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FA. Is bronch of science ahich deals with praper y f oof Ptuids C liquids and gases) jbebaviouy of euids , ak Rest, undey mekien cith Pal taithaut Peres casing <1} Motion App of FN 1 Ug dvoutic Analysis of tarbine, pumps, Wytvoulic equipment Flaw Analysis in pipes and Hydyaulic loses in’ pipes for optimisation of tha pipe Size etc - anit t a a m & i Propevties of Fluids 2. Fluid statics 3- Fluid kinematics 4 FIuid dyn amics Flow of 5: Laminey Anconpressible Fluids Urvaugh pipes and. in between “ plotes << x om SE a Tunbulent Ploa Uva pipes 4 Boundary Layes theory concepts & tutho mochineyy C Hydraulic tusbines ) Properties of FLUIDS > Property of Auids Necstors.tacs of viscosity wv Comnvace Whi and ps nevany SP MWwId and Vopeue proswen >" clascifvotion ef fluid Based on Pluid pewes lod [ehe Logical eqn of Fluids J Propeenes “there are. 4 properties 1 thass of the wate” 2 weight of the Fluid] Aven. 4 Volume - 5. Specific mass ¥ mass dowsity | «6 weight densily [unit weight or ep ulcight | 2s Specific Grovily ev gelative dewiby Specific value 4 Pynomic vis cosity to Kinematic viscasi ty Ws tompressibitity of fiquids \ eat nodulus | ra. stsface tensiou [surface Energy J 3 Pressuve Intensity \4 Vapauy pressure Weight: A force due to gravitotional pul}: w= my Newtons anc tad . Fe Ma INS kg x bow och Ne kg ma [soc w= my kgf. mx 421 Kg Ke | Sec? [BFE tern » lon — @ Aveo. Avea is the space occupied by the Matley in 2D —Nowmol Area — els Aveo — Plone mead ~ Resisting ren = surface hea ~ Sheat fre ~ crushing yen = teaving Aven — pregected Aves” = Flow Aven / ee Ronaaliitivess wilh out fouching the body Q dimensions visible. Joy k-— De ———} ane [p91] \ Nejs = Bxd? x 2 Gs Nels = Be _ Flood Ave Depending om He Fluid hchivg He sideg Volume. sume tkis the Space occupied by He matter mM 3D Units m3 mm?, cw Ve Ax 2) Vs Qxbeh For wa ey —> titres CRF) tre to00 ib COCUCOOVVUeerrrrrre ss wor we ws hele Nooo em = 1 iE cm3 = Noe. 1006 > 73 Rib = mili HE (se: m2 SPecific Mass oy Mass devsily — Property of matter” Mather © cup ed A volume |S { Paix = 2 Fe g/m3 Paid + 19200 kg) rn * Baar? 1900 kg |w3 - Pag - 2 Pees 22500 eg Im? 13600 vgn | S ighest PS Qn emdsasan

Cost of ttonme skel is ks Bo,000 - &hmaxe cost. ab plate Volume > t&@ O-O1lx 1x & : o-orwe ———oo ° Re Seeaate Pe A vw 4850 @,) om oS) m3) 9 0-02D w= 4850 x 2HO-02 ° 'stkg t ton = tooo kg Vege 1000 Kg = 30,000 lkg = 308s Cost = © 1S4*30 * AOR — 8) A tooles east Sump Ff Inner dimesion? Ke SCE, tore, STE, estimate hed many Lit aly re COLO EPI TT EEE E. yee ak = ke LLL TEL TE TT DT TTA Volomar- Jer Camily consists 4 people avcl Consurnption per Read iso ut} doy - Hos mony aay the sump com serve % Volume Po = Mo Vetume Volume = tooo = YW A = t2Iw BSex EGt x oft i Inch: 25-4 mM 1000 x CSxbx10) FEF 2 12% 25-4 mM Ms o : = 1000 x Z00e@*) > 12x O64 2 = 100o a See. - 0.2048 9540 | » 8950 96 M0. days Tey wy SO, See : 600 Weight hous by ge weight - Ab is The welght ob the matter occupied per unit yolume- wwoeiquh oN Vol u we. Vv ms jo Pe vg core) | ¥, water = Poater x 9 2 000% 9-94 4ei0 N “w3 + Ce O8reN m3 Relolive daisity or Sp qroviby Es] kis the Rotio of macs donsity ofany matte SC a Vy waky See Poteet. #880 Paate x 1000, > 78S or! Seaaveurys Pimevary - 13600 Puroer ood 13-6 SOaix- Saip » t2 . 6.001 _ Specific Volume Volume vs] Volum of motley for unit mass « % ; vey useful Ry gases i Vs = Volume m3 i Mass” eg i es i vs S woter — 9-001 m3 tooo Kg: cir ! = 06-8433 m3 bo kg ) ' Qik of an oil wei ghing tn pet te wass of oil in kg 2. vol of oil oil in ow B- Mose density sk oi | iw kg lu /3|ec Sh A. ap sp ucight of ail im A 5 Sp growity of ei ny , 3 Bik mw 6. 8p vol of oil - wh, ws HN te Mw G2] | OFI3 keg ~ Volume, vol { Yoke 0 ol in m3 3. mp tat re tw3= (000 Ot 9 Evy? PHYS REPRESENTATION acca Mass densi ly fs mM Ww O13 10-3 * OZ % 163 Kg m3 WIN i o-413 x 1089 Mm 8fee. ae m3 s O-43~ lob 104 eet se mang = BAIS x 102% 103 Broh w@ SS — 4) weight density, @) ‘ - eg: ws. Pg Volume. Wax dsl tooon| m3 Se Specific Gvovity Cs) a: Pil = 4 Glwd) ON Paar 1000 (ka }wi3) 2 OFFl4 8) SP volume. Cvs’) Ve = Veil ae 1 wei | Loi) = 1 = b400x0 8m 3 any eZ. a 14 9b «gy ——s Niseosity AL 1S a property of Cluids | Liquids and gases ovly ] which offers yesistance to the Flo of Fluids. forces and © adhesive forces | Cohesive — attracben bleo same molecules adhesive ~ attracting with other molecules @ ie waler with al ete wavcuny — cohesive Fovee § Done Th hevey wets Substance. — Calibevahoun Lluid - ve m a « Pe a] » 6 mh r too Tr ntn 100@ pt saA,Oom X [enesy Ay unit weight ™ eS ~ fine br romp eg [1 grow ty Nevortorls Lave of viscosity ROTI Lye OF VISCOSITY | > LK (au Ga) S vel grascinb’ i T= SL AM he iL day Ms dynanaic viscosity ie es vel Gyadient ox Rate of sheay stain d sugars ° SHeaR FORCE 1S \ i Measured BY t Feustum TUBE ‘ - 7 ° a —> Shearshess on Clui d faye & vel gradient [rate af AsPormation ox Rote of shear sain | _ Mit nt mr Ns ne m2 oe uc) aia l Area Oyrrawie viseasi ty "Shady undey Pres . kinematic Viscosity é We OM Ratio of dynamic viscosity fo © Kone, =a . \nvalved & ckn sity fe 0+ AE Hn = WP an = HM: P tooo .M?2}Sec 1000 3 x tod N see w2 1S x fob _N set mz 18x10" QO > 15x 1975 ME sec eee (Sx 107 6 see a l ray omens | a et * QO SHeoter > Ame Ver << Vag Nevotots Lavo of Viscosity a Madt. into § models T=n du 4 Fe wy du. A— suface Area 34 Model. i ; , (s) Aw "eowpvessible Aud of SP gravity 0-8 ond kinematic viscosity FAx oF? 46 subyected to 3 tensional. Fovee Boon unit Area. Ae Plaid ip Moving blia a Fued plates Ah gap tm eitle Weleiby om ° Eslimate the 7 coused ov the win Plate S : a Ty 4K du pao a wy. ~O8= Port Me 44x 10°F xb00 a le d Ae tw - We xP P= oSxtaod . = \63 ~ R00e kg BY Lams 10°3 W ws Ve 80 os mfg 6d Ze setae 0-296N | me A Newtmien Biled bla a shag and. “Sleeve Beaving +A Foree Goon is applied - on shaft: “the shaft gains 1-Stm]s velocity . Tf force iS Meveased to Q4 kn ten vw) Spad will be >) rs cms b) 13-s cms ©) 0-5 cm/s Ay4-sem] S Cosel F= soonl Ve sem + ee Vs CM Ss Ss 2c du og S Ee we A oy few Fo v2 Foo, NS aS St 2400 41S s 2 S004 NS uO c antl a EON i . ae Aoclined plone Model wsind = AA d e) A cubic Block of each side “Land mass m! As puted vey an oil Alm across a table grow in Bg > Asmat) mass YW’ is connected to a stving which passes over a smooth pulley « Ghat is the steady Velocity of tne Block CM) against He Nestonian Fluid resisting force i z eee ma w = nox C as ay v- mah FMA wv. 3 T= xL?xv h tensicr we > clembests:_prbnci pl& 2F- Ma mg-t= oO Mede| - iT Power Resk in viscosiby vweercee tN we eee? Subjected Yo lp “aque ea Ny TART Te torque 60 Ne Speed 4 7pm hl sal Sa al sl lal a lt lt i at a a aa ot te a > PSubyected to 1200 ¥P Pf viscosity 0-08 Pa sec: what Btost due to viscosity in watts % Rediol gap is idaded Beaving has Shaft dia Somme ot wreak ush fength 2omm & Bush Bore 50-0Smm im with a Nevtoria? fuid js the power a) 34 wate b Sy Ve D233 P= QANT 60 b Ax Ax 200° H= 0-03 N Sec- wt ian Saar Ve nan 60 Tt Ea w@vsd > _BxSax 129 cacti Tek - rad wars. cad = Watts Fouts :— —= Fluids of Rest: Fluid statics Fluids in motion: Fluid kinematics Heve pressure foyes nat Considered Fluid dynamics * study ah raids: in motion whew pressure foes ave also cansideved - Detisity : - For Liquids ps om Ponrer = I000k9fom3 Ssanst v * Sarofem3 to3 xe? Specific weight or weight density oe Us. Weight ab Fluid Volume ab Fluid, = Mass abehidx 9 + 09 Yot ab Fluid Specific_volume : ~ Cve) Vsz Vel + _t Mass OP nie 08 ApplicaHle to Gases | 9 Specific: Grovity 8: Pig Feed Liquid > ge’ (8 Saye 1000 : . - . waar 2 a Thea Se NaS Nl Sl lll al lal all ln al all at a Sl a tats Nes . S= weight density of Liqid, ° weigh density of wakY ° Sor many cunt $= 13-6 Viscosity dy + dist bla [ayes Te du ag = ‘®) . Rote of sheay Strain ov vel Gradienk uoik — Me he N/m NS 2 sz unit ou Pax me ay Spare —— MkS_ unit Mg GE: see ae Cas unit H- dune. sec = Poise om? | Poise = % ~ ICP: _L pase 100 KINEMATIC Viscosity B= viscosity + KH. NS «m3 v uv m2 = ko A a xh wi oe $2 1G ° ae s “Cas ubit- .stoKe “~ cw7}g tstoke = 107%? s Ves 1 stake 100 ; Fluips NEWLONIAY, Now NEWTON ANY OBEY Newtons LAL DOESM'T OBEY NEWTONS of Viscos (ty Eau OF ViScostTy VARIA ‘ON OF Viscosity yom. TCMPERATURE Viscosity L wrt Min temp He. Mo (and Beak Bt? Ao= viscosity of Mqvat O'c in prise Me ou yn ok EC In psise %, B= Constants Hair 'ex1o-O N gee me Nuaev= Ns 000 M2 . tf Eluid types, : : eal Cui = » tuompressible ito viseasity aly fuagravy Real 5 « Pasess viSeosi by p AU Plaids in Practice. are veal 3. Newhanian v — obeys newton Law of veesity 4. Non Neatonian ~ doesnt doey Weukals Low of visastby tc fn HS” Sk kk ii sli _ t t ae t SHEAR STRESS © velgvadien t is) dy PROBLEMS, uz 2Zy-yg? say 3 AL Y= 0 +) yo orsm- Hz B63 Poise = Bes Ns ~ O963NS due 2 2 ay 37 t MYO gee ay 3 “Le 063% 2 = 0 5456N[m2 3 AL Yy=05 gus 2- 2voOt5 dy 3 O-36E T= O863xO364- O-3164N| me ——— Ze. an oie Wz4 Vz bocme> o-om[s de nee eae a ts " a) ACY £2 nae), on a * (35 y (oe Sse ~ its 833x105 NS He S280 (3) Ae psx poSmm 2 + 5x em? dus oA mis ays owsmm= pisxig Ss mw a- Enev oY BR Bae ee he el dd! a a at th ah a ah aercninn an 2 = << owe Fluids made al, Sphere - molecule Conbve chresuit chomy the velocity clistribution in a Laminaw flow at giver Section is given by Using ssin(6y) where wis in mls and y isin m the fluid is 0-5 Pas “the viscosity of ‘lun thy Shear stress at Y= Sem win nf is ' x @® Aa arslm> G) aa-aswlo® ©) ac-anln@) nour Tt . aera * | MH. OSNS uss din (Say ) Ou ~sx tos C5RY) x SA ge -oxus (OW) 5 cos (Say) KH ey ee ae pos? OS* wx C08 (52m 0:08) © = 0-0: QE LEN [m2 —— mA ne veloaby profile for neotonian Plaid je lominas Pod bla “a: el plates chown m fig is given by WU ool [r 1000 y? | whire uis in mls ond y isivm. sheay shrecs. ‘distri bubion fe NN clas cot (e ay cal 20,0004 the vistoci ty of Piuid 1s argumed bv be wakey Whane Volue is iro? Rus Thon Shear stress on the plates wit be - to * Bal es) ARx10°2 (© 13 x 0-01 [2eeee “| Jel 0 0@N|m> Noted IM Lowiusy flow velocity istribubouw t's parabolic. Shay chess dishibullon ts Linear > | 2 | ap. Cay a > 8) A Prvid a demi P -ayranric viscasily A maeves Steaaiity down the inclmed plone im a thin shel OL congt thickness “Eo nlaylect er a Sharrsters at We bothm of Liquid cutface due tw How pavalel ty Ue Aneltued plaxe Sit be pk LON aay Diz Potsing byt Vgtewo 9 T+ Paton dt “la Tx 3 Jesprepted dy to Aveq — Surfate avea tu Wsin8 s Mg sing Br or Pom om CAKE SULT A « Ext) gino fe fbet) gene ce rt) <9 sino A PE gsiNO, a io) = P3tsing- SSS @ Murti @luid Flow SS A “thio. plate is placed blo 2 Flat surfaces which ave. “H’ metres apart such that the viscosity of Liquids on te tep and Botham of plates ave My and Ho ‘vespectively. vohok Is He position of the tin Plate Gah Mak We viscas vesistnce to have Me Uniform mation Nelocity Vot the_ plate is minim) - De > fm. we [se ay Sa ¢ Nc dy- Ta 4) 4° i= a Ae 4 Ay Fe Fa Fe ~ MALY + Aofe 3 wy) to minimise € fm, de =0 ey Hae F3,] + nana ge ey) dca at st! tl a ct a all ae! a! aol ae on mt Som Mca Mina Bit St Bin Bat at Aa dd dn Ak 20°C BO: uw: b6x 105 & AiR — GAS At 0" > HP = aoe veco sity A $0 D> héxioS 4 =e «= @ — > Com mm pre ssibili and Bulk Nedulus ah _ Slasticity Jn Case of Hydraulic: systems tae working Fluid is incompressible (Sent) fluid [ water oils Meveury ete] subgecter| to the external pressures. causing the change ing Volumetric strain [decreased ‘or increased donsity stain, due to the fluid behaviour” Compyessibility as. chown in fig vl “ke Bulk Nodulas of elasticity of fiquidh = AP ma te Av hevx ch + HebevVx_1_ = 0 ye (Hy)? VARIATION OF ViscosiTy WITH RESPECT to tEMP ERATURE 2 t+ | EISAED ie meeterray PE GOS vistosily decveases with the increase a Aero p : wee for goses viscosity increases ity the crease? of temp . - OM aR to be 49 OME ¥ > the wscocity of aX ot 20° Is given —_ x10 |g - Tks 9 at 40” Lill vary Approcivnately, 9) 2ax 16'S m2] sec by) Pe « tos m2] sec ¢) hex Pr 1097S m2] see dy oan a al Ak 29°C. Lab bx 10> AIR — @AS* AL F0'C = at a ‘amp vecosity 4 S80 D> béxi0S: 4 ———— * @ Compressibi lity and Bulk Modulus af elastici ty e tn Case of Hydvauli c systems 4ne working Fluid is incompressible. (Furt) Cluid [ water oils ,Neveury ete] subgected to the extemal pressures causing the change iy volumetric strain [ decreased or Enceased dansity strain due to the fluid behaviour” Compre ssibitity ag thows in Aig t Os dv= Vj-V2. ”. ea »~ [vom] “ ke Gulie Nodulus of elasticity of diguid. 