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Fast Fourier Transform - LabView

I. Purpose
After doing a practicum, students are expected to:
Doing Simulation Fast Fourier Transform using LabView software
Knowing the function block diagram of the Fast Fourier Transform on LabView software
Analyze and conclude the use of Fast Fourier Transform on LabView

II. Basic theory

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) finishing time waveform into its sinusoidal component. FFT take
time-domain data blocks and restore the frequency spectrum data. FFT is a digital
implementation of the Fourier transform. Thus, the FFT does not produce a continuous
spectrum. Conversely, FFT returns the discrete spectrum, where the wave frequency content is
resolved in a limited number of frequency lines, or trash.
Number of Samples
Time input waveform samples to determine the FFT spectrum is calculated. If the arbitrary
signal is sampled at a rate equal to fs over the acquisition time T, N samples obtained.
Compute T by the following equation:


Where :
T is the time of acquisition
N is the number of samples obtained
fs is the sampling frequency
Calculating N by the following equation:
N = T fs
Frequency Resolution
For FFT, the spectrum is calculated from the sampled signal has a frequency resolution df.
Calculate the frequency resolution with the following equation:

Wherein, the frequency resolution is determined by the time of acquisition. The frequency
resolution increases the acquisition time.
Overcoming Maximum Frequency
Sampling rate of time waves determines the maximum frequency that can be overcome.
According to Shannon sampling theorem, the maximum frequency that can be addressed
should be half the sampling frequency. To calculate the maximum frequency that can be
overcome, using the following equation:

Where :
fmax is the maximum frequency overcome
fNyquist is the Nyquist frequency
fs is the sampling frequency

The minimum frequency that can be addressed

The minimum frequency that can be addressed is 0 (DC). Analysis from 0 to fNyquist using
baseband analysis.
Total Spectral Lines
The number of lines in the spectrum is half the number of samples, N, in the form of waves.
The number of lines in the spectrum can be directly determined when using Zoom FFT VI.
Determine the number of data samples that controls the number of spectral lines when using
the FFT VI and Baseband Baseband Subset VI.
The relationship between Parameter Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Specifications

The following table summarizes the relationship specification of time-domain to frequency-

domain parameters.

Frequency Domain
fNyquist fmax baris df

Frequency fmax, Fs/2 Fs.Eb Eb.N 1/T =

Domain baris, Fs/N

Time Domain
fs N T
Frequency fmax, baris, Fmax / Baris / 1/df =
Domain df Eb Eb baris/Fmax
fs is the sampling frequency
Eb is the effective bandwidth
N is the number of samples obtained
T is the time of acquisition
fmax is the maximum frequency overcome
Eb is the effective bandwidth
Rows is the number of lines in the spectrum
df is the frequency resolution

Increase the Frequency Resolution

Increase the frequency resolution helps you distinguish two adjacent individual tone. For
example, if you analyze the signals contains two tones at 1000 Hz and 1100 Hz, using a
sampling frequency of 10,000 Hz. Obtain data for 10 ms with a frequency resolution of 100
Hz. The following panel image shows the results of this analysis.

Note that you can not distinguish one note from another.
Increase acquisition time for 1 second to achieve a frequency resolution of 1 Hz. The
following panel shows the results obtained with 1 second acquisition time.
You can distinguish individual tones with increased acquisition time.
The following strategies achieve better frequency resolution:
Reducing the sampling frequency, fs. Decrease fs is usually not practical for reducing the
frequency range fs reduces.
Increase the number of samples, N. N generates an increased amount Increase top line of the
original frequency range.
Fs strategy to decrease the zoom FFT analysis. Use baseband FFT and FFT analysis section
to implement improvement strategies N. baseband analysis FFT and FFT-analysis of the
second part aims to achieve the same frequency resolution. However, the analysis calculates
FFThanya narrow subset of the spectrum
III. VI Diagram

Experimental procedure

1. Open the software LabView 2015 by clicking on the icon on the desktop.
2. Wait until the start screen LabView
3. Select and click on File New VI, or press Ctrl + N, then wait until the window Front
Panel and Block Diagram window.

4. Make sure the window is active Block Diagram.

5. Right click on a blank area of the window Block Diagram, Function palette so that it
appears as follows,

6. Then press the search button and search for "Simulate signal" so that the results appear as
7. Drag "Simulate Signal Waveform Generation << >>" then drop it on the Block Diagram
window, so it appears the dialog box "Configure Simulate Signal", select and click the Add
Noise Uniform with Noise, and then click OK.

8. Right click on Simulate Signal Blocks, then click add control elements on the Amplitude
and Frequency.
9. Right click on Sine With Uniform, then add Graph Indicator.

10. By the same steps with the addition of Block Simulate Signal, add block Spectral
Measurement, and connect the block diagram with the relationship as follows.

11. Then press Ctrl + E to go to the Front Panel window, click the button to perform
continuous running program.
V. Experimental Results

VI. Analysis of Experimental Results

From the simulation results that has been done, it can be analyzed as follows:
1. to be able to perform simulations using labview Fourier transformation, the signal must be
generated first. in simulation generated sine signal with a frequency that can be changed.
2. The Fourier transform is performed by using a Spectral Measurement is then displayed with
waveform graph. From the simulation results, signals generated by block "Simulate Signal"
must contain in order FFT Noise FFT can yield curve, or the frequency spectrum.

VII. Conclusion
After doing lab work, and analyzing simulation results, we can conclude the following
1. Simulation Fourier transform FFT, can be done by using block labview "Spectral
Measurement" which is then displayed in the Waveform Graph.
2. Simulation of Fourier transform FFT in Labview, should be given input signal has a
frequency spectrum of the noise that can be generated by spectral measurement.

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