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Personal Details
Name : Gresy Estepina Tambelangi
Gender : Female
Marital status : Single
Place and Date of Birth : Jakarta, February 17th 1994
Height/Weight : 155 cm / 52 kg
Address : Jalan Kelapa 2 Gang Kelabat No.34, RT 003 / RW 03
Cilincing, Jakarta-Utara 14120
Phone Number : (021) 4407010 / +6281210111640
Email :

I am seeking a placement to gain a full time working experience where I am able to gain employability and
career skills and develop my technical ability. In return I can offer my communication skills, and my drive
and enthusiasm to learn and develop through contribution to your company.

Demonstrated Skills
Excellent academic achievement in senior high school as nominated and participated to be a
representative of my batch for North Jakarta Economic Olympiad
Excellent academic achievement in Junior high school as nominated to study (senior high school) in
Excellent team work and communication showed in through extra-curricular involvement on
committees in Tata Boga, Math Club, and Cinematography

Education Background
2016 - 2017 Bachelors Degree Accounting
Trisakti University

2013 2016 Diploma III Tax-Accounting
Trisakti University

2009 2012 Senior High School
SMA Santo Yakobus

2006 2009 Junior High School
SMP Santo Yakobus

Education Background

2000 2006 Elementary School
SD Strada TKM I

Extra Curricular Involvement

Tata Boga, Math Club, and Cinematography (2009-2012)
North Jakarta Economic Olympiad for senior high school level (2009)

Nominated from SMP Santo Yakobus to study senior high school level in Singapore (2009)
Chairman of Bea Cukai subject in my batch during semester 2 (2014)

Chairman of Statistic subject in my batch during semester 3 (2014)

Chairman of Akuntansi Perpajakan subject in my batch during semester 4 (2015)

Nominated on Indonesia Tax Festival which is organized by Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara
(STAN) as a representation from D3 of Akuntansi Perpajakan Trisakti University (2015)

Got a scholarship from D3 Akuntansi Perpajakan Trisakti University in Semester 5 (2015)

Chosen to participate in the learning process for 3 days at Mara University of Technology, Malaysia

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