2 AP weere Uv Et Vg-V) AP: Po. Py unit = N me ————, ee [bene | “the increase im pressure ware to decrease unit ay Volume ab mavoury hid, bY O-1*l @ 2e5ara (© res uPA © 22s ura Gs ” _ Bulk modulus of wmereuny Ys 28S MPA k = 2as_N mm : we Ks AP. Vie = eee A vu Fina Bichorna. Woes {do Ape SA - 238°S 0% a5: AP C && Ap = aasx \orx ot 100 = 2G-Sx 108% wh = 285x103 N/m> canen tne prwsuse’ Ge on a given mass ab Liquid is ineveased from 30 bax to 35 box, the density of the Liquid’ increases Frome 500 kglm3 EO 60] kg]m3 - shat is the Volue of Bulle wadulus of tre giver. tated Dequid “Fev the given range of prescure & @® tos Mpa © 600 NPA © soo Mpa ®© asonpa- P& 2 —> 35 Baw AP: Stay Me Conse A= Lkg(m3 Ph = 500-> 50, Ks (pei eg 5 bay P21 50] -$ 00 e ‘sop * Q50MPa =— Which one of the Fotlowing 13 Yeprerenled 23- Ps_ by Bulk Modulus ab a Piuid (symbels have Yoo. Gsua| wasaning ) a) Ww Ray Pde dp « Gnd Dae dar Ode de x to Haak of Mercury, 7 J BOMPA \c Madulus of Meveury peulle Peeler are own Ix mcecony= BOMPA cana Qara . xxtotpa ~ 200 go NPA oxyo® Pa 66: ot ku = Go-40.) km Soerace ENERGY OF FLUIDS OR Soeence ae Exeray oF Eee AY the. Fluids In Notuve made Bom biny nadecules dnd the Surface of the Fluids exibiks a tensile Fevce ans in energy: form. baw Liuid to hold okhey matter tasily, AWis is due to yr Portes ah wwlecules Yeoherive fovces and adhesin Rute S { Cohesive Fivces ave Hose Povees caused bly GoW ich Makes We tnolecules attraction » Ox" rere Liquid Adhesive forces ave thece feces tessa ahich ave atkvackion bla adit matter molecules {, watey and athe simi lav Liquids] Surfoce Tensiod of ‘Liquids > that oF nages i i \ ‘dt is vepresented at o- : | L. _ oe Force Cr) dik Length surface ab Liqui unit aes NU Hygromete~ ™ is the device Used fo measure r= Energy posses -Toules Surface tension vi surface Area OME) gy cig Criawity Nv sph ON we ™ —== Units of surfate Tension ska kg sx mM sec? a ™ mye p72 ——- — Wapy me: 0°643_.N_ mM Tuer oun 2 44 [ © Himes Higher] Tenor > Sater 4: bed i | ! Dvoplet fermation 2. Bubble fermotion, 3 aet ‘travelling 4. Capitlavity phenomena Sol 1- D> dia ah Laqwid daoplet Cubes) Tz Surface tension ob haquid (alw) P= DIFF in pressure ab Liquid ercated Cult, ; = 1 ss < D —> Droplet =e Biquid * ~~ a Pressure erested by = Fluid dua to surface Tension @_ovplet ab Mauvid ae: ae (vim oe suvface tensor ab iquid formed. inn doa, ce omaer . P unit Leng ha xD 2 sunfaces CS) : ape béx<0> ee bem ose Bubble 7 ok p= avxzfeok | | (vwiae w orsiaa } ®=-@® . * , £180ID BUBELE isu punere Fe / NAD? AR Rak ~BUBELE xo te a Afeusie = 2x AP eet = en Ruble = {l av ages L>7D D Prescure difference CAP) = _F_ Surfae tension = oe anit ieng Fe AP.Ag = o- UNITLENATH APx [pee J eae [prsoe] APx Corl) = © Canta) MES le) (eee) 4P Coal) = 7G) 8) Ae surface tension af water with aly inteface YS oaZnjm- the Gouge’ prevsine indide a Tain deoplet of diameter Imm uill be @ viacvim? O wslm* GO usalnr @ 292 vjme 7: 0073 O=.tmm “Ps 46 D ~ 4x 0-043 to-3 z92NJmz =e ®) af Ps the Gouge pressure within a Sp hevica| Aroplet theo the Gouge pressure within a Bubble of same Fluid ancl of Soma size Vill ® ® © ® be % % e 2p whok is the St of Ssop kilm b De So mm = Soxto > Me Pe a@sn|ro> 7 2 : asn|m = 2 Bubble Pe 2x 4¢ oO a: PxD + 25% Goxio? c a = 0-156N/m> —— A water get tssued from a nozzle of diamele™ mm and Length asmm “the surface tension ab water with airy interfares O-OFSNL - chet is the ™ Pressure inside the get abave Me omaspveve nw Nima? vrs 0-045 Nw . oe De agmms 26xlo> Me - by’ ‘ De Quws axtod Mm oe APs Ze - 2x 0-095 D Bubble Break of F aay 2 Large size’ Bubble. cenveok inte no of Bubbles RING —~ Bole Break off y Sees wy - eS an hevip gvBeLe Do-O(:P 86 thin film WoVk Reqd to Break o Liquid Bubble , ov: > Chevy Possesed . unit length anit Meo. “oe _Enovay BYRD oe > x Avea : Tymh es oT 7 ~—S. =— \ me Be ang? ARRA Ee o [p+ =| A eet | Toy les [= = bre] a> leo Lear] > ARR ery : > Law of cenSeevatran OF Nass mass adore collapse = Mase Rfley vollepse P92 PY, ’ ewe ve nv swat! bu * Anes: n Laat 3 3 wak yeqd to Break “t Bubbles = Ayea ah smal\ Bubbles oe _Seegy ah = an A ) DS Big Bubb @® chang ino byte. ¥ . no: dh Bubbles = Ae © whats tno enovg y Reid tO Break te Seap Yiquid Bubble of dia, toomm - SA of feap solo Ls ooh 's » © d0154 oule Caw) ® 6-00314 aoule = We ™: D 0 -oogze sule 3) Nene os _Brereg . Aveo Enevgy © x [anes ane? |. > BARK oT 2 ors flooe] DOS 2 3.14 x 1073 Joules —— the force necessary ta fk Ow Plabnum wire frown wakr cufae . Show in fig - Neglect Seif wieigak ob Ring and Bowyony Rrce Ts 0-043 A ) 0-006esN 5) O-0137N ) 0-0274 1 ) o-otrsel unit beng th 0-0%3 = ( ec eieccie a er i} oota = £ = ot 2 Kx O04 Q- inside and outside safc . F QR O04 x 0043 0: 0145 CN ) ® Plane sneet (ure NETAL basuer | -aD Unik Loghhye 2 AP a Surfoe Qa a Pp A sphereal Laquid Bubble of Radius “P iS BLOOM cnt 64 email bubbles of agual size and volume ~ whot ls the work veqd t convert large 62 mito Qaalt abs iM Hermes of 9-1. 2 A) 12-4R7 o- 5 Kee Weil = o [nae | b) GAR - ©) 40e2o- o Vn ant? - ARR dy None. - a @ de Rk on | can ane? anc gt : 8 te & (2 PRR — peas reeeth CAPILARI TY” PHENONENA Sh welt frre re aaa eee Bereoth CAPILARIY is tie Phenomena of drauid, due to which te Uquid arises shor “tel in small naxroo conduit [wbe, chancel) S&peck ecu ohere the Capitlority effet is the depression or Bit ak meru celourn . “this Phenoment is absewed ely in Monvovo tubes Expreesion fev Gopitlary Rise of Liquid othe” —_.. thaw Woven eh r ore fore + ont erat = VD Fcogo = mg : NE rxardcso= & veg = eeagh Ox T8719 4 ox Kuso: &xKdbg q hz 405 cos@ - arose weed | \ it wigh dia tube cused If High dia anit a ws Rise will be vey swat] — fps oe teens eee neers ig AP te WL Cop inlay, Fal. agian action of Merourd > angle of contact? ae 2 fo 790 cop er [ D A copitiani ty Rise in 3en ny dia of The imvered * (Na kquid is 1sem IE another tube of- Ua ame is immersed on Same Requil than Capi\la Y Rise weatd be in mm dh= 3mm he tS h- 4ecos@ c how vgd a hy ay = Mode ® det : Ws de w2 ol} uD ee - ha, a \ - 2 AL e hr 3 4 Mo 6x3 2 48. \hagmm > / oki oe 4 4 > VaPouR PRESSURE 3k is a Pr oposty of Fluid due te which tha fluicl surface ererts additional Pressure imknshes ( Partial Pressures) dut to abich bubbles in Lquid ave Brmed - the Bubbles rises fron the Dquid and . cattlapse on the metal susfaces due to nivel the motal Sueface. eradod-. thic shozp Beds of the Pipes Every Biquid and gas has its ow Vopcus + e&: Wate = askpa \asm of pater totam | oe oecsocd to en fu? = C — (wo owe of wey {=F Sal ae * +6) of kh a F $ Heat eneqy gy: $3" aK PH ys temp vemons coustanl: cv ad omelet Ar lus pressure, Hau cent owist 80 thay Jury TO higvey stele ,i@ vepery” Petay og & xs SS ty Huid mechanics Hee Vepray pressure is emceme a & s PS We Wik Wa Mauid ; os bat Ana quids where the Yeq (ow pve Sure 1S Below akwar pressure a7 veaches tne fluid sel pre Lrenriol preseure ahrch Loads to Bubble format on e thermodynamic, properties Gasea— Compressile Fluids Py: met Pap. eq —>V¥s = specific volume (ete a hve m T- absolure temp in OR RK: Gas canst . PP: densi A “ony and Po. RT. Pressure chang 2S 7 0" varies 80 ® , Se 2 RT eae nN St Re aarslege | . oe v1 m2* kg xK ne Processes 5 — > sgother me) | : oat re P= const mts cmfegte ? shes, k a _Aoliobotic a = folobatic P_- consk ee Ke cp 14 For aie cv pen y 4 = mel M: Moleculax Mags 7 - > 8314 aT eq -mole in stunt N= mass of Gas molecules Mass of 9 Hydrogen etam Compress} bility Be — a <| eS tncrvease in Presuve ~ _dP | . Volumeluic Strain “ae oy AP ——_ L Relationship bl kK and Pressure a 6a8 pe ene ee ere PB _Asatermal: proces S_ Po const P PUs = Const: DIFF Pdvs + vsdP = 0 Pdis: -vs dp Pe -vsdP 2 dp Vs = dus Gat vs AdiaBati ¢ _P_ censt PAP TdP > 0 al * ovede Jor P,€ = const: ‘S dP Bsk Feontems_ (TEXTS. As 15108 rom Fs AM ————. Sx1O° rom x ¥ Vz o-4nls J? o1smm _ FE Le tg 4 | Fe 2 re Sx? Power P= 2 SHEA. = 4oon| * He pose = NS \FoRce $ sod 1 me Qi) Power required to maintain tis speed > Pevelocily = 160 1 Aod~ O4 es s s 7 i oo Ae tPowes INS 10 Me dz toom= oxo - 7 Oym day = PS ram = HSxton3m + N= [s0¢pro Ve KOM = Ax Oixisd > OFS MS ga bitxmm Ns wr BR ge basxie Pr aL x 0-186 0-125 ol Y= 1apose > 1A is owe t:3 V> asmls Zz Koda = 280 4/m™ See 12 hyens boxto* Sbooem™ ail + ys & wsmm dus aswis- Med Fe WIN. Ax daa. “y ‘0 5 <103 Sa3sniroe He Az 08x08 @: 30°" lo = 300N ve 0-3™[S Gt bsxtod me Te Hx du : tu _mqsind O-b4 Ma ix _dy ou = 200SinZO + 150 ———_—- 0-64 0-64 a He — + Eemse 1-4 Poise I Poise~ dds (a 4 as + LON s[as 2 We dw ay. He Exdy WA dw AE AI x 125%2 g500xiod = 2S meat BIN See! ‘S10 fig > 2S Pus \o00 oil = $000% 045 > 950 kyle os Cid) 981 ko fm Ws B Ts 0.2482 Bu. 02 dy ~ we NM. oy m9 2 12.sstole 12: SC " 1: Gu oy i, $2 % Ae A> 0-08 Poise 2 0-008 AA Ns ma WW. O-03sstoke +0034 % LO MI s —————— Sruid 3 4 teh oh, S= Pewi Pusaey eee 2 49 = 6 stokes: © 6 vio te ‘s SG A / vy 10 gin ™~ Te 2. s 1 bie pits BRS N Tx dy = 1 au 3- 2y ww x xs oy 4 2. ans) tT: Hx du m2. og . TL: 86x 3- 2Y Lo 4 Ts 086% 3 ~Qx ONS . 4 0-3895_N ro —— ue wpsise epoeas 10 m2 d= oam Ne orp my Px > Be domes ade 10M He a a FE 2 ° x z ZANT 60 Te FRM 7 ex dt 2 Nz apn 6O "RX O4%1490 6d 3-18 m5 > Kou 8 om - As al Ps 2xm™ NX Mx xd lx RON xd “66 eo fa ee faa] 4: oons > mt As oan Pe DANI Ne 120 7M) 60 3 Ps Te Feo Le qo <103m 2 E= DSxe3 Wm We RON * F. He ax aaa Bea 2 FE eS v ¢ 3-99 eat tari: 3-96 mys * OoK EX Gay est x wait Pen? Aveas ARAL IS, = Vetaoem ~ 10x10 $ a sec 5 NOTE . ——= EBUTIN OF VELOCITY PROFILE CPaeaBoure) is Given) By ~~ ayes by +c a,b,c ave constants 20 ; “thas values olelermined Bouncay canditi éns te atsy=oy us 0 4 EL es| Af ploteisvey 8 | thin top thictaess | OD con be neglected - aes = 7 @reniet pletes linea ~ ovceS x b. wovdthvast |< |<—> Force vequired ts pull the eight ack, a ve + plate. upword 5 onwards Here the upthaust is alsdo & be considered Since weight of plate is acting in opposite direc tion upasard Ahrust= weight of Fluid displaced —_ + weight density of fluid « velume of : Plate. : " : aed eat ee this upaard thousk iS cue the’ weight athe net forte aching in dounserd direction cee Fo weighe and upward Anrasl = weight— upesard thrust * _ oe eee “lolal Fever Read to Wik plate shear Farce Net fivce ' Getafe) + wd apr tors dus bo vis cos 4 Toot eice > Firm) + [reg uproond thrust | yy AAT we be a : . classification of Fluid Based on - Fluid Power Lac o Rheological EV oF Fluid Tora “FLID Velocity gradient ev Rate ah dipormation du “1 cy Se FT Typs (s yA ° CT Bt “ey dy Trane | Classifica tion! ~ Binghorhs Fluids whar n= flow behav tout underc “bi grobpic Plaids deal Piuid deal solid Real Fluids Cscant, ostic) Adeal plo sic plerth Newkani or) Alon Newtonian fluids Plaids sow pe] Ga pet theovitical fluid: Never evists in Nature T Bt a(geyl ‘y B20 Az =O 3 to0 2) Adeal_solid' « ta & [by] vey Lage woe Pokies needs «ol be applied Br | deforming is D Newkrion tluids T ) sent solid > Fluids which Falows us Wewtons lau of viscosily ay Ts erarey ie te ow a4 B= By +0 oA ob A= M MM: | ? SL YL ZY stepe~ 2 da = canst ‘Air : shar Neestonien Fluids - . eel Fluids cubich does wot dbeys Newtes Louw _DILATENT FLUID , “>I Bz Typ 70 Az Me Az 4 nl Ge" sugar water soln Sait watery soln . . Polymer solution [Rubber shit S| @Beutrer: . Rice starch: Two “diff Fluids mired to Forma mee fuid _Kecvoo feos: B20 an As ex Blood Mile Suspension Fluids Tara a) [& B= Typ = yeild shear Stress. AzAL A net Mz 1 Bing-Wom Fluid, —> Toot pasle. Gacases Gams in whe Sewage sludge. Dritiog mud JTbizio tropic Fuids?— Ts Baa/day™ dy B: Typ As M NaI Bs Thirco Topic Plaids —|[Fluids whichare in “Lyp evepevative Natuye. Lipstics solution $ WE Prin. Scenk Cry te mebown ake the Rheclogical Hagzam , the Relation blo Shar swess and shear strain Rote. for diff Types of Fluids shoven » beloed t C ne) Necotonion FUid Bzo . Aa ne | a Te maal ~ “rseudd pase pare @ 8-0 ALM Met Cx: Blood milk, Gok, For P ; a [3 Fud S| 8 Loy Bing ham Fluids Frc oy Tooth pas te - be cpptied Boe Sewage stud ge nN Dritling mud ; T: Be AQKy™ . ; dy the Hast suitsble Relation {ey the flow of tooth paste being Aqueezed out of the Tube is given by he curve Aus je“ Bing Hom Fluids ee cawe Py 8) Mateh List 1 colt LishT anal select Covvect tude giver Below - List 1 Chuid Prseregn) Lick B Cétad a 4 Hat ( ) ears +) wel “4 © Birghare Fluds /* @ Dilekeot Fluids texte, MAN oy Necotonian Fluids Preudo -Fluids List T Fa j —tish DS . 