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RIEGO, Jofrank David Movie Review


The movie focused on the death of Charlies father from which Charlie went away
because of a bad experience. Upon the death of Charlies father, a will was left for him and his
older brother a brother not known to Charlie. A car was left for Charlie while an ample amount
of money was left for a mental institution under a trust fund. The executor did not name the
trustee of the fund which leads to the investigation of Charlie and just like a rain, every things
pour down on him. Charlie found out that he have a brother, Raymond, a retarded one, to whom
$3 million dollars was left.

Given the circumstances, Charlie decided to get Raymond out of the mental institution
aiming on getting the money left by their father. As it turns out, Raymond is good in math,
excellent even. Charlies business was in danger of closing because of the lack of funding. As a
solution and upon the discovery of Raymonds exceptional skills in math, the brothers went to a
casino where they won money enough to save the business.

From the events that happened, Charlie found out that Raymond was actually with him
when they are still child, what Charlie thought to be just a childhood friend, the rain man, was
actually his brother Raymond. The ending of the movie boils down to the rightful custody of
Raymond under the mental institution or with Charlie. Charlie, as it turns out, developed a
heart for his older brother that is why he fought for the custody of Raymond but now not
motivated by the money left for Raymond. In the end, the executor won the custody over
Raymond, under the care of the mental institution.

The movie was named rain man because Charlies childhood friend, rain man, which
he thought is imaginary, is really his older brother, Raymond. Charlies older brother was
actually with him and cared for him from the very beginning. Raymond even remembers the day
when Charlies mother died.

In relation to succession, it was illustrated in the film the concept of succession with
regards to the reading of the will, its effect and irrevocable nature. The executor read the will for
Charlie and the latter cannot object to the contents of the will. It was also shown that the testator
have a complete control over his estate both in distribution and conditions set upon them.

If the same succession was made here in the Philippines, I believe the will be probated in
accordance with our civil law. Since our law designates a fixed legatee, I believe, this will
prevail over the will. Under this jurisdiction, force heirs are implemented.
RIEGO, Jofrank David Movie Review

In summary, the movie is a good one. Although it started from a pure money-driven
motive, Charlie learned to love his brother which all along was with him since he is young. It
shows that the love he received from his childhood never outgrown him, yet, it helped him love
his retarded brother more than the money left for Raymond.

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