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IELTS Travel & Adventure Vocabulary: Useful Phrases & Expressions In

IELTS Speaking
Today I will share with you a wide range of IELTS travel vocabulary words to help you hike up your IELTS
score on any IELTS Speaking question that has to do with travel & adventure in the Speaking section (Part 1,
2 or 3) on the IELTS test.
Useful Collocation and expressions for IELTS Speaking Topic: Travel
To get away: To escape, to go somewhere that is not your home. You can also use the noun a getaway.
Example: Last week, I had a great chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city to visit an ancient
village in the countryside.
A thirst for adventure: strong desire for travelling/adventure
Get itchy feet: have a strong desire to travel
Example: Ive always had a thirst for adventure and often get itchy feet so I decided to set out to a journey
from the North to the South of Australia next month.
To find a gem: When you find a place where only locals go and other tourists dont visit.
Example: Try to find a local guide when you visit a foreign country to successfully find a gem during your
Arduous journey: difficult & tiring journey
Break the journey: stop for a short time during journey
Example: I had an arduous journey to the South of Vietnam last year. I thought I would break the journey
somewhere but I finally did it all in one go.
Adventurous explorer: a traveler who is willing to do or try new and daring things
Have a stopover: Have a brief overnight stay in a place when on a long journey to somewhere else, usually
by air
Example: I had a stopover in China on the way to Thailand, had a bit of a rest, and did the sights there before
travelling on.
Low-cost airline: discount or budget airline
Put somebody on standby: make me wait to see if a seat become available
Example: Last week I got a flight on a low-cost airline to Paris. I then tried to get a flight to the UK but they
were all full, so they put me on standby.
To take a red eye: To take a late night airline flight
Example: I had to take a red eye and now Im exhausted.
Intrepid explorer: brave, with no fear of dangerous situations
Off the beaten track: An unusual route or destination
Example: My best friend is an intrepid traveler who has a real sense of adventure. He always loves to set
out on a journey off the beaten track
Unexplored wilderness
Example: Im thirsty for a journey into unexplored wilderness and getting right off the beaten track.
To take the road less traveled: To do things differently and to think outside of the box.
Example: Adventurous travelers like to take the road less traveled when visiting a new country.

A real sense of adventure: the urge to explore beyond your daily surroundings and open yourself up to the
To have wanderlust: To want to move around and see a lot of things around the world. To not want to stay
in one place.
Example: I had an incurable case of wanderlust.
The first leg of the journey: the first segment of a journey; the first flight of a multi-flight trip.
Example: The first leg of the journey got me to the UK but it just gave me very little indication of what lay
Off the beaten track (path): in a place where few people go; unusual route/destination
Example: Most young travellers (US Traveler) make the effort to get off the tourist trail and look for off the
beaten path destinations to experience the raw beauty of the country.
Part 1 Sample Questions
Do you like to travel?
What kind of places have you visited in your life?
Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
Whats the best place youve ever visited?
Which form(s) of transport do you usually use?
What is the easiest way to get around your town/city?
Do people use public transport where you live?
Are there any problems with the public transport system in your town/city?
How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?
What is the most unusual method of transport youve ever used?
Part 2: Cue Card
Describe an interesting journey you have been on.
You should say:
where you went
how you travelled there
who you went with
and explain what was so memorable about the journey.
Part 3 Sample Questions
How important is it to have adventure in our lives?
What do people learn about themselves from having adventures?
How do you think people will travel in the future?
How easy is it to travel around your country?
Which method of travel do you consider safest?
Has travel become safer in recent years?
What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?
How do you think people will travel in the future?

Remember, the worst thing you could do on the IELTS is to sound like every other Band 6 student by using
typical IELTS vocabulary.
Make sure you are using interesting and native vocabulary throughout the exam like the ones in todays

2. IELTS Environment Vocabulary: Useful Phrases & Expressions In IELTS

Environment is a controversial topic in life and in IELTS as well. If you dont prepare yourself for
environment topic, you will find it hard to express your idea when facing the topic in the IELTS test or in the
real-life conversation. Thus, my advice is that you should equip yourself with some phrases and collocations
about environment right now.
At first, there are several causes and solution of environmental issues.
Causes Of Environmental Problems
Chemical and industrial waste
Example: The chemical and industrial waste being released from factories cause to the pollution of my local
Emission from cars and motorbikes
Example: The pollution of land and air can be blamed for emission from cars and motorbikes.
Solutions To Environmental Problems
To raise people awareness of preserving water and forest resources
Example: It is necessary to run some campaigns to raise people awareness of preserving water and forest
To use alternative energy resources
Example: In order to mitigate the environmental issues, alternative energy resources such as wind and solar
energy should be implemented.
Collocations And Phrases For IELTS Speaking Test Topic: Environment
1. Wildlife reserve/ nature reserve/ game reserve: an area of land in which plants and animals are
Example: Rare animals should be protected in game reserve.
2. Wildlife conservation: to protect animals and plants and their habitats
Example: The government are considering whether they should invest money on wildlife conservation.
3. Natural environment: the place where animals and plants would normally be found
Example: Legislation to protect natural environment should be enacted due to enhanced greenhouse effect.
4. Toxic waste/poisonous fumes/emissions: poisonous rubbish produced by industrial process
Example: Local people are suffered from great deal of toxic waste being released by factories.
5. Air quality: the cleanliness of the air we breathe
Example: Living in the environment with high air quality can have a good impact on our health.
6. Pollution levels: the amount of toxic waste
Example: Many factories are releasing waste illegally into air and water, which contributes to the increase of
pollution levels.

7. Man-made disaster: widespread damage or loss of life brought about by action of humans
Example: Man-made disaster is a controversial issue, and people should pay more attention to find a solution
for this problem.
8. Loss of habitats: the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exit
Example: Due to logging, loss of habitats is increasingly common at present.
9. Endangered species: animals or plants are on the verge of extinction
Example: We have to take the responsibility for protecting endangered species from hunting and natural
10. To die out: to become extinction
Example: The population of Kangaroo are being in danger of dying out.
11. Global warming: the increasing temperature of the world brought about by gases such as CO2
Example: We are beginning to experience global warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.
12. Greenhouse effect: the gradual warming of the air surrounding the Earth as a result of heating trapped by
Example: The deforestation of forests is contributing to greenhouse effect.
IELTS Speaking Task 1:
Are there any environmental problems in your country?
Absolutely yes, the most common environmental issue in my hometown is exhausted emissions produced
by cars and motorbikes have been afflicting the air and water quality. My government is struggling to deal
with the problem.
Do you take an interest in nature?
Of course yes, as a city person, I barely have an opportunity to experience the natural environment. Then
whenever I have a holiday, I really prefer to go to the far-off destination, so I could get closer to the nature
and discover the natural world.
Do you or your family take steps to help the environment?
Yes, we do. We always turn of lights or electronic appliances when they are unnecessary. Although this is
minor action, but I believe that it could make significantly contribution to the environment.
IELTS Speaking Task 2:
Describe environmental pollution in your city.
What type of pollution is/are?
Why it had happened?
And explain how this pollution can be controlled?
Sample answer:
I have been living in Hanoi for almost 8 years, then I have the chance to see how the city has changed in
these years. Due to the increasing number of tourist, Hanoi environment has been polluted significantly.
Indeed, many people traveling to there has thrown illegally thrown rubbish into the land and water, which
causes to land and water pollution. In addition, industrial and household waste from factories and
families is contributing to the high level of pollution.
In order to solve this issues, I would recommend the Hanois authority to heavily fine who are caught
realising trash into the atmosphere. By carrying out the rule, people being intent to litter the environment will
be afraid of being punished, which can deter them from discharging unlawful waste. Another solution is that
the government should run some campaigns to raise the awareness of people about how important the
environment is. For example, showing local people and visitors the danger of global warming and
greenhouse effect that I believe could change their attitude towards the protection of environment, which is
likely to have a good impact on air quality.
Although the two actions above are just simple, I think it will be an effective way to mitigate the
environmental contamination in a long-term.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
What do you think is the main danger the world face in term of environment?
It would have to be global warming, which cause some natural disasters such as flash flood and drought.
The problem mainly stems from enhanced greenhouse effect in recent year. I believe that several steps
should be taken to deal with the issue.
What example are there of how we damage the natural world?
There are factories that release toxic waste directly into the air and water, which is main cause of air and
water pollution. As a result, loss of habitats is increasingly common, many people are diagnosed with
health problems such as lung and throat cancer. In addition, a large number of land and rain forests are
destroyed to make a way for agriculture field.

