Personalized Recommendation For Location Based Social Network

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Personalized recommendation for location based social network


Abstract - Recommendation systems have received considerable attention in the recent decades. Yet with the
development of information technology and social media, the risk in revealing private data to service providers
has been a growing concern to more and more users. With the rapid development of global position system and
location-based social networks (LBNS) have attracted millions of users to share rich information. Point-of-
interest (POI) recommender system plays an important role in LBSNs. Data collected through LBSN activity can
enable better recommendations of places or points of interest such restaurants and malls. Point-of-Interest
recommendation approaches from traditional recommendation approaches. The decision process for a user to
choose POI is complex and can be influenced by numerous factors, such as personal preferences, geographical
considerations, and user mobility behaviors. Geographical proximity, known as a unique feature of LBSNs,
significantly affects user check-in behavior. However, most of prior studies characterize the geographical
influence based on a universal or personalized distribution of geographic distance, leading to unsatisfactory
recommendation results. In this paper, design a framework for the personalized geographical influence in a two-
dimensional geographical space is modeled using the data field method, and we propose a semi-supervised
probabilistic model based on a factor graph model to integrate different factors such as the geographical
influence. Moreover, a distributed learning algorithm is used to scale up our method to large-scale data sets.
Experimental results show that our method outperforms other competing POI recommendation techniques.

Index Term Recommender system, Geographical Proximity, LBSN, POI, Distributed Learning Algorithm

1. INTRODUCTION also help LBSNs to increase revenues by providing

users with intelligent location services, such as
With the rapid development of mobile devices, global location-aware advertisements.
position system (GPS) and location based social
networks (LBNS) have become very popular and POI recommender systems have just
attracted lots of attention from industry and emerged recently. Differing from traditional
academia. Typical location-based social networks recommender systems, POI recommender systems
include Foursquare, Face book Place, and GeoLife, have the following unique characteristics.
etc... In LBSNs, users can build connections with
their friends, upload photos, and share their locations Geographical Influence. As the Toblers First Law
via check-in for points of interest (e.g., restaurants, of Geography reported that Everything is related to
tourists spots, and stores, etc.). Besides providing everything else. But near things are more related than
users with social interaction platforms, it is more distant thing (Toler) 1970). For LBNs, the Toblers
desired for LBNs to make use of the rich information First Law of Geography implies that users prefer to
(social relationship, check-in history and so on) to visit nearby locations rather than distant ones and
mine users preferences on locations and recommend users may be interested in POIs surrounded a POI
new places where users may be interested in. The that users prefer. Geographical Influence is the most
task of recommending new interesting places is important characteristic that distinguish POI
referred as point-of-interest (POI) recommendation. recommender systems from traditional recommender
POI recommender system have played an important systems and heavily effect users visiting behaviors.
role in LBSNs since they can not only meet users
personalized preferences for visiting new places, but
Frequency data and Sparsity. In traditional some researchers have attempted to recommend
recommender systems, user generally expressed their possible POIs to target users in terms of the
preferences by explicitly providing rating for items. geographic distance between lo- cations. Prior
Which are converted to user item rating matrix. The studies assume that the distances between POIs that a
ratings are often numerical values and fall into a user visited before follow a universal or
numerical range. The higher rating corresponds the personalized distribution[1, 2, 4-6], and the
better satisfactory. Which are often transformed to probability of a user visiting a POI can be calculated
user-location check-in frequency matrix. The according to the geo- graphic distance between them.
frequency data have a large range compared with Unfortunately, these studies are subject to some
ratings. limitations, e.g., the deficiency of locations intrinsic
char- acteristics and the difficulty in finding a rea-
Social influence. Based on the assumption that sonable reference location[7]. Therefore, some recent
friends are tend to share more common interest and studies began to model the geographical influence
users often tend to their friend for suggestions, over two-dimensional geographic coordinates
traditional recommender systems combine social (latitude and longitude)[7], aiming at characterizing
relationship with ratings to improve the quality of user check-in behavior better.
recommendation. Several studies (Ma et al.2008;
Jamali and Ester 2010) have showed that social On the other hand, according to the social
relationships are demonstrated to be beneficial for correlation[8] of social theories, human move- ment
recommender systems. Hence social influence and mobility patterns are also affected by their social
contributes limited effects on users check-in friendships, and a few recommend- er systems have
behaviors. utilized the social influence in conventional social
networks to improve pre- diction performance[9].
Temporal Influence Enhanced POI .There exists For example, accord- ing to the result of our
studies that consider temporal influence in traditional experiment conducted on the data sets which were
recommender systems, such as matrix factorization collected from Foursquare[10] and Gowalla[5],
based approach (Korean 2010), random walk based although less than 10% of a users check-ins are also
approach (Xiang et al. 2010). However, in traditional visited by his/her friends, the probability of checking
recommendation systems, temporal influence is used in the same POI for two friends is, on average, much
to as a factor that decays the weights of ratings.POI higher than that for two strangers.
recommendation systems generally use temporal
influence to make POI recommendation for a specific To sum up, unified framework integrat- ing different
temporal state. factors seems to be a feasible solution to improve
the quality of POI recom- mendation. How to model
A point-of-interest (POI) is a specific spatial the personalized geographical influence in terms of
location (such as a hotel) that could be interesting or geographic spatial distribution, and further
useful to someone else in a LBSN. A users visits to a characterize user check-in behavior better by
given POI, also known as check-in activities, by and integrating the social influence with the
large re- flect his/her preference for the geographical in- fluence, is the challenge we face.
corresponding place in the real world. In recent To address the issue, in this paper we propose an
years, POI recommendation has attracted increasing effective and scalable POI recommendation
at- tention due to the importance of understanding framework that returns the top K POIs with the
human behavior and the potential business value highest scores to each target user. The main contribu-
related to that. tions of this paper are summarized as follows:

