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The Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) is a nonprofit corporation
dedicated to the advancement of the science of petrophysics and formation evaluation, through
well logging and other formation evaluation techniques and to the application of these techniques
to the exploitation of gas, oil and other minerals. Founded in 1959, SPWLA provides information
services to scientists in the petroleum and mineral industries, serves as a voice of shared interests
in our profession, plays a major role in strengthening petrophysical education, and strives to
increase the awareness of the role petrophysics has in the Oil and Gas Industry and the scientific

Student chapters are located around the world and provide an operating framework for
society activities at a university level especially on petrophysics and well logging field. Student
members The purpose of the Society is to advance the science of petrophysics and formation
evaluation, through well logging and other formation evaluation techniques and to the application
of these techniques to the exploitation of gas, oil and other minerals; provide information services
to scientists in the petroleum and mineral industries; serve as a voice of shared interests in our
profession; play a major role in strengthening petrophysical education; and strive to increase the
awareness of the role petrophysics has in the Oil and Gas Industry and the scientific community.
A strong student program, both graduate and undergraduate is deemed vital to the growth and
future of the Society. Additionally, student chapters also provide a means of contact with the
petrophysical profession both inside and outside of academia. That contact, facilitated through the
Student Chapter Program, is of benefit to the SPWLA, to the university and to students. elect
officers annually. Each SPWLA chapter is sponsored by an SPWLA section.

About Us :
Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter of Society of Petrophysicists and
Well Log Analysts (ITSB SC of SPWLA) is a student chapter affiliated and supervised
under SPWLA Indonesia Chapter and SPWLA Asia, Australia Regional Directors.
Prof. Ir. Pudji Permadi, M.Sc, Ph.D. as a faculty Advisor that helps and suggests us in
every decisions we take.
With 15 paid members and 60 free members
Asking For Approval on November, 22 2016 (GMT+7)
Aprroved by SPWLA on January, 24 2017 (GMT+7)

Board of Directors

Event :

February March April May September November Desember

Week 3 Week 2 & Week 3 - Week 1 Week 2 Week 2 Week 2 -
Election of 4 Technical Company Training Technical Gathering
Board Training Forum Visit Software Forum
Members Software

Contact us :
E-mail :

Instagram : @spwlaitsbsc

Website : Ka dedun isi sendiri

Why Join SPWLA :
Benefits of Membership

SPWLA Petrophysics is internationally recognized as a leading publication for original

contributions on theoretical and applied aspects of formation evaluation, including both
open hole and cased hole well logging, core analysis and formation testing. Every student
member receives Internet access in lieu of a paper copy. The Student Chapter will receive
3 copies of Petrophysics for distribution to department libraries as needed.
Student Chapter members have the opportunity for meeting and networking with
experienced petrophysicists through activities with local affiliated societies, through
chapter and regional meetings.
Active participation in the Student Chapter provides the student an opportunity to
develop leadership and management skills. A sense of professionalism is developed by
actively running an organization and networking with professionals.
Student Chapter members can participate in the student paper contest sponsored by the
Local Host Chapter at the annual meeting. The cash awards are significant for both the
student and the university.
Members receive discounts on SPWLA publications.
Grants: Grant awards are intended to aid a college or university student or faculty
member in a specific and relevant way by supporting all or part of certain costs
associated with special studies, research projects, thesis projects, laboratory experiments,
or other approvable purposes. Examples of such support include but are not limited to the
purchase of core samples, other forms of field data, purchase of copies of project-related
references or reports, purchase of special-purpose material, supplies, components, or
instruments for experimental purposes, purchase of computer time, etc., subject to the
approval of the Scholarship and Grant Committee. An average of 8 grants is awarded
annually with an average value of $2000. Applications are available from the SPWLA
web-site: [[Foundation_Overview]].
Scholarships: Scholarship awards are intended to aid a college or university student by
providing partial support of expenses incurred as a full-time student registered at and
attending a recognized college or university. SPWLA Foundation scholarships are
intended to benefit those students enrolled in a course of study that is directly related to
or bearing a reasonable relationship to the science of oil, gas, or other mineral formation
evaluation. Scholarships are awarded by the SPWLA Scholarship and Grant Committee.
An average of 16 scholarships is awarded annually with an average value of $2100.
Applications are available from the SPWLA web-site:[[Foundation_Overview]]
Discounts on short courses and SPWLA sponsored events.
Access to the Distinguished Speaker Program.
Student Outlook Facebook pages covering the Student Chapter Program activities and


