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National Graduate Physics Examination 2015

Day and Date of Examination : Sunday, 25 January 2015
Time : 10 AM to 1 PM

Instructions to Candidates
1. In addition to this question paper, you are given answer sheet for part A and answer
paper for part B.
2. On the answer sheet for part A, fill up all the entries carefully in the space provided,
Only in block capital. Do write the name and PIN of your city.
Incomplete / incorrect / carelessly filled information may disqualify your
3. On part A answer sheet, use only BLUE or BLACK BALL PEN for making entries and
marking answers.
4. In Part A each question has FOUR alternatives. Any number of these (4, 3, 2 or 1) may
be correct. You have to mark ALL correct alternatives and mark a cross ( ) for each,

Q.No. a b c d


Full marks are 6 for each question, you get them only when ALL correct answers are
5. Part A answer sheet will be collected at the end of one hour.
6. Any rough work should be done only on the sheets provided with part B answer paper.
7. Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.
8. No candidate should leave the examination hall before the completion of the
examination. You will take away the question paper with you.
9. Symbols used in the paper have their usual meaning unless specified otherwise.
Answer sheets for part A are likely to be evaluated with the help of a machine. Due to this,
Scratching or overwriting may result in wrong score
National Graduate Physics Examination - 2015
Day and Date of Examination : Sunday, 25 January 2015

Time : 10 AM to 1 PM

Part A - Maximum Marks : 150 Time for part A : 60 minutes

Part B - Maximum Marks : 150 Time for part B : 120 minutes
Part A 256=150
Mark the correct option / options (Any number of options may be correct).
Marks will be awarded only if all the correct options are marked. No negative marking.

1. Poisson's equation for a potential 4. Statement The physical and chemical

function (V) can be written as properties and hence the position of an
element in the periodic table are decided by
2V 2 V 2V
(a) its atomic number rather than the atomic
x 2 y2 z 2 0
weight is embedded in
1 V L2 V
(b) r

r r r r 2 h2 0 (a) Duane Hunt Law

(c) V (b) Moseley law
2 (c) Laue's experimental law
(d) V where and L are
(d) Bragg's law
respectively the charge density and angular
momentum operator. such that
5. Fine structure of Hydrogen -line is
1 1 2 explained by
L2 h 2 sin 2
sin sin 2
(a) Rutherford atom model
2. The rotational kinetic energy of a molecule (b) Bohr atom model
of diatomic gas is (c) Sommerfeld elliptical model with
relativistic correction and spin of
(a) 1
E n h electron
(d) Spin orbit interaction combined with
(b) J J 1h 2 relativistic correction
(c) 1
E Kx2 6. It is known that one gram of water freezes as
2 1.091 cc of ice. The pressure at which water
freezes at minus one degree celsius (-1C)
(d) E 1 I 2
2 instead of 0C is
3. A substance in superconducting state is (a) 136 cm of Hg
(a) perfect Ferromagnet (b) 136 m of Hg
(b) perfect Paramagnet
(c) perfect Diamagnet (c) 136 atm
(d) perfect Dielectric. (d) 1 atm

7. An electron moving with speed in free 12. A circular lamina of mass M and radius
space has R with a non-uniform surface density
(a) momentum = m0c r
(r ) 0 1 for 0 r R
(b) deBrogliewavelength=Comptonwavelength R
(c) energy = twice its rest mass energy is rotating about its own axis perpendicular
(d) kinetic energy = m0c2 to its plane and through its centre with an
angular velocity w. Its
8. The quenching agent most often used in a 1
Geiger Muller counter is (a) Moment of inertia is = MR