3. IELTS Accommodation Vocabulary: Useful Phrases & Expression In IELTS

In the IELTS Speaking test, it is highly likely that IELTS examiner will ask you to talk about the place you
live or would like to live. In todays post, I will group a great number of phrases and collocations about
accommodation into one single post with a view to helping you find it much easier when it comes to speaking
about home and renting a home.
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Owning Your Home
Your privacy would be protected
Example: Owning a home can allow owner to protect their privacy. For instance, if you live with a roommate
who always makes noise, you will find it difficult to focus on your work.
You can take pride in your ownership
Example: People who own their own home can take pride in their ownerships.
You have to be responsible for maintenance costs
Example: When you live in your home, you will have to be responsible for maintenance costs.
You have to make a long-term commitment
Example: When buying a house, people will be required to make a long-term commitment.
Common Phrases And Idioms For IELTS Speaking Topic: Accommodation
1. Apartment block: a large building made up of small units of apartments
Example: In big city, people usually chose to live in apartment blocks.
2. Rented accommodation: property owned by someone else and for which a person pays a fixed amount to
live in
Example: People who have not enough money to buy a house normally live in rented accommodations.
3. To own your own home: to have bought the property you lived in
Example: It has been my dream to own my own home in a building complex before Im turning 25.
4. Dream home: a home you regard as perfect
Example: My dream home should have two balconies, where I can experience the citys view with my
5. Back garden: a garden at the rear of the house
Example: A ideal house should have a back garden, then people who live in can get closer to the nature every
6. Spacious room: a large room
Example: Their new apartment has five spacious rooms, which is really comfortable for them to live in
7. To take out a mortgage: to borrow large amount of money, paid pack over several years, in order to buy
a house
Example: The house that she was interested in is really expensive, then She had to take out a mortgage.
8. To do up a property: to repair an old building
Example: One my favorite is doing up an old property, each time I do this, I feel a sense of satisfaction.
9. To pay rent in advance: weekly or monthly rent paid at the beginning of the week or month
Example: Generally, a rented accommodation requires that people who hire a house need to pay rent in
10. Permanent address: fixed address
Example: I need you to provide me a permanent address, so I could make a contact with you when is needed.
11. To get on the property ladder: to buy a property with the aim of buying another bigger or more
expensive one later in life
Example: when Im turning 25, I would like to settle down and get on the property ladder.
12. Mod cons: technology at home that makes jobs easier such as a washing machine, dishwasher
Example: The house is equipped with mod cons, which can make people lives more comfortable.
13. To live on campus: to live on the university or college grounds
Example: I prefer living on campus, because I could have the chance to make a lot of new friends there.
14. To move into: to begin to live in a property
Example: I starting to move into the new house in 28th September.
15. The suburbs: a residential area on the edge of tows or cities
Example: In the modern world, many people prefer to live in the suburbs, because the environment is much
more fresher.
IELTS Speaking Part 1:
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
At the moment, I am living in my parents house, but in future I am moving in University, and I am gonna
live on campus in a double room.
What kind of accommodation do most people live in your city?

It depends on where they live. For instance, People who live in urban areas usually live in houses while those
who inhabit in urban areas would stay in apartments because there is not enough place for building houses.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a house or an apartment that you would like to live in. You should say
What kind of accommodation it would be
where it would be
who would live there with you
and why you would enjoy living in this place
Sample answer:
Since I was a young boy, I have always dreamed of my future home. Today I would like to share with you
about my ideal place that I would love to live in. It seems to me that urban environment is perfectly suitable
for my personality and my needs, then living in an apartment block in a metropolitan is the best choice for
Because owning my own home means that I could do whatever and whenever I like, I have constantly
wanted to make my dreamed apartment become true as soon as possible. In there I would live with my future
family, there should be a small family of my two children, my wife and myself. Thus, the apartment should
be in high floors such as 15th or above, and of course my place should have to be spacious, which is about
200 square meters that means my kids could have enough space to play. There might be a living room, a
kitchen, three bedrooms and one balcony. In my ideal apartment, it should be equipped with mod cons, so
when it comes to cleaning the house, we will find it easier.
Also I would plan to put tables and chairs out in my balcony, then I could sit in, have a cup of tea with my
wife and experience the citys view. This I believe will be a memorable memory for my beloved family.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
Is it better to own your own home or to rent?
I would go for rented accommodation because of its potential advantages. The first benefit is that people
who rent a house will not need to take out a mortgage and just pay rent in advance, which normally costs
them a small amount of money. Another benefit is this house will not be their permanent address, which
means they can move to anywhere they like.
What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for yourself?
The important thing is they can enjoy finding their own home, then another thing is owning their own home,
which means that they could do whatever they like. For example, by doing up a property, they can organize
and decorate their house in a way that suits their expectation.

4. IELTS Education Vocabulary: Useful Phrases And Expressions In IELTS

To continue IELTS vocabulary series for IELTS Speaking, this post will cover a wide range of collocations and
phrases about education, which could be useful for you when encountering the topic in real life situation or in
the IELTS exam.
Benefits and drawbacks of higher education
Open the door to better employment opportunities
Example: It is suggested that doing master degree will open the door to better employment opportunities.
Contribute to society
Example: An increasing number of higher educated workers could have a good contribution to society in terms
of economy
Require a huge investment in term of time and money
Example: Generally, continuing higher education will require a huge investment in term of time and money.
Lose the current job
Example: When you decide to continue higher education, you have to face the risk of losing your current job.
Common Phrases And Idioms For IELTS Speaking Topic: Education
1. State school: a school paid for by public funds and available to general public
Example: Because my budget is limited, then get a scholar ship and go to state school is a great idea.
2. Private school: a school that is not supported by government money, where education must be paid for by
the childrens parents
Example: A private school usually offers good educational facilities compared to a public school.
3. Higher education: education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or
secondary school
Example: Lisa moved to American with the purpose of continuing her higher education.
4. To work your way through university: to have a paid job while studying to support yourself financial
Example: Peter has had to work his way through university, thus he barely has free time.
5. Tuition fees: the money paid for a course of study
Example: In order to pay for the tuition fees, I have been doing many part-time jobs.
6. To keep up with your studies: to not fall behind
Example: If you want to keep up with my studies at university, you have to spend more time on self-study.
7. To fall behind with your studies: to progress less quickly than other
Example: Sara spent almost her time on going out rather than studying, which caused her to fall behind with
her studies, thus she failed the exam.
8. To sit an exam: to take an exam
Example: The time when I have to sit an exam is really stressful, because I need to stay up all night and have
less time to relax.
9. To attend classes: to go to classes
Example: In order to pass the final exam, it is suggested that you should attend to all of the classes.
10. Face to face classes: join in courses in classroom with colleagues and teachers.
Example: When you take part in a face to face class, you will have an opportunity to interact with teachers in
person, then you can respond to the teacher immediately.
11. Distance learning: a way of studying, in which you will learn, and communicate with teachers and
classmates through the internet.
Example: One benefit of taking distance learning course is the timetable will be flexible, which means you can
study whenever and wherever you want.
12. To learn something by heart: to memorize it
Example: The course requires me to learn a lot of things by heart, which is quite hard for me.
13. To take a year out: to take a gap year
Example: Before going to the university, I decided to take a year out to travel to some countries.
14. A graduation ceremony: an event that successful student receives his or her academic degree
Example: a graduation ceremony is one of the most important day in a student life.
15. Gain/obtain knowledge
Example: Taking academic course will help students to gain a great deal of knowledge.
IELTS Speaking Part 1:
What kind of school did you go to as a child?
I studied in public school all of my childhood, because at my time, the schools provided better education in
comparison with private school.
What do/did you study in your university?
I studied business administration, which really suits my skills and personality.
Would you say you are a good student?
Yes, I would. I have skipped any classes, I find it easy to keep up with my studies, not to mention that my
teachers usually compliment on my ability to learn quicker than other students.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a time during your education that you really enjoyed. You should say
When this period was?
Where you were?
What you were studying at that time?
And say why you were so happy?
Sample answer:
Today I would like to share with you my memorable memories at university. This is the time when I first
moved to Hanoi and did my Bachelor degree in Thang Long University. At first, everything was new to me.
I had to learn hard to keep up with my studies and spend a part of my time on doing part-time job, then
worked my way through university. Although I was very busy at that time, I believe that it was the best time
in my students lives, in which I joined in many clubs and activities, which gave me the chance to experience
social lives, and make new friends.
Another thing that I remembered is when I was struggling to choose my major at university and received help
from my classmates. As a junior student, my university required me to decide which business concentration
such as human resources management, accounting, finance I would follow. Knowing that friends who had been
studying with me for a long time might know me better than myself, I came to some of my friends and asked
them for help. It was very kind of them that they spent time with me on analyzing my strengths and weaknesses,
also discussing with me the pros and cons of each majors. After few hours talking with them, I made a decision
that I would go for human resources management. Now, I has been studying the major for almost 3 years and
I have not ever regretted about my choice
Through all these times, I realize that whenever I am in need, my friends will always be there for me.

IELTS Speaking Part 3:
What are the advantage of studying on a distance learning course?
The most foreseen benefits is that the timetable is flexible, which means students can learn anytime they want.
In addition, tuition fees are likely to affordable because distance learning classes do not need to be invested
in classrooms and other educational facilities. But people who take distance learning courses have to be
motivated, otherwise they could fall behind with their studies.
Do all children get equal opportunities in education?
No, not really. In my country, students from well off families are likely to have better chance to study in private
school with excellent facilities while this is still out of reach of few learners, because their families cannot
support them.

5. IELTS Appearance & Personality Vocabulary: Useful Phrases &

Expressions in IELTS Speaking
Today, I am about to share with you some phrases and expressions about appearance and personality. I hope
that this post will be useful for you.
Collocations And Phrases Describing Physical Appearance
1. Youthful appearance: to look young
Example: People always compliment on her youthful appearance.
2. Look young for your age: look younger for your age
Example: Her style of wearing makes her to look young for her age.
3. To be getting on a bit: to be getting old
Example: Recent years, my parents have been getting on a bit.
4. To bear a striking resemblance to somebody: to look very similar
Example: Everyone often says that I bear a striking resemblance to my father, which I really proud of.
5. To be good-looking: to be attractive
Example: She is the one I have a crush on who is really beautiful and good-looking.
6. To be well-built: to be muscular
Example: He has been working out for years, then he is well-built.
7. To be well-turned out: to look smart
Example: The guy who is wearing glasses and a yellow T-shirt is well-turned out.
8. To be overweight: to weigh more than is regarded as healthy
Example: Overusing fast food can cause to some health problem such as being overweight.
9. Shoulder-length hair: hair that comes down to the shoulders and no further
Example: She has shoulder-length hair, and a bright smile.
10. To lose ones figure: to have a figure that has lost its toned shape
Example: Because she ate too much fast food recently, she loses hers figure.
11. To get done up: to dress smartly
Example: Whenever she shows up in the public, she always gets done up.