Workshop Demo License Interactive Petrophysic Training with theme

Fundamental Petrophysic Measurement Well Logging Tools and Basic
Interpretation Report

On November 26 27, 2016 Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter of Society
of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (ITSB SC of SPWLA) cooperate with Tritium Research
Group, Lloyds Register and Indonesian Society of Petroleum Geologists (ISPG) , held our first
event, Workshop Demo License Interactive Petrophysic Training with theme Fundamental
Petrophysic Measurement Well Logging Tools and Basic Interpretation and also welcomed Mr.
Yana Hendrayana (Professional Petrophysicist) and Mr. Miftahul Firdaus (Professional
Exploration/Development/Reservoir Petrophysicist) as The Instructors that has a lot of
experiences in using Interactive Petrophysic Software at 3rd floor A building ITSB room 311 .

Picture 1. The Instructors discussed the materials

The main goal of this training is to increase the experiences in IP software also the students
could solve petrophysic problems in the future. This event was attended by 30 participants from
Petroleum Engineering Department of ITSB specifically from 2013 and 2014 batch that have
already Petrophysic and Well Logging subjects so, they could easily implement knowledge that
they got on the class. The enthusiasm was really impressive.
On the first day, the Instructors began their presentation with brief introduction of with
Tritium Research Group and Lloyds Register, the operation they currently involved in, then a
little bit about theirself and their experiences as instructor of petrophysic. The main session
began with pre-test.

Picture 2. Pre-Test Session

So, the trainer could know how far they knowledge in petrophysic. After that, the rest of the day
was spent for the material learning, such as : drilling and drilling rig components, logging means
and tools, understanding of log analysis, simple log analysis (quick look) and introduction to
computer petrophysical software on the first session. On the second session, the participants
were ordered to make logging result interpretation by the given data.

Picture 3. The Instructor direct the participants

On the second day, participants were divided into group that consist of 3 students. Each
group try to use the IP Software by following the direction of the instructors, but they were also
given workflow to use IP Software, the processes were : data preparation, data loading, data
quality control and environmental correction. After they made the logging analysis by using the
IP Software, they calculate the result of : volume of sale, porosity, resistivity, water saturation
and permeability. At the end of the section there was a post-test for all the participants. After
that the top 3 of them were given t-shirt as a gift.

Picture 4. (From left to Right) Nandya Sesilia, Shindu Arya, Raden Mas Fauzan

There was also student that reviewed the workflow of IP Softwares using.
Picture 5. Husna Zulfa

The Instructors were also given souvenir and at the end of the second day. Mr. Miftahul Firdaus
was given momento by The President of ITSB SC of SPWLA and Mr. Yana Hendrayana was given
momento by The Chairman of Workshop Demo License Interactive Petrophysic Training.

Picture 6. Mr. Miftahul Firdaus and Frankly Hardytanputra

Picture 7. Mr. Yana Hendrayana and Malik Awab

There was a photo session for everyone who came to the event.

Picture 8. Photo session of The Instructors and Participants

By Laws
Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung
Student Chapter Bylaws
In order to be affiliated, a chapter must have at least 9 members and continue to maintain
or exceed this number thereafter.

No. Name Email Member Number

1 Frankly Hardytanputra 17210
2 Malik Awab 16871
3 Muhamad Yudistira Rahayu 18606
4 Husna Zulfa 18536
5 Rimanarita Lumban Gaol 18639
6 Shindu Arya 17205
7 Wakhid Kusumawardhan 18527
8 Gabrella Valentina Hazhia 18540
9 Vido Rifaldy Bastian 17209

10 Christin Natalia Tarigan 18525

11 Alvi Youriandila 18669
12 Cindy Clara Afrisca 17207
13 Yohanes Berchmans 18667
Bayuaji Banendro
14 Yuni Kurnia Ningsih 18664
15 Irwan Irwanda 18640

The name of this organization shall be the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student
Chapter of the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts.
Any student in good standing at a college of acceptable academic standards shall be
eligible for membership. Membership shall remain in force as long as the member is
enrolled in the school and pays the annual dues.

Members of the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter must be members
of SPWLA. There shall be two classes of members:

SPWLA Student Members

Any student majoring in geology, mathematics, computer science, physical sciences, or

engineering in a field of study related to or generally associated with petrophysics at a
college of acceptable academic standards may apply for Student membership. Student
membership shall terminate upon termination of academic enrollment.

