IN1002 Computation and Reasoning Practice Sheet: Complexity

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IN1002 Computation and Reasoning

Practice sheet: complexity

This worksheet provides practice with big-O (asymptotic) complexity.

Consider the following computations on an array of length n. In each case, give the time
complexity for the whole computation in big-O notation in its simplest form.

1. Return the length of the array.

2. Call an O(n2 ) method 20 times.

3. Call an O(n2 ) method n times.

4. Call an O(log n) method n times.

5. Return the middle element of the array.

6. Call an O(2n ) method 32 times.

7. Call an O(log n) method and then an O(n2 ) method.

8. Call an O(n5 ) method and then an O(2n ) method.

9. Call an O(n3 ) method and then another O(n3 ) method.

10. Perform a merge sort followed by a binary search.

11. Perform a merge sort followed by an insertion sort.

12. Perform a merge sort followed by a selection sort.

13. Add 1 to each element of the array.

14. This algorithm to multiply together all the elements of the array:

prod 1
WHILE i < n
prod prod * a[i]
i i+1

15. This algorithm to find the position of the largest element in the array:

max 0
WHILE i < n
IF a[i] > a[max]
max i

16. This algorithm to count the number of duplicates in the array:

count 0
WHILE i < n1
j i+1
WHILE j < n
IF a[i] = a[j]
count = count + 1
RETURN count

17. This alternative algorithm to count the number of duplicates in the array:

sort the array using merge sort
count 0
WHILE i < n1
IF a[i] = a[i+1]
count = count + 1
RETURN count

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