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Session EM2: Industry Applications of EM Exploration


M. Berdichevsky1, L. Fox2, A. Jakovlev3, V. Bubnov3,

V. Kulikov3, P. Pushkarev1
1 Moscow State University,
2 Phoenix Geophysics Ltd.,
3 North-West Ltd.,

The geoelectric methods applied in Russia for oil and gas prospecting include
Magnetotelluric Sounding (MTS), Transient Sounding (TS), Frequency Sounding (FS), Induced
Polarization Sounding and Profiling (IPS, IPP). These commercial investigations cover a depth
range of 1 to 5 km. They were initiated in the sixties and were considerably intensified in the
mid-seventies, when digital field equipment was introduced that provided automatic data
processing. The number of field groups using geoelectric methods varied from 100 to 150 in the
sixties and seventies to 20 to 30 in the eighties. The total area covered by geoelectric surveys at
different scales is now numbered in the millions of square kilometers.
Geoelectrics played a significant role in hydrocarbon exploration in Western Siberia.
Specifically, MTS was instrumental in discovering several oil and gas fields. The most
spectacular result was obtained by MTS in the vicinity of the Urengoy trading station. Here, the
Purovsky uplift of the Paleozoic basement was detected. This result stimulated drilling, and thus
the Urengoy gas field was discovered one of the lar gest gas fields in the world.
The role of geoelectrics in many other potentially petroliferous regions was no less
important. MTS, TS and to some extent FS, IPP, and IPS were used to compile tectonic maps and
geoelectric-lithologic cross-sections (with direct evidence of hydrocarbons) of such regions as the
Timan-Pechora province, the Moscow syneclise, the Near-Caspian basin, the East Siberian plate,
the Viluy and Tungus syneclises, Kamchatka, and Sakhalin.
The current concept is that deep thermodynamic conditions have a profound impact on the
development of hydrocarbon deposits. Therefore, we attach much importance to geophysical and,
more specifically, to geoelectric studies of the Earths crust and upper mantle.
In our review we show some typical examples illustrating the practical efficiency and
geological informativeness of geoelectric methods.
In the mid-1990s, during a great economic depression, geoelectric surveys in many
regions were dramatically reduced; however, it seems that the worst times are past. Nowadays we
observe a steady increase in the number of geoelectric field groups using domestic and imported
equipment of the latest generation and applying the most recent developments in interpretation
technology. A distinguishing feature of the current status of geoelectric surveys is that we work
closely with Phoenix Geophysics at present we use 28 Phoenix equipment sets in different
geological provinces of Russia and receive remarkable results: testimony that geoelectrics can
yield unique and valuable information to supplement seismic data.

Norman Carlson (Zonge Engineering & Research Organization,

Kenneth Zonge (Zonge Engineering & Research Organization)

Abstract: Early-time, multi-component TEM data contains significant, useful information that is
not evident in the late-time Hz (vertical component) data sets that are normally collected with
cart-mounted, mobile TEM systems in unexploded ordnance (UXO), underground storage tank
(UST) and utilities surveys. Field examples are presented that show that the Hx component data
is particularly useful in discriminating some types of targets. For example, Figure 1 below shows
the Hz and Hx components in profile form along a survey line that crossed a buried metal
pipeline and a buried septic tank with a large metal cover. As the system approaches and detects
the pipeline, the Hx anomaly becomes strongly positive, crosses through 0 directly over the
pipeline, and is negative as the system recedes from the pipeline. The septic tank, however, is a 3-
D target relative to the TEM coils, and shows a reversed polarity, i.e., as the system approaches
the septic tank, the anomaly is negative, not positive, crosses through 0 over the target, and then
is positive, not negative as the system recedes. This characteristic of the Hx component (reversed
polarity of 3-D targets relative to linear targets) is seen on numerous pipelines and powerlines in
the field examples. This discrimination in the Hx data is particularly useful in reconnaissance,
random-walk surveys used in UXO surveys. Similarly, the Hy component data is shown to be
very useful in determining direction to off-line targets, and early-time data is shown to be
sensitive to non-ferrous, short-time decay targets (such as powerlines) that are not detectable with
late-time, Hz systems.
NanoTEM Hz-Component
normalized to median
(231s after turn-off)

1021170 1021190 1021210 1021230 1021250
Septic Tank
20 Pipeline Cover A

NanoTEM Hx-Component
normalized to median
(1s after turn-off)