SPWLA Active Members

Any Active SPWLA member may be enrolled in the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung
Student Chapter provided that:

Member is a registered student actively pursuing a degree, or

Member is engaged in teaching a geosciences related subject at the university

A joint chapter may be established with students from neighboring colleges, which do not
have existing chapters, provided that:

Members meet the requirements for membership in Article 2.

Members attend at least one regularly scheduled chapter meeting every three
months during the school year.

Two Chapters may exist at a single institution if a petition (consisting of an email or letter)
is received and approved by the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter
Members meet the requirements for membership in Article 2.
Dues shall be established annually by the SPWLA in accordance with the Bylaws and are
payable January 1 of each year.

If a student is in arrears in dues payment for one semester, the member shall be ineligible
to vote in Chapter matters. After one year the member shall be dropped from the rolls.

Upon approval by the SPWLA Board of Directors a Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung
Student Chapter can levy special assessments to its members. Provided that any Chapter
assessments were previously approved internally by a majority vote of the Chapter


The chapter shall have at least one faculty advisor.

The faculty advisor or co-advisor must be an Active member of the SPWLA.

The faculty advisor or co-advisor shall be appointed by the current membership of the
Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter. The faculty advisor may be
replaced at their discretion by 2/3 vote of Chapter membership and with concurrence of
the SPWLA Board of Directors.

The faculty advisor or co-advisor must consent to accepting the position and its attendant
responsibilities prior to being placed in nomination for election.
The officers of a Chapter shall be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and shall
comprise an executive committee of the chapter. Other positions may be created at the
Chapters discretion.

Officers shall be elected at a meeting once within the academic year, at a date set by the
Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter and shall serve for a one-year

While it is not preferred officers can serve in the same position on the executive committee
for up to two years if so elected, after which they are eligible to hold another office.

Vacancies, except for that of president, occurring during the year shall be filled at a
regularly scheduled meeting.
The president shall preside at all meetings of the chapter and the executive committee.
The president shall appoint all committees subject to approval of the executive committee.
All other executive duties not herein delegated shall be the presidents responsibility.

The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the presidents absence
and shall succeed to the presidency in case of a vacancy.

The secretary shall keep in the official minute book a record of all chapter and executive
committee meetings.

The treasurer shall maintain a complete record of all income and expenses of the chapter
and shall pay all bills as authorized by the president or the executive committee. The
treasurer shall submit an annual report to the executive committee for audit and approval.
The chapter shall hold at least one meeting per month throughout the school year.

The operations of the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter are under
the control of the chapter executive committee. The executive committee shall consist of
the elected officers, the immediate past president (if available) and the faculty sponsor.
The executive committee shall meet once a month, prior to chapter meetings, throughout
the school year.

Standing committees may include but are not limited to: Program/publicity, field trip, and
membership. The committee heads shall be appointed by the president and should attend
the executive committee meetings.

The president as needed may establish special committees.

All books, records, and funds shall be left in the possession of the faculty advisor/co-
advisor or other agreed upon designated authority when classes are not in session. Funds
should be retained within the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter
account (either at a bank or within the Universities accounting system) when applicable.
A quorum at any meeting of the membership shall be one-third of the members of the
chapter with at least one of the elected officers being present.

A quorum of the executive committee shall be three.
The Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter shall file two reports with the
SPWLA Business Office. One report is to be filed by July and shall list the required
information detailed in the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter
Operations Manual. The second report, due early December, shall list the required
information detailed in the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter
Operations Manual.

Failure to provide both reports to the SPWLA Business Office by the end of December
will place the chapter in Suspended status and will result in ineligibility for Chapter
Any chapter may petition the SPWLA Board of Directors for a change in the Bylaws by
submitting in writing the proposed changes.

The SPWLA Board of Directors and/or their delegated Committee must approve
Termination of the Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Student Chapter shall require a
two-thirds majority vote by the currently active membership or a decline below a minimum
of five active members during any twelve month period. Termination of chapter activity
shall be the responsibility of the current officers of the chapter. Any outstanding
obligations of the chapter shall be settled at the time of termination and all surplus assets
of the chapter at the time of termination shall become the property of SPWLA unless
university policy requires such assets to remain within the institute. The chapter shall
indemnify SPWLA from all financial obligations or debts incurred by the chapter unless
agreed to in writing by the SPWLA while the chapter still met the minimum requirements
to operate.
None of the technical information arising from the meetings and discussions can be
considered confidential. It is the responsibility of each person to contribute or with hold
information according to the authorization delegated to him by his company, associates,
or institution.
October, 2016

Wanida Sritongthae,
President of Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung Asia, Australia Regional Directors
Student Chapter of SPWLA

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