7 a . “s\ ‘ oe : Ve = hess ) aie (ariahion of shear shes ©) shear sress varies $) Newtonion Fluid, Lineaty colt “vate ob E Stain ©) Now- wentontau 2) Shear shess doesst “ Vory Linear wi ») Bing Ham Fluid mais i estaeas 3) Fuid behaves tive Said until a rein yeitd Shreas beyond thie ik Ans Cribits Aner reahonshp Bey bus onsovstreae and e vale af sbain c-2 0-3 ®) sheav ewess is zero x “te «2 8) Tn on expk conducted to deforming Ha Rhelogi behaviowr of a walevial, itis obsewed tak Ho Relation blw “Shear stress T and vate ah Shea strain dus given as Ts To4 C a] 0S day The materiel is - ) Newtonian. Flui dL b) Biaghow plastic Fluid 5) hn ideal plese Fluid ») thine tropic Plaid Aw op Omer a ne a Cseet) i meee ed tist t ListD a) & &p Grovity ‘) meuta4 8 welt of viscosity CC einemaic viscosity. » ies 2 Ses * 4) met tr = Nw ne eam Re SRPULARRITY_ EFFECT hawel = Ain +h cap inavily uy meveuony is manometry fluid Recah hack = hn + heapinority If other than moe is manomeler fluid Nack= hm- & copia ON drop fering on solid Suface ard Aqui surface Liquid bos coer DIVWTITT SoLiD. Pair BuBee, = kos D Pdvopte = AT ples AT Pre guaee Jeeps aE | Pauppie = $c . e 118. BUaLE Psok= Qe D nly one sep face Be Tay Ssom 9 4 \ ‘\ giowas c Uni IL ass, ELVID SIATIOS »5 Bouyoury force 2) Hydrostatic fewe- 2 Prossure meascvement Fluid statics deals with fluid Behaviour and its effects hen: it is at Rest - A fluid 12 Said bo be Rest if 0 shear shesses acting on fluid particle. Je no viscosk coed 2 forces eet i » Wav hoce Force, Las wot of Clutd matter | 8 Normal Force On the Surface due bo Pressure “intensity: of the Fluid Pe Lh) Pressure > scalar vty Cammossive Stress Bouyoney principle Bouy ancy Is a phenomena tohich 15 observed when a Slt body interact With any Liquid + “theve ave 3 Possibilities ) the bedy can float C partially submerged ) a) the Bedy can sink ov (Submerged fatty ) 3) Bedy “op surface coincide vith Liquid surface ¢ 6 ae ee Gia eantre of Grovily e Cx Centre of Benyaury, loom B “4 1 not gC — + | Beers — Fran, at “~o Woe Meadys 3 Prody V9 = Peay: BH 9 ( mesaten ) fer Maga 9 = Poraid vy 4 displaced displaed Suid Ah g (newton ) Linded> Equ nibrian as Te = W CHA = Pray HHH Fluid Vewid =A = Prods Ox Puater Puaky SewidsH © Stony’ H Si-hi + S2hy= Ssouo- 4 Smattear = Punarer Pater H 4 Tensioo exe wrth ' = \ Shing - i: TFPI FP PF — Bee pedy aiegrens w Fe Fe) Leb T= “tension tn Zfy:0 Tamg= fart faa TES =— a. . a T+ Soa = Souiaa Y at Pouide 3 Vo Model 4°= pala es Spring Balance Loo eg. = \ooon, we ted velume of Fluid | wetted vetume ob. Fluid 2 Nee: SPring Balance reading CS) F Tension in Shing connected ta Balance C1) Model ~4 posse Free Bod dia grand \ vw SO Fey 41) =O Fey Seuid Vg 4 5\= bady 9 30= Mbady x 10] 8o0ex V x10 + ady a. : Spe 08> Fem loo Ot =o —@ 30+ FR] Prtucd + 900.ks Find @) © Vdumme of Body tn mo in 2h @ weight of Body. @). feo sp fanhy of Body. @® Beuyanty frees offered by Puids Case 2 15+ foo =o — @ : ‘ Bot fap> WwW 154 Faas W '5 + fa;-fe2- 0 5 Fe\- feo 215 Fruides Ae Vowideg~ Vrudrre Vewid * 9° BOO X Ve wid X 1O.— 1200 Vpyidan ior tS Vowwid [ 3000 — raneo'| £15 : Vaud? nig = BS OFM = aa Cee ra (_t7 | Far: vey ¥, x3 = Goo x ASKIN 1O Bon —s ne Jar= Veg ( V2~9 + 1200. 8-45% 10% x10 ©. 45N ee [Lew density Fuid - bee rs | Fea. 45 * 3. Fay 2 = 20+ fair W Bo +302 W woz 6ON &® Spot . Vv: 7 Volume ae ie 7 3.450 3 oe ce . @® Specific gravitj s Wbsdy ts 1000 * FSF ay = 1000 x 10 Pe eo Sc ed eld ® ' i" 5 Bodies ‘ sun spheres one’ is Solid sphere an auether Bodg Is hattows cube eich ave in eauall Surface fren; tahat 1s the Ratio of the- Bouyaney fice by he fli don. tke Sphere ray that on Fhe cube 2 fe sphere > ‘e be Fe cube Solid_sphere —= fe: Prud 4 x x4 fa “< 8n . FO Spree, = AES > Wephure Fe tube W cub] * Given N surface. = Bee C frea, Ane? = 60m Re Goh a An a: Vea as fe sphere =. Whuid sphey = Weppeve” 4 Fe cube. Wewwid ube ME ube & = Gpeax Wepre Ppak~ Yeas = Anges 3 Gra Ake} ae AK RY, Jae 6 6 Fo sphev —— a \bs : Foube , a —— 4) unknown Sp gravity of Body“of uniform cls is attowed to Submeyge im two fluid system shown in fig - Ao]. of Body volume “Submerged in mercury Plakd and vemaining bof. volume of Body im water Ther) Specific grovity of Body is 3 s fae Sw: FO bo /oH20 oo Stuy? ee ' / WA Ao/-v jHg Sto-Wy + Sug-ho> Ssond x H > “Su Ye Sug Wa > Sogia ¥ FE \ x O8V xXo-by + \3-68f = Ssoido™ Ssoud = 6-04 a >) _ A log Body 5 1000 cre” + Le t—? fp: Ar fert Feo = W4+T Bigk Axhig Oy Poiyx AX hag= WATE. HaSET LOTT FREE surface of Liquids L No SHEAR STRESS Gayx looox 1000 x ton74 X O1VSAR 6 OSX 1000 * tooo ton goox- qe AS X OF100x98) 205 =. pee tox 4a + T t= 103.0 N ——— ® Ee waey = Pax hex ho 9 rep —psestre Fe ol] Poi hort x hei 3 Yous « 0 x DNAS VL _ toxeeee anid? x OV x 0100% 45] + tS 156 = @ Gouge pressure Pe Porta Pesan Et 40 1000 x 9S] .x0-1a5 + 800x 9-8) x 0-F : 20} Nim? * > QO KPA —— (> A cubical steel Body [s=485] of each side toc I$ inomersed in Liquid mercury « waley is added to op of Solid Body aly Submerged: Delevmine the follawing ® repth of mevaioy, cohen water is hot included - ® Depth of way Ans: 7 Caset fet Ssieat? 985_, as Bamkks + Psteeie “79504913 31g x ne Scaid x H \B-bx he $8Sx RIO After adding water {rg — 5.448 cw Sux bo + Sug x Hag > Ssaiax H Go-hw) VX ho + (96x Bepee eee He hg bo hwo eee . hg- H-hu hws 13b- 136hwo - 385 ae IBGE —labhw ~ F8-S | hu = 6 4-56 Cm . e °° — ea, o er Ne, oS. ae? 2m! S Madel No: 5 > Fin ding Specific gravity of ‘solids and Aiquids eee eee Sme= toon etl | Sgoup = \-2OmR .f* Soi aoe 100 x 08 (oo- 80 eee LO O-x10.8, 20 * S08 84 me fet 9 So [Se his tess] [Se his tess] less. ie cube heving “same” Surfonce Aver + STABILITY “OF FLOATING Boores tohen @ Bady is aliewed t0 Float fn Liquid Freely, then two farces ave invelved —> seif at of Body > Baoyongy Ponce Ffeved by te Plaid cohen Small disturbance 1S applied to the bed Cousing angular displacerren E about a particular pink “1S called “as ee nowne) > = oni (& wo ~ Cs he dapth of imme rsi o4 8 Action Bt ob EUS B= centre of Buoy ores oY Force. cenhe of qvovily oh velume of tui dieplaced ) —F Metacentre point M is Clbeined by cea! the slevvel axis of the Body Shy the action Line of Bu ogancy Lovee Condi tiaos, of Eq bro ) stable Eqbrn Q Unstable eqwilibiuwe 3 Neebel uilintun Stable Equiltbriunt Aer the Floating Body dishnbed ancl gaining tks initial position aitheut overtaning is Bid to be in stable aquillbuitem: hss hoppens due to the Restorting Guple of the Boupong force against the disturbed ‘casple,, fred. © by soft “We i = located |, a tis possible If Myis above Gite , GY = metocentsic. Height ; 7 GN 7O - 4 i ex the Metacenbie Height , Move tne : Stability of Footing Body unstoble Equilibrium when a Floating Body is ‘dishnbed amd the dy Ct vehwwn its avtgina| position How, Bedy is. gd te be - th, Unstable Fabra the Resuite iS Qvertumniag: “this Happens if M is located Below &’ If m ant & Goincides then Netacenhic heigh & @M =O. | then” Body is Said to be in Nuebol egbm I means thon Body coil nok turn , instead it moves fo translational motion Ce= 0°) Methods to find metacenbrie Height cam) @ — Analytical Method @® __— Experimental method Analytical Method BM: 2 —& Mot of sesect plone Area ak wW «Top view Cran) of Fle ating / Body at Biquid Level —S= ‘ rootled vnleme. = Acta v h Celeutation of F OA winder Floating vertically. reo — ie h J 1 4 x q>- - , . yy ot = mdt Aquid 64 level Qoob alinder fleotinig Honzontotly - rel | y Frequencies Of ' Freating Bodies in Relling do + we = O aN cig Hevtz Rev] sec Crp sy wKe a A Ke Radius ab Gyration, | sa oY finder mode: of upknaan material ob diame? Am and height alsa 40M. allowed te Moat in o fluid of wlatve donsity h4* tk is abservecl that the dept ab immersion 1S @4-> Delerming Hur ‘ & & ee ee een ee Following. - ; b gpecify e gravity of qindey maiersal J Volume of Fuld ehicp lace d (v) 3 ekocene Beigh b » 4: checle fav stability: Tstate ov unstable | 1 ah wen cyfindey in kyu ak dia to acheive. stability in Ssaiiel Spwid > 14 Pruids Vx 000 ms ~ 1400 tea Jon3 — © Spwid: hs Said x H- hax @4> Seaidx 4 Now weko Scoiqs, axed - oa @® WV = Adsxh : Wo xx hx a4 a mx(a) x94 % 30:16 m3 —== Bouyonty force Of fered by Pluie Ce va) 7 ' fe = wm Ox ¥ (ace x 9 ef) ¥ 30-16 @ Netocontic Height Can.) Gu: BM- Bq ied AUT [FS] GH =O - 334m —___—_—__ Below @M <0 [ meons M is below a | Body: is undey unstable 2 uilibtiu we x as Replece H + — Ssarid * Hos pene) Saiquid @ An ice Block is floating fre. Seausa ley Shor Ih figure. Specific Gronjly of jee = 0-925 SP gnovity of sea wokey = 035. the exposed haght is lo cm - oes ie, Ms ice block & bt ab a aed He Sgeauaka% KR O9aSX Hs | 025% ww (H- i) He 1025cm ——— A Rectangular Block S\ lag and. dm width is fleating mm watey - the wore Line iS OAM above he Botton and Cente al, Grovi ly is OSM From Roth, ther me body cas metarcenriic Helght will we 2) 983m by o&m J o4em &) 0-33 GM= 0-aSmM e wae ae ») A Rectangular Black 5m long am Width and Lary depth. [s=a/5] rep baxizontal in a Liguick i: (0.95. Sioke- whe, Condition of egbrn - Sato Seetid x He Spud x bo . Con aE Oa We 06x ha boas hy = 3x33 4 oe {a y GN = 0-#SM 79 Stable equilibyium ———— Experimental method tr find metacenhic tig libs Te . ay prackice dite stabiiy of tavge sized ships and vessels it iS easy to check the seo bi lity, aleng with the eccicltcend analysis for which the given obgect 1S sealed dowtt and applied in ideal when oa becly 'S Submerg edl fang. in omy Pui dren~ no meta tenbe-is in volveol, then the. stobilily is obtained by locabing the point B caith reference to G , SS stabte equilibriue for Submerted Bady > : A fe : Bis Above 4 18 i makes body sr wlan to its origina] Postten Unstable Equilibrium fer submerged Body Big bébwo G. 3 Cannot Fehan to its o2iging] position Band @ cdncdes @ 0 Moyes in “henslabonal wotion + 8) for a Body. Completely aubmergecl in & flaid, the centre of Grovity is @ and contre of Bouyancy is oO tohich Ove Known. the Body fs umsideved to be in Stoble equiliriuwe if GHD o doesnot caimcide cite tenbe ab mass - ab the displaced Fluid 6) G@ coincides With Conve Of mass ob Auid displaced >) 0 des Below He | . ao Bes abwe We & A Aocing Bedy sith its centre of Gravity pact) eas peas at Biandk mata Cee at is stable aghor., 6rteS Ohesee- 4) Gey above B B) B Bes above M >) B es blow M As Bes bdo M ont, —— @ ~ HyprosiaTie Forces EQDROSTATIC FORCES Hydro stotic ferces an Fluid Contact Surfaces :- » thbroduction Nydvostatic fore , wapni de and its poin & of applicshion Crentre of presane) Hy dreetshe force om hevizental plone Surfoce, Verbal plane Guface anclinedo> 2 Plane surfoce » curved surface . Nements of Hydrostatic. fores is Wher a $luid in contect with ony. Surface —p Pressure is exerted Crore) ) which depends on sp eat of Fluid ond ckpth of fluid The Hydrostaic. force is the product of Newel pressuT@- Ad the wetted Surfoce Areg. Aydoo- static force Cr) = PX A > PGhxA = (aR) A to centroid Saf the plane Surface im yt Hori zort el surfece = cD Vetical Surface = AB e+ -¥ AZ . ap + -7 ah 91000 x 19x 3x(ax) AO KN Webcal] 2 POW*A . tooo x Ox bx [aq] 2 3%™ 3 Wooo ox 3 (3] a Ho ey —— 8) Actank. With 4 equal vertical pr . Planes of widh wo ancl depth h is’ Completely” piled with tiquid 3 fea” hydvostalic force of any verbea\ plawe. Surface is equal to thet fovce at tea Bottom y then Retio of A]uo ail) be 2 Ok ©' ©os Frevtice] = Faeviemte] Foor ere ABE wih = Moh Ae W= 208 SPILL WAY DAM eo Ps ¥:D + Pg.D Besse intensity at Bottom » WP 2 PH Lege Mf Hydréstalic Force Cx) a S “Total Pressure. Cn) ~ Fe t Free nowal te havizontal Floor PI-H- Datorizontal ° Case2 n Hydrostatic forte en verHeal plane Scxface. of dan Pz voh= 2h v no Pie where H= distonce fron’ Fee surface level te eentsid of vertical plane suface. > Total pressure force 7 Px Anovma | = ghx A = O gh < BXH 95 > we] 2 level 40 point Where hydrostatic force. ads tiem ColculshoniEey IPRESSURE DIAGRAM | Of Moments: v _ £F Monent of Force Components Fu Ls Hoe Fx@ Fy and Fa about O 7 Mo 2 -Fyxx = -Fuxgy Mo = FRE Moment of wydrostotic Forces about free Liquid surface Preys fixchit Faxh2 + -- Fase éMe= Fux b* ot xbyt faxbe* about Mement of Fy abou 6 = Fux 3 = \ex hx BH] xa. Ra t I's = Aven & Rectengular plate of climmsions Bx (cieth x Depth) vept Vetiesly and Supperiog-9 Fluid of Specific wk x, an one side and supporting another Tue Mx ox Ceo) N 2 = Figs Vax nx (BH) ON 2 Moment of Foxes” abeut © Faure dla = eis aR K Ava x Ol Hate Find depth af Pyjd in ims of #% such thal ab paaiiculay dep W SESE, mer geek turns Fay> *2) Fita, -5 navizen ta] Sa Mament of Herizental = + Mement ef vere} ~My . Bu» be fate OD a BONY 8) ~ that is Fhe totel pressure on a civulay plate ob a ¢ am dia is immersed worzoralty water “at A Z)' depth of Am q_ a oe GN Austr gs Px gx nx aren ae mf: 7 - } +» tocoxta x 1% a (2)* <= (Reu=h*] © een @ Se. 31-4 KN to REN = SiAEN ——— is Lark 8) A cylindrical Tank of am cia and (Om length poraltel to n water gust to its fo end plates @ 1a-se en with is oxiS thal) herrzental plane rok Fined will p chat 1S eglindey 13 tne tiydrestohic fate on Ont of its > jasen 6) ersieN SD 30-46EN (x) x Area > ¥x Dx AX Coe > 4 ~ Vooo x 9:8) x 2x 2 B0-819KN, Ax ne 4 —Gss) 12 i ak a kk ka in cater: Such that FS. Upper edge is em beles ta Free wary surface chet 15 the “total hycdostohic pressure. force. on. one side of plate 8) gaorn 5) aon co) 45-coRn @) 34 EN _ omy “tye (sank) brea 2 = 1000 *9:81% 85 BRIX 4 : 65-40 en the Nagnide of Hydve sta c pressure Fevee ow one side of a cirtulay surface , © Awe Brea wilh its Centoid 18 Am below Ihe free water surface depends Can the the evientation of Het fvea al, ciralay plate @ is me pak of spt wt of Boley, -” Tey ce. Pom Fee surface. 