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Search for Your Favorite Book

Introduction to Chrome, Google Search, and Translate

Objective: SWBAT find the answer to a given question by searching with Google Search and translating search
results into their native language with Google Translate.1

Required Logistics Prerequisite Knowledge2

1. Projector SSBAT identify a web browser (eg. Google

2. Laptops/computers chrome)
3. Dongles*
4. Phones for tethering SSBAT identify address bar and type out a
5. Screens site name
6. Boards
SSBAT make a google search

Reach the lab site well in advance to set up the


Do First - (10 min)

This objective needs minimum 1 facilitator and 1 volunteer.
Please ensure regular attendance as only then will the participants be able to grasp to their full potential. Be strict and
drop out the participants who have missed classes or else conduct extra classes everyday to get participants on track.
Lets take a video break to learn about Chrome, Search and Translate

Unlocking the potential of Google Chrome, Search and Translate

Watch the following videos in order to have a better understanding of the following Google Tools:

Google Chrome
Inside Google Translate
Zack Materes Story

1. What is your first impression of these tools?



2. What are the different ways you could use Google Search and Translate for your work as a teacher?


Introduction to New Material - (5 min)

Participants, yesterday we learned how to open Google Chrome, how to type out a site name in the
address bar and how to open new tabs. Today we will learn how to use Google Search and then use
Google Translate to read the same text in different languages.

Now I want everyone to pay attention to the projection and follow my instructions and steps in order. In
case you need help, remember to raise your hand and not shout out, we dont want to distract anyone
around us.
(Facilitator should now project the group activities while the other participants watch and follow)

Note: The participants should pay complete attention to the facilitator at this point. Commented [1]:
Group Activity - (10 min)3


Group Activity 1

Go to Google Search.

Search for an article on TIPU SULTAN.

Copy a few lines of text from the article (TEACH Ctrl + C [Cmd + C for macs]). Commented [2]:

Open a new tab and go to Google Translate.

Teach PASTE (Ctrl + V or Cmd + V).

Translate the 2-3 lines into a local or nearby language.

Commented [3]:
To engage the participants you can play a few games. For ex: get all the participants to stand up
and close their eyes. Randomly call out participants to recall and say the class rules out loud. Participants,
one after another, recall what they learned yesterday. Each participant recalls one step in the sequence.

Reiterations will help participants remember Copy/Paste shortcuts. Participants forget to type
Ctrl/Cmd and C/V simultaneously. Keep reiterating simultaneous typing is necessary.

Group Activity 2

Go to Google Search.

Facilitator to lead and participants to follow. Ensure you wait for 30sec to 1 min after each step giving the participants
time to try it on their systems.
Search for your favorite class book (you can also use Commented [4]:
Commented [5]:
Copy a few lines from the text (directly from the book or from an article, summary, or synopsis).
Commented [6]:

Open a new tab and go to Google Translate.

Translate the text to 2-3 different languages of your choice.

Individual Activity - (10 min)

Activity - Design Thinking in Education

Search for a website, an article, or a book on Design Thinking in

education or for educators.

Read a summary to understand what it is and how it works.

Go to Google Translate and write 1-3 sentences about your opinion of

Design Thinking for education.

Translate those sentences into a local language or a nearby language.

If the translation is not perfect, correct the translation in Google


End Activity - (10 min)

The end activity is the Lesson assessment that will allow the facilitator score and assess the participants learning
gained through the lesson. This assessment is composed of 2 parts: a skills-based assessment which includes
activities located below, and a knowledge-based assessment which consist of an online, multiple-choice quiz or
exam. After the skills assessment below, direct participants to the Web Academy Exam website
( Remind them to choose the exam for the GEG curriculum and Lesson 4.
NOTE: This is the a test. participants to take the test with little or no help. (Facilitators call)

Activity 1

Go to Google Search.

Search for the an article on Problem-based learning (PBL).

Open a new tab and go to Google Translate.

Translate 2 lines from the article to your local or nearby language.

Status: _________

Activity 2

Go to Google Search.

Search for an article about your favorite subject.

Open a new tab and go to Google Translate.

Translate 2-3 lines from the article into FRENCH.

Status: _________

Activity 3

Go to

Use the basic version of the game.

Solve one question with the help of Google Search and Google Translate if necessary.

Status: _________

Participants might find tough. Facilitator and volunteer need to help/guide the
participants in this activity. This can be an unmarked activity. (Facilitators call)
Closing (10 Mins)

As you close, remind the participants of other uses for Google Translate.


Bridge Geographical Gaps - You can read information published by educators across the world without
having to worry about the language in which an article/blog post has been published. Just use Google
Translate to read the text in a language of your choice. This expands your access to the latest research in
teaching-learning practices and their applications in the classroom.
Share your Opinion - Post your comments to any article or blog post you have read. Just write what you
wish to say in your native language, use Google Translate to convert it into the language used by the
author and copy paste it in the comment window!
Communicate with Parents - Google Translate can be a valuable tool for parent communications,
especially if the parents are more comfortable in their native language rather than English. A teacher
could input a message to be e-mailed or written to a parent into Google Translate and then copy and paste
it into the desired document.


Take a Language Leap - Have you ever wondered what a poem or a story written in a language
unfamiliar to you really means? Just copy and paste the original language text in Google Translate and
choose the language in which you wish to read the text.

Connect with Students across the world - You can join Learning Communities and interact with
students from various countries. Are you intrigued by a project idea written in French? Read it in the
language of your choice by using Google Translate. Do you like the project idea? Appreciate it by
translating your message to French and posting it as a comment!

In the participant notebooks, ask them to write down 2 things they learned today and 1 thing they still need to
work, have trouble with, or would like to know more about. Afterwards, have each person share one of the items
she wrote down.

Participants thank you for helping us! All of you were brilliant today! Im glad all of you tried to complete each
activity on the list today. I would like to wrap up the session by reviewing the initial activity of the videos. If you
could please go back to your notes on how to introduce these google tools and based on your extended knowledge
on them now, you refine how would you use that technology in your class in the short term it will be very helpful
to further settle the key learnings from today.
Commented [7]:
Max. Time - 10 mins

Name -

Class -


NOTE: This is the a test. Participants to take the test with little or no help. (Facilitators call)

Activity 1

Go to Google Search.

Search for the an article on Problem-based learning (PBL).

Open a new tab and go to Google Translate.

Translate 2 lines from the article to your local or nearby language.

Status: _________

Activity 2

Go to Google Search.

Search for an article about your favorite subject.

Open a new tab and go to Google Translate.

Translate 2-3 lines from the article into FRENCH.

Status: _________

Activity 3

Go to

Use the basic version of the game.

Solve one question with the help of Google Search and Google Translate if necessary.

Status: _________
(circle the percentage based on number of activities achieved)

Activity completed -

0 0%
0.5 17 %
1 33 %
1.5 50 %
2 67 %
2.5 83 %
3 100 %

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