300 1021170 1021190 1021210 1021230 1021250

200 B
Figure 1. Comparison of standard late-time Hz component data (A),
and early-time Hx component data (B).

Jim Craven (Geological Survey of Canada), Gary McNeice

(Geosystem Canada), Brian Powell, Garnet Wood, (Cameco Corporation), Rodney Koch,
(COGEMA Resources, Inc.), Irvine Annesley, (Saskatchewan Research Council),
Jonathon Mwenifumbo (Geological Survey of Canada)

A profile of audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) data was collected in northern Canada to

investigate the utility of modern AMT acquisition hardware and processing
methodologies to image deep graphitic conductors that are commonly associated with
major uranium ore bodies. The ground contact resistance of the electrodes installed to
measure natural electrical field was high (>100 k-Ohms). Such a high contact resistance
is not unreasonable given the extremely low water and clay content of the sand that forms
the overburden in which the electrodes were seated and the thick surficial frost layer
during the time of the survey (March 2001). At such high electrode contact resistances
the earth and wire may form a capacitor with an appreciable frequency response at the
highest measurement bandwidth. In addition, the natural magnetic field signal levels were
low at frequencies above 1 kHz and below 10 Hz. Due to the low ambient signal levels
and the possibility for capacitively-coupled electrodes, the data above 1 kHz were
excluded from further analysis. Preliminary analysis of the data at frequencies below 2
kHz indicates conductive structures at depths of 500m in agreement with previous
electromagnetic work in the area and known depth to basement estimates from borehole
data. The AMT data appear to be sensitive to silicification in the sandstone. The images
of subsurface electrical structure based on the AMT data also indicate a southeast dip in
basement consistent with geological sections in the area. A preliminary image from a
second profile will also be presented.
Xavier Garcia (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI MS#7, Woods Hole, MA, 02543, USA,
Alan G. Jones (Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada)

Lightning sources for audio-magnetotelluric TT-MT method can determine high quality
(AMT) EM prospecting display a natural energy estimates in the AMT dead band (Figure 2A).
minimum between 1 kHz - 5 kHz, the so-called However, we note that the TT-MT estimates can be
AMT dead-band. Magnetic and electric AMT fields severely affected by noise (Figure 2B).
display diurnal and annual amplitude variations,
such that in the dead band magnetic field signals
are often below coil noise level, particularly during
the daytime. This gap in imaging sensitivity
degrades AMTs capability as a useful tool for
quantitative studies. To overcome this problem we
propose a new method of acquisition and
processing based on the telluric-telluric method.
Our new method requires recording the telluric
channels at many sites and at a base station during
daytime (full circles in Figure 1), and full AMT at
the base and a remote station during nighttime
(crosses in Figure 1). Applying a simple
relationship between the transfer functions we
obtain the telluric-magnetotelluric (TT-MT)
transfer functions from the sites that represent a
good approximation of the real transfer functions.

Figure 1. Cartoon showing the set for the TTMT

method. In particular this was the set for the Sudbury
A telluric-magnetotelluric experiment was carried
out in Sudbury during Summer, 2000, configured
as shown in Figure 1. We processed the daytime
AMT time series using robust algorithms, and also Figure 2. Two examples of the TT-MT method.
derived the TT-MT responses. Some results are
illustrated in Figure 2, and they suggest that the

Felix M. Kamenetsky (Institute of General and Applied Geophysics of Munich Ludwig-

Maximilian University,

Being micro-heterogeneous media, rocks are characterized by effective values of EM