10 d its Nowmal Area. vertical distan: barns tn af mvessute 97 2 tokN loo y Fue 1000 qgi x Axe Cc) looax to to000 N eaeooiy "Gert ony =e, RE eb SMeNTATION 18 1rDE DENDANT eee Gate. A vertical Gate closes a byizental ctennal ah 3m width and Sm height Puvning uncley Rip Walter He pressure at the Bottows of the Gate ¥8 A104 Kg/q2— The wa pride aby Hydvostake fevee- on the gale js wWeutd be ivy weet © at @ 2501 Oa @ 225.61 - 000x10*K 4% 5x3 $2 i (ooo x 19x 5X 1S a8 / 45% 5000 345 000 errr = oe oo : axio" &q [> . anew * qe) N me 146,200 nfm we = 481 laboco-2 1000 % wax H aom 2 Fa: tooo 9% \ +| x(973) 2 QStERS =, avasee eat ge Z ae oa QEFSI25 7 a = hes SF A Sliding gate Bm wiclth aod ®'S.9 heighk Les in a verhcal plane ogainst the Fyichona] Savface which has coeff of friction 0-Q b]a- The gale roller anc verBeal Rubbing bur face The self wk is OT (1q-6 EN) + The upper edge of gate is tom below He free water Surface . Determine the verbeal forte + iRogd fo tft the gate against Seif wk anc fictional Perce. Neglect “Baryony effec’ on Hhe gete- ° 8) usey @ saaen © ase @ 128 er Hoist CApActty 1om E ts 0-2 AGVATION Sm lo |= ELEVATION 3m QT Ag kq ZIG EN —s —_ sem wom“ nwt a a a a a ak a x x x x X ¥ E ¥ ¥ ; ¥ & aa ugk EWD Wed ‘ force — Fe: MR L aoe re jhe A / » (Y9)-he = + toooxa81x (10+ we |x [ous] 5 © 444~s.bx103N - —————_ @ ez ry fre O-ACHT4-Sbxt03 = 94d liseN Rewing Fiche” : less © 94.4 RN when — compared to stidive . Cp. Foreappred - ae Ra 94 MeN z —= yon |Z Z ZB Wosel\E + Lift force = Frichon fre ~ (ae + O48 aT ow RN ». A Rectangulay. plate Bocm x 50tm tS immerse verti caty in waper with’ its lenger side edge” Vertical: the ‘otal hydrestohic. force on one side of the plate “is eslimatedl as [FEkN- Nag the plate is hed. in the Vertical plane’ about 1S centroid’ by, -40° degrees and. Keeping other pavometews remains SaML Hen tre New tetel force en one side of tha plate could be - : @ paren @® worl OE weed @ ion Fas Fu > tp6ed $e : . a eg [a+ &] x Ayes > Vag"? — torox 941 [ws es | @3x0'8) Qo Nett m =, Case 2. - Wing va ar a a Tt Re wht 0-85 > is tu L wv fF Bo + 0°25 poe = Bye Pgh x Pree + 900 x 481% nae as | C02 ones) wlt-bx 103" dnelined pane surFace wens sive iF P2 Pah ao. SY : aq Eye exgx hx Brew Pxg [yr using * Bu 1 afd ; =o . q [ra wee [ieee «Be | 1 ne 1 { -Presswe diegvar. 1 { «—— P94 1 Presure Normal by Conte ck swofaee gr Te PR WR WO OT We wr ar mer ee eee, ans, a. Ta r-sin28 ae yro —= 8) A Rectangular plate. 0-45 2-479 IS immersed iy a Liquid: of Pelabve density .o-B with ths oem OFS side horizontal and gust at he Biquid surfoce the plane ef the plate wakes an an Go? “with the bevizenta| “the the stopel’ pressure force on one side of plate im KN and centre of pressure ho mebes Ae 9) tseen ancl 134% @ teen and 1am » 2ao~en and 139 _ @_ te-oen and tem Far Ogohok =< Fay = OB 1000 « etx [ vasinso] x [oa5x 24>) Ke: + Te ¥ aro An ose ay > fp sinto)4 “iz Sin'bo O- Esints 45 rE i ") 104 + 045 x (04)? x Gin 6s) - eee O-FSx 24 x VOY he Fa =— ; oH) sSmb60 3 “AX DY & Bb 3 h*® e 439m =——, A* = H+ Ica sin?® tea Sin” An d & Rectangulay pate ef Unit twid He ‘and length 4m in the Figura - Determine the Hydvos tabic Shown ti force for unit widla: The density f Hquid 1 vr . a) Bg fos &) ¥ 9/2 2) #9 a a) 2 v3 Fie fou C0845 he bsin® os Fax 282 = f= Pxgx 0-5 8045 x Aveo + Px TBI x OS KSINISX {J 3 ty RR. 22 Ea: +g an 8) Adirulay plate with concentric cirles of dia ram cj and 0-8 18 immersed in woky with tts Plane inctined aban angle 48° coith fovizental =f the Contre of the cisde iS 625m ela tha Free woleY Surface. nen toto pressuve Force. on one side of the circular Ring Plate io ky is. 3) wt KN @) ®) ton . <) 14t4 en Cx) fd) 18-08 Tz Ase | 4 q 4 a Fs Pgh a a ~ 1000 x 9-81 tas x z [er-en] ‘ > too0n a = tok A — i Case} Find moment of Aydrostaic fene difference ie Ma=Mp > Fax — Fox u 3 Sais 9 = F We Hx Aven POX x Brea HO exgx he Be . a, Pai mx [eee Px fointyt &*) fea v9 Bnd 8 — 09x BAB, Gi 6 6 2 oo « Pg ane pg V3 Bhd o 12 eq BRS vg Bhs a ee - Ax Bx a ce ~ a Sinto> H L eg-ene — 9 eh3 — >. ~_— = t 48 : te ——— sinbo P9803 - 09x Le 24 ’ B ¥9-8H3 — Pg x -L Sin6ox Ce] rs S a 3 P9H3 — 9x 2H sino [a wey s 24H 6 Vax 9BH3 — ag x Hx 2 { " Nosmmdei—ee? . Agese ooo aerx sinso | z= eur | no = | BC= Qsin50 2 i 1532 | Ry ts “yeaction of Hinge Ry is Balenced by Hydros tebe Free Hemenk About fF aa L- 6m Ne ype Goes Fu> Py Sin 50 = oz “He 6siNSO Rue ty _ 406m SS 7 eee ae _z Br a a 7 815F-44x 1x 36 13526812 N (as-aueen =— ee Wings Supper i is mecessouy fy ilhstond | chem 7 tydrostatic force. acts” | | ie at contre of pressure x 5 RE a , CoRvEeD SURFACE | ~— Be and DE are curved ‘Surfaces Curved Surface Subjected ‘te two hydrostatic. components 0% fovte_ | Howzontal component CFi) , : 4 a vertical Component CFv) Fa =S Tels the Normal force due to hydrostatic pressure 4 fas gh A Nawton where vertical depth Ps free Soaley Surface to : 3 the centroid of the progecled plane of Fer vertical component: Bh isthe Gveight of the Auid Supported by the Cuwed curface Kye mg + OxWeg Pa Avenx #) 1000x10 [ax + al x| 4 tooa x10 {e r\ BO aed ew | mehr —_ + Neve! ee Sa ae WE ANT SR Ne Qx1)<4 ‘ i At a(oa| 12 | | Nore:= \ CeqTROID 4) Moment of Hydro static farce Components Mey = Ee AR weSom [3+2: ye] @ra) (4x2) i sor] Qt) 5 aot] a kent =— 4 ; 4 { i { 4 i \ { { i { 4 Cerin = i D Rete foc on need Setfeee 2 i 1 i 4 i q i i a 4 d i } y Fe Fy2e Fv> Ba = Sm J pee Fvcvodght of B- 2 02 Fuid tupperted by! curved Surpace Fs 09 he - $A A, Co bait < Sangh. ST OR WT KT HP we wer TE eT &) Determine. mmement of vertical compenent of hydrd te slat Hhrust on one quedvant of tig cylinder % Sho m Fig @) F954 EN-M ane quadranb ob ‘A *) to-sactd-m Calinder diameter = . yam and 3 Ss Te Fev en Mm length vd) 15-T08 Ent Ans- tout’ Fil eith eSaler 5 thn what Happens B e stant oi Je : B & t A Guadvonk of eytinder clianeled> am 3 caida 1S unity Sind the, @) hari Zantal Hydro static fooce CEN) @) venteal. 7? » " Cen) Gi) ResuttanE =” a 4 Cr) ancl its orientation GQ) Moment of vertical component of water forte » na . @® fs oxgx h« Crea) ercenregy ifodth Ane 1000 4-814 Hw [re] et 2 : : qs10x 2x 2x [ani] 14> 62keN ——S. Nevtica| Force Ce) Fy. weight of woky alisplaced - 8 My Pony VEY water x Pr. ton ¥ 4.81 x. AKA Y 4 18x 431% axa OD > a K K k ¥ } i ¥ 5 k } k k y ; ¥ , ' t Fes frie eFv2 >. Bb SEN a ee fawd: Tv ry XK: 525° —— Moment. of vertical tovce about © Fx AR 3x - = Bo-stx Axe an 5 Ne ee, >) Fig shows a Semi diveular cylinder ~ eal gale sup porbrg wakr bad + Dekermine pre force RY vead= fy“ Keap He gate under equilibrium + cylindric al gate ZI . width = Lone @) doa te 4 » gsi en ) 1962 ren\ 3) Nene of tese ‘te, t= 9xh x (trea), > 7P¥é Mea ve we MY Pg Ae k AN “anos 91x G2) ©) » oon VBI x WO» [ 3 oe ans “as ah re” a” SE Ot aL TAAAR RS . ESS ert en fge] + Fue Ae 3 an Fe lo iagox [Act] + 22Le ~Aat [stj + tet Fe oN —— There are Q bectes Rectangular Blades Svbgected fe woler thrustin twordiff caces shen in Figure. Delevrine. diff of He, moments of the hydrostatic forces about theiy base points: Shown % Yiven obseck % rx 3 @-0 %, ¢ t YAO 2 Oata? @ yertro OF Fur FB= Wetuid displaced 4g Oxy - ex BARRY, Da Re & ts Va sane ae 2 : : &y nh Sh Hollow emispherical obsect of dia ‘’.is immersed in watey with its. Plane Suvface Coincidin g With the free surface of he, Water What is the vertical eompanent of Hydrostatic force an cued surface of Khe | { i 4 4 1 i 4 i i i t ax 703 er ee Be wea See ee, a ye ee ee tr ae er er Se A Reserviouy dam spill toay, shenn tn Fig subjected to water loed - Determine ® aqn of euaved surface @) vorrzertal ferce @ vertical eempmnent of waky loah, @ _— Resuttant free eR. ay . ge mxre = Ab Yet” KIS hot (mrtg m~ Ao Qas me OcHt aa Fa. Px gx hx Chrea) + 1800X9X AO x [rox] 2 eee —— Fre Jae Fem fae SAN ne i { Re Omg . Mee Ox Vig Pg x [Meares] too to x lane ml \ Az Area of Curved Sura ° oO Qe ole 40, : Aveq = [ = Mou “F °o 40 \ Yr. 7 Se i 4 Fe 1000 x 10x. 344-5 x4 3395 EN 75:80 (ts) : 68:30 § Laplace j aplace fe | Fut Fae ref) WN 1 = AN A cross sector of oO” abgect Chorin g came section "> of the pope \s submerged Tingima | to plese Rruid eosist oF ta square - Cress Seakfavs jangle. shor iw into 4 of gach side amend ak the. Aigure- ane submerged obsect 1S hinged at point shown: abaseck is to be kept in that position then he Value of 2 dimensior. shorld be - Dain © «sx © am @ an Fe, Moment abk P fe ey | = oy Pe Fue | = DG ee 2 Axyx Ax Sx nytt a N= IB Fe Neomicivéle % AR, > Arvisegte x a 3A mer y AR = Le RXZRe H — 2 3 oe 36 : a: UR °) “the bevizonte[ and verbal “forces fr and FE ew. Semiciveulay gale raving 9 idH 49 2 pb into athe: plane of Paper are. 9) fe: Pann ‘and 20 >) Fre QPGH Aw > G20" 2) fe aeghaw FY = Pgo.ah J) free 2Pahaw Fis Kvomes - 4 4 { 4 1 i ‘ i wate WIDTH WO - (xg Rx brew ~ peg x ey) + tQ PGhRW ————— fe Mg Px VAY + 0x (x v9)«9 - spe? at ve xg ux Ze ) Rye RP WA 8) A ¢ , slid eytinder of dia aur and ( coum eng il | patting Hee water Shoo im 4 D ; a ig «Pet @ New ov i teu kal, Arce aud Mek veh. Com paren 7 eae nar veers 20 Fun - Cap Peg Tix CH) = Pax gx tax (a) v; r 1 : tooo x 4-8) x ()°|* axe'| _ loo x 9'81 x @)* [re] +» \006x 4-9) [" AKIO — eel a 1s eased om > 150 KN — . aight ; Istonnes Cromards ight) ety Fuy + Fv Wy 4 WO \ a omni a mo . Devices |. as Farce funit Aree» It is °f. : . . directions Abe 78 mang = F5y + 7e 2 ey) , ee / Loz x Stale “Crue oF felse>~ 2 he oe ey t ® the centre of pressur t ti 400 5 bs yy A ¥ “ plene surface is : 0}) depends upon the wpe of FIR OD Sot contact with the surface oC) i . _ « ners HK) [depends anly on geomet ¢ puperti es] K depth of ceaboi. Certre of pressure is independant. upon tupe of. Fluid tn contact with surface @ A vettical Component of the bydrastatic Pyce on cory S i 7 wived Surface is equal to eueight of the Miquid vertically Above. the curved surface wo A Tlangulay Plate immersed in woler with vere Ye onwards «Ake aikhd2 Of tee verheal @ biangulay~ Gace is Ws the canbe of preccure, ‘Eeh Ocs h ee 2 Cre] 7 7] Se, he he. he Tt AW PAP 6 te pnere bain bd Xx Ws Ax x«h ix 36 oh ha hi M OTTER EI aaa Devices Pressures defined? as Farce /unit Area - It is Q Sealar Vy. Because it has many drections of action on the given Area In FM pressure iS due to the Fluid Conkack with the Surface -tohen fluid at ees Fangential force involved» anly Normal ferces invelved » tt con be shadied through Mohys circle concept: also - : : when Fluiid element in space Subgected Eo homal pressures hich are in Cempréssive nature with Same weagnitude > je Pes Py- ---- H ey = Bompa Sli) Ls bomPa (Ee) S=5," P—> \<—__— EB oon ox, Oo 2 LoomP ae ATP P —+-— Ve 9 Aw OA= POMPA. 0B = 80M Pa AC? BD > BOMPO MOUR ciRCLE FOR OF = Gres Ri Max . 3 i Printipal shess _Shessed Machine. 