Collocation And Phrases Describing Personality
1. To be the life and soul of the party: a fun people, someone who is the center of activity
Example: He has always been the life and soul of every party that he took part in.
2. To hide ones light under a bushel: to hide ones talents and skills
Example: I have to say that she is the type of person hiding her light under a bushel.
3. To lose ones temper: to suddenly become angry
Example: Please leave before I lose my temper.
4. Good sense of humour (US Humor): the ability to understand what is funny
Example: The guy has a good sense of humour, then he always is the life and soul of the party.
5. Trustworthy: can be trusted
Example: I have known her for many years, so I must say that she is a trustworthy person.
6. Self- confident: believes in ones own ability or knowledge
Example: My sister is self-confident, and she always believes on herself even when she has to speak in front
of lots of people.
7. Self-assured: confident
Example: I want to teach my children to be self-assured from early ages.
8. Introverted: Someone who is shy
Example: In my opinion, people who is introverted cannot be a good leader.
9. Extroverted: having a confident character and enjoying the company of other people
Example: She is extroverted, and she really like to interact with other people.
10. Easy- going: relaxed and not easily worried about anything
Example: She is easy-going, and she never lost her temper.
11. To bend over backwards: to try very hard to help someone
Example: Peter has always bend over backwards to help me out whenever I am in trouble.
IELTS Speaking Part 1:
How would you describe yourself?
I would say I am extroverted. I mean I really like to hang out with my friend in the weekends whenever I
have spare time.
Are you similar to your brother(s)/ sister(s)?
I believe that we are quite similar. We are both kinds of people who can be the life and soul of the party.
What I mean is we can make people laugh a lot in every parties that we join in.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a person in your family who you admire. You should say
What his/her relationship is to you?
What he/she has done in your life?
What he/she does now?
and explain why you admire this person so much.

Sample answer:
Today I would like to share with you one of my family member that I always take pride in. This is my older
sister, who currently is working as a sale woman in a multinational company.
As a sale person, the appearance is really important to her, so whenever she shows up in the public, she
constantly gets done up. Also, due to her slim figure, it is very easy for her to choose clothes. Normally, she
wears jeans with white shirts, but when it is necessary, she suits up for formal events. Then I think all of this
helps her to stand out in a crowd, and draw attention from other people.
Not only she is a successful businesswoman, but also she spends a part of her time to take care of me. From I
was a little child, she was like my best friends, we shared laugh and happiness together. And when I was
in trouble, she will consistently be there for me and help me out.
All of this makes me admire her so much, and I have always wanted to be a person like her who is really
succeeded in career that she chose to pursue.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
Is it important to dress well whenever we go out?
It depends. If you go on an important date, you should get done up, because it shows that you respect the
people who you go out with. But when you hang out with your mate, you can where casual clothes what
makes you comfortable.
Which personality do you think we most want to pass on to our children?
I think it would be honesty, because this is essential in every situation. For example, honesty is the
foundation of a good friendship. If you are dishonest, you cannot be trustworthy. Also children should be
self-assured and self-confident, which could help them a lot in their lives.
Which personality do you think are less likely to suffer from stress or anxiety?
Easy-going, I think. These people will barely lose their temper and always stay calm when they face
difficult situation. This will allow them to barely suffer from turmoil.

6. IELTS Sport Vocabulary: Useful Phrases & Expressions In IELTS Speaking

Sport is an interesting topic in IELTS Speaking, and the frequency of facing the topic in the IELTS speaking
test is really high. Hence, you need to prepare for this. One way you can do that is use some useful collocations
& phrases to sound more natural and native. In this post, I will share with you some useful vocabulary about
Sport which I believe can help you to impress the examiners & gain a 7 or higher in IELTS Speaking.
To commence with, I would like to give you some ideas about the Pros and Cons of Sport that help you not
only in speaking test but also in writing test.
Feel a sense of enjoyment
Example: Whenever I play football with my friends, I feel a sense of enjoyment although I sweat a lot.
Have an opportunity to socialize
Example: Anticipating in a sport give you the opportunity to socialize, which means you can meet and make a
new friend
Face the risk of injury
Example: You should be careful when playing sports otherwise you will face the risk of injury.

Need large investment of time
Example: Playing a sport will need large investment of time.

Collocations And Phrases For IELTS Speaking Test Topic: Sport

1 . To take up exercise: to start doing exercise
Example: I say Im going to take up exercise all the time, but I always find an excuse to delay.
2. To train hard: to train with a lot of effort
Example: An athletic has to train hard to achieve their goal.
3. To do judo
To play tennis/football
Example: At the weekends I like to play football with friends, and sometimes I just do judo to kill my times.
4. A strong swimmer: a good swimmer
Example: My father who is a strong swimmer teaches my how to swim.
5. To get into shape: to become fit
Example: My brother do many exercises, which help him to get into shape.
6. To keep fit: to stay in good physical condition
Example: I try to keep fit by consuming healthy food and doing exercise regularly
7. To go jogging: to run around the street
Example: I usually go jogging with my mother in the park which is near my house in the early morning or in
the afternoon.
8. To set a record: to achieve best result in sport
Example: All athletics always want to set a record or get personal bests.
9. Sport facilities: the equipment and services needed to do a sport
Example: My university spend a lot of money on upgrading the sport facilities.
10. A personal best: to achieve the best result so far in sport
Example: Sara trains hard with the purpose of achieving her personal bests.
11. Brisk walk: a fast walk
Example: Doing brisk walk is one of the best way to maintain our health.
12. A big/huge/massive fan of: supporter or admirer who really like something
Example: I am a huge fan of football, and my favorite club is Real Marid.
13. To be out of condition: to be not physical fit
Example: Lacking of doing exercise and playing sport can lead to being out of condition.
14. An athletics meeting: an event where various athletics sports are held
Example: It has been my dream to go to an athletics meeting with my family to watch sports, especially football
15. A football match: a game of football
Example: I have never missed a football match of my favorite club.

IELTS Speaking Part 1:
Do you do any sport?
Absolutely yes, I am fond of playing football with my friends after school, because we are big fan of
football, and whenever playing it, we have a lot of fun with that and feel a sense of enjoyment.
Do you watch sports on TV?
Football is my favorite sport to watch on TV. Since I a huge football fan, I have barely missed football
matches of my favorite team including away games and home games. I prefer to spend my Sunday night
staying at home to see a match with my father.
What is the most popular sport in your country?
In my opinion, I believe football is the most common sport in my country. This is because it is not too hard to
take up the sport, in addition in term of watching a football match, this can bring so much fun to viewer, not
to mention that, the sport does not cost much money to play and watch, which allow people to find it easy to
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe your favorite sport?
What is the name of the sport?
When do you play it?
How do you feel after playing it?
And explain why do you like it?
Band 8.0 Sample answer:
Since I was a little boy, I began to fall for football, and until now I have ever stopped loving the sport. At the
very beginning, I first came to know football when my father took me to watch a football match in which our
local team played against their biggest competitor. Although our team lose that match, but I knew that they
had trained hard to prepare for the big match, also during the match, they showed their determination to
win that game. All of this made me to love our team and to start to fall in love with the interesting sport. After
that, I always followed our local team, and asked my father to buy season tickets, then I would never miss any
games of my favorite team.
Apart from watching football, I am also into playing it. Thus, whenever I have spare time, I prefer to spend on
playing football with my friends, which is not only easy for us to take up but also give us a sense of enjoyment.
Though it make me sweat a lot anytime I play with the ball, I love the fact that I always have great time with
my buddy. In addition, I was really proud that by playing football regularly I can get into shape, then my
relatives compliment on my fit body each time we meet.
Finally, I believe that does not matter that how busy I will be in the future, I will constantly spend a part of my
time on football, and my love for football will never be faded.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
Should people be encouraged more to take up sport?
Definitely yes, the most important reason is that playing sports can be regarded as a recreational activity.
Indeed, while in the modern world individuals have to suffer from high level of stress at work or school, so
this activity can allow people to reduce stress significantly and feel comfortable. Another reason is anticipating
in sport will give people the opportunity to socialize, which means they can meet and make new friends.

Which sport do you think are best for people arent used to physical activity?
In my point of view, these kind of people wont prefer strenuous exercise, so brisk walk can be the great
choice, because the sport does not require high level of fitness. Also, going on a brisk walk regularly help
people to keep fit and have a good effect on their health. People who arent used to physical activity can also
choose swimming, which is easy to take up and after go swimming, they can feel a sense of freshness.

