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Journal of the University D. Technology
of Chemical Karageorgiev,
Hadjiev 42, 3, 2007, 307-310


A. Neicheva1, D. Karageorgiev2, D. Hadjiev1

University of Food Technologies, Received 16 May 2007
Plovdiv, 26 Maritza blvd., Accepted 12 August 2007
E-mail: aneicheva@abv.bg
Fruit Growing Institute, Plovdiv, 12 Ostromila Str.,
E-mail: dkarageorgiev@abv.bg


A fast, selective and precise gas chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of pesticide residues
(chloryiriphos-methyl, cypermethrin, thioziklam, triflumizole and uprodion) in plant products has been developed by
using an electron capture detector and filled capillary columns (2m x 2mm) with 3 % SE-30 and 3 % OV-17 at programmed
change of temperature.
Keywords: analysis, multi-component pesticide residues, GC, fruit plants.

INTRODUCTION included in the technologies for plant protection in our

country which are highly likely to contaminate the crops
The contemporary control over the pollution of as they are applied close to the fruits harvest.
fruits and vegetables with pesticide residues is a man- The determination of multiple pesticide residues in
datory obligation in all countries with advanced agri- plants and plant products has been conducted most often
culture and food industry. The methods for its execu- with chromatographic methods - TGC, GC and HPLC [1-9].
tion and their improvement are under constant devel- A lot of controlling bodies (AOACand Codex Alimentarius)
opment. The accent is put mainly on the fast and easy are in the process of developing different analytical schemes
access of the analytical procedures, having in mind the for determination of multi-component pesticides which are
huge number of fresh and processed plant products based on different chromatographic techniques. The ma-
reaching consumers on a daily basis. The expert group jor place in these techniques takes the gas chromato-
Codex Alimentarius of FAO/WHO recommends the new graphic method due to its high sensitivity and separat-
active substances to be integrated to the existing mul- ing capability [1, 5-9]. The goal of this research is to
tiple methods [1]. On the other side, the exploring of develop an analytical path for simultaneous determination
some newly discovered pesticides in real production of residues from three insecticides and two fungicides in
conditions has not been sufficient. The subject of this fruit products by using the advantages of the gas chromato-
research are the insecticides chloryiriphos-methyl, graphic method which will provide fast and reliable control
cypermethrin, thioziklam, triflumizole and uprodion over the purity of the fresh and processed plant food.

Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 42, 3, 2007

EXPERIMENTAL stances which required investigation for its replacement.

While choosing the proper extragent, it was decided to
Reactives use methanol because it is more popular than acetone
Standard acetic solutions, containing 0,001 mg/cm3 and more volatile than acetonitrile, as well as it is ac-
from the pesticides chloryiriphos-methyl, cypermethrin, cessible in practice in the controlling laboratories. Af-
thioziklam, triflumizole and uprodion were used. ter the conducted experiments, the following order for
Equipment changing the effectiveness of the extragents has been
Gas chromatograph 304 (Pye Unicam) with 63Ni- found out: methanol > acetonitrile > acetone.
capture electron detector, supplied with integrator SP In order to optimize the extraction process, the
4270 (Spectra Physics) was used for the research. influence of two more factors with significant impor-
Workflow tance for the extraction level the time of the process
The explored plant products (apples, peaches, and the ratio sample:extragent, have been researched.
tomatoes, etc.) are turned into homogenous mixture The results from the conducted research are shown in
from which 50 g are taken. The extract of pesticides is Fig. 1.
done by processing of the sample by 130 cm3 methanol
for 40 min on shaking machine. After filtering of that

extract through a silica gel layer, the filtrate is concen-
trated up to 50 cm3 and 150 cm3 10 % potassium chlo-
ride solution is added. The pesticides are re-extracted
two times from the mixture by 80 cm3 column with d=1
cm and 5 g mixed absorbent (potassium sulfite: florisil: &

activated charbon = 1:1,5:0,1). The elusion of the pesti-

cides in the column is done with 100 cm3 hexane: ethyl- %

ene ether = 95:5. The eluate is evaporated to dry at 40oC "
and the dry residue is dissolved in 2 cm3 acetone. 1 ml of $
that mixture is chromatographed respectively on columns $
with 3 % SE-30 (200 cm x 2mm) at a temperature #
= > ? @