parameters , , obtaining by averaging the EM field in a small volume, much more,
however, compared to dimensions of separate components. It was found that the media of the
sort display the dispersion of the parameters above, which means the dependency of
parameters on time/frequency. This dispersion is intensively investigated in geo-
electromagnetics. In particular, the low frequency dispersion of conductivity is known as
induced polarization (IP). Especially, the IP effects in transient geo-electromagnetics (TEM),
like non-monotonous behavior of transient response, sign reversals etc., have been considered
by many authors. Special additional studies of IP effects in TEM have been done to examine
the phenomenon of the so-called high resolution electromagnetics (HRE) experimentally
observed while exploring sedimentary formations mainly for oil and gas. It was shown by
modeling that the IP effect can be considered as a very probable cause of the HRE
phenomenon. The HRE mechanism is not explained in the framework of classic
electrodynamic theory and still not fully understood due to certain contradictions between
theory and experiment. The terms like non-classical geo- electromagnetics/geo-electrics
have been also introduced to emphasis that the IP phenomena are not described by Maxwell
equations. On the other hand, to solve electrodynamic problems for dispersive media in time
domain, Maxwell equations are commonly transformed (like in case of non-dispersive media)
into telegraph equation of the second order, first with parameters , independent of time:
E, H = ( E, H )+ 2 ( E, H ) . Then, different methods of replacing them with time
t t
dependent ones are used. Otherwise, the time domain solution is obtained by the spectral
method, i. e. by solving Helmholz equation, first with frequency independent parameters , ,
and then by replacing them with frequency dependent ones and applying the inverse
Fourier/Laplace transform to the solution in frequency domain. On the basis of solutions of
both sorts the mathematical modeling is performed. We pay attention of readership to that
Maxwell equations written in canonical form are not limited with non-dispersive media. As
for equations of the second order, the replacing approach above is valid in frequency domain
and not valid in time domain. Equations of the second order for dispersive media differ in
time domain from telegraph equation and are of the form: E, H = ( * E, H )+ ( * E, H ) ,
t t
where * is a symbol of the convolution integral. Derivation of convolution integrals brings
new terms proportional to different order time derivatives of (t) and (t). In case of slow
time change of parameters, the telegraph equation is again valid, provided the summary
(t )
transient admittivity (t ) = (t )+ is considered instead of constant parameter. That
means, dispersions of both electric parameters are interconnected and can not be analyzed
separately. In frequency domain the Helholz equation remains to be valid and contains
frequency dependent complex admittivitty ( ) = ( ) i ( ) in the wave number. The
same is illustrated by practical example of the dispersion with a simple nature. For the
dispersion of magnetic permeability (with constant and ) the equation of the second order
in time domain is of the same form: E, H = ( * E, H )+ ( * E, H) , where = / v
v 2
t t

Felix M. Kamenetsky (Institute of General and Applied Geophysics of Munich Ludwig-

Maximilian University,

The influence of induced polarization (IP) on transient EM sounding (TS) data is considered
by different authors, in particular, to explain the experimentally observed phenomenon of the
so-called high resolution electromagnetics (HRE). The mechanism of HRE is not explained in
the framework of classic electrodynamics and still not fully understood. The time/depth
position of the IP effect correlates rather with the IP time-constant value than with the depth
of polarized layers, which is not observed in practice. There exists, therefore, a contradiction
between theory and experiment. We show that simply the form of presenting the modeling
data may create the wrong impression. To emphasis the IP effect, TS data are usually
presented in forms of absolute and normalizedd differences between observed and normal
signals or corresponding values of apparent conductivity (resistivity). The TS curve due to the
same geo-electric structure with no polarization serves as the normal and normalizing value.
The normalized difference in signals, as well as the apparent conductivity (or the difference in
apparent conductivity values, whether they are normalized or not) are equivalent forms of
presenting TS data because of producing similar shapes of sounding curves defined by the
ratio of fields due to polarized and non-polarized multi-layered media. The comparative
analysis of modeling data for absolute and normalized differences has been performed. It was
found first for the three-layered non-polarized media that the normalization by the decaying
normal field eliminates depth information and vertical resolution. It was shown that the main
indication of the intermediate layer by the apparent conductivity is about 15 times shifted to
the right and 100 times decompressed in time compared to the indication by the absolute
difference, i. e. by the anomalous field. Similar negative normalization effects take place for
polarized media. The same three-layered model was analyzed. The IP has been described by
the Cole-Cole formula. The IP time constant was varied in wide limits both less and more
than the EM time constant. The chargeability of intermediate layer equaled 0.5. The following
main conclusions can be drawn from the modeling data:
HRE is possible both in polarizable and non-polarizable media. Separate layers display
themselves better by the wave-type absolute anomalies shifted to earlier times and
compressed in time compared to induction-type responses typical for the normalized field or
apparent conductivity. Thus, the increase of the TS depth and resolution can be expected.
Using of normalized data does not offer such an opportunity despite they are obtained from
the same initial data containing the same intrinsic information set. The information is not lost,
but redistributed in time and not properly used in this case. This introduces as well
unnecessary difficulties in measuring smaller signals at later delay-times.
IP produces a perceptible effect when the IP time-constant is less than the EM one. In this
case its time/depth position coincides practically with that produced by the change of
conductivity and does not depend on the IP time constant. IP with the greater time-constant
does not contribute practically to the resulting transient. There is, therefore, no wrong
time/depth position of IP effects. The previously observed is just the wrong impression due to
studying normalized modeling data with impossibly great values at later delay-times
corresponding to non-measurable signals. There are, therefore, no obstacles to use in most
practical cases of polarized media the inversion procedures based on the classic
electrodynamic theory.There is, however, a rare possibility to determine separately the
conductivity and polarization parameters since the polarized medium behaves normally like a
non-polarized one characterized by the stationary value of conductivity. The HRE mechanism
will be naturally ascertained in course of further investigations. We hope that its first non-
contradictory version will already be useful.