7. IELTS Holiday Vocabulary: Useful Phrases & Expressions In IELTS

To continue my series of vocabulary for common topics in the IELTS Speaking test, I would like
to share some collocations of Holiday topic to you. Since holiday is one of the most frequent topics in IELTS
speaking test, it is necessary to know a number of uncommon words in term of holiday topic, which can help
you to achieve higher band in the IELTS speaking test.
You will probably be asked to talk about the topic of Holiday in IELTS Speaking. Hence, you need to
prepare for this. One way you can do that is have some useful collocations & phrases to sound more natural
and native.
You can find these collocations & expressions below & make the most out of them to stand apart from the
crowd and get the score you need for the IELTS Speaking test.
I hope you will enjoy studying, and it is guaranteed that learning these vocabularies below can help you find
it easy to talk about your holiday with your friends as well as examiners.
Positive effects of holiday
To get away from it all: get away from work and studies
Example: Travelling can be regarded as a recreational activity, which could allow travelers to get away from
it all
Spend quality time with family and friends
Example: Going on a holiday is a time when family can be together and spend quality time with each other.
Negative effects of holiday
Impair the local environment: destroy the local environment
Example: Many tourists throw rubbish into the water, which can significantly impair the local environment
Cost an arm and a leg: cost a lot of money
Example: Travelling overseas will cost people an arm and a leg.
Useful collocations & phrases for IELTS Speaking test Topic: Holiday
1. Holiday of a life time: a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeat
Example: My trip to Ha Long Bay last week is the holiday of a life time in which I had a lot of memorable
memories with my family.
2. All in package/ package holiday: a holiday where you purchase the travel and accommodation
Example: I do not prefer package holiday because when it comes to travelling, I have always wanted to
explore a new place by myself.
3. Guided tour: an organised group shown around a place of interest by an expert
Example: It is suggested that signing up for a guided tour could help traveler to avoid tourist traps.

4. Holiday destination: where you go for a holiday
Example: Ha Long Bay is a famous holiday destination in Vietnam, where welcome a million of traveler a
5. A far-off destination: somewhere a long way away
Example: These days traveling to a far-off destination is really common activity, which attract attention from
many young travelers.
6. Places of interest: sites of interest to tourists
Example: When going to a new place, the first thing I will do is to travel to some places of interest and try
local food.
7. To go sightseeing: to look around the tourist sites
Example: I like to go sightseeing at the weekend with my friends in the countryside areas.
8. Breathtaking view: an extremely beautiful view
Example: One thing that I really love about my previous trip is that I could experience many breathtaking
9. Hordes of tourists: crowds of tourists
Example: On holiday season, a tour guide gets very busy with hordes of tourists.
10. Local crafts: objects produced locally
Example: The shop sells a various types of local crafts with a wide range of prices.
11. Charter flight: a cheaper form of flying than a scheduled flight
Example: I usually choose to travel by charter flight, then I could save a lot of money in term of travelling
12. Check in desk: the place at the airport where you register for your flight and deposit your luggage
Example: Check in desk is the first place that you have to go to when you want to get on the plane.
IELTS Speaking Part 1:
What kind of holiday do you like?
Whenever I go on a holiday with my family, I usually choose to sign up for a guided tour, which will have
us to avoid tourist traps. Also, by doing that we will have an opportunity to experience a professional tour in
which I can learn a lot about the new place.
What do you like to do when youre on holidays?
I prefer going sightseeing with my family around the place where I travel to, then I could take some
photographs, which allow me to keep memorable memories. Not to mention that, one of my favorite
activity is go around and try some local food.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a holiday you recently had?
Where you went?
How you got there?
what you did there?
and explain if you enjoyed it?

Band 8.0 Sample answer:
Last week, I had two days off, so my family decided to go on a picnic in a park, which is not a very popular
holiday destination & quite near my house. It took us about 30 minutes to get there. Since we did not prefer
package holiday, we chose to explore the place by ourselves, which would be flexible for us to travel.
We got up at 6 am, and started to go there by car. When we were on the way travelling to there, we saw
hordes of tourists along the road, which made me feel really excited. After 30-minute drive, eventually my
family and I arrived in 6.30 am. Then my sister and I began to prepare the food and drink, while my parents
set up the tent. After finishing preparation stage, me and my older sister went sightseeing around the park,
and it is interesting that although the park is not a famous destination, there are breathtaking views that I
barely could experience in the city areas. When we got hungry, we ate sandwiches that we prepared at home.
On the sun was about to go down, we gathered around the fire and grilled the beefs and potatoes for the
dinner, then we sang a song. At that moment I did not think of anything and my mind went blank, I felt like I
can get away from it all. Then we had the chance to talk with each other, spend our quality time to share
laugh and happiness together, and relax in the middle of stunning landscape.
For me, it is a holiday of life time & a once-in-a-lifetime experience which I gave me a lot of precious
memories with my family that I will never forget.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
What do you think has led to the growth in the tourist industry?
In my opinion, affordable price of tour is the most important sector which lead to a development in tourist
industry. Indeed, at the present using all in packages to travel to some famous destination is the common
way, which do not cost much money, then it is very easy for everyone to pay for a trip.
What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?
Firstly, it could give us a wonderful chance to unwind or chill out after tiring days at work. For example, we
could go to a far off destination and stay for few day, then we can stop thinking about hard work and get
some rest. The second benefit is by going on holiday, we can spend our quality time with family, which is
really precious in the modern world because almost the time we have to work or study, then we have less
time to be with our family.

7. IELTS Relationships Vocabulary Useful Phrases for Common Topics in

IELTS Speaking
Have you ever found it difficult to talk about relationship such as love, friendship, family? In todays post I
would like to share with you some phrases and expressions, which could make it easier for you to deal with
the relationship topic both in real life situations and in test environment.
At the very beginning, I want to provide you with some collocations to describe the positive and negative
effects of relationship
Advantages of being in a relationship
To share laugh and happiness together
Example: At the weekend I prefer spending time with my family, so we can share laugh and happiness
To have a person who be there for you whenever you need
Example: Being in a relationship means you have a person who always be there for you when you are in
Disadvantage of being in a relationship
To have less time for other social relationships
Example: When you are in a relationship, you will have less time for other social relationships
There are also a wide range of useful phrases to talk about relationship (Love,
Friendship, Family):
1. To get to know: begin to know someone
Example: I have got to know Mary since I was a little boy, and we have been best friends until now.
2. To get on well with: to understand someone and enjoy similar interests
Example: My girlfriend and I get on well with each other because we try to understand the other interests.
3. To hit it off (with someone): to quickly become good friends with
Example: As a sociable person, Peter can easily hit it off with Sara.
4. To go back years: to have known someone for a long time
5. To strike up a relationship: to begin a friendship
Example: Mia and I struck up a relationship since we were high school students, until now we still keep in
6. To enjoy someones company: to like spending time with someone
Example: we are best friends, and we always enjoy each others company
7. A healthy relationship: A good, positive relationship
Example: Tom and Mia have a healthy relationship, and they always help each other out of trouble.
8. To have a lot in common: to share similar interests
Example: we became best friends since we were ten because we had a lot in common.
9. To have ups and downs: to have good and bad times
Example: All relationships have ups and downs, but some people prefer to break up rather than work it out.
10. To keep in touch with: to keep in contact with
Example: Although we have not seen each other in person for a long time, we still keep in touch.
11. To lose touch with: to not see or hear from someone any longer
Example: My high school friends make a promise to try to not lose touch with each other.
12. To drift apart: to become less close to someone
Example: I really appreciate our friendship so I hope that I will never drift apart from her.
13. to fall out with: to have a disagreement and stop being friends
Example: Having a lot of arguments for ages, we fell out with each other
14. to work at a relationship: to try to maintain a positive relationship with someone
Example: All relationships have their ups and downs. The point is that we should work at the relationship
rather than give up on it
15. to cement a friendship: to make a relationship stronger
Example: I always set aside time at the weekend to come over to visit my best friend to cement our

1. To break up: to end a romantic relationship
Example: She decided to break up with her boyfriend because they didnt have a lot in common
2. To fall for: to fall in love
3. fall head over heels in love: really love somebody
4. To be in relationship: to be romantically involved with someone
Example: He was not married, but he was in a stable relationship.
5. To love at first sight: to fall in love immediately you meet someone
1. To see eye to eye: to agree on a subject
Example: My parents see eye to eye on many aspects of their lives, so they barely find themselves in conflict.
2. To start a family: To conceive or have a first child.
Example: After tying the knot for 2 years, we made up our mind to start a family.
3. To tie the knot: get married (= get hitched)
4. Blood is thicker than water: family relationships come before any other relationship/priority.
Example: When anyone in the family get into a problem, other members will help out because blood is
thicker than water after all.
5. A close knit family: a family get on well; support each other & see each other a lot
Example: Family is the most important thing in the whole world and we ought to prioritize to make it a
happy and a close knit family.
6. Flesh and blood: people who are part of your immediate family
Example: While she is not my flesh and blood, she is really like my sister
7. Pop the question: propose marriage
Example: Theyre really well matched in their interests, yet he hasnt popped the question because both of
them are not ready to settle down and have children.
IELTS Speaking Part 1:
Friendship Topic:
Do you see your friends very often?
You: Well, I used to hang out with my friends at least twice a week because we enjoyed each
others company & had a lot in common to talk about, but I am in last year of university now, so I am very
busy with my study. For that reason, I dont often have the chance to spend quality time with my friends any
Do you like spend time with friends?
Yes, absolutely. Usually I spend much time with my friends. When we get together we have fun and learn to
understand each others personalities.
Do you usually have conflicts with your friends?
Conflict is inevitable in every relationship. But I always try to maintain a healthy relationship to avoid
drifting apart from my friends