Unlike the traditional recommender sys- tems that (1) We model the personalized geograph- ical
focus on non-spatial items (such as books and influence on user check-in behavior in terms of
movies), POI recommendation requires users to geographic spatial distribution using the data field
visit or check in locations in a LBSN. Geographical method[11], because it has the advantage in
proximity has a great impact on user check-in describing the non-contact inter-action between data
behavior[2], that is, nearby friends always share objects. In particular, to alleviate the cold-start
more common POIs than the others who live far problem, we learn the effect of each location on
away[3]. However, human mobility behavior individual users by considering both his/her
presents a challenge for the methods that make historical check-in records and the geographic
recom- mendations based on the distances between spatial distribution of all POIs.
users places of residence. To address the issue,
(2) We propose a unified and flexible rec- have studied social recommendations solely based on
ommendation framework based on a factor graph a social graph. Their results suggest accurate
model[12] to integrate different factors (such as user recommendations inevitably leak information about
preference and geo-social in- fluence), which can
automatically determine the degree of each factor the existence of edges between certain nodes. Our
s contribution by optimizing the model parameters. work differs from theirs because a) we are trying to
Besides, we propose a distributed learning hide the social relations from the SP and b) social
algorithm to improve the scalability of our method recommendations in our framework are integrated
when dealing with large-scale data sets. with other recommender systems. The closest
references to our research can be found in the
(3) According to the two large-scale real data sets literature of privacy for social relations in social
collected from Foursquare and Gow- alla, we networks. Anderson et al. [3] have proposed an
conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the architecture for social networking that protects users
recommendation accuracy and scalability of our social information from both the operator and other
method. The experimental results show that our network users. Domingo-Ferrer et al. [15] have
method achieves better performance than several proposed a scheme to prevent the resource owner in
state-of-the-art POI recommendation approaches. social networks from learning the relationships and
trust levels between the users who collaborate in the
II. RELATED WORK resource access. Tootoonchian et al. [32] have
proposed a cryptographic framework, Lockr, to
Recommender systems utilizing the information separate social networking content from all other
shared in social networks have recently attracted online social network functions. Backes et al. [4]
tremendous attention from both academia [21, 23, 24, have proposed a similar approach to achieve access
33] and industry [34]. Konstas et al. [21] have control while keeping social relations hidden from
proposed a recommendation algorithm that performs the SP. We exploit a similar idea as relation
a Random Walk with Restarts on a graph established authentication [4] to implement access control.
among users, items and tags. Ma et al. [23, 24] have
incorporated users social friendships into model- Recently, POI recommendation has emerged as a
based collaborative recommender systems. All these popular topic in the field of recommender systems.
approaches aim to recommend traditional items, such According to the data available on the Internet
as movies; the effectiveness of these approaches in such as user check-in records, GPS trajectory
geo social networks has not yet been evaluated. Ye et data[13], and text data[14], the simplest way to
al. [33] have proposed a unified POI recommendation provide a POI recommenda- tion service is with
framework in geosocial networks, which fuses user those conventional recom- mendation techniques
preferences for POI with social influence and such as collaborative filtering. However, using only
geographical influence. the information of user check-in records is not
enough to as- sure accurate POI recommendation
Some of the earliest privacy-preserving approaches results, which suggests that more additional
for recommender systems come from Canny [7, 8], informa- tion should be considered together.
who has proposed using homomorphic encryption
and a peer-to-peer protocol to provide privacy for The geographical feature of POIs is actual- ly a
several model-based collaborative recommender unique identifier distinguishing them from other non-
systems. Similar ideas have been explored [17,26]. spatial items[7]. On the one hand, some prior
Polat and Du [29] have proposed that customers use a studies[3] calculated the similarity between users in
randomized perturbation technique to disturb their terms of their geographical influence, and then
