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How to Write a Survey

Steven A. Letovsky

Abstract: It is easy to buy software or use rental software

designed to program an online survey questionnaire, but
nowhere are there instructions as to how to correctly
prepare a survey questionnaire. This article takes you
through a step-by-step process of how to design both the
questions and their possible answers of an online survey
questionnaire. The article describes how to create a flow
such that the survey runs smooth and minimizes the
respondent dropout rate, and it ends up with 10 steps
that must be reviewed every time an online survey has
been prepared.

Key words: Marketing research, Quantitative data collection,

Questionnaire design, Survey design

Designing a questionnaire for a survey seems so simple,
but it is not so. Still, once you do it a few times, you get
the hang of it, and it will become much easier. Even expe-
rienced marketing researchers will admit that designing a
questionnaire takes time and needs careful consideration.
President; L.B.C. Consulting Services; The software companies who have developed ways to
Marketing Research
help people program online surveys have made the pro-
Lecturer in Marketing Research & gramming easier but have complicated some of the basic
Statistics; McGill University,
design elements.
Steve Letovsky is a market researcher. Must Have
He has been teaching marketing
research in the evenings for 30years
A questionnaire must be like a conversation, and it must
at McGill University, Montreal, flow smoothly from question to question and from topic
Canada. He owns and operates LBC to topic and must have a proper beginning and a proper
International Consulting Services, a ending.
management consulting company
The success of an online survey depends upon three
specializing in marketing research. He
has a bachelor of science and a master elements:
of business association degrees, both
earnedatMcGill. 1. It should be short.
2. The topic should be of interest to the qualified
3. It is better if an incentive is offered.

Business Expert Press Expert Insights 1

How to Write a Survey Questionnaire

1. Short means the duration should objectives, one primary objective and pos-
be 58 minutes. The rate of respondents sibly a series of secondary objectives. The
dropping out increases exponentially definition of a marketing research objec-
with a questionnaire that is longer than tive is something that can be ascertained
8 minutes. A 5-minute questionnaire can by asking one or a few questions.
have as many as 30 questions. The key
is to keep the number of open-ended Key Facts
questions to a minimum. One open- Will the sponsor be identified or not? Per-
ended question equals to five closed- haps the sponsor will be identified only af-
ended questions. Short questionnaire ter some critical information is collected.
also means it should include only ques- Sometimes it is important to identify the
tions related to the marketing research sponsor immediately.
objectives. Asking extra questions just be- Who is the qualified respondent? What
cause it might be of interest will cost you characteristics does the person answering
completed surveys! the surveys need to have?
2. The people you are surveying should If you have the following, you can now
be interested in the subject matter. This begin:
means using key words in the introduc-
tion that gets the prospective respondent Definition of who is the qualified respondent;
interested. Identified sponsor in the introduction or
Examples: not; if not, when or not at all;
If you are asking questions about eye List of marketing research objectives;
glasses, introduce the survey as a survey Incentive.
about fashion accessories.
A survey on elementary school educa- Survey Introduction
tion should be introduced as questions Introduction must be clear and to the point.
about education for your children. Keep in mind that people do not read. They
3. An incentive means, for the respon- can read but are always in a hurry and of-
dents time, they are entitled to get some- ten just scan the material. In the introduc-
thing. It does not have to be a financial tion, you must do the following:
return, but at least something to show ap-
preciation. The incentive can be as little Introduce yourself and allow for a response
as, By answering this online survey, you in a language of choice, if necessary.
are helping a student fulfill his or her re- Be clear as to the purpose of the survey.
quirement in a marketing course or By Tell the respondents how long the ques-
answering this survey, you can win 1 of tionnaire is (the number of questions)
10 prizes worth $50 each. Do not offer and how long will it take for someone to
a chance to win something that does not complete the survey.
make sense, such as a free cruise for two Describe the incentive.
people. An incentive that always works is A promise not to use the respondents
offering a donation to a well-known char- name or e-mail address for any other pur-
ity, such as UNICEF for each completed pose is also often a good idea.
survey received.
Some examples of introductions are as
Objectives follows:
The most important issue is to under-
stand the objectives or marketing research Please select your preferred language to
problem. This is the reason why the sur- continue. Veuillez slectionner une langue
vey is being done. Usually there are many avant de poursuivre.

2 Business Expert Press Expert Insights

How to Write a Survey Questionnaire

1. Airline companies frequently monitor the 5. By completing this short survey, you will
needs and requirements of passengers in help us better understand the choices you
order to provide the best service possible. have made or will make regarding your
For your time and effort in completing childrens education. As an incentive, we
the following short survey, you will re- are giving away ten, $50 gift certificates
ceive one round-trip flight between City from an electronics store in your area that
1 and City 2, which is completely free. can be used in person or online. All you
This free flight can be used by you or must do to qualify to win one of these
anyone you designate up until June 30, prizes is to complete the following short
20XX. You are answering this question- (less than 5 minutes) questionnaire. All
naire because you identified yourself entries must be received by March 31,
as a person who has flown with XXXX 20XX, to qualify. Good luck! Please be
between City 1 and City 2 at least once assured that your answers will only be
since January 20XX (this calendar year). used in combination with those of other
Please type in the four-digit code that respondents to produce a report and will
was sent to you by e-mail to initialize the not be used for any other purpose.
survey. The survey will take less than 5
minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. Confidentiality
2. Good day! We have been commissioned Often it is a good idea to tell the respondent
by The Language Association of XXXX that these data are collected for marketing
to conduct a study with companies who research purposes only.
provide products and services in more Example:
than one language. This is an online sur- The respondent will not be called or so-
vey and includes only four questions. licited in any way. The e-mail addresses
Please take 2 minutes and help us out! will not be linked to the information pro-
3. We need your help and are willing to vided. These addresses are used to collect
pay for your time. We are giving away the data only.
fifty, $50 gift certificates redeemable at Your answers to the survey questions
a national electronics store in your area. will remain anonymous. Additionally,
All you must do to qualify to win one your name and any e-mail address will not
of these prizes is to complete the short be linked to your responses to preserve
(less than 5 minutes) questionnaire. All confidentiality.
entries must be received by February 8,
20XX, to qualify. Good luck! Qualified Respondent
4. XXXX Airlines frequently monitors the It is important to make sure that the survey
needs and requirements of its passen- is answered by the right person, the quali-
gers to provide the best service possible. fied respondent. After an introduction, the
Please help us to help you! For your time next step is to ensure that the respondent
and effort in completing the following is a qualified respondent. To do this, it is
short survey, your XXX Airline Prefer- necessary to set up what researchers refer
ence account will be credited with 150 to as the screener. A qualified respondent
points. The points earned by completing is anyone who can respond to the survey
this survey will be awarded by January as per specific information detailed in the
31, 20XX. The answers provided will be objectives of the study.
kept strictly confidential and will only
be used for this study. Your preference If it is a study involving food products,
number was referenced in the e-mail in- perhaps the client would like to talk to
vitation to participate in this survey for the person responsible for the weekly
your convenience. Thank you. food shopping; or

Business Expert Press Expert Insights 3

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