Do you have a best friend?
I have a few best friends. Our friendships go back years to when we were still young. Although they are by
no means my flesh & blood, they are like sisters to me who always help me out in every matter.
How would you describe a good relationship?
I would say that all relationships have ups & downs but if you are on good terms with your friends, you can
get over it & keep in touch with each other, and always try to work at the relationship to make it a long-
lasting friendship.
Do you ever help a friend by giving advice?
1.Do you live with your family?
Yes, I live in an extended family with my grandparents, parents & my younger brother.
2. How are you getting on with your parents?
I have to say that Im the apple of my parents eyes. They always take care of me and give me helpful
advice whenever I get into trouble.
3. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?
On one hand, I always try to keep in touch & work at the relationship with my friends who I really care for.
On the other hand, I spend as much quality family time as I can to maintain our close knit family tradition.
4. Is family very important for you?
Of course, family is my first priority. They are my flesh and blood and always there to support me
5. If you were married, how many children would you choose to have?
If I decide to tie the knot and settle down, I will start a family when my husband & I see eye to eye on how
many children we choose to have. For me, I prefer to have one daughter & son so I can raise them up without
being afraid of economic pressure.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a person you are very close to. You should say:
who this person is
when you met them
where you met them
and say what it is about them you like so much.
Sample Answer:
Well, I would like to talk about my soulmate Jess, who used to be my classmate in high school. She was one
of the most impressive friends of mine and a really talented person.
I can say that our friendship goes back years when we were little kids. Being a gregarious girl, she was the
person who started our very first conversation and then we stroke up our relationship and quickly hit it off
with each other. I have to admit that I really enjoy Jesss company because we can share a lot of things with
each other have a lot in common, which makes us can talk all day long.
For me, Jess is one of the most wonderful girls on earth. I feel that Van was really diligent. I still remember
she was always the first to come and the last to leave our class though she was a grade-A student in class. I
was encouraged as well. She often told me that genius comes from one percent of inspiration and ninety-nine
per cent of perspiration, and I really admire and appreciate her diligence and responsibility. What amazed
me more was that she was so versatile. In addition to being an excellent student, she was also talented and

good at other fields. For example, she was proficient in English and Japanese; she excels in playing the
piano, and more surprisingly, she was even good at calligraphy. How impressive that was!
Im constantly amazed by her open-mindedness shes never judgmental. I wish I could be like that. But
shes very reliable if I call her or give her a message, she always response. Weve always got on well and
we hardly ever fall out with each other.
Personally, she was the one I always wanted to be, and she set a good example for me to follow.
All in all, those are the reasons why when I read the question that you gave me, Jess is the first person that
came to my mind.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
Question 1: Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?
From my perspective, marriage is always a turning point for anybody. In my country, when a couple really
falls heads over heels in love with each other, they will tie the knot to show their commitment and to
demonstrate that they are ready to start a family and go through ups and downs with each other.
Question 2: Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when were in a relationship?
Sure its so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love. But we always need to have
friends companies so try to keep in touch with them by spending weekends to hang out, writing some
letters for them each month or giving them small gifts to cement the relationship.

8. IELTS Technology Vocabulary: Useful Phrases & Expressions In IELTS

Technology is a common topic in IELTS Speaking, then it will be a great idea to prepare some topic words,
which can not only help you to speak confidently and fluently but also give you the chance to enhance your
IELTS score in term of Lexical Resource when facing Technology topic in an IELTS Speaking Test.
Learning Collocation is one of the most effective ways to remember and use new words naturally. Thus,
today I would like to recommend you a wide range of collocations about technology that I hope could
significantly improve your performance on the IELTS Speaking Test and general speaking as well.
There are some benefits and drawbacks of technology, which can be useful when it comes to speaking test
and writing test as well.
Some advantages of technology
To help somebody to keep in touch with friends and family: to maintain communications with someone
Example: The availability of advanced technology helps people to keep in touch with their friends and family
who travel abroad.
To make education accessible to countryside students: give countryside students the chance to study
Example: Equipping remote schools with more computers could make education accessible to the
countryside students.
Some disadvantages of technology
To lack social skills
Example: Children who spend too much time in front of computer screens will lead to lacking social skills.
To face health problems
Example: Individuals using smart phones too much time might face some health problems related to eyes.

Collocations and Phrases For IELTS Speaking Test Topic: Technology
1. To browse the websites: to look at websites
Example: Whenever I have spare time, I enjoy browsing the websites to catch up on the up-to-date news
2. To surf the web: to look at a series of websites one after the other
Example: Mary had to surf the web to find information in order to finish her assignment.
3. To enter a web address: to type the web address of a website in to the address bar of your browser
Example: Typing a web address in to search bar is the most basic computer skill that users must know when
they start learning to use computer and the internet.
4. To bookmark a webpage: to mark a webpage for future purpose
Example: One of my habit is booking mark a webpage, which I find useful, for later researching.
5. To download somethings from the internet: to save a copy of a file from the internet to your own
Example: Peter loves to listen to his favorite tracks on mobile that he downloads from the internet.
6. To cut and paste: To move text or image from one place to another place
Example: Cutting and pasting the webpage address will save your time when surfing the internet compared to
tying webpage address by your fingers.
7. To back up files: to make a copy of files in case of computer problems
Example: Computer producers unusually advise that computer users should back up their important files to
prevent losing information in case of computer problems
8. To boot up: to start a computer
Example: My computer is the newest model, and I love the fact that it boots up really quickly
9. A computer buff: an expert computer user
Example: Liam is a computer buff, so when my laptop has problems I ask him for help.
10. To crash: to suddenly stop working
Example: Sometimes my computer crashes, and I just dont know what to do. Thus call a computer buff for
checking up.
11. A techie: somebody who has an interest in technology
Example: I can say that I am a techie, I do research about computer and internet all the time.
12. High-spec (laptop): powerful computers with top high quality components
Example: It has been my dream to own a high-spec lap, which can play every up-to date games.
13. Wireless network: a network where users can access the internet without the use of fixed cables
Example: Setting up wireless network will be really convenient, because you can connect to the internet
anytime and anywhere in your home.
14. Wireless hotspot: a public place where you can access the internet
Example: I usually go to wireless hotspots such as coffee stores and libraries to do my homework.
15. Breakthrough: an important new discovery in technology
Example: Microchip is one of the greatest technological breakthrough that mankind has made.

IELTS Speaking Part 1:
Do you enjoy using technology?
Yes, I think I could call myself a techie. I spend almost my free time on technology such as playing video
game, watching TV and surfing the Internet. I couldnt imagine how my life would be without technology.
Do you use the Internet for your studies?
Of course yes, I usually go online and search information to finish my assignments, and sometimes I
download some books from the internet to read and prepare for our studies at school.
Do you have your own computer?
Yes, I have a Vaio laptop, which is my birthday gift from my parents. Although it is not a high-spec one, but
I can meet all my needs at the moment, In the future when I have enough money, I will upgrade my laptop.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe an item of technology you have that is very important. You should say:
What the technology is?
when you got it?
how often you use it?
and say how different your daily life would be without it?
There are a various kind of electronic appliance in my house, but I believe the fridge is the most important
thing that we can barely live without. We bought the gadget 2 years ago, which was the latest model at that
time. It is amazing that after 2 years running, our fridge still works properly and there arent any damages.
The appliance is made by Samsung, which is the most well-known brand of producing household. My first
impression about the refrigerator is tall gray rectangle box, and what is really interesting is that when I stand
in front of the fridge, it can reflect my image like a mirror, then I always prefer to look myself into it rather
than a real mirror.
While the main purpose of the fridge is keeping food and drink longer by keeping it at the low temperature, it
has other functions such as power cooling mode and power saving. When the power cooling mode is on, the
temperature inside the fridge could be went down faster than on a normal mode. Due to the power saving
feature, our refrigerator could save a great deal of energy when running, which might contribute to the
protection of the environment, also help us to save a lot of money per month. After buying the gadget, our
life become more comfortable because we can consume fresh food and drink whenever we need. Thus I hope
that we dont have to live without the refrigerator in the future.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
What do you think is the important things people need to learn when they start using computer?
In my point of view, the first thing is learning how to boot up a computer in the right way, because if people
turn on the computer wrongly, it cant work properly. And another thing is to protect the computer
sufficiently. For example, in the modern world, if you do not ensure the internet security, a hacker can
attack your computer anywhere and anytime, then your important information will be leaked easily.
What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives?
I guess it would have to be the internet. Indeed, nowadays with a device connected to the internet, individuals
can gain access to the internet whenever and wherever they like. For instance, I could use my smart phone
which is connected to wireless networks at home or at wireless hotspots to go online, and browse the
9. IELTS Work Vocabulary: Useful Phrases And Expressions in IELTS
Work topic is ubiquitous these days, which means that you not only face it in the IELTS test, but also in some
daily life conversations, especially when you have to attend an interview at work, then it is suggested that
preparing yourself for vocabulary about work will be a wise decision. I hope that these phrases and
collocations below could help you.
Pros and cons of running a business
Work in a field that you really enjoy
Example: In the future, I want to open a clothes store, then I can work in a field that i really enjoy.
Your schedule can be more flexible
Example: Owning a business means your schedule will be more flexible, for example sometimes you can take
a day off and spend time with your family.
Take a large financial risk
Example: Running your own business such as opening a restaurant means that you have to take a large financial
Unstable income
Example: Being self-employed, you have to accept that your income will be unstable, for instance, it can be
really high sometimes, but some months you just earn nothing.
Common Phrases And Idioms For IELTS Speaking-Topic: Work
1. To be called for an interview: to be invited to attend an interview
Example: Although he has been called for an interview, he hasnt got a job yet.
2. To be your own boss/run your own business/be self-employed: to have your own business
Example: It has been my dream is to be my own boss, because I can do everything in my way If I run my own
3. A nine-to-five job: a normal job that consists of an 8 hour a day
Example: The idea of doing a nine-to-five job is quite arduous for few people.
4. To be stuck behind a desk: to be unhappy in office job
Example: Working full-time in an office can lead to being stuck behind a desk.
5. One of the perks of the job: an extra benefit you get from a job
Example: Extra meal is one of the perks of the job, which make employees more satisfied
6. Job satisfaction: the feeling of enjoying a job
Example: Job satisfaction is the most important factor when a person chooses a job.
7. Manual work: work that requires physical activities
Example: Many people have manual work that requires them to work in dangerous environment.
8. Temporary work: work done for a limited time only
Example: Taxi drivers is just my temporary work; I am applying for better job.
9. Voluntary work: to work without pay
Example: In my free time, I join in voluntary work to help the society.
10. To be well paid: to earn a good salary
Example: Working in auditing area will be well paid.
11. Working conditions: the hours, salary and other entitlements that comes with the job
Example: Employer should spend more money on improving the working conditions.
12. To meet a deadline: to finish a job on time
Example: Last week she was really stress, because she had to work too hard to meet the deadlines.
13. To take early retirement: to retire early
Example: Recently, a large number of older worker tend to take early retirement, then they will have more time
to travel.
14. A heavy workload: to have a lot of work to do
Example: Many workers are complaining the heavy workload, and they asking for higher salary.
15. Shift work: a system in which different groups of workers work somewhere at different times of the day
and night
Morning/Night shift
Example: Many industries rely heavily on shift work, and millions of people work in jobs that require shift
16. Tempting offer
Example: After graduating in economics, I got a very tempting offer from an investment bank and accepted it.
17. Land a new job: get a new (and usually a good) job
Example: After graduating, I did the usual things of putting together my CV & applying for jobs. Luckily, I
landed a fantastic new job at a tourism company.
18. Living wage: enough money to live on
Example: After doing a job swap, I just got a living wage which didnt commensurate with my experience &
19. Take up the post: start work
Example: After being laid off, I went back to my old job and took up the post of editor of a leading
fashion journal.
20. Carve a niche for myself: make a special position for myself
Example: After graduating, I practiced medicine for a number of years in London. I managed to carve a niche
for myself as a specialist in dermatology.
21. Job swap:
Example: I want to take up some fresh challenges so I did a job swap for a year.
22. Do a job-share: situation where 2 people share equal parts of the same job
Example: I decided to go part-time and do a job-share with my friend after returning from maternity leave.
23. Lay off staff: dismiss staff because there is no work for them to do
Example: My start-up went through a difficult period and had to lay off staff
24. Volume of work: workload
25. Earn a good living