2lenen b OF= Oa~ oy #) 2472 + Tmax es y+ ee > Trin Ecs ED +Radius of Mohr’ cirde. * Ta = max -smin AL Rest- oy = Sc=-P { Fluid, element SHEAR AMS OQ MPS Aca Sx = 6y2 —P NORMAL SHR ESS RRS 74 On. the “hegahive Wewmal shees axis + AP a Mebys cintle is drawn fer a Fluid elemeu& which 1s ak Rost then te Mebr’s civcle wad be D A cncle teuching the civ” KE) A point on cheay stress Axis D A circle omnot tewhing the origin Dm point on the Nownal stross Axis Beactty | . A point om ~ve normal stress Axis The Aarmal ehesses of came maguihde in al | directionS at @ peink ina Pluid possi ble. wher Pluild has no. shear stress Pressueé UMENSITY At A PNT DUE To FLUID ee Hae | ot Rescure Intensiby fa Mulbi Fluids! o——— e hs he 1 mJ Ry = Ram >= 'Or3 kPa lookw}m? = tot/m> —e a. Py Ig Cae Poon, = Vy -Ghg 4 vadha. Couege) Cs) . Yaghs +. Parga t Yighy Pe age9~ bap = .Pag'9: bag = Ying 9 ty > Sid Hs Cou) Pesrwe at a point can be Represented in terms ob CAeuroris- [atr, water ofl» --- ] Pascal Cra) cmz a“ em 3m Pe metres of water or Hg er oil ifs: — oerante in Resswe bluo 2 points: - Pree g.hy ; Pe Pg bo Difference im Presse blu a APS PP = 09 Chany) F9°3 Thy he] = Pun Pug 4 Being. '3600.% -81[ 6.356 5 ws ]= : Mecitaing = : —, tkg of water & Ika OE of water 2: i CF . + H A “Pea > Poy O2 Ran 89H Co Aa). Hp Fesp cat heights am, and Gm vesp> «Ganges : cennecked on side of the Tak fitted esith a Liquicl - . what is the specific gravity of that Liquid tn 4he— ten ke a 3 : Poe S24 pe hy. &m Par Bo kPa» ee ae na; ! (. Pa- Plo e OG haaby © A 6m deep tark cepbains 4m of water at Bottom and am of ol| CORD = >) Above. 1 \ | ' ; me coaley -the Pressure at Bothm of toute d } in EN/m2 is Unit at of water = ta en|me i } Pez Por hea-Gt Poi hon 4 ' z BES9B N/m * 56.898 EN[m& —— oR Boho + For heif tox 4 + Gu * Fecater)- hoi} 'ox4 + (0-9 Jo 2 © 58kKN me O® aio, of the Fellacin g preesure units represents feast pressure Units 8) mm of Hg D Njmmr d) kg#[ om? et Milibax + [073 Bax 103% 105 Pa * (00° Pa . —— mm of Hg FEOmMm af Hg > (bax S&S Po mom ef gs Bay > 1x 10 Fo HO > 131s) Pa a 4 a | 4 4 a 4 4 i i i 4 i Pe Pugs O Hey” + 13660 * 10(rx 103) * 136 Pes Pot in ORDER of Lease uwik ‘ A<@<@<© thet Specific grevily ef mercury > 136, Given Antensily of pressure £ 4Z0kpa express te Injeast hy of yreseure cge~ge) i Various uvits Lea’ a 0-3 bow, B:OFFM of Hoe y 4a ausm. of Hg. : 5 OS bae , S.074mM of H2O 10-3349 ho of H20 © 4 baw, AOFF m of H20 y O-8RAM of fe Hg d) Noma of those Box lo? Pa oy Aer pe bet . 0-4 Ba me ee ps Og h 4oxio? =. 12600 4ei x hng Ang = 0-229 reer m of 4g 2) the pressure io motes of ei C Soil = o#) $Y equivalent to 80m. of avahkey #s Z o of a) 64” 5) 8&1 dm d) oom P: om of wale Pag ho f= Pein: bell if love: GO = 0-8 x 1206 * hol hoi] = “go = oom afail os 2) apaifie Gravity ofa Haguid Ys ons cabot weight of that Liquid i¢ needa to provide a pressute- difference. of arar BS @Q 218 ® 98 . aes © Bim @ ts m 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 i { i Qxlos = Gr x 1000) x qaix We he arlene f wale Hoes much pressure is tp be bene by fe AP= wg Sh tooox 9:81 x (0 s) 15x 103 NJrot . — 1S KPa ey P2-Py= ~ 1S kPa Po = 65 4tol Po 2 99-5 KPa work de > Pv ——— s) Spuific wb ah, Seo, waler Pony be “Taken to var, according to the expression C¥= yo 4 a) chore Yo = Spat of the Seawater” ab daw Chee aicfoed) . b=, depth Beloo the sea surfaces The: pressure et depth hw metres M excess of veh Dea 4 c wie ae az apo. ow an ap= xdh . pe frodh + cf Thak a+) *Toht ech a o4y Syoht co a ble, ; 4 3 nt ph ae 7 ah 8) Figure shaws au open rtan le of aiff Fluids Showus 2 tks at Some Weigh ened ake We 2om - Pee Mot 9 hol Pig gw hor Pha hig qa i pero 20 Poi geil = Po A: Wo AO sige oroe x20 * ihe X- lox o-g ~ tem =— Voi gf - hel Png hug 0 Ax1p% x20 - 136 x19 Y Match fist | | and Dist 2 Kist ¢ Aist & 3 resave due & A") [ Presee iolensihy units) | eclumo of 0-4 yi 0-353 Nfen2 D esaer ~ 5. B34 N]om? 5) Mercury mr 4) ell €s-09) f 0: 392 Nem 2 4.909 W/m e Pe Po sho 3 Paw = Vee baie 4 = 103 404% 4-8) ee 2K Oe 9-84 = 0392 > 4-404 Who —— a = a x 3) © Baelognid) x O40 x val ae(oAnie) oA " £39t - oasapens Bl Page Pag hng 3 * 13600 x 04x 9:8 6 9 Bavome few . I Prezome feo Sipe Mave me kk U tube Maro meter” Diffevenclal Manemete ~ drworted Bifferencial Navowmele Bourden qe Pastas Lan ; ab states tbat the pressure or intensity of pressure at & point in a static Fluid is equal in alt the clivections -” Peds. | 8 ¥ Fluid element of ay [ee a3 x ez dim ens ions be dy , dds. Prc.dy-} ie Py.da-d Becoxding to pascals Lae Poe = Py = Pe. ah states that the increase i pressue ef 2 PluioL in vertical direction is equal to Me weight density of te Fluid ot tat poiet r-gae Bee surface Ging dpe Pode Pe eg wah Measuremen oF Préssur Manomelers, Measure Pressure ot & poiok by, balencing i cotourmn of Plaid by Same av anathey Colcurnrs Mechanicol Gaugc4 OF Pid i Sw Bop he gen Bourdentube Peat eee — Pressure, Pressure. Pressure Gauge Gouge pope BURP : Manono + — Simple Maromeles: : - Pas V9b NL . we PiEZomETER, U tuke Manometer showing Negative pressure, or Vaccum pressure aye pressure or Gouge proscu ve Pas PmGh2+ PQ [Pe Canam | Nf mn eee eT ee er ee oe a eo Pa open to Ame sphae / Mercury - Manemebic fluid Accarding ta principtd of Manometyy CPaseals: ea) Poy = Poo (Pot Boh) = P3hm gauge ” . 4) Differencial Manometer! tt measuves’ ‘pressure blus a paints sf the Fluids under pressure ‘Continous Flow at. vant foh2 = Voghmt Psahs+ Ps ‘Inverted 0- tube Manoméley~ eee his Meter censists °F Manometvic fluid of speaific Grovily bower than ‘the fluids in pipes eohere Pressure. dit} is tobe Measured- this mekey is used to measure ‘Pressure differences in Practing . : measures differences ab, (ocd pressures ee aa ia ae ae ka iD a | Pa- Pa ghz + V9 hi + Yngbmn| cee VenturiMeTeR 2°77 VENTURIMETER 1 To! Measure Flow Rate Bevive an erpression of pressure difference © CP, -P2) ar” Pressure difference head Chi-h2= ah) in vans of Gey frm, hws), / Ah = hi-has hp = Pi-Pa2 = hon[ ss] 1 Se vi Peg According to Principle of Manametex” Pop = Poo Pra 818 [eythm]-=~Po+ Umahme Pid 4 Fi-Pa = Pmaghm + visy ~ Sy- Y9 hm Pi Poe ra Ohm — Pio hm R-Pa = (Pm Pr] Shoe Mead 19 Heim: OF! of coates &) Fig shous, pressure measuveme nt Avvang omen E - be lerminey | prossivve at the Point: Caouge fressure) . R= Poitsgehay = Ying Pez Pio Gehry & Pai Q- hol” A . vec aee e 0-08 GO) x GOM > Of ee er we em ree fe: Voi g Holl ie3aa-F = Bsaxaeix Holl Koil» Qam ————— A pipe Carying coaler, a diff mancmeer cennecled to pipe ak 2& points A dud & and- rhe deflection of Hue merany Bi level if -Gecmt ancl the unit weight oF meraoy it 2-4 alma J [29 is-eglm® ~ (S-Oglem= 13600 ral | econ Sm = 1269/m4 Sie Pa=Pp in terms of Pr’ sf wale @ 56m 4f tro ® 4-46 6 ae @ 22 y bm | 3M! ha-he = (rdeng >. ; : 5 water a bale weet se 2 Ober Iee > E58 Metres of wakey eee ©) what is the Pressuve Gaff bla Points A aud 8 Shown © in the Figure Pag Poi G Ric = PB+ Pm dchot Poi 9: hei verre ee Pr-Pp = (B-Gxt000) xetx 0-08 + $0049-81x 013 4 yo a . . : 300%981 x Cams! 4260-64 NJm> = q-agkra — 8) Refer to the Figure the Absluke pressure of the Gas iM the pipe ab A 1S Pam = Feo. mm of Hg a a a a A i i i 1 # a Yn Icha t Vo ghot aay (Pa)= 13600%9-81K 0:02 + 1000x491 0-05 + tatectao | ane = loo x VAL OE ts OVA BM OV a Pr)gange: SSS N < 31SE94 = 0-031 mm (Padanage B AELMLS Oct \boy 2 F60 wR ef los Par Fb0 Deas FeO wm tos x te Pa) gouge = 14 Mt nf? Pad ange = Pag 9° Hug tara > $3800 e481 Hig Hage | SAMI2" + Dott me of Kg ———— (B60 04-81 Ht mm of ag ————— Fabs Print, Pyauge F6O MWA + cic waa 5 SRE & Pressure diff bfea mM and N feo the manawely Shean in big m’ lems of ou of tg oi a, Pa — Pro She = py - Poruig ha 8 > Paho-g P= Pays Pos Gh, — Pacha ~ Pa hay 9 ’ faee x 4e1x 0.09. — §30%.981x003 — 1000x O18 xq 48 Py Py F 1129:2189 Nf] me (Pa Pn) = Dag. beg? 9 Soy N2F-169 a bee + hug 6 93] 830 oi Peoapems BaseD ON HyprostaTic: LAW pLens Bese? Ore Qe A hydaoulic press has a vam of 30cm dia F = 6a Soon PLUNGER A455 tm - © By aansé AL p- f= 500 ne = 2 a xx (0M5) 4 fe w = ery 314405 -4 2 Kx (0.3) 4 22:222KN ve ws —= 7 D- 20cm + O-2m d= 32cm > 0:02" Wie 20 KN Penn = P pioneer Be 3 Verne — Moogeo Ee 2x Fp * 07 x de fp + go FE P Boxto? x (0-03) > GSN ——S fe: P. 2 O3m of water Pe Puxdx hu “(O00 6 98x OS * 2943 Nir™ due to oi| S208 ' eee P2 O8x103< Bix 0-3 + 2354-4 Hewum / . Sz13-6 i i a i 1 a a 4 a a a a a P= 13600x9-8) x03 > 400 24-8 N/M™ too @Y Ps 3.424 N Jom > he 3 @ waker ® oit of 9204 3924 = Porg-heo 3-924 x 1042 1000x981 x hw hus = 4m ——- ® oil 3924xiot= Fox Gein hoif choi > 444m of il 8-09 he AOm il hoe % P.- 09 X1000 x 9-8t x 40 oi 353 tbo w]m2 6 Py = Por x 9x boil Pa =? --D-axt000 *4-81x IM, = B92qN|mr GRE Pa oil xg-hoip + Po SF hwo 88294 IG00%9-8Ix 2 + 29449 NI m@ =, @ ode dem D= Tocm Pistons at Some leve | Pouau > Praree BO. et Ww x a 2 ® Co-03) PROD G . 398-89 Oc > Case 2? Smartt pistrn AO cm akeve barge piston : Prone . Rema + — Pdue to aocmn pote COREA Deis. My XO ye Ex(o-8" fo + 1000 x O-4x 48] Wax oO uo Ain aad ot Paz B59 hn Pye Sh [ on '3e00%9-8| x 0-2 - Foo x 9.81% 0-13 2509398 Nim> 210 eos case of veccurs pressure pipe Vacwsis an Pressure, PAA © 136002 4-81 0.4 + 600% 9.8) «O15 = O Pas ~ (54543-¢] w/e — 545 Nien 2 — eee nr de ih) Pa + (oox W281 OXO, = 13600 x9-8KO10 Ba Pas 1230-6 N fw Mae Wee him eaten Case 2 Pa= 9810 N/m> 4810 4 \o00 x VOI = (3600 Fair Clo 2) gains 9910 (0-%) = -rgaa 133.4 :¢f 19-201 10d ~Qsxo2z20 = 481009 +928109 — 1334160 Hasiomx = — 255060 x = 0O:9FQ IM = DIEE MM mercury Poel = 10-2% (0-2-4 ~9oan E k ¥ } } } } i | ) Figuee. the Pressure Reading a) 9) 500m e f - Soom & Bw om fg va ceuns e) 1260 4) Nene of these. Paty CPorgouse = Poa) gaye oz. Oegeg-H+ P > Page gH Pug 3 5o um of Vaccum O= Pug eg {™ -50 | 4-59 +0 Ws 60m ee S ; . An anduckion pipe to a Compressor: ( vaccum cheaner’ Is connected) to a pressure gauge choo in My Determine te height of oil Riseal : sem emai amcd Ainduclion pipe atmos > ty compressar® [P Sug = 13-6 —o eve pressure CPar) gauge > Clot) gage, O= Parxgrhoi| + tiv 9 Kar + P Moi: 6.635 ro of eit 3) 2b om of HG Cabs) 8) 50 om of ug 6s) | 3 2 &) to2y Ughol is Pressure ak PS CPorg ange > Poaagouge . © = Aug. g-hny + Gas cde + Fe ew hueglected 26 em af KY Pe = —abom of HG ——eEeoOoy—r (Pp) aps +. 26 + Fem of Hg ~ socom of Hg Serr 8) Av bend bibe Buth ends ave Open and billed with HG. amok abserved 10 cm above Herizenta] : planes The immer clia of glass Tule is Sum if Wace ef Woo 1S addecl NH ous side of u bead than shah is He ith im Hy Reval fat egbm & hw= 3 — vz Awh Vac? = ore dah 4 laa ax (oeyx ke a Hug 1000 4 34-99 13 b00 = a Fem of Wg ®) the YS Area of Manomeley shoion in gure - made soo tmes larger area: thaw Narrow) hube - then veadling in Bure» Dek Yo evry tA meq suremontk a a ain A ii i ti il lal lll Alin is dis i, law, of eensevahun af mas S mass vemans cons Mass Risew Ms- re) wtehe = Mass feller aN + Ane iw tanle. » uma Aven 3 | AxBb = ax H jneveasedk ) a5o0x Ah axl 500x 4h> tah ke 2x to" H S00 | = 02. 3 ——, Qin gle. Colevon Kanomeley « rin gle Colour — Modified version of Ue Tube Hanomele J ~ Nowge lg Av Cio Himes) te cls oF tube. or ue Re ; rot yt ese we — Tres ve L vertical’ Single Coloumn Manomete 7” ~ 2 Tnclined single eoleumn Maneme ler Veerical SIN@LE Cacoumn) manomeTER : ca Fall of teavy Iequid in the a : ie Rise of Light Liquid im Mae Ay Ah = axho Tube Oh= axhe oS 5 |r: an. [erg - 09] + fatha van @ can be ~ neg tected Resesviour IE Ais very Lavge compared to a then | Pa= P23ho- high ‘inclined Single ccloumn Manom elev” ne Lsing Pa = ha vag = Hyg | Pa= L8ing P23 = hy va Forces invaletl in fluicl moron | ~ Assumptions in fluid dynawics P= Fluid motion equotions = Devivation OF tulets ean of motion Statement and eqn of energy for #afiuid under’ motHon ( Bernoulis eon) Applica Hons of Bean ous e49 — 5 model S. Nomentum “theaem Ccimpulse -Momen hyrir eqn) and its application C4 models ) . Fluid: dynamics is 4 Brith of Plaid science thrice deals wolion of “he “ gluid under influence of external Fores. Fluid dynamics focus on Plow auelysis through. Pipes , desig of turbines) pumps and forces .invelve in fluid motion « : big forces on fuid” dynansics Yhe following ave the three forces invdved in Pluio dynamics - os ¥ Body force Csetf at of fluid water ) 2. Nowmal firces Cdue to pressure of tee uid) 3+ xlermal forces acting onthe fluid matter’ 4 Equation of méton 1” Bules eqn Based on law of conservelion of masé & Energy eg CRernoulis Pvdv dpe+egaz+ evdv=0 Oide Fy © euregs ESN e Apply Beanoulis equation t~ g Pit 2+ vi2- bet Egdded = Pet Zoe ve2 ss) 2g i eg a3. head Rise Turbine > . . a Eodded. o> B—e EL E[+ Eodded = Ea Gre Eadaed Keay’ Pe #500 H- & ; ind = tooo 2 te oes egh IP Pshas t oo BAGH > tone 58. 