B. Kirkendall (Geophysics and Global Security, Lawrence Livermore National

J. Roberts (Geophysics and Global Security, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,

We are performing a long term study using time-lapse multiple frequency

electromagnetic (EM) imaging at a carbon dioxide (CO2) enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
site in the San Joaquin Valley, California. The impetus for this research project is to
develop the ability to image subsurface CO2 during EOR processes while simultaneously
discriminating between background heavy petroleum and water deposits. This research
uses multiple field deployments at ~6 month intervals to acquire subsurface image
snapshots of the CO2 injection and displacement. We utilize multiple source frequencies
(2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 kHz) to better track changing fluid content in the subsurface.
Laboratory research, including electrical and transport properties of fluid and CO2 in
saturated materials, uses core samples from drilling, as well as samples of injection and
formation fluid provided by industrial partners on-site. Frequency dependent electrical
properties (0.01 105 Hz) were measured at pressures and temperatures appropriate to
reservoir conditions. Our goals are to combine laboratory and field methods in imaging a
pilot CO2 sequestration EOR site using the cross-borehole EM technique to improve the
inversion process in CO2 studies by coupling field results with petrophysical laboratory
measurements and to focus on new gas interpretation techniques of the field data using
multiple frequencies and low noise data processing techniques. This approach is
beneficial, as field and laboratory data can provide information on subsurface CO2
detection, CO2 migration tracking, and the resulting displacement of petroleum and water
over time. While the electrical properties of the brine from the prior waterflooding are
sharply contrasted from the other components, the electrical signatures of the formation
fluid (oil) and CO2 are quite similar. We attempt to quantify that difference under
multiple reservoir conditions and as a function of injection time. We find that the
electrical conductivity signature difference increases over time and we should thus expect
to discriminate CO2 as a function of time based on the time scales calculated from linear
extrapolation of laboratory data.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng 48


Xiaobing Ma (University of Manitoba)

Ian Ferguson (University of Manitoba)
Xianghong Wu (University of Manitoba)

The size of geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) on powerlines, pipelines, and

other infrastructure depends on several factors: the magnitude, frequency and
spatial form of the geomagnetic source; the electrical resistivity structure of the
earth; the geometry of the infrastructure and its electrical coupling to the earth. The
aim of the POLARIS Manitoba GIC study is to improve the modelling of GICs on
powerlines and pipelines in the province by increasing the information available on
earth resistivity and by examining the relationship between the electric fields
induced in the earth and the form of the geomagnetic source.

In order to initiate the POLARIS GIC study we examine the large-scale variation
in magnetotelluric (MT) impedance across a region of Manitoba that is 600 x 1000
km in size. Within this region there are strong variations in impedance with
location, period, and azimuth. Spatial variations are dominated by the transition
between the Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks of the Western Canada Sedimentary
Basin, which reach a thickness of up to 2000 m in southwest Manitoba, and the
more resistive rocks of the Precambrian Shield. However, even within the shield
there are significant variations e.g. between areas of conductive Paleoproterozoic
rocks of the Trans Hudson Orogen and resistive Mesoarchean rocks of the North
Caribou Terrain of the Superior Province. At periods longer than 20 s there is
significant anisotropy in the MT response in southern Manitoba with the more
conductive (lower impedance magnitude) response occurring in the north-south
direction. In our presentation we use the observed impedance in different parts of
the province and in different azimuths to calculate the horizontal electric field
response of observed geomagnetic signals.

L.MacGregor1, S. Ellingsrud3, S.Constable2, M.C.Sinha1, T.Eidesmo3, H.

Westerdahl4 and S. Johansen3

(1) School of Ocean and Earth Science, Southampton Oceanography Centre,

(2) I.G.P.P., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California, USA.
(3) ElectroMagnetic GeoServices, Trondheim, Norway
(4) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway.

The problem of detecting and assessing hydrocarbon reservoirs without the

need to drill test wells is one of major importance to the hydrocarbon
industry. The issue is of particular importance in deepwater areas on
continental shelves, where the cost of drilling is highest. The seismic
methods traditionally used to study reservoirs can produce ambiguous
results. Another approach to the problem is to exploit the large contrast in
resistivity between a reservoir saturated with resistive hydrocarbons, and one
containing conductive saline fluids. Modelling has demonstrated that using
marine controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) sounding in the frequency
domain, not only can the existence or otherwise of hydrocarbon bearing
layers be determined, but their lateral extent quantified. STATOIL has five
patent applications relating to this special application of CSEM, also called
sea bed logging.