Example: I had a substantial volume of work private students and marking exams and was able to earn a
good living
26. Fast-track scheme: system for rapid training and promotion of talented staff
27. Move up the ladder: being promoted
Example: I was put on a fast-track scheme and was moving up the ladder fast
28. Throw a sickie: take a day off work pretending to be sick
Example: I dont like my job so I throw a sickie from time to time
29. Get the sack: be dismissed
Example: I want to take one weeks off from work but Im afraid of getting the sack
IELTS Speaking Part 1:
What do you do?
At the moment, I am a student, but I also do some voluntary work at my university, in which I can gain a lot
of precious experience.
Do you have any career plan yet?
Yes, I have, I would like to be self-employed down the road because I am not fond of a nine-to-five job. I
hope that I can run that sales clothes and accessories.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe your ideal job. You should say
What this job is?
Whether you would need any qualifications?
Whether it would be easy to find work?
And say why you would enjoy this job in particular?
Band 8.0 sample answer:
Everyone has their dream job, and I am no exception. Since I was a little boy, it has been my dream to work as
human resources management in a multinational company. What make me really want to have the job because
I am fond of interacting with other people, then working in the work place will give me the chance to deal
with human relationships, not to mention that a teacher from my university compliment on my leader skills
and he said that I have the ability to organize people to work together and lead them to boost the productivity,
which is one of the reason driving me to the job.
Generally, working in human resources field is likely to be well paid, besides it also challenging for me to
find work in the area because the position will require high level of qualification and large amount of
experience. Thus, to prepare for my career, I have gained a bachelor in business administration, and I am
about to do a mater degree in the field, in which I will specialized in human resources management. Apart from
my studies, at that time I did my bachelor, I also took part in several voluntary work. By doing that, I have
got a great deal of valuable experience such as social skills and business knowledge as well. I hope that all of
this can help me to take my ideal job easier.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority, young people or older
people with more experience?
I believe that it should be young worker, although you people cannot possess a rich source of knowledge like
the elderly does, they are full of energy, then can motivate other coworkers to work harder, which could have
a good effect on the company. additionally, recent years older workers tend to take early retirement, then
job vacancies is always available for young people.
What are the disadvantages of working for someone else?
The first things is people being an employee will be put under a lot of pressure. For instance, the workers will
have heavy workloads and always have to work to meet the deadlines, which is really stressful. In addition,
working for someone means you will have less time to relax and be with your family.

10. Useful Collocations For IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Government

It is widely acknowledged that collocations play a vital part in second language learning, particularly at the
intermediate and advanced levels. In the IELTS test, using collocations demonstrates the improvement of
learners oral communication, writing skills.
1. A minority government: that does not have enough politicians to control parliament
His party had gained only enough seats to form a minority government.
2. Central government: this is the national government of a country.
Funding will continue to be available from central government for further education for adults.
3. Government spending: the money is spent by government
Government spending on health care totals about $60 billion a year.
4. Government minister: a politician who is in charge of a government department.
A government minister said that there would be an inquiry.
5. Domestic politics: within a country
The war had a major impact on the countrys domestic politics.
6. A government body (also a government agency): an organization run by the government.
Patents are granted by U.K Patent Office, a government body.
7. Elect a government: vote to choose a government
A new government was elected last October.
8. Bring down a government: Force it to lose power.
It was a major scandal that nearly brought down the government.
9. Regulatory authority: a regulatory authority has the official power to control an activity and make sure
that it is done in a satisfactory way.
New drugs have been approved by the regulatory authority.
10. Pass legislation: officially approve it so that it become a law
The legislation was passed banning the use of child labour(US Labor).
11. Enact legislation: make it into a law
Much legislation has been enacted to control pollution.
12. Propose legislation: suggest a new law
The government proposed legislation on data protection.
13. Political corruption: dishonest or illegal behavior in politicians.
It is a country with a long history of political corruption.
14. Make policy: decide what it will be
A committee of representatives makes policy.
15. Shape policy: develop it or have an influence on it
These terrorist acts will not be allowed to shape our foreign policy.
16. Pursue/ follow a policy: continue with a policy over a period.
The organization is pursuing a policy of cost cutting.
17. Reverse a policy: Stop a policy and change it
The new government set about reversing previous policies.
18. Take measures: do something in order to deal with a problem
The situation is now so severe that the government must take measures to police the Internet.
19. Long-term plan/strategy/solution: continuing for a long period.
The government needs to consider the long-term solution of a poorly trained workforce.
20. A political strategy: a planned series of actions for politics.
Baldwins political strategy was almost totally successful.

11. Useful Idioms And Expressions About Happiness And Anger

In IELTS speaking test, if you want to impress the examiner with your ability to speak English
naturally, using idioms is not a bad idea. Today, I am going to share with you these useful idioms and
expressions about common topics of happiness and anger to help you achieve a high score in the IELTS
speaking test.
Idioms And Expression About Happiness:
On cloud nine: extremely happy and satisfy.
When I got my result of the exam, I was on cloud nine and cant wait to tell my parent about this.
Like a dog with two tails: have the same meaning of on cloud nine, extremely happy
When Paul won the competition, he was like a dog with two tails.
Full of the joys of spring: very happy, excited, and full of energy.
Amanda was full of the joys of spring! Did she receive a good new?
Grin from ear to ear: If somebody grins from ear to ear, they seem like very satisfied and happy.
When we saw Jack grinning from ear to ear, we knew he had passed the exam.
Jump for joy: express their happiness and satisfaction through excited movements and gestures.
The player jumped for joy when he scored the winning goal.
Idiom and expression about Anger
To be steamed up: feel annoyed.
When I failed to get this job, my father was very steamed up about it.
To get hot under the collar: feel irritated.
Because I told him that I couldnt bring him to amusement centre,(US Center) he got a bit hot under the collar
this morning.
To be hopping mad: Feel furious
Jack is hopping mad because his son has borrowed his car for the weekend without first asking his permission.
To fly off the handle: Suddenly lose ones temper.
Im sorry. I shouldnt have flown off the handle like that. Please forgive me.

To throw a wobbler: Become suddenly angry with someone.
When he realised that Jane had been stealing his money, he threw a wobbler and wouldnt stop finding her.

12. How to Boost Your Vocabulary Score in IELTS ?

A proper grasp of vocabulary is definitely one of the most important criteria in the IELTS test. Not only does
vocabulary make up 25% of your mark in IELTS writing and speaking but it also plays a crucial part in IELTS
Listening & Writing.
However, a vast majority of IELTS learners (90%) dont build up their vocabulary in the right way. Lots of
them have downloaded long lists of words without having seen them used in context before and thought that
they could simply learn them by memorising (US Memorizing). This is the single worst thing to improve
their vocabulary skill. Why? The point is that words rarely have only one strict meaning, so learning out
of context is, in essence, is an absurd idea. It means that they dont fully expose the words within a sentence
and paragraph, thereby not figuring out how to use them properly. Therefore, to gain high score in vocabulary,
IELTS learners have to use suitable words in each situation, not by using new and strange ones.
So my advice is that instead of learning difficult & strange words, you should focus on examining the words
in context, together with learning word forms (countable, uncountable, noun, verb,) , collocations related to
these words ( followed by which adjectives, verbs or nouns).
Lets get down to improving your range of vocabulary in the effective way with the following 5-step plan to
have a flexible use of a rich variety of vocabulary:
1. Read & Listen! Most vocabulary words are learned from context so lets pick a TV show, radio, podcast,
magazine or book that interest you. (Bear in mind that you shouldnt force yourself to watch or read something
you are not a fan of because you can feel distracted and then cant stick to your plan). The more words youre
exposed to; the better vocabulary you will have. While you read, pay close attention to words you dont know
& how they are used. First, try to figure out their meanings from context. Then look the words up.