private data before sending the data to the SP. Similar recommended possible POIs using collaborative
ideas have also been explored [5, 20]. Ameur et al. filtering techniques. On the other hand, other prior
[2] have proposed using a semi trusted third party to studies investi- gated the geographical influence of
distill encoded sensitive customer information. locations. For example, Cheng[15] et al. viewed
loca- tions as ordinary non-spatial items and quan-
Previous work aims to keep individual user records tified the geographical influence of locations by
hidden from the SP or other users. Our research predefining a range; Kurashima[16] et al. proposed
differs from these approaches because our research a geo-topic model based on the as- sumption that if a
aims to keep users social relations secret from the location is closer to a users current location or the
SP, while still providing users with the benefits of locations he/she visit- ed, it is more likely to be
social recommendations. Machanavajjhala et al. [25] visited by the user; Lian[17] et al. proposed a
weighted matrix factorization model which check-in variable) representing the frequency of
augmented users and POIs latent factors in the check- ing in POI vj (with lj) by user ui. Assuming
model with ac- tivity area vectors of users and
influence area vectors of POIs, respectively. that CL is an observed check-in action matrix, the
set of observations can be denoted as O = (U; V; G;
In many prior studies[1, 2, 4, 5], the dis- tances CL). According to all the observations, our task is to
between locations visited by the same user were predict the probability that a giv- en user visits a new
modeled based on a common distri- bution for all POI, and to recommend the top-k POIs to the user.
users, e.g., a power-law distri- bution or a multi-
center Gaussian distribution. Although this benefits IV GEOGRAPHICAL INFLUENCE
the quality of POI recommendation to some extent,
a common distribution for all users often ignores the According to the Toblers first law of geog-
per- sonalized geographical influence. Therefore, raphy[20], the locations near the place where a user
Zhang[6] et al. utilized kernel density estima- tion to usually visits, are more likely to be recommended
estimate the distribution of distances between pairs to the user. Users differ in the geographic spatial
of locations for each individual user. Furthermore, a distribution of already-vis- ited locations. The
latest study[7] attempted to characterize user check- frequency distribution of a users historical check-
in behavior using two-dimensional kernel density ins reflects his/her preference for different locations,
estimation. and the preferences of various users for the same POI
are also different. Therefore, modeling the geo-
Inspired by the findings in traditional social graphical influence of locations on user check- in
networks, several POI recommendation ap- behavior is the key to solving the problem in this
proaches[3, 5, 14] took into consideration the social paper. Unlike the statistical method used in the
influence, but the results indicated that the effect of latest study[7], in this paper we use the data field
such a factor was not significant, because there was, method[11] to model the mutual interaction between
on average, a small over- lap of a user s check-ins locations by constructing virtual fields in a two-
to his/her friends check-ins. Besides this one, dimensional geographi- cal space.
some researchers have also utilized the information
of time and content to provide better This study assumes that the location of a POI
recommendation re- sults. For example, Gao[18] et represents a two-dimensional data point and that the
al. studied the temporal cyclic patterns of check-ins number of user check-ins for the location is the mass
in terms of temporal non-uniformness and of the data point. A data field in the two-
temporal consecutiveness, and they proposed a dimensional geographic spa- tial space is then
time- aware POI recommendation model; Yin[19] constructed. We illustrate the modeling process with
et al. proposed a location-content-aware topic model a simple example.
in consideration of both personal inter- est and local
preference. Figure 1 shows the distributions of two users check-
in locations, and Figure 2 further shows the
corresponding distributions of personal check-in
locations in Figure 1 in terms of data field. In each
data field, we can calculate the potential value of a
We explore the information of user preference, social
given point, which is regarded as the geographical
influence and personalized geographical influence,
influence of a location on an individual user. The
and then integrate them into a uni- fied probabilistic
higher the potential value, the more likely a user is to
model to recommend proper POIs for target users.
prefer the corresponding location.
Next, we formalize the problem of this study.