10°9 ID Bi eto alaatiel naa Pehaft 45x 10> - he [5-32 . Cro") 07) eg oe Craaans . : Pee 126 KPa oe rer ok ta ~B a ea Pat al xh hia Eaddeh > fer ye roy es eg Pr + C3) 416 = _120x10° tp og ey Raario128- Be ee > 120x107 eg 1060 x 1-8] fa - §26* 19? -* oy Toad x 9-8) ai » pump « ioe CB) Power Ragd 1 Run We pump Nssume@ incre ave bo (esses '9 ithe pipe ane and 1 v i the purp Se et oe Mose Pas. Palm Z20 Pgouge = Pro : ViE=O ee 8 3g Za 25 @+040-0 + Eadded = OF 54 Vo™ 29 A= Arvo 3000 AE = Bx (soe va iG ee so. K «(508083 * vo Cm) 8000 x1 S 4 see 60 e. Loaded = (@S-46)~ aslo H developed bys = Sg-g2m of leo | Kooi by = 242m, of we is Shaft » POG H 53) 3492 + loag x10 oo % lO (esses) 5 kus ee Joreme , bis a machine @bich Conver Fs Hydvauhe aaa Fl Into’ mechanical energy H oe Hydy @ [ ; Shopt Power Powe Cwaler Power) Pertracted = Head ubilised Ns _olp + Pspoft > Penare trp Pusatear ro 9-H ® LM WWE > To ovad flocs . 2 Seperation & Bp <. Oc = @®. Athvoat. = L to Se Apipe a 2 Eqns Q= Avy: Azve. { & Apply Besnoulis eqn < Bt gave= me she vis vo 9 ay Bg Pip. + weve 9 9 8 4g hi-ho = V2? -vi> 99 Mp2 he (fsa) Aa Lee ny ° 5 le Ae Q= AA2 , J 29h "= Vaan ‘a: Tash a eae [ee ae to 0.29 | NOVES= Di fferencial manomele V tonneded Venhaimetey is +o ventuvimetey the deflection Best OF manometer will ost change. by ‘i Changing: orienteHon of pipe beoz disodw Diff manometer alunoys measures pressur® Congume Space ® here bles 2 polvks qr 7 x= Sosy cae (£= =i pwd ” Setuid — Deflection Semans some immaterial ab angle af inclinations he assem, eS ®S Aas Bem? Ate SMe We Scr of 20 - Quoer = AA x J 29 busier = Sear ies 5x 3 = —— * Ox BH 38] xscm 57-32 em $2 ce ZioenP/sec eS) Dekrmine the veloc in Figure Y of way of section @ shecon he- hoo [ Su-T ] fos tSx15® fe") > Gm) vn ——— Qtoaer > iy = A2¥2. of sit" Q- Atha © | 29hbwWoley ji Mae Leah SaPmt 2 Wire Kx D ' * x axto xesaid? (uel) 2 - hee . Bx (20)* -Rr0™ : we * Gee?) leo t . ENERGY EQUATION | oR | BEPNOULIS EQUATION | Tk is Based on saw ot Conservation of energy ie Ces id= i m0 tion) Enevgy is noither creajed’ 07 dashoyed for the Abwe Assumptions tota| energy F Fluid at ony poivk In & Conbnous mathe Yemains constant ik is obtained by tnlegvabuy the Eulets eqn pees { set (vedv = fo Far incompressible Flow Oz Par conse ersy/ gz + y2 = castant UntT MASS . a em ee Ye ms nia RE Kt S? +4 gz Energy CN) unit Qass > pM, m+ jo sec! sec wees HD Nass 3 Su = &g mem = Nm he m3 *_ seule Volume Veteciby Head m2 ae wx m >” | | P+ Za v2eC tweeey fo unit Wweleut | : Erevgy « N™ =.) weight tap Applicabions of Berneylis egn PiicaHions of Berneulis eq ® Energy of fluid at a poink © @ alentify the davechon of thd Plog - @) Bemoulis equ bpplied & Aydvaulic Machines Rup s and turbines @ Neasremod of tischerze. J ventayimneter’, eifice uncle Nozzle mekey” | Rend motley 1 Rotameter | S vel. of the low blouse + (Fitst tu be] e &l A tap eved pipe of ia. at Section A, 300MM, reduces wy FO toowmme at Seco 2- the tievation (Sahu) BS of Section 4 13 tom ond the Sation 2 1S tame The Gouge pressure at Aection 4 is \20kPa anh ot aoe 2 is twoKPa-the fluid- Plow is WaleyY and Rate af Flow 18 lO Hitfmin take g= tom[s® - Assume> Plow is steady , one dimeusisual aud dokwmine He Eeilovoing © Volume Plow Rare of tre water iv mz ® (oiraschas"ye) MAH flo Pale of water im kg « - . S ~-@ vel of vooter plouy ab section Aand at Section 2 @ ‘otal energy Head. of the evater at section 1 4 and at sechon 2 | boos of power during He Flow ip Kio and iy WP Ome Age 6, eo No NN oN qerr® 18H : i) g= ns? NS 12M Dato (ruta, Flow due W energy ditt] a. V= aiorem + dlo Lit . BS Mt Pec oe + Bsxion$ M3/3ec @0-0035 cumec — m= PAV Ox & ooo x 00025 Fy x pe SOC > 36 F | see i SS (e074) = ( ox (rx tort) «( es r & Xe or E % wt mis pm |3 We o1mls vrszemts NCAR Va = bu|s Apply Bevnoulis equ. gz Gavae + 50,00. 60 107 N ue —S=S==> = . SOkKPo | ee Fo Px Are” : 50 Xx Bw 1074 7 oe 5N _Pl= loam 4 v2 te 2 teal Heads Pe Ved @ om aR > Renee UW od Pressuve af.seotion 2 is weyahve ie fievit = Pot afew eg 2g vg 29 to#is Po + v2 fe oe eg 7g Ax Cory yy = B* (0-06)°« v2 % ON eve ye ve | 005 AV) 2 V2 — Gonyt> 6)? lov,? = V2> . EXvation OF CONTINUITY - hea Constant VPA = cons PAY = wns WiAVy= — P2 Aa Vo . Foy Ahcompressible fluids Vis Po Q= Avs Aw Ax CoD? 2 mx (ox vo = 0° 0035- 4° a vyjp= 22089 M/s A ,0-05.Ml9 . MIs - : pe fF ® | Teto| energy at Section 4 ej= Hh He Head, » P+ Zp 4 MP- Alas “use “Hrs, eg 23 EQN onty +_tmxt03 + 18 +4°°9-05 1000 » 10 2x10 2b- 000125 be SONS @ Bary OF Paint & Fas He du faq Zo 4 No” eg 2g Fa + ten tod 4 w+ 0-457 1@ He 7H] Hence flow from 2—7 4 C pao” thine @ _tesses Ho-Bhr= Hy 3001012 —h_ = 3H-000125 he> Ho-H ov. = ED-E} O-01 mm of toy H20 + O-ol m of tl Be 13 P Pro: fv hi = b Pagr d: hag, hug = tose 0-01 13 bo — ® bass . os of Powe 5 Rate of energy ae Pacers Rare of uid maar gy ™ Se * 35 X loxo-0| 0-35 Wa th ——— HP = 426 war HP al 035° ee Page No:55 | " @ CN eee 2B G re @ -¢ i) er Ha Ste B Hp at Ha 7 Hp . : — A—B Flas Floo is Ha- He He occurs 3} We zHa Few is from ‘B-A Hp- HL= HW - Fa @ Gate 2010 , De aoomm: 5) tem 10M Pre, Pi=Sokpa V= ams Q= Famjsd Pa 4 “Zo ¢ V2? ) i 3 24 tL dered + 1a4 Yeh va amis \ 9-8 | < 1600 ax 49l ee om. 4244 2 = ~ Baya Me 3 oe ~ BoxtoS 4g tot Vid too x 9-2} ax4s| . 13-300 Ei Fim 8 So Flas vill seer Hy-He > WD 1§-300- HL= 14 245 oom He Ay cm? Vis loems: AVV\ > Raven Vein a ectacee MD —— cw] s tort= Po +b °@ fe + -Smebves of waley e ’ Ak Section 4 of anorizontal pipe tne Pluid pressure hah is 3Q ew an veloci by head is Aen. Whe yeduchion 1K jvea af secon ig such that Ha prssure head dropped doou to xevo value” tshat is the Ratio ab relocly ak Section @ to wnat ab section 4S O 1@ 1 1 t \ \ ‘Oo 1@ Pi = 320m Pes 0 3 0g Miz = 40M ~ wed 28 7g ere mt Wit > Pet Zed ee aq vg - e4 ZatOr 4s OtO + Ver 2g v2 36 _? > ba J fl 4 v4 2 = 3 “1 © i) dy a stale laid Oo bedy ig thrown oith cost vel ro mls wich “gives: velociby to bre wale ak Point BAmigec y AE Pe a ey cahat 1s the value of Pp-Po = @) EPA B) wEPa 6) a4 kPa a) dP EPO A pions _ a 2 a 7h + Nor > Net 4 Pe + exh v9 2g 2g 09 £ Der Oe ee cee a ay Pa - Pe = ae B- Pe e [“ vs | tooo F 92-427 = 600) 60-36] DYNANLC HEAD Pree ra kg)m> Pt Ze ers const Og 2g Pa UGZe va? = come - a = Sa B+ gzy Vod.= est v 2 : ey. bay? = a - & : fe roe! rave, Luoaye A8LX B5x10° ye 80-2) ms Pot Vite Zor ey wears va 29 Ya 3g 04+ O4+0= D+ 26m st waler + V22 y AL poink o> Rak ~ = 85 mm of water < ~ Vaiv> = Og presue 2 2g Po Ghat Vad ha tovo x as) Prax ha ha => tooo 25nd ¢ 20-823 PQ QO +833 = Nain Var = d0-aim|s Se Lump Purp is a device aahich Canverts mechanical nerdy. 4 into hydeoulic ener9y ° ex: centrifugal pump , wrecipy cating pays Eadded » T 4 Prive L move P wel poued ee OANT 4 “mt “Go mgh i - 29: w- de> * guia Power = MAH vues “uP shoft Power Porapt haf: p, Ro A= 5i.sxio3v/me> Pa > S1.5kpa —— 8) A pump draws water Prom a Besevviour and discharges it #0 an overhead jonke as shoe re wo Figure the Area of the. outlet pipe iS Aoem® $ “na average velocity in the outlet P iS AM{S+ Neglecting Me mimoy $ Mmag67 lose.3, ipa in tho piping “Wota} Head developed by the Purp in metres of exe. cole” B Oatn'® am agin @ 148 we @ 16 Corbined efficiency of the purnp and motor is asf. thew power vead’ Eovtun He pump im kw 1S HoH > Q rab els b) L92KW 6) Akt 4) aie KD - Vas Sr S$ Ss Azv2= ognio4< 3 ox oF : 4 wB}s esomats Goris] Continuity ea Aw: Aave 2 & Aw = .@0xio4 mls Q@= box 104 AS — eer ' + 6x 10> wa[s +0:006 m3/5 Mess flue Role me Pe Me taoe* 0-006 oc s (Genera eqn opptied “to pap | Apply cee eqn (as? Zy+ aa) t Easted (2 Zo+ oa Jouge. Fe POH a pare Soh Slosiol be more Baw brat am OR Since Gis aad A dt 0+, 0+ Fadded = fos Gn) + 3 32 8.598} 10 Esddeh © 5+ 3% ax id ' 25+ 9 = a6-456m pe % Us fea = Pranact Roark | Ponape Ponapt = Sx tox Bx 24 OFS QIK = Consider ang dimersianal meormpressible . Flew of woaley tru a ceristank efs Areas sqm Pipe shown in fig. An electiic meted fnparks | Mw power to the rtuid va. o- fea fan: Neg lect energy Losses and fan doadt produce any. Swrs| of Fluid Floas - y=tomls aa : ae _ Pps atm > ® {eroR | = — —_ esha is the velodty vain ms B 8) Aoms 6) y-2awds 9 mnsufficertdeta 2 Noe thaw 4 ' ta-32m]3- 3 2) chat Is the Pressure fo % tat b) aa 3) a-5 alm a) sate "9 Say ‘ rn) ‘ w to? 0 + Eadded) = AXIO 5+ Eaddod = V2 73 Eodded = 1 MCO = Ixio&wo ° Us ole Catt). ‘ 3/p Cua) fc . Aw) toof. = tOgH. - ee ee ae ° me 7 Yerst= som? . Ss > i= PAGH + 1800 X10 x (10) x 4 PM “bx 106 H=. tom SAto= v2 axlo Noe esp aoe ese 8) A Fie Fighting Hose tith an exit vor] e le = fomm discharges usaley ab the Rake ab 2000 Wa) ny weight of the Nozzle exit Prov EMe pump i3 Am-and wok7 vel * the Sump 18 Iwebelos the pump chown ib Ihe Fig. Collate ana head develapod Apply Beanouli ean . Ppl Sh A+ 2¢ V2—obus= Pet Zat Vo2+ Hexbvached or 4 : 2, 65 23 09 3 C Fomacted D Ot) to-bh > 9406404 Wenaast 21 =~ HLF H exhackd eo A: 1aw3{s H= ta0ne Ue 4] Ys dp ~ - Pshage . Alp CEH Pokal = 0°94 x 1006 x 1-9.x 120x(Q)—* 3 1aa x 103 watt = 1 a9 kw —— @ reimn Y) A= 3 m3} ¥) he 5m. P= fepo te phy : TIP! toon G81 x Bx Hetnded [= Is (06 Watt fe delete ee logos 9-8 13x Hexbaded, Ugheded = 33:98 zi bes Hehacted Bo nhL= hexbacted 56-S =hNeasidual > 32-72 As--hresidual * 33°98 hresidual= 45-23-95 x. 210-95 Me —== _Dischage (a=) Measurements 1 -yentusimelex” 2 ovificemeter Cischage Pleo Rale 3 Nozzlemeke ae 4. Benel meler 5 Retamekee NewroeimeteR te is a device used 40 measuye volume Pl oes vate ie discharge through Cased pipes ov cendenks , WE Force Asalysis in ‘pipe Flow :— 2 Feros en Lfted Bodies: - Force exested by moving gluid on Piece Plates, moving plates Power develeped by moving Fiuidl ®) A smoot pipe OF inner dia toomm %s. subsected to wakr Flew at the vate OF 100 Qiks + AL the end of the pipe & hezzle iS camected cath the ,help of a Flange anc ne of Sere Bals the arrangement ig. showy in tne 4ig we . @ y $ gto m/s @ mow t water -100'a-p2 | ae rs 3 x Time Of watew {00 mm Rane 4 nis Bott ® what is the mass peo ele in Pipe sgn S (Gott material stel ® ang velaity in pipe-sine — F4 : {x aaa { velocity of get 2 that is the posible Head Rom rohich Pipe is Yetciving water 3 What typeof fone acting on Flange Bolts 3 Whab'is the total fone on He Flange: Mhak is te Bye. per eath Bolt 2 Oekermine size of Bole For the data Given 3 Wadvaulic lasses In he wezele > Power lost in the hozzle. 2 SHFicieney oF the pipe syokm 2 F soccaedon @ mass Flas Rate me pa poster tae ae ores ag tones lace ic By cantouity enn AM= Aove 2 00159 = x Coy, = Bx (0.255% V2. 12-43 ms PUSaieeme le cere ey ene Vor 4 Brels ® spely semuis an abe ¢ 4 fet tot Yoho hyy = Re zit We % "3 % "3 OxrOF O4NGO- D = Soon? + 0 + pase 000% 10 seasm He lsoexQa-u) ’ . too Caoq-ts) = tM8eN ®@ : actent Total lood on Bolted Flange ratte @ toad Per Bab =. -a-ten) = AS3SEN rn Diameter of the Bolts, Teeot* Fbeit Aels Bee Aagsie3 Cx) 42 dia of ott 00% ef Bxd™ Cnt) So deat g-semm__ tomm fe oe Lore ® , Wydrentic owses she 4 fe 2 Bet 2+ > -hi Pat Bab V2 5 3g a He gooxied + OF WBA-bL= Ot O+ 2092 1o00%16 ‘axie BxtB fue 2 224% ® Prwes tos = Pe Mgbe. = toox(or 204° ta] w a ® [re ma. . phy, At Bend Pipe of toomp kept an the Usvizental plane ab dia P ay 7 tos me and woler Flow SE vel Arilg 7 at the end of the. pipe a uozdde— is fitted teith exit dia gm! celemine the fime necessary to comp tee told the pipe i that position 5mm g 243 we ——— @ ei ~- Viz trol Semped toomm g 7 ' 4 Ge Avy = Ave © Or0FSS tee ax (ters Rx (oo) = Pacva-w) z z Yor t 1o00 x 0-008 CV emis 8N TI ve Ag> 010g rom D 2F= Cav) e 2 86 Ga-vi) R= Ay; = @: 2x64) « Cx) = = actor nd + todo x aac ist Coase 2-85-0-001) faoeces — stot, » 568x104 cee 9-81 =S-8x10S Cegf) — AdV2 + 2xiet ° 58k Ve = 2 (at Bors me ag Wee Ques inl — Medd2 | Favte excel fy Aluiel on Sifting Body Moving FLUID Tool, © continuity eqn A= AN Vint @ beanoulis eqn Apply Bernoulis ean ak 1 & 2 (at 2% VP- (B e. 2 I sage 72 Ra + Mah “3 IK An, Pv mo H 73 E fy. 2 m9 Cay) / > CFinal = Viowisl ) y Y ae aS m(o-v2) aig = POND mg = Pave hogs PAN VN V2. Bak & vo= IWa2 agi Niveau tase Pan Vat 2 Seusaiog Vipwog ns (8 LP Anievny “Mesh “Sphavica| {shell mass in kg Ad A vertical get af walevis ake to keep homisplerica| noeate of Ave Aw toith vélacity vw at the, nozzle erié using’! Bern oulis eq aind Momentum theove me develop the expwssions Foy se: Velocities Yo. at the shell point & expression’ fay Height Hat cbich the shell is Balanced. Shell mass ia M and waler density is P - Assume. ideal Plo conditions - { CopWinuily eqn Q= ANN fit Ze VAs Pat Zo4 Vet eg 2g ge 2g Ot Oe ve. OF Wa vot 35 CO 3g : Vo wate agi ® Nerentum en oo. Fy: moCawy) * Cr ~ Vogel) [Sree . ®& mg isin —™9 = "aC Ya= va ) down ward — - director —™ = -PBRY2 MJ = Paavo ™9= Orn -aua : . ug os .? pPR AN. VN 7 mg = Nvn2-29H QP AN-VN 7 a. te set Reackve Force offered by plae.