bewcon an an se el eed ar eerie red Passer ne ages ren than the Coca ad sme ape low a Bondo tw branche ne or Assan sd oil (Dat, Th Dao of ‘Mon 178, 1878, Derive fom Masonic done, Daring natnly rested the raise ‘snd ofthe Ladge. This acai agenda wat choroughly delisted i the Sep- tember 1950 ise of New Age Magexine the ofl journal of the Supreme Council, 38% Degree Scotish Rite of reersonyC. Will Sith, che srti- le author, wrote Lacking bck ins ian we an aly hth Guiding and of os ewes chs the Nordic epl bring inn fl the new dr of the worl Records ely sb hat 98 pct tells wee No dis Angle Stone Proven fae clue the Noni races unl te “New Age of he [Rhodes esablshad hs scientife dearoship" in South Aft, where he odd Nona Or Serum” (Smith p95, 195) onopola the diamond fs dhrough DeBets Consolidated Mines (Quigley, 1p. 130-131, 1966) Instrument inthe formation ofthis diamond cnel were Ie i intresing to note the similar beeen Smiths seferenss co the “Guiding Hand of Providence in conjneson with race and the "qvash-dvinely Inspzed™ tiie colton of Gate Wiliam Reade We was presly this ‘Weltnschauung that Darin was designed digi As bata Darinian 74 The Asean of he Scie Dictip THE BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIRS 75, | snd. Freemason, Cell Rhodes found his rsh ace piotnn underpinned by Hider "eerie ditatorhp” another one called the United Nations was ce the “one cons” headed by Mars. From this dark mind woud be Biro the wed rit nghtate of Pax Brine As fu a4 Cert Rhodes and his low els | ‘ere concerned, che Aca was an “stthropomoephi ape”, in lesa ‘The United Nations ids its proximate origin wid the architec of Pa Bi cn langage “igen ‘nia an Anglophil vain of the “sentedcazonip” concept Res Cail Rhodes “Contesion of Faith,” which arial his vison for 4 British word (Over che yur the obscene rail derogation of nigger” has become more government. This vison was inspired by John Ruski, «profesor at Oxford Usi- ‘las, Backs, Jews, and oher peoples of darker sin hues have been subjugated ‘erty. However, Cecil Rhodes nt the only adherent of Rusk’ iperaiic bythe vious scenic dicaeoshis” pane by the ete. lew only mat oF ‘mesge, Even, ote had aken to hen the Angloptilic gospel of Ruskin time belore the various "aenie diatrhips” of the worl! comple thei tnd, eventual, becume socned with Rhodes. Together, his neowork woud Hegelian ythens a which point she spellaon of aig” il exand ts bor ‘sablih a sec society devoted 1 the cse oF Brish expsnioniem. Carol devo include al peoples ace the ling las, Resather ad PS journal Quigley abort: “Tony Brown bors: Among skin's mos devo dips a Ox were toup of iim ‘The awe wold in which eh only clr of eon i pe dead 3 no “edge New endstre deat he ow of igen be ae ‘ned You are nw mgr then ou dn knw th yo ring ld your money and your edom digg pectin wat ates pl can pode Vira War pf an $80 blo prt fr the ‘Srp at ld pdtv thea po he harm igs cor {selon ly sand thi opr le ror thm by he ai eey pat 15cm p56 1998 ‘Avcendan in their chimera vlaionary here. che rlinglsay cie 10 “tac supeeacy”Allotber whe do not copy thei sre laprofscieco omic sat ae "nigger" {iven the excsiviy of tht cle dig, vast ‘sort of humaniy uals niggers ‘The United Nations: A Global Scientific Dictatorship Although the Huslan concept of a “sient dictoship® was oureasdly ‘expressed through the silt rouaitatan sjtems of Nai Geemany andthe Soviee Union, the concep had aoe yer reached the lol scope near fra Brave New World. Wale Hers defext and the eallape of the Soviet Union reulig fiom yeas of economic secon, the "ssentic dittrip rowh var sighfcaly sented. Yt chee nas another embyonie "sec fends nding Arold Toynbee Aled er Lard) Atle, Anbu Cla Iron, Gergen St Gor) Pak, Pip Lyn Cal an Henry (her Si Heng) Bechenanght Te wow 0 moved ty Rein ha tey Aeotl the et fd lve caring ot bes A sar group of (Combridge en ncing Reid Ba Bt (ord Eas), Sohn 8 ‘Seley, Abr (rd) Gy aod Edd Gaetoe a ard by Rosin menage ap dee she ere te eon f the Beh Eitan opi of Egle astn mace at arlene pet hi tn led "xenon of the Enisrspeking ex” Tey wee stay Stl ie the sis ens of Eglo ser jor Wl fam Sed (1849-1912) an ardent alter and Inger, bog the ic amcinron with Rind Tesco at oy ald fn Fray 5,191, when hoes and Sea nds wee say of hich Rhode had eon deoning for sinter ys Indi eet ley nes was be ade Std, Be (rd Ee) pd ner me oo te exc commis Artur ford} Bal (Si) Hay Joon, Lond Rods Abe (Lon) Gry ad the were lined prea mo of "Chel nisres” wh here was ea eter cele ku “Asociaton of Hee Ce orate by ier the Row Table org ation: Be ase wo ju ths prin the ne ay od ier enue of we ter om hia om Ege Buh cpl wth to ‘Thar thecal pre of the wer ancy wi eed by March 1391 Iceonimel wo fenton 2 eal group nag he oat de ‘em apart maid unl 190-1913 Tl rp ale ee Sco Rhodes moony afer hs deh 1902 apd sa nd of loa Thode suppor ike Ale Be (153-1509 and Si be Day 186— "Wit his acing they sgh exe an exc dhe eb the Res i lao am Run nd Sead, Miner wa he chi Res

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