Given a set of venues (POIs) V = {v1, v2,, vM}, L

= {l1, l2,, lM} is the set of locations of POIs,
where M is the number of POIs and each location has
longitude and latitude coor- dinates. Let U = {u1,
u2,, uN} be the set of users and G be the matrix of
the relationships between users, where N is the
number of us- ers. C = (cij)NM is a check-in
frequency matrix with each element (also defined as
Fig.1 Distributions of personal check-in locations -- State factor: Given the check-in records of user u i,
f(u i, C i) represents the posterior probability that
user u i visits a given POI, which reflects the
geographical influence of POIs on decision-making
behavior of users.

-- Correlation factor: g(Ci, G(Ci)) denotes the

correlation between the check-in variables of
different users, where G(Ci) is the set of the vectors
of other users related to Ci. It reflects the influence
Fig.2 The corresponding distributions of personal of friends check-in behavior on users decisions.
check-in locations in terms of data fi eld
5.2 Distributed learning algorithm
Our learning algorithm is indeed extensible and
scalable to address the needs that real LBSNs may
contain millions of users and POIs. To achieve
5.1 Model specification
scalability on large-scale data sets, a distributed
learning algorithm is proposed based on the message
The main goal of this paper is to build a model based
passing interface (MPI) to speed up the calculation
on a factor graph model[12] to predict the
of each parameters gradient via NBP.
probability that a given user visits a new POI. Here,
we present a simple example. As shown in Figure
This algorithm adopts a master/slave architecture.
3, the observed variables, including users (u1 ~ u5)
One master node is used to update the parameters,and
and their friendships (denoted by dashed lines in other slave nodes are used to calculate their
Figure 3), POIs (v1 ~ v5), and locations associated gradients. In the initial stage we partition the set of
with the POIs (l1 ~ l5), are the input of our model; POIs into P subsets roughly equal, where P denotes
the latent variable, namely the check-in variable the number of slave nodes.
(whose definition please refer to Section III), is
solved by our model. In each iteration in Algorithm 1, the master node
sends the updated parameter configuration to all slave
Because only a fraction of the check-in variables nodes first. The slave nodes compute the marginal
values are exactly known (denoted by solid lines in probability of the corresponding subset using NBP,
Figure 3), our task is to predict the missing entries and then send the gradients of the parameters
(viz. unlabelled obtained to the master node. Eventually, the master
node sums all the gradients gathered from different
subsets, and then updates the parameters using the
gradient descent algorithm.