In November 2000 a full scale trial survey was carried out offshore West
Africa, in an area of proven hydrocarbon reserves. The project was a
collaboration between STATOIL Innovation (the sponsors), the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, and the Southampton Oceanography Centre.
During the experiment a deep-towed horizontal electric dipole source was
towed through an array of 26 seafloor electromagnetic field receivers. The
results presented here demonstrate that marine CSEM sounding can be used
in a practical situation to directly detect hydrocarbon filled layers in the sub-

V. Maris
Komex H20, 5455 Garden Grove Blvd, Westminster, California, USA, 92683.
R. Kellett
Komex International, Suite 100, 4500-16th Ave. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3B 0M6


The Athabasca oilsands in NE Alberta (Canada) are one of the largest deposits of
bitumen in the world. The bitumen resides in unconsolidated Cretaceous sands at depths
of between 10 m and 400 m below ground surface. The mineable deposits (< 50 m
depth) comprise only 10 % of th e total volume of oilsands. The remaining 90% (over
189 billion m3 of oil), require the application of in-situ recovery processes such as
steaming to yield economical reserves. Geophysical methods including borehole logging
and seismic reflection surveying have been the mainstay of exploration programs for both
the shallow and the deeper deposits. In the last 10 years geophysical methods such as
transient electromagnetics, airborne magnetics, and DC resistivity have been tested on the
oilsand leases.
In a recent program, approximately 20 line-km of 2D electrical imaging data were
collected to map the oilsand channels. The bitumen-rich McMurray Formation is
electrically resistive, while the overlying Clearwater shales, and underlying Devonian
marls and limestones are conductive. In addition to the resistivity data, induction logs
were available from borehole logs across the site, and two airborne transient
electromagnetic (TEM) profiles were flown across the lease. The borehole resistivity and
gamma logs provided information on the depth and bulk resistivity of the units from
surface to well below the target oilsands. The airborne TEM profiles extended from
regions of thick overburden to exposed oilsands. Raw GEOTEM data and conductivity-
depth sections were evaluated for the possibility of mapping the spatial distribution of
oilsand channels.
Inversion of the 2D resistivity data was performed firstly with no-constraints, and
secondly with constraints on the Devonian units. The constrained inversions emphasized
the lateral resistivity variations of the formation containing the oilsand channels. Zones
of increased resistivity are interpreted to correspond to increased oilsand thickness and/or
oil saturation. Following a comprehensive drilling program, analysis of the resistivity
and GEOTEM data provides the following conclusions. First, the deeper deposits (> 100
m) are poorly resolved by the TEM data, but the shallow deposits (< 50 m) are clearly
imaged by the TEM data. Second, the predictions of oilsand thickness and quality based
on the constrained inversions of the 2D resisitivty data were very accurate. A combined
interpretation of TEM and DC resistivity data may prove to be an effective way of
rapidly appraising oilsand leases. Resistivity data collected during the exploration phase
will be used as baseline images of the subsurface. Continuous resistivity imaging during
the steaming cycle on the leases will provide time-lapse images of steam-front migration.

Gary McNeice (Geosystem Canada Inc., 927 Raftsman Lane, Ottawa, Ontario, K1C 2V3, Canada,
Alan G. Jones (Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada,

Steeply-dipping mineralized bodies, such as

Kidd Creek, Ontario (Figure 1), present a
particular problem for AMT exploration. Such
targets have little observable effect on currents
flowing perpendicular to their dominant strike,
thus TM-mode data are not useful for target
detection or delineation (Figure 2, bottom). The
TE-mode data (Figure 2, top) and vertical-field
transfer function data do detect such targets.
Appropriately-designed surveys can define the
targets geometries and internal resistivity,
whereas poorly-defined surveys using mostly
along-profile acquisition (EMAP-like) will miss
the targets completely.

Figure 2: Phase anomaly due to 2-D body

representing Kidd Creek in TE (upper) and TM
(lower) modes: Note difference in scale

In 2-D, the anomalous responses due to such

targets are greater in the magnetic fields than in
the electric fields. Conducting overburden
suppresses the high frequency response, moving
the maxima in the anomalous electric and
magnetic field components to lower and lower
frequency with increasing overburden
conductance. For optimal resolution of target
geometries, all five AMT components must be
Figure 1: Kidd Creek deposit and numerical measured at each and every site.
body. Recovered ore in light green, unrecovered
ore in dark green.



