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Form No.: //NCR/0

Non Conformance Report

NCR No.: xxx Date: 02/08/2017

Subject: Coring in Tower- X Level 2 PT slab

Contract Ref: xxx
Drawing Ref: xxx
Specification Ref: xxx
Details of Non-Conformance:

During the routine site inspection, it is noticed that the bolt/sleeve(4cm) for supporting
the hoist in tower A level 2 are passing through PT slab Tendon as shown in the attached
photo. Tendons may be cut and damaged during coring/drilling. Contractor to engage the
PT specialist to check and submit the detailed report and submit the remedial measures.

Contractor to submit also the preventive measure to avoid the recurrence in future.

Attachments: Photographs and marked drawing

Issued by Consultant Received by Contractor
Name: Name:
Signature: Signature:
Remedial Action:
Details of remedial action taken:

For Sub-contractor For Main Contractor
Name: Project QA/QC: Project Manager:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
Consultant Inspection of Remedial Action
Remedial Action Status: Accepted Rejected

Consultant Signature: Date:

Corrective Action:
Analysis of cause:

Corrective Action taken:

For Sub-contractor For Main Contractor

Name: Project QA/QC: Project Manager:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
Consultant verification of corrective action:
Accepted & NCR is closed Rejected/Re-submit

Signature: Date:

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