5.3 Performance

In our experiment, each data set in question was

divided into a training set and a testing set according
to check-in time, that is, 70% of the previous check-
in records were used as the training set and the rest
were used as the testing set. The parameters of each
method under discussion were set to their own
optima for the two data sets. The experiment was
data) in each check-in variable vector. This is a
repeated five times independently to reduce random
typical semi-supervised learning process. In our
errors generated during the experiment, and we used
model, we use the state factor f and the correlation
the average of evaluation metric values as the final
factor g to model the geographical influence and the
result to increase reliability of the measurement.
social influence, respective- ly, and the two types of
factors are described as follows:
6. Conclusion integrate the above factors. Furthermore, a distributed
learning al- gorithm is proposed to scale up our
To recommend more appropriate POIs to tar- get method to handle large-scale data sets. Experimental
users, in this paper we consider both the re- sults based on Foursquare and Gowalla show that
personalized geographical influence and the social our method outperforms other competing approaches
influence on individual user check-in behavior. In with regard to the evaluation met- rics. Finally, our
particular, the personalized geo- graphical influence future work will extend our model by integrating
in a two- dimensional geo- graphical space is more useful factors such as user-generated tags[23]
modeled using the data field method. A unified and check-in time to improve its prediction
semi-supervised probabi- listic model, which is performance
based on a factor graph model, is then proposed to
I. Social Recommender Systems.
Most proposed social recommender systems include two components: social influences, which define how
much influence each friend has on a user; recommendation algorithms, which define how to compute
recommendations with friends social influences and their ratings of each item/POI as inputs. The definition of
social influence varies in different systems. The development of POI recommender systems is much more
complex than the development of traditional recommender systems.
The reasons are as follows. First, for POI recommendations, the users' interest can vary dramatically at
different time and locations. For instance, what POIs should we recommend to a resident in the New York City
when he travels to Florida? Second, the LBSN user behaviors are intrinsically spatio-temporally correlated. The
heterogeneous nature of spatio-temporal data is a big challenge for recommendation. Third, a POI is usually
associated with categories and tags to describe the POI. However, unlike traditional recommendation (i.e. article
recommendation [16]), the textual information associated with POIs is usually incomplete and ambiguous.
Finally, even two POIs with similar or even the same semantic topics can be ranked differently if they are in
two different regions. we develop a Topic and Location-aware probabilistic matrix factorization (TL-PMF)
method for POI recommendation based on the learned user and POI topic distribution, and simultaneously
incorporating location information. A unique perspective of this proposed method is to consider both the extent
to which a user interest matches the POI in terms of topic distribution and the word-of-mouth opinions of the
POI. Finally, experimental results on real-world LBSNs data show that the proposed POI recommendation
method outperforms state-of-the-art probabilistic latent factor models with a significant margin in terms of both
prediction and Top-N recommendation.
The POI recommendation is personalized, location-aware, and context depended, we introduce a Topic and
Location-aware probabilistic matrix factorization (TL-PMF) method for POI recommendation by considering
both the extent to which a user interest matches the POI in terms of topic distribution and the word-of-mouth
opinions of the POI. In addition to the POI textual information and word-of-mouth opinions, we have the LBSN
user's historical check-in record matrix R with rij being the number of times user ui has checked in POI cj . This
also applies when rij is binary variable (rij = 1 meaning ui interested in POI cj and rij = 0 meaning not). We see
rij as the rating of a user ui for POI cj. For POI recommendation in LNSNs, we need to consider both (1) the
extent to which the POI interest topic matches a user's personalized interest in terms of topics, and (2) the
regional level word-of-mouth opinion for a POI in terms of popularity scores in a region. The rating rij of a user
ui for POI cj is determined by user factors and POI factors. On the one hand, the rating should reflect the
matching between the POI topic and the user interest topic. The rating is higher if two topic distributions match
better. On the other hand, the rating should reflect the word-of-mouth opinion index Pj of the local area. We
define the Topic and Location influence index of user ui for POI cj as
TLij = S(ui; cj) + (1 - )Pj
Here, S(ui; cj) is a marching score between user uj and


Figure 2: The TL-PMF model.

POI cj in terms of user interest topic distribution and POI topic distribution j . The second term Pj is
a regional level popularity factor for POI cj as a word-of-mouth opinion on the POI. is a factor to balance these two
factors. Then TLij considers both interest topic match between user and POI, and location aware word-of-mouth
opinions for a POI.

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