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Load Flow Analysis

The load flow gives us the steady state values
of the entire system - voltages, phase angles,
real and reactive power generated and
absorbed and line losses.
Real And Reactive Power Injected in a Bus

Let the voltage at the ith bus be denoted by

the self admittance at bus- i as
Similarly, the mutual admittance between the
buses i and j can be written as
Let the power system contains a total number of n buses.
The current injected at bus- i is given as


we shall assume the current entering a bus to be positive

and that leaving the bus to be negative.
As a consequence the power and reactive power entering
a bus will also be assumed to be positive.
The complex power at bus- i is then given by

= (5)





Classification Of Buses
Always the biggest in the system
Bus Preferably - Centrally located

Load Bus Generator Bus Slack Bus

PQ Bus PV Bus/Voltage controlled bus Swing/ Reference Bus

(Has to be a Generator bus )

Specified: , , | | | | = 1.04 , =0

To calculate: | | , , ,
Load Buses
In these buses no generators are connected and hence
the generated real power PGi and reactive power QGi
are taken as zero.
The load drawn by these buses are defined by real
power -PLi and reactive power -QLi in which the
negative sign accommodates for the power flowing
out of the bus.
The objective of the load flow is to find the bus
voltage magnitude |Vi| and its angle i.
Voltage Controlled Buses
These are the buses where generators are
The power generation is controlled through a
prime mover. The terminal voltage is controlled
through the generator excitation.
Keeping the input power constant through
turbine-governor control and keeping the bus
voltage constant using automatic voltage
regulator, we can specify constant PGi and | Vi | for
these buses.
Slack or Swing Bus
Usually this bus is numbered 1 for the load
flow studies.
This bus sets the angular reference for all the
other buses.
Angle of this bus is usually chosen as 0
It is assumed that the magnitude of the voltage
of this bus is known.
Why slack bus ?
To supply the losses partially

i.e., = -
Data For Load Flow
Let real and reactive power generated at bus- i be
denoted by PGi and QGi respectively.
let us denote the real and reactive power consumed
at the i th th bus PLi and QLi respectively.
Then the net real power injected in bus- i is
, =
Load Flow Problem
np + ng + 1

PQ Bus PV Bus/Voltage controlled Bus/ Swing/ Reference Bus

Generator Bus (Has to be a Generator bus )

Specified: , ,| | | | = 1.04 , =0

To calculate: | | , , ,

Variables 2np + ng
Equations 2np + 2ng
No. of Equations > No. of variables multiple Solution
No exact Solution
Have to use iterative methods for solutions of the load flow problem.
Load Flow by Gauss-Seidel Method
At the beginning of an iterative method, a set of
values for the unknown quantities are chosen. V2(0)
( +1)
These are then updated at each iteration. V2
The process continues till errors between all the
known and actual quantities reduce below a pre-
specified value.
Gauss Two Bus Power Flow Example
A 100 MW, 50 MVAr load is connected to a generator
through a line with z = 0.02 + j0.06 p.u. and line
charging of 5 MVAr on each end (100 MVA base).
Also, there is a 25 MVAr capacitor at bus 2.
If the generator voltage is 1.0 p.u., what is V2?

j0.05 j0.05

SLoad = 1.0 + j0.5 p.u. 15

Gauss Two Bus Example, contd
The unknown is the complex load voltage, V2 .
To determine V2 we need to know the Ybus ,
which is a 2 2 matrix. The capacitors have
susceptances specified by the reactive power
at the rated voltage.
1 1
Line series admittance = = = 5 j15.
Z 0.02 + j 0.06
5 j14.95 5 + j15
Hence Ybus = .
5 + j15 5 j14.70
( Note: B11 = 15 + 0.05; B22 = 15 +0.05 + 0.25). 16
Gauss Two Bus Example, contd
Note that V1 =1.00 is specified, so we do not update V1.
We only consider one entry of h(V ), namely h2 (V ).
1 S*2 n
Equation to solve: V2 = * Y2 kVk = h2 (V ).
Y22 V2 k =1,k 2
( +1) 1 1 + j 0.5
Update: V2 = ( )
(5 + j15)(1.00)
5 j14.70 (V2 ) *
Guess V2(0) = 1.00 (this is known as a flat start)
(v ) (v )
v V2 v V2
0 1.000 + j 0.000 3 0.9622 j 0.0556
1 0.9671 j 0.0568 4 0.9622 j 0.0556
2 0.9624 j 0.0553
Gauss Two Bus Example, contd
Fixed point: V2 = 0.9622 j 0.0556 = 0.9638 3.3
Once the voltages are known all other values can
be determined, including the generator powers and
the line flows.
S1* = V1* (Y11V1 + Y12V2 ) = 1.023 j 0.239 = P1 jQ1 ,
In actual units P1 = 102.3 MW, Q1 = 23.9 MVAr
The capacitor is supplying V2 25 = 23.2 MVAr

1. Updating Load Bus Voltages
Let us start the procedure with bus-2

From the data given in Table 4.3 we can write

V21 = 0.9927 < 2.5959 .

The first iteration voltage of bus-3 is given by

V3(1) = 0.9883 < 2. 8258 .

V4(1) = 0. 9968 < 3.4849 .

2. Updating P-V bus Voltages
It can be seen from Table 4.3 that even though the real power is
specified for the P-V bus-5, its reactive power is unknown.
Therefore to update the voltage of this bus, we must first estimate
the reactive power of this bus.

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