2. Get in the habit of looking up words you dont know. It is absolutely essential to set up at least either of
the online dictionaries named Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary and Cambridge Advanced
Learners Dictionary. Keep in mind to keep it open and handy with thesauruses on its tool bar to look up any
new word you are not entirely sure of. Beside each word you should jot down a brief note of the meaning,
collocations, synonyms, example sentences, antonyms and pronunciation. You can also draw pictures, relate
the word to words you already know or do whatever to remember the word.
Firstly, you can look up the dictionary to check if you used it correctly (its meaning, its form) and read the
examples they made.
For example: you used knowledges instead of knowledge > you re wrong.
Secondly, check the synonym
Synonym: knowledge = understanding, perception, comprehension
Then, read an example sentence or two:
My teacher was well-known for his great knowledge, the most of which she had obtained from books.
Then, checking collocations:

For example:

Wrong Right
large knowledge broad knowledge

Contribute in something Contribute to something

Expensive price High price

Scarce population Sparse population

a flock of fish a school of fish


3. Own one notebook: Have your own notebook and take note all of new words with meaning, collocations,
examples, synonyms and the mistakes you made when using these words.
4. Use mnemonics (memory tricks): Learning a word wont help very much if you promptly forget it.
Research shows that it takes from 10 to 20 repetitions to really make a word part of your vocabulary. Therefore,
you had better review the new words after 10 minutes one day 4 days one week two weeks one
month two months (based on spaced repetition, a learning technique to exploit the psychological spacing
effect). Also, practice using the new words in a sentence.
5. Practice, practice, practice!
You should use the new words you noted down in your speaking, writing and check your vocabulary regularly
to make sure you the words stick in your long-term memory. You can use the following materials to practice
at home:
The human mind can effectively remember up to 15 new words in a foreign language per day, so if you practice
your vocabulary five days a week, after a week you can learn around 70 new words. After 1 month you will
have at least 250 new words in your notebook.
This single learning method is the most powerful way I know for improving your Vocabulary and lots of my
students have been successful with it. I bet you will do the same if you get your hand in learning vocabulary
with this simple 5-step plan.

13. 10 Academic Words That Will Help You Score IELTS Band 9 (Part 1)
In the IELTS writing test, especially in IELTS Writing task 2, the academic words play an integral role in
gaining a high score. Therefore, I decided to pull together an article to furnish you with 10 academic words
that can help increase the academic tone of your IELTS speaking and writing.
The list of useful academic words below might help you to improve your score in the IELTS writing exam.
1. Abstract (adj): based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events.
=> Human beings are the only creatures capable of abstract thought.
2. Aggregate (v): (Usually Passive) to put together different items, amount, etc. into a single group or total.
=> The scores were aggregated with the first round totals to decide the winner.
3. Cooperative (adj): willing to cooperate.
=> He was doing his best to be cooperative.

4. Discrimination (n): The practice of treating somebody or a particular group in the society less fairly than
=> Government figures suggest that ethnic minorities face discrimination looking for jobs.
5. Diversity (n): a range of different people, things, or ideas.
=> Cultural diversity is a central feature of modern British society.
6. Exceed (v): to be more than a particular number or amount.
=> Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week.
7. Immigrant (n): someone who enters another country to live there permanently.
=> Large numbers of illegal immigrants have found their way into the country.
8. Inevitable (adj): Certain to happen and impossible to avoid.
=> A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.
9. Phenomenon (n): something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is
studied because it is difficult to understand.
=> The idea that we may be able to live forever is not a new phenomenon.
10. Paradox (n): a situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas or qualities that are very different.
=> Its a paradox that in such a rich country there can be so much poverty.

14. 10 Academic Words That Will Help You Score IELTS Band 9 (Part 2)
Continuing the previous topic last week, today, I will introduce you to ten more academic words, which are
very powerful if you use correctly. Therefore, you could improve your score in IELTS Writing.
Intrusion (n): When someone does something or something happens, that affects your private life or
activities in an unwanted way.
This is a governmental intrusion on the freedom of the press.
Involuntary (adj): Happening without the person concerned wanting it to.
The distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment is often blurred.
Itinerary (n): a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit.
Visits to four different countries are included in your itinerary.
Lucid (adj): clearly expressed; easy to understand.
There is only one lucid explanation for this problem.
Lucrative (adj): producing a large amount of money; making a large profit.
Many of the engineers left the service for more lucrative jobs abroad.
Ludicrous (adj): Unreasonable; that you cannot take seriously.
It was ludicrous to think that the plan might succeed.
Jurisdiction (n): the authority that an official organization has to make legal decisions about
The British courts have universal jurisdiction over torture cases.
Lenient (adj): not as strict as expected when punishing somebody or when making sure that rules are
School examiners say that marking has become more lenient in recent years.
Loathe (v): To dislike somebody/something very much.
Many of the people fear and loathe the new government.

Obsess (v): to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not
Modern people are becoming obsessed with material wealth.

15. 10 Academic Words That Will Help You Score IELTS Band 9 (Part 3)
Welcome back! Hope you enjoy two previous posts about academic words. Have you tried to use these words
when you write IELTS essays? I hope the answer is YES.
Today, I decided to pull together another post in the same spirit. Below are ten academic words that I want
to cover in this post.
Metropolitan (adj): connected with a large or capital city.
A metropolitan area of South Germany is becoming developing rapidly.
Mimic (v): to look or behave like something else.
The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements.
Miniature (adj): very small; much smaller than usual.
Some parents expect their children to behave like miniature adults.
Moderation (n): The quality of being reasonable and not being extreme.
Moderation in eating and drinking is the way to stay healthy.
Monarchy (n): a country that is ruled by a king or a queen.
There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe.
Mirage (n): a hope or wish that you cannot make happen because it is not realistic.
His idea of love was a mirage.
Mischievous (adj): enjoying playing tricks and annoying people.
A mischievous boy
Miser (n) a person who loves money and hates spending it
Mike was a stereotypical miser, he spent nothing he could save; neither giving to charity nor enjoying his
Lackadaisical (adj): not showing enough care or enthusiasm.
He has a lackadaisical approach to finding a job.
Legitimate (adj): allowed and acceptable according to the law
The legitimate government was reinstated after the uprising.

16. Synonyms for Commonly-used Adjectives in IELTS Speaking & Writing

To achieve a high score in the IELTS test, you must show that you can use a fairly wide range of word
forms. In this post Im going to cover synonyms of various common adjectives used by IELTS learners.
An adjective is the most commonly-used type of word in IELTS which functions as modifiers of nouns,
typically by describing, delimiting, or specifying quantity, as beautiful in a beautiful woman.
A synonym is a word or expression with the same or a similar meaning as another word. For example, the
words beautiful and resplendent are synonyms used to describe something having great beauty.

Bear in mind that some synonyms in the list below might not be perfect synonyms there may be slight
differences in meaning and connotation. For example, the words angry and mad. Both of them mean feeling
or expressing annoyance but the word mad also means being mentally deranged and foolish.
Synonyms are often used in different collocations, too. For example, we can describe either a person or
an idea as brilliant, but only a person can be astute.
The table below will furnish you with synonyms for the most common adjectives which can serve as an
adequate substitute in the IELTS test.

Adjectives Synonyms Examples

Negative, detrimental, inferior, Dumping waste exerts a negative effect on

inadequate, incorrect, poor, unsatisfactory, environment
harmful, unacceptable, unpleasant, Passive smoking can have a detrimental
discouraging, terrible effect on anyones health.

Sizable, enormous, huge, immense,

The mechanic spent an immense amount of
gigantic, vast, large, sizable, grand, great, time getting the engine into perfect condition.
Big tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical,
Global warming influences a large number of
ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout,
people living in this area.
tremendous, titanic, mountainous

Unbelievable, improbable, fantastic, This extraordinary event is held occasionally

fabulous, by the government.
incredible, wonderful, astonishing, John has already had an incredible moment
astounding, extraordinary with his friends in England.

The dreadful service could decrease the

number of visitors booking rooms in the
Dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, summer.
Bad attitude may lead people into trouble in
every occasions.

He could have been mad to decide to do this

Mad, furious, wrathful, indignant, risky project.
exasperated, aroused, inflamed This furious decision could lead us into

Pleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, He is pleased to come to New Zealand to

elated, joyful, cheerful, ecstatic, jubilant, study MBA.
gay, tickled, gratified, glad, blissful,
She is gratified to except this invitation.

Miserable, uncomfortable, heart-broken, What has led to this miserable state of affairs?
unfortunate, downhearted, sorrowful,
Unhappy He did not know the reason why an
depressed, gloomy, dismal, discouraged,
unfortunate coincidence happens.

This challenging sport brings certain benefits

Interesting Fascinating , gripping, arresting, to trainees.
enthralling, engaging, attractive,

inviting, intriguing, provocative, though- He had a fascinating idea to support this next
provoking, challenging, inspiring, project.
titillating, tantalizing, exciting,
entertaining, piquant, engrossing,

This book is a little bit tiresome to read.