As a part of a program to evaluate the utility of electromagnetic methods for petroleum

exploration, several transient electromagnetic (TEM) measurements were carried out along four

NW-SE profiles and in-between at Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil. The studied area cover three

known mature oil fields. Stations were acquired far away from any known man-made cultural

source. Data was processed to extract apparent resistivity values at different time slices.

Conductive anomalies were found over the known reservoirs and associated to hydrocarbon

seepage. Available well information was used to constrain this interpretation. A priori

information about fault pattern in the region indicate a structural control of the alteration plumes.

The shallow electric signature of the studied hydrocarbon reservoirs may be used to drive

petroleum exploration in Sergipe-Alagoas and other similar Brazilian basins.

Pilar Queralt (Dept. Geodinmica i Geofsica, U. de Barcelona, Marti i Franqus s/n Barcelona 08028, Spain,
Alan G. Jones (Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada,
Juanjo Ledo, (Geological Survey of Canada, 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9, Canada,

A detailed three-dimensional (3-D) nu-

merical electrical resistivity model of the
Bathurst No. 12 deposit (New Bruns-
wick, Canada) has been constructed us-
ing available geological and geophysical
information. Different conditions were
analyzed: presence of overburden, di-
mensions and positions of the ore body,
and varying data sampling. The behavior
of 3-D EM fields is compared with 2-D
ones. The 3-D and 2-D responses are
similar at high frequencies, but at low
frequencies only those responses for cur-
rent flow perpendicular to the body (TM
mode in 2-D) are reasonably alike. The
2-D inversions show that the position and
top of the 3-D ore body can be well

Figure 2: (A) RhoXY, (B) RhoYX, (C) PhaXY, (D)

PhaYX, along an E-W central profile crossing the

The most significant result is the behav-

ior of the 3-D apparent resistivities at low
frequencies; in the vicinity of the body
they remain anomalously low compared
with the 2-D response. The phases at
Figure 1: Outline of the 3-D body with projections sites over the body are high (near 78o)
onto the faces
but do not exceed 90o.
resolved, but not the bottom and resistiv-
ity of the body.


Alexander Saraev, Mikhail Pertel, Alexander Nikiforov (St. Petersburg State University,
7/9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia, e-mail:
Mikhail Garat, Vyacheslav Zhandalinov, Alexander Manakov, Elena Pospeeva (Alrosa
Co Ltd., 7, Chernyshevskoe shosse, Mirny, 678170, Russia, e-mail:

The kimberlite fields are connected with the linear tectonic zones, which appear as
series of close on direction deep faults. These faults usually are filled by trapp dikes and
can be easily mapped using the magnetic methods. The faults of such type are called
kimberlite-controlling. The pipes inside the kimberlite fields are placed along some
directions, and long axes of the pipes usually coincide with these directions. Such
features show the presenceof the faults of other type - kimberlite hosting, but mapping
of them is more difficult. These fractures have no trapp dikes and do not create the
magnetic anomalies. Kimberlite hosting faults are weakly appeared near the Earth
surface. On the depths of 100-200 m they reveal itself as separate cracks. In interval of
200-400 m they are appeared as zones of thin cracks and deeper - as breccial zones.
The audio-magnetotelluric soundings (AMTS) using ACF-4 instrument were
carried out in 2001 in Nakyn kimberlite field (Yakutia diamond bearing province). This
method has allowed investigate the cross section of Nakyn field from 50 to 1000 m.
According to the results of data interpretation the upper part of the cross section has the
resistivity of 40-500 Ohm-m. For the interval from 200-250 m to 500-600 m is
characteristic the low level of the resistivity (5-20 Ohm-m). The resistivity of dipper part
of the cross section, more then 500-600 m, is 30-50 Ohm-m. The kimberlite hosting fault
has the high resistivity (800-1000 Ohm-m) in the upper part of cross section (50-200 m)
and the low resistivity (2-6 Ohm-m) on the depths more then 500 m. The upper part of
the fault corresponds to interval of frozen rocks with cracks filled by ice. The lower part
of the fault below the frozen rocks has the breccial zone filled by mineral water with the
low resistivity. The minimum phase of the impedance and minimum resistivity are the
most informative parameters when the search of the faults of such type. These results
show the prospects of AMTS method with the depth of investigation no less then 600-
700 m for mapping of kimberlite hosting faults.