*, Fee Pav? = 4 kg xox mas kgm ac} s° 2 Fes rm WO > Cade (gal ~ Vwi) Se = 5 (0-¥) es -tov ve sign Means energy fost by fluid ie fre force exerled by set of fluid on plate Ceeaction of Plate) f= mv > Pav @ Acumen Puate Qs Q402 —— By cobinuily Paves PAV, + P Arve uf Avs Ave Xo 2 2 Vz MAM os 24 Vo 22 2 2 2m aVv » PAV(V-6) § + wav for WA (L291 Fas PAx29H —_ ®) 18:5. N b) aN 2 4359 FeoB ='9a4xQs 1a-4aN 2 = Io ie Fe Waty-ud> > 1900% 0-01 (20-10) 7 > looon &) Power deweloped > Fx Vv 21000 x 10 = Lo, 060 Watt > LOK — ® Fece devdoped : 2. FPA CV= x) WA Cv tu) 2 > Lo00% 0-0) (20410)* > 4000) &) eT Relabive .velocily V~e£) 7 oy = Ma Ts mg+ema Te m(gta) - Prcsure > t+ MCG+ 9) A A A "Php Cada) x Fluid at Rest Pe ghee Fluid noovin; a a Pee Ps wh Cara) Fuuid moving dean, Pp. Ph C 9d) P= 1200 «10 (ears 5x48!) 408320 see im? 406320 ad eee? gh 18) : ee Me ee FuLvip MECHANICS +I] woe os PRAVEEN: TP PM iS MECHANICAL, PUNO? 420423 $642 we cee lime ef pipieg system ~ Force.on Bolts = Sy of Bott x Aver of e/s S: xe t & et AV: Va-V, Force per Bott.= _E_ No of BaltS ~ |Power Lost= 79 hi 2 Mass Floco Rate | m= Pav = PQ Mover 2 | —®, Force Analysis ‘io Lifting Bodies¢—~ Powarnelers Avaitable” V2, AN, 09,4, P Tool: - © ezntiouiy exo! = ANVN @ Bernoulis eqn! . (BI 4 Gt wre (By $Z2 4 v2 " #3 2g ey ry : 0404 wi= oF Ha Ye www 23 NorzLe / Fue Voz Nozzle exit ve} Vis velio piping system NOZZLE TR force. @. Momentum e9n =hy= MGW) = "(Veinal ~ Venitiah ) ¥ Y “ig = ra (o- va) ~mg > - YaN2. V2 = mg : 2 Va?-2gh = [img e Panves Mopet-3 Force exerted by Moving Fluid on % Feed plate © Gee exeited by at 0% plate = Rate of change of momentary $=) ‘m divechian of Farce &erkdeh’ = % [av] Tet is (0 . be colculakel ~ * FO885 Cavitial velocity~ Final velocity ] “ime 8 coil taco. Ears] 9 [v-0} 2 ees Snitiol vel pee a —s Fu = Wav?sio® Sa eh CEC Caner OS eee ene es ia ae oe se [2nitaivel- Feral ver fae vay [vsino-0] f= Paytsing Fe = fy coscqo-9) fe = Pav*sin?@ Fy = Fy sin(40-8) clivection of Fo cose E “| Fy = Pay7sing cose . * 3. stavionary cued plate : © FF thave is 06 "tose oF enewy the set ail] 8g toikal vel in tre Feral vel = in dv oft n Vos a Ce ne G vel in Mal Fixed, + Pngeria| = * evel plaka - chivedion » . Veoso= opp div of ek ~ Cempenent in the dive chan of Tek=—VveosO Thitial Vie vel j ivecti ~ » ss of get a! oe be =e] 0 the clivection > of seb . Fee Mass [ice Vox] \2ie= Final vel in the ” See divection of seb. , 5 Pav {y- Cveose ] » i (. = [f& . PAY (1 ¢cos0 ] . ’ ———__ Fx = 2PAv? cos" of Ty > Pav [¥y - voy | * envlo- vsino J Fy = -.Av*sinG ~ve indicates ferce is ackng in dwinound civechion Angle of pefleckion means 04 e v JA suiking Tangerkially h ase fac= PAV [Vig vy 2x| = wav [yeoso— (veo } fev 2uave [exs0] | / . Fy = vav [vsino~ vsine } Fy=0 Natey_spzinkley , dk wovks GN Mamentum -Mamen tum equation Sap Torque = Fx ft i Fe C Te meav)-R = rin (Vang Von) = M(VA2. ty - Vay My i eg * ) Ye= wha a v= ($) A Vabs = Vn + VE = Va t Wxh Vets: Ye Ayes pipe a Vabs ak A = Vang — Vea = (BN — rae Lie ra 24x 10° ‘o> = ~ [2 saxo] 1-2 x tovt (0 -(-53e = 8-462 m]5 see gi2 Se Vatsoute = Vas + Vip = lot (469% 0-3) = (2-303mI[3 — > 5 Laminar FLOW 4—— Ke Viscous Flow /Layey Flo / Laminar Flow through, pipes and pavaite| plates of incompressible fluids 51 tohoductioo 52 — Reynald no and its importance. . 53 Aealysis of taminay Flow (Viscous Flood through a. + cixculay pipe’ (shear Sess dishibution , velocity dishibu bow - Ressre Head Leas, Power lost due to viscosity and Ratio of Maximum Velacity to Mean velocity in pipe lad YK be bfts tuo pavaltel Axed plates Flew.) Lavinay flaw 8 @ “ype of Fla which Ravely observed dq veo) Sife.- ex:OBload flow through veins . @ Rain water Collected in vecesviny | of cater C seepage °F coates) @ bubrication for Penulation, @é 6 6 bh HG hyclyo stoic. Bait 4 Sap 'oF the” plants age. 10 celer «due ty Laninay fees: siciky any Hr 9 + ey a cler change, the fallacting ave the Conditions under eabich floc Is soid fo be a if Laminay Flo Each motecule of the Fluid moves in its mean path . Fiuid Flow 1s a Rotational Fload Flaw is steady « Flos is ED. Fluid Is viscous in Nahuve « Reynolds No af Fluid Floco < 2000 Mean path Fluid 1S incampressible - wYiscous FLOW , 2—2Reynoto NumMBeR+— This the RaHo of thevtia Force to. Viscous: foveg Res Inetiatoce » ma» ™ OGe Viscous Force. LA MYA g = m(v-0) e Pav —. vAV UMA Miho ee Fo a = EV = pyy a 4 Pipe Flaw =P : Chayacteristic. dim epsinn = diamebey “4 wows COCR REE CECE EE ECO COOODDIDIA Revo Re= VD < 2000 co Re < 500 Flow through open channels Laminar Flow Re critical = 2060 Viscous Flows Analysis :~ Consider a Const dta of pipe 0 and Length 9 cabgerked #0 viscous Fluid Flaw shocon in figure - a a Pah FS @aapsaa rd ; a p Phg sical chavackaisic a Ss i Vv D —frtluid self properties u wt}. ete me etl see [ P-dR— Fs — (prap)dA > Mx6 . dee= length of Ihe ~is-dpda=o ‘ elemepk ~t- das ~ dedaso » Tdise=-dp.da T.2avde = — dP. wy? shear Norrrnal Aves b 4 — sy = -dp- Hn @ ueeall : 2 ~ Linear Variation ‘Gar Ee Xd A ea oles EK p Q non 4 am E ~ Ten -— > a Py Tuall== dP R Tis Max at the ‘ae a 2 Was ; e Tene = -dPxo =a Teo at coe e a since A=O eo. 28 e Velocity dishibutin i . e gy Me ave a he w "CF shear shess at any e de 2 ©) Radius, ‘on Ge bave Newtons las of viscasily e, Te Ud e = du : ee ° = dist, bles the 2 layers theres Y= RL 3 oa oI ao 2, ov thictness of Laye™ wy i) birt Y : “, dy < o-dr- ., dy <- dr e, e The-Hdu dt oi ~ -Haus~ dP A - an ae HX du = deb s dy a Y Strrrrerert Jdu= "1 de | nar Kode J Uys" 1 de (=) éanst- Ue L (Ae) a240] aa We) @ Using boundary Conditions | i Ag QS Un x 2 AL HER , PaApagauic. Un=O Varition Oe 4 ( ae eee eo aw \ at Cem (¢ R2° au \de Velocily dishibution Uys Le @p\2 — 1 Ae) eR ae SE AL 20 Uy. umax (contre Aine veecily)) Uae = L (-) [*] 4n\ az Fi- Pas AM Uae a Umax = 2V Mor vel = Sx Avg velocity Pavaliel Plate Flow Umax = 15 ¥ loss of Wead due bo emp p tee ets tive Hagen Po'ssellues Gar te pe oe —————————_ v3 vg D2 [Pow ev ies | Ao A 50mm toleyna] dia of pipe of Leagth o-Sikry is Subpecked to an oil Pla C(S=0-9), M= 1 poise at the Rate ald Lp-m. wee, e ¢ Hon reverie es 8 IO) OO \ »? a pom) © mass density of oil io k9fm3 ; 9/cc R Ima» @ weight density of cil in kw Ime + @ aynomic Viscosity of ail ta sa unit+ ® kinematie viscacily of cil iW SI UMit ond Cos unite © Volume flow pote of oil MH the Fre im nals, G ross Plead Rate of ail tw telse D Ag vel f sh Ala im mils Reynelds ne: of sil Poor iw Pipe + @D state type of the oil Plow Cumerhey Lominary ov Not) @ __ Moximuro velocity of the. cit Floco in pipe in’ Lit{s + ® Pressure dvep due fo viscosity in mpa @ wit pressuve ot outlet of pipe In Mpa + @ Preasuve Gradient (Hydraulié Gradient’) in Aor Kea @ — base of Head io Mm of cil due to viscoaty : @) ross of Head in mM ef water and in mebes of meracry Power lest due to viscasily i» Kus @ Power Reqd te Run the pump to mointain the Llouwd-in wpe Velocity of- the oil Flo at @mng Prem the surface of tha pipe + Shear sires at the Surface of pipe in w}no%- Sheaystvess at 12mm From the Conve Line of me ” pipes GD shear ferce an the Surface of tne pipe. 83} racy the shear chess and velocity dis hibution « GB A what Redial distance fig vel occurs .3 P= aMpa £-o-5em © Sor= oil VPookt Voip 0-%x 1600 = 9009 [m3 ——— @ v= Pic 9 © Foox 4-3) N/m3 = 883kv[m3 @ = iposes O41 es as Fetus (04 m2 | sec. anes tu emfsea hilstokes Ce 6s) ® v- Qx 22pm ~ MO g 60 s > 35 Otlsec. > 35x 163 wlsoa ~ 0-00% m3|s LS weirs COO hah OOOO EEE RR RIIDIID? > v7 vw me ww F oI we ® a= ree Joox Oo0as = Z06tglsec AVY 2 o-ocas = 74 (0.05)-V 4 ® e- @ Fee is anl/s D= LBBx 0-05 we tix to-F = B09 << Rooa Lomina gy a) > 2 Vv /pipe.Flew Umax” = @® pe axVs | ORLA > 2-s6m/$ = 82 Uv = Box 0-15 198K B00 aEEYE Sex ais 98x g00- D> Gos) ble e1oe nfm? = a Hq pa, @ Git Pressure esas Pie Por bid Mpa 2- Pos 14 “Pos Q-114> O-B6MPQ @) Pressure Gradient Chydrautic Gradient! ~ 4p = BESS Lig tot 500 220% 103 (MP - 228 kpafiy hy-he =. PrzP2. >> Wax too eats v9 ~ Qoox 9-8] logs of Hed in mehes Pr Po Pait Grhoif= Vwoky Ghz Pmey 9 hier W14xt06= looox 91x bw hus + 116.2 mebes of tater” Lig x 19% = 136008 4-81< Vnomeveuns. hmereuy = 8-59 of wale —aeoo 6 Power lost Pust= 92 9-HL + Bsn 4-81 x 129 + 34%0 Watt = 3abo> Ak HP = O-F36EO Poweo requived fe mun pump 1 rvaintaln Rl * > AkwW + 56-42 4p 0-436 - © w- on sh) (@#) Umer > ~at) Re 4a doe By = RR-RD = Ta n> BAAOanAOaaGF DF PAVE HE aR AK AAA (a? a a D) a et Tat = YS 28x10) (2) “ 2 Ty: dp AL dy 2 “25 25 12 13-6an|m> ——__ Fs ayy +? Toa 4 ml Toots 28:5 A R: 250m - 25% ADL. + 2BSx AX 0-08 x$ed : 2238Qy) - 2-24knI : 2) Toa = 28-54)? Ns KE SS x eX Y 7 Ss Vel \ Gichibuygn ——“dichibu tion sishreaton ee ; Yow = (ae \ (292) rae) ae fe = (ay* Untax : 4 = (82 a: LR I @) Ge a Mean vel oceans ak Ar Rk a distnce of = [A= O-FOFR % : —= Key "class work, Page No: 82 en a eee ADs 5) 8 (3,4 48) covrect> 8c He uo Wc 13) 8 ge ad 2 aw Cb Oe EOE SEO O DIVO & + qeeatetens © x cdy* V 4 fos pipe Plow Vinax = centee Aine velocity Max vel = S/S Vmax = &V Ve Vmax =_0-75. mS ie eee 8= ax (4x0 yx 0-45 x (nai) ~ 3 m/s 10000 » —rFrretion Factog o————" for Laminas Flow Fs. 64 Re Re= PVD o@ K Fer Laminay id take Re= 2000 Fe 64 > 0-032 29 ) G& D:t0omm Qs tom Teall > 950 M[ro> Ve Sms Tre dP x A dx 3 Teal} = - (ae) & dsJ 2 dx: 10 850 = [dP x 5oxto'3 dx 2 Qso+ -dP-* S0x10°3 0 2 >) P= [000 kg}m3 R= 8mm3/s. L= am = 2000mmM D= o-Smm AP = Ba Mpa we pectedtu dp 16H Uma & Gs 52 Umax = OxV fix pipe Flea Q: ARV ae OOOO OEBHEHEHDIIP PID XN eae 6 ee) ee eee) a Vie 800 x4} = AutesD IY > = 4otmyy 125 vs —— —_—_—_— Hx (0-8) E de- 324MvVL 2 oN Qe HX i mm ae 5 B2KHX 40FX 2 y @5x103)* nt M= 2 x@5xi07)” tore 32K PORK 2 = 90019 (FNS m2 ee © Vz 8W Vrb-tey _ wogea ve EEA] > SHEAR VELOCIT a Vex | b/P = v J Gis) loom © SHEAR STRESS VARIATION og & JCo= SUV D —> Pressure drop ax Head loss due to viscosily hes (32MVL wap? Htasen Peiselues ean 7 Dares Head loss :- Gp): aggv> 29D 4ggv2 = S2MVL 23D Pg -D? Gd= aanve » 290 \ P-9:De bv2 Davey)s Priction Facto? Af: 64 evDdD 4F= 64 @) A aoem dia pipe ao tm feng laid bovizen tony cries ail (s=09) Hr O-Bparse- At the Yate of top dit[sec» Caleulote the pewes veqd & yn Me pump in We +O Mointein flow against viscosity 3 Ans! Ps M9hL ae rag he he. agove v C4 OEE OEE COO THDOHHID »IID ‘ 2 3 Q Sea DIIIDD bie. 32divL : \4 H= 0.8 N¢ ¥-9-D> to w= S204 - Baxoes P= 0-4 x 1000 * G00 Keg lm B= AX Vay oil {oxo = mx (02) * 4 he 20% 1000 + 4 0-318 msec. Caen Ve ——— Qs togik 2 loxio3 m3 ‘See. Sec * [-— &s 20 kr» ——f I Hp» 0-46 KUO hL= 32x 0:08 x 0:318x 20000 doo x 9-81 x (0-2)* AS -8F0L — . rh= Px@ —> Roer lost , > oex tox oS P= mohe a = x48 x458F © 40490 7 5 AkW = 4. Se O- Fb Class work @ $d: 02m Umax = trols - Uy.g = & ee Ve) Umax: t. f-de] ee 4u dt Uy 2. R242, [-fy sy? ee ¥) Umax * [= Bxio272 O72 Ly = 1H (exie2)\n a (ys es A A00™M long fovizerkal pipe is to delives” 90 kg of ail (s= 09%, Bm B= 2atokes)) pex miro. ip head loss is hot to exceed 8in of cil find the “dia of PIPE % Lridion Fear] Re Ans, 2= 400M Wi @r=400ty ~ 200 kg = IS EQ min 60 S _S_ 8204 ws axto4 wnt Poi > 400 Fg ua eee ba EERE EEO OHOKRERIVIII HOY WE. > $¢#e 32 9S DD he = 464 4R ea. . “os 2gD Pe ea tx Re= vO axion4 Re = o-Sxtot xvxD a @= ie cela OSx1ofxV¥D — 2n9-81xD Q: 6a x -® Db? @ [5 = Ool6 %0 O01: WxBPx V 4 ° 0-162 1 : oo De = yor = 00164 —@® x ———s 5 8) oil is being pumped thcugh a Aree shoight Line pipe: the pipe length, diameter and yolumehic Plow Rate ave all doubled ; for the new - arrangement of prpe- the pipe friction however remams constant -Gohot is the Ratio of Rictinal losses tn he nro arrangement fo that