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Student : Gabriela Madian Salmeron
Teacher : Yadira Thereza Pacheco Paredes
Subject: Preclinical rehabilitation


The teacher gave us a brochure for the

purchase of our new material to

We did a tour through our dentistry clinic to know it well and observe
everything our colleagues do. The things that do well and those that do wrong
and observe everything that our clinic possesses.

Then we started looking the clinic, the infrastructure, and the actions that our
classmates do, the mistakes and the good actions that they made and we found this..
Those are some of the things that the university
gave to the clinic to the safety for the patients and
for us.

Also we have new

elements for sterilizing
our work material. The
paper that the teacher
gave us at the beginning
its to buy the material
that we are going to use
So.. Then we have different clinics . These are located in the third floor, is the
floor where we found postgrad, we never use these clinics but they are important too.
So, now.. our clinic also has a waiting room for patients who will be cared for. Its a big
and a nice waiting room, and comfortable too

We also have a
clinical file where all
patient records that
were already taken
are stored for later
Finally im going to show you some of the mistakes that my classmates do in the clinic..

Because they are in posgrade,

they think that all the security
barriers arent important but its a
big mistakes because its really

In the x-ray room the doctor doesnt

putt he lead vest to take a x-ray and its
really necessary

Fortunately we have lockers in which

we can leave our backpacks or
sweaters etc, but nevertheless we
dont use them

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