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of Care REST
(Respite Education Support Tools)

Respite Care Training for InHome Care

This comprehensive 8hour REST
training equips volunteers to provide
care at onsite drop o events and in
home respite.
A REST manual is required for each
par cipant.
Respite Care Training for InHome
Care Introduces

Suggested dona on for 8hour
Voice of Care REST training
Respite Care Training for OnSite Events workshop: $400
The online REST Essen als class Respite Care Training for OnSite
equips volunteers to provide care at
onsite drop o events or to provide
respite care for family members.
Suggested dona on for 4 to 6hour
Voice of Care REST training for Lutheran
workshop: $200
It is recommended that the church
purchase 3 to 5 REST manuals to be
This op on also requires $15 per Congregations
par cipant for the online REST
made available for volunteer Essen als course, which is paid
reference. directly to the administra ng
At comple on of the online course, college.
Voice of Care presents a 4 to 6hour
workshop covering respite events For either training package, purchase of
the manuals (priced at cost,
and handson training for dealing approximately $50 each) is mandatory.
with a variety of disabili es.
This par ally online training op on When Voice of Care sta travels to
present training, mileage
includes trainer evalua on visits to two reimbursement is requested and
ini al respite events and ongoing lodging may be necessary.
consulta ons.
A congrega on will never be refused

training due to lack of ability to pay for
trainer fees. VOICEOFCARE.ORG

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Why Lutheran congregations need a Why Voice of Care has a REST
REST Program... program...

Respite care is less frequently supplied or REST is a na onwide respite training

funded than ever before by state program.
programs or insurance. Voice of Care REST trainers are
Millions of people with disabili es reside Lutheran and understand the call to
at home, receiving care from loved ones. serve people with disabili es as a call
Caregivers need respite. from the Lord Jesus Christ. All Voice
Congrega ons are experiencing an of Care REST trained congrega ons
increase in ageonset disabili es within are given the Biblical founda on for
their own popula on. disability ministry.
Why REST? The Church exists to be the hands and Voice of Care familiarity with
feet of Jesus. Lutheran churches and their
You may know someone who

Why REST is the right program... organiza onal structures and can
regularly provides care to a
help a church nd the best oversight
REST is a comprehensive training for the congrega onal REST program.
loved one with a disability or program that helps a volunteer respite Inhome and onsite models for
healthcare need. Caregiving companion feel condent serving in that respite care oer a congrega on
can be stressful and caregivers capacity. op ons to t a variety of facili es and
need help. Respite carea REST provides resources to ensure a levels of volunteer involvement.
sound congrega onal volunteer respite Congrega ons op ng to provide
short break given to a family program.
caregiver by someone else onsite (drop o) respite care are
RESTs credible training and cer ca on given a check list of best prac ces to
who is trained to help can be a lowers liability risk. aid in providing a safe environment.
welcome solu on. REST basic training can be delivered Families bene ng from REST
online for volunteers serving family and companion services can be assured of
friends. consistent, quality care, even in the
Why Lutheran REST? event of geographic reloca on.

Lutherans Chris ans are How to begin a REST ministry...

mo vated to love and serve Lutheran denomina ons are unique in that their structure lends itself to collec ve
one another. Lutheran training. LCMS districts, ELCA synods or other regional bodies become natural avenues to
train volunteer respite companionsand to produce trainers who will sustain the
congrega ons are uniquely ministry.
structured within districts Mul church volunteer companion REST training workshops are most produc ve, but a
(LCMS), synods (ELCA), or congrega on may request a single church session.
regional bodies, to enable As regional leadership gains understanding of the value in sustaining a REST program,
cooperative multicongregation Train theTrainerworkshops help establish enough trained personnel to properly
accommodate the training of volunteers and support an ongoing REST program.
training events. Its a winwin.

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