programme 150oC (4 min) - 6oC/min - 230oC and with

Fig. 1. Contents of residues (in %) of thioziklam (a, c) and
3 % OV-17 (200 cm x 4mm) temperature programme cypermethrin (b, d) in apple extracts, obtained with methanol at
220oC - 3oC/min - 240oC. The temperatures of the injec- different extraction times (1 - 60 min; 2 - 40 min; 3 - 20 min) and
different ratio sample:extragent ( 4 - 1:3; 5 - 1:2,6 and 6 - 1:1).
tor and detector are 250oC and 300oC, respectively, while
the rate of the carrier gas nitrogen is 40 - 50 ml/min. The
treatment of the chromatograms is done by using the Based on the obtained data for the influence of
method of absolute calibration. factors time and volumes of the extragent, the following
optimal conditions have been identified: timing of 40
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION min and ratio sample:extragent - 1:2,6. The increased
timing of the extraction (60 min) and ratio
Upon the development of an analytical path for sample:extragent (1:3) increase insignificantly the ana-
determination of pesticide residues, the fining of ap- lytical harvest but at the same time the content of the
propriate conditions for their effective extraction and accompanying pesticide substances also rises up which
the separation of the substances which disturb their requires their more precise removal.
analysis is of major importance. Acetonitrile and ac- The refining of the obtained plant extracts from
etone are the most recommended extragents [1]. At the the extracted disturbing substances (mainly wax and dyes)
same time, acetone is preferred as cheaper and more has been done by liquid-liquid distribution and follow
volatile. As compared with the acetonitrile extracts, the up column chromatography. The analytical practice has
acetone extracts contain greater amount if refining sub- shown that a higher effectiveness of the separation has

A. Neicheva, D. Karageorgiev, D. Hadjiev

been achieved by using solvents with big polarity

difference [1, 3, 5]. After the experiments and having in
mind the polarity of the explored active substances,
hexane for their re-extraction was used. A glass column
with d = 1 cm and 5 g mixed absorbent have been sug-
gested after testing with columns of different size and
contents of absorbents (potassium sulfide: florisil: acti-
vated charbon = 1:1,5:0,1). Taking into account the sol-
vency of the pesticides and their accompanying mix-
tures and after the conducted experiments, the mixed
solvent hexane: ethyl ether (95:5) for elusion of the pes-
ticides from the column has been chosen.
The choice of an appropriate stationary phase is
an important stage in the development of GC method.
The capability of four stable phases for fast separation of
the explored pesticides has been relatively well studied
Fig. 2. Gaschromatogram of refined extract of apples with addition
(SE30, OV101, QF1 and OV-17). Phases SE30 of pesticides (with 0,1 mg/kg):
and OV17 have better characteristics in terms of sen- a on column ( 200 cm x 2 mm) with 3 % SE-30 at temperature
programme 150 oC (4 min) - 6 oC/min - 230 oC [1- thioziklam
sitivity and separation time. Some of the explored (t R = 3.44),2 - chloryiriphos-methyl (tR= 9.30),3 - triflumizole
pesticides have quite different volatility (thioziklam and (tR= 14.12), 4 - uprodion (tR = 16.44)];
cypermethrin), which makes their simultaneous deter- b on column (200 cm x 2 mm) with 3 % OV-17 at temperature
program 220 oC - 3 oC/min - 240 oC [2 - chloryiriphos-methyl
mination impossible on one column and at isothermal (t R= 3.10), 3 - triflumizole (tR= 4.51), 4 - uprodion (tR = 11.08),
temperature regime. 5 - cypermethrin (tR= 28.58)].

Upon continuous chromatography of the filled

capillary columns (200 cm x 2 mm) and appropriately explored pesticides and the conditions found for their
chosen programs for changes in temperatures, the opti- GC determination. A chromatogram of the refined ex-
mal GC conditions for simultaneous determination of tract of apples with additions of the explored pesticides
the explored pesticides has been identified on their com- (0,01 mg/kg) is shown on Fig. 2.
mon presence in one sample. The analytical availability, preciseness and repro-
An analytical path for control of products, fro- duction in the GC method have been identified by ana-
zen with residues of the explored pesticides has been lyzing apples based on the method of standard addition
suggested, based on the procedure developed for ex- (Table 1). The results obtained show that the analytical
traction and refinery of plant extracts, containing the production for most of the pesticides is above 94 % and

Table 1. Gaschromatographic determination of the explored pesticides in apples

using the method of the standard addition.
Name of pesticide Standard addition, Analytical finding, Relative standard
mg/kg % deviation, %
(n=5) (n=5)
chloryiriphos-methyl 0.1 97,2 1,4 2,6

cypermethrin 0.1 90,3 2,5 2,8

thioziklam 0.1 98,5 1,8 3,7

triflumizole 0.1 94,4 3,8 4,1

uprodion 0.1 95,5 3,5 3,7

Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 42, 3, 2007

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