Page 1

Vladimir Shamotko, (Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine),
Oleh Romanyuk, (Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of
Stepan Deshchytsya, (Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine),
Albert Petrovskyy, (Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine),
Olena Nehanova, (Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of

Shifts belong to the most dangerous and widely spread exogenous geological processes and constitute a serious
menace to functioning of the main oil and gas pipelines, power lines, railways, motorways, and other
communications and buildings. That is why it is very important to investigate physical and mechanical state of the
shift masses and dynamics of the shift process using non-destructive geophysical methods, electromagnetic ones
including. One of these methods is high-frequency inductive probing in the zone closest to the field source. The
research of the shift masses, which was carried out by technological means of the method of high frequency
inductive probing, were aimed at solving the key problems in forecasting the shift phenomena: 1) distinguishing
the main deformed horizon and surfaces of sliding; 2) determining the time change of the shift slope condition.
The geological information provided by the method of high-frequency inductive probing in the field nearest to
the zone closest and the possibility of its application in solving the above tasks were estimated on the shift plots
which were studied very well in engineering and hydro-geological aspects. Several bore-holes were drilled within the
area of these plots and the physical, mechanical and petrographical characteristics of the rocks were determined.
Loss of stability of the slope and formation of the sliding surfaces are caused by the excessively water-saturated
loose deposits (sand and clay rock) situated above the softened water resistant marl clay. A geo-electric model of the
shift area corresponding to the three-layer section (p1>p2>p3) of the H-type with different power of loose deposits
(h1) and the main deformed horizon (h2) was made on the basis of real investigated objects. In accordance with the
theoretical curves calculated for a number of situations (h2=0.35 0.65 m; h2/h1=1/10 1/4; h3/h1 = ;
p2/p1=1/5; p3/p2=2.5) those sections definitely differ in their depth. At that, the main deformed horizon to be the
main factor of the development of the shifting process and the main object to search for, is reliably distinguished
by interval increase of conductivity ( S ).
The results of the theoretical calculations became a cause for using of high-frequency inductive probing method
in investigation of the slopes representing danger of shifting on the built-in territory of such places as Kopashneve,
Volovets , Sil tse (Trans-Carpathian region, Ukraine), and other districts. The geo-electric parameters of essentially
different sections of each separate plot were determined using the method of high-frequency inductive probing
within the investigated area. Lateral electric heterogeneity of bed-rock was registered as well. The power of the
loose alluvial and deluvial deposits varies from 2.0 to 8.4 m, and the power and electric resistance of the main
deformed horizon changes correspondingly within the limits of 0.2 3.0 m and 2.6 20 ohm m.
Anomalous zones of increased conductivity of the main deformed horizon are estimated as potentially
dangerous, within the borders of which the share fractures and the walls of future separation of the upper part of the
shift slope are formed. The fractures are observed on the ground surface and on the dwelling houses in these zones
and this fact indirectly confirms that they represent danger of shifting. The danger increases with the rise of electric
conductivity and power of the main deformed horizon.
The investigation of the dynamics of the shifting process was carried out within the borders of the zones most
dangerous from the point of view of shifting on the territory of the Villages of Kopashneve and Volovets. Two
cycles of observation were carried out with the interval of one year (August, 2000 July, 2001). The results are in
the form of comparison of geo-electric sections obtained 2D and 3D and presented diagrams S of the main
deformed horizon of the plane distribution of longitudinal conductivity of the main deformed horizon (S ) and its
relative change during the period between cycles.
Periodical observation of the rock condition change in the course of time on the plots representing danger of
shifting using the high-frequency inductive probing method allows to study the rhythm of the process of shifting,
on the basis of which both the activation and stabilization (consolidation) of the shift mass can be forecasted.
The research, to be have been carried out, testifies that the of high-frequency inductive probing method is
geologically highly informative when determining the condition of the undersurface geological media, when
discovering and forecasting the development of shifting processes, and confirms the expedience of its use in the
complex of geological and geophysical methods aimed at solving the engineering and ecological problems.
Mathematical basis of the integral kinematics of electromagnetic pulse disturbances
in layered media .