(a) Hydrogen gas (b) Moment of inertia is = 3 MR 2
(b) Nitrogen gas 10
(c) Oxygen gas (c) Angular momentum is = MR 2
(d) Chlorine gas
(d) None of these is correct.
9. The particle decay L0 P+ + p must be a
weak interaction because 13. In a laboratory measurement the energy of a
(a) it does not conserve strangeness particle is measured to be E = 0.08eV. It may be
(b) no neutrino is produced in the decay (a) A photon of wavelength 1 A
(c) the p is a lepton (b) An electron of de Broglie wavelength 1 A
(d) it does not conserve angular momentum (c) A proton of de Broglie wavelength 1 A
(d) A neutron of de Broglie wavelength 1 A
10. Whenever a dielectric substance is
14. The motion of a particle of mass m in a resistive
subjected to an external electric field E, it
gets polarised temperature - dependent medium [resistive force (F) being proportional
polarisation / phenomenon is / are to velocity (-n)] under the simultaneous
(a) ionic polarisation influence of a linear restoring force = - K x
(b) electronic polarisation and an external periodic force = F0 sin wt
(c) orientational polarisation is described by the differential equation
(d) deformational polarisation d2x dx
m 2 r K x F0 sin t
11. Which of the following is/are correct? dt dt
(a) A ferromagnetic substance behaves as Such a motion is
paramagnetic substance above a (a) Simple harmonic motion
characteristic temperature known as (b) Damped harmonic motion
Curie temperature (TC) (c) Maintained oscillations
(b) An anti-ferromagnetic substance (d) Forced Oscillations
behaves as paramagnetic above a 15. The molar specific heat of a classical ideal
characteristic temperature known as n
gas in a polytropic process (PV = const) is
Neel temperature (TN) expressed as
(c) A ferrimagnetic substance behaves as
paramagnetic substance below a (a) C
n 1
characteristic temperature known as
Debye temperature (TD) (b) C
(d) Certain conducting substances behave R R
as perfect diamagnet below a (c) C
1 n 1
characteristic temperature known as R R
Critical temperature (TC). (d) C
1 n 1
16. Two long parallel and horizontal wires, each (b) The magnitude of electric field E as a
of radius r, carrying current 2A & 3A, function of distance r inside the ball is
respectively, are arranged in a vertical r2
given by E 0r 1 for r R
plane, one above the other. The lower wire 3 4 R
is clamped fix while the upper one is free to (c) The maximum value of electric field
move up & down in vertical plane and
0 R 2
maintains an equilibrium separation of D. Emax at r R
[The length of each wire L>>D ] 9 3
(d) The total energy stored in this charged
2A 2 5
D non-conducting sphere is U 0.021 0
The upper wire is pressed slightly and 19. Suitable dichroic material used as a
realeased so as to execute simple harmonic
Polaroid film may be
motion in vertical plane. The observed time
period of such a motion is (a) Either of tourmaline, quartz or calcite
L (b) Substance with sugar content such as
(a) T 2
g glucose or fructose.
D (c) Idosulphate of quinine (Herapathite)
(b) T 2
g (d) Stretched polyvinyl alcohol films
0 2 3L impregnated with iodine.
(c) T 2
2 g

0 2 3D 20. In EM theory, the Physical quantity

(d) T 2

DB = e0 E B is expressed in unit of
2 g

17. A silicon diode dissipates 3.2 watt at a (a) Work 2

sec m
current of 2A.
(a) Forward voltage drop is 6.4 volt (b) Momentum
(b) Forward voltage drop is 1.6 volt
(c) The bulk resistance Rb is 0.45 (c) Angular impulse
(d) The bulk resistance Rb is 0.80 Volume

(d) Impulse
18. A non-conducting sphere of radius m3
R is charged with volume charge density
0 1 where 0 is constant and r denotes 21. The average distance travelled by an excess
carrier between the time of its generation
any position with respect to centre of the
sphere. Assuming e to be the permittivity of and recombination in a semiconductor is
the medium of the sphere. known as
(a) coherence length
(a) The magnitude of the electric field E as
a function of distance r outside the ball is (b) diffusion length
R3 (c) depletion width
given by E 0 2 for r R
12 0 r
(d) band width
22. In an event of Compton scattering, of 24. The torque required for twisting of a long
incident monochromatic X-ray beam when cylindrical solid shaft is
the angle of scattering varies from q = 0 to
q = p, the angle f at which the target (a) independent of the nature of its material
electron recoils varies from (b) propotional to the squae of its area of
hn q cross section.
(a) to 0 rec
oil (c) Inversely proportional to its length.
4 ed

to 0 (d) greater than that for a hollow shaft of
same mass, material and length.
(c) to 0
25. Which of the following eigen states
(d) to 0 Ynlm ( r qf) of a quantum system such as
hydrogen atom have even parity
23. Two electrons are revolving in opposite
sense in s orbital of a hydrogen like atom. Z
1 Z 2 a r
The magnitude of magnetic dipole moment (a) 100 r e

induced when the same is subjected to an a0

external magnetic field B 1 tesla
perpendicular to the plane of circulation is/are 3
1 Z 2 Z 2a r

(b) 200 r (1 r )e

h 2 2 a0 2 a0
2 2 5

(b) e R B
1 Z 2 2a r
(c) 211 r re sin e i

4m 8 a0
(c) R B
4 m 1 Z 2 2Z 2 Z Zr
(d) 300r 1 r r e 3a 0

2 3 3 a0 3a0 3 3a0
(d) e R B


PART B-1 (10 x 5 = 50)

Answer all the following in brief (not more than 10 lines) with appropriate reasoning

B1 Infinitesimal rotations are vectors where as B4 In a thermodynamical process, the variation

finite rotations are not. Explain. of pressure against volume of a classical
B2 Stefan Boltzmann law can be derived from ideal diatomic gas
( = 1.4) is a straight A
Planck's radiation formula. Show. P
line AB with negative
B3 In a hypothetical world, if Planck constant
slope. In going along B
(h) were much smaller than its present AB, the internal
value, the results of quantum mechanics energy of the ideal V
would then have been more conspicuous gas, first increases
(noticeable) than they are! Defend or refute. and then decreases. Explain why?