ih aziginal pipe con figurahon a.) a) a Dr 9% D+ L-> ab ” hee = ALLY b—> 2D hey Q 7 2h 5: hfe = KK AB KL @: AXxD?x Vv » a Oe 4 4 } — aes 2x Bax L Aad Seay) Zz , aot *B AQg= AK AD?KV bee + ‘ her Ss decent ble 5) Teo pipes of uniferm c/s but different diamelerS Caries water ak some volumetric flew Rate - cpakey” ene properties ave Same ‘In te00 pipes - the Reynolds 0 Baced on Pipe dias + 3) Game In bath the ppes 5) Larges in Navi pip C d gmolles in navw pipe d) depents on pipe matevia)- Ce A eRe OO OHRID? HK Ow Reps - VOL Wi Rep = Dy . a Bx OP x Bx DY 4 * 4 Re XL D Se larger pipes have Swall Re © : 8) A Famer uses a feng BU Ata Pipe wwe, CS aha! ae Sy tap pump and. it discharges Qs If former replaces IHP rockoy Purp by sup loaler pump fer the Some pipe fine aw frickan factory is unchanged then discharge thyough neva Avvangement @ coll be dq tssumin 1g He so 5) 4 D a Ge P. roghe tos Pr p= ® be Se Po bpp 82 t= SER Mi 5 298 Vo 4F LYo? Bye Any Le By": o bea = hey hpe APLY a 29D 2 n= Seat stew Arrangement 24D Le 2b 2 blae 4 exaLx rl b= 2D Az = — a= 26 hf a 4x Bx 21 x28)” . '2xg x2 (ix) xapt x 1 ia Fx 2Lx 40,> a 2x9x2x(w 12% x16 ye deo x Nets thrangan ont ve ae 2 28 Bx @o)* Bx 40> hea = ax Fxoex ey? 2xgx 20x ("72% @o)> [ae + Aw Pr 2ex 4g? : 2g x 20% 6] 2x 104 le rey 2 BELA Aa x zeneapefi vo ox Roane oe “Axt x kx @2 16 Dias ii. =, 2 BB Di wee Rw 6A OE 68.8 6 E688 ForrFrerererys e 6] 62 63 S we) SSeS a PIPES — Ahtroduction “Types of Losses in the pipe Floco (Maw lose & Mow losses) Poet Transmitted by a Pipe 0 camy the Hater” Ceonditien fx Maximuns Power “transmission and Max efficiency) PIPE. loco Netook (Rooto in series and Parallel Pipe Carobinations)) A Flow Is said to be Teabulent if the Fellawing is observed Flees is fully develared Fleas Is in Zigzag Manner Fluid meleules never travels in thery mean path like Laminay Floco Turbulengy is invelved Viscosity of Flot is increased due to fenbulency -Ceddy Mises ) Reynolds No is mare than 4000 : For every attempt of cualey ftow ih a Pipe is Bound to be furbulent Flood fer the Following ic Reo = VD ee ee aaa Prewaren = VD = VD Vusaren, be 197& = vox to i\ o-|mjs 1 = 10000 Fem the. above itis observed that walker Fluo thyaugle Pipe fine is always & Turbulent flacd+ Hence a detailed be od 2 Analysis for watet flow 13 Required. - 62 Power Tanenited by & pips Line by ning fluid * > , ° * : 4 2 4 « } e : Polp = m9 CH-hp) © * « beg (ibe) «© Og -AV Cane) © © e394 (HV HEY » ah ean (wv = aeiv? ’) = 0GA (Hv sei} ) a “Zep 290 © HT Maximise power Transmission through, Pipes x) < dtyp : 9A [yy 4eL3v? ’ a 290 “ “ » ga [h- she | v © Fer Morimune Power -transmissior dtyp=0 av 2 H- 3he = oO ~ Shes H a fe | Lene «2 Polp 19g. CH be) Pap mg” Y= Hebe 4 tare t- he Wee = 66 Ge. Paoduckion = ' ) A PIPE Jrsctectien syste supplies wotey to a bend pipe Shown in. the: Figure - the pipe minx losses neglected and Qnsides Picton facto o:08 + Estimate maxinmuno discharge @ at the end of the Fipe- cD) Q@= Bi-F2tS » Q= 24 Lps D 18-4 (ps Se d a: to dps ® 2 ie Ans: AP= 0-63 : Qoe Arvo Apply Berneulis ed Pre Vite Zehr BE t Zo oo oF ag On he= of wa2te0 or OF fF = 2 OS ~ AFRYo2° = v0? wet 29D 2g 25 — § OO3BK ITS vy? = Vor SRSANTGK Wo = V2 2x 4 81X O-L 2 9-81 Water Is to be Supplied to a College Carrpus thrcugh one OQ= pa (01)? 3-028 = V2> 3-028m|[s =, Shgle main Pipe - 1@= bt a > + , |. Distance bla Reserviowy’ and college compus is BkD tess of Head due to Friction trp Loop of Fiction fir the fipe Flaw = 0-00% Consump tier Of water per student Rey day = 180 Sik Dally pump -opevatiod is @hxs-) at rep cx S07/- Capacity “the dia of the main pipe will be @ Ee) 34S mm as Mm 9») asm. Fe 0-004 4AFlLyv2 De S > 29D hes 18 4x0-004X 3g00x V2 Dae ep 18> 4x OOOF* 3000 x Q? ax Bix fee” De 4 0-024 wBIsec, — Axp> 4 COOK ROR CERES EEE EOE ESA AD MAG O GOD Ve oh a Qe 802 tL Shdeok 9 a day us ° ’ IyFIIIV YI I PVP WY dI> )y?) ’ as Iya x 50]. Shidenb~ ahs . + 180 LF yg.g x 4000 nights ssupok BX 30S + teox 1e3@3)x 0-5 x 4000 x 2600'S = 0-0125 m3 Set ——= 2 I= 4x 0-00FX 3000 x .CeEErES (0-a2s) RAO glOae sin ooo tis tree Bee Ds 0-42 mM Soy jas mm- ® hates is Being purgpe| at the Rate of 120 Liimts to an os overhead Tank through Isomm dia pipe of lengit 200m: we Cout of chich Sm above the pump cede fine’). Doneyjs Picton foctey is 603+ what is he @® pepressuve developed by purop ° 34 besber 6) eesbay ©) sesbar d) None of there tsbat is the Pouex Read to Run the purop fo kw 3 Dorey Frichion Factoa” fesse tan 2b Neos mie “100 xto3 m3 ou) bo Ss O,— 285m——>I Ay @: AV oaa= Ax (org)? v. Ve M3t_ rlsec eS @= 120 2pm > 1290x103 © Q= o-02nB]seC —— Apply 8-6 © and @ Pre zp Mab tet z2+ ¥ 23 9 4 Pit Ot OF HELV? = OFS ° 29D 2 'Goox 4-8] Ox 48K OS Pp 6.85 5 105 N/m 2 Se Pps 1-88 bax bp. ASLVe = 003% a00xkisey «3.9 292, axqsix ois ww ec & COCO OER HOH SHEE EHOAIDIDIIG @ee@aggcairst 1 Seu REPUTE. bo NuIZ bru pony” = 9 (Habe) > v9 8 (s+34) 7 watt ee Class Nosk wes aoe © We 0:4 cm/sec We 04x 1o-4 M/sec D: 8am: 008M fer Pipe Floto Vmax 2 Vowg Vawg > Vivo = Rez wyD or vO A we 2000 = ‘ a be Lamina ELON Con7D. 4— Some x-tRA ports) 2K Naviey_ stoke eqni— @)-@) ae means Bessuve Gradient tp the divection of Flea is equal ta sheaY Gradient in he divecian nowmal bo Me Flow tT Velecity at a sectio? ak vz +h (-4P 9] an (¢) { Vinax = at Re 4H Ld rey) Vz tol velocity Ab 4% pain whose Radius 18 h- Vmax cenkee line vel eciky whics 15 maxing une Since vel distvipution is pavabsliC. VK A® Vavgy ES J ook Cm=. [7 velecily 1s Average t Umea) ab a clistance e& = 0-F0FR fromm the cenlse of aoe Cee OE COE E OOO 622d). at ¥ z < a ‘ we OK Shear stress distribulion * — = Aesevtion: — vel fs Maxiiun ab centre, Lev ak he . al Paundant a2 ’ 5S PF PDR AIS the: Bound ary Sp means change i pressure in W Ox pipe v= a [-a 292 al ax. [e ‘ If RH=0 )V= Vivax So WVmoy= L [-82] Rk? to ies —> velocity at Quarter Poink R= RK 2 vet, CF] = i (-ae | [2r? ae tal Ve Vmaxx3 | 4 Tmox = to shears tress of length eae oy Simply pressure GradienE > Linearly varying. Sheay shess Varies Aineasly cith distance fram centre of pipe To.= Tmax = 8UV Turbulent pio) Lami AR, FLOW. TURBULENT FLOW Eignificance | Shear velocity is a Fictiovs parameter - shear vel is ‘ealied 30 as ik uses “shear shess 10 bb Ils sleestion devivation ¢ it has units Same as that of velocity [Mtatherta tic significance] > Physicol significance - Shear velocity is used in classfying turbulent Fra into 3 types - Le Hydaadynamically Smooth 2.097 a “transition 1 By Rough - » Shear velocity is used to Analysis of Boundary tayer toncepbs + Fes 0g: Laminay Sub layed: CE LEAK AHA BO EOC OD DD 092 > Retdion blu Friction Ractoy % Reynid No + a he = 4fav2 = BHyl oC — %30> Stamina tu RBULENT Equate Head bss clue te Friction of Laminay and Turbulent flood > v,RPFF a ees ve ageav? he: 4fov2 = 324vb toe 29D Pap2 Rey: 324 4 2 ed eye a AG? parcy Fiction Factor Coeff friction = F Re F264 ARe a In LamineyY flo FictoO Fader depends co Reynold NO Pe only. Ibis independant of =o Surface sya Reug ness # sty Lomingy Flow Fx L Re “The Max possible Re 15 2000 «it 1s Called critical Re for Laminar Flood : 2. Fs 64 +° 64 «0032 Pfor Flom’ thas b Re 2000 2 crrcular pipes Nox permissible friction factea = 0-032 —+ LaMInAR FLON Bfw PLATES 4—— — eee Both plate Fed 29.2 cancks in Fhe nll and: Fluid moving: (thick!) B PARABOLIC SHAR - TRESS Vavg = 3 Vnax Nes uve | Gap blo ‘ [Tex Gnac= ema | Da Coaxia| oylindes visarndes uses the Concepb Of Newtens Taw of viscosity fo measuring Viscesitt @ Hagen Poiselles er! ~ ees vgp? He SayBolt viscom eter [ Capillary type viscometer | usey Hagen Poiselles eqn ® . Stokes eqn = Vz terminal vetocity. u oy Ysx Sp wt of Setting parkcl. Falling sphere Viscamebey” ype spr» Plaid Uses Stekes eqn Far measuring viscosity 25>} CREEPING MOTION <<<, IP Re is <4 such Pod I$ cated Creeping motian- Ce ee AR KRRAKRAAaHK HEE wwwweewewrwre ewer 7% FURBU LEN | “ELOY &~ >) da_= 25". a dan: 2 Ar he = 4fav2 = ara(@y 2x9xD =4fQa2. 4FQ?z=C 2 Fl -@= constant: differen date. Fl 2adati ar d€ =o del =~ 2axde fu @2 drl = -2/de a a) dk = - 2x 25]. = - So. t ae S'. Poge 99 Pyp= wacn-he» Maximum power denetepad Tonsmitted by pipe Condition 18 he = Pop = 1000 x 9:81 x 1x [ee] 6 60x [03t0 — = 660 kw —— Porat “Treabine= Paart = _Pabate Reater © Y9@CH-he) foe FES sos) theositical : wey : 1000 to xteo (Ho) (Psbmet), a ee xtox 1000 (as-0) FS d00x 103 W *FSooorw —, Lpump > Pooky = P89 (Ht he) Pump = eer NS AEF) Popa ft: Prpat ts loof. = 1 2 Innoxaeixa-tx (ors) RRAMKAAEASHODD PSII Co RR shape =. Ixt0d0 x.9:91x 1x15 = 14 7S kW 1oF PIPE NETWORK” Cneglect Miner loses) Pipe in series Pipes in Serjes anc pavalle} Perolle] When nio of pipesare connected end to ebd , discharge i each pipe js same and loss of Heal fer all the Pipe 1s the Summation of the individual gsiee %ipe head loses Purpase 1s to Caney the Fluid from ane plate to another Plate without changing discharge Pi=0; 4120 ‘ & ~ Le . ® a: Sk 82 +03 PPeS_IN SERIES . ; : ace d Same discharge —— 4 By Conti ity eam, > Qe= Av, = Qo= AoVo = Azgvg 4 a derVe = devs deve = df vg % a Ny Bg Bernoulis equation y 5 chee Pit At Mt = Pad 2a4 mr 09 33 (89 25 - Z~hfe Zo 2\-Z2 = hp OST de) fe he= Me brett Suivalent pipe. Step Ir He hg HELA brat hes He hp = 48) 2 4 4f 2d ur4 43 Lo va 29d) agdo 2943 4 fe deve? = ARSE 4fobwr 4 dhe dgvs™ 2gde 29d) 23d> 29d 3 Assume Giclion Patley is Some ©. Pes 46, = af = afs SeVe2 = UV%+ Gover + Ge v32 Mz debve de 4 de Ag ae eliminate velocities Vryv2. ‘and v3 in terms of ve deter af &uivalent Pipe Cde) & same. Ris same. $2 od av w ww i) < ovitild did 6d. 6 3 we weve ane ry “« a ee ee a $e oe dG 9 dD fas dp das Qo/ more then dp das tadg bes Agave 29) be Ge 2x gad “oT He be. ace @2 ap Ae ands Hed = const bea = (dp y . bea la (oles y (lade 4F2@y AF: 4f2 Bis Go dae tad) hfs 6/8 beg Ga) © F-0-402 —S PIPES IN PARALLEL | then No of pipes Connected in Such a fooy that the. aischorge Is disfsibuting and head lass is same across each Pipe vy ¥ >) Qe At Qo oes @e= AW t Arve 4 de Sez 0) = Lo Afi= hfe =bfo AFelev2 =< AP Oivi> = 4f22oV2>~ __ 2gde 29d) 29da Bove. Qwi2 = Yow2 + -.-.-- —@® de 4 do Qe = Ay + Az Vo de* ye = de 4 dd ve. —O Aiminalo . ee et Se COO EE LEME EERE SECO REHHOIIIG Va= deve * Tvs detve B da2 di? de? 2 8? eds oaitens’ ickon Bader Same , length ave equal Ap diede=d ep % aca) 8 de =. (2) "4 de=@y ted rp pes [yee etd Sue | dia Fai sy “1 supp 2C= 25). more discharge Qe = 1-25xQ 04 x de> (1 xd . ras) 88) dy~ de das OB dPae Ax Ag y ALeo Or = we" _ 08 ¢ 3 for_paratlel pipes = ° oe hfs 469 9f0n® = Afe - 96° 80> TT Da 12-1. DB> = a (aay? Mazea loses Che?) Minsy loses (hy This is due to friction « this is due ko TE con be colulakel by 1 Sudden expapsiod " Dancy eeisbach famula + sudden convaction Bs chez} s Fermul a 3+ Bend #7 pipe 4> pipe Pekings Dorey Weisbach Formula - Ss [** APLV> 290 chezqs Formula chezys Foxmula oa Ve emi. f C= chezds const + [e \ - i> Joes of heel per unit Length iz be = abshuctioo in pipe. mM = Hydraulic Mean depth v =p . Zaxd veo. : 2 Perimeter (wetted) WX How “through pipes:— st \s alse called Pressure Flow - Because tM pipes the pressure ———> is olney than akmospheric“w ik rnay be positive oF negative Reynold No: Inertia fone. Viscous force. Ore ee eee Se eee 7a wk EK ‘ »evovepsvpeovppv? anertia poe = xR Viscous force = TxA Reynold &) = Mduxd ay ~ hex Viscous Pore == Ave ‘Le chavacteristic dimension Nox Ply? = vd for pipes it 1s diameter Jive a = 20 fer Flow over the v Plates —_ — — Travel leading. vaveliing edge x x Re, = OVX = Vx Reynolds No fram L= chovatteris HC. Gx) * = , A dimension ee teading edge Le4Rm, eH in cage of mon -ciruloy plates pipes Rm = hydraulic mean Radius Rm = Wetted: Aveo = A wetted perimeey — P “the Boundary teng th in Contact with Liquid is weted perimeter - Por pipes Ry = A/40>- DB nN 4 @) A Rectangular duck of width 6 and teight “p’ is Tunaing Pal) Of-waley. cals the Reynalds no: of Flow in teams of Biv, Af -—e-—4 Ars Hyd-yaulic men Radius Rro=_A_ > wetted Area. Po wetted Perimeter = BD 2¢84D) Re = Pvt. = PvGam) x Hl F PVE BDI = | BPavi BD A 2(B+) CBD) ac 2000 VED Roincds_txperi ma HG) Mviline ts used - HWas Lame Specific weight as Mat, ok watey Layered HeHow = Lanai y Antenroixing = swrbulent (4g zag ) transitional = alighlly dispered ~ value +e @ 6 haven en an On Gr arr a St oo ee ee ‘

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