V.Shuman* and N.Reva**

* Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev

** T.Shevchenko National University, Kiev

The mathematical aspects of the integral kinematics of impulsive electromagnetic

disturbances in the quasi-stationary (diffusive) domain are analyzed. The novelty if the
conception is that the integral kinematics in the diffusive approximation is defined by the
centers of gravity and centers of inertia of excitations as times of their arrival at the
electromagnetic response registration points. Here the process description itself is accurate in the
same sense in which the laws of mechanics describing the centers of masses propagation in
dynamics are accurate. The key element of the performed generalization consists in four
mathematical theorems from which simple analytic dependences of the remote hodographs and
their velocities on the geoelectrical section parameters have been obtained. A detailed scheme of
their proofs is given. The mathematical results presented not only elucidate the physics of the
process but also clarify the main phenomena appearing in the propagation of impulsive
electromagnetic excitations in absorbing media. On the whole, the diffusive kinematics is not
only seen to be an instrument of the qualitative study of the process but also an important
element of the further improvement sounding systems.


Saurabh Verma (National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad 500007, India,

Multi-frequency electromagnetic (MFEM) and time-domain EM (TDEM) responses of a

kimberlite pipe with approximate dimensions 200 m x 250 m, buried under a thin cover of black
cotton soil, are compared to assess their performance in imaging the 3-D geometry of the pipe.
Four profiles of length 600 m each, with separation 50 m and station interval 25 m, were
measured for both the systems. In general it is found that the high frequency (3555 Hz) EM data
is more sensitive to the variations in the characteristics (thickness or conductivity) of the black
cotton soil overburden in comparison to the transient response recorded by the first channel
(delay time 0.15 ms). Spatial amplitude variations at different frequencies and times reveal the
limiting frequency and time values up to which response of the kimberlite pipe can be seen
clearly by the two methods. Frequency and time sections, qualitatively representing amplitude
variations with depth are also studied to determine the maximum depth extent of the pipe that
can be seen. For a host medium conductivity of 5 Ohm.m, it is found that the FDEM
measurements cannot sense the pipe clearly at depths greater than 75 m. In comparison, TDEM
measurements can do so even at depths greater than 110 m. The 3-D sections of the kimberlite
pipe prepared for the maximum penetrations for the two systems (222 Hz frequency for FDEM,
and latest time 1.45 ms (with good S/N ratio) for TDEM) also bring out the advantages of the
TDEM measurements.

Ken Yoshioka and Michael Zhdanov (Department of Geology and Geophysics,

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, )

The quantitative interpretation of IP data in a complex 3-D environment is a very

challenging problem. The analysis of IP phenomena is usually based on models with
frequency dependent conductivity distribution. In this paper we develop a technique for
three-dimensional nonlinear inversion of IP data based on the Cole-Cole relaxation model
(Cole and Cole, 1943). Our method takes into account the nonlinear nature of both
electromagnetic induction and IP phenomena and inverts the data for the Cole-Cole
model parameters. The solution of the 3-D IP inverse problem is based on both smooth
and focusing regularized inversion, which helps to generate more reliable images of the
subsurface structures. The method is tested on synthetic models with anomalous
conductivity and intrinsic chargeability, and it is also applied to the practical 3-D IP
survey. We demonstrate that both the electrical conductivity and the chargeability
distributions can be recovered from the observed IP data simultaneously. The recovered
parameters of the Cole-Cole model can be used for the discrimination of the different
rock formations, which is an important goal in mineral exploration.

Cole, K. S., and R. H. Cole, 1941, Dispersion and absorption in dielectrics, J. Chem.
Phys., 9, 343-351.

Michael Zhdanov and Alex Gribenko (Department of Geology and Geophysics,

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,

There is growing interest in the development of new borehole EM induction methods

capable of characterizing the conductivity distribution in the space surrounding the
borehole. The main goal of this paper is to develop a method of 3-D imaging from a
single borehole using a tri-axial induction tool. Our method is based on the novel
localized quasi-linear (LQL) approximation introduced by Zhdanov and Tartaras (2002)
for airborne electromagnetic data interpretation. This approximation was specially
designed for modeling the electromagnetic field generated with a moving transmitter,
which is the case for borehole induction logging. The traditional approach to
electromagnetic modeling and inversion requires multiple solutions for different
transmitter positions. The LQL approximation makes it possible to run the forward and
inverse problem at once for all the transmitters, which makes the inversion of the well-
logging data much more efficient. Our study demonstrates that the LQL approximation
can be effectively used for 3-D imaging from a single borehole. The tri-axial induction
tool has a directional sensitivity, which allows finding the correct location of the 3-D
resistive and conductive targets from single-hole data. This demonstrates that the method
can be used as the basis for fast 3-D single-hole imaging.

Zhdanov, M. S., and E. Tartaras, 2002, Inversion of multi-transmitter 3-D

electromagnetic data based on the localized quasi-linear approximation: Geophys. J. Int.,
148, No. 3, 506-519.

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