B5 A photon of energy E 1.02 MeV in free B9 The reciprocal lattice for a bcc crystal
space (vacuum) cannot produce an structure is an fcc lattice. Show
B10 The circuit below is a voltage multiplier.
electron-positron pair. Explain why?
Identify its nature and explain its
B6 More compact is an electric charge distribution working.
more difficult is to assemble it. Justify

B7 In simple co-ordinate space pop i h
represents the momentum operator. What
does i h stand for? Explain. V0
B8 Mixing of any two samples of a classical C
ideal gas essentially causes an increase in
entropy. Justify

PART B-II (10 x 10 = 100)

Solve all the ten problems. Each carries ten marks

P1 A ball of mass m = 100 g moving with a non- P3 (a) Mu mesons (m-, m+ ) are leptons 207 times
relativistic speed u makes a head on heavier than an electron. A proton often
collision with an identical ball at rest. -
captures a negative mu meson (m ) to form a
Estimate mesic atom Find the radius of the first
(a) the speed of two balls after the collision, Bohr - orbit of such a mesonic atom. This
if the collision is elastic provided a strong basis for estimation of
nuclear radius in early days.
(b) the coefficient of restitution, if the
kinetic energy after the collision is (b) At what temperature the molecular
three-fourth of its original value. kinetic energy in gaseous hydrogen
equals the binding energy of hydrogen
(c) the maximum and the minimum values
of u if the total energy after collision is
found just to be 0.2 joule.
P4 A plane transmission diffraction grating
P2 Two spherical masses A and B of same with 6000 lines per cm is used to study
diffraction of polychromatic light.
radius R and density and
Calculate the angular dispersion in the
4, respectively, are located
B second order spectrum around the wave
at a distance D = 6R apart in a
length 5890 A. What will be the linear
gravity free space. What
dispersion if the spectrum is focused by a
should be the minimum
spectrometer using a lens of focal length
velocity of projection of a 6R 25cm? Also estimate the linear separation
small ball of mass m = 1kg
m between 5890 A and 5896A in the second
from the surface of A so as
order as observed by this arrangement and
directly to reach B ? A
2 10 the width of the ruled space.
use R = 2.110 Kg/m

P5 A microscopic particle of rest mass m01 estimate the charge to mass ratio of an
moving with speed u1 collides with another electron.
particle of rest mass m02 initially at rest. What would be the base thickness of a prism
After the collision the two particles coalesce capable to just resolve this doublet if the
together and move in the same direction dispersion for the material of the prism be
with velocity V. Show that the rest mass (Mo) d 8888 cm 1
of this composite particle after collision is ?
given by M02 m201 m022 2m01 m02
u12 P9 How is magnetic induction (B) expressed in
c2 terms of vector potential (A)? Obtain an
expression for magnetic vector potential
Obtain an expression for final velocity V. due to a long straight current carrying
condutor. Show analytically that the
P6 How does the internal energy of a real gas magnetic vector potential (A) for two long
differ from that of an ideal gas? Explain the parallel wires carrying equal and opposite
meaning of two types of specific heat of a current (I) is expressed as
gas. Show that the two are related as I
A 0 ln R2 where R1 & R2are,

(a) CP CV R for a classical ideal gas and 4 R1

respectively, the distances of the point of
(b) CP C V R 1 2a for a Vander Waal gas.
VRT observation from the two wires and is a
Here V is the specific volume. Maxwell unit vector parallel to one of the the currents.
thermodynamicalrelations may be used.
P10. For the emitter follower circuit, determine
P7. Obtain the eigen values and discrete eigen the values of re, Zi, Zo, and AV.
states of a particle confined in a one dimensional
infinite potential well of width 'a' centered
at x = 0. Locate the positions of maximum
probability of finding the particle in first
three eigen states. Find expectation value
2 th
<x> and <x > in the n state Yn. Hence find
the uncertainty Dx <x2>. - <x>2 in the
position of the particle in its n state.

P8 In a laboratory measurement, Zeeman

splitting of the sodium yellow spectral line
= 5890A is observed to be D = 0.161A.
when subjected to an external magnetic
field B = 1.0 T. Using the observed values,

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