Research Proposal Guideline For Graphic Design

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1. Title



a) Issue : Rebranding

b) Problem : Packaging Design and Advertisement

c) Client : MakJah Krepek Sdn Bhd

2. Background Study

Present the background the issues, the problem, opportunity, or situation that
brings about the proposed research. Get the readers concerned about the problem,
excited about the opportunity, or interested in the situation in some way.

Explain why the topic important and give your rationale(s). Shape the argument so
that the readers see the rationale for the proposed research.

3. Problem Statement

Include a clear statement that outlines details of the proposed research. Elaborate
on the problem. You need to be able to clearly answer the question: "what is the
problem"? and "why is this problem worth my attention"? At the same time, the
problem statement limits scope by focusing on some variables and not others. It also
provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate why these variables are important.
Clearly indicate why your problem is an important one by answering questions such
as these:

Is the problem of current interest? Is the problem likely to continue into the future?
Will more information about the problem have practical application? Will more
information about the problem have theoretical importance? How large is the
population affected by the problem? How important, influential, or popular is this
population? Would this study substantially revise or extend existing knowledge?
Would this study create or improve an instrument of some utility? Would research
findings lead to some useful change in best practice? Is there evidence or
authoritative opinion from others to support the need for this research?

4. Objective of the Research

State what you purpose to do about the problem, how you plan to help the
readers take advantage of the opportunity and how you intend to help them with the
situation. The objectives statements are very straightforward, normally brief but
specific in identifying the aims or goals of the study.


5. Significance of the study

Discuss the benefits of doing the proposed research, the advantages that come
from approving it.

6. Literature Review

The purpose of writing a literature review is for you to take a critical look at the
literature that already exists in the areas you are searching. It guides you through the
kind of work that others in your field of study have done. It is also to convey to your
readers the information and ideas that have been established on the topics as well
as to see the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies. With the information,
you will be better prepared to start your research.

7. Methodology

Explain the processes that you plan to use to gather the information that supports
the thesis statement, answer the research questions, or achieve the stated
objectives. Give enough information so that the lecturer/supervisor can understand
how to researchers will collect the data or the needed information.

8. References (APA style)

APA stands for the American Psychological Association. The APA publishes a book
called, The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. This
300-page book is a critical reference for students who are writing research papers..

Example :

According to Hassan Abd. Muthalib (2004), the tendency of Malaysian animators of

copying Japanese animation elements is very high. For example, one of the sub-
characters in Edi and Cici looks suspiciously like Japans Pikachu from the famous
Pokemon series. NAME OF WRITER, (YEAR) follow by the writer statements.

9. Gant Chart

Design process for overall research and design development of your project.


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