Mundane, dull, monotonous, tiresome, Grinding is all well and good, but after a
humdrum while, the monotonous repetition wears away
at your soul.

He lifted his dark face, indolent dark eyes.

Lazy Indolent, slothful, idle, inactive, sluggish An inactive FED and low bond yields are
effectively buoying the stock market and
driving major US indexes to record highs.

To hear people call me a word record holder,

Noteworthy, worthy, distinguished, it sounds remarkable.
Great remarkable, grand, considerable,
Mr Deeds became a powerful advocate for
powerful, much, mighty
Representative Murphys mental health bill.

Acceptable, adroit, commendable,

competent, excellent, exceptional, This immediately fulfilled my need to collect
fabulous, fantastic, favorable, first-class, things but was also cheaper, more socially
Good great, marvelous, proficient, satisfactory, acceptable, and more fun than cardboard.
skillful, splendid, stupendous, super, The US right now is in a very favorable
superb, superior, tip-top, valuable, position.

She was taken to a local hospital where she

Chief, critical, crucial, essential, was listed in critical but stable condition.
Important imperative, key, necessary, urgent,
That would be nice, but in many ways, it is
weighty, vital
kind of an imperative.

Attractive, breathtaking, wonderful, This means that the garden is no breathtaking

work of land art.
picturesque (landscape/view)
Beautiful Behold the warrior women power, a sword
Attractive, glowing, gorgeous, good- hidden in a gorgeous dress, and so, so, so
looking (person) many classic Wonder Woman trappings.

Transgender children and adults are the

Courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, strongest and most courageous people I have
plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, ever met.
audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty,
Glaring into a bottomless mining cycle, the
mettlesome acquisition may seem daring.

Shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, They were left with vivid memories of him.
Bright sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, While healthy competition is an intellectual
colorful, lustrous stimulus, a cutthroat environment is disruptive.

Intelligent, knowing, smart, intellectual

Smaller demonstrations, community policing

Quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, tactics and the use of officers on bikes all
serene, smooth, composed, collected, played a role in the largely peaceful outcome.
unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, The product lines of Joy and Komatsu are
detached, aloof mostly complimentary, which should smooth
antitrust concerns.

She couldnt predict the intense political

climate and debate surrounding Syrian
refugees in the US and abroad.
Strong Powerful, intense, firm, solid, potent
She recognizes the risks inherent in the most
potent relationship of her life, yet is unwilling
to relinquish it.

Its the only known member of the group to

have feeble arms with two fingers.
Weak Frail, feeble, shaky, flimsy, fragile
My years in public offices have taught me that
progress can be fragile.

The most perilous situation came in the

fourth, when the Giants loaded the bases with
Perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, one out.
The sequence of events surrounding the
collapse remain uncertain.

The chicken has just the right amount of

savory tang, the pickle brine playing nicely
Savory, delectable, appetizing, luscious, against the sweetness of the maple.
Delicious scrumptious, palatable, delightful,
That doesnt make it, or her, less political,
enjoyable, toothsome, exquisite
even if, for her admirers, her presentation is
more palatable.

So far, however, there has been no sign of

Well-known, renowned, celebrated, Knight, the famed Indiana basketball coach.
Famous famed, eminent, illustrious, distinguished,
Rabbi is among the most eminent and
noted, notorious
respected Rabbis in the country.

Quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, hasty, snappy, For every snappy scene or exchange, there are
mercurial, swiftly, rapidly, quickly, three or four that feel baggy and haft-written.
snappily, speedily, posthaste, hastily, He sent a hasty, mistake-filled letter to Kent,
expeditiously, like a flash hoping to lessen the potential damage.

Some form plump landscapes, a la Grant

Plump, stout, corpulent, fleshy, beefy, Wood.
paunchy, elephantine The three fleshy nudes are at once solid and

The idea for a humorous ad came from Adam
Humorous, amusing, droll, comic, Barth, Felixs predecessor.
comical, laughable, silly It needed to be unlike any traditional greeting,
but it couldnt be at all comical.

His grave is located at the edge of of the

settlement and remains a pilgrimage site for
Alarming, grave, pressing, pressuring, extremists.
severe, urgent The most urgent tasks involve the key
institutions of education, business and

The model shows that increasing the share of

immigrants with, say, college degrees had only
Insignificant, insubstantial, minimal, a minimal effect on GDP and employment.
minor, tiny
A minor in dramatic arts, this is Normans

Mr Trump is a unique and present danger.

Fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, The movie, airing Saturday night, is a
modern, current, recent, up-to-date continuation of a vibe thats special and
unusual for TV.

Its true that society will probably always have

Feeble, ancient, aged, used, worn,
devices to read DNA, so that gets around the
dilapidated, former, old-fashioned, problem of obsolete readers.
Old outmoded, venerable, primitive,
The reason, suggested Tom Mann, a political
traditional, archaic, outdated, antiquated,
scholar at the Brookings Institution, is
obsolete downright primitive.

This is another problem with this game: It

Fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, gives you erroneous notions of evolution.
False untrue, unfounded, erroneous, deceptive,
The accusations may be spurious, but they are
groundless, fallacious
serious and need to be addressed.

Amiss, arguable, askew, awry, bad,

All of the proposed solutions are debatable,
debatable, dubious, erroneous, fallacy, and the next shooting has already happened
fallacious, false, inaccurate, incorrect, before those debates are over.
miscalculated, misconstrued, misguided,
The bright colors help them avoid being
mistaken, on the wrong track, off target, mistaken for game and shot.
perverse, spurious, unsatisfactory, untrue

It is always one step ahead of you, yet virtually

Correct, accurate, factual, true, good, just, everyone gets faster and more accurate with
Right honest, upright, lawful, moral, proper, practice.
suitable, apt, legal, fair The appeals court responded with a judicial
shrug to the trial courts factual findings.

The new tools aim to reverse that pattern, by
using technology to make saving as effortless
Simple, effortless, straightforward, as spending.
uncomplicated, childs play
He left a lot of uncomplicated pleasure in his
wake, and some complicated pleasure, too.

He recently won an appeal against the tough

Taxing, tough, challenging, regime of his incarceration.
daunting, tricky Its possible to serve draught beer on a plane
but the physics are tricky.

15. 11 Phrasal Verbs to Boost Your Speaking Score to Band 8 or Higher (Part
1. Work out: calculate
Example: I need to work out whether I can afford to study abroad.
2. Catch up: to try to reach the same standard, stage, or level as others after you have fallen behind them
(like youre chasing someone, or with your studies)
Example: I fell behind after 1 week off from school and had to catch up.
3. Carry on: continue
Example: Im going to carry on studying IELTS till I get the score I need Im not giving up!
4. Come across: To meet or find (something or someone) by chance.
Example: On the halfway back home, I came across Tom, what a coincidence!
5. Read up on: to study or learn by reading
Example: Before setting out to travel around the world, I read up on all the places I planned to visit.
6. Sort out: to find a solution to (a problem, etc), esp to make clear or tidy.
Example: It took a long time to sort out the mess.
7. Zone out: fall asleep or lose concentration or consciousness.
Example: I just zoned out for a moment after such a long drive.
8. Put up with: endure
Example: After graduating, I had to put up with many months of unpaid work before finally being given a
permanent contract.
9. Come up with: to think of, develop, or find something
Example: Theyve tried their best to come up with a feasible solution to air pollution.
10. Look back on: Think about something that happened in the past
Example: When I look back on my childhood, Im amazed by the crazy things we used to do
11. Call off: to stop or cancel
Example: They called off the football match because of the weather forecast.

16. 10 Phrasal Verbs to Push Your Speaking Score to Band 8 or Higher (Part
Do you want that extra edge to push your score to Band 8.0 or higher for the IELTS test? Lets make the most
out of 10 English phrasal verbs to stand out and get the score you need!
You will probably be asked to talk about a multitude of different topics such as work, study, Books And
Films, Relationship, Physical Appearance, Personality, Music, Food in the IELTS Speaking Section. Native
speakers use phrasal verbs all the time in conversation! Stay well-prepared for these topics with these phrasal
verbs to sound more natural and native when speaking informally.
Here are five that are easy to use and will impress your examiner:
1. Make it: arrive or get a result
Examiner: Do you have any expectation regarding your scholarship application?
Candidate: I am not sure if I am good enough to actually get the scholarship, but I expect to at least make it
to the final round
2. Bone up on: to learn.
Example: I had to bone up on my English studies to push my IELTS score to a 7 or higher.
3. Do away with: end/ terminate
Example: Personally, I think we should do away with school uniforms. Students should wear what they like.
4. End up: become eventually
Example: Im not sure what I will end up doing with my life. I cant decide on a career path.
5. Figure out: to learn the details of something, or discover how it works.
Example: I figured out how to fix the television.
6. Make do with: accept something less satisfactory because theres no alternative
Examiner: Can you tell me something memorable about one of your recent outings?
Candidate: Sure! My friends and I went to a friends house last week. Things were great, except that there
was no coffee, so we had to make do with tea.
7. Goof off: to waste time or avoid work
Example: I used to spend most of the school days goofing off with her friends.
8. Make of: understand or have an opinion
Candidate: Im not sure what to make of this question. Could you rephrase it for me?
9. Worn out: exhaust/ tire
Example: Im usually worn out by the end of the week because Im studying for IELTS and working as well.
10. Clam up: say nothing usually because you are embarrassed or nervous
Example: I clammed up when she asked me to answer the question.


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